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       BLT is a library of extensions to the Tk library.  It adds new commands
       and variables to the application's interpreter.

       The following commands are  added  to  the  interpreter  from  the  BLT

       <B>graph</B>          A 2D plotting widget.  Plots two variable data in a win-
                      dow with an optional legend and annotations.   It has of
                      several  components; coordinate axes, crosshairs, a leg-
                      end, and a collection of elements and tags.

       <B>barchart</B>       A barchart widget.  Plots two-variable data as rectangu-
                      lar bars in a window.  The x-coordinate values designate
                      the position of the bar along the x-axis, while  the  y-
                      coordinate values designate the magnitude.  The <B>barchart</B>
                      widget  has  of  several  components;  coordinate  axes,
                      crosshairs,  a  legend, and a collection of elements and

       <B>vector</B>         Creates a vector of floating point values.  The vector's
                      components  can  be manipulated in three ways: through a
                      Tcl array variable, a Tcl command, or the C API.

       It's easy to add BLT to an existing Tk application.   BLT  requires  no
       patches  or  edits  to the Tcl or Tk libraries.  To add BLT, simply add
       the following code snippet to your application's tkAppInit.c file.

       if (Tkblt_Init(interp) != TCL_OK) {

           return TCL_ERROR;


       Recompile and link with the tkblt library and that's it.

       Alternately, you can dynamically load tkblt,  simply  by  invoking  the

       % package require tkblt

       from your Tcl script.

       Send bug reports, requests, suggestions, etc. to wjoye@cfa.harvard.edu


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