# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc SmoothDef {} { global smooth global ismooth global psmooth set ismooth(top) .sm set ismooth(mb) .smmb set smooth(lock) 0 set smooth(view) 0 set smooth(function) gaussian set smooth(radius) 3 set smooth(radius,minor) 3 set smooth(sigma) 1.5 set smooth(sigma,minor) 1.5 set smooth(angle) 0 array set psmooth [array get smooth] } proc SmoothUpdate {} { global smooth global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { SetWatchCursor if {$smooth(view)} { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,smooth) [list $current(frame) smooth $smooth(function) $smooth(radius) $smooth(radius,minor) $smooth(sigma) $smooth(sigma,minor) $smooth(angle)] } else { RGBEvalLockCurrent rgb(lock,smooth) [list $current(frame) smooth delete] } ResetWatchCursor } LockSmoothCurrent UpdateCubeDialog UpdateContourScale UpdateContourDialog UpdateScaleDialog UpdateGraphAxis $current(frame) UpdateMain } proc SmoothDialog {} { global ds9 global smooth global ismooth # see if we already have a window visible if {[winfo exists $ismooth(top)]} { raise $ismooth(top) return } # create the window set w $ismooth(top) set mb $ismooth(mb) Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Smooth Parameters}] SmoothDestroyDialog $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command SmoothApplyDialog $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Clear}] -command SmoothOffDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \ -command SmoothDestroyDialog EditMenu $mb ismooth # Function set f [ttk::labelframe $w.func -text [msgcat::mc {Function}] -padding 2] ttk::radiobutton $f.boxcar -text [msgcat::mc {Boxcar}] \ -variable smooth(function) -value boxcar \ -command SmoothUpdateDialog ttk::radiobutton $f.tophat -text [msgcat::mc {Tophat}] \ -variable smooth(function) -value tophat \ -command SmoothUpdateDialog ttk::radiobutton $f.gaussian -text [msgcat::mc {Gaussian}] \ -variable smooth(function) -value gaussian \ -command SmoothUpdateDialog ttk::radiobutton $f.elliptic -text [msgcat::mc {Elliptical Gaussian}] \ -variable smooth(function) -value elliptic \ -command SmoothUpdateDialog grid $f.boxcar $f.tophat $f.gaussian $f.elliptic -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w # boxcar set f [ttk::labelframe $w.boxcar -text [msgcat::mc {Boxcar}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.tdescr -text [msgcat::mc {Width}] ttk::label $f.descr -text {2*radius+1} slider $f.slider 1 20 {Radius} smooth(radius) {} grid $f.tdescr $f.descr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.slider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew # tophat set f [ttk::labelframe $w.tophat -text [msgcat::mc {Tophat}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.tdescr -text [msgcat::mc {Diameter}] ttk::label $f.descr -text {2*radius+1} slider $f.slider 1 20 {Radius} smooth(radius) {} grid $f.tdescr $f.descr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.slider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew # gaussian set f [ttk::labelframe $w.gaussian -text [msgcat::mc {Gaussian}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.tdescr -text [msgcat::mc {Diameter}] ttk::label $f.descr -text {2*radius+1} slider $f.rslider 1 20 {Radius} smooth(radius) \ {SmoothCheckSigma radius sigma} slider $f.sslider 1. 20. {Sigma} smooth(sigma) {} grid $f.tdescr $f.descr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.rslider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.sslider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew # elliptical gaussian set f [ttk::labelframe $w.elliptic \ -text [msgcat::mc {Elliptical Gaussian}] -padding 2] ttk::label $f.tdescr -text [msgcat::mc {Diameter}] ttk::label $f.tangle -text {Angle} ttk::entry $f.angle -textvariable smooth(angle) -width 7 ttk::label $f.descr -text {2*radius+1} slider $f.rslider 1 20 [msgcat::mc {Major Radius}] smooth(radius) \ {SmoothCheckSigma radius sigma} slider $f.rmslider 1 20 [msgcat::mc {Minor Radius}] smooth(radius,minor) \ {SmoothCheckSigma radius,minor sigma,minor} slider $f.sslider 1. 20. [msgcat::mc {Major Sigma}] smooth(sigma) {} slider $f.smlider 1. 20. [msgcat::mc {Minor Sigma}] smooth(sigma,minor) {} grid $f.tangle $f.angle -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.tdescr $f.descr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $f.rslider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.rmslider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.sslider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid $f.smlider -columnspan 20 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command SmoothApplyDialog ttk::button $f.clear -text [msgcat::mc {Clear}] -command SmoothOffDialog ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command SmoothDestroyDialog pack $f.apply $f.clear $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini grid $w.func -sticky news grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 SmoothUpdateDialog } proc SmoothCheckSigma {rr ss} { global smooth set smooth($ss) [expr $smooth($rr)/2.] } proc SmoothUpdateDialog {} { global ismooth global smooth global ds9 if {![winfo exists $ismooth(top)]} { return } set w $ismooth(top) set mb $ismooth(mb) grid forget $w.boxcar grid forget $w.tophat grid forget $w.gaussian grid forget $w.elliptic grid forget $w.buttons switch $smooth(function) { boxcar {grid $w.boxcar -sticky news} tophat {grid $w.tophat -sticky news} gaussian {grid $w.gaussian -sticky news} elliptic {grid $w.elliptic -sticky news} } grid $w.buttons -sticky ew } proc SmoothApplyDialog {} { global smooth set smooth(view) 1 SmoothUpdate } proc SmoothDestroyDialog {} { global ismooth if {[winfo exists $ismooth(top)]} { destroy $ismooth(top) destroy $ismooth(mb) } } proc SmoothOffDialog {} { global smooth set smooth(view) 0 SmoothUpdate } proc UpdateSmoothMenu {} { global smooth global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateSmoothMenu" } if {$current(frame) != {}} { set smooth(view) [$current(frame) has smooth] set smooth(function) [$current(frame) get smooth function] set smooth(radius) [$current(frame) get smooth radius] set smooth(radius,minor) [$current(frame) get smooth radius minor] set smooth(sigma) [$current(frame) get smooth sigma] set smooth(sigma,minor) [$current(frame) get smooth sigma minor] set smooth(angle) [$current(frame) get smooth angle] } } proc MatchSmoothCurrent {} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { MatchSmooth $current(frame) } } proc MatchSmooth {which} { global ds9 global rgb set view [$which has smooth] set function [$which get smooth function] set radius [$which get smooth radius] set radiusminor [$which get smooth radius minor] set sigma [$which get smooth sigma] set sigmaminor [$which get smooth sigma minor] set angle [$which get smooth angle] foreach ff $ds9(frames) { if {$ff != $which} { if {$view} { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,smooth) $ff [list $ff smooth $function $radius $radiusminor $sigma $sigmaminor $angle] } else { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,smooth) $ff [list $ff smooth delete] } } } } proc LockSmoothCurrent {} { global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { LockSmooth $current(frame) } } proc LockSmooth {which} { global smooth if {$smooth(lock)} { MatchSmooth $which } } proc SmoothBackup {ch which} { switch [$which get type] { base - 3d {SmoothBackupBase $ch $which} rgb {SmoothBackupRGB $ch $which} } } proc SmoothBackupBase {ch which} { if {[$which has smooth]} { set function [$which get smooth function] set radius [$which get smooth radius] set radiusminor [$which get smooth radius minor] set sigma [$which get smooth sigma] set sigmaminor [$which get smooth sigma minor] set angle [$which get smooth angle] puts $ch "$which smooth $function $radius $radiusminor $sigma $sigmaminor $angle" } } proc SmoothBackupRGB {ch which} { set sav [$which get rgb channel] foreach cc {red green blue} { $which rgb channel $cc puts $ch "$which rgb channel $cc" SmoothBackupBase $ch $which } $which rgb channel $sav puts $ch "$which rgb channel $sav" } proc PrefsDialogSmooth {} { global dprefs set w $dprefs(tab) $dprefs(list) insert end [msgcat::mc {Smooth}] lappend dprefs(tabs) [ttk::frame $w.smooth] set f [ttk::labelframe $w.smooth.param -text [msgcat::mc {Smooth}]] ttk::label $f.title -text [msgcat::mc {Function}] ttk::menubutton $f.function -textvariable psmooth(function) \ -menu $f.function.menu menu $f.function.menu $f.function.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Boxcar}] \ -variable psmooth(function) -value boxcar $f.function.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Tophat}] \ -variable psmooth(function) -value tophat $f.function.menu add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {Gaussian}] \ -variable psmooth(function) -value gaussian grid $f.title $f.function -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true } proc ProcessSmoothCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global smooth switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { open {SmoothDialog} close {SmoothDestroyDialog} match {MatchSmoothCurrent} lock { incr i if {!([string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] == "-")} { set smooth(lock) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] } else { set smooth(lock) 1 incr i -1 } LockSmoothCurrent } function { incr i set smooth(function) [lindex $var $i] SmoothUpdate } radius { incr i set smooth(radius) [lindex $var $i] SmoothUpdate } radiusminor { incr i set smooth(radius,minor) [lindex $var $i] SmoothUpdate } sigma { incr i set smooth(sigma) [lindex $var $i] SmoothUpdate } sigmaminor { incr i set smooth(sigma,minor) [lindex $var $i] SmoothUpdate } angle { incr i set smooth(angle) [lindex $var $i] SmoothUpdate } yes - true - on - 1 - no - false - off - 0 { set smooth(view) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] SmoothUpdate } default { set smooth(view) 1 SmoothUpdate incr i -1 } } } proc ProcessSendSmoothCmd {proc id param} { global smooth switch -- [lindex $param 0] { lock {$proc $id [ToYesNo $smooth(lock)]} function {$proc $id "$smooth(function)\n"} radius {$proc $id "$smooth(radius)\n"} radiusminor {$proc $id "$smooth(radius,minor)\n"} sigma {$proc $id "$smooth(sigma)\n"} sigmaminor {$proc $id "$smooth(sigma,minor)\n"} angle {$proc $id "$smooth(angle)\n"} default {$proc $id [ToYesNo $smooth(view)]} } }