#!/usr/bin/tclsh # $Id: fickle.tcl,v 1.6 2004/11/14 02:36:28 tang Exp $ set FICKLE_VERSION 2.1 # no output() # no yymore() # no REJECT #//# # Fickle is a lexical analyzer generator written in pure Tcl. It # reads a fickle specification file to generate pure Tcl code # that implements a scanner. See the {@link README} file for complete # instructions. Additional information may be found at {@link # http://mini.net/tcl/fickle}. # # @author Jason Tang (tang@jtang.org) # @version 2.04 #//# # Process a definition / directive on a single line. proc handle_defs {line} { # trim whitespace and remove any comments set line [strip_comments [string trim $line]] if {$line == ""} { return } if {$line == "%\{"} { handle_literal_block } else { # extract the keyword to the left of the first space and the # arguments (if any) to the right if {[regexp -line {^(\S+)\s+(.*)} $line foo keyword args] == 0} { set keyword $line set args "" } switch -- $keyword { "%s" { foreach state_name [split $args] { if {$state_name != ""} { set ::state_table($state_name) $::INCLUSIVE } } } "%x" { foreach state_name [split $args] { if {$state_name != ""} { set ::state_table($state_name) $::EXCLUSIVE } } } "%option" { handle_options $args } "%buffersize" { if {$args == ""} { fickle_error "%buffersize must have an integer parameter" $::PARAM_ERROR } elseif {[string is digit $args] && $args > 0} { set ::BUFFER_SIZE $args } else { fickle_error "%buffersize parameter must be positive integer" $::PARAM_ERROR } } default { # check if the directive is an option or a substitution if {[string index $keyword 0] == "%"} { fickle_error "Unknown directive \"$keyword\"" $::SYNTAX_ERROR } else { add_definition $line } } } } } # Copy everything between ^%\{$ to ^%\}$ to the destination file. proc handle_literal_block {} { set end_defs 0 while {$end_defs == 0} { if {[gets $::src line] < 0} { fickle_error "No terminator to verbatim section found " $::SYNTAX_ERROR } elseif {[string trim $line] == "%\}"} { set end_defs 1 } else { puts $::dest $line } incr ::line_count } } # Examine each option (given by a %option directive) and set/unset # flags as necessary. proc handle_options {optargs} { foreach option [split $optargs] { if {$option == ""} { continue } if {$option == "default"} { # special construct to handle %option default (because I # can't match this in the switch statement below set ::suppress 0 continue } switch -- $option { "caseful" - "case-sensitive" - "nocaseless" - "nocase-insensitive" { set ::nocase 0 } "caseless" - "case-insensitive" - "nocaseful" - "nocase-sensitive" { set ::nocase 1 } "debug" { set ::debugmode 1 } "nodebug" { set ::debugmode 0 } "nodefault" { set ::suppress 1 } "interactive" { set ::interactive 1 } "nointeractive" { set ::interactive 0 } "verbose" { set ::verbose 1 } "noverbose" { set ::verbose 0 } "stack" { set ::startstates 1 } "nostack" { set ::startstates 0 } "yylineno" { set ::linenums 1 } "noyylineno" { set ::linenums 0 } "yywrap" { set ::callyywrap 1 } "noyywrap" { set ::callyywrap 0 } "headers" { set ::headers 1 } "noheaders" { set ::headers 0 } default { # note this is /not/ the same as %option default (see above) fickle_error "Unknown %option $option" $::PARAM_ERROR } } } } # Adds a definition to the substition table. proc add_definition {line} { if {![regexp -line -- {\A\s*([a-zA-Z_]\S*)\s+(.+)} $line foo name pattern]} { fickle_error "Malformed definition" $::SYNTAX_ERROR } # make any substitutions within the pattern now foreach {sub_rule sub_pat} [array get ::sub_table] { # the quotes around the regexp below is necessary, to # allow for substitution of the sub_rule regsub -all -- "\{$sub_rule\}" $pattern "\($sub_pat\)" pattern } # double the backslashes (during the next round of substitution # the extras will go away) regsub -all -- {\\} $pattern {\\\\} pattern set ::sub_table($name) $pattern } # Actually build the scanner given a set of pattern / action pairs. proc build_scanner {rules_buf} { # step 0: parse the rules buffer into individual rules and actions handle_rules_buf $rules_buf if $::interactive { set ::BUFFER_SIZE 1 } # step 1: write scanner support functions write_scanner_utils # step 2: write the scanner to the destination file write_scanner } # Scan though the rules buffer, pulling out each pattern / action pair. proc handle_rules_buf {rules_buf} { set regexp_list "" set num_rules 0 while {[string length $rules_buf] > 0} { set line_start $::line_count # remove the next line from the buffer regexp -line -- {\A(.*)\n?} $rules_buf foo line set rules_buf [string range $rules_buf [string length $foo] end] # consume blank lines if {[string trim $line] == ""} { incr ::line_count continue } # extract the left hand side if {![regexp -line -- {\A\s*(\S+)(.*)} $line foo pattern line]} { fickle_error "No pattern found" $::SYNTAX_ERROR } # the pattern may contain spaces; use [info complete] to keep # appending to it set pattern_done 0 while {!$pattern_done && $line != ""} { if [info complete $pattern] { set pattern_done 1 } else { regexp -- {\A(\S*\s?)(.*)} $line foo p line append pattern $p } } if {!$pattern_done} { fickle_error "Pattern appears to be unterminated" $::SYNTAX_ERROR } set pattern [rewrite_pattern [string trim $pattern]] set orig_pattern $pattern # check the pattern to see if it has a start state set state_name "" if [regexp -- {\A<([^>]+)>} $pattern foo state_name] { if {!$::startstates} { fickle_error "Start state specified, but states were not enabled with `%option stack'" $::GRAMMAR_ERROR } # a state was found; remove it from the pattern regsub -- {\A<[^>]+>} $pattern "" pattern # check that the state was declared if {$state_name != "*" && ![info exists ::state_table($state_name)]} { fickle_error "Undeclared start state $state_name" $::GRAMMAR_ERROR } } # check if any textual substitutions are needed foreach sub_rule [array names ::sub_table] { # the quotes around the regexp below is necessary, to # allow for substitution of the sub_rule regsub -all -- "\{$sub_rule\}" $pattern "\($::sub_table($sub_rule)\)" pattern } # now determine the action; an action of just a vertical bar # means to use the subsequent action set action [string trimleft $line] if {[string trim $action] == ""} { fickle_error "Rule has no associated action" $::SYNTAX_ERROR } elseif {[string trim $action] == "|"} { # blank action means to use next one set action "" } else { # keep scanning through buffer until action is complete set num_lines 0 set action_done 0 while {!$action_done && $rules_buf != ""} { if [info complete $action] { set action_done 1 } else { regexp -line -- {\A(.*)\n?} $rules_buf foo line set rules_buf [string range $rules_buf [string length $foo] end] append action "\n$line" incr num_lines } } if {!$action_done && ![info complete $action]} { fickle_error "Unterminated action" $::SYNTAX_ERROR } # clean up the action, especially if it had curly braces # around the ends set action [string trim $action] if {[string index $action 0] == "{" && \ [string index $action end] == "}"} { set action [string trim [string range $action 1 end-1]] } incr ::line_count $num_lines } lappend ::rule_table [list $orig_pattern $state_name $pattern $action $line_start] incr ::line_count if $::verbose { if {$state_name == ""} { set state "default state" } else { set state "state $state_name" } if {$action == ""} { set action "" } puts stderr "Rule $num_rules: \[$pattern\] ($state) -> $action" incr num_rules } } } # Tcl style regexps are not 100% compatible with flex, so rewrite them # here. proc rewrite_pattern {pattern} { set in_quotes 0 set in_brackets 0 set in_escape 0 foreach c [split $pattern {}] { if $in_escape { append newpattern $c set in_escape 0 continue } if $in_quotes { if {$c == "\""} { set in_quotes 0 } else { # metacharacters lose their meaning within quotes if [regexp -- {[.*\[\]^$\{\}+?|/\(\)]} $c foo] { append newpattern "\\" } append newpattern $c } continue } switch -- $c { "\\" { append newpattern "\\"; set in_escape 1 } "\[" { append newpattern "\["; incr in_brackets } "\]" { append newpattern "\]"; incr in_brackets -1 } "\"" { if $in_brackets { append newpattern "\\\"" } else { set in_quotes 1 } } default { append newpattern $c } } } return $newpattern } ###################################################################### # procedure to write scanner # Writes all of the support procedures needed by the scanner during # run time. proc write_scanner_utils {} { puts $::dest " ###### # Begin autogenerated fickle (version $::FICKLE_VERSION) routines. # Although fickle itself is protected by the GNU Public License (GPL) # all user-supplied functions are protected by their respective # author's license. See http://mini.net/tcl/fickle for other details. ###### " puts $::dest "namespace eval ${::p} \{ variable yytext {} variable yyleng 0 variable yyin stdin variable yyout stdout variable yy_current_buffer {}" if $::debugmode { puts $::dest " variable yy_flex_debug 1" } if $::linenums { puts $::dest " variable yylineno 1" } puts $::dest " variable index_ 0 variable done_ 0" if $::startstates { puts $::dest " variable state_stack_ {} variable state_table_ array set state_table_ {INITIAL 1}" } puts $::dest "\}" puts $::dest "" if $::callyywrap { if $::headers { puts $::dest "# If yywrap() returns false (zero), then it is assumed that the # function has gone ahead and set up yyin to point to another input # file, and scanning continues. If it returns true (non-zero), then # the scanner terminates, returning 0 to its caller. Note that in # either case, the start condition remains unchanged; it does not # revert to INITIAL. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::yywrap \{\} \{ return 1 \} " } if $::headers { puts $::dest "# ECHO copies yytext to the scanner's output if no arguments are # given. The scanner writes its ECHO output to the yyout global # (default, stdout), which may be redefined by the user simply by # assigning it to some other channel. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::ECHO \{\{s \"\"\}\} \{ variable yytext variable yyout if \{\$s == \"\"\} \{ puts -nonewline \$yyout \$yytext \} else \{ puts -nonewline \$yyout \$s \} \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# YY_FLUSH_BUFFER flushes the scanner's internal buffer so that the # next time the scanner attempts to match a token, it will first # refill the buffer using YY_INPUT. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::YY_FLUSH_BUFFER \{\} \{ variable yy_current_buffer variable index_ variable done_ set yy_current_buffer \"\" set index_ 0 set done_ 0 \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# yyrestart(new_file) may be called to point yyin at the new input # file. The switch-over to the new file is immediate (any previously # buffered-up input is lost). Note that calling yyrestart with yyin # as an argument thus throws away the current input buffer and # continues scanning the same input file. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::yyrestart \{new_file\} \{ variable yyin set yyin \$new_file YY_FLUSH_BUFFER \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# The nature of how it gets its input can be controlled by defining # the YY_INPUT macro. YY_INPUT's calling sequence is # \"YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size)\". Its action is to place up to # max_size characters in the character array buf and return in the # integer variable result either the number of characters read or the # constant YY_NULL (0 on Unix systems) to indicate EOF. The default # YY_INPUT reads from the global file-pointer \"yyin\". # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::YY_INPUT \{buf result max_size\} \{ variable yyin upvar \$result ret_val upvar \$buf new_data if \{\$yyin != \"\"\} \{" if $::interactive { puts $::dest " gets \$yyin new_data if \{!\[eof \$yyin\]\} \{ append new_data \\n \}" } else { puts $::dest " set new_data \[read \$yyin \$max_size\]" } puts $::dest " set ret_val \[string length \$new_data\] \} else \{ set new_data \"\" set ret_val 0 \} \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# yy_scan_string sets up input buffers for scanning in-memory # strings instead of files. Note that switching input sources does # not change the start condition. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::yy_scan_string \{str\} \{ variable yy_current_buffer variable yyin append yy_current_buffer \$str set yyin \"\" \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# unput(c) puts the character c back onto the input stream. It will # be the next character scanned. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::unput \{c\} \{ variable yy_current_buffer variable index_ set s \[string range \$yy_current_buffer 0 \[expr \{\$index_ - 1\}\]\] append s \$c set yy_current_buffer \[append s \[string range \$yy_current_buffer \$index_ end\]\] \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# Returns all but the first n characters of the current token back to # the input stream, where they will be rescanned when the scanner # looks for the next match. yytext and yyleng are adjusted # appropriately. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::yyless \{n\} \{ variable yy_current_buffer variable index_ variable yytext variable yyleng set s \[string range \$yy_current_buffer 0 \[expr \{\$index_ - 1\}\]\] append s \[string range \$yytext \$n end\] set yy_current_buffer \[append s \[string range \$yy_current_buffer \$index_ end\]\] set yytext \[string range \$yytext 0 \[expr \{\$n - 1\}\]\] set yyleng \[string length \$yytext\] \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# input() reads the next character from the input stream. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::input \{\} \{ variable yy_current_buffer variable index_ variable done_ if \{\[string length \$yy_current_buffer\] - \$index_ < $::BUFFER_SIZE\} \{ set new_buffer \"\" set new_buffer_size 0 if \{\$done_ == 0\} \{ YY_INPUT new_buffer new_buffer_size $::BUFFER_SIZE append yy_current_buffer \$new_buffer if \{\$new_buffer_size == 0\} \{ set done_ 1 \} \} if \$done_ \{" if $::callyywrap { puts -nonewline $::dest " if \{\[yywrap\] == 0\} \{ return \[input\] \} else" } else { puts -nonewline $::dest " " } puts $::dest "if \{\[string length \$yy_current_buffer\] - \$index_ == 0\} \{ return \{\} \} \} \} set c \[string index \$yy_current_buffer \$index_\] incr index_ return \$c \} " if $::startstates { if $::headers { puts $::dest "# Pushes the current start condition onto the top of the start # condition stack and switches to new_state as though you had used # BEGIN new_state. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::push_state \{new_state\} \{ variable state_stack_ lappend state_stack_ \$new_state \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# Pops off the top of the state stack; if the stack is now empty, then # pushes the state \"INITIAL\". # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::pop_state \{\} \{ variable state_stack_ set state_stack_ \[lrange \$state_stack_ 0 end-1\] if \{\$state_stack_ == \"\"\} \{ push_state INITIAL \} \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# Returns the top of the stack without altering the stack's contents. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::top_state \{\} \{ variable state_stack_ return \[lindex \$state_stack_ end\] \} " if $::headers { puts $::dest "# BEGIN followed by the name of a start condition places the scanner # in the corresponding start condition. . . .Until the next BEGIN # action is executed, rules with the given start condition will be # active and rules with other start conditions will be inactive. If # the start condition is inclusive, then rules with no start # conditions at all will also be active. If it is exclusive, then # only rules qualified with the start condition will be active. # -- from the flex(1) man page" } puts $::dest "proc ${::p}::BEGIN \{new_state\} \{ variable state_stack_ set state_stack_ \[lrange \$state_stack_ 0 end-1\] lappend state_stack_ \$new_state \}" } if $::startstates { puts $::dest " ${::p}::BEGIN INITIAL " } } # Writes the actual scanner as a function called yylex. # Note that this function may be renamed if the -P flag # was given at the command line. proc write_scanner {} { puts $::dest "###### # autogenerated yylex function created by fickle ###### # Whenever yylex() is called, it scans tokens from the global input # file yyin (which defaults to stdin). It continues until it either # reaches an end-of-file (at which point it returns the value 0) or # one of its actions executes a return statement. # -- from the flex(1) man page proc ${::p}::yylex \{\} \{ variable yytext variable yylineno variable yyleng variable yy_current_buffer variable yy_flex_debug variable index_ variable done_ variable state_table_ while \{1\} \{" if $::startstates { puts $::dest " set current_state \[top_state\]" } puts $::dest " if \{\[string length \$yy_current_buffer\] - \$index_ < $::BUFFER_SIZE\} \{ if \{\$done_ == 0\} \{ set buffer_size 0 set new_buffer \"\" YY_INPUT new_buffer buffer_size $::BUFFER_SIZE append yy_current_buffer \$new_buffer if \{\$buffer_size == 0 && \\ \[string length \$yy_current_buffer\] - \$index_ == 0\} \{ set done_ 1 \} \} if \$done_ \{" if $::debugmode { puts $::dest " if \$yy_flex_debug \{ puts stderr \" ${::p} --reached end of input buffer\" \}" } if $::callyywrap { puts -nonewline $::dest " if \{\[yywrap\] == 0\} \{ set done_ 0 continue \} else" } else { puts -nonewline $::dest " " } puts $::dest "if \{\[string length \$yy_current_buffer\] - \$index_ == 0\} \{ break \} \} \} set yyleng 0 set matched_rule -1" # build up the if statements to determine which rule to execute; # lex is greedy and will use the rule that matches the most # strings if {$::nocase} { set scan_args "-nocase" } else { set scan_args "" } set rule_num 0 foreach rule $::rule_table { foreach {orig_pattern state_name pattern action rule_line} $rule {} puts $::dest " # rule $rule_num: $orig_pattern" puts -nonewline $::dest " if \{" if $::startstates { if {$state_name == ""} { puts -nonewline $::dest "\$state_table_(\$current_state) && \\\n " } elseif {$state_name != "*"} { puts -nonewline $::dest "\$current_state == \"$state_name\" && \\\n " } } puts $::dest "\[regexp -start \$index_ -indices -line $scan_args -- \{\\A($pattern)\} \$yy_current_buffer match\] > 0\ && \\ \[lindex \$match 1\] - \$index_ + 1 > \$yyleng\} \{ set yytext \[string range \$yy_current_buffer \$index_ \[lindex \$match 1\]\] set yyleng \[string length \$yytext\] set matched_rule $rule_num" if $::debugmode { puts $::dest " set yyrule_num \"rule at line $rule_line\"" } puts $::dest " \}" incr rule_num } # now add the default case puts $::dest " if \{\$matched_rule == -1\} \{ set yytext \[string index \$yy_current_buffer \$index_\] set yyleng 1" if $::debugmode { puts $::dest " set yyrule_num \"default rule\"" } puts $::dest " \} incr index_ \$yyleng # workaround for Tcl's circumflex behavior if \{\[string index \$yytext end\] == \"\\n\"\} \{ set yy_current_buffer \[string range \$yy_current_buffer \$index_ end\] set index_ 0 \}" if $::debugmode { puts $::dest " if \$yy_flex_debug \{ puts stderr \" ${::p} --accepting \$yyrule_num (\\\"\$yytext\\\")\" \}" } if $::linenums { puts $::dest " set numlines \[expr \{\[llength \[split \$yytext \"\\n\"\]\] - 1\}\]" } puts $::dest " switch -- \$matched_rule \{" set rule_num 0 foreach rule $::rule_table { puts -nonewline $::dest " $rule_num " if {[string length [lindex $rule 3]] == 0} { # action is empty, so use next pattern's action puts $::dest "-" } else { puts $::dest "\{\n[lindex $rule 3]\n \}" } incr rule_num } puts $::dest " default" if {$::suppress == 0} { puts $::dest " \{ ECHO \}" } else { puts -nonewline $::dest " \{ puts stderr \"unmatched token: \$yytext" if $::startstates { puts -nonewline $::dest " in state `\$current_state'" } puts $::dest "\"; exit -1 \}" } puts $::dest " \}" if $::linenums { puts $::dest " incr yylineno \$numlines" } puts $::dest " \} return 0 \} ###### # end autogenerated fickle functions ###### " } ###################################################################### # utility functions # Given a line, returns a new line with any comments removed. proc strip_comments {line} { regexp -- {\A([^\#]*)} $line foo line return $line } # If the first non-whitespace character on a line is a hash, then # return an empty string; otherwise return the entire line. proc strip_only_comments {line} { if [regexp -- {\A\s*\#} $line] { return "" } else { return $line } } # Retrives a parameter from the options list. If no parameter exists # then abort with an error very reminisicent of C's # getopt function; otherwise increment # param_num by one. # # @param param_list list of parameters from the command line # @param param_num index into param_list to retrieve # @param param_name name of the parameter, used when reporting an error # @return the $param_num'th element into $param_list proc get_param {param_list param_num param_name} { upvar $param_num pn incr pn if {$pn >= [llength $param_list]} { puts stderr "fickle: option requires an argument -- $param_name" exit $::PARAM_ERROR } return [lindex $param_list $pn] } # Display an error message to standard error along with where within # the specification file it occurred. Then abort this program. proc fickle_error {message returnvalue} { puts -nonewline stderr $message puts stderr " (line $::line_count)" exit $returnvalue } # Display to a channel a brief summary of fickle command line options. proc print_fickle_help {chan} { puts $chan "fickle: a Tcl lexical anaylzer generator Usage: fickle \[options\] \[FILE\] FILE a fickle specification file Options: -h print this help message and quit -v be verbose while generating scanner -o FILE specify name to write scanner -d enable debug mode while running scanner -i generate a case-insensitive scanner -l keep track of line numbers in global variable yylineno -s suppress default rule; unmatched input aborts with errors -t write scanner to standard output -I read input interactively -P PREFIX change default yy prefix to PREFIX --version print fickle version and quit For more information see http://mini.net/tcl/fickle" } # Displays to standard out the fickle version, then exits program. proc print_fickle_version {} { puts "fickle version $::FICKLE_VERSION" exit 0 } ###################################################################### # other fickle functions # Parse the command line and set all global options. proc fickle_args {argv} { set argvp 0 set out_filename "" set write_to_stdout 0 set ::callyywrap 1 set ::debugmode 0 set ::headers 1 set ::interactive 0 set ::nocase 0 set ::linenums 0 set ::startstates 0 set ::suppress 0 set ::BUFFER_SIZE 1024 set ::p "yy" set ::verbose 0 while {$argvp < [llength $argv]} { set arg [lindex $argv $argvp] switch -- $arg { "-d" { set ::debugmode 1 } "-h" - "--help" { print_fickle_help stdout; exit 0 } "-i" { set ::nocase 1 } "-l" { set ::linenums 1 } "-o" { set out_filename [get_param $argv argvp "o"] } "-s" { set ::suppress 1 } "-t" { set write_to_stdout 1 } "-v" { set ::verbose 1 } "-I" { set ::interactive 1 } "-P" { set prefix [get_param $argv argvp "P"] set ::p [string tolower $prefix] } "--version" { print_fickle_version } default { if {[string index $arg 0] != "-"} { break } else { puts stderr "fickle: unknown option $arg" print_fickle_help stderr exit $::PARAM_ERROR } } } incr argvp } if {$argvp >= [llength $argv]} { # read from stdin set ::src stdin set out_filename "lex.yy.tcl" } else { set in_filename [lindex $argv $argvp] if {$out_filename == ""} { set out_filename [file rootname $in_filename] append out_filename ".tcl" } if [catch {open $in_filename r} ::src] { puts stderr "Could not open specification file '$in_filename'." exit $::IO_ERROR } } if $write_to_stdout { set ::dest stdout } else { if [catch {open $out_filename w} ::dest] { puts stderr "Could not create output file '$out_filename'." exit $::IO_ERROR } } } # Actually do the scanner generation. proc fickle_main {} { set ::line_count 0 # keep track of all rules found set ::rule_table "" # set up the INITIAL start state to be a normal inclusionary state set ::state_table(INITIAL) $::INCLUSIVE # keep track of where within the file I am: # definitions, rules, or subroutines set file_state definitions while {[gets $::src line] >= 0} { incr ::line_count if {$line == "%%"} { if {$file_state == "definitions"} { set file_state "rules" } elseif {$file_state == "rules"} { set file_state "subroutines" } else { fickle_error "Syntax error." $::SYNTAX_ERROR } } else { if {$file_state == "definitions"} { handle_defs $line } elseif {$file_state == "rules"} { # keep reading the rest of the file until EOF or # another '%%' appears set rules_buf [strip_only_comments $line] while {[gets $::src line] >= 0 && $file_state == "rules"} { if {$line == "%%"} { set file_state "subroutines" break } else { append rules_buf "\n" [strip_only_comments $line] } } build_scanner $rules_buf set file_state "subroutines" } else { # file_state is subroutines -- copy verbatim to output file puts $::dest $line } } } } ###################################################################### # start of actual script set IO_ERROR 1 set SYNTAX_ERROR 2 set PARAM_ERROR 3 set GRAMMAR_ERROR 4 # two types of start states allowed: set INCLUSIVE 1 set EXCLUSIVE 0 fickle_args $argv fickle_main