%option caseless %array %{ #include <math.h> #include <filter.h> #include <idx.h> #include <idx.tab.h> extern int idx_debug; static int _valint(char *s, idxvalrec **v); static int _valfloat(char *s, idxvalrec **v); static int _valname(char *s, idxvalrec **v); static int _valreg(char *s, idxvalrec **v); static int _valfunc(char *s, idxvalrec **v); %} SP [ \t] DIG [0-9] DIG2 [0-9a-fA-F] /* note that negative numbers are not defined here, but in the grammar */ INT1 {DIG}+L? INT2 0[xX]{DIG2}+L? INT ({INT1}|{INT2}) FLOAT1 {DIG}+\.?([eE][-+]?{DIG}+)? FLOAT2 {DIG}*\.{DIG}+([eE][-+]?{DIG}+)? XFLOAT -142857.142857 FLOAT ({FLOAT1}|{FLOAT2}|{XFLOAT}) NUM ({INT}|{FLOAT}) NAME [A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z~_]*(\[[^\[]*\])? /* must match regions in filt.l */ REGION (ev|im)[vn]?(annulus|box|circle|ellipse|line|panda|pie|qtpie|point|polygon|field|bpanda|cpanda|epanda) %% {INT} {return _valint(yytext, &(idxlval.val));} {FLOAT} {return _valfloat(yytext, &(idxlval.val));} evfield"(g",{INT},{INT},{INT},{INT},"(double)"{NAME},"(double)"{NAME}")" { return _valreg(yytext, &(idxlval.val)); } {REGION}"(g",{INT},{INT},{INT},{INT},"(double)"{NAME},"(double)"{NAME}(,[+-]?{FLOAT})*,[+-]?{FLOAT}")" { return _valreg(yytext, &(idxlval.val)); } {NAME}"("[^()]*("("[^()]*")")*")" { /* support functions with one level of nested parens */ return _valfunc(yytext, &(idxlval.val)); } {NAME} {return _valname(yytext, &(idxlval.val));} "||" {return OR;} "&&" {return AND;} "==" {return EQ;} "!=" {return NE;} "<=" {return LE;} ">=" {return GE;} {SP} {;} <<EOF>> { yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ); yyterminate(); } . {return yytext[0];} %% #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS static int _valint(char *s, idxvalrec **v) #else static int _valint(s, v) char *s; idxvalrec **v; #endif { char *t; *v = idxvalnew(s); (*v)->ival = strtoll(s, &t, 0); if( *t ) idxerror("bad integer value"); (*v)->type = NUM; (*v)->ntype = PARSE_INTEGER; (*v)->dval = (double)(*v)->ival; return NUM; } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS static int _valfloat(char *s, idxvalrec **v) #else static int _valfloat(s, v) char *s; idxvalrec **v; #endif { char *t; *v = idxvalnew(s); (*v)->dval = strtod(s, &t); if( *t ) idxerror("bad float value"); (*v)->type = NUM; (*v)->ntype = PARSE_FLOAT; return NUM; } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS static int _valname(char *s, idxvalrec **v) #else static int _valname(s, v) char *s; idxvalrec **v; #endif { int i; int got; int oflag; int isize=0; char *iname; char *colname; char tail[SZ_LINE]; FilterSymbols sp=NULL; idxvalrec *vv; *v = idxvalnew(s); /* lookup the string */ if( !(sp=FilterSymbolLookup(FilterDefault(), s)) ){ idxerror("column name not found in data file"); (*v)->type = INDEF; return INDEF; } colname = idxinfo(IDX_COLNAME); /* see what sort of symbol it is */ switch(sp->type){ case SYM_COL: if( !(iname=idxindexfilename(s, &isize)) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return INDEF; } /* if we already have opened this index, just use the existing handle */ if( (vv=idxlookupfilename(iname)) ){ (*v)->igio = vv->igio; (*v)->ifits = vv->ifits; } /* open index for first time and mark iname */ else{ oflag = setgerror(0); (*v)->igio = ft_fitsheadopen(iname, &((*v)->ifits), tail, SZ_LINE, "r"); setgerror(oflag); if( !((*v)->igio) ){ idxerror("existing index file can't be opened"); (*v)->type = INDEF; return INDEF; } else{ (*v)->iname = xstrdup(iname); } } xfree(iname); if( (*v)->ifits ){ for(got=0, i=0; i<(*v)->ifits->table->tfields; i++){ if( !strcasecmp(s, (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].name) ){ (*v)->vtype = (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].type; (*v)->voffset = (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].offset; (*v)->vn = (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].n; got++; } if( !strcasecmp(colname, (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].name) ){ (*v)->itype = (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].type; (*v)->ioffset = (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].offset; (*v)->in = (*v)->ifits->table->col[i].n; got++; } } if( got == 2 ){ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H if( !(*v)->igio->gz ){ if(!((*v)->idata = mmap(NULL, isize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fileno((*v)->igio->fp), 0)) ){ idxerror("index file can't be mmap'ed"); (*v)->type = INDEF; return INDEF; } (*v)->ilen = isize; } #endif (*v)->nrow = ft_naxis((*v)->ifits,2); (*v)->type = COL; return COL; } else{ idxerror("column name and/or index not found in index file"); } } else{ (*v)->type = INDEF; return INDEF; } case SYM_PAR: (*v)->ntype=ParseDataType(sp->value, &(*v)->dval, &(*v)->ival); (*v)->type = NUM; switch((*v)->ntype){ case PARSE_INTEGER: case PARSE_HEXINT: (*v)->dval = (double)(*v)->ival; return NUM; case PARSE_FLOAT: return NUM; default: idxerror("invalid parameter type in index"); return 0; } default: idxerror("unknown symbol type in index"); return 0; } } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS static int _valreglims(idxvalrec *v, char *s) #else static int _valreglims(v, s) idxvalrec *v; char *s; #endif { int i; int ip=0; int nd=0, maxd=0; double xcen, ycen; double dval; double *dvals; double pts[8]; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; char tbuf2[SZ_LINE]; double angle; double xwidth, yheight; double angl; /* l: Cartesian angle in radians */ double half_width, half_height;/* l: radii (1/2 width and height) */ double cosangl, sinangl; /* l: sine, cosine of the Cartesian angle */ double hw_cos, hw_sin; /* l: products of half_width with sin, cos */ double hh_cos, hh_sin; /* l: products of half_height with sin, cos */ if( !strcmp(v->s, "circle") || !strcmp(v->s, "ncircle") || !strcmp(v->s, "annulus") || !strcmp(v->s, "nannulus") ){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip)||!word(s, tbuf2, &ip) ) return 0; xcen = atof(tbuf); ycen = atof(tbuf2); dval = -1; if( *v->s == 'n' ){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) return 0; dval = MAX(atof(tbuf),dval); } else{ while( word(s, tbuf, &ip) && strcmp(tbuf, "-142857.142857") ){ dval = MAX(atof(tbuf),dval); } } v->rlo[0] = xcen - dval - 1; v->rhi[0] = xcen + dval + 1; v->rlo[1] = ycen - dval - 1; v->rhi[1] = ycen + dval + 1; return 1; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "box") || !strcmp(v->s, "nbox") || !strcmp(v->s, "ellipse") || !strcmp(v->s, "nellipse") ){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip)||!word(s, tbuf2, &ip) ) return 0; xcen = atof(tbuf); ycen = atof(tbuf2); maxd = SZ_LINE; if( !(dvals=(double *)malloc(maxd*sizeof(double))) ) return 0; if( *v->s == 'n' ){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) return 0; if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf2, &ip) ) return 0; dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf); dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf2); if( word(s, tbuf, &ip) && word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf); } else{ while( word(s, tbuf, &ip) && strcmp(tbuf, "-142857.142857") ){ dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf); if( nd == maxd ){ maxd += SZ_LINE; if( !(dvals=(double *)realloc(dvals, maxd*sizeof(double))) ) return 0; } } } ellcom: if( nd == 2 ){ angle = 0.0; xwidth = dvals[0]; yheight = dvals[1]; } else{ angle = dvals[nd-1]; xwidth = dvals[nd-3]; yheight = dvals[nd-2]; } if( dvals ) xfree(dvals); /* Why is this done in evfilter.c??? Doesn't seem necessary */ /* angl = angle + 90.0; */ angl = angle; while (angl >= 360.0) angl = angl - 360.0; /* convert to radians */ angl = (angl / 180.0) * M_PI; sinangl = sin (angl); cosangl = cos (angl); /* Why is this done in evfilter.c??? Doesn't seem necessary */ /* since we rotate by 90.0 degrees to get from astro angle to cartesian, */ /* we also need to switch the width and height. we do this secretly so */ /* that the display will turn out right, by doing it in the half terms */ if( !strcmp(v->s, "box") ){ /* half_width = yheight / 2.0; half_height = xwidth / 2.0; */ half_width = xwidth / 2.0; half_height = yheight / 2.0; } else{ /* half_width = yheight; half_height = xwidth; */ half_width = xwidth; half_height = yheight; } hw_cos = half_width * cosangl; hw_sin = half_width * sinangl; hh_cos = half_height * cosangl; hh_sin = half_height * sinangl; pts[0] = xcen - hw_cos - hh_sin; pts[1] = ycen - hw_sin + hh_cos; pts[2] = xcen + hw_cos - hh_sin; pts[3] = ycen + hw_sin + hh_cos; pts[4] = xcen + hw_cos + hh_sin; pts[5] = ycen + hw_sin - hh_cos; pts[6] = xcen - hw_cos + hh_sin; pts[7] = ycen - hw_sin - hh_cos; v->rlo[0] = pts[0]; v->rhi[0] = pts[0]; v->rlo[1] = pts[1]; v->rhi[1] = pts[1]; for(i=2; i<8; i+=2){ v->rlo[0] = MIN(pts[i],v->rlo[0]); v->rhi[0] = MAX(pts[i],v->rhi[0]); v->rlo[1] = MIN(pts[i+1],v->rlo[1]); v->rhi[1] = MAX(pts[i+1],v->rhi[1]); } return 1; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "line") ){ for(i=0; i<4; i++){ if( word(s, tbuf, &ip) ){ pts[i] = atof(tbuf); } } v->rlo[0] = MIN(pts[0],pts[2]); v->rhi[0] = MAX(pts[0],pts[2]); v->rlo[1] = MIN(pts[1],pts[3]); v->rhi[1] = MAX(pts[1],pts[3]); return 1; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "point") || !strcmp(v->s, "polygon") ){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip)||!word(s, tbuf2, &ip) ) return 0; xcen = atof(tbuf); ycen = atof(tbuf2); v->rlo[0] = xcen-1; v->rhi[0] = xcen+1; v->rlo[1] = ycen-1; v->rhi[1] = ycen+1; while( word(s, tbuf, &ip) && strcmp(tbuf, "-142857.142857") && word(s, tbuf2, &ip) ){ dval = atof(tbuf); v->rlo[0] = MIN(dval-1,v->rlo[0]); v->rhi[0] = MAX(dval+1,v->rhi[0]); dval = atof(tbuf2); v->rlo[1] = MIN(dval-1,v->rlo[1]); v->rhi[1] = MAX(dval+1,v->rhi[1]); } return 1; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "pie") || !strcmp(v->s, "qtpie") ){ return 0; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "panda") || !strcmp(v->s, "cpanda") ){ maxd = SZ_LINE; if( !(dvals=(double *)malloc(maxd*sizeof(double))) ) return 0; while( word(s, tbuf, &ip) && strcmp(tbuf, "-142857.142857") ){ dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf); if( nd == maxd ){ maxd += SZ_LINE; if( !(dvals=(double *)realloc(dvals, maxd*sizeof(double))) ) return 0; } } v->rlo[0] = dvals[0] - dvals[6] - 1; v->rhi[0] = dvals[0] + dvals[6] + 1; v->rlo[1] = dvals[1] - dvals[6] - 1; v->rhi[1] = dvals[1] + dvals[6] + 1; if( dvals ) xfree(dvals); return 1; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "bpanda") || !strcmp(v->s, "epanda") ){ maxd = 3; if( !(dvals=(double *)malloc(maxd*sizeof(double))) ) return 0; /* grab: xcen ycen */ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip)||!word(s, tbuf2, &ip) ) return 0; xcen = atof(tbuf); ycen = atof(tbuf2); /* skip: ang1 ang2 nang xwlo yhlo */ for(i=0; i<5; i++){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) return 0; } /* grab: xwhi yhhi */ for(i=0; i<2; i++){ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) return 0; dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf); } /* skip: nrad */ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) return 0; /* grab: ang */ if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ) return 0; dvals[nd++] = atof(tbuf); /* we can now handle this with box/ellipse code */ goto ellcom; } else if( !strcmp(v->s, "field") ){ return 0; } else{ return 0; } } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS static int _valreg(char *s, idxvalrec **v) #else static int _valreg(s, v) char *s; idxvalrec **v; #endif { int ip=0; char *t; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; *v = idxvalnew(NULL); newdtable("(),"); while( *s == '(' ) s++; if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } if( strstr(tbuf, "field") ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } t = tbuf+2; if( *t == 'v' ) t++; (*v)->s = xstrdup(t); if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } /* include/exclude */ if( !atoi(tbuf) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } culc(tbuf); _valname(tbuf, &(*v)->rv[0]); if( !word(s, tbuf, &ip) || !word(s, tbuf, &ip) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } culc(tbuf); _valname(tbuf, &(*v)->rv[1]); if( !_valreglims(*v, &s[ip]) ){ (*v)->type = INDEF; return REG; } freedtable(); (*v)->type = REG; return REG; } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS static int _valfunc(char *s, idxvalrec **v) #else static int _valfunc(s, v) char *s; idxvalrec **v; #endif { *v = idxvalnew(s); (*v)->type = FUNC; return FUNC; } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS void idxstring(char *s) #else void idxstring(s) char *s; #endif { idx_scan_string(s); } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS int idxerror(char *msg) #else int idxerror(msg) char *msg; #endif { Filter filter; YY_FLUSH_BUFFER; /* turn indexing off */ if( (filter=FilterDefault()) ){ filter->doidx = -1; } /* output message, if necessary */ if( idx_debug ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s", msg); if( !strcmp(msg, "syntax error") ){ fprintf(stderr, " (terminating index processing)"); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } yyterminate(); } #ifdef YY_USE_PROTOS int yywrap(void) #else int yywrap() #endif { return 1; }