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  <title>Story of SAOImage DS9</title>
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<h3> <img alt="" src="sun.gif" height="98" width="100" align="middle">
The Story of SAOImage DS9: How DS9 got its name<br>
  <p>In 1990, Mike Van Hilst, at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, developed
SAOImage. SAOImage was first implemented in X10, then reimplemented in
X11. In fact, it was one of the first X11 based applications publicly
made available. SAOImage was a brilliant program, implementing
techniques in scientific visualization 20 years ago that are still
being used by today's applications. Since Mike's departure from SAO,
SAOImage has been maintained by Doug Mink.</p>
  <p>In the mid 1990's, with the administrative support of Steve
Murray, Eric Mandel developed SAOtng, or
(SAOImage, The Next Generation), named after the Star Trek series. TNG
was based on IRAF's XIMTOOL graphics libraries and Tcl. It explored new
GUI interfaces and supported a new external analysis interface. In
particular, it utilized XPA, (X11 Public Access, also written by Eric)
which allowed TNG to be scripted via a shell, or from other application.</p>
  <p>In 1998, while working with Eric, William Joye began a complete
rewrite of TNG, based on the experience developed while supporting TNG.
This project was funded by the NASA Applied Information Systems
Research Program, under the title "Future Directions for Astronomical
Image Display". For lack of a name, the new project was referred to as
DS9, the logical extension of the Star Trek series. The name continues
to be in use. Current funding is provided by the NASA High Energy
Astrophysics Science Archive Center and the Chandra X-ray Science
  <p>DS9 is a Tcl/Tk application. The GUI is implemented as a very thin
layer of Tk. A number of Tk Canvas widgets in C++ were created to
support all the functionality needed. Basically, all the real work is
done in C++. DS9 inherited TNG's support of regions, XPA, external
analysis support, and the general GUI. However, all the visualization
techniques come directly from SAOImage.</p>
  <p>The current version of DS9 is composed of the Tk widgets created
along with support from about 20 other open source products (including
Tcl/Tk, AST, BLT, HCompress, HTMLWidget, plio, rics, tcllib, tclxml,
tkcon, tkimg, tktable, wcssubs, xmlrpc, XPA, zip, zlib, and zvfs). The
distributed binaries consist of a self-contained self-extracting
archive and application, which provides an independent Tcl/Tk
environment without installation.</p>
  <p>The first versions of SAOImage DS9 were made available in 1999.
Since then, the popularity of DS9 has grown far beyond expectations.<br>