- What programs are available and what do they do?
- funcalc: funtools calculator (for binary tables)
- funcen: find centroid (for binary tables)
- funcnts: count photons in specified regions with background subtraction
- funcone: cone search on RA, Dec columns
- fundisp: display data in a funtools data file
- funhead: display a header in a funtools file
- funhist: create a 1D histogram of a column
- funimage: create a FITS image from a funtools data file
- funindex: create a index on a column in a binary table
- funjoin: join two or more FITS binary tables on specified columns
- funmerge: merge one or more funtools table files
- funsky: convert between image and sky coodinates, using WCS info from a FITS header
- funtable: copy selected rows from a funtools file to a FITS binary table
- funtbl: extract a table (obsolete)