# Copyright (C) 1999-2018 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc PrefsDialogPlot {} { global dprefs set w $dprefs(tab) $dprefs(list) insert end [msgcat::mc {Plot}] lappend dprefs(tabs) [ttk::frame $w.plot] # Graph set f [ttk::labelframe $w.plot.graph -text [msgcat::mc {Graph}]] ttk::label $f.tbg -text [msgcat::mc {Background}] ColorMenuButton $f.bg pap background {} grid $f.tbg $f.bg -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Grid set f [ttk::labelframe $w.plot.grid -text [msgcat::mc {Grid}]] ttk::label $f.ttitle -text [msgcat::mc {Title}] FontMenuButton $f.title pap graph,title,family graph,title,size graph,title,weight graph,title,slant {} grid $f.ttitle $f.title -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Axis set f [ttk::labelframe $w.plot.axis -text [msgcat::mc {Axis}]] ttk::label $f.xtitle -text [msgcat::mc {X}] ttk::checkbutton $f.x -text [msgcat::mc {Grid}] -variable pap(graph,axis,x,grid) ttk::radiobutton $f.xlinear -text [msgcat::mc {Linear}] \ -variable pap(graph,axis,x,log) -value 0 ttk::radiobutton $f.xlog -text [msgcat::mc {Log}] \ -variable pap(graph,axis,x,log) -value 1 ttk::label $f.ytitle -text [msgcat::mc {Y}] ttk::checkbutton $f.y -text [msgcat::mc {Grid}] -variable pap(graph,axis,y,grid) ttk::radiobutton $f.ylinear -text [msgcat::mc {Linear}] \ -variable pap(graph,axis,y,log) -value 0 ttk::radiobutton $f.ylog -text [msgcat::mc {Log}] \ -variable pap(graph,axis,y,log) -value 1 ttk::label $f.ttextlab -text [msgcat::mc {Axis Title}] FontMenuButton $f.textlab pap axis,title,family axis,title,size axis,title,weight axis,title,slant {} ttk::label $f.tnumlab -text [msgcat::mc {Axis Numbers}] FontMenuButton $f.numlab pap axis,font,family axis,font,size axis,font,weight axis,font,slant {} grid $f.xtitle $f.x $f.xlinear $f.xlog -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.ytitle $f.y $f.ylinear $f.ylog -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.ttextlab $f.textlab -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.tnumlab $f.numlab -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Data set f [ttk::labelframe $w.plot.data -text [msgcat::mc {Dataset}]] # Show ttk::checkbutton $f.show -text [msgcat::mc {Show}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,show) grid $f.show -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Shape ttk::label $f.shapetitle -text [msgcat::mc {Shape}] ttk::menubutton $f.shape -textvariable pap(graph,ds,shape,symbol) \ -menu $f.shape.menu PlotLineShapeMenu $f.shape.menu pap(graph,ds,shape,symbol) ttk::checkbutton $f.shapefill -text [msgcat::mc {Fill}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,shape,fill) ColorMenuButton $f.shapecolor pap graph,ds,shape,color {} grid $f.shapetitle $f.shape $f.shapefill $f.shapecolor \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Smooth ttk::label $f.smoothtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Smooth}] ttk::menubutton $f.smooth -textvariable pap(graph,ds,smooth) \ -menu $f.smooth.menu menu $f.smooth.menu $f.smooth.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Step}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,smooth) -value step $f.smooth.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Linear}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,smooth) -value linear $f.smooth.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Cubic}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,smooth) -value cubic $f.smooth.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Quadratic}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,smooth) -value quadratic $f.smooth.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Catrom}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,smooth) -value catrom grid $f.smoothtitle $f.smooth -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Color ttk::label $f.colortitle -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ColorMenuButton $f.color pap graph,ds,color {} grid $f.colortitle $f.color -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Width ttk::label $f.widthtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}] ttk::menubutton $f.width -textvariable pap(graph,ds,width) \ -menu $f.width.menu WidthDashMenu $f.width.menu pap graph,ds,width graph,ds,dash {} {} grid $f.widthtitle $f.width -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Error ttk::label $f.errortitle -text [msgcat::mc {Error}] ttk::checkbutton $f.error -text [msgcat::mc {Show}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,error) ttk::checkbutton $f.errorcap -text [msgcat::mc {Cap}] \ -variable pap(graph,ds,error,cap) ColorMenuButton $f.errorcolor pap graph,ds,error,color {} ttk::menubutton $f.errorwidth -textvariable pap(graph,ds,error,width) \ -menu $f.errorwidth.menu WidthDashMenu $f.errorwidth.menu pap \ graph,ds,error,width graph,ds,error,dash {} {} grid $f.errortitle $f.error $f.errorcap $f.errorcolor $f.errorwidth \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w pack $w.plot.graph $w.plot.grid $w.plot.axis $w.plot.data \ -side top -fill both -expand true } proc ProcessPlotCmd {xarname iname buf fn} { upvar $xarname xar upvar $iname i global iap global parse set parse(buf) $buf set parse(fn) $fn set parse(tt) $iap(tt) set ref [lindex $iap(windows) end] global cvarname set cvarname $ref plot::YY_FLUSH_BUFFER plot::yy_scan_string [lrange $xar $i end] plot::yyparse incr i [expr $plot::yycnt-1] } proc PlotCmdCheck {} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar if {![info exists cvar(top)]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to find plot window}] $cvarname" return 0 } if {![winfo exists $cvar(top)]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to find plot window}] $cvarname" return 0 } return 1 } proc PlotCmdRef {ref} { global iap global cvarname # look for reference in current list if {[lsearch $iap(windows) $ref] < 0} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to find plot window}] $ref" return 0 } set cvarname $ref return [PlotCmdCheck] } proc PlotCmdNew {name} { global parse if {$name != {}} { set parse(tt) $name } if {$parse(buf) != {}} { return } elseif {$parse(fn) != {}} { if {[file exists $parse(fn)]} { set ch [open $parse(fn) r] set parse(buf) [read $ch] close $ch return } } set parse(buf) {} } proc PlotCmdLine {title xaxis yaxis dim} { global parse PlotLine $parse(tt) {} $title $xaxis $yaxis $dim $parse(buf) } proc PlotCmdBar {title xaxis yaxis dim} { global parse PlotBar $parse(tt) {} $title $xaxis $yaxis $dim $parse(buf) } proc PlotCmdScatter {title xaxis yaxis dim} { global parse PlotScatter $parse(tt) {} $title $xaxis $yaxis $dim $parse(buf) } proc PlotCmdStrip {title xaxis yaxis dim} { global parse PlotStrip $parse(tt) {} $title $xaxis $yaxis $dim $parse(buf) } proc PlotCmdAnalysisPlotStdin {which} { global parse AnalysisPlotStdin $which $parse(tt) {} $parse(buf) } proc PlotCmdData {dim} { global parse global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar if {$parse(buf) == {}} { if {$parse(fn) != {}} { if {[file exists $parse(fn)]} { set ch [open $parse(fn) r] set parse(buf) [read $ch] close $ch } } if {$parse(buf) == {}} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to load plot data}] $fn" } } PlotRaise $cvarname PlotDataSet $cvarname $dim $parse(buf) $cvar(proc,updategraph) $cvarname PlotStats $cvarname PlotList $cvarname } proc PlotCmdLoad {fn dim} { global cvarname if {$fn != {}} { PlotLoadDataFile $cvarname $fn $dim FileLast apdatafbox $fn } } proc PlotCmdSave {fn} { global cvarname if {$fn != {}} { PlotSaveDataFile $cvarname $fn FileLast apdatafbox $fn } } proc PlotCmdLoadConfig {fn} { global cvarname if {$fn != {}} { PlotLoadConfigFile $cvarname $fn FileLast apconfigfbox $fn } } proc PlotCmdSaveConfig {fn} { global cvarname if {$fn != {}} { PlotSaveConfigFile $cvarname $fn FileLast apconfigfbox $fn } } proc PlotCmdUpdateCanvas {which value} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar($which) $value $cvar(proc,updatecanvas) $cvarname } proc PlotCmdUpdateGraph {which value} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar($which) $value $cvar(proc,updategraph) $cvarname } proc PlotCmdUpdateElement {which value} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar($which) $value $cvar(proc,updateelement) $cvarname } proc PlotCmdFontStyle {which value} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar switch $value { normal { set cvar($which,weight) normal set cvar($which,slant) roman } bold { set cvar($which,weight) bold set cvar($which,slant) roman } italic { set cvar($which,weight) normal set cvar($which,slant) italic } } $cvar(proc,updategraph) $cvarname } proc PlotCmdExport {format fn} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar switch -- $format { gif {FileLast giffbox $fn} jpeg {FileLast jpegfbox $fn} tiff {FileLast tifffbox $fn} png {FileLast pngfbox $fn} default { Error "[msgcat::mc {Not valid export format}] $format" return } } PlotExport $cvarname $fn $format } proc PlotCmdSelectData {which} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cc $cvar(graph,current) set cvar($cc,data,current) $which PlotCurrentData $cvarname } proc ProcessSendPlotCmd {proc id param {sock {}} {fn {}}} { global iap global parse set parse(proc) $proc set parse(id) $id set ref [lindex $iap(windows) end] global cvarname set cvarname $ref global parse plotsend::YY_FLUSH_BUFFER plotsend::yy_scan_string $param plotsend::yyparse } proc PlotSendCmdCVARGet {key} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cc $cvar(graph,current) global parse $parse(proc) $parse(id) "$cvar($cc,$key)\n" } proc PlotSendCmdCVARYesNo {key} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cc $cvar(graph,current) global parse $parse(proc) $parse(id) [ToYesNo $cvar($cc,$key)] }