# Copyright (C) 1999-2018 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc SIADef {} { global sia global isia global psia global wcs set isia(sias) {} set isia(rformat) arcmin set isia(width) 15 set isia(height) 15 set isia(minrows) 20 set isia(mincols) 10 set isia(mode) new set isia(save) 0 set isia(def) { \ {{2MASS (NASA/IPAC)} \ sia2mass \ {http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_sia}\ {} \ post \ } \ {{AKARI (ISAS/JAXA)} \ siaakari \ {http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/skynode/do/siap/akari/fis_image_v1/1.0}\ {} \ post \ } \ {{Astro-Wise} \ siaastrowise \ {http://vo.astro-wise.org/SIAP}\ {VERB=2&FORM=VOTable&PROJECT=ALL&INSTRUMENT=ALL&} \ post \ } \ {{CADC} \ siacadc \ {http://www1.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/sia/query}\ {} \ post \ } \ {{Chandra (NASA/CXC)} \ siacxc \ {http://cda.harvard.edu/cxcsiap/queryImages}\ {} \ post \ } \ {{MAST (STSCI)} siamast \ {http://archive.stsci.edu/siap/search.php}\ {} \ post \ } \ {{SDSS DR12} \ siasdss \ {http://skyserver.sdss.org/SkyserverWS/dr12/SIAP/getSIAP}\ {} \ get \ } \ {{SkyView (NASA/HEASARC)} \ siaskyview \ {http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/vo/sia.pl}\ {} \ post \ } \ {{TGSSADR (GMRT)} \ siatgssadr \ {http://vo.astron.nl/tgssadr/q_fits/imgs/siap.xml}\ {} \ post \ } \ } # {{NASA/CXC Chandra} \ # siacxc \ # {http://cda.harvard.edu/cxcsiap/queryImages}\ # {} \ # post \ # } \ # {{MPE/MPG ROSAT} siarosat \ # {http://gavo.mpe.mpg.de/rosat/SIAP} \ # {action=queryImage&siap=siap.service.rosat&} \ # get \ # } \ } proc SIAAnalysisMenu {mb} { global isia global ds9 foreach ff $isia(def) { set title [lindex $ff 0] set vars [lindex $ff 1] set url [lindex $ff 2] set opts [lindex $ff 3] set method [lindex $ff 4] $mb add command -label $title \ -command [list SIADialog $vars $title $url $opts $method apply] } } proc SIAGetURL {varname url2} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global debug if {$debug(tcl,sia)} { puts stderr "SIAGetURL $varname $var(method) $url2?$var(query2)" } ARStatus $varname [msgcat::mc {Loading}] # geturl --method does not work switch $var(method) { get { set url $url2?$var(query2) set query {} } default { set url $url2 set query $var(query2) } } global ihttp if {$var(sync)} { if {![catch {set var(token) [http::geturl $url \ -query $query \ -timeout $ihttp(timeout) \ -headers "[ProxyHTTP]"] }]} { # reset errorInfo (may be set in http::geturl) global errorInfo set errorInfo {} set var(active) 1 SIAGetURLFinish $varname $var(token) } else { SIAError $varname "[msgcat::mc {Unable to locate URL}] $url2" } } else { if {![catch {set var(token) [http::geturl $url \ -query $query \ -timeout $ihttp(timeout) \ -command \ [list SIAGetURLFinish $varname] \ -headers "[ProxyHTTP]"] }]} { # reset errorInfo (may be set in http::geturl) global errorInfo set errorInfo {} set var(active) 1 } else { SIAError $varname "[msgcat::mc {Unable to locate URL}] $url2" } } } proc SIAGetURLFinish {varname token} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global debug if {$debug(tcl,sia)} { puts stderr "SIAGetURLFinish $varname" } if {!($var(active))} { SIACancelled $varname return } upvar #0 $token t # Code set code [http::ncode $token] # Meta set meta $t(meta) # Log it HTTPLog $token # Result? switch -- $code { {} - 200 - 203 - 404 - 503 { VOTParse $var(tbldb) $token SIADone $varname SIALoadDone $varname } 201 - 300 - 301 - 302 - 303 - 305 - 307 { foreach {name value} $meta { if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,sia)} { puts stderr "SIAGetURLFinish redirect $code to $value" } # clean up and resubmit http::cleanup $token unset var(token) SIAGetURL $varname $value } } } default { SIAError $varname "[msgcat::mc {Error code was returned}] $code" } } } proc SIALoad {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname # clear previous db global $var(tbldb) if {[info exists $var(tbldb)]} { unset $var(tbldb) } global debug if {$debug(tcl,sia)} { puts stderr "SIALoad $varname $var(url2)?$var(query2)" } SIAGetURL $varname $var(url2) return } proc SIALoadDone {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global debug if {$debug(tcl,sia)} { puts stderr "SIALoadDone $varname" } SIATable $varname SIADialogUpdate $varname } proc SIAOff {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global $var(tbldb) if {[info exists $var(tbldb)]} { unset $var(tbldb) } set db $var(tbldb) set ${db}(Nrows) {} $var(tbl) selection clear all SIADialogUpdate $varname } proc SIATable {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global $var(tbldb) global isia global debug if {$debug(tcl,sia)} { puts stderr "SIATable $varname" } if {![SIAValidDB $var(tbldb)]} { return } # clear the selection $var(tbl) selection clear all global $var(tbldb) $var(found) configure -textvariable ${var(tbldb)}(Nrows) # starbase_writefp $var(tbldb) stdout if {[starbase_nrows $var(tbldb)] == 0} { ARStatus $varname [msgcat::mc {No Items Found}] return } set nc [starbase_ncols $var(tbldb)] if { $nc > $isia(mincols)} { $var(tbl) configure -cols $nc } else { $var(tbl) configure -cols $isia(mincols) } # add header set nr [expr [starbase_nrows $var(tbldb)]+1] if {$nr > $isia(minrows)} { $var(tbl) configure -rows $nr } else { $var(tbl) configure -rows $isia(minrows) } } proc SIAValidDB {varname} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname if {[info exists var(Nrows)] && [info exists var(Ncols)] && [info exists var(HLines)] && [info exists var(Header)]} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc SIASaveFn {varname fn writer} { upvar #0 $varname var global $varname global $var(tbldb) if {$fn == {}} { return } # do we have a db? if {![SIAValidDB $var(tbldb)]} { return } $writer $var(tbldb) $fn ARDone $varname } # Process Cmds proc ProcessSIACmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global isia # we need to be realized ProcessRealizeDS9 set ref [lindex $isia(sias) end] global cvarname set cvarname $ref sia::YY_FLUSH_BUFFER sia::yy_scan_string [lrange $var $i end] sia::yyparse incr i [expr $sia::yycnt-1] } proc ProcessSIA {varname iname cvarname} { upvar 2 $varname var upvar 2 $iname i global isia global psia global current # we should have a sia now global $cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar if {![info exists cvar(top)]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to find SIAP window}] $cvarname" return } if {![winfo exists $cvar(top)]} { Error "[msgcat:: mc {Unable to find SIAP window}] $cvarname" return } # now, process it set item [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] switch -- $item { cancel {ARCancel $cvarname} clear {SIAOff $cvarname} close {SIADestroy $cvarname} coordinate { incr i set cvar(x) [lindex $var $i] incr i set cvar(y) [lindex $var $i] incr i set cvar(sky) [lindex $var $i] } crosshair {IMGSVRCrosshair $cvarname} export - save { incr i set writer VOTWrite switch -- [lindex $var $i] { xml - vot {incr i; set writer VOTWrite} sb - starbase {incr i; set writer starbase_write} csv - tsv {incr i; set writer TSVWrite} } set fn [lindex $var $i] SIASaveFn $cvarname $fn $writer FileLast siafbox $fn } name { incr i set cvar(name) [lindex $var $i] } print {CATPrint $cvarname} retrieve - retreive {SIAApply $cvarname 1} size { incr i set cvar(width) [lindex $var $i] incr i set cvar(height) [lindex $var $i] incr i set cvar(rformat) [lindex $var $i] set cvar(rformat,msg) $cvar(rformat) } sky { incr i set cvar(sky) [lindex $var $i] CoordMenuButtonCmd $cvarname system sky \ [list SIAWCSMenuUpdate $cvarname] } skyformat { incr i set cvar(skyformat) [lindex $var $i] } system { incr i set cvar(system) [lindex $var $i] CoordMenuButtonCmd $cvarname system sky \ [list SIAWCSMenuUpdate $cvarname] } update {IMGSVRUpdate $cvarname} } } proc SIACmdCheck {} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar if {![info exists cvar(top)]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to find SIAP window}] $cvarname" return 0 } if {![winfo exists $cvar(top)]} { Error "[msgcat:: mc {Unable to find SIAP window}] $cvarname" return 0 } return 1 } proc SIACmdRef {ref} { global isia global cvarname # look for reference in current list if {[lsearch $isia(sias) sia${ref}] < 0} { # see if its from our list of sias foreach mm $isia(def) { set title [lindex $mm 0] set vars [lindex $mm 1] set url [lindex $mm 2] set opts [lindex $mm 3] set method [lindex $mm 4] if {$title != {-} && "sia${ref}" == $vars} { SIADialog $vars $title $url $opts $method sync set cvarname sia${ref} } } } } proc SIACmdSet {which value} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar($which) $value } proc SIACmdCoord {xx yy sky} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar(x) $xx set cvar(y) $yy set cvar(sky) $sky } proc SIACmdSave {fn writer} { global cvarname if {$fn != {}} { SIASaveFn $cvarname $fn $writer FileLast siafbox $fn } } proc SIACmdSize {width height rformat} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar(width) $width set cvar(height) $height set cvar(rformat) $rformat set cvar(rformat,msg) $rformat } proc SIACmdSkyframe {skyframe} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar(sky) $skyframe CoordMenuButtonCmd $cvarname system sky [list SIAWCSMenuUpdate $cvarname] } proc SIACmdSystem {sys} { global cvarname upvar #0 $cvarname cvar set cvar(system) $sys CoordMenuButtonCmd $cvarname system sky [list SIAWCSMenuUpdate $cvarname] } proc ProcessSendSIACmd {proc id param sock fn} { global isia $proc $id "$isia(sias)\n" }