SAOImageDS9 Version 1.9 Release Notes

Version 1.9.8

  1. fixed a problem with listing regions that are very long. the size limit has been increased from 1024 to 8192
  2. completed MS Windows port
  3. fixed a problem with large polygons in FITS Regions bin table format
  4. ds9 will now correctly load a FITS Extension image without a primary header
  5. xpa wcs [reset|replace|append] function added
  6. the default nameserver is now 'simbad-sao'


  1. fixed a problem with reading arrays via xpa and extra data an the end of the image
  2. fixed a problem with region callbacks and actions on regions within the callback
  3. fixed a memory leak with deleteing polygon vertices
  4. double click on region with select=0 no longers opens a dialog
  5. added select property to ds9 region properties list
  6. for default annulus, ellipse annulus, box annulus, the number of annuli is now used when the user click and drags
  7. fixed a problem with ellipse annulus and box annulus and zero inner radius
  8. fixed a problem with box and boxannuls and updating the region dialog coords
  9. fixed a problem with turning off/on active frames
  10. fixed a problem with saving fits images created from a fits image extension
  11. added new 'new' option to xpa points 'FITS' and 'ARRAY' to create a new frame before loading the new image
  12. completed port HP-UX


  1. fixed a problem with prefs and sourcing external tcl files

Version 1.9.7

  1. mktclapp is now used to build the application from tcl
  2. fixed a problem with HMS and hour=0
  3. fixed a problem with parseing old ds9 region files and 'global'
  4. support for SAOtng Regions file format has been restored
  5. upgraded to tcl/tk 8.3.2
  6. upgraded to blt2.4u
  7. minor changes made to ciao regions file format
  8. fixed a problem with Ciao FITS regions files

Version 1.9.6

  1. Added Truecolor Colorbar preference
  2. Fitsy++ now supports fixed and free format keyword strings correctly
  3. While in 'Pan' mode, the arrow keys may be used to pan the image
  4. Custom Page Setup in mm is now supported
  5. Region Text string can now contain both a ' and "
  6. Region File format for text now supports the following text strings:
  7. text="This is a test"
    text="This is a test of '"
    text='This is a test of "'
    text={This is a test of ' and "}
  8. DS9 will now correctly parse a regions spec with a delim of ';'
  9. XPA tcl command now runs in the same context frame as source and ds9
  10. Fixed a problem with the Colorbar contrat/bias dialog and truecolor
  11. Fixed a problem with BOX list/save format
  12. Fixed a problem with contours in that one extra level was generated when using the low/high and number of contours controls
  13. Updated to Doug Mink's wcssub version 2.8.1, which fixes a problem with keywords without an '='
  14. Fixed a problem with printing Region Text with '(', ')', or '\' in it.
  15. Region file format is now valid for both reading and writing Region files
  16. Implemented new Regions file format, version 3
  17. Fixed a problem with IRAF and the 'f' and 'c' keys
  18. Images with odd length will center on pixel boundaries
  19. The number of bins if determined from TLMIN/TLMAX will now vary, based on column type (integer or real). The bin space for integer is TLMIN-.5 to TLMAX +.5 and for real TLMIN to TLMAX.
  20. Binning Dialog box is now non-modal
  21. Made improvements in the resolution of coordinates
  22. Added the -version command line option
  23. Fixed a problem with bad name resolution and NED-SAO
  24. Fixed a problem with -grid and -contour command line options
  25. Add -format, -coord, -coordformat, and -delim to xpaget regions
  26. Added FITS bin table filtering
  27. Changed XPA BLOCK to BIN
  28. bin factors of less than 1 but greater that 0 are now allowed
  29. fixed a problem with ecliptic coords and FITS BIN TABLES with wcs
  30. Fixed a problem with contours and high resolution values
  31. Added algorithm method to contours
  32. Fixed a problem with contours and re-binning a FITS bin table
  33. Changes to BIN commandline options to mirror BIN xpa options
  34. Added raise/lower command line options
  35. Added raise/lower xpa options
  36. Cut/Paste to/from the primary selection is now provided
  37. Added new type of grid, Exterior Axis with interior numerics
  38. Fixed problems with grid numerics and rotation of non-zero
  39. Fixed a problem with graphs and no FITS loaded
  40. Added Regions Delimiter menu

Version 1.9.5

  1. Fixed a problem with Saving FITS images on byte swaped platforms
  2. FITS Bin table support now uses TLMIN/TLMAX to determine binning buffersize up to the user specified limit
  3. Fixed the XPA Regions format,coord, and coordformat calls
  4. Changed the behavior of $xpaget ds9 regions [format|coord|coordformat]

Version 1.9.4

  1. Added ability to save a FITS bin table as a FITS image
  2. Added xpa point to support the above
  3. Fixed a problem with loading arrays
  4. Added support for the Rosat All Sky Survey
  5. Added command line support for DSS and RASS
  6. Fixed a problem with displaying LINEAR WCS
  7. DS9 is now much more tolarent of FITS files in which the data segment is short in size, ie, is not a multiple of FITBLOCK (2880 bytes)
  8. Fixed a problem with FITS files with headers with 100's or 1000's of comments or history keywords
  9. Enhanced Preferences support
  10. The information panel is now updated during blinking
  11. Fixed a problem with long frame names
  12. Added new fuctionality to the 'Frame' xpa point
  13. Fixed a memory problem that caused problems with the Alpha port
  14. Fixed a problem with regions in sexagesimal format and NATIVE WCS
  15. DS9 is now much mor tolerant of sexagesimal format regions that do not map directly on top of a image
  16. Implemented the new default region format
  17. Fixed a problem with Polygon regions and creating/moving vertices
  18. Added Colormap Contrast and Bias Dialog
  19. Fixed a problem with Box regions and negative width and height
  20. Angle has been added to the Ruler Region dialog box
  21. Length has been added to the Line Region dialog box
  22. Fixed a problem with Region Text and the '"' character
  23. Added XPA point for DSS
  24. Added XPA point for RASS
  25. Added XPA point for Name Servers
  26. Fixed a problem with rotated Regions and IRAF images
  27. Added XPA point xpaget fits
  28. Added XPA point xpaset file save <filename>
  29. xpa regions may now be delimited by nl or semicolon

Version 1.9.3

  1. Fixed a problem with preferences. The prefs file was not parsed.
  2. Fixed a problem with xpaset ds9 fits and multiple ext fits files
  3. Fixed some minor problems with xpa and blink,frame
  4. Added xpaset ds9 frame [first|next|prev|last]
  5. Added printing of pixel tables
  6. Added Copy/Paste support for pixel tables
  7. Fixed a problem with changing the size of pixel tables
  8. 'F' toggles Info Pannel 'freeze' mode.
  9. Full shared memory support has been added

  10. $xpaget ds9 shm
    $xpaset -p ds9 shm 102 8640
    $xpaset -p ds9 shm shmid 102 8640 foo[2]
    $xpaset -p ds9 shm mosaicimage key 100 10240 foo
    $xpaset -p ds9 shm mosaic key 100 10240 foo[3]
    $xpaset -p ds9 shm array shmid 102 8640 [dim=32,bitpix=16]

    $xpaset -p ds9 update 1 100 100 200 200 # update HDU1 in image coords
    $xpaset -p ds9 update 3 400 400 500 500 # update HDU3 in image coords

Version 1.9.2

  1. Fixed yet another problem with contours
  2. Fixed a problem with loading arrays with bitpix of -64

Version 1.9.1

  1. Fixed the 'Analysis' menu item 'DSS'
  2. provided for more backward compatibility with old preference files
  3. Fixed a problem with IRAF support and changing buffer sizes
  4. Fixed a problem with contours and reading incorrectly levels
  5. Fixed a problem with printing and pan/rotation/zoom
  6. Fixed a problem with Grid Rotated numbers and MSB/LSB cross-platform

Version 1.9

  1. DS9 now supports IRAF!
  1. point regions now have the include/exclude property
  2. crosshairs will now print
  3. fixed a problem with contours and the contour dialog is visible
  4. fixed a problem with the wcs of FITS files with very long headers
  5. added Pixel Table feature
  6. contours now appear in the magnifier with graphics enabled
  7. John Roll's Tcl Ast package has been added
  8. DS9 is now more tolerant of 'SIMPLE = F' type FITS files
  9. fixed a problem with render speed in single frame mode and multiple frames loaded
  10. The Pan Zoom Rotate Dialog Box is now Non-Modal
  11. Name Resolution support has been added
  12. DSS support has been added
  13. A problem with contours has been corrected. if contours levels = n, then n+1 contours are actually rendered
  14. DEC Alphas are now supported
  15. SGI is now supported
  16. LINEAR WCS is now fully supported