# Copyright (C) 1999-2017 # Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" package provide DS9 1.0 proc WCSDef {} { global wcs global pwcs global iwcs set iwcs(top) .wcs set iwcs(mb) .wcsmb set wcs(system) wcs set wcs(sky) fk5 set wcs(skyformat) sexagesimal array set pwcs [array get wcs] } proc UpdateWCS {} { global wcs global ds9 global current # frame if {$current(frame) != {}} { $current(frame) wcs $wcs(system) $wcs(sky) $wcs(skyformat) AlignWCSFrame set wcs(frame) $current(frame) if {[$current(frame) has fits]} { CoordMenuEnable $ds9(mb).wcs wcs system 0 sky skyformat } else { CoordMenuReset $ds9(mb).wcs wcs system 0 sky skyformat } UpdateWCSInfoBox $current(frame) } # grid global grid set grid(system) $wcs(system) set grid(sky) $wcs(sky) set grid(skyformat) $wcs(skyformat) GridUpdateCurrent # panzoom dialog global panzoom set panzoom(system) $wcs(system) set panzoom(sky) $wcs(sky) set panzoom(skyformat) $wcs(skyformat) UpdatePanZoomDialog # crosshair dialog global crosshair set crosshair(system) $wcs(system) set crosshair(sky) $wcs(sky) set crosshair(skyformat) $wcs(skyformat) UpdateCrosshairDialog # crop dialog global crop set crop(system) $wcs(system) set crop(sky) $wcs(sky) set crop(skyformat) $wcs(skyformat) UpdateCropDialog # cube global cube set cube(system) $wcs(system) UpdateCubeDialog # rgb global rgb set rgb(system) $wcs(system) RGBSystem # regions global marker set marker(system) $wcs(system) set marker(sky) $wcs(sky) set marker(skyformat) $wcs(skyformat) AdjustCoordSystem marker system } proc UpdateWCSInfoBox {which} { global wcs global view # if one wcs coord system is visible, change it set cnt 0 set vv {} foreach ll {{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { if {$view(info,wcs$ll)} { incr cnt set vv wcs$ll } } if {$cnt == 1} { set ww [lindex [$which get wcs] 0] if {$view(info,$vv) != $view(info,$ww)} { foreach ll {{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { set view(info,wcs$ll) 0 } set view(info,$ww) 1 LayoutInfoPanel } } } proc WCSBackup {ch which fdir rdir} { # simple case puts $ch "$which wcs [$which get wcs]" if {[$which has wcs alt]} { set fn $fdir/ds9.wcs set rfn $rdir/ds9.wcs catch {file delete -force $fn} WCSToVar [$which get fits header wcs 1] WCSSaveFile $fn puts $ch "WCSLoadFile $rfn" puts $ch "$which wcs replace text 1 \\\{\[WCSFromVar\]\\\}" puts $ch "RealizeDS9" } } proc WCSDialog {} { global wcs global iwcs global dwcs global ds9 # see if we already have a window visible if {[winfo exists $iwcs(top)]} { raise $iwcs(top) return } # create the window set w $iwcs(top) set mb $iwcs(mb) # vars set dwcs(system) $wcs(system) set dwcs(ext) 1 set dwcs(prev) {} Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {WCS Parameters}] WCSDestroyDialog $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {WCS}] -menu $mb.wcs $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Extention}] -menu $mb.ext menu $mb.file $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command WCSApplyDialog $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Reset}] -command WCSResetDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Load}]..." -command WCSLoadDialog $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Save}]..." -command WCSSaveDialog $mb.file add separator $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command WCSDestroyDialog EditMenu $mb iwcs menu $mb.wcs $mb.wcs add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {WCS}] \ -variable dwcs(system) -value wcs -command ConfigWCSDialog $mb.wcs add separator foreach l {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { $mb.wcs add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {WCS}] $l" \ -variable dwcs(system) -value "wcs$l" -command ConfigWCSDialog } # configured later menu $mb.ext # Param set tt [ttk::notebook $w.param] set base [ttk::frame $tt.base] set pv00 [ttk::frame $tt.pv00] set pv12 [ttk::frame $tt.pv12] set pv24 [ttk::frame $tt.pv24] set ab0 [ttk::frame $tt.ab0] set ab2 [ttk::frame $tt.ab2] set ab4 [ttk::frame $tt.ab4] set apbp0 [ttk::frame $tt.apbp0] set apbp2 [ttk::frame $tt.apbp2] set apbp4 [ttk::frame $tt.apbp4] $tt add $base -text {Keyword} $tt add $pv00 -text {PVi_00} $tt add $pv12 -text {PVi_12} $tt add $pv24 -text {PVi_24} $tt add $ab0 -text {A_0} $tt add $ab2 -text {A_2} $tt add $ab4 -text {A_4} $tt add $apbp0 -text {AP_0} $tt add $apbp2 -text {AP_2} $tt add $apbp4 -text {AP_4} $tt select $base ttk::label $base.tmjdobs -text "MJD-OBS" ttk::entry $base.mjdobs -textvariable dwcs(mjd-obs) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tdateobs -text "DATE-OBS" ttk::entry $base.dateobs -textvariable dwcs(date-obs) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tdate -text "DATE" ttk::entry $base.date -textvariable dwcs(date) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tepoch -text "EPOCH" ttk::entry $base.epoch -textvariable dwcs(epoch) -width 14 foreach aa {{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { set bb [string toupper $aa] ttk::label $base.twcsname${aa} -text "WCSNAME${bb}" ttk::entry $base.wcsname${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(wcsname${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tradesys${aa} -text "RADESYS${bb}" ttk::entry $base.radesys${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(radesys${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tequinox${aa} -text "EQUINOX${bb}" ttk::entry $base.equinox${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(equinox${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tlatpole${aa} -text "LATPOLE${bb}" ttk::entry $base.latpole${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(latpole${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tlonpole${aa} -text "LONPOLE${bb}" ttk::entry $base.lonpole${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(lonpole${aa}) -width 14 for {set ii 1} {$ii<=3} {incr ii} { ttk::label $base.tctype${ii}${aa} -text "CTYPE${ii}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.ctype${ii}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(ctype${ii}${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tcrpix${ii}${aa} -text "CRPIX${ii}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.crpix${ii}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(crpix${ii}${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tcrval${ii}${aa} -text "CRVAL${ii}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.crval${ii}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(crval${ii}${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tcunit${ii}${aa} -text "CUNIT${ii}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.cunit${ii}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(cunit${ii}${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tcdelt${ii}${aa} -text "CDELT${ii}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.cdelt${ii}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(cdelt${ii}${aa}) -width 14 } for {set ii 1} {$ii<=2} {incr ii} { for {set jj 1} {$jj<=2} {incr jj} { ttk::label $base.tcd${ii}_${jj}${aa} -text "CD${ii}_${jj}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.cd${ii}_${jj}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(cd${ii}_${jj}${aa}) -width 14 } for {set jj 1} {$jj<=2} {incr jj} { ttk::label $base.tpc${ii}_${jj}${aa} \ -text "PC${ii}_${jj}${bb}" ttk::entry $base.pc${ii}_${jj}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(pc${ii}_${jj}${aa}) -width 14 } for {set mm 0} {$mm<12} {incr mm} { ttk::label $pv00.tpv${ii}_${mm}${aa} \ -text "PV${ii}_${mm}${bb}" ttk::entry $pv00.pv${ii}_${mm}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(pv${ii}_${mm}${aa}) -width 14 } for {set mm 12} {$mm<24} {incr mm} { ttk::label $pv12.tpv${ii}_${mm}${aa} \ -text "PV${ii}_${mm}${bb}" ttk::entry $pv12.pv${ii}_${mm}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(pv${ii}_${mm}${aa}) -width 14 } for {set mm 24} {$mm<36} {incr mm} { ttk::label $pv24.tpv${ii}_${mm}${aa} \ -text "PV${ii}_${mm}${bb}" ttk::entry $pv24.pv${ii}_${mm}${aa} \ -textvariable dwcs(pv${ii}_${mm}${aa}) -width 14 } } ttk::label $base.tcd3_3${aa} -text "CD3_3${bb}" ttk::entry $base.cd3_3${aa} -textvariable dwcs(cd3_3${aa}) -width 14 ttk::label $base.tpc3_3${aa} -text "PC3_3${bb}" ttk::entry $base.pc3_3${aa} -textvariable dwcs(pc3_3${aa}) -width 14 } # only in primary ttk::label $ab0.ta -text "A_ORDER" ttk::entry $ab0.a -textvariable dwcs(a_order) -width 14 for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $ab0.ta_${mm}_${nn} -text "A_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $ab0.a_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(a_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $ab2.ta_${mm}_${nn} -text "A_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $ab2.a_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(a_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $ab4.ta_${mm}_${nn} -text "A_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $ab4.a_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(a_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } ttk::label $ab0.tb -text "B_ORDER" ttk::entry $ab0.b -textvariable dwcs(b_order) -width 14 for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $ab0.tb_${mm}_${nn} -text "B_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $ab0.b_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(b_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $ab2.tb_${mm}_${nn} -text "B_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $ab2.b_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(b_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $ab4.tb_${mm}_${nn} -text "B_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $ab4.b_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(b_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } ttk::label $apbp0.tap -text "AP_ORDER" ttk::entry $apbp0.ap -textvariable dwcs(ap_order) -width 14 for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $apbp0.tap_${mm}_${nn} -text "AP_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $apbp0.ap_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(ap_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $apbp2.tap_${mm}_${nn} -text "AP_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $apbp2.ap_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(ap_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $apbp4.tap_${mm}_${nn} -text "AP_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $apbp4.ap_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(ap_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } ttk::label $apbp0.tbp -text "BP_ORDER" ttk::entry $apbp0.bp -textvariable dwcs(bp_order) -width 14 for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $apbp0.tbp_${mm}_${nn} -text "BP_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $apbp0.bp_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(bp_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $apbp2.tbp_${mm}_${nn} -text "BP_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $apbp2.bp_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(bp_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { ttk::label $apbp4.tbp_${mm}_${nn} -text "BP_${mm}_${nn}" ttk::entry $apbp4.bp_${mm}_${nn} \ -textvariable dwcs(bp_${mm}_${nn}) -width 14 } } # Buttons set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons] ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command WCSApplyDialog ttk::button $f.reset -text [msgcat::mc {Reset}] -command WCSResetDialog ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command WCSDestroyDialog pack $f.apply $f.reset $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4 # Fini pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true ConfigWCSDialog UpdateWCSDialog } proc WCSApplyDialog {} { global dwcs global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) "$current(frame) wcs replace text $dwcs(ext) \{\{[WCSFromVar]\}\}" UpdateWCS CATUpdateWCS } } proc WCSResetDialog {} { global dwcs global current global rgb if {$current(frame) != {}} { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) [list $current(frame) wcs reset $dwcs(ext)] UpdateWCS CATUpdateWCS UpdateWCSDialog } } proc WCSDestroyDialog {} { global iwcs global dwcs if {[winfo exists $iwcs(top)]} { destroy $iwcs(top) destroy $iwcs(mb) } unset dwcs } proc WCSSaveDialog {} { global dwcs set fn [SaveFileDialog wcsfbox] WCSSaveFile $fn } # used by backup proc WCSSaveFile {fn} { if {[catch {open $fn w} fp]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to open file}] $fn: $fp" return } puts $fp [WCSFromVar] catch {close $fp} } proc WCSLoadDialog {} { global dwcs set fn [OpenFileDialog wcsfbox] WCSLoadFile $fn } # used by backup proc WCSLoadFile {fn} { if {$fn != {}} { if {[catch {open $fn r} fp]} { Error "[msgcat::mc {Unable to open file}] $fn: $fp" return } WCSToVar [read -nonewline $fp] catch {close $fp} } } proc UpdateWCSDialog {} { global iwcs global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "UpdateWCSDialog" } if {![winfo exists $iwcs(top)]} { return } ConfigWCSDialogExtMenu UpdateWCSVars } proc UpdateWCSVars {} { global dwcs global current if {$current(frame) != {}} { if {[$current(frame) has fits]} { WCSToVar [$current(frame) get fits header wcs $dwcs(ext)] return } } WCSToVar {} } proc ConfigWCSDialog {{force {0}}} { global wcs global iwcs global dwcs global current global debug if {$debug(tcl,update)} { puts stderr "ConfigWCSDialog" } if {![winfo exists $iwcs(top)]} { return } # do we need to re-grid wcs vars? if {!$force && $dwcs(prev) == $dwcs(system)} { return } set tt $iwcs(top).param set base $tt.base set pv00 $tt.pv00 set pv12 $tt.pv12 set pv24 $tt.pv24 set ab0 $tt.ab0 set ab2 $tt.ab2 set ab4 $tt.ab4 set apbp0 $tt.apbp0 set apbp2 $tt.apbp2 set apbp4 $tt.apbp4 grid forget $base.tmjdobs $base.mjdobs grid forget $base.tdateobs $base.dateobs grid forget $base.tdate $base.date grid forget $base.tepoch $base.epoch # forget current sys vars set aa [string tolower [string range $dwcs(prev) 3 3]] grid forget $base.twcsname${aa} $base.wcsname${aa} grid forget $base.tradesys${aa} $base.radesys${aa} grid forget $base.tequinox${aa} $base.equinox${aa} grid forget $base.tlatpole${aa} $base.latpole${aa} grid forget $base.tlonpole${aa} $base.lonpole${aa} for {set ii 1} {$ii<=3} {incr ii} { grid forget $base.tctype${ii}${aa} $base.ctype${ii}${aa} grid forget $base.tcunit${ii}${aa} $base.cunit${ii}${aa} grid forget $base.tcrpix${ii}${aa} $base.crpix${ii}${aa} grid forget $base.tcrval${ii}${aa} $base.crval${ii}${aa} grid forget $base.tcdelt${ii}${aa} $base.cdelt${ii}${aa} } for {set ii 1} {$ii<=2} {incr ii} { for {set jj 1} {$jj<=2} {incr jj} { grid forget $base.tcd${ii}_${jj}${aa} $base.cd${ii}_${jj}${aa} grid forget $base.tpc${ii}_${jj}${aa} $base.pc${ii}_${jj}${aa} } for {set mm 0} {$mm<12} {incr mm} { grid forget $pv00.tpv${ii}_${mm}${aa} $pv00.pv${ii}_${mm}${aa} } for {set mm 12} {$mm<24} {incr mm} { grid forget $pv12.tpv${ii}_${mm}${aa} $pv12.pv${ii}_${mm}${aa} } for {set mm 24} {$mm<36} {incr mm} { grid forget $pv24.tpv${ii}_${mm}${aa} $pv24.pv${ii}_${mm}${aa} } } grid forget $base.tcd3_3${aa} $base.cd3_3${aa} grid forget $base.tpc3_3${aa} $base.pc3_3${aa} # only in primary grid forget $ab0.ta $ab0.a for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $ab0.ta_${mm}_${nn} $ab0.a_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $ab2.ta_${mm}_${nn} $ab2.a_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $ab4.ta_${mm}_${nn} $ab4.a_${mm}_${nn} } } grid forget $ab0.tb $ab0.b for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $ab0.tb_${mm}_${nn} $ab0.b_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $ab2.tb_${mm}_${nn} $ab2.b_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $ab4.tb_${mm}_${nn} $ab4.b_${mm}_${nn} } } grid forget $apbp0.tap $apbp0.ap for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $apbp0.tap_${mm}_${nn} $apbp0.ap_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $apbp2.tap_${mm}_${nn} $apbp2.ap_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $apbp4.tap_${mm}_${nn} $apbp4.ap_${mm}_${nn} } } grid forget $apbp0.tbp $apbp0.bp for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $apbp0.tbp_${mm}_${nn} $apbp0.bp_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $apbp2.tbp_${mm}_${nn} $apbp2.bp_${mm}_${nn} } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid forget $apbp4.tbp_${mm}_${nn} $apbp4.bp_${mm}_${nn} } } # display new sys vars set dwcs(prev) $dwcs(system) set aa [string tolower [string range $dwcs(system) 3 3]] grid $base.twcsname${aa} $base.wcsname${aa} -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tradesys${aa} $base.radesys${aa} -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tequinox${aa} $base.equinox${aa} \ $base.tepoch $base.epoch -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tmjdobs $base.mjdobs \ $base.tdateobs $base.dateobs \ $base.tdate $base.date \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tctype1${aa} $base.ctype1${aa} \ $base.tctype2${aa} $base.ctype2${aa} \ $base.tctype3${aa} $base.ctype3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tcrpix1${aa} $base.crpix1${aa} \ $base.tcrpix2${aa} $base.crpix2${aa} \ $base.tcrpix3${aa} $base.crpix3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tcrval1${aa} $base.crval1${aa} \ $base.tcrval2${aa} $base.crval2${aa} \ $base.tcrval3${aa} $base.crval3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tcunit1${aa} $base.cunit1${aa} \ $base.tcunit2${aa} $base.cunit2${aa} \ $base.tcunit3${aa} $base.cunit3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tcdelt1${aa} $base.cdelt1${aa} \ $base.tcdelt2${aa} $base.cdelt2${aa} \ $base.tcdelt3${aa} $base.cdelt3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tcd1_1${aa} $base.cd1_1${aa} \ $base.tcd2_1${aa} $base.cd2_1${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tcd1_2${aa} $base.cd1_2${aa} \ $base.tcd2_2${aa} $base.cd2_2${aa} \ $base.tcd3_3${aa} $base.cd3_3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tpc1_1${aa} $base.pc1_1${aa} \ $base.tpc2_1${aa} $base.pc2_1${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tpc1_2${aa} $base.pc1_2${aa} \ $base.tpc2_2${aa} $base.pc2_2${aa} \ $base.tpc3_3${aa} $base.pc3_3${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w grid $base.tlatpole${aa} $base.latpole${aa} \ $base.tlonpole${aa} $base.lonpole${aa} -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w for {set mm 0} {$mm<12} {incr mm} { grid $pv00.tpv1_${mm}${aa} $pv00.pv1_${mm}${aa} \ $pv00.tpv2_${mm}${aa} $pv00.pv2_${mm}${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } for {set mm 12} {$mm<24} {incr mm} { grid $pv12.tpv1_${mm}${aa} $pv12.pv1_${mm}${aa} \ $pv12.tpv2_${mm}${aa} $pv12.pv2_${mm}${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } for {set mm 24} {$mm<36} {incr mm} { grid $pv24.tpv1_${mm}${aa} $pv24.pv1_${mm}${aa} \ $pv24.tpv2_${mm}${aa} $pv24.pv2_${mm}${aa} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } # only in primary grid $ab0.ta $ab0.a $ab0.tb $ab0.b -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid $ab0.ta_${mm}_${nn} $ab0.a_${mm}_${nn} \ $ab0.tb_${mm}_${nn} $ab0.b_${mm}_${nn} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid $ab2.ta_${mm}_${nn} $ab2.a_${mm}_${nn} \ $ab2.tb_${mm}_${nn} $ab2.b_${mm}_${nn} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid $ab4.ta_${mm}_${nn} $ab4.a_${mm}_${nn} \ $ab4.tb_${mm}_${nn} $ab4.b_${mm}_${nn} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } } grid $apbp0.tap $apbp0.ap $apbp0.tbp $apbp0.bp -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w for {set mm 0} {$mm<2} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid $apbp0.tap_${mm}_${nn} $apbp0.ap_${mm}_${nn} \ $apbp0.tbp_${mm}_${nn} $apbp0.bp_${mm}_${nn} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } } for {set mm 2} {$mm<4} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid $apbp2.tap_${mm}_${nn} $apbp2.ap_${mm}_${nn} \ $apbp2.tbp_${mm}_${nn} $apbp2.bp_${mm}_${nn} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } } for {set mm 4} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { grid $apbp4.tap_${mm}_${nn} $apbp4.ap_${mm}_${nn} \ $apbp4.tbp_${mm}_${nn} $apbp4.bp_${mm}_${nn} \ -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w } } } proc ConfigWCSDialogExtMenu {} { global iwcs global dwcs global ds9 global current $iwcs(mb).ext delete $ds9(menu,start) end set dwcs(ext) 1 set nn 0 set last {} set cnt [$current(frame) get fits count] for {set ii 1} {$ii <= $cnt} {incr ii} { set fn [$current(frame) get fits file name $ii] if {$fn != $last} { incr nn set item($nn) $fn set val($nn) $ii set last $fn } } if {$nn > 1} { $iwcs(mb) entryconfig [msgcat::mc {Extention}] -state normal for {set ii 1} {$ii<=$nn} {incr ii} { $iwcs(mb).ext add radiobutton -label $item($ii) \ -variable dwcs(ext) -value $val($ii) -command UpdateWCSVars } } else { $iwcs(mb) entryconfig [msgcat::mc {Extention}] -state disabled } } # used by backup proc WCSToVar {txt} { global wcs global dwcs global iwcs # clear all set dwcs(mjd-obs) {} set dwcs(date-obs) {} set dwcs(date) {} set dwcs(epoch) {} foreach aa {{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { set dwcs(wcsname${aa}) {} set dwcs(radesys${aa}) {} set dwcs(equinox${aa}) {} set dwcs(latpole${aa}) {} set dwcs(lonpole${aa}) {} for {set ii 1} {$ii<=3} {incr ii} { set dwcs(ctype${ii}${aa}) {} set dwcs(cunit${ii}${aa}) {} set dwcs(crpix${ii}${aa}) {} set dwcs(crval${ii}${aa}) {} set dwcs(cdelt${ii}${aa}) {} } for {set ii 1} {$ii<=2} {incr ii} { for {set jj 1} {$jj<=2} {incr jj} { set dwcs(cd${ii}_${jj}${aa}) {} set dwcs(pc${ii}_${jj}${aa}) {} } for {set mm 0} {$mm<36} {incr mm} { set dwcs(pv${ii}_${mm}${aa}) {} } } set dwcs(cd3_3${aa}) {} set dwcs(pc3_3${aa}) {} } # primary only set dwcs(a_order) {} for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { set dwcs(a_${mm}_${nn}) {} } } set dwcs(b_order) {} for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { set dwcs(b_${mm}_${nn}) {} } } set dwcs(ap_order) {} for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { set dwcs(ap_${mm}_${nn}) {} } } set dwcs(bp_order) {} for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { set dwcs(bp_${mm}_${nn}) {} } } set lines [split $txt "\n"] # check for fits header, do it the hard way if {[llength $lines] == 1} { set lines {} while {"$txt" != {}} { lappend lines "[string range $txt 0 79]" set txt "[string replace $txt 0 79]" } } for {set ll 0} {$ll<[llength $lines]} {incr ll} { set line [lindex $lines $ll] set pp [split $line {=}] set key [string tolower [string trim [lindex $pp 0]]] # drop comments # some keywords can have '/' in the value (such as a date) # try the easy approach first set ee [lindex $pp 1] set dd [split $ee {/}] switch [llength $dd] { 0 - 1 - 2 {set aa [lindex $dd 0]} default { set ff [string first { /} $ee] if {$ff > 0} { set aa [string range $ee 0 $ff] } else { set aa [lindex $dd 0] } } } # drop any white space set bb [string trim $aa] # drop any single quotes set cc [string trim $bb {'}] # drop any white space set val [string trim $cc] # sanity check if {$key == {longpole}} { set key lonpole } if {$key == {radecsys}} { set key radesys } switch [string range $key 0 6] { mjd-obs - date-ob { set dwcs($key) $val } } switch [string range $key 0 5] { wcsnam - radesy - equino - latpol - lonpol - ctype1 - ctype2 - ctype3 - cunit1 - cunit2 - cunit3 - crpix1 - crpix2 - crpix3 - crval1 - crval2 - crval3 - cdelt1 - cdelt2 - cdelt3 - cd3_3 - pc3_3 - a_orde - b_orde - ap_ord - bp_ord { set dwcs($key) $val } } switch [string range $key 0 3] { epoc - date - cd1_ - cd1_ - cd2_ - cd2_ - pc1_ - pc1_ - pc2_ - pc2_ - pv1_ - pv2_ { set dwcs($key) $val } } switch [string range $key 0 2] { ap_ - bp_ { set dwcs($key) $val } } switch [string range $key 0 1] { a_ - b_ { set dwcs($key) $val } } } } # used by backup proc WCSFromVar {} { global wcs global dwcs global iwcs set rr {} if {$dwcs(mjd-obs) != {}} { append rr "MJD-OBS = $dwcs(mjd-obs)\n" } if {$dwcs(date-obs) != {}} { append rr "DATE-OBS = '$dwcs(date-obs)'\n" } if {$dwcs(date) != {}} { append rr "DATE = '$dwcs(date)'\n" } if {$dwcs(epoch) != {}} { append rr "EPOCH = $dwcs(epoch)\n" } foreach aa {{} a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { set bb [string toupper $aa] if {$dwcs(wcsname${aa}) != {}} { append rr "WCSNAME${bb} = '$dwcs(wcsname${aa})'\n" } if {$dwcs(radesys${aa}) != {}} { append rr "RADESYS${bb} = '$dwcs(radesys${aa})'\n" } if {$dwcs(equinox${aa}) != {}} { append rr "EQUINOX${bb} = $dwcs(equinox${aa})\n" } if {$dwcs(latpole${aa}) != {}} { append rr "LATPOLE${bb} = $dwcs(latpole${aa})\n" } if {$dwcs(lonpole${aa}) != {}} { append rr "LONPOLE${bb} = $dwcs(lonpole${aa})\n" } for {set ii 1} {$ii<=3} {incr ii} { if {$dwcs(ctype${ii}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CTYPE${ii}${bb} = '$dwcs(ctype${ii}${aa})'\n" } if {$dwcs(cunit${ii}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CUNIT${ii}${bb} = '$dwcs(cunit${ii}${aa})'\n" } if {$dwcs(crpix${ii}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CRPIX${ii}${bb} = $dwcs(crpix${ii}${aa})\n" } if {$dwcs(crval${ii}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CRVAL${ii}${bb} = $dwcs(crval${ii}${aa})\n" } if {$dwcs(cdelt${ii}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CDELT${ii}${bb} = $dwcs(cdelt${ii}${aa})\n" } } for {set ii 1} {$ii<=2} {incr ii} { for {set jj 1} {$jj<=2} {incr jj} { if {$dwcs(cd${ii}_${jj}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CD${ii}_${jj}${bb} = $dwcs(cd${ii}_${jj}${aa})\n" } if {$dwcs(pc${ii}_${jj}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "PC${ii}_${jj}${bb} = $dwcs(pc${ii}_${jj}${aa})\n" } } for {set mm 0} {$mm<36} {incr mm} { if {$dwcs(pv${ii}_${mm}${aa}) != {}} { append rr "PV${ii}_${mm}${bb} = $dwcs(pv${ii}_${mm}${aa})\n" } } } if {$dwcs(cd3_3${aa}) != {}} { append rr "CD3_3${bb} = $dwcs(cd3_3${aa})\n" } if {$dwcs(pc3_3${aa}) != {}} { append rr "PC3_3${bb} = $dwcs(pc3_3${aa})\n" } } if {$dwcs(a_order) != {}} { append rr "A_ORDER = $dwcs(a_order)\n" } for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { if {$dwcs(a_${mm}_${nn}) != {}} { append rr "A_${mm}_${nn} = $dwcs(a_${mm}_${nn})\n" } } } if {$dwcs(b_order) != {}} { append rr "B_ORDER = $dwcs(b_order)\n" } for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { if {$dwcs(b_${mm}_${nn}) != {}} { append rr "B_${mm}_${nn} = $dwcs(b_${mm}_${nn})\n" } } } if {$dwcs(ap_order) != {}} { append rr "AP_ORDER = $dwcs(ap_order)\n" } for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { if {$dwcs(ap_${mm}_${nn}) != {}} { append rr "AP_${mm}_${nn} = $dwcs(ap_${mm}_${nn})\n" } } } if {$dwcs(bp_order) != {}} { append rr "BP_ORDER = $dwcs(bp_order)\n" } for {set mm 0} {$mm<6} {incr mm} { for {set nn 0} {$nn<6} {incr nn} { if {$dwcs(bp_${mm}_${nn}) != {}} { append rr "BP_${mm}_${nn} = $dwcs(bp_${mm}_${nn})\n" } } } return $rr } # Process Cmds proc ProcessWCSCmd {varname iname sock fn} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global wcs global current global rgb set item [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] switch -- $item { open {WCSDialog} close {WCSDestroyDialog} system { incr i set wcs(system) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] UpdateWCS } sky { incr i set wcs(sky) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] UpdateWCS } format - skyformat { incr i switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { deg - degree - degrees {set wcs(skyformat) degrees} default {set wcs(skyformat) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]]} } UpdateWCS } align { incr i set current(align) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] AlignWCSFrame } reset { set ext 1 set nn [lindex $var [expr $i+1]] if {[string is integer -strict $nn]} { incr i set ext $nn } RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) [list $current(frame) wcs reset $ext] UpdateWCS } replace - append { set ext 1 set nn [lindex $var [expr $i+1]] if {[string is integer -strict $nn]} { incr i set ext $nn } if {$sock != {}} { incr i if {[lindex $var $i] == {}} { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) [list $current(frame) wcs $item $ext $sock] incr i -1 } else { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) "$current(frame) wcs $item $ext \{\{[lindex $var $i]\}\}" } } elseif {$fn != {}} { RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) "$current(frame) wcs $item $ext \{\{$fn\}\}" } else { incr i if {[lindex $var $i] == "file"} { incr i } RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) "$current(frame) wcs $item $ext \{\{[lindex $var $i]\}\}" } UpdateWCS } fk4 - fk5 - icrs - galactic - ecliptic { set wcs(sky) $item UpdateWCS } degrees - sexagesimal { set wcs(skyformat) $item UpdateWCS } wcs - wcsa - wcsb - wcsc - wcsd - wcse - wcsf - wcsg - wcsh - wcsi - wcsj - wcsk - wcsl - wcsm - wcsn - wcso - wcsp - wcsq - wcsr - wcss - wcst - wcsu - wcsv - wcsw - wcsx - wcsy - wcsz { set wcs(system) $item UpdateWCS } } } proc WCSResetCmd {ext} { global current global rgb RGBEvalLock rgb(lock,wcs) $current(frame) \ [list $current(frame) wcs reset $ext] UpdateWCS } proc ProcessSendWCSCmd {proc id param} { global current global wcs switch -- [string tolower $param] { align {$proc $id [ToYesNo $current(align)]} system {$proc $id "$wcs(system)\n"} sky {$proc $id "$wcs(sky)\n"} format - skyformat {$proc $id "$wcs(skyformat)\n"} default {$proc $id "$wcs(system)\n"} } } # backward compatibilty proc ProcessAlignCmd {varname iname} { upvar $varname var upvar $iname i global current switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] { yes - true - on - 1 - no - false - off - 0 { set current(align) [FromYesNo [lindex $var $i]] AlignWCSFrame } default { set current(align) 1 AlignWCSFrame incr i -1 } } } proc ProcessSendAlignCmd {proc id param} { global current $proc $id [ToYesNo $current(align)] }