# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc CATSkyBot {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global debug if {$debug(tcl,cat)} { puts stderr "CATSkyBot $varname" } CATSkyBotVOT $varname } proc CATSkyBotVOT {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global debug if {$debug(tcl,cat)} { puts stderr "CATSkyBotVOT $varname" } set var(proc,parser) VOTParse # coord (degrees) switch $var(skyformat) { degrees { set xx $var(x) set yy $var(y) } sexagesimal { switch -- $var(sky) { fk4 - fk5 - icrs {set xx [h2d [Sex2H $var(x)]]} galactic - ecliptic {set xx [Sex2D $var(x)]} } set yy [Sex2D $var(y)] } } # size (arcmin) switch $var(rformat) { degrees { set ww $var(width) set hh $var(height) } arcmin { set ww [expr $var(width)/60.] set hh [expr $var(height)/60.] } arcsec { set ww [expr $var(width)/60./60.] set hh [expr $var(height)/60./60.] } } # now to radius set rr [expr sqrt($ww*$ww+$hh*$hh)/2.] # output if {$var(allcols)} { set type 3 } else { set type 2 } # figure out a epoch (DATE-OBS, then DATE) global current set epoch [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword DATE-OBS]] if {$epoch == {}} { set epoch [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword DATE_OBS]] } if {$epoch == {}} { set epoch [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword DATE]] } if {$epoch == {}} { ARError $varname [msgcat::mc {Unable to determine date of observation}] return } # do we have a time? else check UT, UTC-OBS, UTIME, TIME-OBS set ut {} if {[string first {T} $epoch] == -1} { set ut [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword UT]] if {$ut == {}} { set ut [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword UTC-OBS]] } if {$ut == {}} { set ut [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword UTIME]] } if {$ut == {}} { set ut [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword TIME-OBS]] } if {$ut == {}} { set ut [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword TIME_OBS]] } if {$ut != {}} { append epoch "T$ut" } } # do we finally have a date with time? set dt [split $epoch {T}] set dd [lindex $dt 0] set tt [lindex $dt 1] if {$tt != {}} { # do we have EXPTIME or EXP_TIME? set exp [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword EXPTIME]] if {$exp == {}} { set exp [string trim [$current(frame) get fits header keyword EXP_TIME]] } if {$exp != {} && [string is double $exp]} { # ok, rebuild epoch set ttt [split $tt {:}] set total [expr [lindex $ttt 0]*60.*60. + [lindex $ttt 1]*60. + [lindex $ttt 2] + [expr $exp/2.]] set hh [format "%02d" [expr int($total/60./60.)]] set total [expr $total - $hh*60.*60.] set mm [format "%02d" [expr int($total/60.)]] set ss [format "%02.1f" [expr $total - $mm*60.]] set epoch "${dd}T${hh}:${mm}:${ss}" } } # query set var(query) [http::formatQuery EPOCH $epoch RA $xx DEC $yy SR $rr VERB $type -mime votable -loc $var(loc) -filter 0 -objFilter $var(asteroids)$var(planets)$var(comets)] set var(url) "http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/skybot/skybotconesearch_query.php" CATLoad $varname } proc CATSkyBotAck {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname set msg {Acknowledgments for SkyBot Request for Acknowledgment of Use of SkyBot If SkyBoT was helpful for your research work, the following acknowledgment would be appreciated: "This research has made use of IMCCE's SkyBoT VO tool", or cite the following article 2006ASPC..351..367B. } SimpleTextDialog ${varname}ack [msgcat::mc {Acknowledgment}] \ 80 10 insert top $msg }