<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.78 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.7-10 i686) [Netscape]"> <title>DS9 Version 1.8 Release Notes</title> </head> <body alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ee" text="#000000" vlink="#551a8b"> <h3> <img alt="" src="../sun.gif" align="middle" height="98" width="100">Version 1.8 Release Notes</h3> <ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Dialog windows now use the same colormap as the parent window.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with the tile xpa point.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with updating the Contour dialog box.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed another problem with .gz, .Z, and .z</tt></li> <li> <tt>Coordinate Grids now support WCS of projection TNX.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Improved the appearance of Grids while in Internal Mode.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with running under linux and displaying on Solaris.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with Truecolor 8 support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added Coordinate Grids!</tt></li> <li> <tt>Mouse coordinates may be printed by pressing the 'C' key. Which coordinates are printed may be specified via the 'Edit:Preferences:Print Coordinates' menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Default Region Parameters now can be specified via the Preferences menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Contour Dialog has been redesigned and Contour scales and limits added.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with Contour scales log, squared, and sqrt.</tt></li> <li> <tt>The user can save and load contours via the Contour Parameter Dialog Box. The contours may be any supported coordinate system.</tt></li> <li> <tt>The user can save and load contour levels via the Contour Parameter Dialog Box.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with file names that contain .z, .Z, .gz</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with Truecolor 24 bit visuals under Solaris 7</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with selecting Ruler Regions that are horizontal or vertical.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a major bug with mosaics with an amplifier that reads out in reverse and the data has been flipped before writing.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>New wcssubs: Fixed a problem with wcs of RA--NCP and DEC--NCP</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with 'Scale:User Limits'</tt></li> <li> <tt>Removed a warning message if xpa is not available</tt></li> <li> <tt>The coordinate info box is updated while editing regions</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with the window manager closing region dialog boxes, regions list dialog box, and analysis result dialog box</tt></li> <li> <tt>List Regions, Display Header, and the Analysis Dialog box now have options for printing, saving, and searching the contents.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Display Header now supports multiple dialogs, one for each frame.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with parsing region files and the LINE region.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with polygon regions and PROS region file formats.</tt></li> <li> <tt>All regions are deleted when 'Clear Frame' or 'Open' action taken.</tt></li> <li> <tt>When creating Text regions, the 'Cancel' button now works.</tt></li> <li> <tt>'Clear Frame' has been moved from 'File menu to 'Frame' menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>shell variable DS9_ARRAY may be used to define default array parameters. Example: $export DS9_ARRAY='[dim=512,bitpix=-32]'</tt></li> <li> <tt>shell variable DS9_BINKEY may be used to define default FITS bin table cols. Example: $export DS9_BINKEY='[bin=rawx,rawy]'</tt></li> <li> <tt>new 'Open Array...' menu item has been added to the 'File' menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Changes to following ommand line options:</tt></li> <br> <tt>-array, -mosaicimage, -mosaicimages, -mosaicsegment, -shared</tt> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Add the -iconify command line option.</tt></li> <li> <tt>FITS Region Binary Table Region file format is supported for input.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Now using BLT 2.4l</tt></li> <li> <tt>Now using X11R6</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with selecting blink frames multiple times.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with Line Regions always printing with arrows.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem when a printing error occurs.</tt></li> <li> <tt>External File support is now available.</tt></li> <li> <tt>External Analysis support is now available.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added Frame refresh menu item.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with shared memory size.</tt></li> <li> <tt>XPA frame has changed. The argument is now only a number, not a name. This clears up some problems with syntax. If the frame does not exists, the frame is created. The option 'frameno' is provided for backward compatiblity.</tt></li> <br> <tt>Example: xpaset -p ds9 frame 2 # goto frame name 'frame2'</tt> <br> <tt> xpaset -p ds9 frame frameno 4 # goto frame name 'frame4'</tt> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.7</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Scale type 'Ln' has been removed.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Contour scales Log, Sqrt, and Squared have been fixed.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Contour Dialog box is now non-modal.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with the FITS Header Dialog box.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Support for > 256 colors in truecolor mode.</tt></li> <li> <tt>New PS level 2 drivers that support more than 256 colors.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Crosshairs will now appear in the magnifier if graphics enabled.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Improved on the gui in terms of tile and blink. Now ds9 is in one of 3 display modes: single frame, tile frames, and blink frames.</tt></li> <li> <tt>You can now Show or Hide frames, via the Frame:Show/Hide menu. When a frame is 'Hidden', it does not appear in Single, Tile, or Blink mode, and can not be selected via the Frames menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added a new mode: Examine. While in examine mode, if you click, a new frame is created, loaded with the same data, and scaled about the point you clicked. If the base frame is a FITS image, it is zoomed, if the base frame is a FITS binary table, it is blocked. The file is not loaded again, but shared between frames, requiring little additional memory. When you clear or delete a base frame, all examine frames are deleted. Options as to how many frames are created and the scale factor may be specified via the preferences menu.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Support for FITS Bin Table Type 'U' (unsigned short) and Type 'V' (unsigned long). Note these are not supported by the FITS standard.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added new default colormap 'Cool'</tt></li> <li> <tt>SAOtng and PROS Regions file support: if wcs coords are used, yet no wcs system has been specified, the native wcs of the file is used.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Regions now are available in the magnifier (user prerference)</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with working with line regions at high zoom factors</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with working with polygon regions at high zoom factors</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed again problems with FITS Tables, Binning, Physical Coords, and WCS</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Binning on a third column is now supported</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with FITS Tables and bit fields</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Added new 'Zoom to Fit Window' function</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added new 'Block to Fit Window' function</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added 'Block to...' function</tt></li> <li> <tt>'Mode' menu has been moved to under 'Edit' menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Show/Hide Panner and Magnifier via the prefs, command line, and xpa</tt></li> <li> <tt>Tear-Off menus now have window titles</tt></li> <li> <tt>minor changes to xpa options syntax (no more -options), see <a href="xpa.html">XPA</a> for more info.</tt></li> <li> <tt>xpa colormap is no longer case sensitive</tt></li> <li> <tt>fixed a problem with tables and physical coordinates</tt></li> <li> <tt>fixed a problem with interactive pan/zoom/rotate and coordinates</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with reading IRAF Pros regions files</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with Little Endian Machines and doubles in FITS bin tables</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Now supports SAOtng regions files in physical coordinates.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Improved Region clipping</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with finding the Preferences File</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a rather nasty bug with rendering Circle Regions. This bug would sometimes cause the X Server to hang.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Now does a better job of creating the default size regions.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Frame buttons Prev and Next now will cycle thru all frames.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.6</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Automatic Tile Mode with multiple files on command line</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed problems with HTTP and FTP access</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed another problem with FITS Bin tables and regions</tt></li> <li> <tt>There are now 2 modes for interactive panning-- default click to center</tt></li> <ul> <li> <tt>Click to Center (SAOimage method)</tt></li> <li> <tt>Drag to Center (Native DS9 method)</tt></li> </ul> <li> <tt>New frames use the current user scale limits and colorscale.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added frameno option to FRAME xpa point</tt></li> <li> <tt>REGION SAVE FORMAT menu now reflects coords available</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.5</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>New GUI Buttons Bar</tt></li> <li> <tt>Rearranged Menus, smaller desktop footprint</tt></li> <li> <tt>New Tiling algorithms</tt></li> <li> <tt>Truecolor 8bit support</tt></li> <br> <tt>$ds9 -visual truecolor8</tt> <li><tt>Truecolor 16bit support</tt></li> <br> <tt>$ds9 -visual truecolor16</tt> <li><tt>Truecolor 24bit enhancements</tt></li> <br> <tt>$ds9 -visual truecolor24</tt> <li><tt>Pseudocolor 8bit enhancements</tt></li> <br> <tt>$ds9 -visual pseudocolor8</tt> <li><tt>Regions Modes now intergrated into Pointer Mode</tt></li> <li> <tt>New colormaps have been added</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with FITS ext names</tt></li> <li> <tt>Editing RECTANGLE regions resizes about the opposite node, not the center</tt></li> <li> <tt>Polished the GUI for creating regions</tt></li> <li> <tt>list/save regions in saoimage format now outputs points</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with existing regions and blocking</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed problem with rotate mode and updating menus</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.4</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>24 bit color support</tt></li> <li> <tt>New Postscript drivers</tt></li> <ul> <li> <tt>CMYK support</tt></li> <li> <tt>Variable resolution</tt></li> </ul> <li> <tt>Online Documentation!</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with Physical Coordinates and FITS Bin Tables</tt></li> <li> <tt>Sticky file names have been implemented</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with standard dialogs and double/triple clicks</tt></li> <li> <tt>If Header window is open, load will display the new header</tt></li> <li> <tt>Delete Frame now asks for confirmation</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with arrays and xpa</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with FITS keyword inheritance</tt></li> <li> <tt>for FITS bin tables, the keywords BIN, BINKEY, and KEY are equivalent</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with regions and tiled frames</tt></li> <li> <tt>Keystroke shortcuts have been added to the GUI</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added WCS menu items to preferences saved</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added 'Clear Preferences' to preferences menu</tt></li> <li> <tt>Mouse button 2 is now bound to 'Pan' function</tt></li> <li> <tt>Minor changes to layout of Small and Large Infomation Panel</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed problem with pseudocolor 8 and private colormaps</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.3</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a problem with arrays and xpa</tt></li> <li> <tt>xpaget regions: you now can specify coord/coordformat/format</tt></li> <li> <tt>$ xpaget ds9 regions -format pros -coord fk4 -coordformat hms</tt></li> <li> <tt>Interactive rotation is now works!</tt></li> <li> <tt>PanZoom Dialog and Rotate Dialog now have 'Apply' buttons</tt></li> <li> <tt>Preferences have been implemented. 'Save Preferences' will save the current values of the 'Preferences' and 'View' menus in $HOME/.ds9.prefs. On startup, this values will be used.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Source user tcl file has been implemented. If $HOME/.ds9 exists, it will be sourced on start up.</tt></li> <li> <tt>New Standard Dialog box has been implemented. User now has a choice of motif, windows, or 'blue plate special' dialog boxes.</tt></li> <li> <tt>'$ xpaget ds9 file' now returns full file name</tt></li> <li> <tt>More tolerant of non-existent or bad files.</tt></li> <li> <tt>More robust checking of mosaic files</tt></li> <li> <tt>FITS keyword inheritance is now supported.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Mosaic Multiple Extension Fits files are now supported.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Coordinate name 'CCD' has been changed to 'Physical'</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.2</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Support for raw data arrays</tt></li> <br> <tt>$ ds9 "foo.arr[xdim=512,ydim=512,bitpix=-32]"</tt> <br> <tt>$ ds9 "foo.arr[xdim=512,ydim=512,bitpix=16,skip=100]"</tt> <br> <tt>$ ds9 "foo.arr[dim=1024,bitpix=8,bigendian]"</tt> <br> <tt>$ ds9 "foo.arr[dim=1024,bitpix=8,arch=littleendian]"</tt> <li><tt>xpa support for raw data arrays</tt></li> <br> <tt>$ cat foo.arr | xpaset ds9 array "[dim=512,bitpix=16]"</tt> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>fixed problem with printing</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>fix problem with change of xpa api</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8.1</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>fix blockfactor,blockbuffersize, and blockfunction command line options.</tt></li> <li> <tt>fixed problem with Marker type Line Dialog box.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added new marker type: Ruler.</tt></li> <li> <tt>fixed major problem with regions files and loading via xpa.</tt></li> <li> <tt>Added arrows to line marker.</tt></li> <li> <tt>more robust error handling.</tt></li> <li> <tt>bin table extension names and column names are no longer case sensitive.</tt></li> <li> <tt>fixed problem with printing to different page sizes</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 1.8</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>Fixed a major memory leak</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed a XPA printing problem</tt></li> <li> <tt>Fixed problem with LOG scale</tt></li> <li> <tt>the xpa application name is now "ds9".</tt></li> <li> <tt>the xpa class name is now "DS9"</tt></li> <br> <tt>example:</tt> <br> <tt>$ xpaget ds9 version # get version number from just ds9</tt> <br> <tt>$ xpaget DS9:ds9 version # get version number from just ds9</tt> <li><tt>$ xpaget DS9: version # get version number for all DS9 apps</tt></li> <li> <tt>Markers!</tt></li> </ol> </ol> </body> </html>