SAOImageDS9 Version 1.7 Release Notes

Version 1.7.2

  1. Fixes a rather nasty bug with coordinates.
  2. XPA version 2.b32

  3. example:
    $ ds9&
    $ xpaget DS9 # will list all public access points
    $ xpaset -p DS9 colormap BB # change colormap
    $ xpaset -p DS9 file snr.fits # load a fits file
    $ cat snr.fits | xpaset DS9 fits # load via XPA
    $ cat snr.fits | xpaset DS9 fits foo[key=RAWX,RAWY] # load via XPA
    Note: xpa class and name for ds9
    -- xpa class : 'DS9'
    -- xpa name  : 'DS9'
    both class and name are case sensitive
    To specify a different xpa name for this application use the
    -title command line option:
    $ ds9&            # default name of 'DS9'
    $ ds9 -title foo& # name of 'foo'
    $ xpaset -p foo colormap BB # change colormap for 'foo'
    $ xpaset -p :foo colormap A # change colormap for 'foo'
    $ xpaset -p DS9:foo colormap BB # change colormap for 'foo'
    $ xpaset -p DS9: colormap I8 # change colormap for 'DS9 & foo'
  4. fixed bug with zscale and minmax preferences
  5. geometry command line option: $ ds9 -geometry 600x500

  6. Note: this does not include space needed for menus.
  7. default wcs is 'fk5'

Version 1.7

  1. new version of Fits I/O library
  2. .Z, .z, and .gz files are supported

  3. example:
    $ ds9 snr.fits.Z
    $ ds9 snr.fits.z
  4. url's are now supported

  5. example:
    $ ds9
    $ ds9
  6. fixed some minor problems with Mosaic Images
  7. Support for FITS bin tables

  8. example:
    $ ds9 snr.fits[2] # assume 'X' or 'x' and 'Y' or 'y' column
    $ ds9 snr.fits[EVENTS]
    $ ds9 snr.fits # assumes EVENTS or STDEVT extension
    $ ds9 snr.fits[key=RAWX,RAWY] # bin on RAWX/RAWY column
  9. Backward compatible with Einstein .xpa data for bining
  10. Contours are now supported

  11. You can generate contours for each frame and cut/paste them into other frames. When you paste a contour, you choose which coordinate system to translate the contour into. Obvisously, to paste via WCS, each image must have a valid WCS. Printing of image/contours also is supported.
    The contour algorithm currently implemented is a general purpose algorithm, good for most images. However, there are some issues that make it less than optimal for sparse high energy data. Therefor, next on the list is implemention of the 'Pros Imcontour' algorithm.
  12. Now supports ICRS WCS
  13. Now Uses Tcl/Tk 8.0.4 and BLT 2.4g
  14. Now uses Doug Minks's wcssubs 2.6.