# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 # Menu proc HelpMainMenu {} { global ds9 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 {} aqua { # window menu menu $ds9(mb).window $ds9(mb) add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Window}] \ -menu $ds9(mb).window } } $ds9(mb) add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Help}] -menu $ds9(mb).help menu $ds9(mb).help switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 { $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {Reference Manual}]\ -command HelpRef } aqua {} } $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {User Manual}]\ -command HelpUser $ds9(mb).help add separator $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {FAQ}] \ -command HelpFAQ $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {Release Notes}] \ -command HelpRelease $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {Help Desk}] \ -command HelpDesk $ds9(mb).help add separator $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {Story of SAOImageDS9}] \ -command HelpStory $ds9(mb).help add command -label [msgcat::mc {Acknowledgment}] \ -command HelpAck switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - win32 { $ds9(mb).help add separator $ds9(mb).help add command \ -label "[msgcat::mc {About SAOImageDS9}]..." \ -command AboutBox } aqua {} } } proc PrefsDialogHelpMenu {w} { set f [ttk::labelframe $w.mhelp -text [msgcat::mc {Help}]] PrefsDialogButtonbarHelp $f.buttonbar grid $f.buttonbar -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true } # Buttons proc ButtonsHelpDef {} { global pbuttons array set pbuttons { help,ref 1 help,user 1 help,keyboard 1 help,faq 0 help,new 0 help,release 1 help,desk 1 help,story 0 help,ack 1 help,about 1 } } proc CreateButtonsHelp {} { global buttons global ds9 ttk::frame $ds9(buttons).help ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.ref \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Reference}]] HelpRef ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.user \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {User}]] HelpUser ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.keyboard \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Keyboard}]] HelpKeyboard ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.faq \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {FAQ}]] HelpFAQ ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.new \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {New Features}]] HelpNew ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.release \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Release}]] HelpRelease ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.desk \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Help Desk}]] HelpDesk ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.story \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Story}]] HelpStory ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.ack \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Acknowledgment}]] HelpAck ButtonButton $ds9(buttons).help.about \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {About}]] AboutBox set buttons(help) " $ds9(buttons).help.ref pbuttons(help,ref) $ds9(buttons).help.user pbuttons(help,user) $ds9(buttons).help.keyboard pbuttons(help,keyboard) $ds9(buttons).help.faq pbuttons(help,faq) $ds9(buttons).help.new pbuttons(help,new) $ds9(buttons).help.release pbuttons(help,release) $ds9(buttons).help.desk pbuttons(help,desk) $ds9(buttons).help.story pbuttons(help,story) $ds9(buttons).help.ack pbuttons(help,ack) $ds9(buttons).help.about pbuttons(help,about) " } proc PrefsDialogButtonbarHelp {f} { global buttons global pbuttons ttk::menubutton $f -text [msgcat::mc {Buttonbar}] -menu $f.menu set m $f.menu menu $m $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Reference Manual}]\ -variable pbuttons(help,ref) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {User Manual}]\ -variable pbuttons(help,user) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add separator $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {FAQ}] \ -variable pbuttons(help,faq) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Release Notes}] \ -variable pbuttons(help,release) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Help Desk}] \ -variable pbuttons(help,desk) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add separator $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Story of SAOImageDS9}] \ -variable pbuttons(help,story) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Acknowledgment}] \ -variable pbuttons(help,ack) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} $m add separator $m add checkbutton -label "[msgcat::mc {About SAOImageDS9}]..." \ -variable pbuttons(help,about) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(help)} }