# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 # Public Procedures proc CreateFrame {} { CreateNamedFrame base } proc CreateRGBFrame {} { CreateNamedFrame rgb RGBDialog } proc Create3DFrame {} { CreateNamedFrame 3d 3DDialog } proc CreateNamedFrame {type} { global ds9 # find the first open slot set num $ds9(next,num) while {1} { set which "Frame$num" if {[lsearch $ds9(frames) $which]==-1} { CreateNameNumberFrame $which $type set ds9(next,num) [expr $num+1] return } incr num } } proc CreateGotoFrame {num type} { global ds9 global active set which "Frame$num" if {[lsearch $ds9(frames) $which]==-1} { CreateNameNumberFrame $which $type set ds9(next,num) [expr $num+1] } else { if {$active($which)==0} { set active($which) 1 UpdateActiveFrames } set ds9(next) $which GotoFrame } } # used by backup proc CreateNameNumberFrame {which type} { global ds9 global pds9 global active global current global ipanner global ppanner global imagnifier global pmagnifier global bin global wcs global rgb global colorbar global scale global minmax global zscale global marker global pmarker global centroid global panzoom global block global smooth global pthreed global threed global cube set ds9(next) $which # update frame lists lappend ds9(frames) $ds9(next) lappend ds9(active) $ds9(next) set ds9(active,num) [llength $ds9(active)] set active($ds9(next)) 1 # and create the frame switch -- $type { base { $ds9(canvas) create frame$ds9(visual)$ds9(depth) \ -command $ds9(next) $ds9(next) colormap [colorbar get colormap] } rgb { $ds9(canvas) create framergb$ds9(visual)$ds9(depth) \ -command $ds9(next) $ds9(next) colormap [colorbarrgb get colormap] } 3d { $ds9(canvas) create frame3d$ds9(visual)$ds9(depth) \ -command $ds9(next) $ds9(next) colormap [colorbar get colormap] } } $ds9(next) configure -x 0 -y 0 \ -anchor nw \ -tag $ds9(next) \ -helvetica $ds9(helvetica) \ -courier $ds9(courier) \ -times $ds9(times) $ds9(next) threads $ds9(threads) $ds9(next) panner 'panner' $ipanner(size) $ipanner(size) $ds9(next) magnifier 'magnifier' $imagnifier(size) $imagnifier(size) $ds9(next) magnifier zoom $pmagnifier(zoom) $ds9(next) magnifier graphics $pmagnifier(region) $ds9(next) magnifier cursor $pmagnifier(cursor) $ds9(next) zoom to $current(zoom) $ds9(next) rotate to $current(rotate) $ds9(next) orient $current(orient) $ds9(next) wcs align $current(align) $ds9(next) pan preserve $panzoom(preserve) # set so prefs (pwcs) will work # may cause other problems, but can't remember why $ds9(next) wcs $wcs(system) $wcs(sky) $wcs(skyformat) $ds9(next) datasec $scale(datasec) $ds9(next) bg color $pds9(bg) $ds9(next) nan color $pds9(nan) $ds9(next) iraf align $pds9(iraf) $ds9(next) marker epsilon $pmarker(epsilon) $ds9(next) marker show $marker(show) $ds9(next) marker show text $marker(show,text) $ds9(next) marker centroid auto $marker(centroid,auto) $ds9(next) marker centroid radius $marker(centroid,radius) $ds9(next) marker centroid iteration $marker(centroid,iteration) $ds9(next) marker preserve $marker(preserve) # Frame type items switch -- [$ds9(next) get type] { base {} rgb {$ds9(next) rgb system $rgb(system)} 3d { $ds9(next) 3d method $pthreed(method) $ds9(next) 3d background $pthreed(background) $ds9(next) 3d border $pthreed(border) $ds9(next) 3d border color $pthreed(border,color) $ds9(next) 3d compass $pthreed(compass) $ds9(next) 3d compass color $pthreed(compass,color) $ds9(next) 3d highlite $pthreed(highlite) $ds9(next) 3d highlite color $pthreed(highlite,color) } } # channel dependent items switch -- [$ds9(next) get type] { base - 3d { $ds9(next) colorscale $scale(type) $ds9(next) colorscale log $scale(log) $ds9(next) clip scope $scale(scope) $ds9(next) clip mode $scale(mode) $ds9(next) clip minmax $minmax(sample) $minmax(mode) $ds9(next) clip user $scale(min) $scale(max) $ds9(next) clip zscale \ $zscale(contrast) $zscale(sample) $zscale(line) $ds9(next) datasec $scale(datasec) $ds9(next) bin function $bin(function) $ds9(next) bin factor to $bin(factor) $ds9(next) bin depth $bin(depth) $ds9(next) bin buffer size $bin(buffersize) $ds9(next) block to $block(factor) $ds9(next) cube axes $cube(axes) if {$smooth(view)} { $ds9(next) smooth $smooth(function) $smooth(kernel) $smooth(radius) } } rgb { foreach c {red green blue} { $ds9(next) rgb channel $c $ds9(next) colorscale $scale(type) $ds9(next) colorscale log $scale(log) $ds9(next) clip scope $scale(scope) $ds9(next) clip mode $scale(mode) $ds9(next) clip minmax $minmax(sample) $minmax(mode) $ds9(next) clip user $scale(min) $scale(max) $ds9(next) clip zscale \ $zscale(contrast) $zscale(sample) $zscale(line) $ds9(next) datasec $scale(datasec) $ds9(next) bin function $bin(function) $ds9(next) bin factor to $bin(factor) $ds9(next) bin depth $bin(depth) $ds9(next) bin buffer size $bin(buffersize) $ds9(next) block to $block(factor) $ds9(next) cube axes $cube(axes) if {$smooth(view)} { $ds9(next) smooth $smooth(function) $smooth(kernel) $smooth(radius) } } $ds9(next) rgb channel red } } switch $current(mode) { crosshair - analysis { $ds9(next) crosshair on } } UpdateFrameMenuItems if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) colorbar tag "\{[$current(colorbar) get tag]\}" } set current(frame) $ds9(next) set ds9(next) {} DisplayMode } proc DeleteAllFramesMenu {} { global pds9 if {$pds9(confirm)} { if {[tk_messageBox -type okcancel -icon question -message [msgcat::mc {Delete All Frames?}]] != {ok}} { return } } DeleteAllFrames } proc DeleteCurrentFrame {} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { DeleteSingleFrame $current(frame) } } proc DeleteAllFrames {} { global ds9 foreach ff $ds9(frames) { DeleteFrame $ff } set ds9(next,num) 1 UpdateFrameMenuItems UpdateActiveFrames ClearInfoBox PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData } proc DeleteSingleFrame {which} { DeleteFrame $which UpdateFrameMenuItems UpdateActiveFrames PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData } proc DeleteFrame {which} { global ds9 global active global current global contour global marker # clear any loaded images ClearFrame $which # contour copy if {$contour(copy) == $which} { set contour(copy) {} } # marker copy if {$marker(copy) == $which} { set marker(copy) {} } # delete canvas widget $ds9(canvas) delete $which # setup for next frame set ii [lsearch $ds9(active) $which] if {$ii>0} { set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) [expr $ii-1]] set ds9(active) [lreplace $ds9(active) $ii $ii] set ds9(active,num) [llength $ds9(active)] unset active($which) } else { set ds9(next) {} } # delete it from the frame list set ii [lsearch $ds9(frames) $which] set ds9(frames) [lreplace $ds9(frames) $ii $ii] } proc UpdateCurrentFrame {} { global current UpdateFrame $current(frame) } proc UpdateAllFrame {} { global ds9 foreach f $ds9(frames) { UpdateFrame $f } } proc UpdateFrame {which} { if {$which != {}} { $which update } } # Event Processing proc BindEventsFrame {which} { global ds9 global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "BindEventsFrame $which" } $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list MotionFrame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ShiftMotionFrame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ControlMotionFrame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list EnterFrame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list LeaveFrame $which] $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list Button1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ShiftButton1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ControlButton1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ControlShiftButton1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list Motion1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Release1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list Double1Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list DoubleRelease1Frame $which %x %y] switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 { $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Button2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ShiftButton2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Motion2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Release2Frame $which %x %y] } aqua { # swap button-2 and button-3 on the mighty mouse $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Button2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list ShiftButton2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Motion2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Release2Frame $which %x %y] # x11 option key emulation $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Button2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Motion2Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Release2Frame $which %x %y] # x11 command key emulation # we need this to eat the Button-1 events # so it passes to the canvas $ds9(canvas) bind $which {set foo bar} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {set foo bar} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {set foo bar} } } switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Button4Frame $which %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list Button5Frame $which %x %y] } aqua - win32 {} } BindEventsFrameKey $which } proc BindEventsFrameKey {which} { global ds9 global ianalysis global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "BindEventsFrameKey $which" } $ds9(canvas) bind $which [list KeyFrame $which %K %A %x %y] $ds9(canvas) bind $which \ [list KeyReleaseFrame $which %K %A %x %y] for {set i 0} {$i<$ianalysis(bind,count)} {incr i} { $ds9(canvas) bind $which "$ianalysis(bind,$i,item)" \ [list AnalysisTask $i bind $which %x %y] } } proc UnBindEventsFrame {which} { global ds9 global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "UnBindEventsFrame $which" } $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 { $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} } aqua { $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} } } switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} } aqua - win32 {} } UnBindEventsFrameKey $which } proc UnBindEventsFrameKey {which} { global ds9 global ianalysis global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "UnBindEventsFrameKey $which" } $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} $ds9(canvas) bind $which {} for {set i 0} {$i<$ianalysis(bind,count)} {incr i} { $ds9(canvas) bind $which "$ianalysis(bind,$i,item)" {} } } proc EnterFrame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global view global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "EnterFrame $which" } # check to see if this event was generated while processing other events if {$ds9(b1) || $ds9(sb1) || $ds9(cb1) || $ds9(csb1) || $ds9(b2) || $ds9(b3)} { return } $ds9(canvas) focus $which switch -- $current(mode) { crosshair - analysis { set coord [$which get crosshair canvas] set x [lindex $coord 0] set y [lindex $coord 1] } none - pointer - region - catalog - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - colorbar - examine - iexam {} } EnterInfoBox $which UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphLayout $which UpdateGraphAxis $which UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y if {$view(magnifier)} { # don't turn on the magnifier until we've finished the init process # this a real problem with 3d frames if {!$ds9(init)} { $which magnifier on } } UpdateEditMenu } proc LeaveFrame {which} { global ds9 global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "LeaveFrame $which" } # check to see if this event was generated while processing other events if {$ds9(b1) || $ds9(sb1) || $ds9(cb1) || $ds9(csb1) || $ds9(b2) || $ds9(b3)} { return } $ds9(canvas) focus {} switch -- $current(mode) { crosshair - analysis {} none - pointer - region - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - catalog - examine - iexam { LeaveInfoBox PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData } } $which magnifier off magnifier clear } proc MotionFrame {which x y} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "MotionFrame $which" } DoMotion $which $x $y sizing fleur } proc ShiftMotionFrame {which x y} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "ShiftMotionFrame $which" } DoMotion $which $x $y exchange fleur } proc ControlMotionFrame {which x y} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "ControlMotionFrame $which" } DoMotion $which $x $y sizing draped_box } proc DoMotion {which x y cursor1 cursor2} { global ds9 global current # if button 3 is down, ignore this event, we are doing something already if {$ds9(b3) || $ds9(b2)} { return } switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region - catalog - analysis { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerCursor $which $x $y $cursor1 $cursor2 } UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas } none - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - examine - iexam { UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas } crosshair {} } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } proc Button1Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global imarker global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Button1Frame $which" } # let others know that the mouse is down set ds9(b1) 1 switch -- $current(mode) { none { if {$which == $current(frame)} { } else { # we need this cause MarkerMotion maybe called, # and we don't want it set imarker(motion) none set imarker(handle) -1 set ds9(next) $which GotoFrame } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } pointer - region { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerButton $which $x $y } else { # we need this cause MarkerMotion maybe called, # and we don't want it set imarker(motion) none set imarker(handle) -1 set ds9(next) $which GotoFrame } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } crosshair { CrosshairButton $which $x $y UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphLayout $which UpdateGraphAxis $which UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } colorbar { ColorbarButton3 $x $y } pan { PanButton $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } zoom { ZoomButton $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } rotate {RotateButton $which $x $y} crop { CropButton $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } catalog { if {$which == $current(frame)} { CATButton $which $x $y } else { # we need this cause MarkerMotion maybe called, # and we don't want it set imarker(motion) none set imarker(handle) -1 set ds9(next) $which GotoFrame } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } analysis { IMEButton $which $x $y UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphLayout $which UpdateGraphAxis $which UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } examine {ExamineButton $which $x $y} iexam {IExamButton $which $x $y} } } proc ShiftButton1Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "ShiftButton1Frame $which" } # let others know that the mouse is down set ds9(sb1) 1 switch -- $current(mode) { none {} pointer - region { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerShift $which $x $y } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } crosshair {} colorbar {} pan {} zoom {ZoomShift $which} rotate - crop { Crop3dButton $which $x $y 0 UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } catalog { if {$which == $current(frame)} { CATShift $which $x $y } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } analysis { IMEShift $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } examine - iexam {} } } proc ControlButton1Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global imarker global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "ControlButton1Frame $which" } # let others know that the mouse is down set ds9(cb1) 1 switch -- $current(mode) { none {} pointer - region - catalog { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerControl $which $x $y } else { # we need this cause MarkerMotion maybe called, # and we don't want it set imarker(motion) none set imarker(handle) -1 } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } crosshair - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate {} crop { Crop3dButton $which $x $y 1 UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } analysis {} examine - iexam {} } } proc ControlShiftButton1Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global imarker global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "ControlShiftButton1Frame $which" } # let others know that the mouse is down set ds9(csb1) 1 switch -- $current(mode) { none {} pointer - region - catalog { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerControlShift $which $x $y } else { # we need this cause MarkerMotion maybe called, # and we don't want it set imarker(motion) none set imarker(handle) -1 } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } crosshair - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - analysis {} examine - iexam {} } } proc Motion1Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Motion1Frame $which $x $y $ds9(b1) $ds9(sb1) $ds9(cb1)" } # abort if we are here by accident (such as a double click) if {($ds9(b1) == 0) && ($ds9(sb1) == 0) && ($ds9(cb1) == 0) && ($ds9(csb1) == 0)} { return } switch -- $current(mode) { none {UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y} pointer - region { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerMotion $which $x $y } UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } crosshair { if {$ds9(b1)} { CrosshairButton $which $x $y UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } } colorbar { if {$ds9(b1)} { ColorbarMotion3 $x $y } } pan { if {$ds9(b1)} { PanMotion $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } } zoom {UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y} rotate { if {$ds9(b1)} { RotateMotion $which $x $y } } crop { if {$ds9(b1)} { CropMotion $which $x $y } if {$ds9(sb1)} { Crop3dMotion $which $x $y 0 } if {$ds9(cb1)} { Crop3dMotion $which $x $y 1 } UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } catalog { if {$which == $current(frame)} { CATMotion $which $x $y } UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } analysis { IMEMotion $which $x $y UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } examine - iexam {} } } proc Release1Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Release1Frame $which" } # abort if we are here by accident (such as a double click) if {($ds9(b1) == 0) && ($ds9(sb1) == 0) && ($ds9(cb1) == 0) && ($ds9(csb1) == 0)} { return } switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerRelease $which $x $y } } crosshair { if {$ds9(b1)} { CrosshairButton $which $x $y UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $which $x $y canvas UpdateInfoBox $which $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $which $x $y canvas UpdateGraphData $which $x $y canvas } } colorbar { if {$ds9(b1)} { ColorbarRelease3 $x $y } } pan { if {$ds9(b1)} { PanRelease $which $x $y } } zoom {} rotate { if {$ds9(b1)} { RotateRelease $which $x $y } } crop { if {$ds9(b1)} { CropRelease $which $x $y } if {$ds9(sb1)} { Crop3dRelease $which $x $y 0 } if {$ds9(cb1)} { Crop3dRelease $which $x $y 1 } } catalog { if {$which == $current(frame)} { CATRelease $which $x $y } } none {} analysis { IMERelease $which $x $y } examine - iexam {} } # let others know that the mouse is up set ds9(b1) 0 set ds9(sb1) 0 set ds9(cb1) 0 set ds9(csb1) 0 UpdateEditMenu UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } proc Double1Frame {which x y} { global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Double1Frame $which" } switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region { if {$which == $current(frame)} { MarkerDouble $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } } none - crosshair - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - catalog {} analysis { IMEDouble $which $x $y UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } examine - iexam {} } } proc DoubleRelease1Frame {which x y} { global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "DoubleRelease1Frame $which" } switch -- $current(mode) { none - pointer - region - crosshair - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - catalog - analysis - examine - iexam {} } UpdateEditMenu UpdateMagnifier $which $x $y } proc Button2Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Button2Frame" } set ds9(b2) 1 PanButton $which $x $y } proc ShiftButton2Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "ShiftButton2Frame $which" } set ds9(sb2) 1 } proc Motion2Frame {which x y} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Motion2Frame $which" } PanMotion $which $x $y } proc Release2Frame {which x y} { global ds9 global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Release2Frame $which" } PanRelease $which $x $y # let others know that the mouse is up set ds9(b2) 0 set ds9(sb2) 0 } proc Button4Frame {which x y} { global ppanzoom global pbin global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Button4Frame $which $x $y" } if {[$which has fits bin]} { if {$pbin(wheel)} { set zz $pbin(wheel,factor) BinFrame $which $zz $zz return } } if {$ppanzoom(wheel)} { set zz [expr 1./$ppanzoom(wheel,factor)] ZoomFrame $which $zz $zz } } proc Button5Frame {which x y} { global ppanzoom global pbin global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "Button5Frame $which $x $y" } if {[$which has fits bin]} { if {$pbin(wheel)} { set zz [expr 1./$pbin(wheel,factor)] BinFrame $which $zz $zz return } } if {$ppanzoom(wheel)} { set zz $ppanzoom(wheel,factor) ZoomFrame $which $zz $zz } } # used by aqua and win32 proc MouseWheelFrame {X Y dd} { global ds9 global view global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "MouseWheel $X $Y $dd" } # macosx returns main window coords in X,Y switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 {} aqua { switch $view(layout) { horizontal { set aa [winfo height $ds9(main)] set bb [winfo height $ds9(image)] set Y [expr $Y-$aa+$bb] } vertical { set aa [winfo width $ds9(main)] set bb [winfo width $ds9(image)] set X [expr $X-$aa+$bb] } } } } set id [$ds9(canvas) find closest $X $Y] set which [lindex [$ds9(canvas) gettags $id] 0] if {[string equal -length 5 {Frame} $which]} { set orig [$ds9(canvas) coords $which] set x [expr $X-int([lindex $orig 0])] set y [expr $Y-int([lindex $orig 1])] if {$dd>0} { Button5Frame $which $x $y } else { Button4Frame $which $x $y } } } proc KeyFrame {which K A xx yy} { global ds9 global current # MacOSX and Ubuntu returns bogus values in xx,yy # calculate our own values set xx [expr {[winfo pointerx $ds9(canvas)] - [winfo rootx $ds9(canvas)]}] set yy [expr {[winfo pointery $ds9(canvas)] - [winfo rooty $ds9(canvas)]}] global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "KeyFrame $which $K $A $xx $yy" } if {$K == {Control_R} || $K == {Control_L} || $K == {Meta_R} || $K == {Meta_L} || $K == {Alt_R} || $K == {Alt_L} || $K == {Super_R} || $K == {Super_L} || $K == {??}} { set ds9(modifier) 1 return } # modal bindings switch -- $current(mode) { none { switch -- $K { c { if {!$ds9(modifier)} { DisplayCoordDialog $which $xx $yy } } plus {CubeNext} minus {CubePrev} Up - k {$which warp 0 -1} Down - j {$which warp 0 1} Left - h {$which warp -1 0} Right - l {$which warp 1 0} } } pointer - region { switch -- $K { c { if {!$ds9(modifier)} { DisplayCoordDialog $which $xx $yy } } plus {CubeNext} minus {CubePrev} Delete - BackSpace {MarkerDeleteKey $which $xx $yy} Up - k {MarkerArrowKey $which 0 -1} Down - j {MarkerArrowKey $which 0 1} Left - h {MarkerArrowKey $which -1 0} Right - l {MarkerArrowKey $which 1 0} i {$which marker property include 1 $xx $yy} e {$which marker property include 0 $xx $yy} s {$which marker property source 1 $xx $yy} b {$which marker property source 0 $xx $yy} g {GroupCreate} G {GroupCreateSilent} } } crosshair { switch -- $K { c { if {!$ds9(modifier)} { DisplayCoordDialog $which $xx $yy } } plus {CubeNext} minus {CubePrev} Up - k {CrosshairArrowKey $which 0 -1} Down - j {CrosshairArrowKey $which 0 1} Left - h {CrosshairArrowKey $which -1 0} Right - l {CrosshairArrowKey $which 1 0} } } pan { switch -- $K { Up - k {Pan 0 1 canvas} Down - j {Pan 0 -1 canvas} Left - h {Pan 1 0 canvas} Right - l {Pan -1 0 canvas} } UpdateMagnifier $which $xx $yy } catalog { switch -- $K { Up - k {MarkerArrowKey $which 0 -1} Down - j {MarkerArrowKey $which 0 1} Left - h {MarkerArrowKey $which -1 0} Right - l {MarkerArrowKey $which 1 0} } CATKey $which $K } analysis { switch -- $K { plus {CubeNext} minus {CubePrev} Up {IMEArrowKey $which 0 -1} Down {IMEArrowKey $which 0 1} Left {IMEArrowKey $which -1 0} Right {IMEArrowKey $which 1 0} default {IMEKey $which $K $xx $yy} } } iexam {IExamKey $which $K $xx $yy} colorbar - zoom - rotate - crop - examine {} } UpdateEditMenu } proc KeyReleaseFrame {which K A xx yy} { global ds9 # MacOSX and Ubuntu returns bogus values in xx,yy # calculate our own values set xx [expr {[winfo pointerx $ds9(canvas)] - [winfo rootx $ds9(canvas)]}] set yy [expr {[winfo pointery $ds9(canvas)] - [winfo rooty $ds9(canvas)]}] global debug if {$debug(tcl,events)} { puts stderr "KeyReleaseFrame $which $K $A $xx $yy" } if {$K == {Control_R} || $K == {Control_L} || $K == {Meta_R} || $K == {Meta_L} || $K == {Alt_R} || $K == {Alt_L} || $K == {Super_R} || $K == {Super_L}} { set ds9(modifier) 0 } } # Other Public Routines proc CopyFrame {} { global current switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region {MarkerCopy} } } proc CutFrame {} { global current switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region {MarkerCut} } } proc PasteFrame {} { global current switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region {MarkerPaste} } } proc UndoFrame {} { global current switch -- $current(mode) { pointer - region {MarkerUndo} } } proc FirstFrame {} { global ds9 set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) 0] GotoFrame } proc PrevFrame {} { global ds9 global current set ii [lsearch $ds9(active) $current(frame)] if {$ii>0} { set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) [expr $ii-1]] } else { set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) [expr $ds9(active,num)-1]] } GotoFrame } proc NextFrame {} { global ds9 global current set ii [lsearch $ds9(active) $current(frame)] if {$ii < [expr $ds9(active,num)-1]} { set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) [expr $ii+1]] } else { set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) 0] } GotoFrame } proc LastFrame {} { global ds9 set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) [expr $ds9(active,num)-1]] GotoFrame } proc MoveFirstFrame {} { global ds9 global current set i [lsearch $ds9(frames) $current(frame)] set ds9(frames) [lreplace $ds9(frames) $i $i] set ds9(frames) [linsert $ds9(frames) 0 $current(frame)] UpdateFrameMenuItems UpdateActiveFrames } proc MovePrevFrame {} { global ds9 global current set i [lsearch $ds9(frames) $current(frame)] set ds9(frames) [lreplace $ds9(frames) $i $i] if {$i>0} { set ds9(frames) [linsert $ds9(frames) [expr $i-1] $current(frame)] } else { set ds9(frames) [linsert $ds9(frames) end $current(frame)] } UpdateFrameMenuItems UpdateActiveFrames } proc MoveNextFrame {} { global ds9 global current set i [lsearch $ds9(frames) $current(frame)] set ds9(frames) [lreplace $ds9(frames) $i $i] set last [llength $ds9(frames)] if {$i<$last} { set ds9(frames) [linsert $ds9(frames) [expr $i+1] $current(frame)] } else { set ds9(frames) [linsert $ds9(frames) 0 $current(frame)] } UpdateFrameMenuItems UpdateActiveFrames } proc MoveLastFrame {} { global ds9 global current set i [lsearch $ds9(frames) $current(frame)] set ds9(frames) [lreplace $ds9(frames) $i $i] set ds9(frames) [linsert $ds9(frames) end $current(frame)] UpdateFrameMenuItems UpdateActiveFrames } proc UpdateActiveFrames {} { global ds9 global active global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateActiveFrames" } # reset active list set ds9(active) {} set ds9(active,num) 0 foreach f $ds9(frames) { if {$active($f)} { lappend ds9(active) $f $ds9(mb).frame.goto entryconfig \ "[msgcat::mc {Frame}] [string range $f 5 end]" -state normal } else { $ds9(mb).frame.goto entryconfig \ "[msgcat::mc {Frame}] [string range $f 5 end]" -state disabled } } set ds9(active,num) [llength $ds9(active)] # New layout if needed if {$ds9(active,num) > 0} { if {[lsearch $ds9(active) $current(frame)] == -1} { if {$ds9(next) != {}} { set current(frame) $ds9(next) } else { set current(frame) [lindex $ds9(active) 0] set ds9(next) $current(frame) } } } DisplayMode } proc ActiveFrameAll {} { global ds9 global active foreach f $ds9(frames) { set active($f) 1 } UpdateActiveFrames } proc ActiveFrameNone {} { global ds9 global active foreach f $ds9(frames) { set active($f) 0 } UpdateActiveFrames } proc GotoFrame {} { global ds9 global current global active if {$current(frame) != {} && $current(frame) != $ds9(next)} { $current(frame) highlite off $current(frame) panner off switch -- $ds9(display) { blink - single { $current(frame) hide UnBindEventsFrame $current(frame) } tile {} } } if {$current(frame) != $ds9(next)} { if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) colorbar tag "\{[$current(colorbar) get tag]\}" } set current(frame) $ds9(next) set ds9(next) {} FrameToFront } } proc DisplayMode {} { global ds9 global current global tile global blink global iblink switch -- $current(display) { single {set ds9(display) $current(display)} tile { if {$ds9(active,num) > 1} { set ds9(display) $current(display) } else { switch -- $tile(grid,mode) { automatic {set ds9(display) single} manual {set ds9(display) $current(display)} } } } blink { if {$ds9(active,num) > 1} { set ds9(display) $current(display) } else { set ds9(display) single } } } switch -- $ds9(display) { single - tile { # turn off blink if on if {$iblink(id)>0} { after cancel $iblink(id) set iblink(id) 0 set iblink(index) -1 } LayoutFrames } blink { # ignore if we are already blinking if {$iblink(id)==0} { LayoutFrames BlinkTimer } } } } proc BlinkTimer {} { global blink global iblink global ds9 if {$ds9(active,num) > 0} { incr iblink(index) if {$iblink(index) >= $ds9(active,num)} { set iblink(index) 0 } set ds9(next) [lindex $ds9(active) $iblink(index)] GotoFrame } set iblink(id) [after $blink(interval) BlinkTimer] } proc ResetCurrentFrame {} { global current ResetFrame $current(frame) } proc ResetAllFrame {} { global ds9 foreach f $ds9(frames) { ResetFrame $f } } proc ResetFrame {which} { if {$which != {}} { if {[$which has iis]} { IISCursorModeCmd 0 } $which reset RefreshInfoBox $which PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData LockFrame $which UpdatePanZoomDialog UpdateCrosshairDialog UpdateCropDialog GridUpdateZoom UpdateZoomMenu UpdateScaleMenu UpdateScaleDialog UpdateGraphAxis $which SAMPSendCoordPointAtSkyCmd $which } } proc ClearCurrentFrame {} { global current ClearFrame $current(frame) ClearInfoBox PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData UpdateDS9 } proc ClearAllFrame {} { global ds9 foreach f $ds9(frames) { ClearFrame $f } ClearInfoBox PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData UpdateDS9 } proc ClearFrame {which} { if {$which == {}} { return } DestroyHeader $which $which clear # delete saved loadParams foreach cc {{} red green blue} { set varname $which$cc global $varname if {[info exists $varname]} { unset $varname } } } # Private Procedures proc FrameToFront {} { global ds9 global current global view global colorbar global blink set which $current(frame) # process proper colorbar switch -- [$which get type] { base - 3d { if {$view(colorbar)} { colorbar show } else { colorbar hide } colorbarrgb hide set current(colorbar) colorbar colorbar colorbar [$which get colorbar] colorbar tag "\{[$which get colorbar tag]\}" set colorbar(map) [colorbar get name] $ds9(canvas) raise colorbar colorbarrgb } rgb { colorbar hide if {$view(colorbar)} { colorbarrgb show } else { colorbarrgb hide } set current(colorbar) colorbarrgb colorbarrgb colorbar [$which get colorbar] colorbarrgb rgb channel [$which get rgb channel] $ds9(canvas) raise colorbarrgb colorbar } } set colorbar(invert) [$current(colorbar) get invert] $ds9(canvas) raise $which $which show switch -- $ds9(display) { single - blink { if {!$ds9(freeze)} { BindEventsFrame $which } } tile {$which highlite on} } if {$view(panner)} { $which panner on } UpdateGraphLayout $which UpdateDS9 } proc TileDialog {} { global tile global itile global dtile global ds9 # see if we already have a window visible if {[winfo exists $itile(top)]} { raise $itile(top) return } # create window set w $itile(top) set mb $itile(mb) Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Tile Parameters}] TileDestroyDialog set dtile(mode) $tile(grid,mode) set dtile(dir) $tile(grid,dir) set dtile(row) $tile(grid,row) set dtile(col) $tile(grid,col) set dtile(gap) $tile(grid,gap) $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command TileApplyDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command TileDestroyDialog EditMenu $mb itile # Grid set f [ttk::labelframe $w.grid -text [msgcat::mc {Grid}] -padding 2] ttk::radiobutton $f.auto -text [msgcat::mc {Automatic}] \ -variable dtile(mode) -value automatic ttk::radiobutton $f.manual -text [msgcat::mc {Manual}] \ -variable dtile(mode) -value manual grid $f.auto $f.manual -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Grid Direction set f [ttk::labelframe $w.dir -text [msgcat::mc {Direction}] -padding 2] ttk::radiobutton $f.x -text [msgcat::mc {X}] \ -variable dtile(dir) -value x ttk::radiobutton $f.y -text [msgcat::mc {Y}] \ -variable dtile(dir) -value y grid $f.x $f.y -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Layout set f [ttk::labelframe $w.layout -text [msgcat::mc {Layout}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.tcol -text [msgcat::mc {Columns}] ttk::label $f.trow -text [msgcat::mc {Rows}] ttk::entry $f.col -textvariable dtile(col) -width 6 ttk::label $f.tx -text {x} ttk::entry $f.row -textvariable dtile(row) -width 6 grid $f.tcol x $f.trow -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.col $f.tx $f.row -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Gap set f [ttk::labelframe $w.gap -text [msgcat::mc {Gap}] -padding 2] ttk::entry $f.gap -textvariable dtile(gap) -width 6 ttk::label $f.ugap -text [msgcat::mc {Pixels}] grid $f.gap - $f.ugap -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command TileApplyDialog ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command TileDestroyDialog pack $f.apply $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini grid $w.grid -sticky news grid $w.dir -sticky news grid $w.layout -sticky news grid $w.gap -sticky news grid $w.buttons -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 2 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 3 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 } proc TileDestroyDialog {} { global itile global dtile if {[winfo exists $itile(top)]} { destroy $itile(top) destroy $itile(mb) } unset dtile } proc TileApplyDialog {} { global tile global dtile set tile(mode) grid set tile(grid,mode) $dtile(mode) set tile(grid,dir) $dtile(dir) set tile(grid,row) $dtile(row) set tile(grid,col) $dtile(col) set tile(grid,gap) $dtile(gap) DisplayMode } # Process Cmds proc ProcessFrameCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current global active global panzoom catch { switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { match { incr i MatchFrameCurrent [lindex $var $i] } lock { incr i set panzoom(lock) [lindex $var $i] LockFrameCurrent } center { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {CenterAllFrame} {} {CenterCurrentFrame; incr i -1} default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" CenterFrame $f } else { CenterCurrentFrame; incr i -1 } } } } clear { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {ClearAllFrame} {} {ClearCurrentFrame; incr i -1} default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" ClearFrame $f } else { ClearCurrentFrame; incr i -1 } } } } delete { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {DeleteAllFrames} {} {DeleteCurrentFrame; incr i -1} default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" DeleteSingleFrame $f } else { DeleteCurrentFrame; incr i -1 } } } } new { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { rgb {CreateRGBFrame} 3d {Create3DFrame} default {CreateFrame; incr i -1} } } reset { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {ResetAllFrame} {} {ResetCurrentFrame; incr i -1} default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" ResetFrame $f } else { ResetCurrentFrame; incr i -1 } } } } refresh { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {UpdateAllFrame} {} {UpdateCurrentFrame; incr i -1} default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" UpdateFrame $f } else { UpdateCurrentFrame; incr i -1 } } } } hide { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {ActiveFrameNone} {} { set active($current(frame)) 0 UpdateActiveFrames incr i -1 } default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" set active($f) 0 UpdateActiveFrames } else { set active($current(frame)) 0 UpdateActiveFrames incr i -1 } } } } show { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { all {ActiveFrameAll} default { if {[string is integer [lindex $var $i]]} { set f "Frame[lindex $var $i]" set active($f) 1 UpdateActiveFrames } else { incr i -1 } } } } move { incr i switch -- [lindex $var $i] { first {MoveFirstFrame} back {MovePrevFrame} forward {MoveNextFrame} last {MoveLastFrame} } } first {FirstFrame} prev {PrevFrame} next {NextFrame} last {LastFrame} frameno {incr i; CreateGotoFrame [lindex $var $i] base} default {CreateGotoFrame [lindex $var $i] base} } } } proc ProcessSendFrameCmd {proc id param} { global ds9 global current global rgb global panzoom switch -- [lindex $param 0] { lock {$proc $id "$panzoom(lock)\n"} active { set r {} foreach f $ds9(active) { append r "[string range $f 5 end] " } $proc $id "$r\n" } all { set r {} foreach f $ds9(frames) { append r "[string range $f 5 end] " } $proc $id "$r\n" } has { if {$current(frame) == {}} { Error [msgcat::mc {No current frame}] return } switch [lindex $param 1] { amplifier - datamin - datasec - detector - grid - iis - irafmin - physical - smooth {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has [lindex $param 1]]]} contour { switch [lindex $param 2] { aux {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has contour aux]]} default {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has contour]]} } } fits { switch [lindex $param 2] { bin - cube - mosaic {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has fits [lindex $param 2]]]} default {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has fits]]} } } marker { switch [lindex $param 2] { highlite - paste - select - undo {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has marker [lindex $param 2]]]} } } system {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has system [lindex $param 2]]]} wcs { switch [lindex $param 2] { equatorial - linear {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has wcs [lindex $param 2] [lindex $param 3]]]} default {$proc $id [ToYesNo [$current(frame) has wcs [lindex $param 2]]]} } } } } default {$proc $id "[string range $current(frame) 5 end]\n"} } } proc ProcessSingleCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i # we need to be realized ProcessRealizeDS9 global current set current(display) single DisplayMode } proc ProcessSendSingleCmd {proc id param} { global current if {$current(display) == "single"} { $proc $id [ToYesNo 1] } else { $proc $id [ToYesNo 0] } } proc ProcessTileCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current global tile switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { mode { incr i set tile(mode) [lindex $var $i] } grid { incr i switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { mode { incr i set tile(grid,mode) [lindex $var $i] } direction { incr i set tile(grid,dir) [lindex $var $i] } layout { incr i set tile(grid,col) [lindex $var $i] incr i set tile(grid,row) [lindex $var $i] set tile(grid,mode) {manual} } gap { incr i set tile(grid,gap) [lindex $var $i] } default { if {[string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] != {-}} { set tile(mode) grid } else { incr i -1 } } } } column { set tile(mode) column } row { set tile(mode) row } yes - true - on - 1 - no - false - off - 0 { if {[FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]]} { set current(display) tile } else { set current(display) single } } default { set current(display) tile incr i -1 } } DisplayMode } proc ProcessSendTileCmd {proc id param} { global current global tile switch -- [lindex $param 0] { mode {$proc $id "$tile(mode)\n"} grid { switch -- [lindex $param 1] { mode {$proc $id "$tile(grid,mode)\n"} direction {$proc $id "$tile(grid,dir)\n"} layout {$proc $id "$tile(grid,col) $tile(grid,row)\n"} gap {$proc $id "$tile(grid,gap)\n"} } } default { if {$current(display)=="tile"} { $proc $id [ToYesNo 1] } else { $proc $id [ToYesNo 0] } } } } proc ProcessBlinkCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current global blink switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { interval { incr i set blink(interval) [expr int([lindex $var $i]*1000)] } yes - true - on - 1 - no - false - off - 0 { if {[FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]]} { set current(display) blink } else { set current(display) single } } default { set current(display) blink incr i -1 } } DisplayMode } proc ProcessSendBlinkCmd {proc id param} { global current global blink switch -- [lindex $param 0] { interval {$proc $id "[expr $blink(interval)/1000.]\n"} default { if {$current(display) == {blink}} { $proc $id [ToYesNo 1] } else { $proc $id [ToYesNo 0] } } } } proc ProcessLockCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global panzoom global crop global crosshair global cube global ime global bin global scale global colorbar global block global smooth global threed # we need to be realized ProcessRealizeDS9 switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { frame - frames { incr i set panzoom(lock) [lindex $var $i] LockFrameCurrent } crosshair - crosshairs { incr i set crosshair(lock) [lindex $var $i] LockCrosshairCurrent } crop { incr i set crop(lock) [lindex $var $i] LockCropCurrent } slice - cube - datacube { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { switch -- [lindex $var $i] { {} - yes - 1 {set cube(lock) image} no - 0 {set cube(lock) none} default {set cube(lock) [lindex $var $i]} } } else { set cube(lock) image incr i -1 } LockCubeCurrent } bin { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set bin(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set bin(lock) 1 incr i -1 } LockBinCurrent } axes - order { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set cube(lock,axes) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set cube(lock,axes) 1 incr i -1 } LockAxesCurrent } scale - scales { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set scale(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set scale(lock) 1 incr i -1 } LockScaleCurrent } limits - scalelimits { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set scale(lock,limits) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set scale(lock,limits) 1 incr i -1 } LockScaleLimitsCurrent } color - colormap - colorbar - colorbars { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set colorbar(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set colorbar(lock) 1 incr i -1 } LockColorCurrent } block { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set block(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set block(lock) 1 incr i -1 } LockBlockCurrent } smooth { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set smooth(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set smooth(lock) 1 incr i -1 } LockSmoothCurrent } 3d { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set threed(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set threed(lock) 1 incr i -1 } Lock3DCurrent } } } proc ProcessSendLockCmd {proc id param} { global panzoom global crop global crosshair global cube global ime global bin global scale global colorbar global block global smooth global threed switch -- [lindex $param 0] { frame - frames {$proc $id "$panzoom(lock)\n"} crosshair - crosshairs {$proc $id "$crosshair(lock)\n"} crop {$proc $id "$crop(lock)\n"} slice - cube - datacube {$proc $id "$cube(lock)\n"} analysis {$proc $id "$ime(lock)\n"} bin {$proc $id [ToYesNo $bin(lock)]} axes - order {$proc $id [ToYesNo $cube(lock,axes)]} scale - scales {$proc $id [ToYesNo $scale(lock)]} limits - scalelimits {$proc $id [ToYesNo $scale(lock,limits)]} color - colormap - colorbar - colorbars {$proc $id [ToYesNo $colorbar(lock)]} block {$proc $id [ToYesNo $block(lock)]} smooth {$proc $id [ToYesNo $smooth(lock)]} 3d {$proc $id [ToYesNo $threed(lock)]} } } proc ProcessMatchCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current # we need to be realized ProcessRealizeDS9 switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { frame - frames { incr i MatchFrameCurrent [lindex $var $i] } crosshair - crosshairs { incr i MatchCrosshairCurrent [lindex $var $i] } crop { incr i MatchCropCurrent [lindex $var $i] } slice - cube - datacube { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { switch -- [lindex $var $i] { {} {MatchCubeCurrent image} default {MatchCubeCurrent [lindex $var $i]} } } else { MatchCubeCurrent image incr i -1 } } bin {MatchBinCurrent} axes - order {MatchAxesCurrent} scale - scales {MatchScaleCurrent} limits - scalelimits {MatchScaleLimitsCurrent} color - colormap - colorbar - colorbars {MatchColorCurrent} block {MatchBlockCurrent} smooth {MatchSmoothCurrent} 3d {Match3DCurrent} } }