Overview ======== 7 new packages in 6 modules 52 changed packages in 35 modules 15 internally changed packages in 10 modules 359 unchanged packages in 105 modules 443 packages, total in 130 modules, total Legend ====== Change Details Comments -------- --------- ---------------------------------- Major API __incompatible__ API changes Minor EF Extended functionality, API I Major rewrite, but no API change Patch B Bug fixes EX New examples P Performance enhancement None T Testsuite changes D Documentation updates -------- --------- ---------------------------------- New in Tcllib 1.19 ================== Module Package New Version Comments ------------ --------------------------------- ------------- ---------- defer defer 1 math math::PCA 1.0 practcl practcl 0.11 ------------ --------------------------------- ------------- ---------- pt pt::rde::nx pt::tclparam::configuration::nx 1.0.1 ------------ --------------------------------- ------------- ---------- tool-ui tool-ui 0.2.1 udpcluster udpcluster 0.3.3 ------------ --------------------------------- ------------- ---------- Changes from Tcllib 1.18 to 1.19 ================================ Module Package From 1.18 To 1.19 Comments ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- coroutine coroutine 1.1.3 1.2 B D EF crc crc16 1.1.2 1.1.3 B D cron cron 1.2.1 2.1 API B D EF T dicttool dicttool 1.0 1.1 D EF ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- dns dns 1.3.5 1.4.0 D EF T ip 1.3 1.4 B D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- doctools doctools 1.4.19 1.4.21 B D T doctools::idx 1.0.5 1.0.7 B D T doctools::toc 1.1.4 1.1.6 B D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- doctools2idx doctools::idx::export 0.1 0.2 B doctools::idx::import 0.1 0.2 B ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- doctools2toc doctools::toc::export 0.1 0.2 B doctools::toc::import 0.1 0.2 B ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- fileutil fileutil 1.15 1.16 B T fileutil::decode 0.2 0.2.1 B ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- fumagic fileutil::magic::cfront 1.0 1.2.0 B D EF T fileutil::magic::cgen 1.0 1.2.0 D EF T fileutil::magic::filetype 1.0.2 2.0 API D EF T fileutil::magic::rt 1.0 2.0 API D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- http autoproxy 1.5.3 1.6 D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- httpd httpd 4.0 4.1.1 B EF I T httpd::content 4.0 Removed scgi::app 0.1 Removed ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- inifile ini 0.3 0.3.1 B D json json 1.3.3 1.3.4 B D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- ldap ldap 1.8 1.9.2 B D T ldapx 1.0 1.1 B D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- markdown Markdown 1.0 1.1 D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- math math::calculus 0.8.1 0.8.2 B T math::exact 1.0 1.0.1 B D T math::geometry 1.1.3 1.2.3 B D EF I T math::interpolate 1.1 1.1.1 B T math::linearalgebra 1.1.5 1.1.6 B T math::numtheory 1.0 1.1 D EF T math::statistics 1.0 1.1.1 B D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- md4 md4 1.0.6 1.0.7 B D nettool nettool 0.5.1 0.5.2 B I oauth oauth 1 1.0.1 B D oodialect oo::dialect 0.3 0.3.3 B I T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- oometa oo::meta 0.4.1 0.7.1 B EF T oo::option 0.3 0.3.1 B ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- pki pki 0.6 0.10 B D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- processman odie::processman 0.3 0.5 EF processman 0.3 0.5 B EF ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- pt pt::pgen 1.0.3 1.1 EF rest rest 1.0.2 1.3.1 D EF I ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- struct struct::graph 1.2.1 1.2.1 B D T struct::graph 2.4 2.4.1 B D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- tar tar 0.10 0.11 B D T tepam tepam 0.5 0.5.2 B D T textutil textutil::split 0.7 0.8 B D T tool tool 0.5 0.7 B D EF T units units 2.1.1 2.2.1 B EF T uri uri 1.2.6 1.2.7 B D T uuid uuid 1.0.5 1.0.6 B valtype valtype::iban 1.5 1.7 D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- virtchannel_base tcl::chan::memchan 1.0.3 1.0.4 B D T tcl::chan::string 1.0.2 1.0.3 B D T tcl::chan::variable 1.0.3 1.0.4 B D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- websocket websocket 1.4 1.4.1 B ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- yaml huddle 0.2 0.3 B D T yaml 0.3.9 0.4.1 B D EF T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- zip zipfile::decode 0.7 0.7.1 D T ------------------ --------------------------- ----------- --------- -------------- Invisible changes (documentation, testsuites) ============================================= Module Package From 1.18 To 1.19 Comments ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- bee bee 0.1 0.1 D comm comm T ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- des tclDES 1.0.0 1.0.0 D tclDESjr 1.0.0 1.0.0 D ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- docstrip docstrip::util 1.3.1 1.3.1 D doctools2idx doctools::idx 2 2 --- doctools2toc doctools::toc 2 2 --- ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- math math::bigfloat 1.2.2 1.2.2 T math::bigfloat 2.0.2 2.0.2 T math::decimal 1.0.3 1.0.3 D T math::special 0.3.0 0.3.0 T ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- md5 md5 1.4.4 1.4.4 T md5 2.0.7 2.0.7 T ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- pop3 pop3 1.9 1.9 T pt pt::rde::oo 1.1 1.1 I ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- try throw 1 1 D try 1 1 D ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- virtchannel_base tcl::chan::fifo 1 1 D tcl::chan::fifo2 1 1 D ------------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ---------- Unchanged ========= aes, ascii85, asn, base32, base32::core, base32::hex, base64, bench, bench::in, bench::out::csv, bench::out::text, bibtex, blowfish, cache::async, calendar, char, cksum, clock::iso8601, clock::rfc2822, cmdline, configuration, control, coroutine::auto, counter, crc32, csv, debug, debug::caller, debug::heartbeat, debug::timestamp, des, docstrip, doctools::changelog, doctools::config, doctools::cvs, doctools::html, doctools::html::cssdefaults, doctools::idx::export::docidx, doctools::idx::export::html, doctools::idx::export::json, doctools::idx::export::nroff, doctools::idx::export::text, doctools::idx::export::wiki, doctools::idx::import::docidx, doctools::idx::import::json, doctools::idx::parse, doctools::idx::structure, doctools::msgcat, doctools::msgcat::idx::c, doctools::msgcat::idx::de, doctools::msgcat::idx::en, doctools::msgcat::idx::fr, doctools::msgcat::toc::c, doctools::msgcat::toc::de, doctools::msgcat::toc::en, doctools::msgcat::toc::fr, doctools::nroff::man_macros, doctools::paths, doctools::tcl::parse, doctools::text, doctools::toc::export::doctoc, doctools::toc::export::html, doctools::toc::export::json, doctools::toc::export::nroff, doctools::toc::export::text, doctools::toc::export::wiki, doctools::toc::import::doctoc, doctools::toc::import::json, doctools::toc::parse, doctools::toc::structure, dtplite, exif, fileutil::multi, fileutil::multi::op, fileutil::traverse, ftp, ftp::geturl, ftpd, generator, gpx, grammar::aycock, grammar::aycock::debug, grammar::aycock::runtime, grammar::fa, grammar::fa::dacceptor, grammar::fa::dexec, grammar::fa::op, grammar::me::cpu, grammar::me::cpu::core, grammar::me::cpu::gasm, grammar::me::tcl, grammar::me::util, grammar::peg, grammar::peg::interp, hook, html, htmlparse, http::wget, http::wget, huddle::json, ident, imap4, interp, interp::delegate::method, interp::delegate::proc, irc, javascript, jpeg, json::write, lambda, log, logger, logger::appender, logger::utils, map::geocode::nominatim, map::slippy, map::slippy::cache, map::slippy::fetcher, mapproj, math, math::bignum, math::calculus::symdiff, math::complexnumbers, math::constants, math::fourier, math::fuzzy, math::machineparameters, math::optimize, math::polynomials, math::rationalfunctions, math::roman, md5crypt, mime, multiplexer, nameserv, nameserv::auto, nameserv::common, nameserv::server, namespacex, ncgi, nmea, nntp, oo::util, otp, page::analysis::peg::emodes, page::analysis::peg::minimize, page::analysis::peg::reachable, page::analysis::peg::realizable, page::compiler::peg::mecpu, page::config::peg, page::gen::peg::canon, page::gen::peg::cpkg, page::gen::peg::hb, page::gen::peg::me, page::gen::peg::mecpu, page::gen::peg::ser, page::gen::tree::text, page::parse::lemon, page::parse::peg, page::parse::peghb, page::parse::pegser, page::pluginmgr, page::reader::hb, page::reader::lemon, page::reader::peg, page::reader::ser, page::reader::treeser, page::transform::mecpu, page::transform::reachable, page::transform::realizable, page::util::flow, page::util::norm::lemon, page::util::norm::peg, page::util::peg, page::util::quote, page::writer::hb, page::writer::identity, page::writer::me, page::writer::mecpu, page::writer::null, page::writer::peg, page::writer::ser, page::writer::tpc, page::writer::tree, paths, picoirc, pluginmgr, png, pop3d, pop3d::dbox, pop3d::udb, profiler, pt::ast, pt::cparam::configuration::critcl, pt::cparam::configuration::tea, pt::parse::peg, pt::pe, pt::pe::op, pt::peg, pt::peg::container, pt::peg::container::peg, pt::peg::export, pt::peg::export::container, pt::peg::export::json, pt::peg::export::peg, pt::peg::from::json, pt::peg::from::peg, pt::peg::import, pt::peg::import::json, pt::peg::import::peg, pt::peg::interp, pt::peg::op, pt::peg::to::container, pt::peg::to::cparam, pt::peg::to::json, pt::peg::to::param, pt::peg::to::peg, pt::peg::to::tclparam, pt::rde pt::tclparam::configuration::snit, pt::tclparam::configuration::tcloo, pt::util, rc4, rcs, report, resolv, ripemd128, ripemd160, S3, SASL, SASL::NTLM, SASL::SCRAM, SASL::XGoogleToken, sha1, sha256, simulation::annealing, simulation::montecarlo, simulation::random, smtp, smtpd, snit, soundex, spf, stooop, string::token, string::token::shell, stringprep, stringprep::data, struct, struct::disjointset, struct::graph::op, struct::list, struct::matrix, struct::pool, struct::prioqueue, struct::queue, struct::record, struct::set, struct::skiplist, struct::stack, struct::tree, sum, switched, tcl::chan::cat, tcl::chan::core, tcl::chan::events, tcl::chan::facade, tcl::chan::halfpipe, tcl::chan::null, tcl::chan::nullzero, tcl::chan::random, tcl::chan::std, tcl::chan::textwindow, tcl::chan::zero, tcl::randomseed, tcl::transform::adler32, tcl::transform::base64, tcl::transform::core, tcl::transform::counter, tcl::transform::crc32, tcl::transform::hex, tcl::transform::identity, tcl::transform::limitsize, tcl::transform::observe, tcl::transform::otp, tcl::transform::rot, tcl::transform::spacer, tcl::transform::zlib, tepam::doc_gen, term, term::ansi::code, term::ansi::code::attr, term::ansi::code::ctrl, term::ansi::code::macros, term::ansi::ctrl::unix, term::ansi::send, term::interact::menu, term::interact::pager, term::receive, term::receive::bind, term::send, text::write, textutil, textutil::adjust, textutil::expander, textutil::repeat, textutil::string, textutil::tabify, textutil::trim, tie, tie::std::array, tie::std::dsource, tie::std::file, tie::std::growfile, tie::std::log, tie::std::rarray, tiff, time, tool::datatype, transfer::connect, transfer::copy, transfer::copy::queue, transfer::data::destination, transfer::data::source, transfer::receiver, transfer::transmitter, treeql, uevent, uevent::onidle, unicode, unicode::data, uri::urn, uuencode, valtype::common, valtype::creditcard::amex, valtype::creditcard::discover, valtype::creditcard::mastercard, valtype::creditcard::visa, valtype::gs1::ean13, valtype::imei, valtype::isbn, valtype::luhn, valtype::luhn5, valtype::usnpi, valtype::verhoeff, wip, xsxp, yencode, zipfile::encode, zipfile::mkzip