# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc PSDef {} { global ds9 global ps global pps set ps(dest) printer set ps(cmd) {lp} set ps(filename) {ds9.ps} set ps(filename,txt) {ds9.txt} set ps(color) rgb set ps(level) 2 set ps(resolution) 150 set ps(orient) portrait set ps(scale) 100 set ps(size) letter set ps(width) 8.5 set ps(height) 11 array set pps [array get ps] } # Print procs proc PSPrint {} { if {[PSPrintDialog ps]} { if {[catch {PostScript} printError]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {An error has occurred while printing}] $printError" } } } proc PostScript {} { global ds9 global ps global view global canvas global colorbar global current # we need to be realized RealizeDS9 # need the colorbar levels updated UpdateColormapLevel set options {} # Orientation switch -- $ps(orient) { portrait {append options " -rotate false"} landscape {append options " -rotate true"} } # Page size # reduce size to .95 for backward compatibility set width [winfo width $ds9(canvas)] set height [winfo height $ds9(canvas)] set xx [expr $width*(1- (100./$ps(scale)/.95))/2.] set yy [expr $height*(1- (100./$ps(scale)/.95))/2.] set ww [expr $width*100./$ps(scale)/.95] set hh [expr $height*100./$ps(scale)/.95] append options " -x $xx -y $yy -width $ww -height $hh" switch -- $ps(size) { letter {PostScriptPageSize 4.25 5.5 7.5 10. i options} legal {PostScriptPageSize 4.25 7. 7.5 13. i options} tabloid {PostScriptPageSize 5.5 8.5 10. 16. i options} poster {PostScriptPageSize 18. 24. 35. 47. i options} a4 {PostScriptPageSize 105 148.5 185 272 m options} other { if {$ps(width) != {} && $ps(height) != {}} { set pxx [expr double($ps(width))/2.] set pyy [expr double($ps(height))/2.] set pww [expr $ps(width)-1.] set phh [expr $ps(height)-1.] PostScriptPageSize $pxx $pyy $pww $phh i options } } othermm { if {$ps(width) != {} && $ps(height) != {}} { set pxx [expr double($ps(width))/2.] set pyy [expr double($ps(height))/2.] set pww [expr $ps(width)-1.] set phh [expr $ps(height)-1.] PostScriptPageSize $pxx $pyy $pww $phh m options } } } # Printer vs File set channel {} switch -- $ps(dest) { "file" { append options " -file \{$ps(filename)\}" } "printer" { set channel [open "| $ps(cmd)" w] append options " -channel $channel" } } # resolution switch $ps(resolution) { screen - Screen - SCREEN {set res 96} default {set res $ps(resolution)} } # set color specific postscript options colorbar postscript level $ps(level) colorbar postscript colorspace $ps(color) colorbar postscript resolution $res colorbarrgb postscript level $ps(level) colorbarrgb postscript colorspace $ps(color) colorbarrgb postscript resolution $res # set frame specific postscript options foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff postscript level $ps(level) $ff postscript colorspace $ps(color) $ff postscript resolution $res } # graphs if {$view(graph,vert)} { $ds9(graph,vert) configure -plotbackground white -bg white } if {$view(graph,horz)} { $ds9(graph,horz) configure -plotbackground white -bg white } # now invoke canvas postscript command if {[catch {eval $ds9(canvas) postscript $options} rr]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {A postscript generation error has occurred}] $rr" } switch -- $ps(dest) { "file" {} "printer" { if {$channel != {}} { close $channel } } } # reset graphs if {$view(graph,vert)} { $ds9(graph,vert) configure -plotbackground $ds9(bg) -bg $ds9(bg) } if {$view(graph,horz)} { $ds9(graph,horz) configure -plotbackground $ds9(bg) -bg $ds9(bg) } } proc EPS {fn} { global ds9 global ps global view global canvas global colorbar global current # we need to be realized RealizeDS9 # need the colorbar levels updated UpdateColormapLevel set color rgb set level 2 set resolution 72 set options {} # Page size set width [winfo width $ds9(canvas)] set height [winfo height $ds9(canvas)] append options " -pagex 0 -pagey 0 -pageanchor sw" if ($width>$height) { append options " -pagewidth $width" } else { append options " -pageheight $height" } # File append options " -file \{$fn\}" # set color specific postscript options colorbar postscript level $level colorbar postscript colorspace $color colorbar postscript resolution $resolution colorbarrgb postscript level $level colorbarrgb postscript colorspace $color colorbarrgb postscript resolution $resolution # set frame specific postscript options foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff postscript level $level $ff postscript colorspace $color $ff postscript resolution $resolution } # graphs if {$view(graph,vert)} { $ds9(graph,vert) configure -plotbackground white -bg white } if {$view(graph,horz)} { $ds9(graph,horz) configure -plotbackground white -bg white } # now invoke canvas postscript command if {[catch {eval $ds9(canvas) postscript $options} rr]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {A postscript generation error has occurred}] $rr" } # reset graphs if {$view(graph,vert)} { $ds9(graph,vert) configure -plotbackground $ds9(bg) -bg $ds9(bg) } if {$view(graph,horz)} { $ds9(graph,horz) configure -plotbackground $ds9(bg) -bg $ds9(bg) } } proc PostScriptPageSize {xx yy ww hh unit optname} { upvar $optname options global ds9 global ps append options " -pagex $xx$unit -pagey $yy$unit" set width [winfo width $ds9(canvas)] set height [winfo height $ds9(canvas)] switch -- $ps(orient) { portrait { if {[expr double($ww)/$width] < [expr double($hh)/$height]} { append options " -pagewidth $ww$unit" } else { append options " -pageheight $hh$unit" } } landscape { if {[expr double($ww)/$width] > [expr double($hh)/$height]} { append options " -pageheight $ww$unit" } else { append options " -pagewidth $hh$unit" } } } } # Print Dialog procs proc PSPrintDialog {which} { global ps global ed set ed(ok) 0 array set ed [array get ps] set w {.print} DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Print}] ed(ok) # PrintTo set f [ttk::labelframe $w.pt -text [msgcat::mc {Print To}]] ttk::radiobutton $f.printer -text [msgcat::mc {Printer}] \ -variable ed(dest) -value printer ttk::label $f.tcmd -text [msgcat::mc {Command}] ttk::entry $f.cmd -textvariable ed(cmd) -width 20 ttk::radiobutton $f.file -text [msgcat::mc {File}] \ -variable ed(dest) -value file ttk::label $f.tname -text [msgcat::mc {Name}] ttk::entry $f.name -textvariable ed(filename) -width 20 ttk::button $f.browse -text [msgcat::mc {Browse}] \ -command "PSPrintBrowse ed(filename)" grid $f.printer $f.tcmd $f.cmd -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.file $f.tname $f.name $f.browse -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $f 2 -weight 1 # Options set f [ttk::labelframe $w.ps -text [msgcat::mc {Postscript}]] ttk::label $f.color -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ttk::radiobutton $f.rgb -text [msgcat::mc {RGB}] \ -variable ed(color) -value rgb ttk::radiobutton $f.cmyk -text [msgcat::mc {CMYK}] \ -variable ed(color) -value cmyk ttk::radiobutton $f.gray -text [msgcat::mc {Grayscale}] \ -variable ed(color) -value gray ttk::label $f.level -text [msgcat::mc {Level}] ttk::radiobutton $f.level1 -text "[msgcat::mc {Level}] 1" \ -variable ed(level) -value 1 ttk::radiobutton $f.level2 -text "[msgcat::mc {Level}] 2" \ -variable ed(level) -value 2 ttk::radiobutton $f.level3 -text "[msgcat::mc {Level}] 3" \ -variable ed(level) -value 3 ttk::label $f.dpi -text [msgcat::mc {DPI}] tk_optionMenu $f.resolution ed(resolution) 72 Screen 96 144 150 225 300 600 1200 grid $f.color $f.rgb $f.cmyk $f.gray -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.level $f.level3 $f.level2 $f.level1 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.dpi $f.resolution -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini grid $w.pt -sticky news grid $w.ps -sticky news grid $w.buttons -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) $w.buttons.ok DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { array set ps [array get ed] } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc PSPrintBrowse {varname} { upvar $varname var FileLast pssavfbox $var set var [SaveFileDialog pssavfbox] } # Used for plots proc PlotPrintDialog {} { global ps global ed set ed(ok) 0 array set ed [array get ps] set w {.print} DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Print}] ed(ok) # PrintTo set f [ttk::labelframe $w.pt -text [msgcat::mc {Print To}]] ttk::radiobutton $f.printer -text [msgcat::mc {Printer}] \ -variable ed(dest) -value printer ttk::label $f.tcmd -text [msgcat::mc {Command}] ttk::entry $f.cmd -textvariable ed(cmd) -width 20 ttk::radiobutton $f.file -text [msgcat::mc {File}] \ -variable ed(dest) -value file ttk::label $f.tname -text [msgcat::mc {Name}] ttk::entry $f.name -textvariable ed(filename) -width 20 ttk::button $f.browse -text [msgcat::mc {Browse}] \ -command "PlotPrintBrowse ed(filename)" grid $f.printer $f.tcmd $f.cmd -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.file $f.tname $f.name $f.browse -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $f 2 -weight 1 # Options set f [ttk::labelframe $w.ps -text [msgcat::mc {Postscript}]] ttk::label $f.color -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ttk::radiobutton $f.rgb -text [msgcat::mc {RGB}] \ -variable ed(color) -value rgb ttk::radiobutton $f.gray -text [msgcat::mc {Grayscale}] \ -variable ed(color) -value gray grid $f.color $f.rgb $f.gray -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini grid $w.pt -sticky news grid $w.ps -sticky news grid $w.buttons -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) $w.buttons.ok DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { array set ps [array get ed] } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc PlotPrintBrowse {varname} { upvar $varname var FileLast apsavfbox $var set var [SaveFileDialog apsavfbox] } # Used for SimpleText and Catalog proc PRPrintDialog {} { global ps global ed set ed(ok) 0 array set ed [array get ps] set w {.print} DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Print}] ed(ok) # PrintTo set f [ttk::labelframe $w.pt -text [msgcat::mc {Print To}]] ttk::radiobutton $f.printer -text [msgcat::mc {Printer}] \ -variable ed(dest) -value printer ttk::label $f.tcmd -text [msgcat::mc {Command}] ttk::entry $f.cmd -textvariable ed(cmd) -width 20 ttk::radiobutton $f.file -text [msgcat::mc {File}] \ -variable ed(dest) -value file ttk::label $f.tname -text [msgcat::mc {Name}] ttk::entry $f.name -textvariable ed(filename,txt) -width 20 ttk::button $f.browse -text [msgcat::mc {Browse}] \ -command "PRPrintBrowse ed(filename,txt)" grid $f.printer $f.tcmd $f.cmd -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.file $f.tname $f.name $f.browse -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $f 2 -weight 1 # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0} pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini grid $w.pt -sticky news grid $w.buttons -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) $w.buttons.ok DialogDismiss $w if {$ed(ok)} { array set ps [array get ed] } set rr $ed(ok) unset ed return $rr } proc PRPrintBrowse {varname} { upvar $varname var FileLast prsavfbox $var set var [SaveFileDialog prsavfbox] } proc PrefsDialogPrint {} { global dprefs set w $dprefs(tab) $dprefs(list) insert end [msgcat::mc {Postscript}] lappend dprefs(tabs) [ttk::frame $w.print] # PrintTo set f [ttk::labelframe $w.print.printto -text [msgcat::mc {Print To}]] ttk::radiobutton $f.printer -text [msgcat::mc {Printer}] \ -variable pps(dest) -value printer ttk::label $f.tcmd -text [msgcat::mc {Command}] ttk::entry $f.cmd -textvariable pps(cmd) -width 20 ttk::radiobutton $f.file -text [msgcat::mc {File}] \ -variable pps(dest) -value file ttk::label $f.tname -text [msgcat::mc {Name}] ttk::entry $f.name -textvariable pps(filename) -width 20 ttk::button $f.browse -text [msgcat::mc {Browse}] \ -command "PSPrintBrowse pps(filename)" grid $f.printer $f.tcmd $f.cmd -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.file $f.tname $f.name $f.browse -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Options set f [ttk::labelframe $w.print.ps -text [msgcat::mc {Postscript}]] ttk::label $f.color -text [msgcat::mc {Color}] ttk::radiobutton $f.rgb -text [msgcat::mc {RGB}] \ -variable pps(color) -value rgb ttk::radiobutton $f.cmyk -text [msgcat::mc {CMYK}] \ -variable pps(color) -value cmyk ttk::radiobutton $f.gray -text [msgcat::mc {Grayscale}] \ -variable pps(color) -value gray ttk::label $f.level -text [msgcat::mc {Level}] ttk::radiobutton $f.level1 -text "[msgcat::mc {Level}] 1" \ -variable pps(level) -value 1 ttk::radiobutton $f.level2 -text "[msgcat::mc {Level}] 2" \ -variable pps(level) -value 2 ttk::radiobutton $f.level3 -text "[msgcat::mc {Level}] 3" \ -variable pps(level) -value 3 ttk::label $f.dpi -text [msgcat::mc {DPI}] tk_optionMenu $f.resolution pps(resolution) 72 Screen 96 144 150 225 300 600 1200 grid $f.color $f.rgb $f.cmyk $f.gray -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.level $f.level3 $f.level2 $f.level1 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.dpi $f.resolution -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w pack $w.print.printto $w.print.ps \ -side top -fill both -expand true } # Process Cmds proc ProcessPrintCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global ds9 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - aqua - win32 {ProcessPSPrintCmd var i} } } proc ProcessSendPrintCmd {proc id param} { global ds9 switch $ds9(wm) { x11 - aqua - win32 {ProcessSendPSPrintCmd $proc $id $param} } } proc ProcessPSPrintCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global ps switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { destination {incr i; set ps(dest) [lindex $var $i]} command {incr i; set ps(cmd) [lindex $var $i]} filename {incr i; set ps(filename) [lindex $var $i]} palette - color {incr i; set ps(color) [lindex $var $i]} level {incr i; set ps(level) [lindex $var $i]} interpolate {incr i} resolution {incr i; set ps(resolution) [lindex $var $i]} {} {PostScript} default {incr i -1; PostScript} } } proc ProcessSendPSPrintCmd {proc id param} { global ps switch -- [string tolower $param] { destination {$proc $id "$ps(dest)\n"} command {$proc $id "$ps(cmd)\n"} filename {$proc $id "$ps(filename)\n"} palette - color {$proc $id "$ps(color)\n"} level {$proc $id "$ps(level)\n"} interpolate {$proc $id "0\n"} resolution {$proc $id "$ps(resolution)\n"} } }