/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory */ /* * * GIO -- generalized I/O to disk files, streams, and memory * */ #include #include #include #include /* * * Private Routines * */ #define GBUFSZ 32768 static char _gtbuf[GBUFSZ]; static char _gerrors[GBUFSZ]; static int _gerror = -1; static char _gwarnings[GBUFSZ]; static int _gwarning = -1; static int _gcrnl = 1; /* * * gext -- return extension from a file (without bracket extension) * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static char * gext(char *fname) #else static char *gext(fname) char *fname; #endif { char *s, *t=NULL; char *file; if( !fname || !*fname ) return(NULL); /* make a working copy */ file = xstrdup(fname); /* remove the bracket extension */ if( (s=strchr(file, '[')) ){ *s = '\0'; } /* look for a file extension */ if( (s = strrchr(file, '.')) ){ strncpy(_gtbuf, s, GBUFSZ-2); _gtbuf[GBUFSZ-1] = '\0'; t = _gtbuf; } /* free working copy */ if( file ) xfree(file); /* return extension */ return(t); } /* * * gnew -- create a new GIO structure * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gnew (void) #else static GIO gnew() #endif { GIO gio; gio = (GIO)xcalloc(1, sizeof(GFile)); gio->ifd = -1; gio->ofd = -1; return(gio); } /* * * gfree -- destroy a GIO structure * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static void gfree (GIO gio) #else static void gfree(gio) GIO gio; #endif { if( gio == NULL ) return; if( gio->name ) xfree(gio->name); if( gio->mode ) xfree(gio->mode); if( gio->crbuf ) xfree(gio->crbuf); xfree((void *)gio); } /* * * gmemseek -- memory "seek" of data * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static off_t gmemseek (GIO gio, off_t offset, int whence) #else static off_t gmemseek(gio, offset, whence) GIO gio; off_t offset; int whence; #endif { int offset2; switch(whence){ case 0: offset2 = offset; break; case 1: offset2 = gio->cur + offset; break; case 2: offset2 = gio->len + offset; break; default: return(-1); } if( offset2 >= gio->len ){ if( gio->extend ){ gio->len = offset2 + 1; gio->buf = (char *)xrealloc(gio->buf, gio->len); gio->cur = offset2; return(0); } else{ return(-1); } } else { gio->cur = offset2; return(0); } } /* * * gmemread -- memory "read" of data * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static void * gmemread (GIO gio, void *buf, size_t size, size_t n, size_t *got) #else static void *gmemread(gio, buf, size, n, got) GIO gio; void *buf; size_t size; size_t n; size_t *got; #endif { char *obuf; /* sanity checks */ if( (gio==NULL) || (gio->buf == NULL) ) return((void *)NULL); if( !strchr(gio->mode, 'r') && !strstr(gio->mode, "w+") ){ gerror(stderr, "illegal read operation on write-only data (%s)\n", gio->name); return((void *)NULL); } /* see how much we can grab to "EOF" */ if( size <= 0 ) size = 1; *got = MIN(size*n, ((gio->len - gio->cur)/size)*size); /* copy bytes, if a buffer was supplied */ if( buf ){ obuf = buf; memmove(obuf, &(gio->buf[gio->cur]), *got); } else{ obuf = &(gio->buf[gio->cur]); } /* bump position pointer */ gio->cur += *got; /* convert got to elements */ *got /= size; /* return buffer */ return(obuf); } /* * * gmemwrite -- memory "write" of data * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int gmemwrite (GIO gio, char *buf, size_t size, size_t n) #else static int gmemwrite(gio, buf, size, n) GIO gio; char *buf; size_t size; size_t n; #endif { size_t n2; int len; /* sanity checks */ if( (gio==NULL) || (gio->buf == NULL) ) return(0); if( !strchr(gio->mode, 'w') && !strstr(gio->mode, "r+") ){ gerror(stderr, "illegal write operation on read-only data (%s)\n", gio->name); return(0); } len = size*n; /* make sure we have enough space */ if( gio->cur + len >= gio->len ){ if( gio->extend ){ gio->len += MAX(len, GIO_BUFINC); if( (gio->buf = (char *)xrealloc(gio->buf, gio->len)) != NULL ) n2 = len; /* could not grab space -- try just a bit to recover */ else{ gerror(stderr, "could not realloc space for memory write\n"); n2 = 0; } } else{ n2 = gio->len - gio->cur; } } else n2 = len; /* copy bytes */ memmove(&(gio->buf[gio->cur]), buf, n2); /* bump pointer */ gio->cur += n2; return(n/size); } #if HAVE_MINGW32==0 /* * * gexec -- open a connected subprocess with bidirectional * IPC channels, implemented with pipes for this version * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int gexec(GIO gio, char *cmd, char *mode) #else static int gexec(gio, cmd, mode) GIO gio; char *cmd; char *mode; #endif { int pin[2], pout[2]; int maxforks = 3; char *argv[4096]; /* start out pessimisticaly */ gio->ifd = -1; gio->ofd = -1; /* open pipes */ pipe(pin); if( pipe(pout) != 0){ return(-1); } /* Create child process. The child inherits the open stdio files. * The fork can fail if swap space is full or if we have too many processes. */ while ((gio->pid = fork()) == -1) { if (--maxforks == 0) { close(pin[0]); close(pin[1]); close(pout[0]); close(pout[1]); return(-1); } sleep (2); } if(gio->pid == 0) { /* New child process. Make child think the pipe is its stdin/out. */ close(pin[0]); close(pout[1]); close(0); dup (pout[0]); close(pout[0]); close(1); dup (pin[1]); close(pin[1]); /* run through shell so that we expand shell meta characters */ argv[0] = "sh"; argv[1] = "-c"; argv[2] = cmd; argv[3] = NULL; /* Exec the new process. Will not return if successful. */ execvp(argv[0], (void *)argv); /* If we get here the new process could not be executed for some * reason. Shutdown, calling _exit to avoid flushing parent's * io buffers. */ _exit(1); } else { /* Existing, parent process. */ close(pin[1]); close(pout[0]); if( strchr(mode, 'r') ) gio->ifd = pin[0]; else{ close(pin[0]); } if( strchr(mode, 'w') ) gio->ofd = pout[1]; else{ close(pout[1]); } } /* clean up and return */ return(0); } /* * * gopenpipe -- open a command pipe * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopenpipe (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopenpipe(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; char *s; /* allocate the new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* skip past prefix */ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(s, "pipe:", 5) ) s += 5; while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* start the piped process */ if( gexec(gio, s, mode) != 0 ){ gclose(gio); return(NULL); } /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup(s); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_PIPE; gio->extend = 0; return(gio); } #endif /* * * giohostip -- convert ascii host into ip number * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static unsigned int giohostip (char *xhost) #else static unsigned int giohostip(xhost) char *xhost; #endif { struct hostent *hostent; unsigned int ip; char temp[SZ_LINE]; /* null input means current host */ if( (xhost == NULL) || (*xhost == '\0') || !strncmp(xhost, "$host", 5) ){ gethostname(temp, SZ_LINE); } else { strcpy(temp, xhost); } /* special check */ if( !strcmp(temp, "$localhost") ){ return(0x7F000001); } /* * Try looking by address (i.e., host is something like ""). * Do this first because it's much faster (no trip to the DNS) */ if( (int)(ip = inet_addr(temp)) != -1 ){ return(ntohl(ip)); } /* * Try looking it up by name. If successful, the IP address is in * hostent->h_addr_list[0] */ if( (hostent = gethostbyname(temp)) != NULL ){ memcpy(&ip, hostent->h_addr_list[0], (size_t)hostent->h_length); return(ntohl(ip)); } /* could not convert */ return(0); } /* * * gioparseipport -- parse ascii string into a host and port * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int gioparseipport (char *host, unsigned int *ip, unsigned short *port) #else static int gioparseipport(host, ip, port) char *host; unsigned int *ip; unsigned short *port; #endif { char *s1, *p1, *p2; int got; /* start out pessimistically */ *ip = 0; *port = 0; /* make sure we have something to work with */ if( !host || !*host ) return(0); /* we null out ':' (so that what comes before is the host name) and bump past it to point to the port */ s1 = xstrdup(host); if( !(p1 = (char *)strchr(s1, ':')) ){ got = 0; goto done; } *p1 = '\0'; p1++; /* get port */ p2 = NULL; *port = (unsigned short)strtol(p1, &p2, 0); /* check for bad port number -- we lose */ if( *port <=0 || (p1 == p2) ){ *port = 0; got = 0; goto done; } /* convert ip string (might be null) to an ip address */ if( (*ip = giohostip(s1)) == 0 ){ *port = 0; got = 0; } else{ got = 1; } done: xfree(s1); return(got); } /* * * gopensocket -- open a socket for reading and/or writing * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopensocket (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopensocket(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { char *s; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; int fd=-1; int fd2=-1; int status; int tries; int reuse_addr=1; int doaccept=-1; unsigned int ip; unsigned short port; socklen_t slen; struct sockaddr_in sock_in; struct timeval tv; fd_set readfds; GIO gio; /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* skip past prefix */ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(s, "socket:", 7) ) s += 7; while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* if $host is the socket, we might also be specifying whether we connect ($host_c[onnect]) or accept ($host_a[ccept]). This allows either end to initiate the connection */ if( !strncasecmp(s, "$host_a", 7) ){ doaccept = 1; s = strchr(s,':'); } else if( !strncasecmp(s, "$host_c", 7) ){ doaccept = 0; s = strchr(s,':'); } while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* get host and port number */ if( !gioparseipport(s, &ip, &port) ) goto error; if( doaccept < 0 ){ /* see whether we accept or connect */ if( ip != giohostip(NULL) ){ doaccept = 0; } else{ if( strchr(mode, 'w') ){ doaccept = 0; } else{ doaccept = 1; } } } /* open socket for reading, i.e., reading 'stdin' from another host */ if( doaccept ){ /* set up listening socket, which will accept connection */ if( (fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 ) goto error; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&reuse_addr, sizeof(reuse_addr)); memset((char *)&sock_in, 0, sizeof(sock_in)); sock_in.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); sock_in.sin_port = htons(port); /* bind to a port */ if( bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_in, sizeof(sock_in)) < 0 ) goto error; /* listen for connections */ if( listen(fd, 5) < 0 ) goto error; /* use select() to wait for a connect, so that we can timeout */ FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); tv.tv_sec = GIO_TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; if( select(fd+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) <=0) goto error; /* accept connection -- the goal of our striving */ slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if((fd2=accept(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_in, &slen)) <0) goto error; /* done with the listening socket */ close(fd); /* make sure we close on exec */ xfcntl(fd2, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); setsockopt(fd2, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&reuse_addr, sizeof(reuse_addr)); /* make sure the right fd is set properly */ if( strchr(mode, 'r') ) gio->ifd = fd2; if( strchr(mode, 'w') ) gio->ofd = fd2; } /* open socket for writing, i.e., writing to 'stdout' on another host */ else{ tries = GIO_RETRIES; /* if we opened a socket for reading, use the next port for writing */ if( gio->ifd >=0 ) port++; again: if( (fd2 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 ){ gerror(stderr, "can't open socket (%s)\n", name); gfree(gio); return(NULL); } memset((char *)&sock_in, 0, sizeof(sock_in)); sock_in.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ip); sock_in.sin_port = htons(port); /* try connecting to the specified socket */ status=connect(fd2, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_in, sizeof(sock_in)); /* handle error */ if( status != 0 ){ close(fd2); /* if the other process is not ready, we can wait a bit */ if( (errno == ECONNREFUSED) && (--tries >0) ){ gsleep(10); goto again; } else{ goto error; } } /* make sure we close on exec */ xfcntl(fd2, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); setsockopt(fd2, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&reuse_addr, sizeof(reuse_addr)); /* make sure the right fd is set properly */ if( strchr(mode, 'r') ) gio->ifd = fd2; if( strchr(mode, 'w') ) gio->ofd = fd2; } /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup(s); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_SOCKET; gio->extend = 0; /* return the good news */ return(gio); error: snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "in %s: %s\n", name, strerror(errno)); gerror(stderr, tbuf); if( fd >=0 ) close(fd); return(NULL); } /* * * gopenstdio -- open stdin or stdout * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopenstdio (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopenstdio(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); if( !strncasecmp(name, "stdout", 6) || (!strncmp(name, "-", 1) && strchr(mode, 'w')) ){ if( strchr(mode, 'r') ){ gerror(stderr, "can't open STDOUT for reading\n"); gfree(gio); return(NULL); } else{ /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup("stdout"); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_STREAM; gio->extend = 0; gio->fp = stdout; } } /* look for stdin */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "stdin", 5) || (!strncmp(name, "-", 1) && strchr(mode, 'r')) ){ if( strchr(mode, 'w') ){ gerror(stderr, "can't open STDIN for writing\n"); gfree(gio); return(NULL); } else{ /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup("stdin"); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_STREAM; gio->extend = 0; gio->fp = stdin; } } else{ gerror(stderr, "invalid stdout specification (%s)\n", name); gfree(gio); return(NULL); } /* return the good news */ return(gio); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H /* * * gopenshm -- open shared memory for reading or writing * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopenshm (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopenshm(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; int shmid=-1; int shmkey=-1; int shmflg=0; int shmlen=0; int smode=0; char *shmaddr=NULL; char *shmbuf; char *s, *t; struct shmid_ds buf; /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* skip past prefix */ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(s, "shm:", 4) ) s += 4; while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup(s); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_SHM; gio->extend = 0; /* parse the shared memory specification */ if( !s || !*s ){ gerror(stderr, "missing shared memory specification\n"); goto error; } /* @ => shmkey, otherwise shmid */ if( *s == '@' ){ s++; if( !strncasecmp(s, "IPC_PRIVATE", 11) ){ shmkey = IPC_PRIVATE; s += 11; } else{ shmkey = strtol(s, &t, 0); s = t; } } else{ shmid = strtol(s, &t, 0); s = t; } /* get length parameter, if necessary */ if( *s == ':' ){ s++; shmlen = strtol(s, &t, 0); s = t; } /* convert key to id, if necessary */ if( shmid == -1 ){ if( shmkey != -1 ){ /* create if segment des not exist */ if( strstr(mode, "w+") ){ smode = 0664|IPC_CREAT; } /* open for reading and/or writing */ else{ if( strchr(mode, 'w') ) smode |= 0600; if( strchr(mode, 'r') ) smode |= 0400; } /* get shared memory area identifier */ shmid = shmget(shmkey, shmlen, smode); } else{ gerror(stderr, "invalid shared memory key (%s)\n", name); goto error; } /* at this point, we better have one */ if( shmid == -1 ){ gerror(stderr, "invalid shared memory id (%s)\n", name); goto error; } } /* get (optional) max len we are allowed to access (def: whole segment) */ if( shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &buf) == 0 ){ if( (shmlen <= 0) || ((size_t)shmlen > buf.shm_segsz) ){ shmlen = buf.shm_segsz; } } else{ gerror(stderr, "can't determine memory mapping length (%s)\n", name); goto error; } /* finally ... map shared memory containing data */ shmbuf = (char *)shmat(shmid, shmaddr, shmflg); if( shmbuf == (char *)-1){ gerror(stderr, "can't map shared memory image (%s)\n", name); goto error; } /* set the access parameters */ gio->buf = shmbuf; gio->len = shmlen; gio->cur = 0; gio->shmid = shmid; /* return the good news */ return(gio); error: gfree(gio); return(NULL); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H /* * * gopenmmap -- open memory mapped file for reading or writing * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopenmmap (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopenmmap(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; int prot; int flags; int len; char *buf; char *s; struct stat statbuf; /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* skip past prefix */ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(s, "mmap:", 5) ) s += 5; while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup(s); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_MMAP; /* open the file */ gio->fp = fopen(s, gio->mode); if( gio->fp == NULL ){ gerror(stderr, "can't open data file (%s)\n", s); goto error; } fstat(fileno(gio->fp), &statbuf); len = statbuf.st_size; prot = 0; if( strchr(mode, 'r') ) prot |= PROT_READ; if( strchr(mode, 'w') ) prot |= PROT_WRITE; flags = MAP_PRIVATE; buf = mmap(NULL, len, prot, flags, fileno(gio->fp), 0); fclose(gio->fp); if( buf == NULL ){ gerror(stderr, "can't mmap data file (%s)\n", s); goto error; } gio->buf = (void *)buf; gio->len = len; gio->cur = 0; if( strchr(mode, 'w') ) gio->extend = 1; else gio->extend = 0; /* return the good news */ return(gio); error: gfree(gio); return(NULL); } #endif /* * * gopengzip -- open gzip'ed for reading or writing * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopengzip (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopengzip(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; char *s; /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* skip past prefix */ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(s, "gzip:", 5) ) s += 5; while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup(s); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_GZIP; gio->extend = 1; /* open stdin specially */ if( !strncasecmp(name, "stdin", 5) || (!strncmp(name, "-", 1) && strchr(mode, 'r')) ){ gio->gz = (void *)gzdopen(dup(fileno(stdin)), gio->mode); } /* open stdout specially */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "stdout", 6) || (!strncmp(name, "-", 1) && strchr(mode, 'w')) ){ gio->gz = (void *)gzdopen(dup(fileno(stdout)), gio->mode); } /* open the file */ else{ gio->gz = (void *)gzopen(s, gio->mode); } if( gio->gz == NULL ){ gerror(stderr, "can't open gzip'ed data file (%s)\n", s); goto error; } else{ return(gio); } error: gfree(gio); return(NULL); } #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static void * _ggets (GIO gio, char *obuf, int len) #else static void *_ggets(gio, obuf, len) GIO gio; char *obuf; int len; #endif { int i, j, l; char *s=NULL; char *t=NULL; /* existence of crbuf => we already determined that the data uses cr instead of newline for end of line */ if( gio->crbuf ){ /* make sure we have a large enough buffer */ if( len > gio->crlen ){ gio->crbuf = xrealloc(gio->crbuf, len); gio->crlen = len; } /* grab from existing buffer, reading from file when necessary */ for(i=0, j=0; i<(len-1);){ /* did we reach the end of the cr buffer? */ if( gio->crbuf[j] == '\0' ){ /* yes, try to get more */ if( !(s=fgets(gio->crbuf, gio->crlen, gio->fp)) ) break; /* reset cr buffer pointer to beginning */ j = 0; /* continue processing at beginning of buffer */ continue; } /* transfer character from cr buffer to output */ obuf[i] = gio->crbuf[j]; /* look for CR as end of line */ if( obuf[i] == '\r' ){ /* change it to a new-line */ obuf[i++] = '\n'; /* shift rest of start of cr buffer */ memmove(gio->crbuf, &(gio->crbuf[j+1]), strlen(&(gio->crbuf[j+1]))+1); /* bump cr bbuf pointer */ j++; break; } else{ /* bump pointers to both buffers */ i++; j++; } } obuf[i] = '\0'; return((void *)obuf); } /* hopefully we have a nice, new-line delimited file */ else{ /* get next line, the usual way */ s = fgets(obuf, len, gio->fp); /* return if we don't want t check, have no data, or already checked */ if( !_gcrnl || !s || gio->crlen ) return s; /* if we did not get a new-line at the end, we either have a very long line, or we have a cr-delimited file */ l = strlen(s); /* look for standard new-line */ if( s[l-1] == '\n' ){ /* found one -- flag that we have checked this file and return */ gio->crlen=len; return s; } /* look for cr */ if( !(t=strchr(s, '\r')) ){ /* no new-line and no cr -- we'll have to check the next line as well */ return s; } /* its cr-delimited */ gio->crbuf = xmalloc(len); gio->crlen=len; /* copy everything after the cr to a save buffer */ memmove(gio->crbuf, t+1, (s+l)-t); /* change cr to new-line */ *t = '\n'; /* null terminate */ *(t+1) = '\0'; return (void *)obuf; } } /* * * gopenfile -- open ordinary file for reading or writing * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static GIO gopenfile (char *name, char *mode) #else static GIO gopenfile(name, mode) char *name; char *mode; #endif { char *s; GIO gio; #if HAVE_MINGW32 /* binary mode for mingw */ _fmode = _O_BINARY; #endif /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* skip past prefix */ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(s, "file:", 5) ) s += 5; if( !strncasecmp(s, "unfile:", 7) ){ gio->unbuffered = 1; s += 7; } while( isspace((int)*s) ) s++; /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup(s); gio->type = GIO_DISK; gio->extend = 1; gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); /* open the file */ gio->fp = fopen(s, gio->mode); if( gio->fp == NULL ){ gerror(stderr, "can't open data file (%s)\n", s); goto error; } else{ return(gio); } error: gfree(gio); return(NULL); } /* * * Public Routines * */ /* * * gopen -- open a file or a stream * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC GIO gopen (char *fname, char *mode) #else GIO gopen(fname, mode) char *fname; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; unsigned int ip; unsigned short port; off_t len=0; char name[SZ_LINE]; char *buf=NULL; char *tname=NULL; char *s, *t; /* make sure we have a valid fname */ if( (fname==NULL) || (*fname=='\0') ) return(NULL); /* escape clause so that we can NOT convert cr to nl in ggets */ if( (s=getenv("GCRNL")) ){ if( istrue(s) ) _gcrnl = 1; else if( isfalse(s) ) _gcrnl = 0; } /* make a temp file name */ tname = xstrdup(fname); /* remove the bracket extension for everything except pipes */ if( strncasecmp(tname, "pipe:", 5) ){ if( (s=strchr(tname, '[')) ) *s = '\0'; } /* expand environment variables to get working filename */ ExpandEnv (tname, name, SZ_LINE-1); /* look for an explicit file */ if( !strncasecmp(name, "file:", 5) || !strncasecmp(name, "unfile:", 7) || strchr(mode, 'u') ) gio = gopenfile(name, mode); /* look for stdio */ else if( (!strncasecmp(name, "stdin", 5) || !strncasecmp(name, "stdout", 6)) && !(gext(name) && !strcmp(gext(name),".gz")) ) gio = gopenstdio(name, mode); else if( (*name == '-') && ((*(name+1) == '\0') || (*(name+1) == '[')) ) gio = gopenstdio(name, mode); #if HAVE_MINGW32==0 /* look for command pipe */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "pipe:", 5) || strchr(mode, 'p') ) gio = gopenpipe(name, mode); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H /* look for a mapped file */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "mmap:", 5) || strchr(mode, 'm') ) gio = gopenmmap(name, mode); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H /* look for shared memory segment */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "shm:", 4) || strchr(mode, 's') ) gio = gopenshm(name, mode); #endif /* look for data in memory (ordinary buffer) */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "mem:", 4) || !strncasecmp(name, "buf:", 4) || strchr(mode, 'b') ){ s = name; if( !strncasecmp(name, "mem:", 4) || !strncasecmp(name, "buf:", 4) ) s += 4; buf = (char *)strtoul(s, &t, 0); if( *t != ':' ){ gerror(stderr, "illegal memory buffer specification (%s)\n", name); gio = NULL; } else{ len = (off_t)strtoul(++t, NULL, 0); gio = gmemopen(buf, len, mode); } } /* look for a socket, in the form machine:port */ else if( gioparseipport(name, &ip, &port) ) gio = gopensocket(name, mode); /* look for gzip'ed file */ else if( !strncasecmp(name, "gzip:", 5) || (gext(name) && !strcmp(gext(name),".gz")) ) gio = gopengzip(name, mode); /* if all else fails, its an ordinary file */ else gio = gopenfile(name, mode); /* free working space */ if( tname ) xfree(tname); /* return results */ return(gio); } /* * * gmemopen -- open memory for reading or writing * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC GIO gmemopen (char *buf, off_t len, char *mode) #else GIO gmemopen(buf, len, mode) char *buf; off_t len; char *mode; #endif { GIO gio; /* allocate a new struct */ if( (gio = gnew()) == NULL ) return(NULL); /* fill in the record */ gio->name = xstrdup("MEMORY"); gio->mode = xstrdup(mode); gio->type = GIO_MEMORY; /* process open type */ if( strchr(mode, 'w') ){ if( (buf!=NULL) && (len>0) ){ gio->buf = (void *)buf; gio->len = len; } else{ gio->buf = (char *)xmalloc(GIO_BUFINC); gio->len = GIO_BUFINC; } gio->cur = 0; gio->extend = 1; } else { gio->buf = (void *)buf; gio->len = len; gio->cur = 0; gio->extend = 0; } /* return the news */ return(gio); } /* * * _gread -- read bytes from a data I/O structure * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC void * _gread (GIO gio, char *buf, size_t size, size_t n, size_t *got) #else void *_gread(gio, buf, size, n, got) GIO gio; char *buf; size_t size; size_t n; size_t *got; #endif { char *obuf; char *tptr; int get; int tgot; /* got nothing yet */ *got = 0; /* sanity checks */ if( gio==NULL ) return(NULL); if( !strchr(gio->mode, 'r') && !strstr(gio->mode, "w+") ){ gerror(stderr, "illegal read operation on write-only data (%s)\n", gio->name); return(NULL); } /* try to read */ switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( buf ) obuf = buf; else obuf = (char *)xmalloc(size*n); if( gio->unbuffered ){ for(tptr=obuf, get=size*n; get>0; get -= tgot){ tgot = read(fileno(gio->fp), tptr, get); if( tgot <0 ) { *got = tgot; break; } if( tgot == 0 ){ break; } else{ *got += tgot; tptr += tgot; } } if( *got >0 ) *got /= size; } else{ *got = fread(obuf, size, n, gio->fp); } if( *got <= 0 ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } return(obuf); case GIO_STREAM: if( buf ) obuf = buf; else obuf = (char *)xmalloc(size*n); *got = fread(obuf, size, n, gio->fp); if( *got <= 0 ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } return(obuf); case GIO_MEMORY: return(gmemread(gio, buf, size, n, got)); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: return(gmemread(gio, buf, size, n, got)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: return(gmemread(gio, buf, size, n, got)); #endif case GIO_PIPE: if( buf ) obuf = buf; else obuf = (char *)xmalloc(size*n); if( gio->ifd >=0 ){ for(tptr=obuf, get=size*n; get>0; get -= tgot){ tgot = read(gio->ifd, tptr, get); if( tgot <0 ) { *got = tgot; break; } else if( tgot ==0 ) { break; } else{ *got += tgot; tptr += tgot; } } if( *got > 0 ) *got /= size; } if( *got <= 0 ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } else{ gio->cur += *got; } return(obuf); case GIO_SOCKET: if( buf ) obuf = buf; else obuf = (char *)xmalloc(size*n); if( gio->ifd >=0 ){ for(tptr=obuf, get=size*n; get>0; get -= tgot){ tgot = recv(gio->ifd, tptr, get, 0); if( tgot <0 ) { *got = tgot; break; } else if( tgot == 0 ) { break; } else{ *got += tgot; tptr += tgot; } } if( *got > 0 ) *got /= size; } if( *got <= 0 ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } else{ gio->cur += *got; } return(obuf); case GIO_GZIP: if( buf ) obuf = buf; else obuf = (char *)xmalloc(size*n); *got = gzread(gio->gz, obuf, size * n); if( *got <= 0 ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } if( *got >0 ) *got /= size; return(obuf); default: return(NULL); } } /* * * gread -- read bytes from a data I/O structure * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC size_t gread (GIO gio, char *buf, size_t size, size_t n) #else size_t gread(gio, buf, size, n) GIO gio; char *buf; size_t size; size_t n; #endif { size_t got; if( buf == NULL ) return(0); _gread(gio, buf, size, n, &got); return (got); } /* * * gwrite -- write bytes to a structure * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC size_t gwrite (GIO gio, char *buf, size_t size, size_t n) #else size_t gwrite(gio, buf, size, n) GIO gio; char *buf; size_t size; size_t n; #endif { int got=0; /* sanity checks */ if( gio==NULL ) return(0); if( !strchr(gio->mode, 'w') && !strchr(gio->mode, 'a') && !strstr(gio->mode, "r+") ){ gerror(stderr, "illegal write operation on read-only data (%s)\n", gio->name); return(0); } switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( gio->unbuffered ){ got = write(fileno(gio->fp), buf, size*n); if( got > 0 ) got /= size; } else{ got = fwrite(buf, size, n, gio->fp); } break; case GIO_STREAM: got = fwrite(buf, size, n, gio->fp); break; case GIO_MEMORY: got = gmemwrite(gio, buf, size, n); break; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: got = gmemwrite(gio, buf, size, n); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: got = gmemwrite(gio, buf, size, n); break; #endif case GIO_PIPE: if( gio->ofd >= 0 ){ got = write(gio->ofd, buf, size * n); if( got > 0 ){ gio->cur += got; got /= size; } } break; case GIO_SOCKET: if( gio->ofd >= 0 ){ got = send(gio->ofd, buf, size * n, 0); if( got > 0 ){ gio->cur += got; got /= size; } } break; case GIO_GZIP: got = gzwrite(gio->gz, buf, size*n); if( got >=0 ) got /= size; break; default: break; } return(got); } #ifdef ANSI_FUNC void * ggets (GIO gio, char *buf, int len) #else void *ggets(gio, buf, len) GIO gio; char *buf; int len; #endif { int i=0; int got; char *obuf=NULL; /* sanity checks */ if( !gio ) return NULL; if( !strchr(gio->mode, 'r') && !strstr(gio->mode, "w+") ){ gerror(stderr, "illegal read operation on write-only data (%s)\n", gio->name); return NULL; } /* allocate buffer, if necessary */ if( buf ) obuf = buf; else obuf = (char *)xmalloc(len); /* start out clean */ *obuf = '\0'; switch(gio->type){ case GIO_STREAM: _ggets(gio, obuf, len); if( !obuf || !*obuf ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } return obuf; case GIO_DISK: if( !gio->unbuffered ){ _ggets(gio, obuf, len); if( !obuf || !*obuf ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } return obuf; } default: /* grab characters up to a new-line or max len */ while( i < (len-1) ){ got = gread(gio, &(obuf[i]), sizeof(char), 1); if( got < 0 ){ i = 0; break; } else if( got == 0 ) break; else if( obuf[i] == '\n' ){ i++; break; } else if( (obuf[i] == '\r') && _gcrnl ){ obuf[i] = '\n'; i++; break; } else{ i++; } } obuf[i] = '\0'; if( i == 0 ){ if( !buf ) xfree(obuf); obuf = NULL; } return((void *)obuf); } } #ifdef __STDC__ int gprintf(GIO gio, char *format, ...) { int got; va_list args; va_start(args, format); #else int gprintf(va_alist) va_dcl { GIO gio char *format; int got; va_list args; va_start(args); gio = va_arg(args, GIO); format = va_arg(args, char *); #endif got = vsnprintf(_gtbuf, GBUFSZ, format, args); if( got > GBUFSZ ){ gerror(stderr, "gprintf string too long (%d > %d)\n", got, GBUFSZ); return -1; } else{ return gwrite(gio, _gtbuf, sizeof(char), strlen(_gtbuf)); } } /* * * gflush -- flush I/O * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int gflush (GIO gio) #else int gflush(gio) GIO gio; #endif { /* sanity checks */ if( gio==NULL ) return(-1); switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( gio->unbuffered ) return(0); else return(fflush(gio->fp)); case GIO_STREAM: return(fflush(gio->fp)); case GIO_MEMORY: return(0); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: return(0); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: return(0); #endif case GIO_PIPE: return(0); case GIO_SOCKET: return(0); case GIO_GZIP: return(0); default: return(-1); } } /* * * gseek -- set current pointer position in a "file" * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC off_t gseek (GIO gio, off_t offset, int whence) #else off_t gseek(gio, offset, whence) GIO gio; off_t offset; int whence; #endif { off_t opos; /* sanity checks */ if( gio==NULL ) return(-1); switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( gio->unbuffered ) return(lseek(fileno(gio->fp), offset, whence)); else{ #if USE_FSEEKO opos = ftello(gio->fp); if( fseeko(gio->fp, offset, whence) == 0 ){ return(opos); } else{ return(-1); } #else opos = ftell(gio->fp); if( fseek(gio->fp, (long)offset, whence) == 0 ){ return(opos); } else{ return(-1); } #endif } case GIO_STREAM: if( whence == SEEK_CUR ) return( gskip(gio, offset) ); else{ #if USE_FSEEKO opos = ftello(gio->fp); if( fseeko(gio->fp, offset, whence) == 0 ){ return(opos); } else{ return(-1); } #else opos = ftell(gio->fp); if( fseek(gio->fp, (long)offset, whence) == 0 ){ return(opos); } else{ return(-1); } #endif } case GIO_MEMORY: return(gmemseek(gio, offset, whence)); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: return(gmemseek(gio, offset, whence)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: return(gmemseek(gio, offset, whence)); #endif case GIO_PIPE: if( whence == SEEK_CUR ) return( gskip(gio, offset) ); else return(-1); case GIO_SOCKET: if( whence == SEEK_CUR ) return( gskip(gio, offset) ); else return(-1); case GIO_GZIP: return(gzseek(gio->gz, offset, whence)); default: return(-1); } } /* * * gtell -- return current pointer position in a "file" * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC off_t gtell (GIO gio) #else off_t gtell(gio) GIO gio; #endif { #if USE_FTELLO off_t lval; #else long lval; #endif /* sanity checks */ if( gio==NULL ) return((off_t)-1); switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( gio->unbuffered ) return(lseek(fileno(gio->fp), 0, SEEK_CUR)); else #if USE_FTELLO return(ftello(gio->fp)); #else return(ftell(gio->fp)); #endif case GIO_STREAM: #if USE_FTELLO lval = ftello(gio->fp); #else lval = ftell(gio->fp); #endif if( lval >=0 ) return lval; else return gio->cur; case GIO_MEMORY: return(gio->cur); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: return(gio->cur); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: return(gio->cur); #endif case GIO_PIPE: return(gio->cur); case GIO_SOCKET: return(gio->cur); case GIO_GZIP: return(gztell(gio->gz)); default: return((off_t)-1); } } /* * * gskip - skip reading bytes to a file position * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int gskip (GIO gio, off_t n) #else int gskip(gio, n) GIO gio; off_t n; #endif { char buf[1]; /* sanity checks */ if( !gio ) return(-1); /* nothing to do */ if( !n ) return 0; switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( gio->unbuffered ) return(lseek(fileno(gio->fp), n, SEEK_CUR)); else #if USE_FSEEKO return(fseeko(gio->fp, n, SEEK_CUR)); #else return(fseek(gio->fp, (long)n, SEEK_CUR)); #endif case GIO_STREAM: /* for stdin, read the bytes */ if( gio->fp == stdin ){ if( n < 0 ) return(-1); while( n-- ){ if( fread(buf, sizeof(char), 1, gio->fp) != 1 ) return(0); } return(0); } /* who knows what will happen here */ else{ #if USE_FSEEKO return(fseeko(gio->fp, n, SEEK_CUR)); #else return(fseek(gio->fp, (long)n, SEEK_CUR)); #endif } case GIO_MEMORY: if( (gio->cur + n >= gio->len) || (gio->cur + n <0) ){ return(-1); } else{ gio->cur += n; return(0); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: if( (gio->cur + n >= gio->len) || (gio->cur + n <0) ){ return(-1); } else{ gio->cur += n; return(0); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: if( (gio->cur + n >= gio->len) || (gio->cur + n <0) ){ return(-1); } else{ gio->cur += n; return(0); } #endif case GIO_PIPE: if( n < 0 ) return(-1); if( gio->ifd >= 0 ){ while( n-- ){ if( read(gio->ifd, buf, 1) != 1 ) return(0); gio->cur++; } return(0); } else{ return(-1); } case GIO_SOCKET: if( n < 0 ) return(-1); if( gio->ifd >= 0 ){ while( n-- ){ if( recv(gio->ifd, buf, 1, 0) != 1 ) return(0); gio->cur++; } return(0); } else{ return(-1); } case GIO_GZIP: return(gzseek(gio->gz, (z_off_t)n, SEEK_CUR)); default: return(-1); } } /* * * ginfo -- return information about a "file" * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int ginfo (GIO gio, char **name, int *type, off_t *cur, char **buf, int *len) #else int ginfo(gio, name, type, cur, buf, len) GIO gio; char **name; int *type; off_t *cur; char **buf; int *len; #endif { if( gio==NULL ) return(-1); if( name ) *name = gio->name; if( type ) *type = gio->type; if( cur ) *cur = gtell(gio); if( buf ) *buf = gio->buf; if( len ) *len = gio->len; return(0); } /* * * gfreebuf -- free allocated data buffers * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC void gfreebuf (GIO gio, void *buf) #else void gfreebuf(gio, buf) GIO gio; void *buf; #endif { if( gio==NULL ) return; switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( buf ) xfree(buf); break; case GIO_STREAM: if( buf ) xfree(buf); break; case GIO_MEMORY: break; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: break; #endif case GIO_PIPE: if( buf ) xfree(buf); break; case GIO_SOCKET: if( buf ) xfree(buf); break; case GIO_GZIP: if( buf ) xfree(buf); break; default: break; } } /* * * gclose -- close an I/O structure * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC void gclose (GIO gio) #else void gclose(gio) GIO gio; #endif { int status; /* sanity checks */ if( gio==NULL ) return; switch(gio->type){ case GIO_DISK: if( gio->unbuffered ){ fclose(gio->fp); } else{ fflush(gio->fp); fclose(gio->fp); } break; case GIO_STREAM: fflush(gio->fp); /* close stream, but don't close a stdio stream */ if( (gio->fp != stdin) && (gio->fp != stdout) && (gio->fp != stderr) ) fclose(gio->fp); break; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H case GIO_MMAP: munmap(gio->buf, gio->len); break; #endif case GIO_MEMORY: break; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H case GIO_SHM: /* unmap shared memory segment */ shmdt(gio->buf); /* in write+ mode, we try to destroy the shared memory as well */ if( strstr(gio->mode, "w+") ) shmctl(gio->shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL); break; #endif case GIO_PIPE: if( gio->ifd >=0 ) close(gio->ifd); if( gio->ofd >=0 ) close(gio->ofd); #if HAVE_MINGW32==0 if( gio->pid ) waitpid(gio->pid, &status, 0); #endif break; case GIO_SOCKET: if( gio->ifd >=0 ) close(gio->ifd); else if( gio->ofd >=0 ) close(gio->ofd); break; case GIO_GZIP: gzclose(gio->gz); break; default: break; } gfree(gio); } /* * * gerrorstring -- return last exception string * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC char * gerrorstring(void) #else char *gerrorstring() #endif { return(_gerrors); } /* * * setgerror -- set the error flag * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int setgerror(int flag) #else int setgerror(flag) int flag; #endif { int oflag; oflag = _gerror; _gerror = flag; return oflag; } /* * * gerror - error message handler * actions based on value of error flag: * * flag action * ---- ------ * 0 store error message in _gerrors string * 1 store, print error message and continue * 2 print error message and exit * */ #ifdef __STDC__ void gerror(FILE *fd, char *format, ...) { char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); #else void gerror(va_alist) va_dcl { FILE *fd; char *format; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; va_list args; va_start(args); fd = va_arg(args, FILE *); format = va_arg(args, char *); #endif /* initialize level, if not already done */ if( _gerror == -1 ){ char *s; if( (s=getenv("GERROR")) ) _gerror = atoi(s); else _gerror = 2; } snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "ERROR: %s", format); vsnprintf(_gerrors, SZ_LINE-1, tbuf, args); /* if the error flag is positive, we output immediately */ if( (fd != NULL) && _gerror ){ fputs(_gerrors, fd); fflush(fd); } /* if the error flag is set high, we exit */ if( _gerror >= 2 ) exit(_gerror); } /* * * gwarningstring -- return last exception string * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC char * gwarningstring(void) #else char *gwarningstring() #endif { return(_gwarnings); } /* * * setgwarning -- set the warning flag * */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int setgwarning(int flag) #else int setgwarning(flag) int flag; #endif { int oflag; oflag = _gwarning; _gwarning = flag; return oflag; } #ifdef __STDC__ void gwarning(FILE *fd, char *format, ...) { char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); #else void gwarning(va_alist) va_dcl { FILE *fd; char *format; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; va_list args; va_start(args); fd = va_arg(args, FILE *); format = va_arg(args, char *); #endif /* initialize level, if not already done */ if( _gwarning == -1 ){ char *s; if( (s=getenv("GWARNING")) ) _gwarning = atoi(s); else _gwarning = 1; } snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "WARNING: %s", format); vsnprintf(_gwarnings, SZ_LINE-1, tbuf, args); /* if the warning flag is positive, we output immediately */ if( (fd != NULL) && _gwarning ){ fputs(_gwarnings, fd); fflush(fd); } } #ifdef ANSI_FUNC void gsleep (int msec) #else void gsleep(msec) int msec; #endif { struct timeval tv; if( msec > 0 ){ tv.tv_sec = msec / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000; select(1, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); } }