// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "block.h" #include "util.h" FitsBlock::FitsBlock(FitsFile* fits, Vector& block) { FitsHead* srcHead = fits->head(); width_ = srcHead->naxis(0)/block[0]; height_ = srcHead->naxis(1)/block[1]; if (width_<1) width_ = 1; if (height_<1) height_ = 1; size_ = (size_t)width_*height_; primary_ = fits->primary(); ext_ = fits->ext(); inherit_ = fits->inherit(); bitpix_ = srcHead->hdu()->bitpix(); switch (bitpix_) { case -64: if (!(data_ = new double[size_])) return; dataSize_ = size_*sizeof(double); break; default: bitpix_ = -32; if (!(data_ = new float[size_])) return; dataSize_ = size_*sizeof(float); break; } dataSkip_ = 0; memset(data_, 0, dataSize_); initHeader(fits, block); // made it this far, must be valid byteswap_ = 0; endian_ = lsb() ? LITTLE : BIG; valid_ = 1; } FitsBlock::~FitsBlock() { if (data_) delete [] (char*)data_; } void FitsBlock::initHeader(FitsFile* fits, Vector& block) { head_ = new FitsHead(*(fits->head())); // change bitpix switch (bitpix_) { case -64: head_->setInteger("BITPIX", -64, ""); break; default: head_->setInteger("BITPIX", -32, ""); break; } // change width/height head_->setInteger("NAXIS1", width_, ""); head_->setInteger("NAXIS2", height_, ""); // IRAF initLTMV(block); initCCDSUM(block); initKeySEC("BIASSEC",block); initKeySEC("DATASEC",block); initKeySEC("TRIMSEC",block); // WCS blocking done later in FitsImage::resetWCS() // clear cards if (head_->find("BZERO")) head_->carddel("BZERO"); if (head_->find("BSCALE")) head_->carddel("BSCALE"); if (head_->find("DATASUM")) head_->carddel("DATASUM"); if (head_->find("CHECKSUM")) head_->carddel("CHECKSUM"); if (head_->find("DATAMIN")) head_->carddel("DATAMIN"); if (head_->find("DATAMAX")) head_->carddel("DATAMAX"); if (head_->find("DATAMEAN")) head_->carddel("DATAMEAN"); if (head_->find("GOODMIN")) head_->carddel("GOODMIN"); if (head_->find("GOODMAX")) head_->carddel("GOODMAX"); if (head_->find("IRAF-MIN")) head_->carddel("IRAF-MIN"); if (head_->find("IRAF-MAX")) head_->carddel("IRAF-MAX"); head_->updateHDU(); } void FitsBlock::initCCDSUM(Vector& block) { if (head_->find("CCDSUM")) { char* val = head_->getString("CCDSUM"); float xx,yy; istringstream istr(val); istr >> xx >> yy; xx *= block[0]; yy *= block[1]; ostringstream ostr; ostr << xx << ' ' << yy << ends; head_->setString("CCDSUM", ostr.str().c_str(), ""); } } void FitsBlock::initKeySEC(const char* key, Vector& block) { if (head_->find(key)) { char* sec = head_->getString(key); Vector ll,ur; parseSection(sec,&ll,&ur); Matrix mm = Translate(-1,-1) * Scale(1/block[0],1/block[1]) * Translate(1,1); Vector nll = ll*mm; Vector nur = ur*mm; ostringstream ostr; ostr << '[' << int(nll[0]) << ':' << int(nur[0]) << ',' << int(nll[1]) << ':' << int(nur[1]) << ']' << ends; head_->setString(key, ostr.str().c_str(), ""); } } void FitsBlock::initLTMV(Vector& block) { // always do LTMV double ltv1 = head_->getReal("LTV1", 0); double ltv2 = head_->getReal("LTV2", 0); double ltm11 = head_->getReal("LTM1_1", 1); double ltm12 = head_->getReal("LTM1_2", 0); double ltm21 = head_->getReal("LTM2_1", 0); double ltm22 = head_->getReal("LTM2_2", 1); Matrix mm(ltm11,ltm12,ltm21,ltm22,ltv1,ltv2); Matrix im = mm * Translate(-.5,-.5) * Scale(1./block[0],1./block[1]) * Translate(.5,.5); if (head_->find("LTV1")) head_->setReal("LTV1", im.matrix(2,0), 8, ""); else head_->appendReal("LTV1", im.matrix(2,0), 8, ""); if (head_->find("LTV2")) head_->setReal("LTV2", im.matrix(2,1), 8, ""); else head_->appendReal("LTV2", im.matrix(2,1), 8, ""); if (head_->find("LTM1_1")) head_->setReal("LTM1_1", ltm11/block[0], 8, ""); else head_->appendReal("LTM1_1", ltm11/block[0], 8, ""); if (head_->find("LTM1_2")) head_->setReal("LTM1_2", ltm12, 8, ""); else head_->appendReal("LTM1_2", ltm12, 8, ""); if (head_->find("LTM2_1")) head_->setReal("LTM2_1", ltm21, 8, ""); else head_->appendReal("LTM2_1", ltm21, 8, ""); if (head_->find("LTM2_2")) head_->setReal("LTM2_2", ltm22/block[1], 8, ""); else head_->appendReal("LTM2_2", ltm22/block[1], 8, ""); }