SAOImageDS9 Version 2.1 Release Notes

    Version 2.1

    1. 04.05.2002 fixed a problem with xpa contour load.
    2. 04.22.2002 ds9 version 2.1 released to the public.

    Version 2.1b7

    1. 04.02.2002 upgrade to XPA 2.1.0e2. This fixes a problem with xpa and linux/linuxppc.
    2. 04.03.2002 fixed a problem with AST. plot.c, line 19463, change parameter 'force' from 1 to 0 in call to 'CheckLabels'. Sometimes we were seeing adj labels that where the same. This change makes sure that the labels are 'reduced' if we have this condition.
    3. 04.03.2002 ds9 will now automatically open as a bin table fits extension named EVENTS, STDEVT, and RAYEVENT.
    4. 04.03.2002 when trying to find an image to open in relax mode (ie the use did not specify an extension), ds9 will not find a valid image if the length of either axis is 0.
    5. 04.03.2002 now check for Ghostscript version 6.50 or higher when invoking Save As.
    6. 04.03.2002 add help application preference. Users can now choose between Netscape and Mozilla as the prefered help application.
    7. 04.04.2002 ds9 version 2.1b7 released to the public.

    Version 2.1b6

    1. 02.04.2002 upgraded to ast version 1.8.6. Modified ast to use sscanf() for all platforms except Darwin. Darwin uses astSscanf(), which works around a problem with sscanf() on MacOSX, with format strings of the following format: sscanf(str, " %s %n", foo, &nc).
    2. 02.04.2002 changed fity++ primary_/head_ header relationship. primary_ is only set if there is a primary header is available and different from head_.
    3. 02.04.2002 wsc's are init'd with both the head_ and the primary_ (if available) to handle the case where wcs keywords are spread between hdu nd primary headers in mulitiple extension files.
    4. 02.06.2002 all xpa commands are now 'catch{}' to invoke a procedure that will unwind the watch cursor stack. Hopefully, no more stuck watch cursors.
    5. 02.07.2002 add color and width parameters to contours paste command. defaults are green and 1
    6. 02.08.2002 fixed a problem with the FRAME menu. It was cutting off the last separator.
    7. 02.12.2002 AST grid still does not support ICRS properly. When a user sets the coordinate system to ICRS, the actually parameters sent to the AST grid code is FK5
    8. 02.13.2002 for XPA points array, fits, regions, and wcs (fillbuf=false), manually flush the buffer at the end to make sure no data is left
    9. 02.13.2002 ecliptic coords from wcssubs corrected by new version of wcs/wcscon.c
    10. 02.13.2002 AST grids, corrected the MDJ-OBS keyword generated to generate the correct EPOCH.
    11. 02.13.2002 adjusted the EQUINOX value for ECLIPTIC coords for ast grids to agree with wcssubs. Seems for ecliptic coords, wcssubs and ast use two slightly different interpretations of the EQUINOX value.
    12. 02.13.2002 fixed a problem with histogram equalization introduced in version 2.1b5.
    13. 02.14.2002 fixed a problem with titles in plot(stdin). We now take the first line, and starting from the end, pick off the dimension, x and y axis titles, and the remainder is taken as the plot title. It can contain spaces and special characters such as '[]'
    14. 02.14.2002 add 'Always create new plot' option to prefs
    15. 02.14.2002 add multiple analysis plots, unless prefs are unset
    16. 02.14.2002 change default annulus and panda to 1 annuli
    17. 02.14.2002 enable multiple array loads via blueplate dialog
    18. 02.14.2002 reset,append, and replace wcs now processes OBJECT keyword
    19. 02.15.2002 fixed a problem with grid format of degrees. Sometimes, the incorrect format would be used. This was corrected by up'ng the number of digits displayed to d.3
    20. 02.21.2002 upgraded to AST 1.8.7
    21. 02.21.2002 upgraded to WCS 3.0.7
    22. 02.22.2002 fixed a problem with Ascii Tables in fitsy++. The column offset is now calculated from TBCOLn if present.
    23. 02.22.2002 simplied columns in fitsy++. Now all columns have a value(char* ptr, int i) and str(char* ptr, int i) procedure.
    24. 02.22.2002 add support for HST WFPC2 mosaics
    25. 02.25.2002 fixed a problem with 'marker command'. The command STRING must be quoted by '\{' '\}' before being pasted to the Frame parser.
    26. 02.26.2002 add $ERROR/ERROR: support for analysis $plot(stdin) macro.
    27. 02.26.2002 analysis menus now support multiple levels of hierarchical menus
    28. 02.26.2002 multiple hierarchical menus may have the same label
    29. 02.26.2002 hierarchical menu label may have an imbedded spaces
    30. 02.26.2002 add endhmenu endparam to analysis file parser
    31. 02.26.2002 analysis file text maybe indented
    32. 02.26.2002 add help support to analysis file
    33. 02.27.2002 add $BEGINTEXT/$ENDTEXT to $plot(stdin) macro
    34. 02.27.2002 add xpa get fits [type|image|table] command
    35. 02.27.2002 minor tweak with the File:Save as menu
    36. 02.27.2002 clean up some minor memory leaks with FitsImage::initwcs()
    37. 02.27.2002 fixed a problem in dialog.tcl DialogWait and reseting errorInfo
    38. 03.01.2002 dss non-save file now uses internal gz
    39. 03.04.2002 plot windows can now support a second set of y and error values.
    40. 03.05.2002 add debug iis option
    41. 03.05.2002 filenames now always reflect fits extension name/number and filter.
    42. 03.05.2002 the last step in analysis commands now replaces all '][' with ',', building up readable filters.
    43. 03.06.2002 updated nan.C and nan.h to reflect erics new treatment of alpha
    44. 03.08.2002 add support for save fits gz
    45. 03.12.2002 keywords BSCALE/BZERO/BLANK are now ignored for FITS IEEE floating point data
    46. 03.12.2002 IEEE nan and inf are supported as valid FITS IEEE floating point data
    47. 03.13.2002 add test suite which tests for bitpix = 8,16,32,-32,-64 and BLANK,BSCALE,BZERO keywords, and IEEE floating point data NaN and INF.
    48. 03.15.2002 add save resample support
    49. 03.18.2002 add support for Mosaic Fast Render. Only valid for IRAF mosaics. Basically, you track the current fitsimage til you have miss.
    50. 03.19.2002 upgrade XPA 2.1.0e
    51. 03.19.2002 upgrade FILTER 1.1.0e
    52. 03.19.2002 upgrade FITSY 1.1.0e
    53. 03.19.2002 fixed a problem when a user CUT a region that had a dialog box open. A CUT operation now calls the delete callback to remove any pending dialog boxes.
    54. 03.19.2002 fixed a problem with -print command line option for truecolor visuals. We need to make sure that the window is realized so that the colormap has been created.
    55. 03.20.2002 ds9 version 2.1b6 released to the public

    Version 2.1b5

    1. fixed a problem with bogus wcs data and replace wcs xpa command
    2. add view tickmarks to grid dialog box
    3. fixed a problem with loading a custom colormap and then printing
    4. add command line/xpa option load colormap file
    5. fixed problems with grid dialog box and switching between frames
    6. add command line option pan
    7. add command line option about
    8. add command line option view
    9. gzip compression is now built-in
    10. add xpa fits [mosaic|mosaicimage]
    11. fixed a problem with loading arrays via stdin
    12. fixed a problem with the panda region and rotation
    13. improved performance in plotting of large data sets
    14. fixed a problem with xpa analysis plot stdin and ';' in the title
    15. increased the histequ internal buffer size to 16k
    16. enhance xpa analysis load command
    17. add multiple preload analysis files
    18. add hiearch analysis menus
    19. fixed cancel support for Namesvr
    20. fixed cancel support for DSS
    21. add virtual observatory support
    22. add jpeg,tiff,pgn,ppm support, via ghostscript
    23. fix a problem with min/max and DATASEC
    24. added 'load incr' commands
    25. added 'load xxxxx incr' command
    26. fixed minor memory leaks
    27. added analysis command log
    28. add xpa grid load/save
    29. add command line option grid
    30. fixed a problem with loading fits from a stream where the primary hdu contains an image
    31. enhance xpa/command support for dss
    32. add nameserver command line option
    33. fix a problem with panner and magnifer preferences
    34. fixed a issue when gz files are a few bytes short
    35. add support for wcs mosaics
    36. added support for wcs grids for all types of mosaics
    37. speed up printing by factor of 5
    38. add new grid type
    39. updated to wcssubs 3.0.5
    40. updated to ast 1.8.3
    41. updated to filter 1.0b9
    42. updated to fitsy 1.0b9
    43. command line options -file, -mosaic, -mosaicimage, -array, -url are now modal
    44. add -debug [options] support
    45. fixed a problem with contours and NAN data
    46. fixed a problem with contours and DATASEC
    47. split the pros, saoimage, and saotng parsers
    48. fixed a problem with text with the saotng parser
    49. fixed a problem with saotng,saoimage, and pros regions parsers and \n terminators
    50. add thin width contours
    51. add thin width grids
    52. fixed a problem with iraf mosaics
    53. 10.31.2001 Physical, Amplifier, and Detector coordinates are only displayed if keywords are present
    54. 11.1.2001 Diplay header will display primary header if requested
    55. 11.1.2001 add xpa cmap value command
    56. 11.2.2001 removed support for analysis with files with spaces cause it created a problem with filename with extensions
    57. 11.2.2001 fixed a problem with analysis regions files and special characters that was causing a problem with ellipse annlus
    58. 11.2.2001 add analysis $file[$region] macro
    59. 11.8.2001 fixed a problem with saving pixel table data
    60. 11.8.2001 add John Rolls new blueplate special stand dialog box
    61. 11.8.2001 removed 'Open Mosaic Images', since you can now do the same from the dialog box
    62. 11.8.2001 fixed a problem with printing/saving text from SimpleTextDialog
    63. 11.9.2001 load muliple files is now much faster
    64. 11.13.2001 fixed a problem with Simple List Box and windows
    65. 11.13.2001 default standard dialog box for windows is now the windows default
    66. 12.3.2001 expand update to update [now]
    67. 12.4.2001 fitsy++ now promotes all keyword finds to uppercase
    68. 12.4.2001 add 'get fits header # keyword <str>' command
    69. 12.4.2001 fix a problem with selecting projection region at high zoom factors
    70. 12.5.2001 fixed problems with length and orientation of projection region
    71. 12.6.2001 change 'get data values' syntax to include fits #
    72. 12.14.2001 fixed a problem with mosaics with linear wcs that caused a core
    73. 12.31.2001 supported added for regions and mosaics
    74. 1.2.2002 projection regions now support mosaics
    75. 1.3.2002 updated xparemote with proxy support
    76. 1.3.2002 add vo prefs
    77. 1.4.2002 add ciao pie region support
    78. 1.7.2002 fixed panda and wcs with rotation problem
    79. 1.9.2002 uprade ast to version 1.8.4
    80. 1.15.2002 enable Blt_ZoomStack for data plots
    81. 1.17.2002 fixed a problem with iraf mosaics with flipped segments and a round off problem
    82. 1.18.2002 add support for multiple aux contours
    83. 1.23.2002 fixed a problem with fits headers and the END keyword is not 8 chars
    84. 1.23.2002 fixed many problems with no fits loaded and user gui actions
    85. 1.24.2002 fixed a problem with looking for fits region extensions and a filter specified
    86. 1.24.2002 add regions file format and coord system to prefs menu
    87. 1.25.2002 get data values now spans mosaics and is in native coords
    88. 1.31.2002 ds9 version 2.1b5 released to the public

    Version 2.1b4

    1. fixed a problem very, very large images and int overflow
    2. add Page Setup preferences
    3. plot data is filtered to remove all non numeric data
    4. fixed a problem with plotting x,y data on alpha
    5. add manual grid layout
    6. text regions can now be rotated
    7. regions text now appears in the magnifier
    8. added the PANDA region
    9. added analysis file macro $entry
    10. fixed a problem with multiple menu entries for analysis files with multiple file templates
    11. default values of Analysis file parameters are now updated
    12. fixed a problem with clear analysis commands
    13. analysis tasks are now non-blocking
    14. add xy regions file format
    15. fixed problem with ps level 2 psuedocolor8 printing and inverse colormaps
    16. in regions files, the comment char '#' comments out til a new-line char
    17. extended $regions macro to include multiple properties and regions format
    18. fixed a problem with loading array data on a little endian machine and the arch is not specified
    19. fixed a problem with histogram equalization
    20. fixed a major problem with all negative float or double data and min/max issues
    21. fixed a problem with $regions and no wcs
    22. fixed a problem with printing ps level 2 and fits with NAN
    23. fixed a problem with running on a msb machine, and displaying on a lsb 24bit machine
    24. unrolled all mosaic algorithms to cycle thru all segments for each pixel
    25. add DATASEC for rendering and printing
    26. upgraded to tcl/tk 8.3.3
    27. add http and ftp macro expand to analysis
    28. fixed a problem with contour log scale
    29. add button 2 bindinds for panner
    30. iraf -fifo default is now /dev/imt1
    31. commented out error messages for bad iraf -fifo, -port, -unix
    32. add default imtoolrc values to fb_config if no imtoolrc file is found at startup
    33. add iis support for windows port
    34. add command: get data coordsys x y dx dy var
    35. add plot limits to plot tool
    36. add PROJECTION region
    37. add GETURL analysis macro
    38. Fits bin table keywords TUNITx are now process if available
    39. add $filename(root) macro
    40. update filename on load
    41. fixed a problem with Colormaps with a name with a single character
    42. added iraf 'non-display' imexamine support

    Version 2.1b3

    1. fixed a problem with angles of regions specified in WCS
    2. add xpa point 'regions save'
    3. add xpa point 'regions load'
    4. regions file format SAOIMAGE now supports annulus, ellipse annulus, and box annulus
    5. the obsolete Ftools regions file format support has been removed
    6. fixed many problems with IRAF regions file format
    7. fixed many problems with CIAO regions file format
    8. removed all support for Rosat All Sky Survey
    9. all comments and global settings have been removed from regions output if delimiter is set to semicolon
    10. fixed a problem with regions defined in WCS degrees and do not lie on an image
    11. fixed a problem with ellipse annulus and box annulus regions in regions files that contain only one region
    12. check for radius of length 0 for circle, annulus, ellipse, and ellipse annulus
    13. Added Histogram Equalization colormap scale distribution
    14. removed default as font option
    15. default font is now helvetica
    16. changed command line option -regionfile to -region
    17. fixed a problem with command line option -region and incorrect coordinates
    18. Change the 'Scale:User Limits...' dialog into non-modal 'Scale Parameters...'
    19. Added 'ZMax' Scale Limits algorithm
    20. fixed a problem with loading regions files with full pathnames with 'fits' in them
    21. Updated Prefs, command line options, and xpa points to reflect the new way minmax and scale options are handled
    22. Removed 'Scan On Load' prefs
    23. Added 'Source/Background' region property
    24. Add support for 'Source/Background' region property to SAOtng region parser
    25. Fixed a color problem with pseudocolor 8 frames and black/white. This showed up in new Sun hardware and Solaris 8 sofware
    26. Fixed a problem with Postscript printing in pseudocolor 8 colormode
    27. The magnifier now updates during blinking
    28. Added pixel table commands to command line options and xpa
    29. Add -single command line option
    30. Add default region shape to preferences
    31. New Analysis File format supported, with new macros $message, $text, $plot
    32. Add -analysis command line option
    33. Add subcommands to xpa analysis: load,clear,message,text,plot
    34. Add Analysis File macros $data and $image
    35. Add autoload FITS regions option
    36. Add load FITS Region file to command line options and xpa regions
    37. DSS servers now have limits as to size of image downloaded
    38. Open Array now presents a dialog box if no specs are given
    39. Now supports compression with .ftz extension
    40. All non-modal windows raise to top when re-invoked
    41. Added Line Width to all regions
    42. Comments are now retained for regions files
    43. Add Line Width to contours
    44. Changed xpa delim to strip yes/no
    45. Contour methods are 'Faster' and 'Better'
    46. Add Convert Contours to polygons
    47. Add $xpa analysis macro
    48. Add $param analysis macros
    49. Fixed a problem with crosshair and rebinning
    50. Fixed a problem with pan click and drag and fits binary tables
    51. Add undo regions
    52. Add cut/copy/paste regions
    53. Changed the preferences file and startup file to be consistent across platforms
    54. Add 'Pan then Zoom' to button 2 options
    55. Add support for FITS 3D data cubes
    56. Add Edit button row
    57. Add default mode to prefs
    58. Fixed a problem with file names starting with 'file'
    59. Add xpa regions shape/color/width