# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 # Menu proc WCSMainMenu {} { global ds9 global wcs CoordMenu $ds9(mb).wcs wcs system 0 sky skyformat UpdateWCS $ds9(mb).wcs add separator $ds9(mb).wcs add command -label "[msgcat::mc {WCS Parameters}]..." \ -command WCSDialog } proc UpdateWCSMenu {} { global wcs global ds9 global current global bin global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateWCSMenu" } if {$current(frame) != {}} { $ds9(mb) entryconfig [msgcat::mc {WCS}] -state normal set ww [$current(frame) get wcs] set wcs(system) [lindex $ww 0] set wcs(sky) [lindex $ww 1] set wcs(skyformat) [lindex $ww 2] set wcs(frame) $current(frame) if {[$current(frame) has fits]} { CoordMenuEnable $ds9(mb).wcs wcs system 0 sky skyformat } else { CoordMenuReset $ds9(mb).wcs wcs system 0 sky skyformat } UpdateWCSInfoBox $current(frame) } else { $ds9(mb) entryconfig [msgcat::mc {WCS}] -state disabled } } proc PrefsDialogWCSMenu {w} { set f [ttk::labelframe $w.mwcs -text [msgcat::mc {WCS}]] ttk::menubutton $f.menu -text [msgcat::mc {Menu}] -menu $f.menu.menu PrefsDialogButtonbarWCS $f.buttonbar grid $f.menu $f.buttonbar -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w CoordMenu $f.menu.menu pwcs system 0 sky skyformat {} pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true } # Buttons proc ButtonsWCSDef {} { global pbuttons array set pbuttons { wcs,fk4 1 wcs,fk5 1 wcs,icrs 1 wcs,galactic 1 wcs,ecliptic 1 wcs,degrees 1 wcs,sexagesimal 1 } } proc CreateButtonsWCS {} { global buttons global ds9 global wcs ttk::frame $ds9(buttons).wcs RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.fk4 {fk4} \ wcs(sky) fk4 UpdateWCS RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.fk5 {fk5} \ wcs(sky) fk5 UpdateWCS RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.icrs \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {ICRS}]] \ wcs(sky) icrs UpdateWCS RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.galactic \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Galactic}]] \ wcs(sky) galactic UpdateWCS RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.ecliptic \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Ecliptic}]] \ wcs(sky) ecliptic UpdateWCS RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.degrees \ [string tolower [msgcat::mc {Degrees}]] \ wcs(skyformat) degrees UpdateWCS RadioButton $ds9(buttons).wcs.sexagesimal {sexagesimal} \ wcs(skyformat) sexagesimal UpdateWCS set buttons(wcs) " $ds9(buttons).wcs.fk4 pbuttons(wcs,fk4) $ds9(buttons).wcs.fk5 pbuttons(wcs,fk5) $ds9(buttons).wcs.icrs pbuttons(wcs,icrs) $ds9(buttons).wcs.galactic pbuttons(wcs,galactic) $ds9(buttons).wcs.ecliptic pbuttons(wcs,ecliptic) $ds9(buttons).wcs.degrees pbuttons(wcs,degrees) $ds9(buttons).wcs.sexagesimal pbuttons(wcs,sexagesimal) " } proc PrefsDialogButtonbarWCS {f} { global buttons global pbuttons ttk::menubutton $f -text [msgcat::mc {Buttonbar}] -menu $f.menu set m $f.menu menu $m $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {FK4}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,fk4) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {FK5}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,fk5) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {ICRS}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,icrs) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Galactic}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,galactic) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Ecliptic}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,ecliptic) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} $m add separator $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Degrees}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,degrees) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Sexagesimal}] \ -variable pbuttons(wcs,sexagesimal) -command {UpdateButtons buttons(wcs)} }