::msgcat::mcset zh {2D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {3D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {A postscript generation error has occurred} ::msgcat::mcset zh {AIP} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Abort} ::msgcat::mcset zh {About SAOImage DS9} ::msgcat::mcset zh {About} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC3\xF6 \xA9\xF3"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Acknowledgment} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Add} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Advanced} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Aligned} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Align} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB9\xEF \xBB\xF4 \xA4\xE8 \xA6\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {All Columns} ::msgcat::mcset zh {All Rows} ::msgcat::mcset zh {All} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Always save files during Backup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred during backup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred during restore} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred invoking the Analysis task} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while creating image.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while creating the image. Please be sure that the ds9 window is in the upper left corner of the default screen and the entire window is visible.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while creating the image. Please be sure that the entire image window is visible on the screen.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while printing} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while reading image.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while saving} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while updating VO server list} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An error has occurred while writing image.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {An internal error has been detected} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Analysis Command Log} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Analysis Commands} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Analysis File} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Analysis Log} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Analysis} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xC0 \xAA\x52"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Angle Complement} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Angles} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Angle} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Annuli} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Annulus} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB6\xEA \xB0\xE9"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Apply} ::msgcat::mcset zh {ArcMin} ::msgcat::mcset zh {ArcSec} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Architecture} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Archives} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Array} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Arrow} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Astronomy} ::msgcat::mcset zh {At Startup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {At least 2 different catalogs are required} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Auto Centroid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Auto Plot 2D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Auto Plot 3D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Auto Plot Statistics} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Auto Plot} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Autoload FITS Regions} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Autoload} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Automatic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Average} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axes Number} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axes Order} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axes Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axis Length} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axis Numbers} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axis Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Axis} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Azimuth} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Background Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Background} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Backup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bar Plot Tool} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bias} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin 3rd Column} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin Center} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin Columns} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin Filter} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin Fit} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin In} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin Out} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Binning Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bin} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Black} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB6\xC2 \xA6\xE2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Blank/Inf/NaN Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Blink Frames} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Blink Interval} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Blink} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Block Fit} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Block In} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Block Out} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Block Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Block} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Blue} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bold} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Border} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bottom} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Box Annulus} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xE8 \xA7\xCE \xB0\xE9"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Box Panda} ::msgcat::mcset zh {BoxCircle} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Boxcar} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Box} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xE8 \xA7\xCE"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Broadcast} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Browser} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Browse} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Buffer} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Buttonbar} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Buttons} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAB\xF6 \xB6\x73 \xA6\x43"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Bytes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {CMYK} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Can Delete} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA5\x69 \xA5\x48 \xA7\x52 \xB0\xA3"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Can Edit} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA5\x69 \xA5\x48 \xBD\x73 \xBF\xE8"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Can Move} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA5\x69 \xA5\x48 \xB2\xBE \xB0\xCA"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Can Rotate} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA5\x69 \xA5\x48 \xB1\xDB \xC2\xE0"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cancelled} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cancel} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Catalog Server} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Catalog Tool} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Catalogs} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xEA \xAE\xC6 \xAA\xED"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Catalog} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Catrom} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cat} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Center Image} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB8\x6D \xA4\xA4"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Center Non-modal Dialogs} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Center} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Centroid Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xA4 \xA4\xDF \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Centroid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Circle} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB6\xEA \xA7\xCE"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear All} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Analysis Commands} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Cache} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear External Analysis Commands?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Filter} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB2\x4D \xB0\xA3 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Preferences?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear Preferences} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Clear} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB2\x4D \xB0\xA3"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Click to Center} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Close} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Colorbar Size} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Colorbar} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\xE2 \xB6\xA5 \xB9\xCF \xA8\xD2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Colormap Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC3\x43 \xA6\xE2 \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Colormap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Color} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC3\x43 \xA6\xE2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Columns} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xE8 \xA6\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Column} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Command not allowed} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Command} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Compass} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Composite Region} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB2\x56 \xA6\x58 \xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Composite} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Compression} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Configure} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Connect Directly} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Connect SAMP} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Connect Using Web Proxy} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Connect} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Console} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Contacting Image Server} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Contour Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB5\xA5 \xAD\xC8 \xBD\x75 \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Contours} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB5\xA5 \xAD\xC8 \xBD\x75"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Contour} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Contrast} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Convert to Polygons} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Coordinate Grid Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAE\x79 \xBC\xD0 \xAE\xE6 \xBD\x75 \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Coordinate Grid} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAE\x79 \xBC\xD0 \xAE\xE6 \xBD\x75"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Coordinate System} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Coordinates} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Coordinate} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Copy Contours} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Copy to Regions} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Copy} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Create Movie} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Create New Frame on Download} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Create} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBB\x73 \xB3\x79"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Crop Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Crop} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Crosshair Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Crosshair To} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Crosshair} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cross} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cubehelix} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cube} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cubic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Current Frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Current Range} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Current} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cursor} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cut} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Cyan} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAB\x43 \xA6\xE2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {DPI} ::msgcat::mcset zh {DS9 has detected a newer version of a backup file and therefore will not process this file.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {DS9 has detected a newer version of a preferences file.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {DS9 has detected an older backup file, do you wish to continue?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {DS9 has detected an older preferences file, do you wish to update?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {DS9 will complete the initialization process} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Dash} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB5\xEA \xBD\x75"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Data Format} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Dataset Name} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Dataset} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Decrease} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Default All Files} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Default Format} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Default Length} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Default} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Degrees} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All Frames?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All Frames} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\x52 \xB0\xA3 \xA9\xD2 \xA6\xB3 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All Groups?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All Groups} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All Regions?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All Regions} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\x52 \xB0\xA3 \xA5\xEF \xB3\xA1 \xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete All} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete Color Tags} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\x52 \xB0\xA3 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete Group} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete Selected Regions} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\x52 \xB0\xA3 \xBF\xEF \xA8\xFA \xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Delete} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\x52 \xB0\xA3"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Depth} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Dialog Box} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Diamond} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Dimension} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Direction} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Disconnect} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Display Header} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Display Size} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Dissolve} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xD1 \xB4\xB2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Distance} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Done} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Download Colormap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Download VOTABLE format if available} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Drag to Center} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Duplicate Data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {East} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Ecliptic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Edit Group Name} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Edit} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBD\x73 \xBF\xE8"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Elevation} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Ellipse Annulus} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Ellipse Panda} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Ellipse} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBE\xF2 \xB6\xEA \xA7\xCE"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Elliptical Annulus} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBE\xF2 \xB6\xEA \xB0\xE9"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Elliptical Panda} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enable Confirmation Dialogs} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enable} ::msgcat::mcset zh {End} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enter Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enter Font Size} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enter Group Name} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enter Search Expression} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Enter URL} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Entry} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Equal Area} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Equal Distance} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Equal Spacing} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Equal Value} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Error code was returned} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Error} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Examine Frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Examine} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA9\xF1 \xA4\x6A \xC0\xCB \xB5\xF8"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Exam} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Exclude} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Exit} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC2\xF7 \xB6\x7D"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Export Array} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Export} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Extention} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Exterior Axes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Exterior Numerics} ::msgcat::mcset zh {FAQ} ::msgcat::mcset zh {FK4} ::msgcat::mcset zh {FK5} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Factor} ::msgcat::mcset zh {File not Found or Unable to load FITS data MIME type} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Filename} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC0\xC9 \xAE\xD7 \xA6\x57 \xBA\xD9"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {File} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC0\xC9 \xAE\xD7"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Fill} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Filter} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Find Next} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Find} ::msgcat::mcset zh {First Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB3\xCC \xA4\x57 \xBC\x68 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {First} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Fits} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Fixed in Size} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA9\x54 \xA9\x77 \xA4\x6A \xA4\x70"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Flat} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Flip} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Font} ::msgcat::mcset zh {For more information, use --help} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Format} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Forward} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Found} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Frame Information} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1 \xB8\xEA \xB0\x54"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Frame Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1 \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Frames} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {From} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Front} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Full Range} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Function} ::msgcat::mcset zh {GUI Font} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Galactic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Gap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Gaussian} ::msgcat::mcset zh {General} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Generate} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Generating Regions} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Get Information} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xFC \xA4\x4A \xB0\x54 \xAE\xA7"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Gist} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Global Properties} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Global} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Goto Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA8\xEC \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Graph Horz} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Graph Vert} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Graphics} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Graphs} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Graph} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Grayscale} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Green} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Grid Gap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Grid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Groove} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Groups} ::msgcat::mcset zh {HTTP} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Header} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Height} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Help Desk} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Help Me Choose} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Help} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBB\xA1 \xA9\xFA"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Hide All} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC1\xF4 \xC2\xC3 \xA5\xFE \xB3\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Highlite} ::msgcat::mcset zh {High} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Histogram Equalization} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Histogram} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Horizontal Graph} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Horizontal Layout} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Horizontal} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xF4 \xA5\xAD"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {IAU Location Code} ::msgcat::mcset zh {ICRS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Identification} ::msgcat::mcset zh {If} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Image Servers} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Import Array} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Import} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Include} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Increase} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Information Panel} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xEA \xB0\x54 \xA6\x43"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Information} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xEA \xB0\x54"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Initialize XPA} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Inner} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Instrument FOV} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Interior Axes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Interior Numerics} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Internal Parse Error} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Interval} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Invalid Column Name} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Invalid formated multipart/mixed mime type message} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Invert Colormap} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\xE2 \xB1\x6D \xA4\xCF \xA6\x56"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Invert Selection} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xCF \xA6\x56 \xBF\xEF \xA8\xFA"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Invert} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Italic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Items Found} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Iteration} ::msgcat::mcset zh {JPEG Quality Factor} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Keep-Alive} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Kernel} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Keyboard Shortcuts} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Keyboard} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Keyword} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Labels} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Label} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Landscape} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Language} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Last Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB3\xCC \xA9\xB3 \xBC\x68 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Last} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Layout Horz} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Layout Vert} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Layout} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Left} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Legal} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Legend Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Legend} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Length} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Letter} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Levels} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Level} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Limits} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Line Plot Tool} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Linear} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBD\x75 \xA9\xCA"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Line} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAA\xBD \xBD\x75"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {List Data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {List Regions} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x43 \xA5\x58 \xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {List} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Analysis Commands} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Color Tags} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Colormap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Configuration} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Contour Levels} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Contours} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Contrast/Bias} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Mosaic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Regions} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xFC \xA4\x4A \xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load Template} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load into All Frames} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load into Current Frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Loading Catalog} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Loading} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Load} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB8\xFC \xA4\x4A"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Local} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Axes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Bin} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crop Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crop Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crop Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crop None} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crop Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crop WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crosshair Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crosshair Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crosshair Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crosshair None} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crosshair Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Crosshair WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Frame Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Frame Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Frame Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Frame None} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Frame Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Frame WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Limits} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Scale} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Slice Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Slice None} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Slice WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock Smooth} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lock} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Log Exponent} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Log} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB9\xEF \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Low High} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lower Left Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lower Left Front} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lower Right Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Lower Right Front} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Low} ::msgcat::mcset zh {MIP} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Magenta} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAC\xF5 \xB5\xB5 \xA6\xE2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Magnification} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Magnifier} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA9\xF1 \xA4\x6A \xC3\xE8 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Major} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Manual} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mask Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Axes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Bin} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Catalog requires at least 1 row per catalog} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crop Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crop Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crop Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crop Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crop WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crosshair Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crosshair Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crosshair Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crosshair Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Crosshair WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Frame Amplifier} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Frame Detector} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Frame Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Frame Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Frame WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Limits} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Scale} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Slice Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Slice WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match Smooth} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Match} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Math Function} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Matplotlib} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Max Rows} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Maximum} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Max} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Menus and Buttons} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Menu} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Message Log} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Method} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Min Max Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Min Max} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Minimum} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Minor} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Minutes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Min} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mission} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mode} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mosaic IRAF Segment} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mosaic IRAF} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mosaic WCS Segment} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mosaic WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mosaic WFPC2} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mosaic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mouse Click Epsilon} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mouse Wheel Bin} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mouse Wheel Zoom} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Mouse and Keyboard} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move First} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move Forward} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1 \xB6\xB6 \xA7\xC7"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move Last} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move to Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Move to Front} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Movie} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Multiple Extension Cube} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Multiple Extension Frames} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Multiple WCS} ::msgcat::mcset zh {NRRD} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Name Resolution} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Name Server} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Name or Designation} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Name} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Native Dialog} ::msgcat::mcset zh {New Features} ::msgcat::mcset zh {New Frame 3D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {New Frame RGB} ::msgcat::mcset zh {New Frame each Time} ::msgcat::mcset zh {New Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB7\x73 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {New Group} ::msgcat::mcset zh {New} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Next Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAB\xE1 \xA4\x40 \xBC\x68 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Next} ::msgcat::mcset zh {No Catalog specified} ::msgcat::mcset zh {No Data Available} ::msgcat::mcset zh {No Items Found} ::msgcat::mcset zh {No current frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Non-zero} ::msgcat::mcset zh {None} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Normal} ::msgcat::mcset zh {North} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Not Found} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Not Supported} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Number of Samples} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Number of Threads} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Number of Ticks} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Number} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Numerics} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\xC6 \xAD\xC8"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {OK} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Object} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xD1 \xC5\xE9 \xA6\x57 \xBA\xD9"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Open File} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Open TCL Console} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Open URL} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Open as} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Open} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB6\x7D \xB1\xD2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Operator} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Orientation} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xE8 \xA6\x56"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Origin} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Oscillate} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Other Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Other Font Size} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Other} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA8\xE4 \xA5\xA6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Outer} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Overlap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {PS Page Setup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {PS Print} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Page Setup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Page Source} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pan To} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pan Zoom Rotate Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC1\x59 \xA9\xF1 \xB1\xDB \xC2\xE0 \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pan Zoom} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pan then Zoom} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Panda} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Panner} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC1\x59 \xB9\xCF"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pan} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Password} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Paste Contours} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Paste} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Physical} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pixel Distribution} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pixel Size} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pixel Table} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pixels} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Play} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Please Select a Region} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Please change the file's permission to disable other users write access. Use anyway?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Please specify width, height, and either name or (ra,dec)} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Plot 2D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Plot 3D} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Plot Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Plotting Regions} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Plot} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Plus} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Pointer} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Points} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Point} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Polygon} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x68 \xA8\xA4 \xA7\xCE"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Portrait} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Poster} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Postscript Page Setup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Postscript Print} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Postscript} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Power} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAB\xFC \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Preferences} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB0\xBE \xA6\x6E \xB3\x5D \xA9\x77"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Preserve During Load} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Previous Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAB\x65 \xA4\x40 \xBC\x68 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Previous} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Prev} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Print Coordinates} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Print To} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Printer} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Print} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x43 \xA6\x4C"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Projection} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Properties} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x43 \xA6\x4C"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Property} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Proxy Host} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Proxy Port} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Publication} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Quadratic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {RGB Array} ::msgcat::mcset zh {RGB Cube} ::msgcat::mcset zh {RGB Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {RGB} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Radial Profile} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Radial} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Radius} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Raised} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Range} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Redo} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Red} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Reference Manual} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Reference} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Refresh Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAD\xAB \xB7\x73 \xBE\xE3 \xB2\x7A \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Refresh} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Region Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC \xB0\xD1\xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Region} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Release Notes} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Release} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Relief} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Reload} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Render} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Repeat} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Reset Colormap} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAD\xAB \xB3\x5D \xC3\x43 \xA6\xF2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Reset Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAD\xAB \xB3\x5D \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Reset} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Restore} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Retrieve} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Return} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Right} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Roman} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Rotate} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB1\xDB \xC2\xE0"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Rows} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Row} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Ruler} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xD8 \xB3\x57"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP Image} ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP Table} ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP: already connected} ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP: internal error} ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP: not connected} ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP: unable to locate HUB} ::msgcat::mcset zh {SAMP} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sample Increment} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sample Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Samples per Line} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sample} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save 3D Movie} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Color Tags} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Colormap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Configuration} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Contour Levels} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Contours} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Contrast/Bias} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Image on Download} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Image} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC0\x78 \xA6\x73 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Regions} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC0\x78 \xA6\x73 \xB0\xCF \xB0\xEC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save Template} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save as} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Save} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC0\x78 \xA6\x73"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Scale Parameters} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\xE2 \xB6\xA5 \xB0\xD1 \xBC\xC6"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Scale and Limits} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Scale} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\xE2 \xB6\xA5"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Scan} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Scatter Plot Tool} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Scope} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Search for Catalogs} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Searching for catalogs} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Seconds} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Segment} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Select All} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBF\xEF \xA8\xFA \xA5\xFE \xB3\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Select Coordinate System } ::msgcat::mcset zh {Select None} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA8\xFA \xAE\xF8 \xBF\xEF \xA8\xFA"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Select} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Send} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Server} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sexagesimal} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Shape} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\xCE \xAA\xAC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Show All} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC5\xE3 \xA5\xDC \xA5\xFE \xB3\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Show Command} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Show Compass} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Show Text} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Show/Hide Frames} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Show} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC5\xE3 \xA5\xDC"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Simple Cross} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Simple Plus} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Single Frame} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB3\xE6 \xA4\x40 \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Single} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB3\xE6 \xA4\x40"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sites} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Size/Radius} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Size} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Skip First} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Slice} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Smooth Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Smoothness} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Smooth} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Solid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sorry, DS9 does not support} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sorry, DS9 requires a Truecolor8, Truecolor16, Truecolor24 visual be available} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sort} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Source TCL} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Source} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Space Equal Distance} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Space Equal Value} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Spacing} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sqrt} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Square Root} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Squared} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Square} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Stacked} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Starbase} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Startup} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Start} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Statistics} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Stats} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Status} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Step} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Stop} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Story of SAOImage DS9} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Story} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sum} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Sunken} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Symbol Editor} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Symbol} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tab-Separated-Value} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Table} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tabloid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tag Color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Task} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Template} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\xCB \xA5\xBB"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Text Font} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Text} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA4\xE5 \xA6\x72"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Then} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Thickness} ::msgcat::mcset zh {This analysis task is already running. Do you wish to kill it?} ::msgcat::mcset zh {This function is not available.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {This function is not currently supported for this port.} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tickmarks} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tile Frames} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x58 \xAD\xAB \xBC\x76 \xB9\xB3 \xB5\xF8 \xB5\xA1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tile Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tile} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x58 \xAD\xAB"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Times} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Tophat} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Topographic} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Top} ::msgcat::mcset zh {To} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Transparency} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Triangle} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Type} ::msgcat::mcset zh {URL} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to connect directly: using Web Proxy} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to determine date of observation} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to determine time of observation} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to evaluate filter} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to find SIAP window} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to find URL column} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to find catalog window} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to find plot window} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to load RGB image into a non-rgb frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to load region file} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to load} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to locate URL} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to match target with XPA Mime request} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to open file} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to process Analysis file} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unable to save RGB image from a non-rgb frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Undo} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unique} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unists} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Units} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unknown Colormap} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Unknown command} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Update Filter} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Update Group} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Update from Current Crosshair} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Update from Current Frame} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Update} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Upper Left Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Upper Left Front} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Upper Right Back} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Upper Right Front} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Use Authentication} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Use Current Frame on Download} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Use Internal Web Browser} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Use Proxy} ::msgcat::mcset zh {User Manual} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Username} ::msgcat::mcset zh {User} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Use} ::msgcat::mcset zh {VO Server} ::msgcat::mcset zh {VO} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Value} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Vector} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\x56 \xB6\x71"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Vertical Graph} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Vertical Layout} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Vertical Text} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Vertical} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAB\xAB \xAA\xBD"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {View} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC0\xCB \xB5\xF8"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Virtual Observatory} ::msgcat::mcset zh {WCS Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {WCS} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA7\x79 \xBC\xD0"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Wavelength} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Web Browser} ::msgcat::mcset zh {White} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA5\xD5 \xA6\xE2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Width} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBC\x65 \xAB\xD7"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Window} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Words matching title, description} ::msgcat::mcset zh {X Axis Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {X Grid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {XPA Information} ::msgcat::mcset zh {XPA not initialized} ::msgcat::mcset zh {XPA unable to verify hostname, setting XPA_METHOD to LOCAL} ::msgcat::mcset zh {XPA} ::msgcat::mcset zh {X} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Y Axis Title} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Y Grid} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Yellow} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xB6\xC0 \xA6\xE2"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Y} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Z Axis Scale} ::msgcat::mcset zh {ZScale Parameters} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Zero} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Zoom Fit} ::msgcat::mcset zh {Zoom In} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA9\xF1 \xA4\x6A"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Zoom Out} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC1\x59 \xA4\x70"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {Zoom} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC1\x59 \xA9\xF1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {and} ::msgcat::mcset zh {blue} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xC2\xC5"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {b} ::msgcat::mcset zh {color} ::msgcat::mcset zh {cool} ::msgcat::mcset zh {green} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xBA\xF1"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {grey} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xA6\xC7"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {g} ::msgcat::mcset zh {h5utils} ::msgcat::mcset zh {heat} ::msgcat::mcset zh {not} ::msgcat::mcset zh {only} ::msgcat::mcset zh {or center of data} ::msgcat::mcset zh {rainbow} ::msgcat::mcset zh {red} [encoding convertfrom big5 "\xAC\xF5"] ::msgcat::mcset zh {rows of data have been downloaded. More may be available. You may wish to adjust the maximum allowed} ::msgcat::mcset zh {r} ::msgcat::mcset zh {staircase} ::msgcat::mcset zh {standard} ::msgcat::mcset zh {x} ::msgcat::mcset zh {}