# # Analysis command descriptions: # menu label/description # file templates for this command (* for all files) # "menu" (add to menu) |"bind" (bind to key) # analysis command line # hmenu Funtools # 1D histogram params for a table param thist column entry "Enter column name to histogram" pi "(histo)" bins entry "Enter [min:max:]bins" 0 "('0' for default number of bins)" bwidth checkbox "Use bin width instead of number of bins?" 0 norm checkbox "Normalize by bin size?" 0 end # 1D histogram params for an image param ihist bins entry "Enter [min:max:]bins" 0 "('0' for default number of bins)" end # Light Curve params param ltc bins entry "Enter [min:max:]bins" 0 "('0' for default number of bins)" bwidth checkbox "Use bin width instead of number of bins?" 0 norm checkbox "Normalize by time?" 0 end # funcen param funcen niter entry "Number of iterations" 5 tol entry "Pixel tolerance distance" 1 disp checkbox "Display refined region(s)?" 1 ftype checkbox "Use image filtering?" 0 "(default: event filter)" end help Funtools Overview Funtools Tasks in DS9 The tasks in this section of the Analysis menu utilize the Funtools programs 'funcnts', 'funhist', and 'funcen': 1. Radial Profile Plot: run funcnts and pass results through funcnts.plot. Both source and background regions can be specified. 2. Histogram Plot: run funhist on any column of a binary table and pass results through funhist.plot 3. Light Curve Plot: run funhist on 'time' column of a binary table and pass results through funhist.plot 4. Energy Spectrum Plot: run funhist on 'pi' column of a binary table and pass results through funhist.plot 5. Counts in Regions: run funcnts and display textual output. Both source and background regions can be specified. 6. Refine Positions for Binary Tables: run funcen (binary tables only) and display textual output. The input region(s) can be replaced by the refined regions. 7. Column Histogram: run funhist on any column of a binary table and display textual output. 8. Image Histogram: run funhist on image data and display textual output. All of these tasks work off the original disk-based FITS file. The funcnts-based tasks (radial profile, counts in regions) present their results using WCS units, if the appropriate info is present in the FITS header. For situations where a disk file is not available (e.g., image data generated by a program and sent to DS9's 'fits' XPA access point), alternate versions of the radial profile and counts in regions tasks are offered that work from DS9's internal image data. In these two cases, results are presented in pixels. Aside from the units, the results should be identical to the file-based results. For more sophisticated analysis, please consider using the underlying Funtools tasks directly. These are documented at: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/funtools/programs.html endhelp Radial Profile Plot (annulus regions; options: none) * menu PRE funds9 funcnts_plot "$xpa" "$filename" "$regions(source,,)" "$regions(background,,)" POST | $plot(stdin) Histogram Plot (any column; options: column name, number of bins) * menu $param(thist); PRE funds9 funhist_plot "$xpa" "$filename[$regions]" "$norm $bwidth" "$column" "$bins" POST | $plot(stdin) Light Curve Plot ("time" column; options: number of bins) * menu $param(ltc); PRE funds9 funhist_plot "$xpa" "$filename[$regions]" "$norm $bwidth" time "$bins" POST | $plot(stdin) Energy Spectrum Plot ("pi" column; options: none) * menu PRE funds9 funhist_plot "$xpa" "$filename[$regions]" "0 0" "pi" "$bins" POST | $plot(stdin) Counts in Regions (any regions; options: none) * menu PRE funds9 funcnts "$xpa" "$filename" "$regions(source,,)" "$regions(background,,)" POST | $text Refine Positions for Binary Tables (options: niter, tol, display, filtertype) * menu $param(funcen); PRE funds9 funcen "$xpa" "$filename" "$regions(source,,)" $niter $tol $disp $ftype POST | $text Column Histogram (any column; options: colname, bins) * menu $param(thist); PRE funds9 funhist "$xpa" "$filename[$regions]" "$norm $bwidth" "$column" "$bins" POST | $text Image Histogram (options: bins) * menu $param(ihist); $data | PRE funhist "stdin[$regions]" xy "$bins" POST | $text --- Radial Profile Plot in Pixels using DS9's Internal Image Data (annulus regions) * menu $data | PRE funcnts -rpG stdin "$regions(source,,)" "$regions(background,,)" | funcnts.plot -file "$filename" ds9 POST | $plot(stdin) Counts in Regions in Pixels using DS9's Internal Image Data (any regions) * menu $data | PRE funcnts -rp stdin "$regions(source,,)" "$regions(background,,)" POST | $text --- end