# Copyright (C) 1999-2018 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" proc DS9Def {} { global ds9 global pds9 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - aqua {set ds9(title) $ds9(app)} win32 {set ds9(title) [file rootname $ds9(app)]} } # for beta version, MUST have space set ds9(version) {8.1 b1} set ds9(top) . set ds9(mb) .mb set ds9(visual) {} set ds9(depth) 8 set ds9(FTY_MAXAXES) 10 set ds9(threads) [GetNumCores] set ds9(helvetica) [font configure TkDefaultFont -family] set ds9(courier) [font configure TkFixedFont -family] switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { set ds9(times) serif # These look better if normal weight font configure TkCaptionFont -weight normal font configure TkHeadingFont -weight normal } aqua {set ds9(times) times} win32 {set ds9(times) times} } set ds9(main) {} set ds9(image) {} set ds9(canvas) {} set ds9(panel) {} set ds9(info) {} set ds9(panner) {} set ds9(magnifier) {} set ds9(buttons) {} set ds9(graph,sp) {} set ds9(graph,horz) {} set ds9(graph,vert) {} set ds9(frames) {} set ds9(active) {} set ds9(active,num) 0 set ds9(lock) 0 set ds9(next) {} set ds9(next,num) 1 set ds9(last) {} set ds9(event,opendoc) {} set ds9(event,printdoc) {} set ds9(tmpdir) {} switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 {set ds9(menu,start) 1} aqua {set ds9(menu,start) 0} } set ds9(menu,size,frame,goto) [expr $ds9(menu,start)+0] set ds9(menu,size,frame,active) [expr $ds9(menu,start)+3] set ds9(menu,size,analysis) [expr $ds9(menu,start)+35] set ds9(menu,size,wrap) 20 set ds9(display) single set ds9(bg) white set ds9(array,x) 512 set ds9(array,y) 512 set ds9(array,bitpix) -32 set ds9(array,skip) 0 set ds9(array,arch) bigendian set ds9(row) -1 set ds9(freeze) 0 set ds9(b1) 0 set ds9(b2) 0 set ds9(b3) 0 set ds9(sb1) 0 set ds9(sb2) 0 set ds9(sb3) 0 set ds9(cb1) 0 set ds9(cb2) 0 set ds9(cb3) 0 set ds9(csb1) 0 set ds9(csb2) 0 set ds9(csb3) 0 set ds9(modifier) 0 set ds9(ext,file) ".$ds9(app).fil" set ds9(ext,alt) ".$ds9(app).file" set ds9(msg) {} set ds9(msg,level) info set ds9(msg,src) {} set ds9(msg,timeout) 1000 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 { set ds9(ctrl) "Control-" set ds9(shiftctrl) "Shift-Control-" } aqua { set ds9(ctrl) "Command-" set ds9(shiftctrl) "Shift-Command-" } } # prefs only InitDefaultFont InitDefaultTextFont set pds9(backup) 1 set pds9(automarker) 1 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - aqua {set pds9(xpa) 1} win32 {set pds9(xpa) 0} } set pds9(prec,linear) 8 set pds9(prec,deg) 7 set pds9(prec,hms) 4 set pds9(prec,dms) 3 set pds9(prec,len,linear) 8 set pds9(prec,len,deg) 7 set pds9(prec,len,arcmin) 5 set pds9(prec,len,arcsec) 3 set pds9(prec,angle) 8 set pds9(bg) white set pds9(nan) white set pds9(samp) 1 set pds9(confirm) 1 set pds9(iraf) 1 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 {set pds9(dialog) motif} aqua - win32 {set pds9(dialog) native} } set pds9(dialog,center) 0 set pds9(dialog,all) 0 set pds9(language) locale set pds9(language,name) [LanguageToName $pds9(language)] set pds9(language,dir) {} } # if we have a problem at this point, dump simple message and exit if {[catch {tk windowingsystem} ds9(wm)]} { puts stderr "Unable to initialize window system." exit } # who are we? set ds9(app) [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] # Themes are now hardcoded switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { # set bg for non ttk widgets set bg [ttk::style lookup "." -background] # standard widgets option add {*Text.Background} $bg option add {*Listbox.Background} $bg option add {*PlotBackground} $bg # ttk widgets ttk::style configure TLabel -borderwidth 2 -padding 1 ttk::style configure TEntry -fieldbackground $bg -padding 1 } aqua { # set bg for non ttk widgets set bg [ttk::style lookup "." -background] # standard widgets option add {*PlotBackground} $bg } win32 {ttk::style theme use xpnative} } switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { # set to absolute path so that if -cd command is used, # so we can still find our files set ds9(root) [file normalize [file join [pwd] zvfsmntpt]] if {![namespace exists msgcat]} { source $ds9(root)/tcl8/8.5/msgcat-1.5.2.tm } if {![namespace exists http]} { source $ds9(root)/tcl8/8.6/http-2.9.0.tm source $ds9(root)/library/htp.tcl } source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/tearoff.tcl source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/comdlg.tcl source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/focus.tcl source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/mkpsenc.tcl source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/msgbox.tcl source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/optMenu.tcl source $ds9(root)/tk8.6/unsupported.tcl source $ds9(root)/base64/base64.tcl source $ds9(root)/log/log.tcl source $ds9(root)/ftp/ftp.tcl source $ds9(root)/textutil/repeat.tcl source $ds9(root)/textutil/tabify.tcl source $ds9(root)/math/fuzzy.tcl source $ds9(root)/tkcon/tkcon.tcl source $ds9(root)/tkblt/graph.tcl source $ds9(root)/tls/tls.tcl source $ds9(root)/library/source.tcl # fix ::tk and msgcat rename ::tk::msgcat::mc {} rename ::tk::msgcat::mcmax {} namespace import ::msgcat::mc namespace import ::msgcat::mcmax ::msgcat::mcload [file join $::tk_library msgs] # fix ::tk::dialog::file set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar 0 set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn 1 } aqua { # set to absolute path set ds9(root) [file normalize [file dirname [file dirname $argv0]]] set bb [file dirname [file dirname $ds9(root)]] set auto_path [list $ds9(root) $bb/Tcl.framework/Resources $bb/Tcl.framework/Resources/Scripts $bb/Tk.framework/Resources $bb/Tk.framework/Resources/Scripts $bb/Tk.framework/Resources/Scripts/ttk] package require msgcat package require http source $ds9(root)/library/htp.tcl package require base64 package require log package require ftp package require textutil package require math package require tkcon # these are scripts only package require Tkblt package require Tls package require xmlrpc package require DS9 source $ds9(root)/library/xmfbox.tcl source $ds9(root)/library/tkfbox.tcl proc ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences {} { PrefsDialog } proc ::tk::mac::ReopenApplication {} { if {[wm state .] eq "withdrawn"} { wm state . normal } else { wm deiconify . } raise . } proc ::tk::mac::OpenDocument {args} { global ds9 set ds9(event,opendoc) $args if {!$ds9(init)} { MacOSXOpenDocEvent 1 } } proc ::tk::mac::PrintDocument {args} { global ds9 set ds9(event,printdoc) $args if {!$ds9(init)} { MacOSXPrintDocEvent 0 } } proc ::tk::mac::Quit {args} { QuitDS9 } proc ::tk::mac::ShowHelp {args} { HelpRef } } win32 { set ds9(root) [file dirname [file dirname $argv0]] set auto_path [list $ds9(root) $ds9(root)/tcl8.6 $ds9(root)/tk8.6 $ds9(root)/tk8.6/ttk] package require msgcat package require http source $ds9(root)/library/htp.tcl package require base64 package require log package require ftp package require textutil package require math package require tkcon # these are scripts only package require Tkblt package require Tls package require xmlrpc package require DS9 source $ds9(root)/library/xmfbox.tcl source $ds9(root)/library/tkfbox.tcl } } # Define Variables DS9Def 2MASSDef 3DDef AnalysisDef BinDef BlinkDef BlockDef ButtonsDef CanvasDef CATDef CATSymDef CATCDSSrchDef CentroidDef ColorbarDef ContourDef CoordDef CrosshairDef CubeDef CurrentDef CursorDef DebugDef ESODef ExamineDef ExportDef GraphDef GridDef GroupDef HelpDef HTTPDef HVDef IExamDef IISDef MagnifierDef MarkerDef MaskDef MinMaxDef MovieDef NRESDef NVSSDef PannerDef PanZoomDef CropDef PixelDef PlotDef PrefsDef PSDef RGBDef SAMPDef SAODef SaveDef SaveImageDef ScaleDef SIADef SimpleTextDef SkyViewDef SmoothDef STSCIDef TemplateDef TileDef ViewDef VLADef VLSSDef VODef WCSDef ZScaleDef # let's start set ds9(init) 1 # set up signal trap # not supported under windows switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix {signal add SIGINT QuitDS9} windows {} } # environment vars # we don't want to see any error messages if xpa is not available if { [info exists env(XPA_VERBOSITY)] == 0 } { set env(XPA_VERBOSITY) 0 } # lower XPA connection timeout set env(XPA_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) 3 # set filter ptype to contained (default is process) set env(FILTER_PTYPE) c # set filter error proc so it will not kill ds9 set env(GERROR) 0 # Events event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}o> event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}s> event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}P> event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}p> event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}a> event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}f> event add <> <${ds9(ctrl)}g> # Init Temporary Dir before prefs InitTempDir # Init the filter compiler InitFilterCompiler # Load any preferences here, before we do any real work LoadPrefs # set fonts SetDefaultFont false SetDefaultTextFont false switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 {} aqua { ::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $ds9(top) document "closeBox fullZoom collapseBox resizable" # we need to map the top window so we can get the proper truecolor masks update idletasks } } # We want to withdraw the window til everything is ready to go wm withdraw $ds9(top) wm title $ds9(top) "SAOImage $ds9(title)" wm iconname $ds9(top) "SAOImage $ds9(title)" wm protocol $ds9(top) WM_DELETE_WINDOW QuitDS9 # we need to set certain variables before anything else # such as color, title, language ProcessCommandLineFirst # initialize language switch $pds9(language) { locale { switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { foreach ee {LC_MESSAGES LC_ALL LANG} { if {[info exists env($ee)]} { set ll [string tolower [string range $env($ee) 0 1]] if {[SetLanguage $ll]} { break } } } } aqua { foreach ll [MacOSXGetLocale] { if {[SetLanguage $ll]} { break } } } win32 {} } } default {SetLanguage $pds9(language)} } # set the visual set ds9(visual) [winfo visual .] set ds9(depth) [winfo depth .] switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { if {$ds9(depth)==15} { set ds9(depth) 16 } if {$ds9(depth)==32} { set ds9(depth) 24 } } aqua { if {$ds9(depth)==15} { set ds9(depth) 16 } } win32 { if {$ds9(depth)==32} { set ds9(depth) 24 } } } switch -- $ds9(visual)$ds9(depth) { truecolor8 {} truecolor16 {} truecolor24 {} default {BadVisualError} } # create our main frame set ds9(main) [ttk::frame ${ds9(top)}ds9] pack $ds9(main) -fill both -expand true # Create image canvas CreateCanvas # Create Colorbar-- Create this first, so in case of a private colormap, # gui colors will be allocated in the new colormap, not the default colormap CreateColorbar # Create other parts of the display CreateMenuBar CreateInfoPanel CreatePanner CreateMagnifier CreateButtons CreateGraphs # Make sure that the wm knows when to swap in the colormap (if needed) wm colormapwindows . "$ds9(main) $ds9(canvas)" # Initialize the display InitColorbar InitPanner InitDialogBox # Set our current state of things ChangeMode # force a update, then layout update ConfigureView # our first frame CreateFrame # do this last so we don't get an ConfigureView event InitCanvas # ok, ready to show the window wm deiconify $ds9(top) update # Init external File Formats # we want this before processing the command line InitExternalFile # Init analysis file formats InitAnalysisFile # Configure HTTP ConfigHTTP # SAMP InitSAMP # XPA if {$pds9(xpa)} { InitXPA } # and process any command line items # we want to see something before any fits files are loaded ProcessCommandLine # Initialize IIS # after command line options to set port/fifo/unix... catch {IISInit} # any os events received? switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 {} aqua { MacOSXOpenDocEvent 0 MacOSXPrintDocEvent 1 } } # Load any initalization tcl code SourceInitFileDir {.ini} # do we have the correct prefs file? CheckPrefs # kludge for aqua. We need to trigger the trap to update buttons vars switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 {} aqua { set current(display) $current(display) set colorbar(map) $colorbar(map) } } # start error monitor after $ds9(msg,timeout) [list ErrorTimer] # ok, we're done set ds9(init) 0 # major kludge- jump start keyevents for windows switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - aqua {} win32 {event generate $ds9(canvas) -x 0 -y 0} }