/* * Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA * This code has been modified under the terms listed below and is made * available under the same terms. */ /* * Copyright 1993-2004 George A Howlett. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "bltC.h" #include "bltMath.h" extern "C" { #include "bltInt.h" #include "bltGraph.h" }; #include "bltConfig.h" #include "bltGrElem.h" #define CLAMP(x,l,h) ((x) = (((x)<(l))? (l) : ((x)>(h)) ? (h) : (x))) #define PointInRectangle(r,x0,y0) \ (((x0) <= (int)((r)->x + (r)->width - 1)) && ((x0) >= (int)(r)->x) && \ ((y0) <= (int)((r)->y + (r)->height - 1)) && ((y0) >= (int)(r)->y)) typedef struct { float x1, y1, x2, y2; } BarRegion; typedef struct { const char *name; ClassId classId; const char *typeId; unsigned int flags; int refCount; Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr; Tk_OptionTable optionTable; PenConfigureProc *configProc; PenDestroyProc *destroyProc; Graph* graphPtr; // Barchart specific pen fields start here XColor* outlineColor; Tk_3DBorder fill; int borderWidth; int relief; Pixmap stipple; GC fillGC; GC outlineGC; // Error bar attributes int errorBarShow; int errorBarLineWidth; int errorBarCapWidth; XColor* errorBarColor; GC errorBarGC; // Show value attributes int valueShow; const char *valueFormat; TextStyle valueStyle; } BarPen; typedef struct { Weight weight; BarPen* penPtr; XRectangle *bars; int nBars; GraphSegments xeb; GraphSegments yeb; int symbolSize; int errorBarCapWidth; } BarStyle; typedef struct { GraphObj obj; unsigned int flags; int hide; Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr; // Fields specific to elements const char *label; unsigned short row; unsigned short col; int legendRelief; Axis2d axes; ElemCoords coords; ElemValues* w; int *activeIndices; int nActiveIndices; ElementProcs *procsPtr; Tk_OptionTable optionTable; BarPen *activePenPtr; BarPen *normalPenPtr; BarPen *builtinPenPtr; Blt_Chain stylePalette; // Symbol scaling int scaleSymbols; double xRange; double yRange; int state; Blt_ChainLink link; // Fields specific to the barchart element double barWidth; const char *groupName; int *barToData; XRectangle *bars; int *activeToData; XRectangle *activeRects; int nBars; int nActive; int xPad; ElemValues* xError; ElemValues* yError; ElemValues* xHigh; ElemValues* xLow; ElemValues* yHigh; ElemValues* yLow; BarPen builtinPen; GraphSegments xeb; GraphSegments yeb; int errorBarCapWidth; } BarElement; // Defs static void InitBarPen(Graph* graphPtr, BarPen* penPtr); static void ResetBar(BarElement* elemPtr); static PenConfigureProc ConfigurePenProc; static PenDestroyProc DestroyPenProc; static ElementClosestProc ClosestBarProc; static ElementConfigProc ConfigureBarProc; static ElementDestroyProc DestroyBarProc; static ElementDrawProc DrawActiveBarProc; static ElementDrawProc DrawNormalBarProc; static ElementDrawSymbolProc DrawSymbolProc; static ElementExtentsProc GetBarExtentsProc; static ElementToPostScriptProc ActiveBarToPostScriptProc; static ElementToPostScriptProc NormalBarToPostScriptProc; static ElementSymbolToPostScriptProc SymbolToPostScriptProc; static ElementMapProc MapBarProc; static ElementProcs barProcs = { ClosestBarProc, ConfigureBarProc, DestroyBarProc, DrawActiveBarProc, DrawNormalBarProc, DrawSymbolProc, GetBarExtentsProc, ActiveBarToPostScriptProc, NormalBarToPostScriptProc, SymbolToPostScriptProc, MapBarProc, }; // OptionSpecs static Tk_ObjCustomOption styleObjOption = { "style", StyleSetProc, StyleGetProc, NULL, NULL, (ClientData)sizeof(BarStyle) }; extern Tk_ObjCustomOption barPenObjOption; extern Tk_ObjCustomOption pairsObjOption; extern Tk_ObjCustomOption valuesObjOption; extern Tk_ObjCustomOption xAxisObjOption; extern Tk_ObjCustomOption yAxisObjOption; static Tk_OptionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-activepen", "activePen", "ActivePen", "activeBar", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, activePenPtr), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &barPenObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background", STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.fill), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-barwidth", "barWidth", "BarWidth", 0, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, barWidth), 0, NULL, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bd", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-borderwidth", 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bg", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-bindtags", "bindTags", "BindTags", "all", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, obj.tags), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &listObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", STD_BORDERWIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.borderWidth), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-color", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-data", "data", "Data", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, coords), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &pairsObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-errorbarcolor", "errorBarColor", "ErrorBarColor", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.errorBarColor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS,"-errorbarwidth", "errorBarWidth", "ErrorBarWidth", "1", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.errorBarLineWidth), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-errorbarcap", "errorBarCap", "ErrorBarCap", "2", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.errorBarCapWidth), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-fg", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-foreground", 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-fill", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.outlineColor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-hide", "hide", "Hide", "no", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, hide), 0, NULL, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-label", "label", "Label", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, label), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-legendrelief", "legendRelief", "LegendRelief", "flat", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, legendRelief), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-mapx", "mapX", "MapX", "x", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, axes.x), 0, &xAxisObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-mapy", "mapY", "MapY", "y", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, axes.y), 0, &yAxisObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-outline", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-foreground", 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-pen", "pen", "Pen", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, normalPenPtr), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &barPenObjOption}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", "raised", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.relief), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-showerrorbars", "showErrorBars", "ShowErrorBars", "both", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.errorBarShow), 0, &fillObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-showvalues", "showValues", "ShowValues", "none", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.valueShow), 0, &fillObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-stack", "stack", "Stack", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, groupName), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BITMAP, "-stipple", "stipple", "Stipple", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.stipple), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-styles", "styles", "Styles", "", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, stylePalette), 0, &styleObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_ANCHOR, "-valueanchor", "valueAnchor", "ValueAnchor", "s", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.valueStyle.anchor), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-valuecolor", "valueColor", "ValueColor", STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement,builtinPen.valueStyle.color), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_FONT, "-valuefont", "valueFont", "ValueFont", STD_FONT_SMALL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.valueStyle.font), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-valueformat", "valueFormat", "ValueFormat", "%g", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.valueFormat), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-valuerotate", "valueRotate", "ValueRotate", "0", -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, builtinPen.valueStyle.angle), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-weights", "weights", "Weights", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, w), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-x", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-xdata", 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-xdata", "xData", "XData", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, coords.x), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-xerror", "xError", "XError", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, xError), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-xhigh", "xHigh", "XHigh", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, xHigh), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-xlow", "xLow", "XLow", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, xLow), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-y", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-ydata", 0}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-ydata", "yData", "YData", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, coords.y), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-yerror", "yError", "YError", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, yError), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-yhigh", "yHigh", "YHigh", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, yHigh), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-ylow", "yLow", "YLow", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarElement, yLow), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, &valuesObjOption, MAP_ITEM}, {TK_OPTION_END, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, NULL, 0} }; static Tk_OptionSpec barPenOptionSpecs[] = { {TK_OPTION_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background", STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, fill), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bd", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-borderwidth", 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-bg", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", STD_BORDERWIDTH, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, borderWidth), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-errorbarcolor", "errorBarColor", "ErrorBarColor", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, errorBarColor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-errorbarwidth", "errorBarWidth","ErrorBarWidth", "1", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, errorBarLineWidth), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-errorbarcap", "errorBarCap", "ErrorBarCap", "2", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, errorBarCapWidth), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-fg", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-foreground", 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-fill", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-background", 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, outlineColor), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_SYNONYM, "-outline", NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, "-foreground", 0}, {TK_OPTION_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", "raised", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, relief), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-showerrorbars", "showErrorBars", "ShowErrorBars", "both", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, errorBarShow), 0, &fillObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING_TABLE, "-showvalues", "showValues", "ShowValues", "none", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, valueShow), 0, &fillObjOption, 0}, {TK_OPTION_BITMAP, "-stipple", "stipple", "Stipple", NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, stipple), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-type", "type", "Type", "bar", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, typeId), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_ANCHOR, "-valueanchor", "valueAnchor", "ValueAnchor", "s", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, valueStyle.anchor), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_COLOR, "-valuecolor", "valueColor", "ValueColor", STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, valueStyle.color), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_FONT, "-valuefont", "valueFont", "ValueFont", STD_FONT_SMALL, -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, valueStyle.font), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-valueformat", "valueFormat", "ValueFormat", "%g", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, valueFormat), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-valuerotate", "valueRotate", "ValueRotate", "0", -1, Tk_Offset(BarPen, valueStyle.angle), 0, NULL, 0}, {TK_OPTION_END, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, 0, NULL, 0} }; // Create Element* Blt_BarElement(Graph* graphPtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement*)calloc(1, sizeof(BarElement)); elemPtr->procsPtr = &barProcs; elemPtr->builtinPenPtr = &elemPtr->builtinPen; InitBarPen(graphPtr, elemPtr->builtinPenPtr); Tk_InitOptions(graphPtr->interp, (char*)elemPtr->builtinPenPtr, elemPtr->builtinPenPtr->optionTable, graphPtr->tkwin); elemPtr->optionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(graphPtr->interp, optionSpecs); return (Element*)elemPtr; } Pen* Blt_BarPen(Graph* graphPtr, const char *penName) { BarPen* penPtr = (BarPen*)calloc(1, sizeof(BarPen)); InitBarPen(graphPtr, penPtr); penPtr->name = Blt_Strdup(penName); return (Pen*)penPtr; } static void InitBarPen(Graph* graphPtr, BarPen* penPtr) { penPtr->configProc = ConfigurePenProc; penPtr->destroyProc = DestroyPenProc; Blt_Ts_InitStyle(penPtr->valueStyle); penPtr->optionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(graphPtr->interp, barPenOptionSpecs); } static void DestroyBarProc(Graph* graphPtr, Element* basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement*)basePtr; DestroyPenProc(graphPtr, (Pen*)&elemPtr->builtinPen); if (elemPtr->activePenPtr) Blt_FreePen((Pen *)elemPtr->activePenPtr); if (elemPtr->normalPenPtr) Blt_FreePen((Pen *)elemPtr->normalPenPtr); ResetBar(elemPtr); if (elemPtr->stylePalette) { Blt_FreeStylePalette(elemPtr->stylePalette); Blt_Chain_Destroy(elemPtr->stylePalette); } if (elemPtr->activeIndices) free(elemPtr->activeIndices); } static void DestroyPenProc(Graph* graphPtr, Pen* basePtr) { BarPen* penPtr = (BarPen*)basePtr; Blt_Ts_FreeStyle(graphPtr->display, &penPtr->valueStyle); if (penPtr->outlineGC) Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, penPtr->outlineGC); if (penPtr->fillGC) Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, penPtr->fillGC); if (penPtr->errorBarGC) Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, penPtr->errorBarGC); Tk_FreeConfigOptions((char*)penPtr, penPtr->optionTable, graphPtr->tkwin); } // Configure static int ConfigureBarProc(Graph* graphPtr, Element *basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; Blt_ChainLink link; BarStyle *stylePtr; if (ConfigurePenProc(graphPtr, (Pen*)&elemPtr->builtinPen)!= TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } // Point to the static normal pen if no external pens have been selected. link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); if (!link) { link = Blt_Chain_AllocLink(sizeof(BarStyle)); Blt_Chain_LinkAfter(elemPtr->stylePalette, link, NULL); } stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->penPtr = NORMALPEN(elemPtr); return TCL_OK; } static int ConfigurePenProc(Graph* graphPtr, Pen *basePtr) { BarPen* penPtr = (BarPen*)basePtr; int screenNum = Tk_ScreenNumber(graphPtr->tkwin); XGCValues gcValues; unsigned long gcMask; GC newGC; // outlineGC gcMask = GCForeground | GCLineWidth; gcValues.line_width = LineWidth(penPtr->errorBarLineWidth); if (penPtr->outlineColor) gcValues.foreground = penPtr->outlineColor->pixel; else if (penPtr->fill) gcValues.foreground = Tk_3DBorderColor(penPtr->fill)->pixel; newGC = Tk_GetGC(graphPtr->tkwin, gcMask, &gcValues); if (penPtr->outlineGC) Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, penPtr->outlineGC); penPtr->outlineGC = newGC; newGC = NULL; if (penPtr->stipple != None) { // Handle old-style -stipple specially gcMask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFillStyle | GCStipple; gcValues.foreground = BlackPixel(graphPtr->display, screenNum); gcValues.background = WhitePixel(graphPtr->display, screenNum); if (penPtr->fill) gcValues.foreground = Tk_3DBorderColor(penPtr->fill)->pixel; else if (penPtr->outlineColor) gcValues.foreground = penPtr->outlineColor->pixel; gcValues.stipple = penPtr->stipple; gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled; newGC = Tk_GetGC(graphPtr->tkwin, gcMask, &gcValues); } if (penPtr->fillGC) Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, penPtr->fillGC); penPtr->fillGC = newGC; // errorBarGC gcMask = GCForeground | GCLineWidth; XColor* colorPtr = penPtr->errorBarColor; if (!colorPtr) colorPtr = penPtr->outlineColor; gcValues.foreground = colorPtr->pixel; gcValues.line_width = LineWidth(penPtr->errorBarLineWidth); newGC = Tk_GetGC(graphPtr->tkwin, gcMask, &gcValues); if (penPtr->errorBarGC) Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, penPtr->errorBarGC); penPtr->errorBarGC = newGC; return TCL_OK; } // Support static void ResetStylePalette(Blt_Chain stylePalette) { Blt_ChainLink link; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->xeb.length = stylePtr->yeb.length = 0; stylePtr->nBars = 0; } } static void CheckBarStacks(Graph* graphPtr, Axis2d *pairPtr, double *minPtr, double *maxPtr) { BarGroup *gp, *gend; if ((graphPtr->barMode != BARS_STACKED) || (graphPtr->nBarGroups == 0)) return; for (gp = graphPtr->barGroups, gend = gp + graphPtr->nBarGroups; gp < gend; gp++) { if ((gp->axes.x == pairPtr->x) && (gp->axes.y == pairPtr->y)) { /* * Check if any of the y-values (because of stacking) are greater * than the current limits of the graph. */ if (gp->sum < 0.0f) { if (*minPtr > gp->sum) { *minPtr = gp->sum; } } else { if (*maxPtr < gp->sum) { *maxPtr = gp->sum; } } } } } static void GetBarExtentsProc(Element *basePtr, Region2d *regPtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; Graph* graphPtr; double middle, barWidth; int nPoints; graphPtr = elemPtr->obj.graphPtr; regPtr->top = regPtr->left = DBL_MAX; regPtr->bottom = regPtr->right = -DBL_MAX; if (!elemPtr->coords.x || !elemPtr->coords.y || !elemPtr->coords.x->nValues || !elemPtr->coords.y->nValues) return; nPoints = NUMBEROFPOINTS(elemPtr); barWidth = graphPtr->barWidth; if (elemPtr->barWidth > 0.0f) barWidth = elemPtr->barWidth; middle = 0.5; regPtr->left = elemPtr->coords.x->min - middle; regPtr->right = elemPtr->coords.x->max + middle; regPtr->top = elemPtr->coords.y->min; regPtr->bottom = elemPtr->coords.y->max; if (regPtr->bottom < graphPtr->baseline) { regPtr->bottom = graphPtr->baseline; } // Handle stacked bar elements specially. // If element is stacked, the sum of its ordinates may be outside the // minimum/maximum limits of the element's data points. if ((graphPtr->barMode == BARS_STACKED) && (graphPtr->nBarGroups > 0)) CheckBarStacks(graphPtr, &elemPtr->axes, ®Ptr->top, ®Ptr->bottom); // Warning: You get what you deserve if the x-axis is logScale if (elemPtr->axes.x->logScale) { regPtr->left = Blt_FindElemValuesMinimum(elemPtr->coords.x, DBL_MIN) + middle; } // Fix y-min limits for barchart if (elemPtr->axes.y->logScale) { if ((regPtr->top <= 0.0) || (regPtr->top > 1.0)) regPtr->top = 1.0; } else { if (regPtr->top > 0.0) regPtr->top = 0.0; } // Correct the extents for error bars if they exist if (elemPtr->xError && (elemPtr->xError->nValues > 0)) { nPoints = MIN(elemPtr->xError->nValues, nPoints); for (int ii=0; iicoords.x->values[ii] + elemPtr->xError->values[ii]; if (x > regPtr->right) regPtr->right = x; x = elemPtr->coords.x->values[ii] - elemPtr->xError->values[ii]; if (elemPtr->axes.x->logScale) { // Mirror negative values, instead of ignoring them if (x < 0.0) x = -x; if ((x > DBL_MIN) && (x < regPtr->left)) regPtr->left = x; } else if (x < regPtr->left) regPtr->left = x; } } else { if ((elemPtr->xHigh) && (elemPtr->xHigh->nValues > 0) && (elemPtr->xHigh->max > regPtr->right)) regPtr->right = elemPtr->xHigh->max; if (elemPtr->xLow && (elemPtr->xLow->nValues > 0)) { double left; if ((elemPtr->xLow->min <= 0.0) && (elemPtr->axes.x->logScale)) left = Blt_FindElemValuesMinimum(elemPtr->xLow, DBL_MIN); else left = elemPtr->xLow->min; if (left < regPtr->left) regPtr->left = left; } } if (elemPtr->yError && (elemPtr->yError->nValues > 0)) { nPoints = MIN(elemPtr->yError->nValues, nPoints); for (int ii=0; iicoords.y->values[ii] + elemPtr->yError->values[ii]; if (y > regPtr->bottom) regPtr->bottom = y; y = elemPtr->coords.y->values[ii] - elemPtr->yError->values[ii]; if (elemPtr->axes.y->logScale) { // Mirror negative values, instead of ignoring them if (y < 0.0) y = -y; if ((y > DBL_MIN) && (y < regPtr->left)) regPtr->top = y; } else if (y < regPtr->top) regPtr->top = y; } } else { if ((elemPtr->yHigh) && (elemPtr->yHigh->nValues > 0) && (elemPtr->yHigh->max > regPtr->bottom)) regPtr->bottom = elemPtr->yHigh->max; if (elemPtr->yLow && elemPtr->yLow->nValues > 0) { double top; if ((elemPtr->yLow->min <= 0.0) && (elemPtr->axes.y->logScale)) top = Blt_FindElemValuesMinimum(elemPtr->yLow, DBL_MIN); else top = elemPtr->yLow->min; if (top < regPtr->top) regPtr->top = top; } } } static void ClosestBarProc(Graph* graphPtr, Element *basePtr) { ClosestSearch* searchPtr = &graphPtr->search; BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; XRectangle *bp; double minDist; int imin; int i; minDist = searchPtr->dist; imin = 0; for (bp = elemPtr->bars, i = 0; i < elemPtr->nBars; i++, bp++) { Point2d *pp, *pend; Point2d outline[5]; double left, right, top, bottom; if (PointInRectangle(bp, searchPtr->x, searchPtr->y)) { imin = elemPtr->barToData[i]; minDist = 0.0; break; } left = bp->x, top = bp->y; right = (double)(bp->x + bp->width); bottom = (double)(bp->y + bp->height); outline[4].x = outline[3].x = outline[0].x = left; outline[4].y = outline[1].y = outline[0].y = top; outline[2].x = outline[1].x = right; outline[3].y = outline[2].y = bottom; for (pp = outline, pend = outline + 4; pp < pend; pp++) { Point2d t; double dist; t = Blt_GetProjection(searchPtr->x, searchPtr->y, pp, pp + 1); if (t.x > right) { t.x = right; } else if (t.x < left) { t.x = left; } if (t.y > bottom) { t.y = bottom; } else if (t.y < top) { t.y = top; } dist = hypot((t.x - searchPtr->x), (t.y - searchPtr->y)); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; imin = elemPtr->barToData[i]; } } } if (minDist < searchPtr->dist) { searchPtr->elemPtr = (Element *)elemPtr; searchPtr->dist = minDist; searchPtr->index = imin; searchPtr->point.x = elemPtr->coords.x ? (double)elemPtr->coords.x->values[imin] : 0; searchPtr->point.y = elemPtr->coords.y ? (double)elemPtr->coords.y->values[imin] : 0; } } static void MergePens(BarElement* elemPtr, BarStyle **dataToStyle) { if (Blt_Chain_GetLength(elemPtr->stylePalette) < 2) { Blt_ChainLink link; BarStyle *stylePtr; link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->nBars = elemPtr->nBars; stylePtr->bars = elemPtr->bars; stylePtr->symbolSize = elemPtr->bars->width / 2; stylePtr->xeb.length = elemPtr->xeb.length; stylePtr->xeb.segments = elemPtr->xeb.segments; stylePtr->yeb.length = elemPtr->yeb.length; stylePtr->yeb.segments = elemPtr->yeb.segments; return; } /* We have more than one style. Group bar segments of like pen styles * together. */ if (elemPtr->nBars > 0) { Blt_ChainLink link; XRectangle *bars, *bp; int *ip, *barToData; bars = (XRectangle*)malloc(elemPtr->nBars * sizeof(XRectangle)); barToData = (int*)malloc(elemPtr->nBars * sizeof(int)); bp = bars, ip = barToData; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { int i; BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->symbolSize = bp->width / 2; stylePtr->bars = bp; for (i = 0; i < elemPtr->nBars; i++) { int iData; iData = elemPtr->barToData[i]; if (dataToStyle[iData] == stylePtr) { *bp++ = elemPtr->bars[i]; *ip++ = iData; } } stylePtr->nBars = bp - stylePtr->bars; } free(elemPtr->bars); free(elemPtr->barToData); elemPtr->bars = bars; elemPtr->barToData = barToData; } if (elemPtr->xeb.length > 0) { Blt_ChainLink link; Segment2d *sp; int *ip; Segment2d* bars = (Segment2d*)malloc(elemPtr->xeb.length * sizeof(Segment2d)); int* map = (int*)malloc(elemPtr->xeb.length * sizeof(int)); sp = bars, ip = map; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { int i; BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->xeb.segments = sp; for (i = 0; i < elemPtr->xeb.length; i++) { int iData; iData = elemPtr->xeb.map[i]; if (dataToStyle[iData] == stylePtr) { *sp++ = elemPtr->xeb.segments[i]; *ip++ = iData; } } stylePtr->xeb.length = sp - stylePtr->xeb.segments; } free(elemPtr->xeb.segments); elemPtr->xeb.segments = bars; free(elemPtr->xeb.map); elemPtr->xeb.map = map; } if (elemPtr->yeb.length > 0) { Blt_ChainLink link; Segment2d *sp; int *ip; Segment2d* bars = (Segment2d*)malloc(elemPtr->yeb.length * sizeof(Segment2d)); int* map = (int*)malloc(elemPtr->yeb.length * sizeof(int)); sp = bars, ip = map; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { int i; BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->yeb.segments = sp; for (i = 0; i < elemPtr->yeb.length; i++) { int iData; iData = elemPtr->yeb.map[i]; if (dataToStyle[iData] == stylePtr) { *sp++ = elemPtr->yeb.segments[i]; *ip++ = iData; } } stylePtr->yeb.length = sp - stylePtr->yeb.segments; } free(elemPtr->yeb.segments); elemPtr->yeb.segments = bars; free(elemPtr->yeb.map); elemPtr->yeb.map = map; } } static void MapActiveBars(BarElement* elemPtr) { if (elemPtr->activeRects) { free(elemPtr->activeRects); elemPtr->activeRects = NULL; } if (elemPtr->activeToData) { free(elemPtr->activeToData); elemPtr->activeToData = NULL; } elemPtr->nActive = 0; if (elemPtr->nActiveIndices > 0) { int i; int count; XRectangle *activeRects = (XRectangle*)malloc(sizeof(XRectangle) * elemPtr->nActiveIndices); int* activeToData = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * elemPtr->nActiveIndices); count = 0; for (i = 0; i < elemPtr->nBars; i++) { int *ip, *iend; for (ip = elemPtr->activeIndices, iend = ip + elemPtr->nActiveIndices; ip < iend; ip++) { if (elemPtr->barToData[i] == *ip) { activeRects[count] = elemPtr->bars[i]; activeToData[count] = i; count++; } } } elemPtr->nActive = count; elemPtr->activeRects = activeRects; elemPtr->activeToData = activeToData; } elemPtr->flags &= ~ACTIVE_PENDING; } static void ResetBar(BarElement* elemPtr) { /* Release any storage associated with the display of the bar */ ResetStylePalette(elemPtr->stylePalette); if (elemPtr->activeRects) free(elemPtr->activeRects); if (elemPtr->activeToData) free(elemPtr->activeToData); if (elemPtr->xeb.segments) free(elemPtr->xeb.segments); if (elemPtr->xeb.map) free(elemPtr->xeb.map); if (elemPtr->yeb.segments) free(elemPtr->yeb.segments); if (elemPtr->yeb.map) free(elemPtr->yeb.map); if (elemPtr->bars) free(elemPtr->bars); if (elemPtr->barToData) free(elemPtr->barToData); elemPtr->activeToData = elemPtr->xeb.map = elemPtr->yeb.map = elemPtr->barToData = NULL; elemPtr->activeRects = elemPtr->bars = NULL; elemPtr->xeb.segments = elemPtr->yeb.segments = NULL; elemPtr->nActive = elemPtr->xeb.length = elemPtr->yeb.length = elemPtr->nBars = 0; } static void MapErrorBars(Graph* graphPtr, BarElement* elemPtr, BarStyle **dataToStyle) { int n, nPoints; Region2d reg; Blt_GraphExtents(graphPtr, ®); nPoints = NUMBEROFPOINTS(elemPtr); n =0; if (elemPtr->coords.x && elemPtr->coords.y) { if (elemPtr->xError && (elemPtr->xError->nValues > 0)) n = MIN(elemPtr->xError->nValues, nPoints); else if (elemPtr->xHigh && elemPtr->xLow) n = MIN3(elemPtr->xHigh->nValues, elemPtr->xLow->nValues, nPoints); } if (n > 0) { Segment2d *bars; Segment2d *segPtr; int *map; int *indexPtr; int i; segPtr = bars = (Segment2d*)malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(Segment2d)); indexPtr = map = (int*)malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { double x, y; double high, low; BarStyle *stylePtr; x = elemPtr->coords.x->values[i]; y = elemPtr->coords.y->values[i]; stylePtr = dataToStyle[i]; if ((isfinite(x)) && (isfinite(y))) { if (elemPtr->xError->nValues > 0) { high = x + elemPtr->xError->values[i]; low = x - elemPtr->xError->values[i]; } else { high = elemPtr->xHigh ? elemPtr->xHigh->values[i] : 0; low = elemPtr->xLow ? elemPtr->xLow->values[i] : 0; } if ((isfinite(high)) && (isfinite(low))) { Point2d p, q; p = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, high, y, &elemPtr->axes); q = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, low, y, &elemPtr->axes); segPtr->p = p; segPtr->q = q; if (Blt_LineRectClip(®, &segPtr->p, &segPtr->q)) { segPtr++; *indexPtr++ = i; } /* Left cap */ segPtr->p.x = segPtr->q.x = p.x; segPtr->p.y = p.y - stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; segPtr->q.y = p.y + stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; if (Blt_LineRectClip(®, &segPtr->p, &segPtr->q)) { segPtr++; *indexPtr++ = i; } /* Right cap */ segPtr->p.x = segPtr->q.x = q.x; segPtr->p.y = q.y - stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; segPtr->q.y = q.y + stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; if (Blt_LineRectClip(®, &segPtr->p, &segPtr->q)) { segPtr++; *indexPtr++ = i; } } } } elemPtr->xeb.segments = bars; elemPtr->xeb.length = segPtr - bars; elemPtr->xeb.map = map; } n =0; if (elemPtr->coords.x && elemPtr->coords.y) { if (elemPtr->yError && (elemPtr->yError->nValues > 0)) n = MIN(elemPtr->yError->nValues, nPoints); else if (elemPtr->yHigh && elemPtr->yLow) n = MIN3(elemPtr->yHigh->nValues, elemPtr->yLow->nValues, nPoints); } if (n > 0) { Segment2d *bars; Segment2d *segPtr; int *map; int *indexPtr; int i; segPtr = bars = (Segment2d*)malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(Segment2d)); indexPtr = map = (int*)malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { double x, y; double high, low; BarStyle *stylePtr; x = elemPtr->coords.x->values[i]; y = elemPtr->coords.y->values[i]; stylePtr = dataToStyle[i]; if ((isfinite(x)) && (isfinite(y))) { if (elemPtr->yError->nValues > 0) { high = y + elemPtr->yError->values[i]; low = y - elemPtr->yError->values[i]; } else { high = elemPtr->yHigh->values[i]; low = elemPtr->yLow->values[i]; } if ((isfinite(high)) && (isfinite(low))) { Point2d p, q; p = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, x, high, &elemPtr->axes); q = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, x, low, &elemPtr->axes); segPtr->p = p; segPtr->q = q; if (Blt_LineRectClip(®, &segPtr->p, &segPtr->q)) { segPtr++; *indexPtr++ = i; } /* Top cap. */ segPtr->p.y = segPtr->q.y = p.y; segPtr->p.x = p.x - stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; segPtr->q.x = p.x + stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; if (Blt_LineRectClip(®, &segPtr->p, &segPtr->q)) { segPtr++; *indexPtr++ = i; } /* Bottom cap. */ segPtr->p.y = segPtr->q.y = q.y; segPtr->p.x = q.x - stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; segPtr->q.x = q.x + stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth; if (Blt_LineRectClip(®, &segPtr->p, &segPtr->q)) { segPtr++; *indexPtr++ = i; } } } } elemPtr->yeb.segments = bars; elemPtr->yeb.length = segPtr - bars; elemPtr->yeb.map = map; } } static void MapBarProc(Graph* graphPtr, Element *basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; BarStyle **dataToStyle; double *x, *y; double barWidth, barOffset; double baseline, ybot; int *barToData; /* Maps bars to data point indices */ int invertBar; int nPoints, count; XRectangle *rp, *bars; int i; int size; ResetBar(elemPtr); if (!elemPtr->coords.x || !elemPtr->coords.y || !elemPtr->coords.x->nValues || !elemPtr->coords.y->nValues) return; nPoints = NUMBEROFPOINTS(elemPtr); barWidth = graphPtr->barWidth; barWidth = (elemPtr->barWidth > 0.0f) ? elemPtr->barWidth:graphPtr->barWidth; baseline = (elemPtr->axes.y->logScale) ? 0.0 : graphPtr->baseline; barOffset = barWidth * 0.5; // Create an array of bars representing the screen coordinates of all the // segments in the bar. bars = (XRectangle*)calloc(nPoints, sizeof(XRectangle)); barToData = (int*)calloc(nPoints, sizeof(int)); x = elemPtr->coords.x->values, y = elemPtr->coords.y->values; count = 0; for (rp = bars, i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) { Point2d c1, c2; /* Two opposite corners of the rectangle * in graph coordinates. */ double dx, dy; int height; double right, left, top, bottom; if (((x[i] - barWidth) > elemPtr->axes.x->axisRange.max) || ((x[i] + barWidth) < elemPtr->axes.x->axisRange.min)) { continue; /* Abscissa is out of range of the * x-axis */ } c1.x = x[i] - barOffset; c1.y = y[i]; c2.x = c1.x + barWidth; c2.y = baseline; /* * If the mode is "aligned" or "stacked" we need to adjust the x or y * coordinates of the two corners. */ if ((graphPtr->nBarGroups > 0) && (graphPtr->barMode != BARS_INFRONT) && (!graphPtr->stackAxes)) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; BarSetKey key; key.value = (float)x[i]; key.axes = elemPtr->axes; key.axes.y = NULL; hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&graphPtr->setTable, (char *)&key); if (hPtr) { Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); const char *name = (elemPtr->groupName) ? elemPtr->groupName : elemPtr->axes.y->obj.name; hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(tablePtr, name); if (hPtr) { double slice, width, offset; BarGroup *groupPtr = (BarGroup*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); slice = barWidth / (double)graphPtr->maxBarSetSize; offset = (slice * groupPtr->index); if (graphPtr->maxBarSetSize > 1) { offset += slice * 0.05; slice *= 0.90; } switch (graphPtr->barMode) { case BARS_STACKED: groupPtr->count++; c2.y = groupPtr->lastY; c1.y += c2.y; groupPtr->lastY = c1.y; c1.x += offset; c2.x = c1.x + slice; break; case BARS_ALIGNED: slice /= groupPtr->nSegments; c1.x += offset + (slice * groupPtr->count); c2.x = c1.x + slice; groupPtr->count++; break; case BARS_OVERLAP: slice /= (groupPtr->nSegments + 1); width = slice + slice; groupPtr->count++; c1.x += offset + (slice * (groupPtr->nSegments - groupPtr->count)); c2.x = c1.x + width; break; case BARS_INFRONT: break; } } } } invertBar = FALSE; if (c1.y < c2.y) { double temp; /* Handle negative bar values by swapping ordinates */ temp = c1.y, c1.y = c2.y, c2.y = temp; invertBar = TRUE; } /* * Get the two corners of the bar segment and compute the rectangle */ ybot = c2.y; c1 = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, c1.x, c1.y, &elemPtr->axes); c2 = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, c2.x, c2.y, &elemPtr->axes); if ((ybot == 0.0) && (elemPtr->axes.y->logScale)) { c2.y = graphPtr->bottom; } if (c2.y < c1.y) { double t; t = c1.y, c1.y = c2.y, c2.y = t; } if (c2.x < c1.x) { double t; t = c1.x, c1.x = c2.x, c2.x = t; } if ((c1.x > graphPtr->right) || (c2.x < graphPtr->left) || (c1.y > graphPtr->bottom) || (c2.y < graphPtr->top)) { continue; } /* Bound the bars horizontally by the width of the graph window */ /* Bound the bars vertically by the position of the axis. */ if (graphPtr->stackAxes) { top = elemPtr->axes.y->screenMin; bottom = elemPtr->axes.y->screenMin + elemPtr->axes.y->screenRange; left = graphPtr->left; right = graphPtr->right; } else { left = top = 0; bottom = right = 10000; /* Shouldn't really have a call to Tk_Width or Tk_Height in * mapping routine. We only want to clamp the bar segment to the * size of the window if we're actually mapped onscreen. */ if (Tk_Height(graphPtr->tkwin) > 1) { bottom = Tk_Height(graphPtr->tkwin); } if (Tk_Width(graphPtr->tkwin) > 1) { right = Tk_Width(graphPtr->tkwin); } } CLAMP(c1.y, top, bottom); CLAMP(c2.y, top, bottom); CLAMP(c1.x, left, right); CLAMP(c2.x, left, right); dx = fabs(c1.x - c2.x); dy = fabs(c1.y - c2.y); if ((dx == 0) || (dy == 0)) { continue; } height = (int)dy; if (invertBar) { rp->y = (short int)MIN(c1.y, c2.y); } else { rp->y = (short int)(MAX(c1.y, c2.y)) - height; } rp->x = (short int)MIN(c1.x, c2.x); rp->width = (short int)dx + 1; rp->width |= 0x1; if (rp->width < 1) { rp->width = 1; } rp->height = height + 1; if (rp->height < 1) { rp->height = 1; } barToData[count] = i; /* Save the data index corresponding to * the rectangle */ count++; rp++; } elemPtr->nBars = count; elemPtr->bars = bars; elemPtr->barToData = barToData; if (elemPtr->nActiveIndices > 0) { MapActiveBars(elemPtr); } size = 20; if (count > 0) { size = bars->width; } { Blt_ChainLink link; /* Set the symbol size of all the pen styles. */ for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); stylePtr->symbolSize = size; stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth = (stylePtr->penPtr->errorBarCapWidth > 0) ? stylePtr->penPtr->errorBarCapWidth : (size * 66666) / 100000; stylePtr->errorBarCapWidth /= 2; } } dataToStyle = (BarStyle**)Blt_StyleMap((Element *)elemPtr); if (((elemPtr->yHigh && elemPtr->yHigh->nValues > 0) && (elemPtr->yLow && elemPtr->yLow->nValues > 0)) || ((elemPtr->xHigh && elemPtr->xHigh->nValues > 0) && (elemPtr->xLow && elemPtr->xLow->nValues > 0)) || (elemPtr->xError && elemPtr->xError->nValues > 0) || (elemPtr->yError && elemPtr->yError->nValues > 0)) { MapErrorBars(graphPtr, elemPtr, dataToStyle); } MergePens(elemPtr, dataToStyle); free(dataToStyle); } static void DrawSymbolProc(Graph* graphPtr, Drawable drawable, Element *basePtr, int x, int y, int size) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; BarPen* penPtr; int radius; penPtr = NORMALPEN(elemPtr); if (!penPtr->fill && !penPtr->outlineColor) return; radius = (size / 2); size--; x -= radius; y -= radius; if (penPtr->fillGC) XSetTSOrigin(graphPtr->display, penPtr->fillGC, x, y); if (penPtr->stipple != None) XFillRectangle(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->fillGC, x, y, size, size); else Tk_Fill3DRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, penPtr->fill, x, y, size, size, penPtr->borderWidth, penPtr->relief); XDrawRectangle(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->outlineGC, x, y, size, size); if (penPtr->fillGC) XSetTSOrigin(graphPtr->display, penPtr->fillGC, 0, 0); } static void SetBackgroundClipRegion(Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_3DBorder border, TkRegion rgn) { Display *display; GC gc; display = Tk_Display(tkwin); gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tkwin, border, TK_3D_LIGHT_GC); TkSetRegion(display, gc, rgn); gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tkwin, border, TK_3D_DARK_GC); TkSetRegion(display, gc, rgn); gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tkwin, border, TK_3D_FLAT_GC); TkSetRegion(display, gc, rgn); } static void UnsetBackgroundClipRegion(Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_3DBorder border) { Display *display; GC gc; display = Tk_Display(tkwin); gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tkwin, border, TK_3D_LIGHT_GC); XSetClipMask(display, gc, None); gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tkwin, border, TK_3D_DARK_GC); XSetClipMask(display, gc, None); gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tkwin, border, TK_3D_FLAT_GC); XSetClipMask(display, gc, None); } static void DrawBarSegments(Graph* graphPtr, Drawable drawable, BarPen* penPtr, XRectangle *bars, int nBars) { TkRegion rgn; { XRectangle clip; clip.x = graphPtr->left; clip.y = graphPtr->top; clip.width = graphPtr->right - graphPtr->left + 1; clip.height = graphPtr->bottom - graphPtr->top + 1; rgn = TkCreateRegion(); TkUnionRectWithRegion(&clip, rgn, rgn); } if (penPtr->fill) { int relief = (penPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_SOLID) ? TK_RELIEF_FLAT: penPtr->relief; int hasOutline = ((relief == TK_RELIEF_FLAT) && penPtr->outlineColor); if (penPtr->stipple != None) TkSetRegion(graphPtr->display, penPtr->fillGC, rgn); SetBackgroundClipRegion(graphPtr->tkwin, penPtr->fill, rgn); if (hasOutline) TkSetRegion(graphPtr->display, penPtr->outlineGC, rgn); XRectangle *rp, *rend; for (rp = bars, rend = rp + nBars; rp < rend; rp++) { if (penPtr->stipple != None) XFillRectangle(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->fillGC, rp->x, rp->y, rp->width, rp->height); else Tk_Fill3DRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, penPtr->fill, rp->x, rp->y, rp->width, rp->height, penPtr->borderWidth, relief); if (hasOutline) XDrawRectangle(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->outlineGC, rp->x, rp->y, rp->width, rp->height); } UnsetBackgroundClipRegion(graphPtr->tkwin, penPtr->fill); if (hasOutline) XSetClipMask(graphPtr->display, penPtr->outlineGC, None); if (penPtr->stipple != None) XSetClipMask(graphPtr->display, penPtr->fillGC, None); } else if (penPtr->outlineColor) { TkSetRegion(graphPtr->display, penPtr->outlineGC, rgn); XDrawRectangles(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->outlineGC, bars, nBars); XSetClipMask(graphPtr->display, penPtr->outlineGC, None); } TkDestroyRegion(rgn); } static void DrawBarValues(Graph* graphPtr, Drawable drawable, BarElement* elemPtr, BarPen* penPtr, XRectangle *bars, int nBars, int *barToData) { XRectangle *rp, *rend; int count; const char *fmt; fmt = penPtr->valueFormat; if (!fmt) { fmt = "%g"; } count = 0; for (rp = bars, rend = rp + nBars; rp < rend; rp++) { Point2d anchorPos; double x, y; char string[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2 + 2]; x = elemPtr->coords.x->values[barToData[count]]; y = elemPtr->coords.y->values[barToData[count]]; count++; if (penPtr->valueShow == SHOW_X) { sprintf_s(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, x); } else if (penPtr->valueShow == SHOW_Y) { sprintf_s(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, y); } else if (penPtr->valueShow == SHOW_BOTH) { sprintf_s(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, x); strcat(string, ","); sprintf_s(string + strlen(string), TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, y); } if (graphPtr->inverted) { anchorPos.y = rp->y + rp->height * 0.5; anchorPos.x = rp->x + rp->width; if (x < graphPtr->baseline) { anchorPos.x -= rp->width; } } else { anchorPos.x = rp->x + rp->width * 0.5; anchorPos.y = rp->y; if (y < graphPtr->baseline) { anchorPos.y += rp->height; } } Blt_DrawText(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, string, &penPtr->valueStyle, (int)anchorPos.x, (int)anchorPos.y); } } static void DrawNormalBarProc(Graph* graphPtr, Drawable drawable, Element *basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; int count; Blt_ChainLink link; count = 0; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); BarPen* penPtr = (BarPen*)stylePtr->penPtr; if (stylePtr->nBars > 0) { DrawBarSegments(graphPtr, drawable, penPtr, stylePtr->bars, stylePtr->nBars); } if ((stylePtr->xeb.length > 0) && (penPtr->errorBarShow & SHOW_X)) { Blt_Draw2DSegments(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->errorBarGC, stylePtr->xeb.segments, stylePtr->xeb.length); } if ((stylePtr->yeb.length > 0) && (penPtr->errorBarShow & SHOW_Y)) { Blt_Draw2DSegments(graphPtr->display, drawable, penPtr->errorBarGC, stylePtr->yeb.segments, stylePtr->yeb.length); } if (penPtr->valueShow != SHOW_NONE) { DrawBarValues(graphPtr, drawable, elemPtr, penPtr, stylePtr->bars, stylePtr->nBars, elemPtr->barToData + count); } count += stylePtr->nBars; } } static void DrawActiveBarProc(Graph* graphPtr, Drawable drawable, Element *basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; if (elemPtr->activePenPtr) { BarPen* penPtr = elemPtr->activePenPtr; if (elemPtr->nActiveIndices > 0) { if (elemPtr->flags & ACTIVE_PENDING) { MapActiveBars(elemPtr); } DrawBarSegments(graphPtr, drawable, penPtr, elemPtr->activeRects, elemPtr->nActive); if (penPtr->valueShow != SHOW_NONE) { DrawBarValues(graphPtr, drawable, elemPtr, penPtr, elemPtr->activeRects, elemPtr->nActive, elemPtr->activeToData); } } else if (elemPtr->nActiveIndices < 0) { DrawBarSegments(graphPtr, drawable, penPtr, elemPtr->bars, elemPtr->nBars); if (penPtr->valueShow != SHOW_NONE) { DrawBarValues(graphPtr, drawable, elemPtr, penPtr, elemPtr->bars, elemPtr->nBars, elemPtr->barToData); } } } } static void SymbolToPostScriptProc(Graph* graphPtr, Blt_Ps ps, Element *basePtr, double x, double y, int size) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; BarPen* penPtr; penPtr = NORMALPEN(elemPtr); if (!penPtr->fill && !penPtr->outlineColor) return; /* * Build a PostScript procedure to draw the fill and outline of the symbol * after the path of the symbol shape has been formed */ Blt_Ps_Append(ps, "\n" "/DrawSymbolProc {\n" "gsave\n "); if (penPtr->stipple != None) { if (penPtr->fill) { Blt_Ps_XSetBackground(ps, Tk_3DBorderColor(penPtr->fill)); Blt_Ps_Append(ps, " gsave fill grestore\n "); } if (penPtr->outlineColor) { Blt_Ps_XSetForeground(ps, penPtr->outlineColor); } else { Blt_Ps_XSetForeground(ps, Tk_3DBorderColor(penPtr->fill)); } Blt_Ps_XSetStipple(ps, graphPtr->display, penPtr->stipple); } else if (penPtr->outlineColor) { Blt_Ps_XSetForeground(ps, penPtr->outlineColor); Blt_Ps_Append(ps, " fill\n"); } Blt_Ps_Append(ps, " grestore\n"); Blt_Ps_Append(ps, "} def\n\n"); Blt_Ps_Format(ps, "%g %g %d Sq\n", x, y, size); } static void SegmentsToPostScript(Graph* graphPtr, Blt_Ps ps, BarPen* penPtr, XRectangle *bars, int nBars) { XRectangle *rp, *rend; if (!penPtr->fill && !penPtr->outlineColor) return; for (rp = bars, rend = rp + nBars; rp < rend; rp++) { if ((rp->width < 1) || (rp->height < 1)) { continue; } if (penPtr->stipple != None) { Blt_Ps_Rectangle(ps, rp->x, rp->y, rp->width - 1, rp->height - 1); if (penPtr->fill) { Blt_Ps_XSetBackground(ps, Tk_3DBorderColor(penPtr->fill)); Blt_Ps_Append(ps, "gsave fill grestore\n"); } if (penPtr->outlineColor) { Blt_Ps_XSetForeground(ps, penPtr->outlineColor); } else { Blt_Ps_XSetForeground(ps, Tk_3DBorderColor(penPtr->fill)); } Blt_Ps_XSetStipple(ps, graphPtr->display, penPtr->stipple); } else if (penPtr->outlineColor) { Blt_Ps_XSetForeground(ps, penPtr->outlineColor); Blt_Ps_XFillRectangle(ps, (double)rp->x, (double)rp->y, (int)rp->width - 1, (int)rp->height - 1); } if ((penPtr->fill) && (penPtr->borderWidth > 0) && (penPtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT)) { Blt_Ps_Draw3DRectangle(ps, penPtr->fill, (double)rp->x, (double)rp->y, (int)rp->width, (int)rp->height, penPtr->borderWidth, penPtr->relief); } } } static void BarValuesToPostScript(Graph* graphPtr, Blt_Ps ps, BarElement* elemPtr, BarPen* penPtr, XRectangle *bars, int nBars, int *barToData) { XRectangle *rp, *rend; int count; const char *fmt; char string[TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2 + 2]; double x, y; Point2d anchorPos; count = 0; fmt = penPtr->valueFormat; if (!fmt) fmt = "%g"; for (rp = bars, rend = rp + nBars; rp < rend; rp++) { x = elemPtr->coords.x->values[barToData[count]]; y = elemPtr->coords.y->values[barToData[count]]; count++; if (penPtr->valueShow == SHOW_X) { sprintf_s(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, x); } else if (penPtr->valueShow == SHOW_Y) { sprintf_s(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, y); } else if (penPtr->valueShow == SHOW_BOTH) { sprintf_s(string, TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, x); strcat(string, ","); sprintf_s(string + strlen(string), TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE, fmt, y); } if (graphPtr->inverted) { anchorPos.y = rp->y + rp->height * 0.5; anchorPos.x = rp->x + rp->width; if (x < graphPtr->baseline) { anchorPos.x -= rp->width; } } else { anchorPos.x = rp->x + rp->width * 0.5; anchorPos.y = rp->y; if (y < graphPtr->baseline) { anchorPos.y += rp->height; } } Blt_Ps_DrawText(ps, string, &penPtr->valueStyle, anchorPos.x, anchorPos.y); } } static void ActiveBarToPostScriptProc(Graph* graphPtr, Blt_Ps ps, Element *basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; if (elemPtr->activePenPtr) { BarPen* penPtr = elemPtr->activePenPtr; if (elemPtr->nActiveIndices > 0) { if (elemPtr->flags & ACTIVE_PENDING) { MapActiveBars(elemPtr); } SegmentsToPostScript(graphPtr, ps, penPtr, elemPtr->activeRects, elemPtr->nActive); if (penPtr->valueShow != SHOW_NONE) { BarValuesToPostScript(graphPtr, ps, elemPtr, penPtr, elemPtr->activeRects, elemPtr->nActive, elemPtr->activeToData); } } else if (elemPtr->nActiveIndices < 0) { SegmentsToPostScript(graphPtr, ps, penPtr, elemPtr->bars, elemPtr->nBars); if (penPtr->valueShow != SHOW_NONE) { BarValuesToPostScript(graphPtr, ps, elemPtr, penPtr, elemPtr->bars, elemPtr->nBars, elemPtr->barToData); } } } } static void NormalBarToPostScriptProc(Graph* graphPtr, Blt_Ps ps, Element *basePtr) { BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement *)basePtr; Blt_ChainLink link; int count; count = 0; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(elemPtr->stylePalette); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { XColor* colorPtr; BarStyle *stylePtr = (BarStyle*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); BarPen* penPtr = (BarPen*)stylePtr->penPtr; if (stylePtr->nBars > 0) { SegmentsToPostScript(graphPtr, ps, penPtr, stylePtr->bars, stylePtr->nBars); } colorPtr = penPtr->errorBarColor; if (!colorPtr) colorPtr = penPtr->outlineColor; if ((stylePtr->xeb.length > 0) && (penPtr->errorBarShow & SHOW_X)) { Blt_Ps_XSetLineAttributes(ps, colorPtr, penPtr->errorBarLineWidth, NULL, CapButt, JoinMiter); Blt_Ps_Draw2DSegments(ps, stylePtr->xeb.segments, stylePtr->xeb.length); } if ((stylePtr->yeb.length > 0) && (penPtr->errorBarShow & SHOW_Y)) { Blt_Ps_XSetLineAttributes(ps, colorPtr, penPtr->errorBarLineWidth, NULL, CapButt, JoinMiter); Blt_Ps_Draw2DSegments(ps, stylePtr->yeb.segments, stylePtr->yeb.length); } if (penPtr->valueShow != SHOW_NONE) { BarValuesToPostScript(graphPtr, ps, elemPtr, penPtr, stylePtr->bars, stylePtr->nBars, elemPtr->barToData + count); } count += stylePtr->nBars; } } void Blt_InitBarSetTable(Graph* graphPtr) { Blt_ChainLink link; int nStacks, nSegs; Tcl_HashTable setTable; int sum, max; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch iter; /* * Free resources associated with a previous frequency table. This includes * the array of frequency information and the table itself */ Blt_DestroyBarSets(graphPtr); if (graphPtr->barMode == BARS_INFRONT) return; Tcl_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->setTable, sizeof(BarSetKey) / sizeof(int)); /* * Initialize a hash table and fill it with unique abscissas. Keep track * of the frequency of each x-coordinate and how many abscissas have * duplicate mappings. */ Tcl_InitHashTable(&setTable, sizeof(BarSetKey) / sizeof(int)); nSegs = nStacks = 0; for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(graphPtr->elements.displayList); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { double *x, *xend; int nPoints; BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); if ((elemPtr->hide) || (elemPtr->obj.classId != CID_ELEM_BAR)) continue; nSegs++; if (elemPtr->coords.x) { nPoints = elemPtr->coords.x->nValues; for (x = elemPtr->coords.x->values, xend = x + nPoints; x < xend; x++) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; BarSetKey key; int isNew; size_t count; const char *name; key.value = *x; key.axes = elemPtr->axes; key.axes.y = NULL; hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&setTable, (char *)&key, &isNew); Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr; if (isNew) { tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)malloc(sizeof(Tcl_HashTable)); Tcl_InitHashTable(tablePtr, TCL_STRING_KEYS); Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, tablePtr); } else tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); name = (elemPtr->groupName) ? elemPtr->groupName : elemPtr->axes.y->obj.name; hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(tablePtr, name, &isNew); if (isNew) count = 1; else { count = (size_t)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); count++; } Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, (ClientData)count); } } } if (setTable.numEntries == 0) return; sum = max = 0; for (hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&setTable, &iter); hPtr; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&iter)) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr2; BarSetKey *keyPtr; int isNew; keyPtr = (BarSetKey *)Tcl_GetHashKey(&setTable, hPtr); hPtr2 = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&graphPtr->setTable, (char *)keyPtr,&isNew); Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr2, tablePtr); if (max < tablePtr->numEntries) { max = tablePtr->numEntries; /* # of stacks in group. */ } sum += tablePtr->numEntries; } Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&setTable); if (sum > 0) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch iter; graphPtr->barGroups = (BarGroup*)calloc(sum, sizeof(BarGroup)); BarGroup *groupPtr = graphPtr->barGroups; for (hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&graphPtr->setTable, &iter); hPtr; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&iter)) { BarSetKey *keyPtr; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr2; Tcl_HashSearch iter2; size_t xcount; Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); keyPtr = (BarSetKey *)Tcl_GetHashKey(&setTable, hPtr); xcount = 0; for (hPtr2 = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(tablePtr, &iter2); hPtr2!=NULL; hPtr2 = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&iter2)) { size_t count; count = (size_t)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr2); groupPtr->nSegments = count; groupPtr->axes = keyPtr->axes; Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr2, groupPtr); groupPtr->index = xcount++; groupPtr++; } } } graphPtr->maxBarSetSize = max; graphPtr->nBarGroups = sum; } void Blt_ComputeBarStacks(Graph* graphPtr) { Blt_ChainLink link; if ((graphPtr->barMode != BARS_STACKED) || (graphPtr->nBarGroups == 0)) return; /* Initialize the stack sums to zero. */ { BarGroup *gp, *gend; for (gp = graphPtr->barGroups, gend = gp + graphPtr->nBarGroups; gp < gend; gp++) { gp->sum = 0.0; } } /* Consider each bar x-y coordinate. Add the ordinates of duplicate * abscissas. */ for (link = Blt_Chain_FirstLink(graphPtr->elements.displayList); link; link = Blt_Chain_NextLink(link)) { double *x, *y, *xend; BarElement* elemPtr = (BarElement*)Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); if ((elemPtr->hide) || (elemPtr->obj.classId != CID_ELEM_BAR)) continue; if (elemPtr->coords.x && elemPtr->coords.y) { for (x = elemPtr->coords.x->values, y = elemPtr->coords.y->values, xend = x + elemPtr->coords.x->nValues; x < xend; x++, y++) { BarSetKey key; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; const char *name; key.value = *x; key.axes = elemPtr->axes; key.axes.y = NULL; hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&graphPtr->setTable, (char *)&key); if (!hPtr) continue; Tcl_HashTable *tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); name = (elemPtr->groupName) ? elemPtr->groupName : elemPtr->axes.y->obj.name; hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(tablePtr, name); if (!hPtr) continue; BarGroup *groupPtr = (BarGroup*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); groupPtr->sum += *y; } } } } void Blt_ResetBarGroups(Graph* graphPtr) { BarGroup* gp; BarGroup* gend; for (gp = graphPtr->barGroups, gend = gp + graphPtr->nBarGroups; gp < gend; gp++) { gp->lastY = 0.0; gp->count = 0; } } void Blt_DestroyBarSets(Graph* graphPtr) { if (graphPtr->barGroups) { free(graphPtr->barGroups); graphPtr->barGroups = NULL; } graphPtr->nBarGroups = 0; Tcl_HashSearch iter; for (Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&graphPtr->setTable, &iter); hPtr; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&iter)) { Tcl_HashTable* tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*)Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); Tcl_DeleteHashTable(tablePtr); free(tablePtr); } Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&graphPtr->setTable); Tcl_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->setTable, sizeof(BarSetKey) / sizeof(int)); }