/*** File libwcs/wcs.c
 *** October 19, 2012
 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu
 *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
 *** Copyright (C) 1994-2012
 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows:
           Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu
           Postal address: Jessica Mink
                           Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
                           60 Garden St.
                           Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

 * Module:	wcs.c (World Coordinate Systems)
 * Purpose:	Convert FITS WCS to pixels and vice versa:
 * Subroutine:	wcsxinit (cra,cdec,secpix,xrpix,yrpix,nxpix,nypix,rotate,equinox,epoch,proj)
 *		sets a WCS structure from arguments
 * Subroutine:	wcskinit (nxpix,nypix,ctype1,ctype2,crpix1,crpix2,crval1,crval2,
 *		sets a WCS structure from keyword-based arguments
 * Subroutine:	wcsreset (wcs,crpix1,crpix2,crval1,crval2,cdelt1,cdelt2,crota,cd, equinox)
 *		resets an existing WCS structure from arguments
 * Subroutine:	wcsdeltset (wcs,cdelt1,cdelt2,crota) sets rotation and scaling
 * Subroutine:	wcscdset (wcs, cd) sets rotation and scaling from a CD matrix
 * Subroutine:	wcspcset (wcs,cdelt1,cdelt2,pc) sets rotation and scaling
 * Subroutine:	wcseqset (wcs, equinox) resets an existing WCS structure to new equinox
 * Subroutine:	iswcs(wcs) returns 1 if WCS structure is filled, else 0
 * Subroutine:	nowcs(wcs) returns 0 if WCS structure is filled, else 1
 * Subroutine:	wcscent (wcs) prints the image center and size in WCS units
 * Subroutine:	wcssize (wcs, cra, cdec, dra, ddec) returns image center and size
 * Subroutine:	wcsfull (wcs, cra, cdec, width, height) returns image center and size
 * Subroutine:	wcsrange (wcs, ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2) returns image coordinate limits

 * Subroutine:	wcsshift (wcs,cra,cdec) resets the center of a WCS structure
 * Subroutine:	wcsdist (x1,y1,x2,y2) compute angular distance between ra/dec or lat/long
 * Subroutine:	wcsdiff (x1,y1,x2,y2) compute angular distance between ra/dec or lat/long
 * Subroutine:	wcscominit (wcs,command) sets up a command format for execution by wcscom
 * Subroutine:	wcsoutinit (wcs,coor) sets up the coordinate system used by pix2wcs
 * Subroutine:	getwcsout (wcs) returns current output coordinate system used by pix2wcs
 * Subroutine:	wcsininit (wcs,coor) sets up the coordinate system used by wcs2pix
 * Subroutine:	getwcsin (wcs) returns current input coordinate system used by wcs2pix
 * Subroutine:	setwcsdeg(wcs, new) sets WCS output in degrees or hh:mm:ss
 * Subroutine:	getradecsys(wcs) returns current coordinate system type
 * Subroutine:	wcscom (wcs,file,x,y,wcstr) executes a command using the current world coordinates
 * Subroutine:	setwcslin (wcs, mode) sets output string mode for LINEAR
 * Subroutine:	pix2wcst (wcs,xpix,ypix,wcstring,lstr) pixels -> sky coordinate string
 * Subroutine:	pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,ypix,xpos,ypos) pixel coordinates -> sky coordinates
 * Subroutine:	wcsc2pix (wcs,xpos,ypos,coorsys,xpix,ypix,offscl) sky coordinates -> pixel coordinates
 * Subroutine:	wcs2pix (wcs,xpos,ypos,xpix,ypix,offscl) sky coordinates -> pixel coordinates
 * Subroutine:  wcszin (izpix) sets third dimension for pix2wcs() and pix2wcst()
 * Subroutine:  wcszout (wcs) returns third dimension from wcs2pix()
 * Subroutine:	setwcsfile (filename)  Set file name for error messages 
 * Subroutine:	setwcserr (errmsg)  Set error message 
 * Subroutine:	wcserr()  Print error message 
 * Subroutine:	setdefwcs (wcsproj)  Set flag to choose AIPS or WCSLIB WCS subroutines 
 * Subroutine:	getdefwcs()  Get flag to switch between AIPS and WCSLIB subroutines 
 * Subroutine:	savewcscoor (wcscoor)
 * Subroutine:	getwcscoor()  Return preset output default coordinate system 
 * Subroutine:	savewcscom (i, wcscom)  Save specified WCS command 
 * Subroutine:	setwcscom (wcs)  Initialize WCS commands 
 * Subroutine:	getwcscom (i)  Return specified WCS command 
 * Subroutine:	wcsfree (wcs)  Free storage used by WCS structure
 * Subroutine:	freewcscom (wcs)  Free storage used by WCS commands 
 * Subroutine:  cpwcs (&header, cwcs)

#include <string.h>		/* strstr, NULL */
#include <stdio.h>		/* stderr */
#include <math.h>
#include "wcs.h"
#ifndef VMS
#include <stdlib.h>

static char wcserrmsg[80];
static char wcsfile[256]={""};
static void wcslibrot();
void wcsrotset();
static int wcsproj0 = 0;
static int izpix = 0;
static double zpix = 0.0;

wcsfree (wcs)
struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* WCS structure */
    if (nowcs (wcs)) {

	/* Free WCS structure if allocated but not filled */
	if (wcs)
	    free (wcs);


    /* Free WCS on which this WCS depends */
    if (wcs->wcs) {
	wcsfree (wcs->wcs);
	wcs->wcs = NULL;

    freewcscom (wcs);
    if (wcs->wcsname != NULL)
	free (wcs->wcsname);
    if (wcs->lin.imgpix != NULL)
	free (wcs->lin.imgpix);
    if (wcs->lin.piximg != NULL)
	free (wcs->lin.piximg);
    if (wcs->inv_x != NULL)
	poly_end (wcs->inv_x);
    if (wcs->inv_y != NULL)
	poly_end (wcs->inv_y);
    free (wcs);

/* Set up a WCS structure from subroutine arguments */

struct WorldCoor *
wcsxinit (cra,cdec,secpix,xrpix,yrpix,nxpix,nypix,rotate,equinox,epoch,proj)

double	cra;	/* Center right ascension in degrees */
double	cdec;	/* Center declination in degrees */
double	secpix;	/* Number of arcseconds per pixel */
double	xrpix;	/* Reference pixel X coordinate */
double	yrpix;	/* Reference pixel X coordinate */
int	nxpix;	/* Number of pixels along x-axis */
int	nypix;	/* Number of pixels along y-axis */
double	rotate;	/* Rotation angle (clockwise positive) in degrees */
int	equinox; /* Equinox of coordinates, 1950 and 2000 supported */
double	epoch;	/* Epoch of coordinates, used for FK4/FK5 conversion
		 * no effect if 0 */
char	*proj;	/* Projection */

    struct WorldCoor *wcs;
    double cdelt1, cdelt2;

    wcs = (struct WorldCoor *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct WorldCoor));

    /* Set WCSLIB flags so that structures will be reinitialized */
    wcs->cel.flag = 0;
    wcs->lin.flag = 0;
    wcs->wcsl.flag = 0;

    /* Image dimensions */
    wcs->naxis = 2;
    wcs->naxes = 2;
    wcs->lin.naxis = 2;
    wcs->nxpix = nxpix;
    wcs->nypix = nypix;

    wcs->wcsproj = wcsproj0;

    wcs->crpix[0] = xrpix;
    wcs->crpix[1] = yrpix;
    wcs->xrefpix = wcs->crpix[0];
    wcs->yrefpix = wcs->crpix[1];
    wcs->lin.crpix = wcs->crpix;

    wcs->crval[0] = cra;
    wcs->crval[1] = cdec;
    wcs->xref = wcs->crval[0];
    wcs->yref = wcs->crval[1];
    wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[0];
    wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[1];
    wcs->cel.ref[2] = 999.0;

    strcpy (wcs->c1type,"RA");
    strcpy (wcs->c2type,"DEC");

/* Allan Brighton: 28.4.98: for backward compat., remove leading "--" */
    while (proj && *proj == '-')
    strcpy (wcs->ptype,proj);
    strcpy (wcs->ctype[0],"RA---");
    strcpy (wcs->ctype[1],"DEC--");
    strcat (wcs->ctype[0],proj);
    strcat (wcs->ctype[1],proj);

    if (wcstype (wcs, wcs->ctype[0], wcs->ctype[1])) {
	wcsfree (wcs);
	return (NULL);
    /* Approximate world coordinate system from a known plate scale */
    cdelt1 = -secpix / 3600.0;
    cdelt2 = secpix / 3600.0;
    wcsdeltset (wcs, cdelt1, cdelt2, rotate);
    wcs->lin.cdelt = wcs->cdelt;
    wcs->lin.pc = wcs->pc;

    /* Coordinate reference frame and equinox */
    wcs->equinox =  (double) equinox;
    if (equinox > 1980)
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys,"FK5");
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys,"FK4");
    if (epoch > 0)
	wcs->epoch = epoch;
	wcs->epoch = 0.0;
    wcs->wcson = 1;

    wcs->syswcs = wcscsys (wcs->radecsys);
    wcsoutinit (wcs, wcs->radecsys);
    wcsininit (wcs, wcs->radecsys);
    wcs->eqout = 0.0;
    wcs->printsys = 1;
    wcs->tabsys = 0;

    /* Initialize special WCS commands */
    setwcscom (wcs);

    return (wcs);

/* Set up a WCS structure from subroutine arguments based on FITS keywords */

struct WorldCoor *
wcskinit (naxis1, naxis2, ctype1, ctype2, crpix1, crpix2, crval1, crval2,
	  cd, cdelt1, cdelt2, crota, equinox, epoch)

int	naxis1;		/* Number of pixels along x-axis */
int	naxis2;		/* Number of pixels along y-axis */
char	*ctype1;	/* FITS WCS projection for axis 1 */
char	*ctype2;	/* FITS WCS projection for axis 2 */
double	crpix1, crpix2;	/* Reference pixel coordinates */
double	crval1, crval2;	/* Coordinates at reference pixel in degrees */
double	*cd;		/* Rotation matrix, used if not NULL */
double	cdelt1, cdelt2;	/* scale in degrees/pixel, ignored if cd is not NULL */
double	crota;		/* Rotation angle in degrees, ignored if cd is not NULL */
int	equinox; /* Equinox of coordinates, 1950 and 2000 supported */
double	epoch;	/* Epoch of coordinates, used for FK4/FK5 conversion
		 * no effect if 0 */
    struct WorldCoor *wcs;

    wcs = (struct WorldCoor *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct WorldCoor));

    /* Set WCSLIB flags so that structures will be reinitialized */
    wcs->cel.flag = 0;
    wcs->lin.flag = 0;
    wcs->wcsl.flag = 0;

    /* Image dimensions */
    wcs->naxis = 2;
    wcs->naxes = 2;
    wcs->lin.naxis = 2;
    wcs->nxpix = naxis1;
    wcs->nypix = naxis2;

    wcs->wcsproj = wcsproj0;

    wcs->crpix[0] = crpix1;
    wcs->crpix[1] = crpix2;
    wcs->xrefpix = wcs->crpix[0];
    wcs->yrefpix = wcs->crpix[1];
    wcs->lin.crpix = wcs->crpix;

    if (wcstype (wcs, ctype1, ctype2)) {
	wcsfree (wcs);
	return (NULL);
    if (wcs->latbase == 90)
	crval2 = 90.0 - crval2;
    else if (wcs->latbase == -90)
	crval2 = crval2 - 90.0;

    wcs->crval[0] = crval1;
    wcs->crval[1] = crval2;
    wcs->xref = wcs->crval[0];
    wcs->yref = wcs->crval[1];
    wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[0];
    wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[1];
    wcs->cel.ref[2] = 999.0;

    if (cd != NULL)
	wcscdset (wcs, cd);

    else if (cdelt1 != 0.0)
	wcsdeltset (wcs, cdelt1, cdelt2, crota);

    else {
	wcsdeltset (wcs, 1.0, 1.0, crota);
	setwcserr ("WCSRESET: setting CDELT to 1");
    wcs->lin.cdelt = wcs->cdelt;
    wcs->lin.pc = wcs->pc;

    /* Coordinate reference frame and equinox */
    wcs->equinox =  (double) equinox;
    if (equinox > 1980)
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys,"FK5");
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys,"FK4");
    if (epoch > 0)
	wcs->epoch = epoch;
	wcs->epoch = 0.0;
    wcs->wcson = 1;

    strcpy (wcs->radecout, wcs->radecsys);
    wcs->syswcs = wcscsys (wcs->radecsys);
    wcsoutinit (wcs, wcs->radecsys);
    wcsininit (wcs, wcs->radecsys);
    wcs->eqout = 0.0;
    wcs->printsys = 1;
    wcs->tabsys = 0;

    /* Initialize special WCS commands */
    setwcscom (wcs);

    return (wcs);

/* Set projection in WCS structure from FITS keyword values */

wcstype (wcs, ctype1, ctype2)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
char	*ctype1;	/* FITS WCS projection for axis 1 */
char	*ctype2;	/* FITS WCS projection for axis 2 */

    int i, iproj;
    int nctype = NWCSTYPE;
    char ctypes[NWCSTYPE][4];
    char dtypes[10][4];

    /* Initialize projection types */
    strcpy (ctypes[0], "LIN");
    strcpy (ctypes[1], "AZP");
    strcpy (ctypes[2], "SZP");
    strcpy (ctypes[3], "TAN");
    strcpy (ctypes[4], "SIN");
    strcpy (ctypes[5], "STG");
    strcpy (ctypes[6], "ARC");
    strcpy (ctypes[7], "ZPN");
    strcpy (ctypes[8], "ZEA");
    strcpy (ctypes[9], "AIR");
    strcpy (ctypes[10], "CYP");
    strcpy (ctypes[11], "CAR");
    strcpy (ctypes[12], "MER");
    strcpy (ctypes[13], "CEA");
    strcpy (ctypes[14], "COP");
    strcpy (ctypes[15], "COD");
    strcpy (ctypes[16], "COE");
    strcpy (ctypes[17], "COO");
    strcpy (ctypes[18], "BON");
    strcpy (ctypes[19], "PCO");
    strcpy (ctypes[20], "SFL");
    strcpy (ctypes[21], "PAR");
    strcpy (ctypes[22], "AIT");
    strcpy (ctypes[23], "MOL");
    strcpy (ctypes[24], "CSC");
    strcpy (ctypes[25], "QSC");
    strcpy (ctypes[26], "TSC");
    strcpy (ctypes[27], "NCP");
    strcpy (ctypes[28], "GLS");
    strcpy (ctypes[29], "DSS");
    strcpy (ctypes[30], "PLT");
    strcpy (ctypes[31], "TNX");
    strcpy (ctypes[32], "ZPX");
    strcpy (ctypes[33], "TPV");

    /* Initialize distortion types */
    strcpy (dtypes[1], "SIP");

    if (!strncmp (ctype1, "LONG",4))
	strncpy (ctype1, "XLON",4);

    strcpy (wcs->ctype[0], ctype1);
    strcpy (wcs->c1type, ctype1);
    strcpy (wcs->ptype, ctype1);

    /* Linear coordinates */
    if (!strncmp (ctype1,"LINEAR",6))
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_LIN;

    /* Pixel coordinates */
    else if (!strncmp (ctype1,"PIXEL",6))
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_PIX;

    /*Detector pixel coordinates */
    else if (strsrch (ctype1,"DET"))
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_PIX;

    /* Set up right ascension, declination, latitude, or longitude */
    else if (ctype1[0] == 'R' || ctype1[0] == 'D' ||
	     ctype1[0] == 'A' || ctype1[1] == 'L') {
	wcs->c1type[0] = ctype1[0];
	wcs->c1type[1] = ctype1[1];
	if (ctype1[2] == '-') {
	    wcs->c1type[2] = 0;
	    iproj = 3;
	else {
	    wcs->c1type[2] = ctype1[2];
	    iproj = 4;
	    if (ctype1[3] == '-') {
		wcs->c1type[3] = 0;
	    else {
		wcs->c1type[3] = ctype1[3];
		wcs->c1type[4] = 0;
	if (ctype1[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	if (ctype1[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	if (ctype1[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	if (ctype1[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	wcs->ptype[0] = ctype1[iproj];
	wcs->ptype[1] = ctype1[iproj+1];
	wcs->ptype[2] = ctype1[iproj+2];
	wcs->ptype[3] = 0;
	sprintf (wcs->ctype[0],"%-4s%4s",wcs->c1type,wcs->ptype);
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
	    if (wcs->ctype[0][i] == ' ') wcs->ctype[0][i] = '-';

	/*  Find projection type  */
	wcs->prjcode = 0;  /* default type is linear */
	for (i = 1; i < nctype; i++) {
	    if (!strncmp(wcs->ptype, ctypes[i], 3))
		wcs->prjcode = i;

	/* Handle "obsolete" NCP projection (now WCSLIB should be OK)
	if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_NCP) {
	    if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_BEST)
		wcs->wcsproj = WCS_OLD;
	    else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_ALT)
		wcs->wcsproj = WCS_NEW;
	    } */

	/* Work around bug in WCSLIB handling of CAR projection
	else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_CAR) {
	    if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_BEST)
		wcs->wcsproj = WCS_OLD;
	    else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_ALT)
		wcs->wcsproj = WCS_NEW;
	    } */

	/* Work around bug in WCSLIB handling of COE projection
	else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_COE) {
	    if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_BEST)
		wcs->wcsproj = WCS_OLD;
	    else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_ALT)
		wcs->wcsproj = WCS_NEW;

	else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_BEST) */
	if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_BEST)
	    wcs->wcsproj = WCS_NEW;

	else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_ALT)
	    wcs->wcsproj = WCS_OLD;

	/* if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_OLD && (
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_STG && wcs->prjcode != WCS_AIT &&
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_MER && wcs->prjcode != WCS_GLS &&
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_ARC && wcs->prjcode != WCS_TAN &&
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_TNX && wcs->prjcode != WCS_SIN &&
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_PIX && wcs->prjcode != WCS_LIN &&
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_CAR && wcs->prjcode != WCS_COE &&
	    wcs->prjcode != WCS_NCP && wcs->prjcode != WCS_ZPX))
	    wcs->wcsproj = WCS_NEW; */

	/* Handle NOAO corrected TNX as uncorrected TAN if oldwcs is set */
	if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_OLD && wcs->prjcode == WCS_TNX) {
	    wcs->ctype[0][6] = 'A';
	    wcs->ctype[0][7] = 'N';
	    wcs->prjcode = WCS_TAN;

	/* Handle NOAO corrected ZPX as uncorrected ZPN if oldwcs is set */
	if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_OLD && wcs->prjcode == WCS_ZPX) {
	    wcs->ctype[0][6] = 'P';
	    wcs->ctype[0][7] = 'N';
	    wcs->prjcode = WCS_ZPN;

    /* If not sky coordinates, assume linear */
    else {
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_LIN;
	return (0);

    /* Second coordinate type */
    if (!strncmp (ctype2, "NPOL",4)) {
	ctype2[0] = ctype1[0];
	strncpy (ctype2+1, "LAT",3);
	wcs->latbase = 90;
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys,"NPOLE");
	wcs->syswcs = WCS_NPOLE;
    else if (!strncmp (ctype2, "SPA-",4)) {
	ctype2[0] = ctype1[0];
	strncpy (ctype2+1, "LAT",3);
	wcs->latbase = -90;
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys,"SPA");
	wcs->syswcs = WCS_SPA;
	wcs->latbase = 0;
    strcpy (wcs->ctype[1], ctype2);
    strcpy (wcs->c2type, ctype2);

    /* Linear coordinates */
    if (!strncmp (ctype2,"LINEAR",6))
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_LIN;

    /* Pixel coordinates */
    else if (!strncmp (ctype2,"PIXEL",6))
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_PIX;

    /* Set up right ascension, declination, latitude, or longitude */
    else if (ctype2[0] == 'R' || ctype2[0] == 'D' ||
	     ctype2[0] == 'A' || ctype2[1] == 'L') {
	wcs->c2type[0] = ctype2[0];
	wcs->c2type[1] = ctype2[1];
	if (ctype2[2] == '-') {
	    wcs->c2type[2] = 0;
	    iproj = 3;
	else {
	    wcs->c2type[2] = ctype2[2];
	    iproj = 4;
	    if (ctype2[3] == '-') {
		wcs->c2type[3] = 0;
	    else {
		wcs->c2type[3] = ctype2[3];
		wcs->c2type[4] = 0;
	if (ctype2[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	if (ctype2[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	if (ctype2[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	if (ctype2[iproj] == '-') iproj = iproj + 1;
	wcs->ptype[0] = ctype2[iproj];
	wcs->ptype[1] = ctype2[iproj+1];
	wcs->ptype[2] = ctype2[iproj+2];
	wcs->ptype[3] = 0;

	if (!strncmp (ctype1, "DEC", 3) ||
	    !strncmp (ctype1+1, "LAT", 3))
	    wcs->coorflip = 1;
	    wcs->coorflip = 0;
	if (ctype2[1] == 'L' || ctype2[0] == 'A') {
	    wcs->degout = 1;
	    wcs->ndec = 5;
	else {
	    wcs->degout = 0;
	    wcs->ndec = 3;
	sprintf (wcs->ctype[1],"%-4s%4s",wcs->c2type,wcs->ptype);
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
	    if (wcs->ctype[1][i] == ' ') wcs->ctype[1][i] = '-';

    /* If not sky coordinates, assume linear */
    else {
	wcs->prjcode = WCS_LIN;

    /* Set distortion code from CTYPE1 extension */
    setdistcode (wcs, ctype1);

    return (0);

wcsreset (wcs, crpix1, crpix2, crval1, crval2, cdelt1, cdelt2, crota, cd)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system data structure */
double crpix1, crpix2;		/* Reference pixel coordinates */
double crval1, crval2;		/* Coordinates at reference pixel in degrees */
double cdelt1, cdelt2;		/* scale in degrees/pixel, ignored if cd is not NULL */
double crota;			/* Rotation angle in degrees, ignored if cd is not NULL */
double *cd;			/* Rotation matrix, used if not NULL */

    if (nowcs (wcs))
	return (-1);

    /* Set WCSLIB flags so that structures will be reinitialized */
    wcs->cel.flag = 0;
    wcs->lin.flag = 0;
    wcs->wcsl.flag = 0;

    /* Reference pixel coordinates and WCS value */
    wcs->crpix[0] = crpix1;
    wcs->crpix[1] = crpix2;
    wcs->xrefpix = wcs->crpix[0];
    wcs->yrefpix = wcs->crpix[1];
    wcs->lin.crpix = wcs->crpix;

    wcs->crval[0] = crval1;
    wcs->crval[1] = crval2;
    wcs->xref = wcs->crval[0];
    wcs->yref = wcs->crval[1];
    if (wcs->coorflip) {
	wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[0];
	wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[1];
    else {
	wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[0];
	wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[1];
    /* Keep ref[2] and ref[3] from input */

    /* Initialize to no plate fit */
    wcs->ncoeff1 = 0;
    wcs->ncoeff2 = 0;

    if (cd != NULL)
	wcscdset (wcs, cd);

    else if (cdelt1 != 0.0)
	wcsdeltset (wcs, cdelt1, cdelt2, crota);

    else {
	wcs->xinc = 1.0;
	wcs->yinc = 1.0;
	setwcserr ("WCSRESET: setting CDELT to 1");

    /* Coordinate reference frame, equinox, and epoch */
    if (!strncmp (wcs->ptype,"LINEAR",6) ||
	!strncmp (wcs->ptype,"PIXEL",5))
	wcs->degout = -1;

    wcs->wcson = 1;
    return (0);

wcseqset (wcs, equinox)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system data structure */
double equinox;			/* Desired equinox as fractional year */

    if (nowcs (wcs))

    /* Leave WCS alone if already at desired equinox */
    if (wcs->equinox == equinox)

    /* Convert center from B1950 (FK4) to J2000 (FK5) */
    if (equinox == 2000.0 && wcs->equinox == 1950.0) {
	if (wcs->coorflip) { 
	    fk425e (&wcs->crval[1], &wcs->crval[0], wcs->epoch);
	    wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[0];
	    wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[1];
	else {
	    fk425e (&wcs->crval[0], &wcs->crval[1], wcs->epoch);
	    wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[0];
	    wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[1];
	wcs->xref = wcs->crval[0];
	wcs->yref = wcs->crval[1];
	wcs->equinox = 2000.0;
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys, "FK5");
	wcs->syswcs = WCS_J2000;
	wcs->cel.flag = 0;
	wcs->wcsl.flag = 0;

    /* Convert center from J2000 (FK5) to B1950 (FK4) */
    else if (equinox == 1950.0 && wcs->equinox == 2000.0) {
	if (wcs->coorflip) { 
	    fk524e (&wcs->crval[1], &wcs->crval[0], wcs->epoch);
	    wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[0];
	    wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[1];
	else {
	    fk524e (&wcs->crval[0], &wcs->crval[1], wcs->epoch);
	    wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[0];
	    wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[1];
	wcs->xref = wcs->crval[0];
	wcs->yref = wcs->crval[1];
	wcs->equinox = 1950.0;
	strcpy (wcs->radecsys, "FK4");
	wcs->syswcs = WCS_B1950;
	wcs->cel.flag = 0;
	wcs->wcsl.flag = 0;
    wcsoutinit (wcs, wcs->radecsys);
    wcsininit (wcs, wcs->radecsys);

/* Set scale and rotation in WCS structure */

wcscdset (wcs, cd)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double *cd;			/* CD matrix, ignored if NULL */
    double tcd;

    if (cd == NULL)

    wcs->rotmat = 1;
    wcs->cd[0] = cd[0];
    wcs->cd[1] = cd[1];
    wcs->cd[2] = cd[2];
    wcs->cd[3] = cd[3];
    (void) matinv (2, wcs->cd, wcs->dc);

    /* Compute scale */
    wcs->xinc = sqrt (cd[0]*cd[0] + cd[2]*cd[2]);
    wcs->yinc = sqrt (cd[1]*cd[1] + cd[3]*cd[3]);

    /* Deal with x=Dec/y=RA case */
    if (wcs->coorflip) {
	tcd = cd[1];
	cd[1] = -cd[2];
	cd[2] = -tcd;
    wcslibrot (wcs);
    wcs->wcson = 1;

    /* Compute image rotation */
    wcsrotset (wcs);

    wcs->cdelt[0] = wcs->xinc;
    wcs->cdelt[1] = wcs->yinc;


/* Set scale and rotation in WCS structure from axis scale and rotation */

wcsdeltset (wcs, cdelt1, cdelt2, crota)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double cdelt1;		/* degrees/pixel in first axis (or both axes) */
double cdelt2;		/* degrees/pixel in second axis if nonzero */
double crota;		/* Rotation counterclockwise in degrees */
    double *pci;
    double crot, srot;
    int i, j, naxes;

    naxes = wcs->naxis;
    if (naxes > 2)
	naxes = 2;
    wcs->cdelt[0] = cdelt1;
    if (cdelt2 != 0.0)
	wcs->cdelt[1] = cdelt2;
	wcs->cdelt[1] = cdelt1;
    wcs->xinc = wcs->cdelt[0];
    wcs->yinc = wcs->cdelt[1];
    pci = wcs->pc;
    for (i = 0; i < naxes; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < naxes; j++) {
	    if (i ==j)
		*pci = 1.0;
		*pci = 0.0;
    wcs->rotmat = 0;

    /* If image is reversed, value of CROTA is flipped, too */
    wcs->rot = crota;
    if (wcs->rot < 0.0)
	wcs->rot = wcs->rot + 360.0;
    if (wcs->rot >= 360.0)
	wcs->rot = wcs->rot - 360.0;
    crot = cos (degrad(wcs->rot));
    if (cdelt1 * cdelt2 > 0)
	srot = sin (-degrad(wcs->rot));
	srot = sin (degrad(wcs->rot));

    /* Set CD matrix */
    wcs->cd[0] = wcs->cdelt[0] * crot;
    if (wcs->cdelt[0] < 0)
	wcs->cd[1] = -fabs (wcs->cdelt[1]) * srot;
	wcs->cd[1] = fabs (wcs->cdelt[1]) * srot;
    if (wcs->cdelt[1] < 0)
	wcs->cd[2] = fabs (wcs->cdelt[0]) * srot;
	wcs->cd[2] = -fabs (wcs->cdelt[0]) * srot;
    wcs->cd[3] = wcs->cdelt[1] * crot;
    (void) matinv (2, wcs->cd, wcs->dc);

    /* Set rotation matrix */
    wcslibrot (wcs);

    /* Set image rotation and mirroring */
    if (wcs->coorflip) {
	if (wcs->cdelt[0] < 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] > 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 1;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot - 90.0;
	    if (wcs->imrot < -180.0) wcs->imrot = wcs->imrot + 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->rot;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot - 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east < -180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east + 360.0;
	else if (wcs->cdelt[0] > 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] < 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 1;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->imrot > 180.0) wcs->imrot = wcs->imrot - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->rot;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot - 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east < -180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east + 360.0;
	else if (wcs->cdelt[0] > 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] > 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 0;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->imrot > 180.0) wcs->imrot = wcs->imrot - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->imrot;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east > 180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east - 360.0;
	else if (wcs->cdelt[0] < 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] < 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 0;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot - 90.0;
	    if (wcs->imrot < -180.0) wcs->imrot = wcs->imrot + 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->imrot;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east > 180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east - 360.0;
    else {
	if (wcs->cdelt[0] < 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] > 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 0;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_north > 180.0) wcs->pa_north = wcs->pa_north - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot + 180.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east > 180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east - 360.0;
	else if (wcs->cdelt[0] > 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] < 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 0;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot + 180.0;
	    if (wcs->imrot > 180.0) wcs->imrot = wcs->imrot - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->imrot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_north > 180.0) wcs->pa_north = wcs->pa_north - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->imrot + 180.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east > 180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east - 360.0;
	else if (wcs->cdelt[0] > 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] > 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 1;
	    wcs->imrot = -wcs->rot;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->imrot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_north > 180.0) wcs->pa_north = wcs->pa_north - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot;
	else if (wcs->cdelt[0] < 0 && wcs->cdelt[1] < 0) {
	    wcs->imflip = 1;
	    wcs->imrot = wcs->rot + 180.0;
	    if (wcs->imrot > 180.0) wcs->imrot = wcs->imrot - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_north = wcs->imrot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_north > 180.0) wcs->pa_north = wcs->pa_north - 360.0;
	    wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	    if (wcs->pa_east > 180.0) wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east - 360.0;


/* Set scale and rotation in WCS structure */

wcspcset (wcs, cdelt1, cdelt2, pc)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double cdelt1;		/* degrees/pixel in first axis (or both axes) */
double cdelt2;		/* degrees/pixel in second axis if nonzero */
double *pc;		/* Rotation matrix, ignored if NULL */
    double *pci, *pc0i;
    int i, j, naxes;

    if (pc == NULL)

    naxes = wcs->naxis;
/*   if (naxes > 2)
	naxes = 2; */
    if (naxes < 1 || naxes > 9) {
	naxes = wcs->naxes;
	wcs->naxis = naxes;
    wcs->cdelt[0] = cdelt1;
    if (cdelt2 != 0.0)
	wcs->cdelt[1] = cdelt2;
	wcs->cdelt[1] = cdelt1;
    wcs->xinc = wcs->cdelt[0];
    wcs->yinc = wcs->cdelt[1];

    /* Set rotation matrix */
    pci = wcs->pc;
    pc0i = pc;
    for (i = 0; i < naxes; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < naxes; j++) {
	    *pci = *pc0i;

    /* Set CD matrix */
    if (naxes > 1) {
	wcs->cd[0] = pc[0] * wcs->cdelt[0];
	wcs->cd[1] = pc[1] * wcs->cdelt[0];
	wcs->cd[2] = pc[naxes] * wcs->cdelt[1];
	wcs->cd[3] = pc[naxes+1] * wcs->cdelt[1];
    else {
	wcs->cd[0] = pc[0] * wcs->cdelt[0];
	wcs->cd[1] = 0.0;
	wcs->cd[2] = 0.0;
	wcs->cd[3] = 1.0;
    (void) matinv (2, wcs->cd, wcs->dc);
    wcs->rotmat = 1;

    (void)linset (&wcs->lin);
    wcs->wcson = 1;

    wcsrotset (wcs);


/* Set up rotation matrix for WCSLIB projection subroutines */

static void
wcslibrot (wcs)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */

    int i, mem, naxes;

    naxes = wcs->naxis;
    if (naxes > 2)
	naxes = 2;
    if (naxes < 1 || naxes > 9) {
	naxes = wcs->naxes;
	wcs->naxis = naxes;
    mem = naxes * naxes * sizeof(double);
    if (wcs->lin.piximg == NULL)
	wcs->lin.piximg = (double*)malloc(mem);
    if (wcs->lin.piximg != NULL) {
	if (wcs->lin.imgpix == NULL)
	    wcs->lin.imgpix = (double*)malloc(mem);
	if (wcs->lin.imgpix != NULL) {
	    wcs->lin.flag = LINSET;
	    if (naxes == 2) {
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		    wcs->lin.piximg[i] = wcs->cd[i];
	    else if (naxes == 3) {
		for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
		    wcs->lin.piximg[i] = 0.0;
		wcs->lin.piximg[0] = wcs->cd[0];
		wcs->lin.piximg[1] = wcs->cd[1];
		wcs->lin.piximg[3] = wcs->cd[2];
		wcs->lin.piximg[4] = wcs->cd[3];
		wcs->lin.piximg[8] = 1.0;
	    else if (naxes == 4) {
		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		    wcs->lin.piximg[i] = 0.0;
		wcs->lin.piximg[0] = wcs->cd[0];
		wcs->lin.piximg[1] = wcs->cd[1];
		wcs->lin.piximg[4] = wcs->cd[2];
		wcs->lin.piximg[5] = wcs->cd[3];
		wcs->lin.piximg[10] = 1.0;
		wcs->lin.piximg[15] = 1.0;
	    (void) matinv (naxes, wcs->lin.piximg, wcs->lin.imgpix);
	    wcs->lin.crpix = wcs->crpix;
	    wcs->lin.cdelt = wcs->cdelt;
	    wcs->lin.pc = wcs->pc;
	    wcs->lin.flag = LINSET;

/* Compute image rotation */

wcsrotset (wcs)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
    int off;
    double cra, cdec, xc, xn, xe, yc, yn, ye;

    /* If image is one-dimensional, leave rotation angle alone */
    if (wcs->nxpix < 1.5 || wcs->nypix < 1.5) {
	wcs->imrot = wcs->rot;
	wcs->pa_north = wcs->rot + 90.0;
	wcs->pa_east = wcs->rot + 180.0;

    /* Do not try anything if image is LINEAR (not Cartesian projection) */
    if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR)

    wcs->xinc = fabs (wcs->xinc);
    wcs->yinc = fabs (wcs->yinc);

    /* Compute position angles of North and East in image */
    xc = wcs->xrefpix;
    yc = wcs->yrefpix;
    pix2wcs (wcs, xc, yc, &cra, &cdec);
    if (wcs->coorflip) {
	wcs2pix (wcs, cra+wcs->yinc, cdec, &xe, &ye, &off);
	wcs2pix (wcs, cra, cdec+wcs->xinc, &xn, &yn, &off);
    else {
	wcs2pix (wcs, cra+wcs->xinc, cdec, &xe, &ye, &off);
	wcs2pix (wcs, cra, cdec+wcs->yinc, &xn, &yn, &off);
    wcs->pa_north = raddeg (atan2 (yn-yc, xn-xc));
    if (wcs->pa_north < -90.0)
	wcs->pa_north = wcs->pa_north + 360.0;
    wcs->pa_east = raddeg (atan2 (ye-yc, xe-xc));
    if (wcs->pa_east < -90.0)
	wcs->pa_east = wcs->pa_east + 360.0;

    /* Compute image rotation angle from North */
    if (wcs->pa_north < -90.0)
	wcs->imrot = 270.0 + wcs->pa_north;
	wcs->imrot = wcs->pa_north - 90.0;

    /* Compute CROTA */
    if (wcs->coorflip) {
	wcs->rot = wcs->imrot + 90.0;
	if (wcs->rot < 0.0)
	    wcs->rot = wcs->rot + 360.0;
	wcs->rot = wcs->imrot;
    if (wcs->rot < 0.0)
	wcs->rot = wcs->rot + 360.0;
    if (wcs->rot >= 360.0)
	wcs->rot = wcs->rot - 360.0;

    /* Set image mirror flag based on axis orientation */
    wcs->imflip = 0;
    if (wcs->pa_east - wcs->pa_north < -80.0 &&
	wcs->pa_east - wcs->pa_north > -100.0)
	wcs->imflip = 1;
    if (wcs->pa_east - wcs->pa_north < 280.0 &&
	wcs->pa_east - wcs->pa_north > 260.0)
	wcs->imflip = 1;
    if (wcs->pa_north - wcs->pa_east > 80.0 &&
	wcs->pa_north - wcs->pa_east < 100.0)
	wcs->imflip = 1;
    if (wcs->coorflip) {
	if (wcs->imflip)
	    wcs->yinc = -wcs->yinc;
    else {
	if (!wcs->imflip)
	    wcs->xinc = -wcs->xinc;


/* Return 1 if WCS structure is filled, else 0 */

iswcs (wcs)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system structure */

    if (wcs == NULL)
	return (0);
	return (wcs->wcson);

/* Return 0 if WCS structure is filled, else 1 */

nowcs (wcs)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system structure */

    if (wcs == NULL)
	return (1);
	return (!wcs->wcson);

/* Reset the center of a WCS structure */

wcsshift (wcs,rra,rdec,coorsys)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	rra;		/* Reference pixel right ascension in degrees */
double	rdec;		/* Reference pixel declination in degrees */
char	*coorsys;	/* FK4 or FK5 coordinates (1950 or 2000) */

    if (nowcs (wcs))

/* Approximate world coordinate system from a known plate scale */
    wcs->crval[0] = rra;
    wcs->crval[1] = rdec;
    wcs->xref = wcs->crval[0];
    wcs->yref = wcs->crval[1];

/* Coordinate reference frame */
    strcpy (wcs->radecsys,coorsys);
    wcs->syswcs = wcscsys (coorsys);
    if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_B1950)
	wcs->equinox = 1950.0;
	wcs->equinox = 2000.0;


/* Print position of WCS center, if WCS is set */

wcscent (wcs)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system structure */

    double	xpix,ypix, xpos1, xpos2, ypos1, ypos2;
    char wcstring[32];
    double width, height, secpix, secpixh, secpixw;
    int lstr = 32;

    if (nowcs (wcs))
	(void)fprintf (stderr,"No WCS information available\n");
    else {
	if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_DSS)
	    (void)fprintf (stderr,"WCS plate center  %s\n", wcs->center);
	xpix = 0.5 * wcs->nxpix;
	ypix = 0.5 * wcs->nypix;
	(void) pix2wcst (wcs,xpix,ypix,wcstring, lstr);
	(void)fprintf (stderr,"WCS center %s %s %s %s at pixel (%.2f,%.2f)\n",

	/* Image width */
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,1.0,ypix,&xpos1,&ypos1);
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,wcs->nxpix,ypix,&xpos2,&ypos2);
	if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR) {
	    width = xpos2 - xpos1;
	    if (width < 100.0)
	    (void)fprintf (stderr, "WCS width = %.5f %s ",width, wcs->units[0]);
	    (void)fprintf (stderr, "WCS width = %.3f %s ",width, wcs->units[0]);
	else {
	    width = wcsdist (xpos1,ypos1,xpos2,ypos2);
	    if (width < 1/60.0)
		(void)fprintf (stderr, "WCS width = %.2f arcsec ",width*3600.0);
	    else if (width < 1.0)
		(void)fprintf (stderr, "WCS width = %.2f arcmin ",width*60.0);
		(void)fprintf (stderr, "WCS width = %.3f degrees ",width);
	secpixw = width / (wcs->nxpix - 1.0);

	/* Image height */
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,1.0,&xpos1,&ypos1);
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,wcs->nypix,&xpos2,&ypos2);
	if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR) {
	    height = ypos2 - ypos1;
	    if (height < 100.0)
	    (void)fprintf (stderr, " height = %.5f %s ",height, wcs->units[1]);
	    (void)fprintf (stderr, " height = %.3f %s ",height, wcs->units[1]);
	else {
	    height = wcsdist (xpos1,ypos1,xpos2,ypos2);
	    if (height < 1/60.0)
		(void) fprintf (stderr, " height = %.2f arcsec",height*3600.0);
	    else if (height < 1.0)
		(void) fprintf (stderr, " height = %.2f arcmin",height*60.0);
		(void) fprintf (stderr, " height = %.3f degrees",height);
	secpixh = height / (wcs->nypix - 1.0);

	/* Image scale */
	if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR) {
	    (void) fprintf (stderr,"\n");
	    (void) fprintf (stderr,"WCS  %.5f %s/pixel, %.5f %s/pixel\n",
	else {
	    if (wcs->xinc != 0.0 && wcs->yinc != 0.0)
		secpix = (fabs(wcs->xinc) + fabs(wcs->yinc)) * 0.5 * 3600.0;
	    else if (secpixh > 0.0 && secpixw > 0.0)
		secpix = (secpixw + secpixh) * 0.5 * 3600.0;
	    else if (wcs->xinc != 0.0 || wcs->yinc != 0.0)
		secpix = (fabs(wcs->xinc) + fabs(wcs->yinc)) * 3600.0;
		secpix = (secpixw + secpixh) * 3600.0;
	    if (secpix < 100.0)
		(void) fprintf (stderr, "  %.3f arcsec/pixel\n",secpix);
	    else if (secpix < 3600.0)
		(void) fprintf (stderr, "  %.3f arcmin/pixel\n",secpix/60.0);
		(void) fprintf (stderr, "  %.3f degrees/pixel\n",secpix/3600.0);

/* Return RA and Dec of image center, plus size in RA and Dec */

wcssize (wcs, cra, cdec, dra, ddec)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	*cra;		/* Right ascension of image center (deg) (returned) */
double	*cdec;		/* Declination of image center (deg) (returned) */
double	*dra;		/* Half-width in right ascension (deg) (returned) */
double	*ddec;		/* Half-width in declination (deg) (returned) */

    double width, height;

    /* Find right ascension and declination of coordinates */
    if (iswcs(wcs)) {
	wcsfull (wcs, cra, cdec, &width, &height);
	*dra = 0.5 * width / cos (degrad (*cdec));
	*ddec = 0.5 * height;
    else {
	*cra = 0.0;
	*cdec = 0.0;
	*dra = 0.0;
	*ddec = 0.0;

/* Return RA and Dec of image center, plus size in degrees */

wcsfull (wcs, cra, cdec, width, height)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	*cra;		/* Right ascension of image center (deg) (returned) */
double	*cdec;		/* Declination of image center (deg) (returned) */
double	*width;		/* Width in degrees (returned) */
double	*height;	/* Height in degrees (returned) */

    double xpix, ypix, xpos1, xpos2, ypos1, ypos2, xcpix, ycpix;
    double xcent, ycent;

    /* Find right ascension and declination of coordinates */
    if (iswcs(wcs)) {
	xcpix = (0.5 * wcs->nxpix) + 0.5;
	ycpix = (0.5 * wcs->nypix) + 0.5;
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xcpix,ycpix,&xcent, &ycent);
	*cra = xcent;
	*cdec = ycent;

	/* Compute image width in degrees */
	xpix = 0.500001;
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,ycpix,&xpos1,&ypos1);
	xpix = wcs->nxpix + 0.499999;
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,ycpix,&xpos2,&ypos2);
	if (strncmp (wcs->ptype,"LINEAR",6) &&
	    strncmp (wcs->ptype,"PIXEL",5)) {
	    *width = wcsdist (xpos1,ypos1,xpos2,ypos2);
	    *width = sqrt (((ypos2-ypos1) * (ypos2-ypos1)) +
		     ((xpos2-xpos1) * (xpos2-xpos1)));

	/* Compute image height in degrees */
	ypix = 0.5;
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xcpix,ypix,&xpos1,&ypos1);
	ypix = wcs->nypix + 0.5;
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,xcpix,ypix,&xpos2,&ypos2);
	if (strncmp (wcs->ptype,"LINEAR",6) &&
	    strncmp (wcs->ptype,"PIXEL",5))
	    *height = wcsdist (xpos1,ypos1,xpos2,ypos2);
	    *height = sqrt (((ypos2-ypos1) * (ypos2-ypos1)) +
		      ((xpos2-xpos1) * (xpos2-xpos1)));

    else {
	*cra = 0.0;
	*cdec = 0.0;
	*width = 0.0;
	*height = 0.0;


/* Return minimum and maximum RA and Dec of image in degrees */

wcsrange (wcs, ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	*ra1;		/* Minimum right ascension of image (deg) (returned) */
double	*ra2;		/* Maximum right ascension of image (deg) (returned) */
double	*dec1;		/* Minimum declination of image (deg) (returned) */
double	*dec2;		/* Maximum declination of image (deg) (returned) */

    double xpos1, xpos2, xpos3, xpos4, ypos1, ypos2, ypos3, ypos4, temp;

    if (iswcs(wcs)) {

	/* Compute image corner coordinates in degrees */
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,1.0,1.0,&xpos1,&ypos1);
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,1.0,wcs->nypix,&xpos2,&ypos2);
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,wcs->nxpix,1.0,&xpos3,&ypos3);
	(void) pix2wcs (wcs,wcs->nxpix,wcs->nypix,&xpos4,&ypos4);

	/* Find minimum right ascension or longitude */
	*ra1 = xpos1;
	if (xpos2 < *ra1) *ra1 = xpos2;
	if (xpos3 < *ra1) *ra1 = xpos3;
	if (xpos4 < *ra1) *ra1 = xpos4;

	/* Find maximum right ascension or longitude */
	*ra2 = xpos1;
	if (xpos2 > *ra2) *ra2 = xpos2;
	if (xpos3 > *ra2) *ra2 = xpos3;
	if (xpos4 > *ra2) *ra2 = xpos4;

	if (wcs->syswcs != WCS_LINEAR && wcs->syswcs != WCS_XY) {
	    if (*ra2 - *ra1 > 180.0) {
		temp = *ra1;
		*ra1 = *ra2;
		*ra2 = temp;

	/* Find minimum declination or latitude */
	*dec1 = ypos1;
	if (ypos2 < *dec1) *dec1 = ypos2;
	if (ypos3 < *dec1) *dec1 = ypos3;
	if (ypos4 < *dec1) *dec1 = ypos4;

	/* Find maximum declination or latitude */
	*dec2 = ypos1;
	if (ypos2 > *dec2) *dec2 = ypos2;
	if (ypos3 > *dec2) *dec2 = ypos3;
	if (ypos4 > *dec2) *dec2 = ypos4;

    else {
	*ra1 = 0.0;
	*ra2 = 0.0;
	*dec1 = 0.0;
	*dec2 = 0.0;


/* Compute distance in degrees between two sky coordinates */

wcsdist (x1,y1,x2,y2)

double	x1,y1;	/* (RA,Dec) or (Long,Lat) in degrees */
double	x2,y2;	/* (RA,Dec) or (Long,Lat) in degrees */

	double r, diffi;
	double pos1[3], pos2[3], w, diff;
	int i;

	/* Convert two vectors to direction cosines */
	r = 1.0;
	d2v3 (x1, y1, r, pos1);
	d2v3 (x2, y2, r, pos2);

	/* Modulus squared of half the difference vector */
	w = 0.0;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    diffi = pos1[i] - pos2[i];
	    w = w + (diffi * diffi);
	w = w / 4.0;
	if (w > 1.0) w = 1.0;

	/* Angle beween the vectors */
	diff = 2.0 * atan2 (sqrt (w), sqrt (1.0 - w));
	diff = raddeg (diff);
	return (diff);

/* Compute distance in degrees between two sky coordinates */

wcsdist1 (x1,y1,x2,y2)

double	x1,y1;	/* (RA,Dec) or (Long,Lat) in degrees */
double	x2,y2;	/* (RA,Dec) or (Long,Lat) in degrees */

	double d1, d2, r;
	double pos1[3], pos2[3], w, diff;
	int i;

	/* Convert two vectors to direction cosines */
	r = 1.0;
	d2v3 (x1, y1, r, pos1);
	d2v3 (x2, y2, r, pos2);

	w = 0.0;
	d1 = 0.0;
	d2 = 0.0;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    w = w + (pos1[i] * pos2[i]);
	    d1 = d1 + (pos1[i] * pos1[i]);
	    d2 = d2 + (pos2[i] * pos2[i]);
	diff = acosdeg (w / (sqrt (d1) * sqrt (d2)));
	return (diff);

/* Compute distance in degrees between two sky coordinates  away from pole */

wcsdiff (x1,y1,x2,y2)

double	x1,y1;	/* (RA,Dec) or (Long,Lat) in degrees */
double	x2,y2;	/* (RA,Dec) or (Long,Lat) in degrees */

    double xdiff, ydiff, ycos, diff;

    ycos = cos (degrad ((y2 + y1) / 2.0));
    xdiff = x2 - x1;
    if (xdiff > 180.0)
	xdiff = xdiff - 360.0;
    if (xdiff < -180.0)
	xdiff = xdiff + 360.0;
    xdiff = xdiff / ycos;
    ydiff = (y2 - y1);
    diff = sqrt ((xdiff * xdiff) + (ydiff * ydiff));
    return (diff);

/* Initialize catalog search command set by -wcscom */

wcscominit (wcs, i, command)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system structure */
int	i;			/* Number of command (0-9) to initialize */
char	*command;		/* command with %s where coordinates will go */

    int lcom,icom;

    if (iswcs(wcs)) {
	lcom = strlen (command);
	if (lcom > 0) {
	    if (wcs->command_format[i] != NULL)
		free (wcs->command_format[i]);
	    wcs->command_format[i] = (char *) calloc (lcom+2, 1);
	    if (wcs->command_format[i] == NULL)
	    for (icom = 0; icom < lcom; icom++) {
		if (command[icom] == '_')
		    wcs->command_format[i][icom] = ' ';
		    wcs->command_format[i][icom] = command[icom];
	    wcs->command_format[i][lcom] = 0;

/* Execute Unix command with world coordinates (from x,y) and/or filename */

wcscom ( wcs, i, filename, xfile, yfile, wcstring )

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system structure */
int	i;			/* Number of command (0-9) to execute */
char	*filename;		/* Image file name */
double	xfile,yfile;		/* Image pixel coordinates for WCS command */
char	*wcstring;		/* WCS String from pix2wcst() */
    char command[120];
    char comform[120];
    char xystring[32];
    char *fileform, *posform, *imform;
    int ier;

    if (nowcs (wcs)) {
	(void)fprintf(stderr,"WCSCOM: no WCS\n");

    if (wcs->command_format[i] != NULL)
	strcpy (comform, wcs->command_format[i]);
	strcpy (comform, "sgsc -ah %s");

    if (comform[0] > 0) {

	/* Create and execute search command */
	fileform = strsrch (comform,"%f");
	imform = strsrch (comform,"%x");
	posform = strsrch (comform,"%s");
	if (imform != NULL) {
	    *(imform+1) = 's';
	    (void)sprintf (xystring, "%.2f %.2f", xfile, yfile);
	    if (fileform != NULL) {
		*(fileform+1) = 's';
		if (posform == NULL) {
		    if (imform < fileform)
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, xystring, filename);
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, filename, xystring);
		else if (fileform < posform) {
		    if (imform < fileform)
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, xystring, filename,
		    else if (imform < posform)
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, filename, xystring,
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, filename, wcstring,
		    if (imform < posform)
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, xystring, wcstring,
		    else if (imform < fileform)
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, wcstring, xystring,
			(void)sprintf(command, comform, wcstring, filename,
	    else if (posform == NULL)
		(void)sprintf(command, comform, xystring);
	    else if (imform < posform)
		(void)sprintf(command, comform, xystring, wcstring);
		(void)sprintf(command, comform, wcstring, xystring);
	else if (fileform != NULL) {
	    *(fileform+1) = 's';
	    if (posform == NULL)
		(void)sprintf(command, comform, filename);
	    else if (fileform < posform)
		(void)sprintf(command, comform, filename, wcstring);
		(void)sprintf(command, comform, wcstring, filename);
	    (void)sprintf(command, comform, wcstring);
	ier = system (command);
	if (ier)
	    (void)fprintf(stderr,"WCSCOM: %s failed %d\n",command,ier);

/* Initialize WCS output coordinate system for use by PIX2WCS() */

wcsoutinit (wcs, coorsys)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
char	*coorsys;	/* Input world coordinate system:
			   FK4, FK5, B1950, J2000, GALACTIC, ECLIPTIC
			   fk4, fk5, b1950, j2000, galactic, ecliptic */
    int sysout, i;

    if (nowcs (wcs))

    /* If argument is null, set to image system and equinox */
    if (coorsys == NULL || strlen (coorsys) < 1 ||
	!strcmp(coorsys,"IMSYS") || !strcmp(coorsys,"imsys")) {
	sysout = wcs->syswcs;
	strcpy (wcs->radecout, wcs->radecsys);
	wcs->eqout = wcs->equinox;
	if (sysout == WCS_B1950) {
	    if (wcs->eqout != 1950.0) {
		wcs->radecout[0] = 'B';
		sprintf (wcs->radecout+1,"%.4f", wcs->equinox);
		i = strlen(wcs->radecout) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecout[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecout[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecout) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecout[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecout[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecout) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecout[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecout[i] = (char)0;
		strcpy (wcs->radecout, "B1950");
	else if (sysout == WCS_J2000) {
	    if (wcs->eqout != 2000.0) {
		wcs->radecout[0] = 'J';
		sprintf (wcs->radecout+1,"%.4f", wcs->equinox);
		i = strlen(wcs->radecout) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecout[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecout[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecout) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecout[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecout[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecout) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecout[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecout[i] = (char)0;
		strcpy (wcs->radecout, "J2000");

    /* Ignore new coordinate system if it is not supported */
    else {
	if ((sysout = wcscsys (coorsys)) < 0)

	/* Do not try to convert linear or alt-az coordinates */
	if (sysout != wcs->syswcs &&
	    (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR || wcs->syswcs == WCS_ALTAZ))

	strcpy (wcs->radecout, coorsys);
	wcs->eqout = wcsceq (coorsys);

    wcs->sysout = sysout;
    if (wcs->wcson) {

	/* Set output in degrees flag and number of decimal places */
	if (wcs->sysout == WCS_GALACTIC || wcs->sysout == WCS_ECLIPTIC ||
	    wcs->sysout == WCS_PLANET) {
	    wcs->degout = 1;
	    wcs->ndec = 5;
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_ALTAZ) {
	    wcs->degout = 1;
	    wcs->ndec = 5;
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_NPOLE || wcs->sysout == WCS_SPA) {
	    wcs->degout = 1;
	    wcs->ndec = 5;
	else {
	    wcs->degout = 0;
	    wcs->ndec = 3;

/* Return current value of WCS output coordinate system set by -wcsout */
char *
struct	WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate system structure */
    if (nowcs (wcs))
	return (NULL);

/* Initialize WCS input coordinate system for use by WCS2PIX() */

wcsininit (wcs, coorsys)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
char	*coorsys;	/* Input world coordinate system:
			   FK4, FK5, B1950, J2000, GALACTIC, ECLIPTIC
			   fk4, fk5, b1950, j2000, galactic, ecliptic */
    int sysin, i;

    if (nowcs (wcs))

    /* If argument is null, set to image system and equinox */
    if (coorsys == NULL || strlen (coorsys) < 1) {
	wcs->sysin = wcs->syswcs;
	strcpy (wcs->radecin, wcs->radecsys);
	wcs->eqin = wcs->equinox;
	if (wcs->sysin == WCS_B1950) {
	    if (wcs->eqin != 1950.0) {
		wcs->radecin[0] = 'B';
		sprintf (wcs->radecin+1,"%.4f", wcs->equinox);
		i = strlen(wcs->radecin) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecin[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecin[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecin) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecin[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecin[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecin) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecin[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecin[i] = (char)0;
		strcpy (wcs->radecin, "B1950");
	else if (wcs->sysin == WCS_J2000) {
	    if (wcs->eqin != 2000.0) {
		wcs->radecin[0] = 'J';
		sprintf (wcs->radecin+1,"%.4f", wcs->equinox);
		i = strlen(wcs->radecin) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecin[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecin[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecin) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecin[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecin[i] = (char)0;
		i = strlen(wcs->radecin) - 1;
		if (wcs->radecin[i] == '0')
		    wcs->radecin[i] = (char)0;
		strcpy (wcs->radecin, "J2000");

    /* Ignore new coordinate system if it is not supported */
    if ((sysin = wcscsys (coorsys)) < 0)

    wcs->sysin = sysin;
    wcs->eqin = wcsceq (coorsys);
    strcpy (wcs->radecin, coorsys);

/* Return current value of WCS input coordinate system set by wcsininit */
char *
getwcsin (wcs)
struct	WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate system structure */
    if (nowcs (wcs))
	return (NULL);
	return (wcs->radecin);

/* Set WCS output in degrees or hh:mm:ss dd:mm:ss, returning old flag value */
setwcsdeg(wcs, new)
struct	WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
int	new;		/* 1: degrees, 0: h:m:s d:m:s */
    int old;

    if (nowcs (wcs))
	return (0);
    old = wcs->degout;
    wcs->degout = new;
    if (new == 1 && old == 0 && wcs->ndec == 3)
	wcs->ndec = 6;
    if (new == 0 && old == 1 && wcs->ndec == 5)
	wcs->ndec = 3;

/* Set number of decimal places in pix2wcst output string */
wcsndec (wcs, ndec)
struct	WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
int	ndec;		/* Number of decimal places in output string */
			/* If < 0, return current unchanged value */
    if (nowcs (wcs))
	return (0);
    else if (ndec >= 0)
	wcs->ndec = ndec;
    return (wcs->ndec);

/* Return current value of coordinate system */
char *
struct     WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate system structure */
    if (nowcs (wcs))
	return (NULL);
	return (wcs->radecsys);

/* Set output string mode for LINEAR coordinates */

setwcslin (wcs, mode)
struct	WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate system structure */
int	mode;		/* mode = 0: x y linear
			   mode = 1: x units x units
			   mode = 2: x y linear units */
    if (iswcs (wcs))
	wcs->linmode = mode;

/* Convert pixel coordinates to World Coordinate string */

pix2wcst (wcs, xpix, ypix, wcstring, lstr)

struct	WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	xpix,ypix;	/* Image coordinates in pixels */
char	*wcstring;	/* World coordinate string (returned) */
int	lstr;		/* Length of world coordinate string (returned) */
	double	xpos,ypos;
	char	rastr[32], decstr[32];
	int	minlength, lunits, lstring;

	if (nowcs (wcs)) {
	    if (lstr > 0)
		wcstring[0] = 0;

	pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,ypix,&xpos,&ypos);

	/* If point is off scale, set string accordingly */
	if (wcs->offscl) {
	    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"Off map");
	    return (1);

	/* Print coordinates in degrees */
	else if (wcs->degout == 1) {
	    minlength = 9 + (2 * wcs->ndec);
	    if (lstr > minlength) {
		deg2str (rastr, 32, xpos, wcs->ndec);
		deg2str (decstr, 32, ypos, wcs->ndec);
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"%s	%s", rastr, decstr);
		    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"%s %s", rastr, decstr);
		lstr = lstr - minlength;
	    else {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strncpy (wcstring,"*********	**********",lstr);
		    strncpy (wcstring,"*******************",lstr);
		lstr = 0;

	/* print coordinates in sexagesimal notation */
	else if (wcs->degout == 0) {
	    minlength = 18 + (2 * wcs->ndec);
	    if (lstr > minlength) {
		if (wcs->sysout == WCS_J2000 || wcs->sysout == WCS_B1950) {
		    ra2str (rastr, 32, xpos, wcs->ndec);
		    dec2str (decstr, 32, ypos, wcs->ndec-1);
		else {
		    dec2str (rastr, 32, xpos, wcs->ndec);
		    dec2str (decstr, 32, ypos, wcs->ndec);
		if (wcs->tabsys) {
		    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"%s	%s", rastr, decstr);
		else {
		    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"%s %s", rastr, decstr);
	        lstr = lstr - minlength;
	    else {
		if (wcs->tabsys) {
		    strncpy (wcstring,"*************	*************",lstr);
		else {
		    strncpy (wcstring,"**************************",lstr);
		lstr = 0;

	/* Label galactic coordinates */
	if (wcs->sysout == WCS_GALACTIC) {
	    if (lstr > 9 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	galactic");
		    strcat (wcstring," galactic");

	/* Label ecliptic coordinates */
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_ECLIPTIC) {
	    if (lstr > 9 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	ecliptic");
		    strcat (wcstring," ecliptic");

	/* Label planet coordinates */
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_PLANET) {
	    if (lstr > 9 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	planet");
		    strcat (wcstring," planet");

	/* Label alt-az coordinates */
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_ALTAZ) {
	    if (lstr > 7 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	alt-az");
		    strcat (wcstring," alt-az");

	/* Label north pole angle coordinates */
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_NPOLE) {
	    if (lstr > 7 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	long-npa");
		    strcat (wcstring," long-npa");

	/* Label south pole angle coordinates */
	else if (wcs->sysout == WCS_SPA) {
	    if (lstr > 7 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	long-spa");
		    strcat (wcstring," long-spa");

	/* Label equatorial coordinates */
	else if (wcs->sysout==WCS_B1950 || wcs->sysout==WCS_J2000) {
	    if (lstr > (int) strlen(wcs->radecout)+1 && wcs->printsys) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strcat (wcstring,"	");
		    strcat (wcstring," ");
		strcat (wcstring, wcs->radecout);

	/* Output linear coordinates */
	else {
	    num2str (rastr, xpos, 0, wcs->ndec);
	    num2str (decstr, ypos, 0, wcs->ndec);
	    lstring = strlen (rastr) + strlen (decstr) + 1;
	    lunits = strlen (wcs->units[0]) + strlen (wcs->units[1]) + 2;
	    if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR && wcs->linmode == 1) {
		if (lstr > lstring + lunits) {
		    if (strlen (wcs->units[0]) > 0) {
			strcat (rastr, " ");
			strcat (rastr, wcs->units[0]);
		    if (strlen (wcs->units[1]) > 0) {
			strcat (decstr, " ");
			strcat (decstr, wcs->units[1]);
		    lstring = lstring + lunits;
	    if (lstr > lstring) {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"%s	%s", rastr, decstr);
		    (void)sprintf (wcstring,"%s %s", rastr, decstr);
	    else {
		if (wcs->tabsys)
		    strncpy (wcstring,"**********	*********",lstr);
		    strncpy (wcstring,"*******************",lstr);
	    if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR && wcs->linmode != 1 &&
		lstr > lstring + 7)
		strcat (wcstring, " linear");
	    if (wcs->syswcs == WCS_LINEAR && wcs->linmode == 2 &&
		lstr > lstring + lunits + 7) {
		if (strlen (wcs->units[0]) > 0) {
		    strcat (wcstring, " ");
		    strcat (wcstring, wcs->units[0]);
		if (strlen (wcs->units[1]) > 0) {
		    strcat (wcstring, " ");
		    strcat (wcstring, wcs->units[1]);
	return (1);

/* Convert pixel coordinates to World Coordinates */

pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,ypix,xpos,ypos)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;		/* World coordinate system structure */
double	xpix,ypix;	/* x and y image coordinates in pixels */
double	*xpos,*ypos;	/* RA and Dec in degrees (returned) */
    double	xpi, ypi, xp, yp;
    double	eqin, eqout;
    int wcspos();

    if (nowcs (wcs))
    wcs->xpix = xpix;
    wcs->ypix = ypix;
    wcs->zpix = zpix;
    wcs->offscl = 0;

    /* If this WCS is converted from another WCS rather than pixels, convert now */
    if (wcs->wcs != NULL) {
	pix2wcs (wcs->wcs, xpix, ypix, &xpi, &ypi);
    else {
	pix2foc (wcs, xpix, ypix, &xpi, &ypi);

    /* Convert image coordinates to sky coordinates */

    /* Use Digitized Sky Survey plate fit */
    if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_DSS) {
	if (dsspos (xpi, ypi, wcs, &xp, &yp))
	    wcs->offscl = 1;

    /* Use SAO plate fit */
    else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_PLT) {
	if (platepos (xpi, ypi, wcs, &xp, &yp))
	    wcs->offscl = 1;

    /* Use NOAO IRAF corrected plane tangent projection */
    else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_TNX) {
	if (tnxpos (xpi, ypi, wcs, &xp, &yp))
	    wcs->offscl = 1;

    /* Use NOAO IRAF corrected zenithal projection */
    else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_ZPX) {
	if (zpxpos (xpi, ypi, wcs, &xp, &yp))
	    wcs->offscl = 1;

    /* Use Classic AIPS projections */
    else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_OLD || wcs->prjcode <= 0) {
	if (worldpos (xpi, ypi, wcs, &xp, &yp))
	    wcs->offscl = 1;

    /* Use Mark Calabretta's WCSLIB projections */
    else if (wcspos (xpi, ypi, wcs, &xp, &yp))
	wcs->offscl = 1;

    /* Do not change coordinates if offscale */
    if (wcs->offscl) {
	*xpos = 0.0;
	*ypos = 0.0;
    else {

	/* Convert coordinates to output system, if not LINEAR */
        if (wcs->prjcode > 0) {

	    /* Convert coordinates to desired output system */
	    eqin = wcs->equinox;
	    eqout = wcs->eqout;
	    wcscon (wcs->syswcs,wcs->sysout,eqin,eqout,&xp,&yp,wcs->epoch);
	if (wcs->latbase == 90)
	    yp = 90.0 - yp;
	else if (wcs->latbase == -90)
	    yp = yp - 90.0;
	wcs->xpos = xp;
	wcs->ypos = yp;
	*xpos = xp;
	*ypos = yp;

    /* Keep RA/longitude within range if spherical coordinate output
       (Not LINEAR or XY) */
    if (wcs->sysout > 0 && wcs->sysout != 6 && wcs->sysout != 10) {
	if (*xpos < 0.0)
	    *xpos = *xpos + 360.0;
	else if (*xpos > 360.0)
	    *xpos = *xpos - 360.0;


/* Convert World Coordinates to pixel coordinates */

wcs2pix (wcs, xpos, ypos, xpix, ypix, offscl)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	xpos,ypos;	/* World coordinates in degrees */
double	*xpix,*ypix;	/* Image coordinates in pixels */
int	*offscl;	/* 0 if within bounds, else off scale */
    wcsc2pix (wcs, xpos, ypos, wcs->radecin, xpix, ypix, offscl);

/* Convert World Coordinates to pixel coordinates */

wcsc2pix (wcs, xpos, ypos, coorsys, xpix, ypix, offscl)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* World coordinate system structure */
double	xpos,ypos;	/* World coordinates in degrees */
char	*coorsys;	/* Input world coordinate system:
			   FK4, FK5, B1950, J2000, GALACTIC, ECLIPTIC
			   fk4, fk5, b1950, j2000, galactic, ecliptic
			   * If NULL, use image WCS */
double	*xpix,*ypix;	/* Image coordinates in pixels */
int	*offscl;	/* 0 if within bounds, else off scale */
    double xp, yp, xpi, ypi;
    double eqin, eqout;
    int sysin;
    int wcspix();

    if (nowcs (wcs))

    *offscl = 0;
    xp = xpos;
    yp = ypos;
    if (wcs->latbase == 90)
	yp = 90.0 - yp;
    else if (wcs->latbase == -90)
	yp = yp - 90.0;
    if (coorsys == NULL) {
	sysin = wcs->syswcs;
	eqin = wcs->equinox;
    else {
	sysin = wcscsys (coorsys);
	eqin = wcsceq (coorsys);
    wcs->zpix = 1.0;

    /* Convert coordinates to same system as image */
    if (sysin > 0 && sysin != 6 && sysin != 10) {
	eqout = wcs->equinox;
	wcscon (sysin, wcs->syswcs, eqin, eqout, &xp, &yp, wcs->epoch);

    /* Convert sky coordinates to image coordinates */

    /* Use Digitized Sky Survey plate fit */
    if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_DSS) {
	if (dsspix (xp, yp, wcs, &xpi, &ypi))
	    *offscl = 1;

    /* Use SAO polynomial plate fit */
    else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_PLT) {
	if (platepix (xp, yp, wcs, &xpi, &ypi))
	    *offscl = 1;

    /* Use NOAO IRAF corrected plane tangent projection */
    else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_TNX) {
	if (tnxpix (xp, yp, wcs, &xpi, &ypi))
	    *offscl = 1;

    /* Use NOAO IRAF corrected zenithal projection */
    else if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_ZPX) {
	if (zpxpix (xp, yp, wcs, &xpi, &ypi))
	    *offscl = 1;

    /* Use Classic AIPS projections */
    else if (wcs->wcsproj == WCS_OLD || wcs->prjcode <= 0) {
	if (worldpix (xp, yp, wcs, &xpi, &ypi))
	    *offscl = 1;

    /* Use Mark Calabretta's WCSLIB projections */
    else if (wcspix (xp, yp, wcs, &xpi, &ypi)) {
	*offscl = 1;

    /* If this WCS is converted from another WCS rather than pixels, convert now */
    if (wcs->wcs != NULL) {
	wcsc2pix (wcs->wcs, xpi, ypi, NULL, xpix, ypix, offscl);
    else {
	foc2pix (wcs, xpi, ypi, xpix, ypix);

	/* Set off-scale flag to 2 if off image but within bounds of projection */
	if (!*offscl) {
	    if (*xpix < 0.5 || *ypix < 0.5)
		*offscl = 2;
	    else if (*xpix > wcs->nxpix + 0.5 || *ypix > wcs->nypix + 0.5)
		*offscl = 2;

    wcs->offscl = *offscl;
    wcs->xpos = xpos;
    wcs->ypos = ypos;
    wcs->xpix = *xpix;
    wcs->ypix = *ypix;


wcspos (xpix, ypix, wcs, xpos, ypos)

/* Input: */
double  xpix;          /* x pixel number  (RA or long without rotation) */
double  ypix;          /* y pixel number  (dec or lat without rotation) */
struct WorldCoor *wcs;  /* WCS parameter structure */

/* Output: */
double  *xpos;           /* x (RA) coordinate (deg) */
double  *ypos;           /* y (dec) coordinate (deg) */
    int offscl;
    int i;
    int wcsrev();
    double wcscrd[4], imgcrd[4], pixcrd[4];
    double phi, theta;
    *xpos = 0.0;
    *ypos = 0.0;

    pixcrd[0] = xpix;
    pixcrd[1] = ypix;
    if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_CSC || wcs->prjcode == WCS_QSC ||
	wcs->prjcode == WCS_TSC)
	pixcrd[2] = (double) (izpix + 1);
	pixcrd[2] = zpix;
    pixcrd[3] = 1.0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	imgcrd[i] = 0.0;
    offscl = wcsrev ((void *)&wcs->ctype, &wcs->wcsl, pixcrd, &wcs->lin, imgcrd,
		    &wcs->prj, &phi, &theta, wcs->crval, &wcs->cel, wcscrd);
    if (offscl == 0) {
	*xpos = wcscrd[wcs->wcsl.lng];
	*ypos = wcscrd[wcs->wcsl.lat];

    return (offscl);

wcspix (xpos, ypos, wcs, xpix, ypix)

/* Input: */
double  xpos;           /* x (RA) coordinate (deg) */
double  ypos;           /* y (dec) coordinate (deg) */
struct WorldCoor *wcs;  /* WCS parameter structure */

/* Output: */
double  *xpix;          /* x pixel number  (RA or long without rotation) */
double  *ypix;          /* y pixel number  (dec or lat without rotation) */

    int offscl;
    int wcsfwd();
    double wcscrd[4], imgcrd[4], pixcrd[4];
    double phi, theta;

    *xpix = 0.0;
    *ypix = 0.0;
    if (wcs->wcsl.flag != WCSSET) {
	if (wcsset (wcs->lin.naxis, (void *)&wcs->ctype, &wcs->wcsl) )
	    return (1);

    /* Set input for WCSLIB subroutines */
    wcscrd[0] = 0.0;
    wcscrd[1] = 0.0;
    wcscrd[2] = 0.0;
    wcscrd[3] = 0.0;
    wcscrd[wcs->wcsl.lng] = xpos;
    wcscrd[wcs->wcsl.lat] = ypos;

    /* Initialize output for WCSLIB subroutines */
    pixcrd[0] = 0.0;
    pixcrd[1] = 0.0;
    pixcrd[2] = 1.0;
    pixcrd[3] = 1.0;
    imgcrd[0] = 0.0;
    imgcrd[1] = 0.0;
    imgcrd[2] = 1.0;
    imgcrd[3] = 1.0;

    /* Invoke WCSLIB subroutines for coordinate conversion */
    offscl = wcsfwd ((void *)&wcs->ctype, &wcs->wcsl, wcscrd, wcs->crval, &wcs->cel,
		     &phi, &theta, &wcs->prj, imgcrd, &wcs->lin, pixcrd);

    if (!offscl) {
	*xpix = pixcrd[0];
	*ypix = pixcrd[1];
	if (wcs->prjcode == WCS_CSC || wcs->prjcode == WCS_QSC ||
	    wcs->prjcode == WCS_TSC)
	    wcs->zpix = pixcrd[2] - 1.0;
	    wcs->zpix = pixcrd[2];
    return (offscl);

/* Set third dimension for cube projections */

wcszin (izpix0)

int	izpix0;		/* coordinate in third dimension
			   (if < 0, return current value without changing it */
    if (izpix0 > -1) {
	izpix = izpix0;
	zpix = (double) izpix0;
    return (izpix);

/* Return third dimension for cube projections */

wcszout (wcs)

struct WorldCoor *wcs;  /* WCS parameter structure */
    return ((int) wcs->zpix);

/* Set file name for error messages */
setwcsfile (filename)
char *filename;	/* FITS or IRAF file with WCS */
{   if (strlen (filename) < 256)
	strcpy (wcsfile, filename);
	strncpy (wcsfile, filename, 255);
    return; }

/* Set error message */
setwcserr (errmsg)
char *errmsg;	/* Error mesage  < 80 char */
{ strcpy (wcserrmsg, errmsg); return; }

/* Print error message */
wcserr ()
{   if (strlen (wcsfile) > 0)
	fprintf (stderr, "%s in file %s\n",wcserrmsg, wcsfile);
	fprintf (stderr, "%s\n",wcserrmsg);
    return; }

/* Flag to use AIPS WCS subroutines instead of WCSLIB */
setdefwcs (wp)
int wp;
{ wcsproj0 = wp; return; }

getdefwcs ()
{ return (wcsproj0); }

/* Save output default coordinate system */
static char wcscoor0[16];

savewcscoor (wcscoor)
char *wcscoor;
{ strcpy (wcscoor0, wcscoor); return; }

/* Return preset output default coordinate system */
char *
getwcscoor ()
{ return (wcscoor0); }

/* Save default commands */
static char *wcscom0[10];

savewcscom (i, wcscom)
int i;
char *wcscom;
    int lcom;
    if (i < 0) i = 0;
    else if (i > 9) i = 9;
    lcom = strlen (wcscom) + 2;
    wcscom0[i] = (char *) calloc (lcom, 1);
    if (wcscom0[i] != NULL)
	strcpy (wcscom0[i], wcscom);

setwcscom (wcs)
struct WorldCoor *wcs;  /* WCS parameter structure */
    char envar[16];
    int i;
    char *str;
    if (nowcs(wcs))
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	if (i == 0)
	    strcpy (envar, "WCS_COMMAND");
	    sprintf (envar, "WCS_COMMAND%d", i);
	if (wcscom0[i] != NULL)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, wcscom0[i]);
	else if ((str = getenv (envar)) != NULL)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, str);
	else if (i == 1)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, "sua2 -ah %s");	/* F1= Search USNO-A2.0 Catalog */
	else if (i == 2)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, "sgsc -ah %s");	/* F2= Search HST GSC */
	else if (i == 3)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, "sty2 -ah %s"); /* F3= Search Tycho-2 Catalog */
	else if (i == 4)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, "sppm -ah %s");	/* F4= Search PPM Catalog */
	else if (i == 5)
	    wcscominit (wcs, i, "ssao -ah %s");	/* F5= Search SAO Catalog */
	    wcs->command_format[i] = NULL;

char *
getwcscom (i)
int i;
{ return (wcscom0[i]); }

freewcscom (wcs)
struct WorldCoor *wcs;  /* WCS parameter structure */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	if (wcscom0[i] != NULL) {
	    free (wcscom0[i]);
	    wcscom0[i] = NULL;
    if (iswcs (wcs)) {
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	    if (wcs->command_format[i] != NULL) {
		free (wcs->command_format[i]);

cpwcs (header, cwcs)

char **header;	/* Pointer to start of FITS header */
char *cwcs;	/* Keyword suffix character for output WCS */
    double tnum;
    int dkwd[100];
    int i, maxnkwd, ikwd, nleft, lbuff, lhead, nkwd, nbytes;
    int nkwdw;
    char **kwd;
    char *newhead, *oldhead;
    char kwdc[16], keyword[16];
    char tstr[80];

    /* Allocate array of keywords to be transferred */
    maxnkwd = 100;
    kwd = (char **)calloc (maxnkwd, sizeof(char *));
    for (ikwd = 0; ikwd < maxnkwd; ikwd++)
	kwd[ikwd] = (char *) calloc (16, 1);

    /* Make list of all possible keywords to be transferred */
    nkwd = 0;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "EPOCH");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "EQUINOX");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "RADECSYS");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 0;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CTYPE1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 0;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CTYPE2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 0;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CRVAL1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CRVAL2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CDELT1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CDELT2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CRPIX1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CRPIX2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CROTA1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CROTA2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CD1_1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CD1_2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CD2_1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "CD2_2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC1_1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC1_2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC2_1");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC2_2");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC001001");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC001002");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC002001");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "PC002002");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "LATPOLE");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], "LONPOLE");
    dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
	sprintf (keyword,"CO1_%d", i);
	strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], keyword);
	dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
	sprintf (keyword,"CO2_%d", i);
	strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], keyword);
	dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	sprintf (keyword,"PROJP%d", i);
	strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], keyword);
	dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPV; i++) {
	sprintf (keyword,"PV1_%d", i);
	strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], keyword);
	dkwd[nkwd] = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPV; i++) {
	sprintf (keyword,"PV2_%d", i);
	strcpy (kwd[++nkwd], keyword);
	dkwd[nkwd] = 1;

    /* Allocate new header buffer if needed */
    lhead = (ksearch (*header, "END") - *header)  + 80;
    lbuff = gethlength (*header);
    nleft = (lbuff - lhead) / 80;
    if (nleft < nkwd) {
	nbytes = lhead + (nkwd * 80) + 400;
	newhead = (char *) calloc (1, nbytes);
	strncpy (newhead, *header, lhead);
	oldhead = *header;
	header = &newhead;
	free (oldhead);
    /* Copy keywords to new WCS ID in header */
    nkwdw = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nkwd; i++) {
	if (dkwd[i]) {
	    if (hgetr8 (*header, kwd[i], &tnum)) {
		if (!strncmp (kwd[i], "PC0", 3)) {
		    if (!strcmp (kwd[i], "PC001001"))
			strcpy (kwdc, "PC1_1");
		    else if (!strcmp (kwd[i], "PC001002"))
			strcpy (kwdc, "PC1_2");
		    else if (!strcmp (kwd[i], "PC002001"))
			strcpy (kwdc, "PC2_1");
			strcpy (kwdc, "PC2_2");
		    strcpy (kwdc, kwd[i]);
		strncat (kwdc, cwcs, 1);
		(void)hputr8 (*header, kwdc, tnum);
	else {
	    if (hgets (*header, kwd[i], 80, tstr)) {
		if (!strncmp (kwd[i], "RADECSYS", 8))
		    strcpy (kwdc, "RADECSY");
		    strcpy (kwdc, kwd[i]);
		strncat (kwdc, cwcs, 1);
		hputs (*header, kwdc, tstr);
    /* Free keyword list array */
    for (ikwd = 0; ikwd < maxnkwd; ikwd++)
	free (kwd[ikwd]);
    free (kwd);
    kwd = NULL;
    return (nkwdw);

/* Oct 28 1994	new program
 * Dec 21 1994	Implement CD rotation matrix
 * Dec 22 1994	Allow RA and DEC to be either x,y or y,x
 * Mar  6 1995	Add Digital Sky Survey plate fit
 * May  2 1995	Add prototype of PIX2WCST to WCSCOM
 * May 25 1995	Print leading zero for hours and degrees
 * Jun 21 1995	Add WCS2PIX to get pixels from WCS
 * Jun 21 1995	Read plate scale from FITS header for plate solution
 * Jul  6 1995	Pass WCS structure as argument; malloc it in WCSINIT
 * Jul  6 1995	Check string lengths in PIX2WCST
 * Aug 16 1995	Add galactic coordinate conversion to PIX2WCST
 * Aug 17 1995	Return 0 from iswcs if wcs structure is not yet set
 * Sep  8 1995	Do not include malloc.h if VMS
 * Sep  8 1995	Check for legal WCS before trying anything
 * Sep  8 1995	Do not try to set WCS if missing key keywords
 * Oct 18 1995	Add WCSCENT and WCSDIST to print center and size of image
 * Nov  6 1995	Include stdlib.h instead of malloc.h
 * Dec  6 1995	Fix format statement in PIX2WCST
 * Dec 19 1995	Change MALLOC to CALLOC to initialize array to zeroes
 * Dec 19 1995	Explicitly initialize rotation matrix and yinc
 * Dec 22 1995	If SECPIX is set, use approximate WCS
 * Dec 22 1995	Always print coordinate system
 * Jan 12 1996	Use plane-tangent, not linear, projection if SECPIX is set
 * Jan 12 1996  Add WCSSET to set WCS without an image
 * Feb 15 1996	Replace all calls to HGETC with HGETS
 * Feb 20 1996	Add tab table output from PIX2WCST
 * Apr  2 1996	Convert all equinoxes to B1950 or J2000
 * Apr 26 1996	Get and use image epoch for accurate FK4/FK5 conversions
 * May 16 1996	Clean up internal documentation
 * May 17 1996	Return width in right ascension degrees, not sky degrees
 * May 24 1996	Remove extraneous print command from WCSSIZE
 * May 28 1996	Add NOWCS and WCSSHIFT subroutines
 * Jun 11 1996	Drop unused variables after running lint
 * Jun 12 1996	Set equinox as well as system in WCSSHIFT
 * Jun 14 1996	Make DSS keyword searches more robust
 * Jul  1 1996	Allow for SECPIX1 and SECPIX2 keywords
 * Jul  2 1996	Test for CTYPE1 instead of CRVAL1
 * Jul  5 1996	Declare all subroutines in wcs.h
 * Jul 19 1996	Add subroutine WCSFULL to return real image size
 * Aug 12 1996	Allow systemless coordinates which cannot be converted
 * Aug 15 1996	Allow LINEAR WCS to pass numbers through transparently
 * Aug 15 1996	Add WCSERR to print error message under calling program control
 * Aug 16 1996	Add latitude and longitude as image coordinate types
 * Aug 26 1996	Fix arguments to HLENGTH in WCSNINIT
 * Aug 28 1996	Explicitly set OFFSCL in WCS2PIX if coordinates outside image
 * Sep  3 1996	Return computed pixel values even if they are offscale
 * Sep  6 1996	Allow filename to be passed by WCSCOM
 * Oct  8 1996	Default to 2000 for EQUINOX and EPOCH and FK5 for RADECSYS
 * Oct  8 1996	If EPOCH is 0 and EQUINOX is not set, default to 1950 and FK4
 * Oct 15 1996  Add comparison when testing an assignment
 * Oct 16 1996  Allow PIXEL CTYPE which means WCS is same as image coordinates
 * Oct 21 1996	Add WCS_COMMAND environment variable
 * Oct 25 1996	Add image scale to WCSCENT
 * Oct 30 1996	Fix bugs in WCS2PIX
 * Oct 31 1996	Fix CD matrix rotation angle computation
 * Oct 31 1996	Use inline degree <-> radian conversion functions
 * Nov  1 1996	Add option to change number of decimal places in PIX2WCST
 * Nov  5 1996	Set wcs->crot to 1 if rotation matrix is used
 * Dec  2 1996	Add altitide/azimuth coordinates
 * Dec 13 1996	Fix search format setting from environment
 * Jan 22 1997	Add ifdef for Eric Mandel (SAOtng)
 * Feb  5 1997	Add wcsout for Eric Mandel
 * Mar 20 1997	Drop unused variable STR in WCSCOM
 * May 21 1997	Do not make pixel coordinates mod 360 in PIX2WCST
 * May 22 1997	Add PIXEL prjcode = -1;
 * Jul 11 1997	Get center pixel x and y from header even if no WCS
 * Aug  7 1997	Add NOAO PIXSCALi keywords for default WCS
 * Oct 15 1997	Do not reset reference pixel in WCSSHIFT
 * Oct 20 1997	Set chip rotation
 * Oct 24 1997	Keep longitudes between 0 and 360, not -180 and +180
 * Nov  5 1997	Do no compute crot and srot; they are now computed in worldpos
 * Dec 16 1997	Set rotation and axis increments from CD matrix
 * Jan  6 1998	Deal with J2000 and B1950 as EQUINOX values (from ST)
 * Jan  7 1998	Read INSTRUME and DETECTOR header keywords
 * Jan  7 1998	Fix tab-separated output
 * Jan  9 1998	Precess coordinates if either FITS projection or *DSS plate*
 * Jan 16 1998	Change PTYPE to not include initial hyphen
 * Jan 16 1998	Change WCSSET to WCSXINIT to avoid conflict with Calabretta
 * Jan 23 1998	Change PCODE to PRJCODE to avoid conflict with Calabretta
 * Jan 27 1998	Add LATPOLE and LONGPOLE for Calabretta projections
 * Feb  5 1998	Make cd and dc into vectors; use matinv() to invert cd
 * Feb  5 1998	In wcsoutinit(), check that corsys is a valid pointer
 * Feb 18 1998	Fix bugs for Calabretta projections
 * Feb 19 1998	Add wcs structure access subroutines from Eric Mandel
 * Feb 19 1998	Add wcsreset() to make sure derived values are reset
 * Feb 19 1998	Always set oldwcs to 1 if NCP projection
 * Feb 19 1998	Add subroutine to set oldwcs default
 * Feb 20 1998	Initialize projection types one at a time for SunOS C
 * Feb 23 1998	Add TNX projection from NOAO; treat it as TAN
 * Feb 23 1998	Compute size based on max and min coordinates, not sides
 * Feb 26 1998	Add code to set center pixel if part of detector array
 * Mar  6 1998	Write 8-character values to RADECSYS
 * Mar  9 1998	Add naxis to WCS structure
 * Mar 16 1998	Use separate subroutine for IRAF TNX projection
 * Mar 20 1998	Set PC matrix if more than two axes and it's not in header
 * Mar 20 1998	Reset lin flag in WCSRESET if CDELTn
 * Mar 20 1998	Set CD matrix with CDELTs and CROTA in wcsinit and wcsreset
 * Mar 20 1998	Allow initialization of rotation angle alone
 * Mar 23 1998	Use dsspos() and dsspix() instead of platepos() and platepix()
 * Mar 24 1998	Set up PLT/PLATE plate polynomial fit using platepos() and platepix()
 * Mar 25 1998	Read plate fit coefficients from header in getwcscoeffs()
 * Mar 27 1998	Check for FITS WCS before DSS WCS
 * Mar 27 1998	Compute scale from edges if xinc and yinc not set in wcscent()
 * Apr  6 1998	Change plate coefficient keywords from PLTij to COi_j
 * Apr  6 1998	Read all coefficients in line instead of with subroutine
 * Apr  7 1998	Change amd_i_coeff to i_coeff
 * Apr  8 1998	Add wcseqset to change equinox after wcs has been set
 * Apr 10 1998	Use separate counters for x and y polynomial coefficients
 * Apr 13 1998	Use CD/CDELT+CDROTA if oldwcs is set
 * Apr 14 1998	Use codes instead of strings for various coordinate systems
 * Apr 14 1998	Separate input coordinate conversion from output conversion
 * Apr 14 1998	Use wcscon() for most coordinate conversion
 * Apr 17 1998	Always compute cdelt[]
 * Apr 17 1998	Deal with reversed axis more correctly
 * Apr 17 1998	Compute rotation angle and approximate CDELTn for polynomial
 * Apr 23 1998	Deprecate xref/yref in favor of crval[]
 * Apr 23 1998	Deprecate xrefpix/yrefpix in favor of crpix[]
 * Apr 23 1998	Add LINEAR to coordinate system types
 * Apr 23 1998	Always use AIPS subroutines for LINEAR or PIXEL
 * Apr 24 1998	Format linear coordinates better
 * Apr 28 1998	Change coordinate system flags to WCS_*
 * Apr 28 1998  Change projection flags to WCS_*
 * Apr 28 1998	Add subroutine wcsc2pix for coordinates to pixels with system
 * Apr 28 1998	Add setlinmode() to set output string mode for LINEAR coordinates
 * Apr 30 1998	Fix bug by setting degree flag for lat and long in wcsinit()
 * Apr 30 1998	Allow leading "-"s in projecting in wcsxinit()
 * May  1 1998	Assign new output coordinate system only if legitimate system
 * May  1 1998	Do not allow oldwcs=1 unless allowed projection
 * May  4 1998	Fix bug in units reading for LINEAR coordinates
 * May  6 1998	Initialize to no CD matrix
 * May  6 1998	Use TAN instead of TNX if oldwcs
 * May 12 1998	Set 3rd and 4th coordinates in wcspos()
 * May 12 1998	Return *xpos and *ypos = 0 in pix2wcs() if offscale
 * May 12 1998	Declare undeclared external subroutines after lint
 * May 13 1998	Add equinox conversion to specified output equinox
 * May 13 1998	Set output or input system to image with null argument
 * May 15 1998	Return reference pixel, cdelts, and rotation for DSS
 * May 20 1998	Fix bad bug so setlinmode() is no-op if wcs not set
 * May 20 1998	Fix bug so getwcsout() returns null pointer if wcs not set
 * May 27 1998	Change WCS_LPR back to WCS_LIN; allow CAR in oldwcs
 * May 28 1998	Go back to old WCSFULL, computing height and width from center
 * May 29 1998	Add wcskinit() to initialize WCS from arguments
 * May 29 1998	Add wcstype() to set projection from arguments
 * May 29 1998	Add wcscdset(), and wcsdeltset() to set scale from arguments
 * Jun  1 1998	In wcstype(), reconstruct ctype for WCS structure
 * Jun 11 1998	Split off header-dependent subroutines to wcsinit.c
 * Jun 18 1998	Add wcspcset() for PC matrix initialization
 * Jun 24 1998	Add string lengths to ra2str(), dec2str, and deg2str() calls
 * Jun 25 1998	Use AIPS software for CAR projection
 * Jun 25 1998	Add wcsndec to set number of decimal places in output string
 * Jul  6 1998	Add wcszin() and wcszout() to use third dimension of images
 * Jul  7 1998	Change setlinmode() to setwcslin(); setdegout() to setwcsdeg()
 * Jul 10 1998	Initialize matrices correctly for naxis > 2 in wcs<>set()
 * Jul 16 1998	Initialize coordinates to be returned in wcspos()
 * Jul 17 1998	Link lin structure arrays to wcs structure arrays
 * Jul 20 1998	In wcscdset() compute sign of xinc and yinc from CD1_1, CD 2_2
 * Jul 20 1998	In wcscdset() compute sign of rotation based on CD1_1, CD 1_2
 * Jul 22 1998	Add wcslibrot() to compute lin() rotation matrix
 * Jul 30 1998	Set wcs->naxes and lin.naxis in wcsxinit() and wcskinit()
 * Aug  5 1998	Use old WCS subroutines to deal with COE projection (for ESO)
 * Aug 14 1998	Add option to print image coordinates with wcscom()
 * Aug 14 1998	Add multiple command options to wcscom*()
 * Aug 31 1998	Declare undeclared arguments to wcspcset()
 * Sep  3 1998	Set CD rotation and cdelts from sky axis position angles
 * Sep 16 1998	Add option to use North Polar Angle instead of Latitude
 * Sep 29 1998	Initialize additional WCS commands from the environment
 * Oct 14 1998	Fix bug in wcssize() which didn't divide dra by cos(dec)
 * Nov 12 1998	Fix sign of CROTA when either axis is reflected
 * Dec  2 1998	Fix non-arcsecond scale factors in wcscent()
 * Dec  2 1998	Add PLANET coordinate system to pix2wcst()

 * Jan 20 1999	Free lin.imgpix and lin.piximg in wcsfree()
 * Feb 22 1999	Fix bug setting latitude reference value of latbase != 0
 * Feb 22 1999	Fix bug so that quad cube faces are 0-5, not 1-6
 * Mar 16 1999	Always initialize all 4 imgcrds and pixcrds in wcspix()
 * Mar 16 1999	Always return (0,0) from wcs2pix if offscale
 * Apr  7 1999	Add code to put file name in error messages
 * Apr  7 1999	Document utility subroutines at end of file
 * May  6 1999	Fix bug printing height of LINEAR image
 * Jun 16 1999	Add wcsrange() to return image RA and Dec limits
 * Jul  8 1999	Always use FK5 and FK4 instead of J2000 and B1950 in RADECSYS
 * Aug 16 1999	Print dd:mm:ss dd:mm:ss if not J2000 or B1950 output
 * Aug 20 1999	Add WCS string argument to wcscom(); don't compute it there
 * Aug 20 1999	Change F3 WCS command default from Tycho to ACT
 * Oct 15 1999	Free wcs using wcsfree()
 * Oct 21 1999	Drop declarations of unused functions after lint
 * Oct 25 1999	Drop out of wcsfree() if wcs is null pointer
 * Nov 17 1999	Fix bug which caused software to miss NCP projection
 * Jan 24 2000	Default to AIPS for NCP, CAR, and COE proj.; if -z use WCSLIB
 * Feb 24 2000	If coorsys is null in wcsc2pix, wcs->radecin is assumed
 * May 10 2000	In wcstype(), default to WCS_LIN, not error (after Bill Joye)
 * Jun 22 2000	In wcsrotset(), leave rotation angle alone in 1-d image
 * Jul  3 2000	Initialize wcscrd[] to zero in wcspix()
 * Feb 20 2001	Add recursion to wcs2pix() and pix2wcs() for dependent WCS's
 * Mar 20 2001	Add braces to avoid ambiguity in if/else groupings
 * Mar 22 2001	Free WCS structure in wcsfree even if it is not filled
 * Sep 12 2001	Fix bug which omitted tab in pix2wcst() galactic coord output
 * Mar  7 2002	Fix bug which gave wrong pa's and rotation for reflected RA
 *		(but correct WCS conversions!)
 * Mar 28 2002	Add SZP projection
 * Apr  3 2002	Synchronize projection types with other subroutines
 * Apr  3 2002	Drop special cases of projections
 * Apr  9 2002	Implement inversion of multiple WCSs in wcsc2pix()
 * Apr 25 2002	Use Tycho-2 catalog instead of ACT in setwcscom()
 * May 13 2002	Free WCSNAME in wcsfree()
 * Mar 31 2003	Add distcode to wcstype()
 * Apr  1 2003	Add calls to foc2pix() in wcs2pix() and pix2foc() in pix2wcs()
 * May 20 2003	Declare argument i in savewcscom()
 * Sep 29 2003	Fix bug to compute width and height correctly in wcsfull()
 * Sep 29 2003	Fix bug to deal with all-sky images orrectly in wcsfull()
 * Oct  1 2003	Rename wcs->naxes to wcs->naxis to match WCSLIB 3.2
 * Nov  3 2003	Set distortion code by calling setdistcode() in wcstype()
 * Dec  3 2003	Add back wcs->naxes for compatibility
 * Dec  3 2003	Add braces in if...else in pix2wcst()
 * Sep 17 2004	If spherical coordinate output, keep 0 < long/RA < 360
 * Sep 17 2004	Fix bug in wcsfull() when wrapping around RA=0:00
 * Nov  1 2004	Keep wcs->rot between 0 and 360
 * Mar  9 2005	Fix bug in wcsrotset() which set rot > 360 to 360
 * Jun 27 2005	Fix ctype in calls to wcs subroutines
 * Jul 21 2005	Fix bug in wcsrange() at RA ~= 0.0
 * Apr 24 2006	Always set inverse CD matrix to 2 dimensions in wcspcset()
 * May  3 2006	(void *) pointers so arguments match type, from Robert Lupton
 * Jun 30 2006	Set only 2-dimensional PC matrix; that is all lin* can deal with
 * Oct 30 2006	In pix2wcs(), do not limit x to between 0 and 360 if XY or LINEAR
 * Oct 30 2006	In wcsc2pix(), do not precess LINEAR or XY coordinates
 * Dec 21 2006	Add cpwcs() to copy WCS keywords to new suffix
 * Jan  4 2007	Fix pointer to header in cpwcs()
 * Jan  5 2007	Drop declarations of wcscon(); it is in wcs.h
 * Jan  9 2006	Drop declarations of fk425e() and fk524e(); moved to wcs.h
 * Jan  9 2006	Drop *pix() and *pos() external declarations; moved to wcs.h
 * Jan  9 2006	Drop matinv() external declaration; it is already in wcslib.h
 * Feb 15 2007	If CTYPEi contains DET, set to WCS_PIX projection
 * Feb 23 2007	Fix bug when checking for "DET" in CTYPEi
 * Apr  2 2007	Fix PC to CD matrix conversion
 * Jul 25 2007	Compute distance between two coordinates using d2v3()
 * Apr  7 2010	In wcstype() set number of WCS projections from NWCSTYPE
 * Mar 11 2011	Add NOAO ZPX projection (Frank Valdes)
 * Mar 14 2011	Delete j<=MAXPV PVi_j parameters (for SCAMP polynomials via Ed Los)
 * Mar 17 2011	Fix WCSDEP bug found by Ed Los
 * May  9 2011	Free WCS structure recursively if WCSDEP is used
 * Sep  1 2011	Add TPV projection type for SCAMP TAN with PVs
 * Oct 19 2012	Drop d1 and d2 from wcsdist(); diffi from wcsdist1()
 * Oct 19 2012	Drop depwcs; it's in main wcs structure