# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc RGBDef {} { global rgb global irgb set irgb(top) .rgb set irgb(mb) .rgbmb set rgb(red) 1 set rgb(green) 1 set rgb(blue) 1 set rgb(system) wcs set rgb(lock,wcs) 0 set rgb(lock,crop) 0 set rgb(lock,slice) 0 set rgb(lock,bin) 0 set rgb(lock,axes) 0 set rgb(lock,scale) 0 set rgb(lock,scalelimits) 0 set rgb(lock,colorbar) 0 set rgb(lock,block) 0 set rgb(lock,smooth) 0 } proc RGBEvalLockCurrent {varname cmd} { global current global rgb global crop global cube global bin global scale global colorbar global block global smooth RGBEvalLock $varname $current(frame) $cmd } proc RGBEvalLock {varname which cmd} { upvar $varname var global rgb global crop global cube global bin global scale global colorbar global block global smooth if {$var && [$which get type] == {rgb}} { set ch [$which get rgb channel] foreach cc {red green blue} { $which rgb channel $cc eval $cmd } $which rgb channel $ch } else { eval $cmd } } proc RGBEvalLockColorbar {cmd} { global current global scale global rgb if {$rgb(lock,colorbar) && [$current(frame) get type] == {rgb}} { set ch $current(rgb) foreach c {red green blue} { colorbarrgb rgb channel $c eval $cmd } set current(rgb) $ch colorbarrgb rgb channel $current(rgb) } else { eval $cmd } } proc RGBChannel {} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { if {[$current(frame) get type] == {rgb}} { colorbarrgb rgb channel $current(rgb) } $current(frame) rgb channel $current(rgb) UpdateDS9 } } proc RGBView {} { global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) rgb view $rgb(red) $rgb(green) $rgb(blue) } } proc RGBSystem {} { global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) rgb system $rgb(system) } } # used by backup proc RGBDialog {} { global rgb global irgb global current global ds9 # see if we already have a window visible if {[winfo exists $irgb(top)]} { raise $irgb(top) return } # create the rgb window set w $irgb(top) set mb $irgb(mb) Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {RGB}] RGBDestroyDialog $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Align}] -menu $mb.align $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Lock}] -menu $mb.lock menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command RGBDestroyDialog CoordMenu $mb.align rgb system 1 {} {} RGBSystem menu $mb.lock $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {WCS}] \ -variable rgb(lock,wcs) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Crop}] \ -variable rgb(lock,crop) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Slice}] \ -variable rgb(lock,slice) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Bin}] \ -variable rgb(lock,bin) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Axes Order}] \ -variable rgb(lock,axes) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Scale}] \ -variable rgb(lock,scale) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Scale and Limits}] \ -variable rgb(lock,scalelimits) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Colorbar}] \ -variable rgb(lock,colorbar) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Block}] \ -variable rgb(lock,block) $mb.lock add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Smooth}] \ -variable rgb(lock,smooth) # Param set f [ttk::frame $w.param] ttk::label $f.currenttitle -text [msgcat::mc {Current}] ttk::label $f.viewtitle -text [msgcat::mc {View}] ttk::label $f.redtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Red}] ttk::label $f.bluetitle -text [msgcat::mc {Blue}] ttk::label $f.greentitle -text [msgcat::mc {Green}] ttk::radiobutton $f.redcurrent -variable current(rgb) \ -value red -command RGBChannel ttk::radiobutton $f.greencurrent -variable current(rgb) \ -value green -command RGBChannel ttk::radiobutton $f.bluecurrent -variable current(rgb) \ -value blue -command RGBChannel ttk::checkbutton $f.redview -variable rgb(red) -command RGBView ttk::checkbutton $f.greenview -variable rgb(green) -command RGBView ttk::checkbutton $f.blueview -variable rgb(blue) -command RGBView grid x $f.currenttitle $f.viewtitle -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.redtitle $f.redcurrent $f.redview -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.greentitle $f.greencurrent $f.greenview -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.bluetitle $f.bluecurrent $f.blueview -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command RGBDestroyDialog pack $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true } proc RGBDestroyDialog {} { global irgb if {[winfo exists $irgb(top)]} { destroy $irgb(top) destroy $irgb(mb) } } proc UpdateRGBMenu {} { # can be changed by wcs SetCoordSystem rgb system {} {} } proc UpdateRGBDialog {} { global rgb global irgb global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateRGBDialog" } if {![winfo exists $irgb(top)]} { return } if {$current(frame) != {}} { set rgb(frame) $current(frame) if {[$current(frame) has fits]} { # now make sure we have the coord systems AdjustCoordSystem rgb system CoordMenuEnable $irgb(mb).align rgb system 1 {} {} } else { CoordMenuReset $irgb(mb).align rgb system 1 {} {} } } if {$current(frame) != {}} { set current(rgb) [$current(frame) get rgb channel] set r [$current(frame) get rgb view] set rgb(red) [lindex $r 0] set rgb(green) [lindex $r 1] set rgb(blue) [lindex $r 2] set rgb(system) [$current(frame) get rgb system] } } proc RGBBackup {ch which} { puts $ch "$which rgb channel [$which get rgb channel]" puts $ch "$which rgb view [$which get rgb view]" puts $ch "$which rgb system [$which get rgb system]" } # Process Cmds proc ProcessRGBCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current global rgb RGBDialog switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { open {} close {RGBDestroyDialog} red - green - blue { set current(rgb) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] RGBChannel } channel { incr i set current(rgb) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] RGBChannel } lock { incr i set item [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set rr [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set rr 1 incr i -1 } switch -- $item { wcs {set rgb(lock,wcs) $rr} crop {set rgb(lock,crop) $rr} slice {set rgb(lock,slice) $rr} bin {set rgb(lock,bin) $rr} axes - order {set rgb(lock,axes) $rr} scale {set rgb(lock,scale) $rr} limits - scalelimits {set rgb(lock,scalelimits) $rr} color - colormap - colorbar {set rgb(lock,colorbar) $rr} block {set rgb(lock,block) $rr} smooth {set rgb(lock,smooth) $rr} } } system { incr i set rgb(system) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] RGBSystem } view { set w [lindex $var [expr $i+1]] set yesno [lindex $var [expr $i+2]] switch -- [string tolower $w] { red {set rgb(red) [FromYesNo $yesno]; RGBView} green {set rgb(green) [FromYesNo $yesno]; RGBView} blue {set rgb(blue) [FromYesNo $yesno]; RGBView} } incr i 2 } default { CreateRGBFrame incr i -1 } } } proc ProcessSendRGBCmd {proc id param} { global current global rgb switch -- [lindex $param 0] { channel {$proc $id "$current(rgb)\n"} lock { switch -- [string tolower [lindex $param 1]] { wcs {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,wcs)]} crop {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,crop)]} slice {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,slice)]} bin {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,bin)]} axes - order {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,axes)]} scale {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,scale)]} limits - scalelimits {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,scalelimits)]} colorbar {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,colorbar)]} block {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,block)]} smooth {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(lock,smooth)]} } } system {$proc $id "$rgb(system)\n"} view { switch -- [lindex $param 1] { red {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(red)]} green {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(green)]} blue {$proc $id [ToYesNo $rgb(blue)]} } } } }