# Copyright (C) 1999-2018 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc BinDef {} { global bin global ibin global pbin global tcl_platform set ibin(top) .bl set ibin(mb) .blmb set bin(lock) 0 set bin(function) sum set bin(factor) {1 1} set bin(depth) 1 set bin(buffersize) 1024 array set pbin [array get bin] # prefs only set pbin(wheel) 0 set pbin(wheel,factor) 1.2 # special case switch -- $tcl_platform(os) { Darwin { switch [lindex [split $tcl_platform(osVersion) {.}] 0] { 11 {set pbin(wheel,factor) 1.01} } } } } proc Bin {bx by} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { BinFrame $current(frame) $bx $by } } proc BinFrame {which bx by} { global bin global current global rgb RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $which [list $which bin factor $bx $by] if {$which == $current(frame)} { set bin(factor) "[$current(frame) get bin factor]" } UpdateBin } proc BinAbout {x y} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin about $x $y] UpdateBin } } proc BinAboutCenter {} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin about center] UpdateBin } } proc BinCols {x y z} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { if {![$current(frame) has bin column $x]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Invalid Column Name}] $x" return } if {![$current(frame) has bin column $y]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Invalid Column Name}] $y" return } if {$z!={""}} { if {![$current(frame) has bin column $z]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Invalid Column Name}] $z" return } } RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) "$current(frame) bin cols \{$x\} \{$y\} \{$z\}" UpdateBin } } proc BinFilter {str} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) "$current(frame) bin filter \{\{$str\}\}" UpdateBin } } proc BinToFit {} { global current global bin global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin to fit] set bin(factor) "[$current(frame) get bin factor]" UpdateBin } } proc ChangeBinFactor {} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin factor to $bin(factor)] UpdateBin } } proc ChangeBinDepth {} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin depth $bin(depth)] UpdateBin } } proc ChangeBinFunction {} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin function $bin(function)] UpdateBin } } proc ChangeBinBufferSize {} { global bin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) [list $current(frame) bin buffer size $bin(buffersize)] UpdateBin } } proc UpdateBin {} { global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateBin" } # really need this RealizeDS9 LockBinCurrent UpdateBinDialog UpdatePanZoomDialog UpdateCrosshairDialog UpdateCropDialog UpdateCubeDialog UpdateScaleDialog UpdateContourScale UpdateContourDialog UpdateWCSDialog UpdateGraphAxis $current(frame) UpdateMain } proc BinDialog {} { global bin global ibin global dbin global ds9 # see if we already have a window visible if {[winfo exists $ibin(top)]} { raise $ibin(top) return } # create the window set w $ibin(top) set mb $ibin(mb) Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Binning Parameters}] BinDestroyDialog $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Method}] -menu $mb.method $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Bin}] -menu $mb.bin $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Buffer}] -menu $mb.buffer menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] \ -command BinApplyDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Update Filter}] \ -command BinUpdateFilterDialog $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Clear Filter}] \ -command BinClearFilterDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command BinDestroyDialog EditMenu $mb ibin menu $mb.method $mb.method add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Average}] \ -variable bin(function) -value average -command ChangeBinFunction $mb.method add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Sum}] \ -variable bin(function) -value sum -command ChangeBinFunction menu $mb.bin $mb.bin add command -label [msgcat::mc {Bin In}] \ -command {Bin .5 .5} $mb.bin add command -label [msgcat::mc {Bin Out}] \ -command {Bin 2 2} $mb.bin add command -label [msgcat::mc {Bin Fit}] \ -command BinToFit $mb.bin add separator $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 1" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {1 1} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 2" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {2 2} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 4" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {4 4} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 8" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {8 8} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 16" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {16 16} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 32" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {32 32} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 64" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {64 64} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 128" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {128 128} -command ChangeBinFactor $mb.bin add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Bin}] 256" \ -variable bin(factor) -value {256 256} -command ChangeBinFactor menu $mb.buffer $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {128x128} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 128 -command ChangeBinBufferSize $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {256x256} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 256 -command ChangeBinBufferSize $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {512x512} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 512 -command ChangeBinBufferSize $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {1024x1024} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 1024 -command ChangeBinBufferSize $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {2048x2048} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 2048 -command ChangeBinBufferSize $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {4096x4096} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 4096 -command ChangeBinBufferSize $mb.buffer add radiobutton -label {8192x8192} \ -variable bin(buffersize) -value 8192 -command ChangeBinBufferSize # Columns set f [ttk::labelframe $w.cols -text [msgcat::mc {Bin Columns}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.title -text [msgcat::mc {Column}] ttk::label $f.titlefactor -text [msgcat::mc {Bin}] ttk::label $f.titlemin -text [msgcat::mc {Min}] ttk::label $f.titlemax -text [msgcat::mc {Max}] ttk::menubutton $f.x -textvariable dbin(xcol) -menu $f.x.m -width 10 ttk::entry $f.xfactor -textvariable dbin(factor,x) -width 8 ttk::label $f.xmin -textvariable dbin(xcol,min) -width 12 -relief groove ttk::label $f.xmax -textvariable dbin(xcol,max) -width 12 -relief groove ttk::menubutton $f.y -textvariable dbin(ycol) -menu $f.y.m -width 10 ttk::entry $f.yfactor -textvariable dbin(factor,y) -width 8 ttk::label $f.ymin -textvariable dbin(ycol,min) -width 12 -relief groove ttk::label $f.ymax -textvariable dbin(ycol,max) -width 12 -relief groove grid $f.title $f.titlefactor $f.titlemin $f.titlemax -padx 2 -pady 2 grid $f.x $f.xfactor $f.xmin $f.xmax -padx 2 -pady 2 grid $f.y $f.yfactor $f.ymin $f.ymax -padx 2 -pady 2 # Center set f [ttk::labelframe $w.center -text [msgcat::mc {Bin Center}] -padding 2] ttk::entry $f.x -textvariable dbin(x) -width 12 ttk::entry $f.y -textvariable dbin(y) -width 12 ttk::checkbutton $f.auto -text [msgcat::mc {or center of data}] \ -variable dbin(auto) grid $f.x $f.y $f.auto -padx 2 -pady 2 # Filter set f [ttk::labelframe $w.filter -text [msgcat::mc {Bin Filter}] -padding 2] set dbin(filter,entry) \ [ttk::entry $f.filter -textvariable dbin(filter) -width 40] grid $f.filter -padx 2 -pady 2 # Bin 3rd Column set f [ttk::labelframe $w.z -text [msgcat::mc {Bin 3rd Column}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.title -text [msgcat::mc {Column}] ttk::label $f.titledepth -text [msgcat::mc {Depth}] ttk::label $f.titlemin -text [msgcat::mc {Min}] ttk::label $f.titlemax -text [msgcat::mc {Max}] ttk::menubutton $f.z -textvariable dbin(zcol) -menu $f.z.m -width 10 ttk::entry $f.depth -textvariable dbin(depth) -width 8 ttk::entry $f.min -textvariable dbin(zcol,min) -width 12 ttk::entry $f.max -textvariable dbin(zcol,max) -width 12 grid $f.title $f.titledepth $f.titlemin $f.titlemax -padx 2 -pady 2 grid $f.z $f.depth $f.min $f.max -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command BinApplyDialog ttk::button $f.update -text [msgcat::mc {Update Filter}] \ -command BinUpdateFilterDialog ttk::button $f.clear -text [msgcat::mc {Clear Filter}] \ -command BinClearFilterDialog ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command BinDestroyDialog pack $f.apply $f.update $f.clear $f.close \ -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini grid $w.cols -sticky news grid $w.center -sticky news grid $w.filter -sticky news grid $w.z -sticky news grid $w.buttons -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 2 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 3 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 $w.cols.xfactor select range 0 end set dbin(auto) 0 set dbin(minmax) 1 UpdateBinDialog } proc PopUp {b m l cmd} { global ds9 destroy $m menu $m -tearoff 0 set cnt -1 for {set ii 0} {$ii<[llength $l]} {incr ii} { $m add command -label [lindex $l $ii] \ -command "global dbin;set $b [lindex $l $ii]; $cmd" # wrap if needed incr cnt if {$cnt>=$ds9(menu,size,wrap)} { set cnt 0 $m entryconfig $ii -columnbreak 1 } } } proc BlankPopUp {m} { destroy $m menu $m -tearoff 0 } proc UpdateBinDialog {} { global bin global ibin global dbin global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateBinDialog" } if {![winfo exists $ibin(top)]} { return } if {$current(frame) == {}} { return } set w $ibin(top) set bf "[$current(frame) get bin factor]" set dbin(factor,x) [lindex $bf 0] set dbin(factor,y) [lindex $bf 1] set dbin(depth) [$current(frame) get bin depth] if {[$current(frame) has fits bin]} { set cols [$current(frame) get bin cols] set colslist "[$current(frame) get bin list]" set dbin(xcol) [lindex $cols 0] set dbin(ycol) [lindex $cols 1] PopUp dbin(xcol) $w.cols.x.m $colslist UpdateXCol PopUp dbin(ycol) $w.cols.y.m $colslist UpdateYCol set mm [$current(frame) get bin cols minmax \{$dbin(xcol)\}] set dbin(xcol,min) [lindex $mm 0] set dbin(xcol,max) [lindex $mm 1] set mm [$current(frame) get bin cols minmax \{$dbin(ycol)\}] set dbin(ycol,min) [lindex $mm 0] set dbin(ycol,max) [lindex $mm 1] set cursor [$current(frame) get bin cursor] set dbin(x) [lindex $cursor 0] set dbin(y) [lindex $cursor 1] set dbin(filter) [$current(frame) get bin filter] set dbin(zcol) [lindex $cols 2] PopUp dbin(zcol) $w.z.z.m $colslist UpdateZCol set mm [$current(frame) get bin cols dim \{$dbin(zcol)\}] set dbin(zcol,min) [lindex $mm 0] set dbin(zcol,max) [lindex $mm 1] } else { set dbin(xcol) {} set dbin(xcol,min) {} set dbin(xcol,max) {} set dbin(ycol) {} set dbin(ycol,min) {} set dbin(ycol,max) {} set dbin(x) {} set dbin(y) {} set dbin(filter) {} set dbin(zcol) {} set dbin(zcol,min) {} set dbin(zcol,max) {} BlankPopUp $w.cols.x.m BlankPopUp $w.cols.y.m BlankPopUp $w.z.z.m } } proc UpdateXCol {} { global current global dbin if {$current(frame) != {} && [$current(frame) has fits bin] && $dbin(xcol) != {}} { set mm [$current(frame) get bin cols minmax \{$dbin(xcol)\}] set dbin(xcol,min) [lindex $mm 0] set dbin(xcol,max) [lindex $mm 1] } else { set dbin(xcol,min) {} set dbin(xcol,max) {} } } proc UpdateYCol {} { global current global dbin if {$current(frame) != {} && [$current(frame) has fits bin] && $dbin(ycol) != {}} { set mm [$current(frame) get bin cols minmax \{$dbin(ycol)\}] set dbin(ycol,min) [lindex $mm 0] set dbin(ycol,max) [lindex $mm 1] } else { set dbin(ycol,min) {} set dbin(ycol,max) {} } } proc UpdateZCol {} { global current global dbin if {$current(frame) != {} && [$current(frame) has fits bin] && $dbin(zcol) != {}} { if {$dbin(minmax)} { set mm [$current(frame) get bin cols dim \{$dbin(zcol)\}] set dbin(zcol,min) [lindex $mm 0] set dbin(zcol,max) [lindex $mm 1] } } else { set dbin(zcol,min) {} set dbin(zcol,max) {} } } proc BinApplyDialog {} { global bin global dbin global current global rgb if {$current(frame) == {}} { # reset set dbin(auto) 0 return } # clean up filter if needed set dbin(filter) [string trimleft $dbin(filter)] set dbin(filter) [string trimright $dbin(filter)] # delete any markers if needed if {[$current(frame) has fits bin]} { set foo [$current(frame) get bin cols] set xcol [lindex $foo 0] set ycol [lindex $foo 1] if {$xcol != $dbin(xcol) || $ycol != $dbin(ycol)} { $current(frame) marker delete all } } if {$dbin(depth)>1} { CubeDialog if {$dbin(auto)} { if {$dbin(factor,x) != {} && $dbin(factor,y) != {} && $dbin(depth) != {} && $dbin(zcol,min) != {} && $dbin(zcol,max) != {} && $dbin(xcol) != {} && $dbin(ycol) != {} && $dbin(zcol) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) \ [list $current(frame) bin to $dbin(factor,x) $dbin(factor,y) $dbin(depth) $dbin(zcol,min) $dbin(zcol,max) about center \{$dbin(xcol)\} \{$dbin(ycol)\} \{$dbin(zcol)\} \{$dbin(filter)\}] } } else { if {$dbin(factor,x) != {} && $dbin(factor,y) != {} && $dbin(depth) != {} && $dbin(zcol,min) != {} && $dbin(zcol,max) != {} && $dbin(x) != {} && $dbin(y) != {} && $dbin(xcol) != {} && $dbin(ycol) != {} && $dbin(zcol) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) \ [list $current(frame) bin to $dbin(factor,x) $dbin(factor,y) $dbin(depth) $dbin(zcol,min) $dbin(zcol,max) about $dbin(x) $dbin(y) \{$dbin(xcol)\} \{$dbin(ycol)\} \{$dbin(zcol)\} \{$dbin(filter)\}] } } } else { if {$dbin(auto)} { if {$dbin(factor,x) != {} && $dbin(factor,y) != {} && $dbin(xcol) != {} && $dbin(ycol) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) \ [list $current(frame) bin to $dbin(factor,x) $dbin(factor,y) about center \{$dbin(xcol)\} \{$dbin(ycol)\} \{$dbin(filter)\}] } } else { if {$dbin(factor,x) != {} && $dbin(factor,y) != {} && $dbin(x) != {} && $dbin(y) != {} && $dbin(xcol) != {} && $dbin(ycol) != {}} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,bin) \ [list $current(frame) bin to $dbin(factor,x) $dbin(factor,y) about $dbin(x) $dbin(y) \{$dbin(xcol)\} \{$dbin(ycol)\} \{$dbin(filter)\}] } } } UpdateScaleMenu UpdateBinMenu UpdateBin # reset set dbin(auto) 0 } proc BinUpdateFilterDialog {} { global dbin global current $dbin(filter,entry) delete 0 end if {$current(frame) != {}} { $dbin(filter,entry) insert 0 \ [$current(frame) marker list ds9 physical fk5 degrees yes] } } proc BinClearFilterDialog {} { global dbin $dbin(filter,entry) delete 0 end } proc BinDestroyDialog {} { global ibin global dbin if {[winfo exists $ibin(top)]} { destroy $ibin(top) destroy $ibin(mb) unset dbin } } proc MatchBinCurrent {} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { MatchBin $current(frame) } } proc MatchBin {which} { global ds9 global rgb set factor [$which get bin factor] set depth [$which get bin depth] set filter [$which get bin filter] set size [$which get bin buffer size] set function [$which get bin function] set cols [$which get bin cols] foreach ff $ds9(frames) { if {$ff != $which} { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $ff [list $ff bin factor to $factor] RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $ff [list $ff bin depth $depth] RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $ff "$ff bin filter \{\{$filter\}\}" RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $ff [list $ff bin buffer size $size] RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $ff [list $ff bin function $function] RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,bin) $ff "$ff bin cols \{\{[lindex $cols 0]\}\} \{\{[lindex $cols 1]\}\} \{\{[lindex $cols 2]\}\}" } } } proc LockBinCurrent {} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { LockBin $current(frame) } } proc LockBin {which} { global bin if {$bin(lock)} { MatchBin $which } } proc BinBackup {ch which} { switch [$which get type] { base - 3d {BinBackupBase $ch $which} rgb {BinBackupRGB $ch $which} } } proc BinBackupBase {ch which} { puts $ch "$which bin factor to [$which get bin factor]" puts $ch "$which bin depth [$which get bin depth]" puts $ch "$which bin filter \{\"[$which get bin filter]\"\}" puts $ch "$which bin buffer size [$which get bin buffer size]" set pos [$which get bin cursor] if {$pos != {}} { puts $ch "$which bin about $pos" } puts $ch "$which bin function [$which get bin function]" set cols [$which get bin cols] if {$cols != {}} { puts $ch "$which bin cols \{\"[lindex $cols 0]\"\} \{\"[lindex $cols 1]\"\} \{\"[lindex $cols 2]\"\} " } } proc BinBackupRGB {ch which} { set sav [$which get rgb channel] foreach cc {red green blue} { $which rgb channel $cc puts $ch "$which rgb channel $cc" BinBackupBase $ch $which } $which rgb channel $sav puts $ch "$which rgb channel $sav" } # Process Cmds proc ProcessBinCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i bin::YY_FLUSH_BUFFER bin::yy_scan_string [lrange $var $i end] bin::yyparse incr i [expr $bin::yycnt-1] } proc ProcessSendBinCmd {proc id param {sock {}} {fn {}}} { global parse set parse(proc) $proc set parse(id) $id binsend::YY_FLUSH_BUFFER binsend::yy_scan_string $param binsend::yyparse }