/* * bltGraph.c -- * * This module implements a graph widget for the BLT toolkit. * * The graph widget was created by Sani Nassif and George Howlett. * * Copyright 1991-2004 George A Howlett. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * To do: * * 2) Update manual pages. * * 3) Update comments. * * 5) Surface, contour, and flow graphs * * 7) Arrows for line markers * */ #include #include #include "bltMath.h" #include "bltGraph.h" #include "bltOp.h" #include "bltBind.h" #include "bltGrElem.h" #include "bltGrLegd.h" #include "bltSwitch.h" #include "bltPicture.h" typedef int (GraphCmdProc)(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv); /* * Objects in the graph have their own class names. These class names are * used for the resource database and bindings. Example. * * option add *X.title "X Axis Title" widgetDefault * .g marker bind BitmapMarker { ... } * * The option database trick is performed by creating a temporary window when * an object is initially configured. The class name of the temporary window * will be from the list below. */ static const char *objectClassNames[] = { "unknown", "XAxis", "YAxis", "BarElement", "ContourElement", "LineElement", "StripElement", "BitmapMarker", "ImageMarker", "LineMarker", "PolygonMarker", "TextMarker", "WindowMarker", }; extern Blt_CustomOption bltLinePenOption; extern Blt_CustomOption bltBarPenOption; extern Blt_CustomOption bltBarModeOption; #define DEF_GRAPH_ASPECT_RATIO "0.0" #define DEF_GRAPH_BAR_BASELINE "0.0" #define DEF_GRAPH_BAR_MODE "normal" #define DEF_GRAPH_BAR_WIDTH "0.9" #define DEF_GRAPH_BACKGROUND STD_NORMAL_BACKGROUND #define DEF_GRAPH_BORDERWIDTH STD_BORDERWIDTH #define DEF_GRAPH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS "yes" #define DEF_GRAPH_BUFFER_GRAPH "1" #define DEF_GRAPH_CURSOR "crosshair" #define DEF_GRAPH_FONT "{Sans Serif} 12" #define DEF_GRAPH_HALO "2m" #define DEF_GRAPH_HALO_BAR "0.1i" #define DEF_GRAPH_HEIGHT "4i" #define DEF_GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND STD_NORMAL_BACKGROUND #define DEF_GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR RGB_BLACK #define DEF_GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH "2" #define DEF_GRAPH_INVERT_XY "0" #define DEF_GRAPH_JUSTIFY "center" #define DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN "0" #define DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN_VAR (char *)NULL #define DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_BACKGROUND RGB_WHITE #define DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_BORDERWIDTH "1" #define DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_PADX "0" #define DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_PADY "0" #define DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_RELIEF "solid" #define DEF_GRAPH_RELIEF "flat" #define DEF_GRAPH_SHOW_VALUES "no" #define DEF_GRAPH_STACK_AXES "no" #define DEF_GRAPH_TAKE_FOCUS "" #define DEF_GRAPH_TITLE (char *)NULL #define DEF_GRAPH_TITLE_COLOR STD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND #define DEF_GRAPH_WIDTH "5i" #define DEF_GRAPH_DATA (char *)NULL #define DEF_GRAPH_DATA_COMMAND (char *)NULL #define DEF_GRAPH_UNMAP_HIDDEN_ELEMENTS "0" static Blt_ConfigSpec configSpecs[] = { {BLT_CONFIG_FLOAT, "-aspect", "aspect", "Aspect", DEF_GRAPH_ASPECT_RATIO, Blt_Offset(Graph, aspect), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_BACKGROUND, "-background", "background", "Background", DEF_GRAPH_BACKGROUND, Blt_Offset(Graph, normalBg), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-barmode", "barMode", "BarMode", DEF_GRAPH_BAR_MODE, Blt_Offset(Graph, mode), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT, &bltBarModeOption}, {BLT_CONFIG_FLOAT, "-barwidth", "barWidth", "BarWidth", DEF_GRAPH_BAR_WIDTH, Blt_Offset(Graph, barWidth), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_FLOAT, "-baseline", "baseline", "Baseline", DEF_GRAPH_BAR_BASELINE, Blt_Offset(Graph, baseline), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bd", "borderWidth", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL,0, 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bg", "background", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0, 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bm", "bottomMargin", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0, 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_GRAPH_BORDERWIDTH, Blt_Offset(Graph, borderWidth), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-bottommargin", "bottomMargin", "Margin", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN, Blt_Offset(Graph, bottomMargin.reqSize), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-bottomvariable", "bottomVariable", "BottomVariable", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN_VAR, Blt_Offset(Graph, bottomMargin.varName), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-bufferelements", "bufferElements", "BufferElements", DEF_GRAPH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS, Blt_Offset(Graph, backingStore), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-buffergraph", "bufferGraph", "BufferGraph", DEF_GRAPH_BUFFER_GRAPH, Blt_Offset(Graph, doubleBuffer), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_ACTIVE_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor", DEF_GRAPH_CURSOR, Blt_Offset(Graph, cursor), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-data", "data", "Data", (char *)NULL, Blt_Offset(Graph, data), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-datacommand", "dataCommand", "DataCommand", (char *)NULL, Blt_Offset(Graph, dataCmd), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-fg", "foreground", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0, 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font", DEF_GRAPH_FONT, Blt_Offset(Graph, titleTextStyle.font), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", DEF_GRAPH_TITLE_COLOR, Blt_Offset(Graph, titleTextStyle.color), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-halo", "halo", "Halo", DEF_GRAPH_HALO, Blt_Offset(Graph, halo), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-height", "height", "Height", DEF_GRAPH_HEIGHT, Blt_Offset(Graph, reqHeight), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_COLOR, "-highlightbackground", "highlightBackground", "HighlightBackground", DEF_GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND, Blt_Offset(Graph, highlightBgColor), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_COLOR, "-highlightcolor", "highlightColor", "HighlightColor", DEF_GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, Blt_Offset(Graph, highlightColor), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-highlightthickness", "highlightThickness", "HighlightThickness", DEF_GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH, Blt_Offset(Graph, highlightWidth), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_BITMASK, "-unmaphiddenelements", "unmapHiddenElements", "UnmapHiddenElements", DEF_GRAPH_UNMAP_HIDDEN_ELEMENTS, Blt_Offset(Graph, flags), ALL_GRAPHS | BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT, (Blt_CustomOption *)UNMAP_HIDDEN}, {BLT_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-invertxy", "invertXY", "InvertXY", DEF_GRAPH_INVERT_XY, Blt_Offset(Graph, inverted), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_JUSTIFY, "-justify", "justify", "Justify", DEF_GRAPH_JUSTIFY, Blt_Offset(Graph, titleTextStyle.justify), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-leftmargin", "leftMargin", "Margin", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN, Blt_Offset(Graph, leftMargin.reqSize), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-leftvariable", "leftVariable", "LeftVariable", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN_VAR, Blt_Offset(Graph, leftMargin.varName), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-lm", "leftMargin", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0, 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_BACKGROUND, "-plotbackground", "plotBackground", "Background", DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_BACKGROUND, Blt_Offset(Graph, plotBg), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-plotborderwidth", "plotBorderWidth", "PlotBorderWidth", DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_BORDERWIDTH, Blt_Offset(Graph, plotBW), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_PAD, "-plotpadx", "plotPadX", "PlotPad", DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_PADX, Blt_Offset(Graph, xPad), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_PAD, "-plotpady", "plotPadY", "PlotPad", DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_PADY, Blt_Offset(Graph, yPad), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_RELIEF, "-plotrelief", "plotRelief", "Relief", DEF_GRAPH_PLOT_RELIEF, Blt_Offset(Graph, plotRelief), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", DEF_GRAPH_RELIEF, Blt_Offset(Graph, relief), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-rightmargin", "rightMargin", "Margin", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN, Blt_Offset(Graph, rightMargin.reqSize), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-rightvariable", "rightVariable", "RightVariable", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN_VAR, Blt_Offset(Graph, rightMargin.varName), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-rm", "rightMargin", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0,0}, {BLT_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-stackaxes", "stackAxes", "StackAxes", DEF_GRAPH_STACK_AXES, Blt_Offset(Graph, stackAxes), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-takefocus", "takeFocus", "TakeFocus", DEF_GRAPH_TAKE_FOCUS, Blt_Offset(Graph, takeFocus), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-title", "title", "Title", DEF_GRAPH_TITLE, Blt_Offset(Graph, title), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-tm", "topMargin", (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0, 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-topmargin", "topMargin", "Margin", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN, Blt_Offset(Graph, topMargin.reqSize), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_STRING, "-topvariable", "topVariable", "TopVariable", DEF_GRAPH_MARGIN_VAR, Blt_Offset(Graph, topMargin.varName), BLT_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-width", "width", "Width", DEF_GRAPH_WIDTH, Blt_Offset(Graph, reqWidth), 0}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-plotwidth", "plotWidth", "PlotWidth", (char *)NULL, Blt_Offset(Graph, reqPlotWidth), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_PIXELS_NNEG, "-plotheight", "plotHeight", "PlotHeight", (char *)NULL, Blt_Offset(Graph, reqPlotHeight), BLT_CONFIG_DONT_SET_DEFAULT}, {BLT_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0} }; static Blt_SwitchParseProc ObjToFormat; static Blt_SwitchCustom formatSwitch = { ObjToFormat, NULL, (ClientData)0, }; typedef struct { const char *name; int width, height; int format; } SnapSwitches; enum SnapFormats { FORMAT_PICTURE, FORMAT_PHOTO, FORMAT_EMF, FORMAT_WMF }; static Blt_SwitchSpec snapSwitches[] = { {BLT_SWITCH_INT_POS, "-width", "width", Blt_Offset(SnapSwitches, width), 0}, {BLT_SWITCH_INT_POS, "-height", "height", Blt_Offset(SnapSwitches, height), 0}, {BLT_SWITCH_CUSTOM, "-format", "format", Blt_Offset(SnapSwitches, format), 0, 0, &formatSwitch}, {BLT_SWITCH_END} }; static Tcl_IdleProc DisplayGraph; static Tcl_FreeProc DestroyGraph; static Tk_EventProc GraphEventProc; Tcl_ObjCmdProc Blt_GraphInstCmdProc; static Blt_BindPickProc PickEntry; static Tcl_ObjCmdProc StripchartCmd; static Tcl_ObjCmdProc BarchartCmd; static Tcl_ObjCmdProc GraphCmd; static Tcl_CmdDeleteProc GraphInstCmdDeleteProc; /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Blt_UpdateGraph -- * * Tells the Tk dispatcher to call the graph display routine at the next * idle point. This request is made only if the window is displayed and * no other redraw request is pending. * * Results: None. * * Side effects: * The window is eventually redisplayed. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Blt_UpdateGraph(ClientData clientData) { Graph *graphPtr = clientData; graphPtr->flags |= REDRAW_WORLD; if ((graphPtr->tkwin != NULL) && !(graphPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING)) { Tcl_DoWhenIdle(DisplayGraph, graphPtr); graphPtr->flags |= REDRAW_PENDING; } } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph -- * * Tells the Tk dispatcher to call the graph display routine at the next * idle point. This request is made only if the window is displayed and * no other redraw request is pending. * * Results: None. * * Side effects: * The window is eventually redisplayed. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph(Graph *graphPtr) { if ((graphPtr->tkwin != NULL) && !(graphPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING)) { Tcl_DoWhenIdle(DisplayGraph, graphPtr); graphPtr->flags |= REDRAW_PENDING; } } const char * Blt_GraphClassName(ClassId classId) { if ((classId >= CID_NONE) && (classId <= CID_MARKER_WINDOW)) { return objectClassNames[classId]; } return NULL; } void Blt_GraphSetObjectClass(GraphObj *graphObjPtr, ClassId classId) { graphObjPtr->classId = classId; graphObjPtr->className = Blt_GraphClassName(classId); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GraphEventProc -- * * This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher for various events on * graphs. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * When the window gets deleted, internal structures get cleaned up. * When it gets exposed, the graph is eventually redisplayed. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void GraphEventProc(ClientData clientData, XEvent *eventPtr) { Graph *graphPtr = clientData; if (eventPtr->type == Expose) { if (eventPtr->xexpose.count == 0) { graphPtr->flags |= REDRAW_WORLD; Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph(graphPtr); } } else if ((eventPtr->type == FocusIn) || (eventPtr->type == FocusOut)) { if (eventPtr->xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) { if (eventPtr->type == FocusIn) { graphPtr->flags |= FOCUS; } else { graphPtr->flags &= ~FOCUS; } graphPtr->flags |= REDRAW_WORLD; Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph(graphPtr); } } else if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) { if (graphPtr->tkwin != NULL) { Blt_DeleteWindowInstanceData(graphPtr->tkwin); graphPtr->tkwin = NULL; Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(graphPtr->interp, graphPtr->cmdToken); } if (graphPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING) { Tcl_CancelIdleCall(DisplayGraph, graphPtr); } Tcl_EventuallyFree(graphPtr, DestroyGraph); } else if (eventPtr->type == ConfigureNotify) { graphPtr->flags |= (MAP_WORLD | REDRAW_WORLD); Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph(graphPtr); } } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GraphInstCmdDeleteProc -- * * This procedure is invoked when a widget command is deleted. If the * widget isn't already in the process of being destroyed, this command * destroys it. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The widget is destroyed. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void GraphInstCmdDeleteProc(ClientData clientData) /* Pointer to widget record. */ { Graph *graphPtr = clientData; if (graphPtr->tkwin != NULL) { /* NULL indicates window has already * been destroyed. */ Tk_Window tkwin; tkwin = graphPtr->tkwin; graphPtr->tkwin = NULL; Blt_DeleteWindowInstanceData(tkwin); Tk_DestroyWindow(tkwin); } } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * AdjustAxisPointers -- * * Sets the axis pointers according to whether the axis is inverted on * not. The axis sites are also reset. * * Results: * None. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void AdjustAxisPointers(Graph *graphPtr) { if (graphPtr->inverted) { graphPtr->leftMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[0]; graphPtr->bottomMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[1]; graphPtr->rightMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[2]; graphPtr->topMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[3]; } else { graphPtr->leftMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[1]; graphPtr->bottomMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[0]; graphPtr->rightMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[3]; graphPtr->topMargin.axes = graphPtr->axisChain[2]; } } static int InitPens(Graph *graphPtr) { Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->penTable, BLT_STRING_KEYS); if (Blt_CreatePen(graphPtr, "activeLine", CID_ELEM_LINE, 0, NULL) == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (Blt_CreatePen(graphPtr, "activeBar", CID_ELEM_BAR, 0, NULL) == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Blt_GraphTags -- * * Sets the binding tags for a graph obj. This routine is called by Tk * when an event occurs in the graph. It fills an array of pointers with * bind tag addresses. * * The object addresses are strings hashed in one of two tag tables: one * for elements and the another for markers. Note that there's only one * binding table for elements and markers. [We don't want to trigger * both a marker and element bind command for the same event.] But we * don't want a marker and element with the same tag name to activate the * others bindings. A tag "all" for markers should mean all markers, not * all markers and elements. As a result, element and marker tags are * stored in separate hash tables, which means we can't generate the same * tag address for both an elements and marker, even if they have the * same name. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * This information will be used by the binding code in bltUtil.c to * determine what graph objects match the current event. The tags are * placed in tagArr and *nTagsPtr is set with the number of tags found. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void Blt_GraphTags( Blt_BindTable table, ClientData object, ClientData context, /* Not used. */ Blt_List list) { GraphObj *graphObjPtr; MakeTagProc *tagProc; Graph *graphPtr; graphPtr = (Graph *)Blt_GetBindingData(table); /* * All graph objects (markers, elements, axes, etc) have the same starting * fields in their structures, such as "classId", "name", "className", and * "tags". */ graphObjPtr = (GraphObj *)object; switch (graphObjPtr->classId) { case CID_ELEM_BAR: case CID_ELEM_CONTOUR: case CID_ELEM_LINE: case CID_ELEM_STRIP: tagProc = Blt_MakeElementTag; break; case CID_AXIS_X: case CID_AXIS_Y: tagProc = Blt_MakeAxisTag; break; case CID_MARKER_BITMAP: case CID_MARKER_IMAGE: case CID_MARKER_LINE: case CID_MARKER_POLYGON: case CID_MARKER_TEXT: case CID_MARKER_WINDOW: tagProc = Blt_MakeMarkerTag; break; case CID_NONE: Blt_Panic("unknown object type"); tagProc = NULL; break; default: Blt_Panic("bogus object type"); tagProc = NULL; break; } assert(graphObjPtr->name != NULL); /* Always add the name of the object to the tag array. */ Blt_List_Append(list, (*tagProc)(graphPtr, graphObjPtr->name), 0); Blt_List_Append(list, (*tagProc)(graphPtr, graphObjPtr->className), 0); if (graphObjPtr->tags != NULL) { const char **p; for (p = graphObjPtr->tags; *p != NULL; p++) { Blt_List_Append(list, (*tagProc) (graphPtr, *p), 0); } } } /* * Find the closest point from the set of displayed elements, searching * the display list from back to front. That way, if the points from * two different elements overlay each other exactly, the one that's on * top (visible) is picked. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static ClientData PickEntry(ClientData clientData, int x, int y, ClientData *contextPtr) { Graph *graphPtr = clientData; Blt_ChainLink link; Element *elemPtr; Marker *markerPtr; Region2d exts; if (graphPtr->flags & MAP_ALL) { return NULL; /* Don't pick anything until the next * redraw occurs. */ } Blt_GraphExtents(graphPtr, &exts); if ((x >= exts.right) || (x < exts.left) || (y >= exts.bottom) || (y < exts.top)) { /* * Sample coordinate is in one of the graph margins. Can only pick an * axis. */ return Blt_NearestAxis(graphPtr, x, y); } /* * From top-to-bottom check: * 1. markers drawn on top (-under false). * 2. elements using its display list back to front. * 3. markers drawn under element (-under true). */ markerPtr = Blt_NearestMarker(graphPtr, x, y, FALSE); if (markerPtr != NULL) { return markerPtr; /* Found a marker (-under false). */ } { ClosestSearch search; search.along = SEARCH_BOTH; search.halo = graphPtr->halo; search.index = -1; search.x = x; search.y = y; search.dist = (double)(search.halo + 1); search.mode = SEARCH_AUTO; for (link = Blt_Chain_LastLink(graphPtr->elements.displayList); link != NULL; link = Blt_Chain_PrevLink(link)) { elemPtr = Blt_Chain_GetValue(link); if (elemPtr->flags & (HIDE|MAP_ITEM)) { continue; } if (elemPtr->state == STATE_NORMAL) { (*elemPtr->procsPtr->closestProc) (graphPtr, elemPtr, &search); } } if (search.dist <= (double)search.halo) { return search.elemPtr; /* Found an element within the minimum * halo distance. */ } } markerPtr = Blt_NearestMarker(graphPtr, x, y, TRUE); if (markerPtr != NULL) { return markerPtr; /* Found a marker (-under true) */ } return NULL; /* Nothing found. */ } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ConfigureGraph -- * * Allocates resources for the graph. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Configuration information, such as text string, colors, font, etc. get * set for graphPtr; old resources get freed, if there were any. The * graph is redisplayed. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ConfigureGraph(Graph *graphPtr) { XColor *colorPtr; GC newGC; XGCValues gcValues; unsigned long gcMask; /* Don't allow negative bar widths. Reset to an arbitrary value (0.1) */ if (graphPtr->barWidth <= 0.0f) { graphPtr->barWidth = 0.8f; } graphPtr->inset = graphPtr->borderWidth + graphPtr->highlightWidth; if ((graphPtr->reqHeight != Tk_ReqHeight(graphPtr->tkwin)) || (graphPtr->reqWidth != Tk_ReqWidth(graphPtr->tkwin))) { Tk_GeometryRequest(graphPtr->tkwin, graphPtr->reqWidth, graphPtr->reqHeight); } Tk_SetInternalBorder(graphPtr->tkwin, graphPtr->borderWidth); colorPtr = Blt_BackgroundBorderColor(graphPtr->normalBg); graphPtr->titleWidth = graphPtr->titleHeight = 0; if (graphPtr->title != NULL) { unsigned int w, h; Blt_Ts_GetExtents(&graphPtr->titleTextStyle, graphPtr->title, &w, &h); graphPtr->titleHeight = h; } /* * Create GCs for interior and exterior regions, and a background GC for * clearing the margins with XFillRectangle */ /* Margin GC */ gcValues.foreground = Blt_Ts_GetForeground(graphPtr->titleTextStyle)->pixel; gcValues.background = colorPtr->pixel; gcMask = (GCForeground | GCBackground); newGC = Tk_GetGC(graphPtr->tkwin, gcMask, &gcValues); if (graphPtr->drawGC != NULL) { Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, graphPtr->drawGC); } graphPtr->drawGC = newGC; if (graphPtr->plotBg != NULL) { Blt_SetBackgroundChangedProc(graphPtr->plotBg, Blt_UpdateGraph, graphPtr); } if (graphPtr->normalBg != NULL) { Blt_SetBackgroundChangedProc(graphPtr->normalBg, Blt_UpdateGraph, graphPtr); } if (Blt_ConfigModified(configSpecs, "-invertxy", (char *)NULL)) { /* * If the -inverted option changed, we need to readjust the pointers * to the axes and recompute the their scales. */ AdjustAxisPointers(graphPtr); graphPtr->flags |= RESET_AXES; } if ((!graphPtr->backingStore) && (graphPtr->cache != None)) { /* * Free the pixmap if we're not buffering the display of elements * anymore. */ Tk_FreePixmap(graphPtr->display, graphPtr->cache); graphPtr->cache = None; } /* * Reconfigure the crosshairs, just in case the background color of the * plotarea has been changed. */ Blt_ConfigureCrosshairs(graphPtr); /* * Update the layout of the graph (and redraw the elements) if any of the * following graph options which affect the size of * the plotting area * has changed. * * -aspect * -borderwidth, -plotborderwidth * -font, -title * -width, -height * -invertxy * -bottommargin, -leftmargin, -rightmargin, -topmargin, * -barmode, -barwidth */ if (Blt_ConfigModified(configSpecs, "-invertxy", "-title", "-font", "-*margin", "-*width", "-height", "-barmode", "-*pad*", "-aspect", "-*borderwidth", "-plot*", "-*width", "-*height", "-unmaphiddenelements", (char *)NULL)) { graphPtr->flags |= RESET_WORLD | CACHE_DIRTY; } if (Blt_ConfigModified(configSpecs, "-plot*", "-*background", (char *)NULL)) { graphPtr->flags |= CACHE_DIRTY; } graphPtr->flags |= REDRAW_WORLD; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DestroyGraph -- * * This procedure is invoked by Tcl_EventuallyFree or Tcl_Release to * clean up the internal structure of a graph at a safe time (when no-one * is using it anymore). * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Everything associated with the widget is freed up. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DestroyGraph(char* dataPtr) { Graph *graphPtr = (Graph *)dataPtr; Blt_FreeOptions(configSpecs, (char *)graphPtr, graphPtr->display, 0); /* * Destroy the individual components of the graph: elements, markers, * axes, legend, display lists etc. Be careful to remove them in * order. For example, axes are used by elements and markers, so they have * to be removed after the markers and elements. Same it true with the * legend and pens (they use elements), so can't be removed until the * elements are destroyed. */ Blt_DestroyMarkers(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyElements(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyLegend(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyAxes(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyPens(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyCrosshairs(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyPageSetup(graphPtr); Blt_DestroyBarSets(graphPtr); /* Destroy table clients after elements are destroyed. */ Blt_DestroyTableClients(graphPtr); if (graphPtr->bindTable != NULL) { Blt_DestroyBindingTable(graphPtr->bindTable); } /* Release allocated X resources and memory. */ if (graphPtr->drawGC != NULL) { Tk_FreeGC(graphPtr->display, graphPtr->drawGC); } Blt_Ts_FreeStyle(graphPtr->display, &graphPtr->titleTextStyle); if (graphPtr->cache != None) { Tk_FreePixmap(graphPtr->display, graphPtr->cache); } free(graphPtr); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * CreateGraph -- * * This procedure creates and initializes a new widget. * * Results: * The return value is a pointer to a structure describing the new * widget. If an error occurred, then the return value is NULL and an * error message is left in interp->result. * * Side effects: * Memory is allocated, a Tk_Window is created, etc. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Graph * CreateGraph(Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv, ClassId classId) { Graph *graphPtr; Tk_Window tkwin; tkwin = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, Tk_MainWindow(interp), Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), (char *)NULL); if (tkwin == NULL) { return NULL; } graphPtr = calloc(1, sizeof(Graph)); /* Initialize the graph data structure. */ graphPtr->tkwin = tkwin; graphPtr->display = Tk_Display(tkwin); graphPtr->interp = interp; graphPtr->classId = classId; graphPtr->backingStore = TRUE; graphPtr->doubleBuffer = TRUE; graphPtr->borderWidth = 2; graphPtr->plotBW = 1; graphPtr->highlightWidth = 2; graphPtr->plotRelief = TK_RELIEF_SOLID; graphPtr->relief = TK_RELIEF_FLAT; graphPtr->flags = RESET_WORLD; graphPtr->nextMarkerId = 1; graphPtr->padLeft = graphPtr->padRight = 0; graphPtr->padTop = graphPtr->padBottom = 0; graphPtr->bottomMargin.site = MARGIN_BOTTOM; graphPtr->leftMargin.site = MARGIN_LEFT; graphPtr->topMargin.site = MARGIN_TOP; graphPtr->rightMargin.site = MARGIN_RIGHT; Blt_Ts_InitStyle(graphPtr->titleTextStyle); Blt_Ts_SetAnchor(graphPtr->titleTextStyle, TK_ANCHOR_N); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->axes.table, BLT_STRING_KEYS); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->axes.tagTable, BLT_STRING_KEYS); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->elements.table, BLT_STRING_KEYS); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->elements.tagTable, BLT_STRING_KEYS); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->markers.table, BLT_STRING_KEYS); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->markers.tagTable, BLT_STRING_KEYS); Blt_InitHashTable(&graphPtr->dataTables, BLT_STRING_KEYS); graphPtr->elements.displayList = Blt_Chain_Create(); graphPtr->markers.displayList = Blt_Chain_Create(); graphPtr->axes.displayList = Blt_Chain_Create(); switch (classId) { case CID_ELEM_LINE: Tk_SetClass(tkwin, "Graph"); break; case CID_ELEM_BAR: Tk_SetClass(tkwin, "Barchart"); break; case CID_ELEM_STRIP: Tk_SetClass(tkwin, "Stripchart"); default: Tk_SetClass(tkwin, "???"); break; } Blt_SetWindowInstanceData(tkwin, graphPtr); if (InitPens(graphPtr) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (Blt_ConfigureWidgetFromObj(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc - 2, objv + 2, (char *)graphPtr, 0) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (Blt_DefaultAxes(graphPtr) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } AdjustAxisPointers(graphPtr); if (Blt_CreatePageSetup(graphPtr) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (Blt_CreateCrosshairs(graphPtr) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (Blt_CreateLegend(graphPtr) != TCL_OK) { goto error; } Tk_CreateEventHandler(graphPtr->tkwin, ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask, GraphEventProc, graphPtr); graphPtr->cmdToken = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), Blt_GraphInstCmdProc, graphPtr, GraphInstCmdDeleteProc); ConfigureGraph(graphPtr); graphPtr->bindTable = Blt_CreateBindingTable(interp, tkwin, graphPtr, PickEntry, Blt_GraphTags); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, objv[1]); return graphPtr; error: DestroyGraph((char*)graphPtr); return NULL; } /* Widget sub-commands */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int XAxisOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int margin; margin = (graphPtr->inverted) ? MARGIN_LEFT : MARGIN_BOTTOM; return Blt_AxisOp(interp, graphPtr, margin, objc, objv); } static int X2AxisOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int margin; margin = (graphPtr->inverted) ? MARGIN_RIGHT : MARGIN_TOP; return Blt_AxisOp(interp, graphPtr, margin, objc, objv); } static int YAxisOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int margin; margin = (graphPtr->inverted) ? MARGIN_BOTTOM : MARGIN_LEFT; return Blt_AxisOp(interp, graphPtr, margin, objc, objv); } static int Y2AxisOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int margin; margin = (graphPtr->inverted) ? MARGIN_TOP : MARGIN_RIGHT; return Blt_AxisOp(interp, graphPtr, margin, objc, objv); } static int BarOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return Blt_ElementOp(graphPtr, interp, objc, objv, CID_ELEM_BAR); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int LineOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return Blt_ElementOp(graphPtr, interp, objc, objv, CID_ELEM_LINE); } static int ElementOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return Blt_ElementOp(graphPtr, interp, objc, objv, graphPtr->classId); } static int ConfigureOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int flags; flags = BLT_CONFIG_OBJV_ONLY; if (objc == 2) { return Blt_ConfigureInfoFromObj(interp, graphPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, (char *)graphPtr, (Tcl_Obj *)NULL, flags); } else if (objc == 3) { return Blt_ConfigureInfoFromObj(interp, graphPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, (char *)graphPtr, objv[2], flags); } else { if (Blt_ConfigureWidgetFromObj(interp, graphPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, objc - 2, objv + 2, (char *)graphPtr, flags) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } ConfigureGraph(graphPtr); Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph(graphPtr); return TCL_OK; } } /* ARGSUSED*/ static int CgetOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return Blt_ConfigureValueFromObj(interp, graphPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, (char *)graphPtr, objv[2], 0); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ExtentsOp -- * * Reports the size of one of several items within the graph. The * following are valid items: * * "bottommargin" Height of the bottom margin * "leftmargin" Width of the left margin * "legend" x y w h of the legend * "plotarea" x y w h of the plotarea * "plotheight" Height of the plot area * "rightmargin" Width of the right margin * "topmargin" Height of the top margin * "plotwidth" Width of the plot area * * Results: * Always returns TCL_OK. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ARGSUSED*/ static int ExtentsOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { const char *string; char c; int length; string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], &length); c = string[0]; if ((c == 'p') && (length > 4) && (strncmp("plotheight", string, length) == 0)) { int height; height = graphPtr->bottom - graphPtr->top + 1; Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), height); } else if ((c == 'p') && (length > 4) && (strncmp("plotwidth", string, length) == 0)) { int width; width = graphPtr->right - graphPtr->left + 1; Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), width); } else if ((c == 'p') && (length > 4) && (strncmp("plotarea", string, length) == 0)) { Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr; listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **)NULL); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(graphPtr->left)); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(graphPtr->top)); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(graphPtr->right - graphPtr->left + 1)); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(graphPtr->bottom - graphPtr->top + 1)); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr); } else if ((c == 'l') && (length > 2) && (strncmp("legend", string, length) == 0)) { Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr; listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **)NULL); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(Blt_Legend_X(graphPtr))); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(Blt_Legend_Y(graphPtr))); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(Blt_Legend_Width(graphPtr))); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(Blt_Legend_Height(graphPtr))); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr); } else if ((c == 'l') && (length > 2) && (strncmp("leftmargin", string, length) == 0)) { Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), graphPtr->leftMargin.width); } else if ((c == 'r') && (length > 1) && (strncmp("rightmargin", string, length) == 0)) { Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), graphPtr->rightMargin.width); } else if ((c == 't') && (length > 1) && (strncmp("topmargin", string, length) == 0)) { Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), graphPtr->topMargin.height); } else if ((c == 'b') && (length > 1) && (strncmp("bottommargin", string, length) == 0)) { Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), graphPtr->bottomMargin.height); } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad extent item \"", objv[2], "\": should be plotheight, plotwidth, leftmargin, rightmargin, \ topmargin, bottommargin, plotarea, or legend", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * InsideOp -- * * Returns true of false whether the given point is inside the plotting * area (defined by left,bottom right, top). * * Results: * Always returns TCL_OK. interp->result will contain the boolean string * representation. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ARGSUSED*/ static int InsideOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int x, y; Region2d exts; int result; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &x) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &y) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } Blt_GraphExtents(graphPtr, &exts); result = PointInRegion(&exts, x, y); Tcl_SetBooleanObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), result); return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * InvtransformOp -- * * This procedure returns a list of the graph coordinate values * corresponding with the given window X and Y coordinate positions. * * Results: * Returns a standard TCL result. If an error occurred while parsing the * window positions, TCL_ERROR is returned, and interp->result will * contain the error message. Otherwise interp->result will contain a * Tcl list of the x and y coordinates. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int InvtransformOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { double x, y; Point2d point; Axis2d axes; Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr; if ((Blt_ExprDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[2], &x) != TCL_OK) || (Blt_ExprDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[3], &y) != TCL_OK)) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (graphPtr->flags & RESET_AXES) { Blt_ResetAxes(graphPtr); } /* Perform the reverse transformation, converting from window coordinates * to graph data coordinates. Note that the point is always mapped to the * bottom and left axes (which may not be what the user wants). */ /* Pick the first pair of axes */ axes.x = Blt_GetFirstAxis(graphPtr->axisChain[0]); axes.y = Blt_GetFirstAxis(graphPtr->axisChain[1]); point = Blt_InvMap2D(graphPtr, x, y, &axes); listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **)NULL); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(point.x)); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(point.y)); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr); return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TransformOp -- * * This procedure returns a list of the window coordinates corresponding * with the given graph x and y coordinates. * * Results: * Returns a standard TCL result. interp->result contains the list of * the graph coordinates. If an error occurred while parsing the window * positions, TCL_ERROR is returned, then interp->result will contain an * error message. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int TransformOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { double x, y; Point2d point; Axis2d axes; Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr; if ((Blt_ExprDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[2], &x) != TCL_OK) || (Blt_ExprDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[3], &y) != TCL_OK)) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (graphPtr->flags & RESET_AXES) { Blt_ResetAxes(graphPtr); } /* * Perform the transformation from window to graph coordinates. Note that * the points are always mapped onto the bottom and left axes (which may * not be the what the user wants). */ axes.x = Blt_GetFirstAxis(graphPtr->axisChain[0]); axes.y = Blt_GetFirstAxis(graphPtr->axisChain[1]); point = Blt_Map2D(graphPtr, x, y, &axes); listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **)NULL); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(ROUND(point.x))); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewIntObj(ROUND(point.y))); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr); return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ObjToFormat -- * * Convert a string represent a node number into its integer value. * * Results: * The return value is a standard TCL result. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int ObjToFormat( ClientData clientData, /* Not used.*/ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter to send results back to */ const char *switchName, /* Not used. */ Tcl_Obj *objPtr, /* String representation */ char *record, /* Structure record */ int offset, /* Offset to field in structure */ int flags) /* Not used. */ { int *formatPtr = (int *)(record + offset); char c; const char *string; string = Tcl_GetString(objPtr); c = string[0]; if ((c == 'p') && (strcmp(string, "picture") == 0)) { *formatPtr = FORMAT_PHOTO; } else if ((c == 'p') && (strcmp(string, "photo") == 0)) { *formatPtr = FORMAT_PHOTO; } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad format \"", string, "\": should be picture or photo.", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * SnapOp -- * * Snaps a picture of the graph and stores it in the specified image. * * Results: * Returns a standard TCL result. interp->result contains * the list of the graph coordinates. If an error occurred * while parsing the window positions, TCL_ERROR is returned, * then interp->result will contain an error message. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int SnapOp(Graph *graphPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { int result; Pixmap drawable; int i; SnapSwitches switches; /* .g snap ?switches? name */ switches.height = Tk_Height(graphPtr->tkwin); if ((switches.height < 2) && (graphPtr->reqHeight > 0)) { switches.height = graphPtr->reqHeight; } switches.width = Tk_Width(graphPtr->tkwin); if ((switches.width < 2) && (graphPtr->reqWidth > 0)) { switches.width = graphPtr->reqWidth; } switches.format = FORMAT_PICTURE; /* Process switches */ i = Blt_ParseSwitches(interp, snapSwitches, objc - 2, objv + 2, &switches, BLT_SWITCH_OBJV_PARTIAL); if (i < 0) { return TCL_ERROR; } i += 2; if (i >= objc) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "missing name argument: should be \"", Tcl_GetString(objv[0]), "snap ?switches? name\"", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } switches.name = Tcl_GetString(objv[i]); if (switches.width < 2) { switches.width = Tk_ReqWidth(graphPtr->tkwin); } if (switches.height < 2) { switches.width = Tk_ReqHeight(graphPtr->tkwin); } /* Always re-compute the layout of the graph before snapping the picture. */ graphPtr->width = switches.width; graphPtr->height = switches.height; Blt_MapGraph(graphPtr); drawable = Tk_WindowId(graphPtr->tkwin); switch (switches.format) { case FORMAT_PICTURE: case FORMAT_PHOTO: drawable = Tk_GetPixmap(graphPtr->display, drawable, graphPtr->width, graphPtr->height, Tk_Depth(graphPtr->tkwin)); graphPtr->flags |= RESET_WORLD; Blt_DrawGraph(graphPtr, drawable); if (switches.format == FORMAT_PICTURE) { result = Blt_SnapPicture(interp, graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, 0, 0, switches.width, switches.height, switches.width, switches.height, switches.name, 1.0); } else { result = Blt_SnapPhoto(interp, graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, 0, 0, switches.width, switches.height, switches.width, switches.height, switches.name, 1.0); } Tk_FreePixmap(graphPtr->display, drawable); break; default: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad snapshot format", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } graphPtr->flags |= MAP_WORLD; Blt_EventuallyRedrawGraph(graphPtr); return result; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GraphWidgetCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the TCL command that * corresponds to a widget managed by this module. See the user * documentation for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard TCL result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Blt_OpSpec graphOps[] = { {"axis", 1, Blt_VirtualAxisOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"bar", 2, BarOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"cget", 2, CgetOp, 3, 3, "option",}, {"configure", 2, ConfigureOp, 2, 0, "?option value?...",}, {"crosshairs", 2, Blt_CrosshairsOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"element", 2, ElementOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"extents", 2, ExtentsOp, 3, 3, "item",}, {"inside", 3, InsideOp, 4, 4, "winX winY",}, {"invtransform", 3, InvtransformOp, 4, 4, "winX winY",}, {"legend", 2, Blt_LegendOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"line", 2, LineOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"marker", 2, Blt_MarkerOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"pen", 2, Blt_PenOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"postscript", 2, Blt_PostScriptOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"snap", 1, SnapOp, 3, 0, "?switches? name",}, {"transform", 1, TransformOp, 4, 4, "x y",}, {"x2axis", 2, X2AxisOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"xaxis", 2, XAxisOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"y2axis", 2, Y2AxisOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, {"yaxis", 2, YAxisOp, 2, 0, "oper ?args?",}, }; static int nGraphOps = sizeof(graphOps) / sizeof(Blt_OpSpec); int Blt_GraphInstCmdProc(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { GraphCmdProc *proc; int result; Graph *graphPtr = clientData; proc = Blt_GetOpFromObj(interp, nGraphOps, graphOps, BLT_OP_ARG1, objc, objv, 0); if (proc == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_Preserve(graphPtr); result = (*proc) (graphPtr, interp, objc, objv); Tcl_Release(graphPtr); return result; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * NewGraph -- * * Creates a new window and TCL command representing an instance of a * graph widget. * * Results: * A standard TCL result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int NewGraph(Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv, ClassId classId) { Graph *graphPtr; if (objc < 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", Tcl_GetString(objv[0]), " pathName ?option value?...\"", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } graphPtr = CreateGraph(interp, objc, objv, classId); if (graphPtr == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GraphCmd -- * * Creates a new window and TCL command representing an instance of a * graph widget. * * Results: * A standard TCL result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int GraphCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return NewGraph(interp, objc, objv, CID_ELEM_LINE); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * BarchartCmd -- * * Creates a new window and TCL command representing an instance of a * barchart widget. * * Results: * A standard TCL result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int BarchartCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return NewGraph(interp, objc, objv, CID_ELEM_BAR); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * StripchartCmd -- * * Creates a new window and TCL command representing an instance of a * barchart widget. * * Results: * A standard TCL result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int StripchartCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { return NewGraph(interp, objc, objv, CID_ELEM_STRIP); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DrawMargins -- * * Draws the exterior region of the graph (axes, ticks, titles, etc) * onto a pixmap. The interior region is defined by the given rectangle * structure. * * --------------------------------- * | | * | rectArr[0] | * | | * --------------------------------- * | |top right| | * | | | | * | | | | * | [1] | | [2] | * | | | | * | | | | * | | | | * | | | | * | | | | * | |left bottom| | * --------------------------------- * | | * | rectArr[3] | * | | * --------------------------------- * * X coordinate axis * Y coordinate axis * legend * interior border * exterior border * titles (X and Y axis, graph) * * Returns: * None. * * Side Effects: * Exterior of graph is displayed in its window. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DrawMargins(Graph *graphPtr, Drawable drawable) { XRectangle rects[4]; int site; /* * Draw the four outer rectangles which encompass the plotting * surface. This clears the surrounding area and clips the plot. */ rects[0].x = rects[0].y = rects[3].x = rects[1].x = 0; rects[0].width = rects[3].width = (short int)graphPtr->width; rects[0].height = (short int)graphPtr->top; rects[3].y = graphPtr->bottom; rects[3].height = graphPtr->height - graphPtr->bottom; rects[2].y = rects[1].y = graphPtr->top; rects[1].width = graphPtr->left; rects[2].height = rects[1].height = graphPtr->bottom - graphPtr->top; rects[2].x = graphPtr->right; rects[2].width = graphPtr->width - graphPtr->right; Blt_FillBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, rects[0].x, rects[0].y, rects[0].width, rects[0].height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); Blt_FillBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, rects[1].x, rects[1].y, rects[1].width, rects[1].height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); Blt_FillBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, rects[2].x, rects[2].y, rects[2].width, rects[2].height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); Blt_FillBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, rects[3].x, rects[3].y, rects[3].width, rects[3].height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); /* Draw 3D border around the plotting area */ if (graphPtr->plotBW > 0) { int x, y, w, h; x = graphPtr->left - graphPtr->plotBW; y = graphPtr->top - graphPtr->plotBW; w = (graphPtr->right - graphPtr->left) + (2*graphPtr->plotBW); h = (graphPtr->bottom - graphPtr->top) + (2*graphPtr->plotBW); Blt_DrawBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, x, y, w, h, graphPtr->plotBW, graphPtr->plotRelief); } site = Blt_Legend_Site(graphPtr); if (site & LEGEND_MARGIN_MASK) { /* Legend is drawn on one of the graph margins */ Blt_DrawLegend(graphPtr, drawable); } else if (site == LEGEND_WINDOW) { Blt_Legend_EventuallyRedraw(graphPtr); } if (graphPtr->title != NULL) { Blt_DrawText(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->title, &graphPtr->titleTextStyle, graphPtr->titleX, graphPtr->titleY); } Blt_DrawAxes(graphPtr, drawable); graphPtr->flags &= ~DRAW_MARGINS; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DrawPlot -- * * Draws the contents of the plotting area. This consists of the * elements, markers (draw under elements), axis limits, and possibly the * legend. Typically, the output will be cached into a backing store * pixmap, so that redraws can occur quickly. * * Results: * None. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DrawPlot(Graph *graphPtr, Drawable drawable) { int site; DrawMargins(graphPtr, drawable); /* Draw the background of the plotting area with 3D border. */ Blt_FillBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->plotBg, graphPtr->left - graphPtr->plotBW, graphPtr->top - graphPtr->plotBW, graphPtr->right - graphPtr->left + 1 + 2 * graphPtr->plotBW, graphPtr->bottom - graphPtr->top + 1 + 2 * graphPtr->plotBW, graphPtr->plotBW, graphPtr->plotRelief); /* Draw the elements, markers, legend, and axis limits. */ Blt_DrawAxes(graphPtr, drawable); Blt_DrawGrids(graphPtr, drawable); Blt_DrawMarkers(graphPtr, drawable, MARKER_UNDER); site = Blt_Legend_Site(graphPtr); if ((site & LEGEND_PLOTAREA_MASK) && (!Blt_Legend_IsRaised(graphPtr))) { Blt_DrawLegend(graphPtr, drawable); } else if (site == LEGEND_WINDOW) { Blt_Legend_EventuallyRedraw(graphPtr); } Blt_DrawAxisLimits(graphPtr, drawable); Blt_DrawElements(graphPtr, drawable); /* Blt_DrawAxes(graphPtr, drawable); */ } void Blt_MapGraph(Graph *graphPtr) { if (graphPtr->flags & RESET_AXES) { Blt_ResetAxes(graphPtr); } if (graphPtr->flags & LAYOUT_NEEDED) { Blt_LayoutGraph(graphPtr); graphPtr->flags &= ~LAYOUT_NEEDED; } /* Compute coordinate transformations for graph components */ if ((graphPtr->vRange > 1) && (graphPtr->hRange > 1)) { if (graphPtr->flags & MAP_WORLD) { Blt_MapAxes(graphPtr); } Blt_MapElements(graphPtr); Blt_MapMarkers(graphPtr); graphPtr->flags &= ~(MAP_ALL); } } void Blt_DrawGraph(Graph *graphPtr, Drawable drawable) { DrawPlot(graphPtr, drawable); /* Draw markers above elements */ Blt_DrawMarkers(graphPtr, drawable, MARKER_ABOVE); Blt_DrawActiveElements(graphPtr, drawable); /* Don't draw legend in the plot area. */ if ((Blt_Legend_Site(graphPtr) & LEGEND_PLOTAREA_MASK) && (Blt_Legend_IsRaised(graphPtr))) { Blt_DrawLegend(graphPtr, drawable); } /* Draw 3D border just inside of the focus highlight ring. */ if ((graphPtr->borderWidth > 0) && (graphPtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT)) { Blt_DrawBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->width - 2 * graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->height - 2 * graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->borderWidth, graphPtr->relief); } /* Draw focus highlight ring. */ if ((graphPtr->highlightWidth > 0) && (graphPtr->flags & FOCUS)) { GC gc; gc = Tk_GCForColor(graphPtr->highlightColor, drawable); Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(graphPtr->tkwin, gc, graphPtr->highlightWidth, drawable); } } static void UpdateMarginTraces(Graph *graphPtr) { Margin *marginPtr, *endPtr; for (marginPtr = graphPtr->margins, endPtr = marginPtr + 4; marginPtr < endPtr; marginPtr++) { if (marginPtr->varName != NULL) { /* Trigger variable traces */ int size; if ((marginPtr->site == MARGIN_LEFT) || (marginPtr->site == MARGIN_RIGHT)) { size = marginPtr->width; } else { size = marginPtr->height; } Tcl_SetVar(graphPtr->interp, marginPtr->varName, Blt_Itoa(size), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); } } } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DisplayGraph -- * * This procedure is invoked to display a graph widget. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Commands are output to X to display the graph in its current mode. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DisplayGraph(ClientData clientData) { Graph *graphPtr = clientData; Pixmap drawable; Tk_Window tkwin; int site; graphPtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING; if (graphPtr->tkwin == NULL) { return; /* Window has been destroyed (we * should not get here) */ } tkwin = graphPtr->tkwin; if ((Tk_Width(tkwin) <= 1) || (Tk_Height(tkwin) <= 1)) { /* Don't bother computing the layout until the size of the window is * something reasonable. */ return; } graphPtr->width = Tk_Width(tkwin); graphPtr->height = Tk_Height(tkwin); Blt_MapGraph(graphPtr); if (!Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) { /* The graph's window isn't displayed, so don't bother drawing * anything. By getting this far, we've at least computed the * coordinates of the graph's new layout. */ return; } /* Create a pixmap the size of the window for double buffering. */ if (graphPtr->doubleBuffer) { drawable = Tk_GetPixmap(graphPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), graphPtr->width, graphPtr->height, Tk_Depth(tkwin)); } else { drawable = Tk_WindowId(tkwin); } if (graphPtr->backingStore) { if ((graphPtr->cache == None) || (graphPtr->cacheWidth != graphPtr->width) || (graphPtr->cacheHeight != graphPtr->height)) { if (graphPtr->cache != None) { Tk_FreePixmap(graphPtr->display, graphPtr->cache); } graphPtr->cache = Tk_GetPixmap(graphPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), graphPtr->width, graphPtr->height, Tk_Depth(tkwin)); graphPtr->cacheWidth = graphPtr->width; graphPtr->cacheHeight = graphPtr->height; graphPtr->flags |= CACHE_DIRTY; } } if (graphPtr->backingStore) { if (graphPtr->flags & CACHE_DIRTY) { /* The backing store is new or out-of-date. */ DrawPlot(graphPtr, graphPtr->cache); graphPtr->flags &= ~CACHE_DIRTY; } /* Copy the pixmap to the one used for drawing the entire graph. */ XCopyArea(graphPtr->display, graphPtr->cache, drawable, graphPtr->drawGC, 0, 0, Tk_Width(graphPtr->tkwin), Tk_Height(graphPtr->tkwin), 0, 0); } else { DrawPlot(graphPtr, drawable); } /* Draw markers above elements */ Blt_DrawMarkers(graphPtr, drawable, MARKER_ABOVE); Blt_DrawActiveElements(graphPtr, drawable); /* Don't draw legend in the plot area. */ site = Blt_Legend_Site(graphPtr); if ((site & LEGEND_PLOTAREA_MASK) && (Blt_Legend_IsRaised(graphPtr))) { Blt_DrawLegend(graphPtr, drawable); } if (site == LEGEND_WINDOW) { Blt_Legend_EventuallyRedraw(graphPtr); } /* Draw 3D border just inside of the focus highlight ring. */ if ((graphPtr->borderWidth > 0) && (graphPtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT)) { Blt_DrawBackgroundRectangle(graphPtr->tkwin, drawable, graphPtr->normalBg, graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->width - 2 * graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->height - 2 * graphPtr->highlightWidth, graphPtr->borderWidth, graphPtr->relief); } /* Draw focus highlight ring. */ if ((graphPtr->highlightWidth > 0) && (graphPtr->flags & FOCUS)) { GC gc; gc = Tk_GCForColor(graphPtr->highlightColor, drawable); Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(graphPtr->tkwin, gc, graphPtr->highlightWidth, drawable); } /* Disable crosshairs before redisplaying to the screen */ Blt_DisableCrosshairs(graphPtr); XCopyArea(graphPtr->display, drawable, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), graphPtr->drawGC, 0, 0, graphPtr->width, graphPtr->height, 0, 0); Blt_EnableCrosshairs(graphPtr); if (graphPtr->doubleBuffer) { Tk_FreePixmap(graphPtr->display, drawable); } graphPtr->flags &= ~RESET_WORLD; UpdateMarginTraces(graphPtr); } /*LINTLIBRARY*/ int Blt_GraphCmdInitProc(Tcl_Interp *interp) { static Blt_InitCmdSpec cmdSpecs[] = { {"graph", GraphCmd,}, {"barchart", BarchartCmd,}, {"stripchart", StripchartCmd,}, }; return Blt_InitCmds(interp, "::blt", cmdSpecs, 3); } Graph * Blt_GetGraphFromWindowData(Tk_Window tkwin) { Graph *graphPtr; while (tkwin != NULL) { graphPtr = (Graph *)Blt_GetWindowInstanceData(tkwin); if (graphPtr != NULL) { return graphPtr; } tkwin = Tk_Parent(tkwin); } return NULL; } int Blt_GraphType(Graph *graphPtr) { switch (graphPtr->classId) { case CID_ELEM_LINE: return GRAPH; case CID_ELEM_BAR: return BARCHART; case CID_ELEM_STRIP: return STRIPCHART; default: return 0; } return 0; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Blt_ReconfigureGraph -- * * Allocates resources for the graph. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Blt_ReconfigureGraph(Graph *graphPtr) { ConfigureGraph(graphPtr); Blt_ConfigureLegend(graphPtr); Blt_ConfigureElements(graphPtr); Blt_ConfigureAxes(graphPtr); Blt_ConfigureMarkers(graphPtr); }