# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc ContourDef {} { global contour global icontour global pcontour set icontour(top) .ct set icontour(mb) .ctmb set contour(view) 0 set contour(copy) {} set contour(color) green set contour(width) 1 set contour(dash) 0 set contour(method) block set contour(smooth) 4 set contour(numlevel) 5 set contour(scale) linear set contour(mode) minmax set contour(log) 1000 set contour(min) {} set contour(max) {} # used for command line options # example % ds9 -contour log foo.fits -zscale -contour # .. contour scale is log, not zscale set contour(init,scale) 0 set contour(init,mode) 0 set contour(init,limits) 0 set pcontour(view) $contour(view) set pcontour(method) $contour(method) set pcontour(color) $contour(color) set pcontour(width) $contour(width) set pcontour(dash) $contour(dash) set pcontour(smooth) $contour(smooth) set pcontour(numlevel) $contour(numlevel) } proc ContourUpdate {} { global contour global icontour global dcontour global current if {$current(frame) == {}} { return } if {![$current(frame) has fits]} { return } if {!$contour(view)} { $current(frame) contour delete return } ContourCheckParams if {[winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { set levels [$dcontour(txt) get 1.0 end] # remove endl and trim regsub -all "\n" $levels " " levels set levels [string trimright $levels " "] if {$levels == {}} { ContourGenerateDialog set levels [$dcontour(txt) get 1.0 end] # remove endl and trim regsub -all "\n" $levels " " levels set levels [string trimright $levels " "] } if {$levels != {} && [ContourCheckMinMax]} { $current(frame) contour create \ $contour(color) $contour(width) $contour(dash) \ $contour(method) $contour(numlevel) $contour(smooth) \ $contour(scale) $contour(log) $contour(mode) \ $contour(min) $contour(max) \ "\"$levels\"" } } else { set contour(scale) [$current(frame) get colorscale] set contour(log) [$current(frame) get colorscale log] set contour(mode) [$current(frame) get clip mode] set limits [$current(frame) get clip $contour(mode)] set contour(min) [lindex $limits 0] set contour(max) [lindex $limits 1] if {[ContourCheckMinMax]} { $current(frame) contour create \ $contour(color) $contour(width) $contour(dash) \ $contour(method) $contour(numlevel) $contour(smooth) \ $contour(scale) $contour(log) $contour(mode) \ $contour(min) $contour(max) \ "{}" } } } proc ContourCheckParams {} { global contour if {$contour(smooth) < 1} { set contour(smooth) 1 } if {$contour(numlevel) < 1} { set contour(numlevel) 1 } } proc ContourCheckMinMax {} { global contour if {$contour(min) != {} && $contour(max) != {} && !($contour(min) eq "nan") && !($contour(max) eq "nan") && [string is double $contour(min)] && [string is double $contour(max)] } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc ContourDialog {} { global contour global icontour global dcontour global current global ds9 # see if we already have a ctr window visible if {[winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { raise $icontour(top) return } # create the contour window set w $icontour(top) set mb $icontour(mb) Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Contour Parameters}] ContourDestroyDialog # local variables $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Color}] -menu $mb.color $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Width}] -menu $mb.width $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Scale}] -menu $mb.scale $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Limits}] -menu $mb.limit $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Method}] -menu $mb.method menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] \ -command ContourApplyDialog $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Generate}] \ -command ContourGenerateDialog $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Clear}] \ -command ContourOffDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Copy Contours}] \ -command ContourCCopyDialog $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Paste Contours}]..." \ -command ContourCPasteDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Load Contours}]..." \ -command ContourLoadDialog $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Save Contours}]..." \ -command ContourSaveDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Load Contour Levels}]..." \ -command ContourLoadLevels $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Save Contour Levels}]..." \ -command ContourSaveLevels $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Convert to Polygons}] \ -command Contour2Polygons $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command ContourDestroyDialog menu $mb.edit $mb.edit add command -label [msgcat::mc {Cut}] \ -command ContourCutDialog -accelerator "${ds9(ctrl)}X" $mb.edit add command -label [msgcat::mc {Copy}] \ -command ContourCopyDialog -accelerator "${ds9(ctrl)}C" $mb.edit add command -label [msgcat::mc {Paste}] \ -command ContourPasteDialog -accelerator "${ds9(ctrl)}V" ColorMenu $mb.color contour color {} WidthDashMenu $mb.width contour width dash {} {} menu $mb.scale $mb.scale add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Linear}] \ -variable contour(scale) -value linear $mb.scale add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Log}] \ -variable contour(scale) -value log $mb.scale add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Power}] \ -variable contour(scale) -value pow $mb.scale add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Square Root}] \ -variable contour(scale) -value sqrt $mb.scale add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Squared}] \ -variable contour(scale) -value squared $mb.scale add radiobutton -label {ASINH} \ -variable contour(scale) -value asinh $mb.scale add radiobutton -label {SINH} \ -variable contour(scale) -value sinh $mb.scale add radiobutton \ -label [msgcat::mc {Histogram Equalization}] \ -variable contour(scale) -value histequ $mb.scale add separator $mb.scale add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Log Exponent}]..." \ -command ContourLogDialog menu $mb.limit $mb.limit add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Min Max}] \ -variable contour(mode) -value minmax -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add separator $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {99.5%} \ -variable contour(mode) -value 99.5 -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {99%} \ -variable contour(mode) -value 99 -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {98%} \ -variable contour(mode) -value 98 -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {95%} \ -variable contour(mode) -value 95 -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {90%} \ -variable contour(mode) -value 90 -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add separator $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {ZScale} \ -variable contour(mode) -value zscale -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add radiobutton -label {ZMax} \ -variable contour(mode) -value zmax -command ContourModeDialog $mb.limit add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {User}] \ -variable contour(mode) -value user -command ContourModeDialog menu $mb.method $mb.method add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Block}] \ -variable contour(method) -value block $mb.method add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Smooth}] \ -variable contour(method) -value smooth # Param set f [ttk::labelframe $w.param -text [msgcat::mc {Contour}] -padding 2] slider $f.nslider 0 50 [msgcat::mc {Levels}] contour(numlevel) {} slider $f.rslider 0 32 [msgcat::mc {Smoothness}] contour(smooth) {} ttk::label $f.title -text [msgcat::mc {Limits}] ttk::label $f.ltitle -text [msgcat::mc {Low}] ttk::entry $f.low -textvariable contour(min) -width 10 ttk::label $f.htitle -text [msgcat::mc {High}] ttk::entry $f.high -textvariable contour(max) -width 10 grid $f.nslider -columnspan 6 -padx 2 -pady 2 grid $f.rslider -columnspan 6 -padx 2 -pady 2 grid $f.title $f.ltitle $f.low $f.htitle $f.high -padx 2 -pady 2 # Levels set f [ttk::labelframe $w.levels -text [msgcat::mc {Levels}] -padding 2] set dcontour(txt) [text $f.text \ -wrap none \ -width 15 \ -height 10 \ -font [font actual TkDefaultFont] \ -yscrollcommand [list $f.yscroll set] \ ] ttk::scrollbar $f.yscroll -command [list $dcontour(txt) yview] \ -orient vertical grid $f.text $f.yscroll -sticky news grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] \ -command ContourApplyDialog ttk::button $f.generate -text [msgcat::mc {Generate}] \ -command ContourGenerateDialog ttk::button $f.clear -text [msgcat::mc {Clear}] \ -command ContourOffDialog ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command ContourDestroyDialog pack $f.apply $f.generate $f.clear $f.close \ -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini grid $w.param $w.levels -sticky news grid $w.buttons - -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 UpdateContourDialog } proc ContourApplyDialog {} { global contour set contour(view) 1 ContourUpdate } proc ContourDestroyDialog {} { global contour global icontour global dcontour if {[winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { destroy $icontour(top) destroy $icontour(mb) } unset dcontour } proc ContourGenerateDialog {} { global contour global dcontour global current ContourCheckParams $dcontour(txt) delete 1.0 end if {$current(frame) != {}} { if {([$current(frame) has fits]) && [ContourCheckMinMax]} { set ll [$current(frame) get colorscale level $contour(numlevel) \ $contour(min) $contour(max) \ $contour(scale) $contour(log)] regsub -all " " "$ll" "\n" ll $dcontour(txt) insert end "$ll" } } } proc ContourOffDialog {} { global contour global current set contour(view) 0 if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) contour delete $current(frame) contour delete aux } UpdateContourScale UpdateContourDialog } proc ContourCutDialog {} { global icontour global dcontour if {[winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { set w [focus -displayof $icontour(top)] if {$w == $dcontour(txt)} { tk_textCut $w } else { EntryCut $icontour(top) } } } proc ContourCopyDialog {} { global icontour global dcontour if {[winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { set w [focus -displayof $icontour(top)] if {$w == $dcontour(txt)} { tk_textCopy $w } else { EntryCopy $icontour(top) } } } proc ContourPasteDialog {} { global icontour global dcontour if {[winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { set w [focus -displayof $icontour(top)] if {$w == $dcontour(txt)} { tk_textPaste $w } else { EntryPaste $icontour(top) } } } proc ContourCCopyDialog {} { global contour global current set contour(copy) $current(frame) UpdateContourDialog } proc ContourCPasteDialog {} { global ds9 global current global contour global ed if {$current(frame) == {} || $contour(copy) == {}} { return } set w {.ctld} set ed(ok) 0 set ed(system) wcs set ed(sky) fk5 set ed(color) green set ed(width) 1 set ed(dash) 0 set ed(frame) $current(frame) set ed(original) 0 SetCoordSystem ed system sky {} AdjustCoordSystem ed system DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Contour Paste}] ed(ok) # Param set f [ttk::frame $w.param1] ttk::checkbutton $f.original -text [msgcat::mc {Use Original Color/Width}] -variable ed(original) grid $f.original -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w set f [ttk::frame $w.param] ttk::label $f.coordtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Coordinate System}] CoordMenuButton $f.coordbutton ed system 1 {} {} {} CoordMenuEnable $f.coordbutton.menu ed system 1 {} {} ttk::label $f.colortitle -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ColorMenuButton $f.colorbutton ed color {} ttk::label $f.widthtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}] ttk::menubutton $f.widthbutton -textvariable ed(width) \ -menu $f.widthbutton.menu WidthDashMenu $f.widthbutton.menu ed width dash {} {} grid $f.coordtitle $f.coordbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.colortitle $f.colorbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.widthtitle $f.widthbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal ttk::separator $w.sep2 -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x # pack $w.param1 $w.sep2 $w.param2 -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { set ed(color) [string tolower $ed(color)] if {$current(frame) == $contour(copy)} { set ed(system) physical } set cc [$contour(copy) get contour $ed(system) fk5] if {$ed(original)} { $current(frame) contour paste cc } else { $current(frame) contour paste cc $ed(color) $ed(width) $ed(dash) } UpdateContourDialog } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc ContourModeDialog {} { global current global contour if {$current(frame) != {}} { set limits [$current(frame) get clip $contour(mode)] set contour(min) [lindex $limits 0] set contour(max) [lindex $limits 1] } } proc ContourLoadLevels {} { set fn [OpenFileDialog contourlevlfbox] ContourLoadLevelsNow $fn } proc ContourLoadLevelsNow {fn} { global dcontour if {$fn == {}} { return } $dcontour(txt) delete 1.0 end set ch [open $fn r] if {[file extension $fn] == {.lev}} { $dcontour(txt) insert end [read $ch] } else { ContourLoadLevelsNew $ch } close $ch } proc ContourLoadLevelsNew {ch} { global dcontour while {[gets $ch line] != -1} { set aa [split $line {= }] regsub -all {[{}]} $aa {} aa regsub -all { +} $aa { } aa set aa [string trim $aa] if {![string compare -nocase [lindex $aa 0] {level}]} { set value [string trim [lindex $aa 1]] if {[string is double $value]} { $dcontour(txt) insert end "$value\n" } } } } proc ContourSaveLevels {} { set fn [SaveFileDialog contourlevsfbox] ContourSaveLevelsNow $fn } proc ContourSaveLevelsNow {fn} { global dcontour if {$fn == {}} { return } set id [open $fn w] puts -nonewline $id "[$dcontour(txt) get 1.0 end]" close $id } proc ContourSaveDialog {} { global ds9 global current global contour global ed global wcs set fn [SaveFileDialog contoursfbox] if {$fn == {} || $current(frame) == {}} { return } set w {.ctld} set ed(ok) 0 set ed(system) wcs set ed(sky) fk5 set ed(skyformat) degrees set ed(frame) $current(frame) SetCoordSystem ed system sky {} AdjustCoordSystem ed system DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Contour Save}] ed(ok) # Param set f [ttk::frame $w.param] ttk::label $f.coordtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Coordinate System}] CoordMenuButton $f.coordbutton ed system 1 sky skyformat {} CoordMenuEnable $f.coordbutton.menu ed system 1 sky skyformat grid $f.coordtitle $f.coordbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { switch -- $ed(system) { image - physical - detector - amplifier {} default { if {![$current(frame) has wcs $ed(system)]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Invalid WCS}] $ed(system)" return $ed(ok) } } } $current(frame) contour save "\{$fn\}" $ed(system) $ed(sky) UpdateContourDialog } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc ContourLoadDialog {} { global ds9 global current global contour global ed set fn [OpenFileDialog contourlfbox] if {$fn == {} || $current(frame) == {}} { return } set w {.ctld} set ed(ok) 0 set ed(color) green set ed(width) 1 set ed(dash) 0 set ed(frame) $current(frame) set ed(original) 0 if {[file extension $fn] == {.con}} { ContourLoadOldDialog $fn } else { ContourLoadNewDialog $fn } } proc ContourLoadOldDialog {fn} { global ds9 global current global contour global ed set w {.ctld} set ed(ok) 0 set ed(system) wcs set ed(sky) fk5 set ed(color) green set ed(width) 1 set ed(dash) 0 set ed(frame) $current(frame) SetCoordSystem ed system sky {} AdjustCoordSystem ed system DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Contour Paste}] ed(ok) # Param set f [ttk::frame $w.param] ttk::label $f.coordtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Coordinate System}] CoordMenuButton $f.coordbutton ed system 1 {} {} {} CoordMenuEnable $f.coordbutton.menu ed system 1 {} {} ttk::label $f.colortitle -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ColorMenuButton $f.colorbutton ed color {} ttk::label $f.widthtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}] ttk::menubutton $f.widthbutton -textvariable ed(width) \ -menu $f.widthbutton.menu WidthDashMenu $f.widthbutton.menu ed width dash {} {} grid $f.coordtitle $f.coordbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.colortitle $f.colorbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.widthtitle $f.widthbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { set ed(color) [string tolower $ed(color)] $current(frame) contour load $ed(color) $ed(width) $ed(dash) \ "\{$fn\}" $ed(system) $ed(sky) UpdateContourDialog } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc ContourLoadNewDialog {fn} { global ds9 global current global contour global ed set w {.ctld} set ed(ok) 0 set ed(color) green set ed(width) 1 set ed(dash) 0 set ed(frame) $current(frame) set ed(original) 0 DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Contour Paste}] ed(ok) # Param set f [ttk::frame $w.param1] ttk::checkbutton $f.original -text [msgcat::mc {Use Original Color/Width}] \ -variable ed(original) grid $f.original -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w set f [ttk::frame $w.param2] ttk::label $f.colortitle -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ColorMenuButton $f.colorbutton ed color {} ttk::label $f.widthtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}] ttk::menubutton $f.widthbutton -textvariable ed(width) \ -menu $f.widthbutton.menu WidthDashMenu $f.widthbutton.menu ed width dash {} {} grid $f.colortitle $f.colorbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.widthtitle $f.widthbutton -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal ttk::separator $w.sep2 -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x pack $w.param1 $w.sep2 $w.param2 -side top -fill both -expand true DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { set ed(color) [string tolower $ed(color)] if {$ed(original)} { $current(frame) contour load "\{$fn\}" } else { $current(frame) contour load "\{$fn\}" \ $ed(color) $ed(width) $ed(dash) } UpdateContourDialog } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc Contour2Polygons {} { global current global contour if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) contour create polygon $current(frame) contour delete } } proc UpdateContourMenu {} { global contour global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateContourMenu" } if {($current(frame) == {})} { return } if {![$current(frame) has fits]} { return } set contour(view) [$current(frame) has contour] if {[$current(frame) has contour]} { set contour(color) [$current(frame) get contour color] set contour(width) [$current(frame) get contour width] set contour(dash) [$current(frame) get contour dash] set contour(method) [$current(frame) get contour method] set contour(smooth) [$current(frame) get contour smooth] set contour(numlevel) [$current(frame) get contour number level] } UpdateContourScale } proc UpdateContourScale {} { global contour global current global ds9 global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateContourScale" } if {$current(frame) == {}} { return } if {![$current(frame) has fits]} { return } if {[$current(frame) has contour]} { set contour(scale) [$current(frame) get contour colorscale] set contour(mode) [$current(frame) get contour clip mode] set contour(log) [$current(frame) get contour colorscale log] set limits [$current(frame) get contour clip] set contour(min) [lindex $limits 0] set contour(max) [lindex $limits 1] } else { if {!($ds9(init) && $contour(init,scale))} { set contour(scale) [$current(frame) get colorscale] set contour(log) [$current(frame) get colorscale log] } if {!($ds9(init) && $contour(init,mode))} { set contour(mode) [$current(frame) get clip mode] } if {!($ds9(init) && $contour(init,limits))} { set limits [$current(frame) get clip $contour(mode)] set contour(min) [lindex $limits 0] set contour(max) [lindex $limits 1] } } } proc UpdateContourDialog {} { global contour global icontour global dcontour global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateContourDialog" } if {![winfo exists $icontour(top)]} { return } if {$current(frame) == {}} { return } if {![$current(frame) has fits]} { return } if {[$current(frame) has contour]} { set levels [$current(frame) get contour level] regsub -all "\n" "$levels" " " levels set levels [join $levels "\n"] if {$levels != {}} { $dcontour(txt) delete 1.0 end $dcontour(txt) insert end $levels } else { ContourGenerateDialog } } else { ContourGenerateDialog } } proc ContourLogDialog {} { global contour EntryDialog [msgcat::mc {Scale}] [msgcat::mc {Log Exponent}] 10 contour(log) } proc ContourBackup {ch which fdir rdir} { switch [$which get type] { base - 3d {ContourBackupBase $ch $which $fdir $rdir} rgb {ContourBackupRGB $ch $which $fdir $rdir} } } proc ContourBackupBase {ch which fdir rdir} { if {[$which has contour]} { set color [$which get contour color] set width [$which get contour width] set dash [$which get contour dash] set method [$which get contour method] set numlevel [$which get contour number level] set smooth [$which get contour smooth] set scale [$which get contour colorscale] set log [$which get contour colorscale log] set mode [$which get contour clip mode] set limits [$which get contour clip] set levels [$which get contour level] puts $ch "$which contour create $color $width $dash $method $numlevel $smooth $scale $log $mode $limits \{\"$levels\"\}" } # delete old contours foreach ff [glob -directory $fdir -nocomplain "aux*.ctr"] { catch {file delete -force $ff} } if {[$which has contour aux]} { set fn $fdir/aux.ctr set rfn $rdir/aux.ctr $which contour save aux \"$fn\" physical fk5 puts $ch "$which contour load \{\"$rfn\"\}" } } proc ContourBackupRGB {ch which fdir rdir} { set sav [$which get rgb channel] foreach cc {red green blue} { $which rgb channel $cc puts $ch "$which rgb channel $cc" ContourBackupBase $ch $which $fdir $rdir } $which rgb channel $sav puts $ch "$which rgb channel $sav" } proc PrefsDialogContour {} { global dprefs set w $dprefs(tab) $dprefs(list) insert end [msgcat::mc {Contours}] lappend dprefs(tabs) [ttk::frame $w.contour] set f [ttk::labelframe $w.contour.param -text [msgcat::mc {Contours}]] ttk::label $f.mtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Method}] ttk::menubutton $f.method -textvariable pcontour(method) \ -menu $f.method.menu global pcontour ttk::label $f.ctitle -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ColorMenuButton $f.color pcontour color {} ttk::label $f.wtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}] ttk::menubutton $f.width -textvariable pcontour(width) -menu $f.width.menu WidthDashMenu $f.width.menu pcontour width dash {} {} grid $f.mtitle $f.method -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.ctitle $f.color -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.wtitle $f.width -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w set m $f.method.menu menu $m $m add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Block}] \ -variable pcontour(method) -value block $m add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Smooth}] \ -variable pcontour(method) -value smooth pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true } proc ProcessContourCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global contour global current # we need to be realized ProcessRealizeDS9 switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { open {ContourDialog} close {ContourDestroyDialog} clear {ContourOffDialog} load { incr i set fn [lindex $var $i] # backward compatibility incr i set sys [lindex $var $i] incr i set sky [lindex $var $i] incr i set color [lindex $var $i] incr i set width [lindex $var $i] incr i set dash [lindex $var $i] incr i [ProcessContourFix sys sky color width dash] if {$fn != {}} { if {[file extension $fn] == {.con}} { $current(frame) contour load $color $width $dash "\{$fn\}" $sys $sky } else { $current(frame) contour load "\{$fn\}" $color $width $dash } } FileLast contourlfbox $fn UpdateContourDialog } save { incr i set fn [lindex $var $i] incr i set sys [lindex $var $i] incr i set sky [lindex $var $i] # Backward compatibility incr i set color {} incr i set width {} incr i set dash {} incr i [ProcessContourFix sys sky color width dash] if {$fn != {}} { $current(frame) contour save "\{$fn\}" $sys $sky } FileLast contoursfbox $fn } convert {Contour2Polygons} loadlevels { ContourDialog incr i ContourLoadLevelsNow [lindex $var $i] ContourUpdate } savelevels { ContourDialog incr i ContourSaveLevelsNow [lindex $var $i] } copy {ContourCCopyDialog} paste { incr i set sys [lindex $var $i] incr i set sky [lindex $var $i] incr i # backward compatibility set color [lindex $var $i] incr i set width [lindex $var $i] incr i set dash [lindex $var $i] incr i [ProcessContourFix sys sky color width dash] if {$current(frame) != {} && $contour(copy) != {}} { set cc [$contour(copy) get contour $sys $sky] $current(frame) contour paste cc $color $width $dash } } color { ContourDialog incr i set contour(color) [lindex $var $i] ContourUpdate } width { ContourDialog incr i set contour(width) [lindex $var $i] ContourUpdate } dash { ContourDialog incr i set contour(dash) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] ContourUpdate } smooth { ContourDialog incr i set contour(smooth) [lindex $var $i] ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } method { ContourDialog incr i set contour(method) [lindex $var $i] ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } nlevels { ContourDialog incr i set contour(numlevel) [lindex $var $i] ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } scale { set contour(init,scale) 1 ContourDialog incr i set contour(scale) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } log { set contour(init,scale) 1 ContourDialog incr i switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { exp { incr i set contour(log) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] } default { incr i -1 set contour(log) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] } } ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } mode { set contour(init,mode) 1 ContourDialog incr i set contour(mode) [lindex $var $i] ContourModeDialog ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } limits { set contour(init,limits) 1 ContourDialog incr i set contour(min) [lindex $var $i] incr i set contour(max) [lindex $var $i] ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } levels { ContourDialog global dcontour $dcontour(txt) delete 1.0 end incr i $dcontour(txt) insert end [lindex $var $i] ContourUpdate } generate { ContourDialog ContourGenerateDialog ContourUpdate } yes - true - on - 1 - no - false - off - 0 { set contour(view) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] ContourUpdate } default { set contour(view) 1 ContourUpdate incr i -1 } } } proc ProcessContourFix {sysname skyname colorname widthname dashname} { upvar $sysname sys upvar $skyname sky upvar $colorname color upvar $widthname width upvar $dashname dash global current set rr 0 # sys switch -- $sys { image - physical - detector - amplifier - wcs - wcsa - wcsb - wcsc - wcsd - wcse - wcsf - wcsg - wcsh - wcsi - wcsj - wcsk - wcsl - wcsm - wcsn - wcso - wcsp - wcsq - wcsr - wcss - wcst - wcsu - wcsv - wcsw - wcsx - wcsy - wcsz {} default { set dash $width set width $color set color $sky set sky $sys if {[$current(frame) has wcs wcs]} { set sys wcs } else { set sys physical } incr rr -1 } } # sky switch -- $sky { fk4 - b1950 - fk5 - j2000 - icrs - galactic - ecliptic {} default { set dash $width set width $color set color $sky set sky fk5 incr rr -1 } } # color if {[string range $color 0 0] == {-} || $color == {}} { set color {} set width {} set dash {} return -3 } switch -- $color { white - black - red - green - blue - cyan - magenta - yellow {} default { if {[string range $color 0 0] != "#"} { set dash $width set width $color set color green incr rr -1 } } } # width if {![string is integer $width]} { set dash $width set width 1 incr rr -1 } # dash switch -- $dash { yes - no - on - off - true - false - 0 - 1 {set dash [FromYesNo $dash]} default { set dash 0 incr rr -1 } } return $rr } proc ProcessSendContourCmd {proc id param sock fn} { global contour switch -- [lindex $param 0] { {} {$proc $id [ToYesNo $contour(view)]} color {$proc $id "$contour(color)\n"} width {$proc $id "$contour(width)\n"} dash {$proc $id [ToYesNo $contour(dash)]} smooth {$proc $id "$contour(smooth)\n"} method {$proc $id "$contour(method)\n"} nlevels {$proc $id "$contour(numlevel)\n"} scale {$proc $id "$contour(scale)\n"} log - {log exp} {$proc $id "$contour(log)\n"} mode {$proc $id "$contour(mode)\n"} limits {$proc $id "$contour(min) $contour(max)\n"} levels { global dcontour ContourDialog $proc $id "[$dcontour(txt) get 1.0 end]" } default { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { ProcessSend $proc $id $sock $fn {.ctr} \ [$current(frame) get contour [lindex $param 0] [lindex $param 1]] } } } }