# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc CurrentDef {} { global current global pcurrent global ds9 set current(frame) {} set current(ext) {} set current(colorbar) {} set current(cursor) {} set current(rgb) red set current(display) single set current(mode) none set current(zoom) { 1 1 } set current(rotate) 0 set current(orient) none set current(align) 0 set pcurrent(display) $current(display) set pcurrent(mode) $current(mode) set pcurrent(zoom) $current(zoom) set pcurrent(rotate) $current(rotate) set pcurrent(orient) $current(orient) set pcurrent(align) $current(align) } proc CursorDef {} { global icursor set icursor(save) {} set icursor(id) 0 set icursor(timer) 0 set icursor(timer,abort) 0 } proc GetNumCores {} { global tcl_platform global env switch $tcl_platform(os) { Linux { if {![catch {open "/proc/cpuinfo"} f]} { set cores [regexp -all -line {^processor\s} [read $f]] close $f if {$cores > 0} { return $cores } } } Darwin { if {![catch {exec sysctl -n "hw.ncpu"} cores]} { return $cores } } {Windows NT} { return $env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS) } } return 1 } proc UpdateDS9Static {} { # This routine is only called when an frame is added or deleted # we only change menu items which require at least one frame global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateDS9Static begin..." } UpdateFileMenuStatic UpdateFrameMenuStatic UpdateZoomMenuStatic UpdateAnalysisMenuStatic if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateDS9Static end...\n" } } proc UpdateDS9 {} { global ds9 global current # This routine is called when ever there is a state change within ds9 # for example, a image is loaded, current(frame) is changed, etc global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateDS9 begin..." } UpdateFileMenu UpdateEditMenu UpdateFrameMenu UpdateBinMenu UpdateZoomMenu UpdateScaleMenu UpdateColorMenu UpdateRegionMenu # wcs(system) set here UpdateWCSMenu UpdateAnalysisMenu UpdateTaskMenu UpdateMaskMenu UpdateContourMenu UpdateGridMenu UpdateBlockMenu UpdateSmoothMenu UpdateCubeMenu UpdateRGBMenu UpdatePanZoomMenu UpdateBinDialog UpdatePanZoomDialog UpdateCrosshairDialog UpdateCropDialog UpdateScaleDialog UpdateColorDialog UpdateWCSDialog UpdateGroupDialog UpdateCATDialog UpdateCentroidDialog UpdateCubeDialog UpdateRGBDialog Update3DDialog UpdateContourDialog UpdateGridDialog UpdateGraphXAxis $current(frame) UpdateGraphYAxis $current(frame) RefreshInfoBox $current(frame) UpdateColormapLevel if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateDS9 end...\n" } } # changes to other dialogs can affect the infobox and pixeltable proc UpdateMain {} { global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateMain" } RefreshInfoBox $current(frame) UpdateColormapLevel switch -- $current(mode) { crosshair - analysis { if {$current(frame) != {}} { set coord [$current(frame) get crosshair canvas] set x [lindex $coord 0] set y [lindex $coord 1] # just in case we hae a mosaic UpdateColormapLevelMosaic $current(frame) $x $y canvas UpdatePixelTableDialog $current(frame) $x $y canvas UpdateGraph $current(frame) $x $y canvas } } none - pointer - region - catalog - colorbar - pan - zoom - rotate - crop - examine - iexam {} } } proc ProcessSend {proc id sock fn ext rr} { if {$sock != {}} { # not implemented } elseif {$fn != {}} { append fn $ext set ch [open $fn w] puts $ch $rr close $ch $proc $id {} $fn } else { $proc $id $rr } } proc Toplevel {w mb style title proc} { global ds9 toplevel $w switch $ds9(wm) { x11 {} aqua { switch $style { 6 {::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $w document "closeBox collapseBox"} 7 {::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $w document "closeBox fullZoom collapseBox resizable"} } } win32 {} } wm title $w $title wm iconname $w $title wm group $w $ds9(top) wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW $proc # we need this first, before the configure command menu $mb AppleMenu $mb $w configure -menu $mb global pds9 if {$pds9(dialog,center)} { DialogCenter $w } } proc SourceInitFileDir {ext} { global ds9 foreach pp {{.} {}} { set fn $pp$ds9(app)$ext set ff [file join [GetEnvHome] $fn] switch [SourceInitFile $ff] { 1 {return 1} default {return 0} } } return 0 } proc SourceInitFile {fn} { global tcl_platform # do this cause old scripts may assume access during source command global ds9 if {[file exist $fn] && [file isfile $fn]} { # check permissions switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix { set pp [split [file attributes $fn -perm] {}] if {![ValidReadOnly [lindex $pp 3]] || ![ValidReadOnly [lindex $pp 4]]} { set msg "[msgcat::mc {Invalid file permissions detected}]: $fn [msgcat::mc {Please change the file's permission to disable other users write access. Use anyway?}]" if {[tk_messageBox -type yesno -icon question -message $msg] != {yes}} { # failed to execute return 0 } } } windows {} } # can't make this a debug command line option # prefs set before options parsed if {[catch {source $fn}]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {An error has occurred while executing}] $fn. [msgcat::mc {DS9 will complete the initialization process}]" # failed to execute return 0 } # success execute return 1 } # not found return -1 } proc ValidReadOnly {perm} { if {[string is integer $perm]} { switch $perm { 0 - 1 - 4 - 5 {return 1} default {return 0} } } return 0; } proc LanguageToName {which} { switch $which { locale {return {Locale}} cs {return "\u010Cesky"} da {return {Dansk}} de {return {Deutsch}} en {return {English}} es {return {Español}} fr {return {Français}} ja {return [encoding convertfrom euc-jp "\xc6\xfc\xcb\xdc\xb8\xec"]} pt {return {Português}} zh {return [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xA4\xA4\xE5"]} } } proc SetLanguage {ll} { global ds9 global pds9 set pds9(language,name) [LanguageToName $ll] set x 0 msgcat::mclocale $ll msgcat::mcload [file join $::tk_library msgs] # we need to find if we support this language if {[msgcat::mcload [file join $ds9(root) msgs]]} { incr x } if {$pds9(language,dir) != {}} { if {[msgcat::mcload $pds9(language,dir)]} { incr x } } # if english, always return found if {[string equal [string range $ll 0 1] {en}]} { incr x } if {$x} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc GetEnvHome {} { global env global tcl_platform switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix { if {[info exists env(HOME)]} { return $env(HOME) } } windows { if {[info exists env(HOME)]} { set hh [file normalize [file nativename $env(HOME)]] if {[file isdirectory $hh]} { return $hh } } # this is just a backup, the above should always work if {[info exists env(HOMEDRIVE)] && [info exists env(HOMEPATH)]} { return "$env(HOMEDRIVE)$env(HOMEPATH)" } } } return {} } proc InitTempDir {} { global ds9 global env # check environment vars first # windows is very picky as to file name format if {[info exists env(TEMP)]} { set ds9(tmpdir) [file normalize [file nativename $env(TEMP)]] } elseif {[info exists env(TMP)]} { set ds9(tmpdir) [file normalize [file nativename $env(TMP)]] } # nothing so far, go with defaults if {$ds9(tmpdir) == {}} { global tcl_platform switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix {set ds9(tmpdir) "/tmp"} windows {set ds9(tmpdir) "C:/WINDOWS/Temp"} } } # see if it is valid, else current directory if {![file isdirectory $ds9(tmpdir)]} { set ds9(tmpdir) {.} } } proc tmpnam {ext} { global ds9 for {set ii 0} {$ii<10} {incr ii} { set fn "$ds9(tmpdir)/ds9[clock clicks]$ext" if {![file exists $fn]} { return $fn } } # give up return "$ds9(tmpdir)/ds9$ext" } # which compiler do we use for filtering? proc InitFilterCompiler {} { global ds9 global env global argv0 # if the user did not explicitly specify one ... if {![info exists env(FILTER_CC)]} { switch -- $ds9(wm) { x11 {} aqua { if {![file exists /usr/bin/gcc]} { # pcc is hardwired to be installed in /tmp set pccroot "/tmp/pcc" set pcc "$pccroot/bin/pcc" set tar "pcc-i386-snowleopard.tar.gz" if {[file readable "$ds9(root)/$tar"]} { exec cp "$ds9(root)/$tar" "/tmp/$tar" exec tar xfPz "/tmp/$tar" -C /tmp exec rm -f "/tmp/$tar" } if {[file exists $pcc]} { set env(FILTER_CC) $pcc set env(FILTER_CFLAGS) "-isystem $pccroot/lib/pcc" set env(PATH) "$pccroot/bin:$env(PATH)" } } } win32 { set tcc [file join $ds9(root) tcc/tcc.exe] if {[file exists $tcc]} { set env(FILTER_CC) [file nativename [file attributes [file normalize $tcc] -shortname]] set env(FILTER_TMPDIR) [file nativename [file attributes [file normalize $ds9(tmpdir)] -shortname]] } } } } } proc ToYesNo {value} { if {$value == 1} { return "yes\n" } else { return "no\n" } } proc FromYesNo {value} { set v [string tolower $value] if {$v == "no" || $v == "false" || $v == "off" || $v == 0} { return 0 } else { return 1 } } proc ProcessRealizeDS9 {} { global ds9 global current # this can really slow down scripts so use ds9(last) # to remember last update if {$ds9(last) != $current(frame)} { RealizeDS9 set ds9(last) $current(frame) } } proc RealizeDS9 {{preserve 0}} { # this has to come first, to realize the canvas global debug if {$debug(tcl,idletasks)} { puts stderr "RealizeDS9" } # update all frames global ds9 foreach ff $ds9(frames) { if {$preserve} { $ff 3d preserve } $ff update now } # idletasks fails for windows. we need to process all events to make # sure all windows are realized # update idletasks update } proc Sex2H {str} { scan $str "%d:%d:%f" h m s return [expr $h+($m/60.)+($s/(60.*60.))] } proc Sex2Hs {str} { scan $str "%d %d %f" h m s return [expr $h+($m/60.)+($s/(60.*60.))] } proc Sex2D {str} { set sign 1 set degree 0 set min 0 set sec 0 scan $str "%d:%f:%f" degree min sec if {$degree != 0} { if {$degree < 0} { set sign -1 } } else { if {[string range $str 0 0] == {-}} { set sign -1 } } return [expr $sign * (abs($degree)+($min/60.)+($sec/(60.*60.)))] } proc SetCursor {cursor} { global ds9 global iis global current # if init phase, don't change cursor if {$ds9(init)} { return } # if iis cursor mode, don't change cursor if {$iis(state)} { return } if {($current(cursor) != $cursor)} { set current(cursor) $cursor if {$cursor != {}} { $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor $cursor } else { $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor {} } } } proc SetWatchCursor {} { global ds9 global icursor # we don't want to update during initialization if {$ds9(init)} { return } set icursor(save) [$ds9(canvas) cget -cursor] $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor {} $ds9(main) configure -cursor watch update } proc ResetWatchCursor {} { global ds9 global icursor # we don't want to update during initialization if {$ds9(init)} { return } $ds9(main) configure -cursor {} $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor $icursor(save) } proc CursorTimer {} { global ds9 global icursor switch -- $icursor(timer) { 0 { set icursor(timer,abort) 0 set icursor(timer) 0 set icursor(id) 0 $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor {} } 1 { $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor circle set icursor(timer) 2 set icursor(id) [after 1000 CursorTimer] } 2 { $ds9(canvas) configure -cursor dot set icursor(timer) 1 set icursor(id) [after 1000 CursorTimer] } } } proc AboutBox {} { global help global ds9 global ed set w {.abt} set ed(ok) 0 DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {About SAOImage DS9}] ed(ok) # Param set f [frame $w.param -background white] canvas $f.c -background white -height 450 -width 500 pack $f.c -fill both -expand true # can't use -file for zvfs # set ed(sun) [image create photo -format gif -file $ds9(root)/doc/sun.gif] set ch [open $ds9(root)/doc/sun.gif r] fconfigure $ch -translation binary -encoding binary set dd [read $ch] close $ch unset ch set ed(sun) [image create photo -format gif -data "$dd"] unset dd $f.c create image 0 0 -image $ed(sun) -anchor nw $f.c create text 120 22 -text $help(about) -anchor nw -width 350 # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \ -default active pack $f.ok -padx 2 -pady 2 bind $w {set ed(ok) 1} # Fini ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true DialogCenter $w DialogWait $w ed(ok) DialogDismiss $w image delete $ed(sun) unset ed } proc QuitDS9 {} { global ds9 # shutdown SAMP global samp if {[info exists samp]} { catch {SAMPDisconnect} } # close IIS ports catch {IISClose} # close out XPA global xpa if {[info exists xpa]} { catch {xpafree $xpa} } # close all HV windows, they may have tmp files global ihv foreach hh $ihv(windows) { if {[winfo exists $hh]} { catch {HVDestroy $hh} } } focus {} exit } proc OpenSource {} { set filename [OpenFileDialog tclfbox] if {$filename != {}} { uplevel #0 "source \{$filename\}" } } proc OpenConsole {} { if {[winfo exists ".tkcon"]} { tkcon show } else { set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) {} set ::tkcon::OPT(font) [font actual TkFixedFont] tkcon::Init } } proc ToggleBindEvents {} { global ds9 if {$ds9(freeze)} { set ds9(freeze) 0 BindEventsCanvas BindEventsPanner } else { set ds9(freeze) 1 UnBindEventsCanvas UnBindEventsPanner } } proc ChangeMode {} { global ds9 global current bind $ds9(canvas) {} bind $ds9(canvas) {} bind $ds9(canvas) {} foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff crosshair off $ff analysis reset $ff marker catalog unselect all $ff marker catalog unhighlite all $ff marker unselect all $ff marker unhighlite all } UpdateRegionMenu RefreshInfoBox $current(frame) PixelTableClearDialog ClearGraphData switch -- $current(mode) { none - pointer - region - catalog {SetCursor {}} crosshair { foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff crosshair on } SetCursor crosshair } colorbar {SetCursor center_ptr} zoom {SetCursor sizing} pan {SetCursor fleur} rotate {SetCursor exchange} crop {SetCursor {}} analysis { foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff crosshair on } SetCursor crosshair IMEChangeShape } examine {SetCursor target} iexam {} } } # Font procs proc InitDefaultFont {} { global ds9 global pds9 set pds9(font) helvetica set pds9(font,weight) normal set pds9(font,slant) roman switch $ds9(wm) { x11 {set pds9(font,size) 9} aqua {set pds9(font,size) 13} win32 {set pds9(font,size) 10} } } proc InitDefaultTextFont {} { global ds9 global pds9 set pds9(text,font) courier set pds9(text,font,weight) normal set pds9(text,font,slant) roman switch $ds9(wm) { x11 {set pds9(text,font,size) 9} aqua {set pds9(text,font,size) 12} win32 {set pds9(text,font,size) 10} } } proc ResetDefaultFont {} { InitDefaultFont SetDefaultFont true } proc ResetDefaultTextFont {} { InitDefaultTextFont SetDefaultTextFont true } proc SetDefaultFont {which} { global ds9 global pds9 font configure TkDefaultFont -family $ds9($pds9(font)) \ -size $pds9(font,size) -weight $pds9(font,weight) \ -slant $pds9(font,slant) switch $ds9(wm) { x11 { font configure TkMenuFont -family $ds9($pds9(font)) \ -size $pds9(font,size) -weight $pds9(font,weight) \ -slant $pds9(font,slant) } aqua - win32 { # can't change font defs, see font configure doc } } if {$which} { UpdateScaleDialogFont UpdateGraphFont CATUpdateFont } } proc SetDefaultTextFont {which} { global ds9 global pds9 font configure TkFixedFont -family $ds9($pds9(text,font)) \ -size $pds9(text,font,size) -weight $pds9(text,font,weight) \ -slant $pds9(text,font,slant) if {$which} { SimpleTextUpdateFont } } proc PrefsBgColor {} { global ds9 global pds9 foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff bg color $pds9(bg) } } proc PrefsNanColor {} { global ds9 global pds9 foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff nan color $pds9(nan) } } proc ChangeThreads {} { global ds9 foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff threads $ds9(threads) } } proc PrefsIRAFAlign {} { global ds9 global pds9 foreach ff $ds9(frames) { $ff iraf align $pds9(iraf) } } proc DisplayLog {item} { SimpleTextDialog ftptxt [msgcat::mc {Message Log}] 80 40 append bottom $item } proc ParseURL {url varname} { upvar $varname r set r(scheme) {} set r(authority) {} set r(path) {} set r(query) {} set r(fragment) {} set exp {^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?} if {![regexp -nocase $exp $url x a r(scheme) c r(authority) r(path) f r(query) h r(fragment)]} { return 0 } # check for windows disk drives global tcl_platform switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix { switch -- $r(scheme) { ftp { # strip any username/passwd set id [string first {@} $r(authority)] if { $id != -1} { set r(authority) [string range $r(authority) [expr $id+1] end] } } } } windows { switch -- $r(scheme) { {} - ftp - http - file { if {[regexp {/([A-Z]:)(/.*)} $r(path) a b c]} { set r(path) "$b$c" } } default { set r(path) "$r(scheme):$r(path)" set r(scheme) {} } } } } return 1 } proc BreakUp {str} { set r {} set l [string length $str] for {set i 0} {$i < $l} {incr i} { set c [string index $str $i] append r $c if {$c=="\}"} { append r "\n" } } return $r } proc InPath {which} { global env global tcl_platform switch $tcl_platform(platform) { unix { set target ${which} set paths [split $env(PATH) :] } windows { set target ${which}.exe set paths [split $env(PATH) \;] } } foreach p $paths { if {[file executable [file join $p $target]]} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc FTPLog {s msg state} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,ftp)} { DisplayLog "$s $msg $state\n" } } proc HTTPLog {token} { global debug if {$debug(tcl,http)} { upvar #0 $token t DisplayLog "url: $t(url)\n" DisplayLog "http: $t(http)\n" DisplayLog "type: $t(type)\n" DisplayLog "currentsize: $t(currentsize)\n" DisplayLog "totalsize: $t(totalsize)\n" DisplayLog "status: $t(status)\n" if {[info exists t(error)]} { DisplayLog "error: $t(error)\n" } DisplayLog "meta: [BreakUp $t(meta)]\n" } } proc ConfigHTTP {} { global phttp # set the User-Agent http::config -useragent ds9 # set the proxy if requested if {$phttp(proxy)} { http::config -proxyhost $phttp(proxy,host) -proxyport $phttp(proxy,port) } } proc ProxyHTTP {} { global phttp set auth {} if {$phttp(proxy) && $phttp(auth)} { set auth [list "Proxy-Authorization" [concat "Basic" [base64::encode $phttp(auth,user):$phttp(auth,passwd)]]] } return $auth } proc FixSpec {sysname skyname formatname defsys defsky defformat} { upvar $sysname sys upvar $skyname sky upvar $formatname format set rr 0 switch -- $sys { image - physical - detector - amplifier - wcs - wcsa - wcsb - wcsc - wcsd - wcse - wcsf - wcsg - wcsh - wcsi - wcsj - wcsk - wcsl - wcsm - wcsn - wcso - wcsp - wcsq - wcsr - wcss - wcst - wcsu - wcsv - wcsw - wcsx - wcsy - wcsz {incr rr} fk4 - b1950 - fk5 - j2000 - icrs - galactic - ecliptic { set format $sky set sky $sys set sys wcs } default { set format $sky set sky $sys set sys $defsys } } switch -- $sky { fk4 - b1950 - fk5 - j2000 - icrs - galactic - ecliptic {incr rr} default { set format $sky set sky $defsky } } switch -- $format { degrees - arcmin - arcsec - sexagesimal {incr rr} default { set format $defformat } } return $rr } proc FixSpecSystem {sysname defsys} { upvar $sysname sys set rr 0 switch -- $sys { image - physical - detector - amplifier - wcs - wcsa - wcsb - wcsc - wcsd - wcse - wcsf - wcsg - wcsh - wcsi - wcsj - wcsk - wcsl - wcsm - wcsn - wcso - wcsp - wcsq - wcsr - wcss - wcst - wcsu - wcsv - wcsw - wcsx - wcsy - wcsz {incr rr} default { set sys $defsys } } return $rr } proc DS9Backup {ch which} { global pds9 puts $ch "$which bg color $pds9(bg)" puts $ch "$which nan color $pds9(nan)" } # Process Cmds proc ProcessPrefsCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global pds9 global ds9 switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { clear {ClearPrefs} bgcolor { # backward compatibility incr i set pds9(bg) [lindex $var $i] PrefsBgColor } nancolor { # backward compatibility incr i set pds9(nan) [lindex $var $i] PrefsNanColor } threads { # backward compatibility incr i set ds9(threads) [lindex $var $i] ChangeThreads } irafalign { incr i set pds9(iraf) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] PrefsIRAFAlign } } } proc ProcessSendPrefsCmd {proc id param} { global pds9 global ds9 # backward compatibility switch -- [string tolower [lindex $param 0]] { bgcolor {$proc $id "$pds9(bg)\n"} nancolor {$proc $id "$pds9(nan)\n"} threads {$proc $id "$ds9(threads)\n"} irafalign {$proc $id [ToYesNo $pds9(iraf)]} } } proc ProcessBgCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global pds9 set pds9(bg) [lindex $var $i] PrefsBgColor } proc ProcessSendBgCmd {proc id param} { global pds9 $proc $id "$pds9(bg)\n" } proc ProcessNanCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global pds9 set pds9(nan) [lindex $var $i] PrefsNanColor } proc ProcessSendNanCmd {proc id param} { global pds9 $proc $id "$pds9(nan)\n" } proc ProcessThreadsCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global ds9 set ds9(threads) [lindex $var $i] ChangeThreads } proc ProcessSendThreadsCmd {proc id param} { global ds9 $proc $id "$ds9(threads)\n" } proc ProcessIRAFAlignCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global pds9 set pds9(iraf) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] PrefsIRAFAlign } proc ProcessSendIRAFAlignCmd {proc id param} { global pds9 $proc $id [ToYesNo $pds9(iraf)] } proc ProcessCDCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i cd [lindex $var $i] } proc ProcessSendCDCmd {proc id param} { $proc $id "[pwd]\n" } proc ProcessConsoleCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i OpenConsole # ignore error message about ActiveTcl global ds9 InitError $ds9(msg,src) } proc ProcessCursorCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { set x [lindex $var $i] incr i set y [lindex $var $i] switch -- $current(mode) { none {$current(frame) warp $x $y} pointer - region {MarkerArrowKey $current(frame) $x $y} catalog {MarkerArrowKey $current(frame) $x $y} crosshair {CrosshairArrowKey $current(frame) $x $y} colorbar {} pan {Pan $x $y canvas} zoom - rotate - crop {} analysis {IMEArrowKey $current(frame) $x $y} examine - iexam {} } } } proc ProcessSendDataCmd {proc id param sock fn} { global cube global blink global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { set sys [lindex $param 0] set sky [lindex $param 1] set x [lindex $param 2] set y [lindex $param 3] set w [lindex $param 4] set h [lindex $param 5] set strip [lindex $param 6] switch -- $sys { image - physical - detector - amplifier { set strip $h set h $w set w $y set y $x set x $sky set sky fk5 } fk4 - b1950 - fk5 - j2000 - icrs - galactic - ecliptic { set strip $h set h $w set w $y set y $x set x $sky set sky $sys set sys wcs } } set strip [FromYesNo $strip] $current(frame) get data $sys $sky $x $y $w $h rr set ss {} foreach ii [array names rr] { if {$strip} { append ss "$rr($ii)\n" } else { append ss "$ii = $rr($ii)\n" } } ProcessSend $proc $id $sock $fn {.dat} $ss } } proc ProcessIconifyCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global ds9 switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { yes - true - on - 1 {wm iconify $ds9(top)} no - false - off - 0 {wm deiconify $ds9(top)} default { wm iconify $ds9(top) incr i -1 } } } proc ProcessSendIconifyCmd {proc id param} { global ds9 if {[wm state $ds9(top)] == "normal"} { $proc $id "no\n" } else { $proc $id "yes\n" } } proc ProcessLowerCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global ds9 lower $ds9(top) } proc ProcessModeCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current set current(mode) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] # backward compatibility switch $current(mode) { pointer {set current(mode) region} } ChangeMode } proc ProcessQuitCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i QuitDS9 } proc ProcessSendModeCmd {proc id param} { global current $proc $id "$current(mode)\n" } proc ProcessRaiseCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global ds9 raise $ds9(top) } proc ProcessSleepCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i # yes, we need this UpdateDS9 RealizeDS9 set sec 1 if {[lindex $var $i] != {} && [string range [lindex $var $i] 0 0] != {-}} { set sec [lindex $var $i] } else { incr i -1 } after [expr int($sec*1000)] } proc ProcessSourceCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i # we need to be realized # you never know what someone will try to do ProcessRealizeDS9 set fn [lindex $var $i] uplevel #0 "source $fn" } proc ProcessTclCmd {varname iname buf fn} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i # backward compatibility switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { yes - true - on - 1 - no - false - off - 0 { return } } if {$buf != {}} { uplevel #0 $buf } elseif {$fn != {}} { if {[file exists $fn]} { set ch [open $fn r] set cmd [read $ch] close $ch uplevel #0 $cmd } } elseif {[lindex $var $i] != {}} { # special case uplevel #0 [lindex $var $i] } } # backward compatibility proc ProcessThemeCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i } # backward compatibility proc ProcessSendThemeCmd {proc id param} { global pds9 $proc $id "native\n" } proc ProcessSendVersionCmd {proc id param} { global ds9 $proc $id "$ds9(title) [lindex $ds9(version) 0]\n" } proc XMLQuote {val} { return [string map {& & < < > > \' ' \" "} $val] } proc XMLUnQuote {val} { return [string map {& & < < > > ' \' " \"} $val] }