# $Id: csa.fcl,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $ # Counts the lines of comments, code, and whitespace within a C # program. # This is based upon example 'ch2-09.l' from "lex & yacc" by John # R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown (by O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN # 1-56592-000-7). For more information on using lex and yacc, see # http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lex/. %{ #!/usr/bin/tclsh set comments 0 set code 0 set whitespace 0 proc update_count { a b c } { incr ::comments $a incr ::code $b incr ::whitespace $c puts -nonewline "code: $::code, comments: $::comments, whitespace: $::whitespace\r" flush stdout } %} %option noheaders stack nodefault %x COMMENT %% ^[ \t]*"/*" { BEGIN COMMENT } ^[ \t]*"/*".*"*/"[ \t]*\n { update_count 1 0 0 } "*/"[ \t]*\n { BEGIN INITIAL; update_count 1 0 0 } "*/" { BEGIN INITIAL } \n { update_count 1 0 0 } .\n { update_count 1 0 0 } ^[ \t]*\n { update_count 0 0 1 } .+"/*".*"*/".*\n { update_count 0 1 0 } .*"/*".*"*/".+\n { update_count 0 1 0 } .+"/*".*\n { BEGIN COMMENT; update_count 0 1 0 } .\n { update_count 0 1 0 } <*>. # do nothing %% if {[llength $argv] == 0} { puts stderr "C source analyzer needs a filename." exit 0 } if {[catch {open [lindex $argv 0] r} yyin]} { puts stderr "Could not open [lindex $argv 0]" exit 0 } yylex close $yyin puts ""