<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.78 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.7-10 i686) [Netscape]"> <title>DS9 Version 2.2 Release Notes</title> </head> <body alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ee" text="#000000" vlink="#551a8b"> <h3> <img alt="" src="../sun.gif" align="middle" height="98" width="100">Version 2.2 Release Notes</h3> <ol> <h4> <b>Version 2.2.1</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>11.04.2002 fixed bin smooth buttons.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.07.2002 remove debug statements in dss.tcl</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.07.2002 fixed a problem with pure virtual method called when frame was deleted and histequ was the active scale.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.07.2002 fixed a problem with pasting filters that contains '\n' on the end of the string.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.14.2002 add W3Browse to archive menu</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.14.2002 Web Display: for redirection, first use 'location' meta data parameter, then look for first 'href' in html to find the redirection url.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.14.2002 move 'IISInit' after 'ProcessCommandLine' so that iis command line options take affect.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.14.2002 remove menu short cut options. Too many conflicts and unable to support multiple languages.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.18.2002 change prefs(scalemode) to prefs(scale,mode), prefs(scalescope) to prefs(scale,scope) and added prefs(scale,scope) to prefs written.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.18.2002 change prefs(minmaxmode) to prefs(minmax,mode), prefs(minmaxsample) to prefs(minmax,sample)</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.18.2002 changes to Archive Servers preferences take effect immediately.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.19.2002 Web Display: improved support for fits mime-types.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.20.2002 Web Display: improved HVVerifyURL repairing urls.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.20.2002 Archive: add IRAS MSX support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.22.2002 add 'update now' when a new display is received. This will allow 'movies' from iraf to display properly.</tt></li> <li> <tt>11.22.2002 ds9 version 2.2.1 released to the public.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 2.2</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>09.03.2002 add Archive Server user prefs.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.03.2002 when HV window is unable to parse input, place a html header around it and display it as text.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.04.2002 update FITS Bin Table WCS keywords to conform to 25 June 2002 WCS FITS Documentation.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.04.2002 add support for FITS Bin Table Alt WCS keywords.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.04.2002 corrected minor errors in xpa documentation.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.04.2002 fixed a minor memory leak when frame is deleted and an image is still loaded.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.05.2002 added IPAC NED to archive menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.05.2002 add 'marker # move to canvas x y' command for CXC.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.05.2002 add 'marker # angle' command for CXC.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.09.2002 change ds9 regions syntax for ellipse annulus and box annulus from old saoimage to funtools syntax.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.10.2002 undid grid WIDGETBB fix. The results where not acceptable.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.12.2002 fixed a nasty bug with binning FITS bin tables and high bin factor values.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.13.2002 add Match Scales to Frame menu. This matches all scale parameters across all frames.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.16.2002 add Grid debug option.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.17.2002 upgrade to ast 1.8.9. This corrected two problems. First, incorrect grids were generated for dss images in the southern hemisphere. Second, a problem with galactic grids that crossed 0 degrees.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.17.2002 modify grid code to not to set attributes unless really needed. ast 1.8.9 tends to set attributes much more often than previous versions.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.17.2002 fixed a problem with reconizing non-standard wcs in the header.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.17.2002 add more xpa grid support for coordinate systems, grid type, and view options.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.18.2002 fixed grid axes label and title spacing problems in publication mode.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.18.2002 add optional grid axes label and title spacing parameters that override internal calculated values.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.18.2002 the grid x-axis is now plotted on the bottom of publication grid.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.18.2002 zoom to fit now makes room for labels for publication grid.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.19.2002 fixed a problem with Clear Analysis File that deleted too much of the Analysis Menu.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.19.2002 support new vo list syntax of a tab delimited newline terminated list of three parameters, xpa, title, and url.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.20.2002 PHYSICAL Coordinate System: first look for WCSNAMEx='PHYSICAL', then look for LTM/LTV keywords.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.24.2002 fixed yet another bug with binning, and TLMIN/TLMAX keywords whose values were not powers of 2.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.24.2002 fixed a problem with cores and bad wcs grids. ds9 now checks to make sure ast generated a vaild grid.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.24.2002 WebDisplay: plain text is now displayed using <pre>.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.24.2002 WebDisplay: default method for forms is now GET.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.24.2002 WebDisplay: default width for TEXT form elements is 20</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.24.2002 XPA nameserver: http has a error, so just clear errorInfo.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.25.2002 fixed a bug in wcsinit.c, line 328 and line 409.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.25.2002 add Debug Bin option.</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.26.2002 upgrade to xpa 2.1.3</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.26.2002 upgrade to wcssubs 3.1.3</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.26.2002 upgrade to filter 1.2b1</tt></li> <li> <tt>09.26.2002 upgrade to fitsy 1.2b1</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.01.2002 Web Display: more robust URL parseing</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.01.2002 Web Display: add 'Save to Fits File' option</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.01.2002 fixed 'xpaget ds9 bin cols' to return only 2 cols if bin depth is 1.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.07.2002 Web Display: add support for new window with button click.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.08.2002 Change in saotk Makefiles to correct a problem with Bison and Flex.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.08.2002 Analysis Text now updates as text arrives.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.08.2002 add xpa/command line support for MatchFrames.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.08.2002 don't write WCS for Save Fits Resample and DSS fits.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.10.2002 Web Display: hidden fields are not totally encoded if url is present.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.17.2002 Fixed a problem with default fonts. Add the option of 'Default', which will not set any font options, if selected. This allows the native system to choose the best font/size combo.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.18.2002 Add ProcessFrameCmd.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.18.2002 Add system wide preference file support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.18.2002 Add Default mode. It just updates the infobox and graphs, with no regions.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.21.2002 Fixed a problem with old prefs files and marker(system).</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.22.2002 Fixed a problem with MINMAX Sample. Sample intervals are now equal in row and columns.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.25.2002 Fixed a problem with vo and errors that occur when connecting to the vo server.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.25.2002 Add Match Colorbars and Match Scales xpa/command line options.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.25.2002 Changed Analysis plot error reporting to include first line of received data.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.25.2002 Fixed a problem with DSS and editing the dialog with another image loaded.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.27.2002 Add filename to ds9/funtools regions file header.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.29.2002 Add Lock Crosshairs xpa/command line options.</tt></li> <li> <tt>10.31.2002 ds9 version 2.2 released to public.</tt></li> <h4> <b>Version 2.2b2</b></h4> </ol> <ol> <li> <tt>07.31.2002 fixed a problem with hv and urls of the form foo.com/foo/bar.html#foo. Now, the html is not reloaded before the goto is executed.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.01.2002 add adjust text size support to web browser</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.01.2002 add boxcar and tophat smooth support for binning.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.05.2002 add -vo commandline and xpa support</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.05.2002 fixed a problem for the windows port where windows has been configured to open a fits file with ds9. In this case, the file path name passed to ds9 is actually in 'dos' format. So we used a cygwin function to convert to a posix format. This only occurs in a command line file name option.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.06.2002 fixed a problem with smooth and depth>1.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.06.2002 fixed a problem with save fits resample.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.07.2002 the user can now display the horz and vert graphs, even in tile or blink mode</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.07.2002 ds9 will operate in single mode, even if in tile or blink mode, if there is just one frame.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.08.2002 add Gaussian smooth support for binning.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.08.2002 fixed a problem with the plot tool and displaying discrete x y e1 y2 data. The correct colors are now used.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.08.2002 the plot tool will now always update the plot title, x axis label, and y axis label when receiving new data.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.08.2002 add xpaset -p ds9 analysis plot close support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.08.2002 add Know Issues Documentation</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.12.2002 add http proxy support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.12.2002 fixed a problem with the close box for the bin dialog box.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.20.2002 add support for default fonts to preferences.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.23.2002 remove timeouts for all http requests with optional cancel support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.23.2002 fixed a number of items with web display.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.26.2002 reformat all documentation to remove references to Helvetica</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.26.2002 bring grid WIDGETBB in by one so that the border can be seen and printed.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.26.2002 fixed a problem with web gifs under windows. The output channel needed an -translation binary flag.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.26.2002 adjust font sizes for web display to more closely follow those of Netscape and IE.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.27.2002 add 'Save as Fits', 'Save as Image', and 'Page Setup' buttons.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.27.2002 add 'First' and 'NVSS' archive server menu items.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.28.2002 add auto coordinate feed to HV for archive servers.</tt></li> <li> <tt>08.30.2002 ds9 version 2.2b2 released to public.</tt></li> </ol> <h4> <b>Version 2.2b1</b></h4> <ol> <li> <tt>04.05.2002 fixed a problem with xpa contour load.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.05.2002 improved parsing of analysis menu file. In particular, keywords like 'help', 'param', and 'end' can be used more freely.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.10.2002 add tag suppport for regions.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.11.2002 add background marker stack. The default stack is in the foreground.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.11.2002 fixed checks for can Edit, can Move, can Rotate, and can Delete properties thru out marker code.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.11.2002 add HIGHLITE marker property.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.12.2002 add $null macro to analysis support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.17.2002 fitsy++ now builds an keyword index to search for keywords. Previously, it would search sequentially.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.18.2002 add a fix to ps level 2 driver to prevent a '\n%' in the image data. Seems the perl script 'assemble' does a global search/replace that results in corrupted image data. This fix includes a redesign of a previous fix that worked around an issue with old versions of dvips that will incorrectly process'\n%%'.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.18.2002 upgrade to WCS 3.1.0</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.24.2002 start to add support for multiple wcs's.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.25.2002 add support for multiple wcs's in infobox.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.26.2002 improve tag support for regions. All functionality of selected regions are now available for tagged regions.</tt></li> <li> <tt>04.30.2002 add marker command var command to support regions files in tcl vars.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.08.2002 recalc polygon center when adding or deleteing vertex.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.13.2002 complete implementation of multiple wcs support. ds9 now supports a total of 31 coordinate systems. Furthermore, of the 27 WCS coordinate systems, both sky coordinates and linear coordinates are fully supported.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.13.2002 complete re-implemenation of map() functions. Now all map functions are in the fits case, and only map between REF and IMAGE/PHYSICAL/AMPLIFIER/DETECTOR/WCS/WCSA... coordinate systems. This cleans up alot of code and confusion.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.14.2002 add support for TCROT and CDn_1 WCS keywords in FITS bin tables.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.16.2002 dramatically speed up parsing wcs keywords by substituting the fitsy++ index based keyword search routine for Doug Mink's 'ksearch' routine. With multiple wcs's in a large mosaic this can save up to a minute at load time.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.16.2002 fixed a minor problem with xpa dss. http has a error, that carries over and is caught by xpa.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.16.2002 analysis $text windows will not appear if there is no output, or just an <cr>.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.16.2002 fixed display header to correctly display 80 chars, not 79.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.16.2002 fixed a problem with iis and very long file names. names up to 256 chars are now allowed.</tt></li> <li> <tt>005.20.2002 AMPLIFER and DETECTOR coordinate menu entries are now an option, to be enabled via the Preferences:Misc menu option. Changes will take affect at startup.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.23.2002 add support for 3D binning of fits bin tables.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.24.2002 made changes to grid.C to handle the special LONG/NPOL skyframe coordinate system used by Chandra.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.24.2002 add -xpa and xpa prefs to allow a user to enable or disable initialization of XPA at startup</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.28.2002 add -xpa [inet|local|unix|localhost] xpa point.</tt></li> <li> <tt>05.29.2002 correct 3D binning to properly reflect filter params in the filename.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.03.2002 fixed a problem with Fits Bin Tables, odd length rows and referencing shorts.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.04.2002 add support for multiple wcs with skyframe panner compass, along with prefs.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.04.2002 add -xpa noxpans support.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.04.2002 match frames wcs now uses the wcs system and wcs skyframe specified in align to wcs.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.05.2002 upgrade to xpa 2.1.1</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.06.2002 add wcs master menu and buttons</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.06.2002 sync xpa wcs and command line wcs command.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.10.2002 xpa wcs and commanline -wcs now uses same code to process</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.10.2002 xpa nameserver format now skyformat</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.10.2002 added support for variable args for xpa contour and -contour.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.11.2002 add match frames physical, amplifier, detector. this does not handle rotation, nor orientation.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.11.2002 the master wcs menu now modifies the Region:File Coordinate System menu also</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.11.2002 fixed a problem with list projection and linear wcs. the thickness parameter was not written correctly.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.12.2002 fixed a problem with -tile and -region commandline options. The ds9 window must be realized before processing region files.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.13.2002 fixed a problem with -pagesetup commandline option.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.13.2002 fixed a problem with ds9parser.Y, prosparser.Y, and tngparser.Y when processing coordinates when no coordinate system has been specified.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.13.2002 fixed a problem with -pan to command line option. The ds9 window needs to be realized (and the matrices defined) before processing.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.13.2002 binning on a third column now invokes the data cube dialog box.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.14.2002 add smaller buffer sizes to binning menus. We want to do this for those building large 3D binning movies.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.19.2002 implemented new grid support. Grids now handle rotated images much better. Numerics are better positioned.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.27.2002 updated to WCSSUBS 3.1.1. This corrects a number of TNX problems.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.27.2002 add File:XPA info menu item.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.27.2002 add XPA regions selected feature.</tt></li> <li> <tt>06.28.2002 Analysis $geturl macro calls are now logged.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.01.2002 add support for limited web browser</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.01.2002 help reference manual now uses built-in brower, and is static.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.02.2002 fixed a problem with cross-platform displays and 16 bit truecolor.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.08.2002 fixed a problem with regions and changes in the bin factor of fits bin tables.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.08.2002 add $xpa_method analysis macro.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.08.2002 add @@xpa_method@@ support in hv.html</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.22.2002 fix numerous problems with internal web browser.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.23.2002 add async support for internal web browser.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.24.2002 changed Makefiles so that parser.C, parser.C.h, and lex.C are now archived. Therefor, builds no longer need bison and flex, unless changes have been made to the parser.Y. This gets around problems with different versions of bison.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.25.2002 add support for the Compass region.</tt></li> <li> <tt>07.25.2002 add vo proxy and internal hv support.</tt></li> </ol> </ol> </body> </html>