# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc PixelDef {} { global pixel global ipixel global dpixel global ppixel set ipixel(top) .pixel set ipixel(mb) .pixelmb set ipixel(max) 13 set pixel(size) 5 array set ppixel [array get pixel] set dpixel(copy) {} set dpixel(tbl) {} } proc UpdatePixelTableDialog {which x y sys} { global pixel global ipixel global dpixel if {[winfo exists $ipixel(top)]} { $which get pixel table $sys $x $y $pixel(size) $pixel(size) dpixel } } proc PixelTableDialog {} { global pixel global ipixel global dpixel global ds9 if {[winfo exists $ipixel(top)]} { raise $ipixel(top) return } # create the pixel table window set w $ipixel(top) set mb $ipixel(mb) Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Pixel Table}] PixelTableDestroyDialog $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Size}] -menu $mb.size menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Save}]..." \ -command PixelTableSaveDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command PixelTableDestroyDialog menu $mb.edit $mb.edit add command -label [msgcat::mc {Cut}] \ -state disabled -accelerator "${ds9(ctrl)}X" $mb.edit add command -label [msgcat::mc {Copy}] \ -command PixelTableCopyDialog -accelerator "${ds9(ctrl)}C" $mb.edit add command -label [msgcat::mc {Paste}] \ -state disabled -accelerator "${ds9(ctrl)}V" menu $mb.size for {set ii 3} {$ii<=$ipixel(max)} {incr ii 2} { $mb.size add radiobutton -label "${ii}x${ii}" -variable pixel(size) \ -value $ii -command PixelTableConfigure } set f [ttk::frame $w.tbl] set dpixel(tbl) [table $f.t \ -state disabled \ -anchor w \ -font [font actual TkDefaultFont] \ -variable dpixel \ -usecommand 0 \ -maxwidth 1200 \ ] $dpixel(tbl) tag col coord 0 $dpixel(tbl) tag row coord 0 $dpixel(tbl) tag configure coord -foreground blue $dpixel(tbl) tag configure center -foreground red grid $f.t -sticky news grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $w.buttons.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command PixelTableDestroyDialog pack $w.buttons.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x pack $w.tbl -side top -fill both -expand true selection handle $w PixelTableExportSelection PixelTableConfigure # dummy info for {set jj 0} {$jj<=$pixel(size)} {incr jj} { for {set ii 0} {$ii<=$pixel(size)} {incr ii} { set dpixel($ii,$jj) {} } } } proc PixelTableDestroyDialog {} { global ipixel global dpixel if {[winfo exists $ipixel(top)]} { destroy $ipixel(top) destroy $ipixel(mb) } if {[info exists dpixel]} { unset dpixel } } proc PixelTableCopyDialog {} { global ipixel global dpixel set dpixel(copy) [PixelTableRender] selection own -command PixelTableLostSelection $ipixel(top) clipboard clear clipboard append $dpixel(copy) } proc PixelTableClearDialog {} { global pixel global ipixel global dpixel global dpixel if {[winfo exists $ipixel(top)]} { for {set jj 0} {$jj<=$pixel(size)} {incr jj} { for {set ii 0} {$ii<=$pixel(size)} {incr ii} { set dpixel($ii,$jj) {} } } } } proc PixelTableSaveDialog {} { set filename [SaveFileDialog pixelfbox] if {$filename != {}} { set file [open $filename w] puts -nonewline $file [PixelTableRender] close $file } } # support proc PixelTableConfigure {} { global pixel global ipixel global dpixel set ss [expr $pixel(size)+1] $dpixel(tbl) configure -rows $ss -cols $ss for {set ii 1} {$ii<=$ipixel(max)} {incr ii} { $dpixel(tbl) tag cell {} $ii,$ii } set hh [expr int($ss/2.)] $dpixel(tbl) tag cell center $hh,$hh } proc PixelTableRender {} { global pixel global dpixel set rr {} # col header append rr " " for {set ii 1} {$ii<=$pixel(size)} {incr ii} { set msg [format "%12s" $dpixel(0,${ii})] append rr "$msg" } append rr "\n" append rr " " for {set ii 1} {$ii<=$pixel(size)} {incr ii} { append rr " -----------" } append rr "\n" # body for {set jj 1} {$jj<=$pixel(size)} {incr jj} { set msg [format "%10s" $dpixel(${jj},0)] append rr "$msg |" for {set ii 1} {$ii<=$pixel(size)} {incr ii} { set msg [format "%12.11s" $dpixel($jj,$ii)] append rr "$msg" } append rr "\n" } return $rr } proc PixelTableExportSelection {offset bytes} { global dpixel if {$dpixel(copy) != {}} { return [string range $dpixel(copy) $offset [expr $offset+$bytes]] } } proc PixelTableLostSelection {} { global dpixel set dpixel(copy) {} } proc PrefsDialogPixelTable {} { global dprefs global ppixel set w $dprefs(tab) $dprefs(list) insert end [msgcat::mc {Pixel Table}] lappend dprefs(tabs) [ttk::frame $w.pixel] set f [ttk::labelframe $w.pixel.param -text [msgcat::mc {Pixel Table}]] ttk::label $f.tsize -text [msgcat::mc {Size}] PrefsDialogPixelTableButtonCmd $ppixel(size) ttk::menubutton $f.size -textvariable dprefs(pixeltable,msg) \ -menu $f.size.menu global ipixel set m $f.size.menu menu $m for {set ii 3} {$ii<=$ipixel(max)} {incr ii 2} { $m add radiobutton -label "${ii}x${ii}" -variable ppixel(size) \ -value $ii -command [list PrefsDialogPixelTableButtonCmd $ii] } grid $f.tsize $f.size -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true } proc PrefsDialogPixelTableButtonCmd {ii} { global dprefs global pixel set dprefs(pixeltable,msg) "${ii}x${ii}" } proc ProcessPixelTableCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { open - yes - true - on - 1 {PixelTableDialog} close - no - false - off - 0 {PixelTableDestroyDialog} default { PixelTableDialog incr i -1 } } } proc ProcessSendPixelTableCmd {proc id param sock fn} { PixelTableDialog ProcessSend $proc $id $sock $fn {.txt} [PixelTableRender] }