/** * xsltICUSort.c: module provided by Richard Jinks to provide a * sort function replacement using ICU, it is not * included in standard due to the size of the ICU * library * * See http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/2002-November/msg00093.html * http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/index.html * * Copyright Richard Jinks */ #define IN_LIBXSLT #include "libxslt.h" #include #include "xslt.h" #include "xsltInternals.h" #include "xsltutils.h" #include "transform.h" #include "templates.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** * xsltICUSortFunction: * @ctxt: a XSLT process context * @sorts: array of sort nodes * @nbsorts: the number of sorts in the array * * reorder the current node list accordingly to the set of sorting * requirement provided by the arry of nodes. * uses the ICU library */ void xsltICUSortFunction(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr *sorts, int nbsorts) { xmlXPathObjectPtr *resultsTab[XSLT_MAX_SORT]; xmlXPathObjectPtr *results = NULL, *res; xmlNodeSetPtr list = NULL; int descending, number, desc, numb; int len = 0; int i, j, incr; int tst; int depth; xmlNodePtr node; xmlXPathObjectPtr tmp; xsltStylePreCompPtr comp; int tempstype[XSLT_MAX_SORT], temporder[XSLT_MAX_SORT]; /* Start ICU change */ UCollator *coll = 0; UConverter *conv; UErrorCode status; UChar *target,*target2; int targetlen, target2len; /* End ICU change */ if ((ctxt == NULL) || (sorts == NULL) || (nbsorts <= 0) || (nbsorts >= XSLT_MAX_SORT)) return; if (sorts[0] == NULL) return; comp = sorts[0]->_private; if (comp == NULL) return; list = ctxt->nodeList; if ((list == NULL) || (list->nodeNr <= 1)) return; /* nothing to do */ for (j = 0; j < nbsorts; j++) { comp = sorts[j]->_private; tempstype[j] = 0; if ((comp->stype == NULL) && (comp->has_stype != 0)) { comp->stype = xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(ctxt, sorts[j], (const xmlChar *) "data-type", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (comp->stype != NULL) { tempstype[j] = 1; if (xmlStrEqual(comp->stype, (const xmlChar *) "text")) comp->number = 0; else if (xmlStrEqual(comp->stype, (const xmlChar *) "number")) comp->number = 1; else { xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, sorts[j], "xsltDoSortFunction: no support for data-type = %s\n", comp->stype); comp->number = 0; /* use default */ } } } temporder[j] = 0; if ((comp->order == NULL) && (comp->has_order != 0)) { comp->order = xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(ctxt, sorts[j], (const xmlChar *) "order", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (comp->order != NULL) { temporder[j] = 1; if (xmlStrEqual(comp->order, (const xmlChar *) "ascending")) comp->descending = 0; else if (xmlStrEqual(comp->order, (const xmlChar *) "descending")) comp->descending = 1; else { xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, sorts[j], "xsltDoSortFunction: invalid value %s for order\n", comp->order); comp->descending = 0; /* use default */ } } } } len = list->nodeNr; resultsTab[0] = xsltComputeSortResult(ctxt, sorts[0]); for (i = 1;i < XSLT_MAX_SORT;i++) resultsTab[i] = NULL; results = resultsTab[0]; comp = sorts[0]->_private; descending = comp->descending; number = comp->number; if (results == NULL) return; /* Start ICU change */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; conv = ucnv_open("UTF8", &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, NULL, "xsltICUSortFunction: Error opening converter\n"); } if(comp->has_lang) coll = ucol_open(comp->lang, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status) || !comp->has_lang) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; coll = ucol_open("en", &status); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, NULL, "xsltICUSortFunction: Error opening collator\n"); } if(comp->lower_first) ucol_setAttribute(coll,UCOL_CASE_FIRST,UCOL_LOWER_FIRST,&status); else ucol_setAttribute(coll,UCOL_CASE_FIRST,UCOL_UPPER_FIRST,&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, NULL, "xsltICUSortFunction: Error setting collator attribute\n"); } /* End ICU change */ /* Shell's sort of node-set */ for (incr = len / 2; incr > 0; incr /= 2) { for (i = incr; i < len; i++) { j = i - incr; if (results[i] == NULL) continue; while (j >= 0) { if (results[j] == NULL) tst = 1; else { if (number) { if (results[j]->floatval == results[j + incr]->floatval) tst = 0; else if (results[j]->floatval > results[j + incr]->floatval) tst = 1; else tst = -1; } else { /* tst = xmlStrcmp(results[j]->stringval, results[j + incr]->stringval); */ /* Start ICU change */ targetlen = xmlStrlen(results[j]->stringval) * 2; target2len = xmlStrlen(results[j + incr]->stringval) * 2; target = xmlMalloc(targetlen * sizeof(UChar)); target2 = xmlMalloc(target2len * sizeof(UChar)); targetlen = ucnv_toUChars(conv, target, targetlen, results[j]->stringval, -1, &status); target2len = ucnv_toUChars(conv, target2, target2len, results[j+incr]->stringval, -1, &status); tst = ucol_strcoll(coll, target, u_strlen(target), target2, u_strlen(target2)); /* End ICU change */ } if (descending) tst = -tst; } if (tst == 0) { /* * Okay we need to use multi level sorts */ depth = 1; while (depth < nbsorts) { if (sorts[depth] == NULL) break; comp = sorts[depth]->_private; if (comp == NULL) break; desc = comp->descending; numb = comp->number; /* * Compute the result of the next level for the * full set, this might be optimized ... or not */ if (resultsTab[depth] == NULL) resultsTab[depth] = xsltComputeSortResult(ctxt, sorts[depth]); res = resultsTab[depth]; if (res == NULL) break; if (res[j] == NULL) tst = 1; else { if (numb) { if (res[j]->floatval == res[j + incr]->floatval) tst = 0; else if (res[j]->floatval > res[j + incr]->floatval) tst = 1; else tst = -1; } else { /* tst = xmlStrcmp(res[j]->stringval, res[j + incr]->stringval); */ /* Start ICU change */ targetlen = xmlStrlen(res[j]->stringval) * 2; target2len = xmlStrlen(res[j + incr]->stringval) * 2; target = xmlMalloc(targetlen * sizeof(UChar)); target2 = xmlMalloc(target2len * sizeof(UChar)); targetlen = ucnv_toUChars(conv, target, targetlen, res[j]->stringval, -1, &status); target2len = ucnv_toUChars(conv, target2, target2len, res[j+incr]->stringval, -1, &status); tst = ucol_strcoll(coll, target, u_strlen(target), target2, u_strlen(target2)); /* End ICU change */ } if (desc) tst = -tst; } /* * if we still can't differenciate at this level * try one level deeper. */ if (tst != 0) break; depth++; } } if (tst == 0) { tst = results[j]->index > results[j + incr]->index; } if (tst > 0) { tmp = results[j]; results[j] = results[j + incr]; results[j + incr] = tmp; node = list->nodeTab[j]; list->nodeTab[j] = list->nodeTab[j + incr]; list->nodeTab[j + incr] = node; depth = 1; while (depth < nbsorts) { if (sorts[depth] == NULL) break; if (resultsTab[depth] == NULL) break; res = resultsTab[depth]; tmp = res[j]; res[j] = res[j + incr]; res[j + incr] = tmp; depth++; } j -= incr; } else break; } } } /* Start ICU change */ ucol_close(coll); ucnv_close(conv); /* End ICU change */ for (j = 0; j < nbsorts; j++) { comp = sorts[j]->_private; if (tempstype[j] == 1) { /* The data-type needs to be recomputed each time */ xmlFree(comp->stype); comp->stype = NULL; } if (temporder[j] == 1) { /* The order needs to be recomputed each time */ xmlFree(comp->order); comp->order = NULL; } if (resultsTab[j] != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < len;i++) xmlXPathFreeObject(resultsTab[j][i]); xmlFree(resultsTab[j]); } } }