#!/usr/bin/env tclsh ## -*- tcl -*- # - homepage update program using FTP - # # Required: tcl/tk8.2 # # Created: 12/96 # Changed: 7/2000 # Version: 2.0 # # Copyright (C) 1998 Steffen Traeger # EMAIL: Steffen.Traeger@t-online.de # URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/Steffen.Traeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ######################################################################## # load required FTP package library package require Tcl 8.3 package require ftp 2.0 package require Tk if {![llength [info commands tkButtonInvoke]]} { ::tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand tkButtonInvoke } # LED Colors set status(off) "#006666" set status(on) "#00ff00" set ftp(Mode) passive # set palette under X if { [string range [winfo server .] 0 0] == "X" } { set tk_strictMotif 1 tk_setPalette LightGray option add *font {Helvetica 12} option add *Text.foreground black option add *Text.background white option add *Listbox.background white option add *Listbox.selectForeground white option add *Entry.background white option add *Entry.selectBackground black option add *Entry.selectForeground white option add *Scrollbar.width 12 } # main window wm title . "hpupdate 2.0" wm iconname . hpupdate wm minsize . 1 1 # Menue menu .menu -tearoff 0 menu .menu.file -tearoff 0 .menu add cascade -label "File" -menu .menu.file -underline 0 .menu.file add command -label "Connect" -underline 0 -command {BusyCommand Connect} -accelerator Alt+C .menu.file add command -label "Disconnect" -underline 1 -state disabled -command {BusyCommand Disconnect} -accelerator Alt+I .menu.file add separator .menu.file add command -label "Exit" -underline 0 -command Quit -accelerator Alt+X #menu .menu.edit -tearoff 0 #.menu add cascade -label "Bearbeiten" -menu .menu.edit -underline 0 #.menu.edit add command -label "Alle Löschen" -underline 0 -state disabled -command { # .view.remote.list selection set 0 end; BusyCommand DeleteremoteFiles} #.menu.edit add command -label "Alle Übertragen" -underline 0 -state disabled -command Quit menu .menu.view -tearoff 0 .menu add cascade -label "View" -menu .menu.view -underline 0 .menu.view add command -label "Refresh" -underline 0 -command {BusyCommand Refresh} -accelerator Alt+R menu .menu.options -tearoff 0 .menu add cascade -label "Options" -menu .menu.options -underline 0 .menu.options add command -label "Preferences" -underline 0 -command {BusyCommand Config} -accelerator Alt+P menu .menu.help -tearoff 0 .menu add cascade -label "Help" -menu .menu.help -underline 0 .menu.help add command -label "Overview" -underline 0 -command {Help overview} .menu.help add command -label "Installation" -underline 0 -command {Help install} .menu.help add command -label "Usage" -underline 0 -command {Help usage} .menu.help add separator .menu.help add command -label "About" -underline 1 -command {Help about} . configure -menu .menu # View area frame .status -bd 1 -relief flat pack .status -in . -side bottom -fill x frame .view -bd 1 -relief flat pack .view -in . -side top -expand 1 -fill both # Status frame .status.head -bd 1 -relief sunken pack .status.head -in .status -side top -fill x label .status.head.label -textvariable status(header) -relief raised -anchor w -bd 1 pack .status.head.label -in .status.head -side left -expand 1 -fill x -ipadx 2 -ipady 2 # Connection status frame .view.conn -bd 1 -relief flat pack .view.conn -in .view -side top -fill both -padx 8 frame .view.conn.led1 -bd 2 -relief raised -width 20 -height 10 pack .view.conn.led1 -in .view.conn -side left -fill x -padx 3 label .view.conn.lab1 -text "No Connection!" -relief flat -anchor w -bd 1 -font {Helvetica 8} pack .view.conn.lab1 -in .view.conn -side left -fill x -padx 3 checkbutton .view.conn.check -text "syncronize scrollbars" -takefocus 0 -variable ftp(SyncScroll) \ -command SyncScroll -relief flat -anchor w -bd 2 -font {Helvetica 12} pack .view.conn.check -in .view.conn -side right # Separator frame .view.line -bd 1 -height 2 -relief sunken pack .view.line -in .view -side top -fill x -padx 8 -pady 5 # Dummy frame .view.dummy -bd 1 -height 5 -relief flat pack .view.dummy -in .view -side bottom -fill x -padx 8 -pady 5 # Remote directory frame .view.remote -bd 1 pack .view.remote -in .view -side right -expand 1 -fill both -padx 5 frame .view.remote.status -bd 0 pack .view.remote.status -in .view.remote -side top -fill x label .view.remote.status.label -text "Remote: " -anchor w -relief flat -font {Helvetica 12 italic} pack .view.remote.status.label -in .view.remote.status -side left label .view.remote.status.mark -text "" -anchor w -relief flat -font {Helvetica 10} pack .view.remote.status.mark -in .view.remote.status -side right label .view.remote.status.use -text "0K" -anchor w -relief flat -fg #0000ff pack .view.remote.status.use -in .view.remote.status -side left frame .view.remote.buttons -bd 1 pack .view.remote.buttons -in .view.remote -side bottom -fill x button .view.remote.buttons.delete -text "Delete" -under 0 -state disabled -command {BusyCommand DeleteRemoteFiles} pack .view.remote.buttons.delete -in .view.remote.buttons -side top -pady 1m scrollbar .view.remote.yscroll -relief sunken -takefocus 0 -command ".view.remote.list yview" pack .view.remote.yscroll -in .view.remote -side right -fill y scrollbar .view.remote.xscroll -relief sunken -orient horizontal -takefocus 0 -command ".view.remote.list xview" pack .view.remote.xscroll -in .view.remote -side bottom -fill x listbox .view.remote.list -relief sunken -xscroll ".view.remote.xscroll set" -yscroll ".view.remote.yscroll set" \ -width 40 -height 24 -font {Courier 12} \ -exportselection 0 -selectmode multiple -takefocus 0 -selectbackground #ff0000 pack .view.remote.list -in .view.remote -side left -expand 1 -fill both # Local directory frame .view.local -bd 1 pack .view.local -in .view -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 5 frame .view.local.status -bd 0 pack .view.local.status -in .view.local -side top -fill x label .view.local.status.label -text "Local: " -anchor w -relief flat -font {Helvetica 12 italic} pack .view.local.status.label -in .view.local.status -side left label .view.local.status.mark -text "" -anchor w -relief flat -font {Helvetica 10} pack .view.local.status.mark -in .view.local.status -side right label .view.local.status.use -text "0K" -anchor w -relief flat -fg #0000ff pack .view.local.status.use -in .view.local.status -side left frame .view.local.buttons -bd 1 pack .view.local.buttons -in .view.local -side bottom -fill x button .view.local.buttons.transfer -text "Upload->" -under 0 -state disabled -command UpdateRemoteFiles pack .view.local.buttons.transfer -in .view.local.buttons -side top -pady 1m scrollbar .view.local.yscroll -relief sunken -takefocus 0 -command ".view.local.list yview" pack .view.local.yscroll -in .view.local -side right -fill y scrollbar .view.local.xscroll -relief sunken -orient horizontal -takefocus 0 -command ".view.local.list xview" pack .view.local.xscroll -in .view.local -side bottom -fill x listbox .view.local.list -relief sunken -xscroll ".view.local.xscroll set" -yscroll ".view.local.yscroll set" \ -width 40 -height 24 -font {Courier 12} \ -exportselection 0 -selectmode multiple -takefocus 0 -selectbackground #000080 pack .view.local.list -in .view.local -side left -expand 1 -fill both # Shows selected files bindtags .view.local.list {Listbox . all .view.local.list} bindtags .view.remote.list {Listbox . all .view.remote.list} bind .view.local.list {Showselected local} bind .view.remote.list {Showselected remote} # Acc. Keys bind . {BusyCommand Connect} bind . {BusyCommand Disconnect} bind . {BusyCommand Refresh} bind . {BusyCommand Config} bind . "tkButtonInvoke .view.local.buttons.transfer" bind . "tkButtonInvoke .view.remote.buttons.delete" bind . Quit proc SyncY {args} { eval .view.local.list yview $args eval .view.remote.list yview $args } proc SyncX {args} { eval .view.local.list xview $args eval .view.remote.list xview $args } # Syncron Scrollbars proc SyncScroll {} { global ftp if { $ftp(SyncScroll) == 1} { .view.local.yscroll configure -command SyncY .view.remote.yscroll configure -command SyncY .view.local.xscroll configure -command SyncX .view.remote.xscroll configure -command SyncX } else { .view.local.yscroll configure -command ".view.local.list yview" .view.remote.yscroll configure -command ".view.remote.list yview" .view.local.xscroll configure -command ".view.local.list xview" .view.remote.xscroll configure -command ".view.remote.list xview" } } # messages proc ftp::DisplayMsg {s msg {state normal}} { global status switch -- $state { data {return} control {return} normal {.status.head.label configure -fg black} error {.status.head.label configure -fg red} } set status(header) $msg update idletasks } ################################################ # # Procedures # ################################################ # hourglass proc BusyCommand {args} { set command $args set busy {.menu .view .status} set window_list {.menu .view .status} while {$window_list != ""} { set next {} foreach w $window_list { set class [winfo class $w] set cursor [lindex [$w config -cursor] 4] if {[winfo toplevel $w] == $w || $cursor != ""} { lappend busy [list $w $cursor] } set next [concat $next [winfo children $w]] } set window_list $next } foreach w $busy { catch { grab set [lindex $w 0]} catch {[lindex $w 0] config -cursor watch} } update idletasks set error [catch {uplevel eval [list $command]} g] foreach w $busy { catch {grab release [lindex $w 0]} catch {[lindex $w 0] config -cursor [lindex $w 1]} } if { !$error } { return $g } else { bgerror $g } return "" } # read recursive the remote directory tree proc GetRemoteTree {{dir ""}} { global ftp foreach i [ftp::List $ftp(conn) $dir] { set rc [scan $i "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" perm l u g size d1 d2 d3 name] if {$rc == "9"} { if { ($name == ".") || ($name == "..") } { continue } set type [string range $perm 0 0] if { $dir != "" } { regsub {\./} [file join $dir $name] "" name } switch -- $type { d { lappend ftp(remoteDirList) $name lappend ftp(remoteFileList) "$name" lappend ftp(remoteSizeList) $size GetRemoteTree $name } - { lappend ftp(remoteFileList) "$name" lappend ftp(remoteSizeList) $size } default { lappend ftp(remoteFileList) "$name" lappend ftp(remoteSizeList) $size } } } } } # read remote directory proc ReadRemoteDir {} { global ftp opt # connected? if {(![info exists ftp(conn)]) || (![info exists ftp::ftp${ftp(conn)}(State)])} { .view.remote.list delete 0 end return } focus .view.remote.list .view.remote.list delete 0 end .view.remote.list insert end "Working..." update idletasks set ftp(remoteDirList) {} set ftp(remoteFileList) {} set ftp(remoteSizeList) {} GetRemoteTree . foreach name $ftp(remoteFileList) { if { [string length $name] > $ftp(MaxLength) } { set ftp(MaxLength) [string length $name] } } set max_length $ftp(MaxLength) .view.remote.list delete 0 end update idletasks set index 0 foreach i $ftp(remoteFileList) { set name $i set size [lindex $ftp(remoteSizeList) $index ] set entry [format "%-${max_length}s %8s" $name $size] .view.remote.list insert end $entry # If file doesn't exist on local location then mark it to delete set index [lsearch -regexp [.view.local.list get 0 end] "^$name "] if { $index == "-1" } { .view.remote.list selection set end end } incr index } ShowUsed remote Showselected remote ReadLocalDir } # shine a light proc Blink {mode} { global status switch -- $mode { on { .view.conn.led1 configure -bg $status(on) update idletasks } off { .view.conn.led1 configure -bg $status(off) update idletasks } } } # connect to ftp server proc Connect {} { global ftp opt ftp::DisplayMsg "" " ftp> Trying connect to ftp server..." Blink on if {[set ftp(conn) [ftp::Open $opt(Server) $opt(Username) $opt(Password) -progress {ProgressBar update} ]] == -1} { Blink off ShowStatus return } # remote homepage directory if {![ftp::Cd $ftp(conn) $opt(remoteDir)]} { tk_messageBox -parent . -title INFO -message "Directory $opt(remoteDir) on remote ftp server not found!" -type ok Disconnect return } ftp::DisplayMsg $ftp(conn) "Connected to ftp service on $opt(Server)!" ReadRemoteDir .view.local.buttons.transfer configure -state normal .view.remote.buttons.delete configure -state normal .menu.file entryconfigure 0 -state disabled .menu.file entryconfigure 1 -state normal ShowStatus } # Remove connection to file server proc Disconnect {} { global ftp # connected? if {([info exists ftp(conn)]) && ([info exists ftp::ftp${ftp(conn)}(State)])} { ftp::Close $ftp(conn) ftp::DisplayMsg "" "Connection closed!" } if {[info exists ftp(conn)]} { unset ftp(conn) } set ftp(remoteSizeList) {} .view.remote.list delete 0 end .view.local.buttons.transfer configure -state disabled .view.remote.buttons.delete configure -state disabled .menu.file entryconfigure 0 -state normal .menu.file entryconfigure 1 -state disabled ShowStatus ShowUsed remote Showselected remote } # Display connection status proc ShowStatus {} { global status if {([info exists ftp(conn)]) && ([info exists ftp::ftp${ftp(conn)}(State)])} { .view.conn.led1 configure -bg $status(on) .view.conn.lab1 configure -text "connected" update idletasks } else { .view.conn.led1 configure -bg $status(off) .view.conn.lab1 configure -text "not connected" update idletasks } } # display used directory size proc ShowUsed {mode} { global ftp set sum 0 foreach i $ftp(${mode}SizeList) { incr sum $i } # if { $sum > [ expr {1024 * 1024}] } { # set color #ff0000 # } else { # set color #0000ff # } set color #0000ff .view.$mode.status.use configure -text "[expr {round($sum / 1024.0)}] KB" -fg $color update idletasks } # display selected directory size proc Showselected {mode} { global ftp set sum 0 set count 0 if { ([info exists ftp(${mode}SizeList)]) && ([llength $ftp(${mode}SizeList)] != 0) } { foreach i [.view.$mode.list curselection] { incr sum [lindex $ftp(${mode}SizeList) $i] incr count } } .view.$mode.status.mark configure -text "[expr {round($sum / 1024.0)}] KB \[$count\]" update idletasks } # read recursive the local directory tree proc GetLocalTree {dir} { global ftp foreach i [lsort [glob -nocomplain $dir/* $dir/.*]] { regsub {\./} $i "" i if { ([file tail $i] != ".") && ([file tail $i] != "..") } { # exist check if {![file exists $i]} { continue } if {[file isdirectory $i]} { lappend ftp(localFileList) $i lappend ftp(localDirList) $i GetLocalTree $i } else { lappend ftp(localFileList) $i } } } } # read local directory proc ReadLocalDir {} { global opt ftp .view.local.list delete 0 end .view.local.list insert end "Working..." update # local homepage directory if {![file isdirectory $opt(localDir)]} { tk_messageBox -parent . -title INFO -message "Directory $opt(localDir) not found!" -type ok return } # read local homepage directory set ftp(localDirList) {} set ftp(localFileList) {} set ftp(localSizeList) {} cd $opt(localDir) GetLocalTree . foreach name $ftp(localFileList) { if { [string length $name] > $ftp(MaxLength) } { set ftp(MaxLength) [string length $name] } } set max_length $ftp(MaxLength) .view.local.list delete 0 end update idletask foreach i $ftp(localFileList) { set name $i set size [file size $name] set entry [format "%-${max_length}s %8s" $name $size] .view.local.list insert end $entry lappend ftp(localSizeList) $size # if updated then mark to upload if { [file mtime $name] > $opt(Timestamp) } { .view.local.list selection set end end } # if not exist at remote machine then mark to upload if {([info exists ftp(conn)]) && ([info exists ftp::ftp${ftp(conn)}(State)])} { set index [lsearch -regexp [.view.remote.list get 0 end] "^$name "] if { $index == "-1" } { .view.local.list selection set end end } } } ShowUsed local Showselected local } # delete files on remote site proc DeleteRemoteFiles {} { global ftp # connected? if {(![info exists ftp(conn)]) || (![info exists ftp::ftp${ftp(conn)}(State)])} { tk_messageBox -parent . -title INFO -message "No connection!" -type ok return } # nothing choosed if { [.view.remote.list curselection] == {} } { return } # ask user set count [llength [.view.remote.list curselection]] set rc [tk_messageBox -parent . -title DELETE -message "Do you really want to delete the $count selected file(s)?" -type yesno] if { $rc == "no" } { return } # delete selected files focus .view.remote.list foreach i [lsort -integer -decreasing [.view.remote.list curselection]] { set filename [lindex [.view.remote.list get $i] 0] .view.remote.list see $i .view.remote.list activate $i update idletasks # file or directory? set index [lsearch -exact $ftp(remoteDirList) $filename] if { $index == "-1" } { set command "ftp::Delete" } else { set command "ftp::RmDir" } if {[eval $command $ftp(conn) $filename]} { .view.remote.list selection clear $i update idletasks set ftp(remoteSizeList) [lreplace $ftp(remoteSizeList) $i $i 0] ShowUsed remote Showselected remote Showselected local } else { tk_messageBox -parent . -title ERROR -message \ "Error deleting $filename!" -icon error -type ok continue } } BusyCommand Refresh } # Progress bar displayed in status line proc ProgressBar {state {bytes 0} {filename ""}} { global ftp set w .progress switch -- $state { init { set ftp(Filename) "" set ftp(ProgressProz) "0%" toplevel $w -bd 0 -class Progressbar wm transient $w . wm title $w Upload wm iconname $w Upload wm resizable $w 0 0 focus $w grab $w frame $w.buttons pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m button $w.buttons.esc -text "Cancel" -command "set ftp(escaped) 1" pack $w.buttons.esc -in $w.buttons -side top frame $w.frame -bd 4 pack $w.frame -side top -fill both label $w.frame.label -textvariable ftp(Filename) -relief flat -anchor w -bd 1 -font {Helvetica 12} pack $w.frame.label -in $w.frame -side top -fill x -padx 10 -pady 5 frame $w.frame.line -bd 1 -height 2 -relief sunken pack $w.frame.line -in $w.frame -side bottom -fill x -padx 2 -pady 5 frame $w.frame.bar -bd 1 -relief sunken -bg #ffffff pack $w.frame.bar -in $w.frame -side left -padx 10 -pady 5 frame $w.frame.bar.dummy -bd 0 -width 200 -height 0 pack $w.frame.bar.dummy -in $w.frame.bar -side top -fill x frame $w.frame.bar.pbar -bd 0 -width 0 -height 20 pack $w.frame.bar.pbar -in $w.frame.bar -side left label $w.frame.proz -textvariable ftp(ProgressProz) -width 5 -relief flat -anchor e -bd 1 -font {Helvetica 12} pack $w.frame.proz -in $w.frame -side right -padx 10 -pady 5 wm withdraw $w update idletasks set x [expr {[winfo x .] + ([winfo width .] / 3) - ([winfo reqwidth $w] / 2)}] set y [expr {[winfo y .] + ([winfo height .] / 3) - ([winfo reqheight $w] / 2)}] wm geometry $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w update idletasks } reset { set ftp(Filename) "Uploading $filename...." set index [lsearch $ftp(localFileList) $filename] if { $index != "-1" } { set ftp(progress_sum) [lindex $ftp(localSizeList) $index] if { $ftp(progress_sum) == 0 } { set ftp(progress_sum) 1 } } else { set ftp(progress_sum) 1 } ProgressBar update update idletasks } update { if {![winfo exists $w]} {return} set ftp(ProgressProz) "[expr {round( $bytes * 100 / $ftp(progress_sum))}]%" set cur_width [expr {round($bytes * 200 / $ftp(progress_sum))}] $w.frame.bar.pbar configure -width $cur_width -bg #000080 focus $w.buttons.esc update idletasks update } done { set ftp(Filename) "Upload successful!" $w.buttons.esc configure -text "OK" -command "destroy $w" update idletasks tkwait window $w } escape { destroy $w BusyCommand Refresh } error { destroy $w } } } # upload local files to remote site proc UpdateRemoteFiles {} { global ftp opt status # connected? if {(![info exists ftp(conn)]) || (![info exists ftp::ftp${ftp(conn)}(State)]) } { tk_messageBox -parent . -title INFO -message "No connection!" -type ok return 0 } # nothing selected if { [.view.local.list curselection] == {} } { return 0 } # ask user set count [llength [.view.local.list curselection]] set rc [tk_messageBox -parent . -title UPLOAD -message "Do you really want to upload the $count selected file(s)?" -type yesno] if { $rc == "no" } { return 0 } # create list of uploading files set upload_list {} foreach i [.view.local.list curselection] { lappend upload_list $i } # empty list? if { $upload_list == {} } { tk_messageBox -parent . -title INFO -type ok -message "Nothing selected for upload!!" return 0 } focus .view.local.list # binary type for all files ftp::Type $ftp(conn) binary # upload files set ftp(escaped) 0 ProgressBar init set ftp(ProgressCount) 0 foreach i $upload_list { set filename [lindex [.view.local.list get $i] 0] .view.local.list see $i .view.local.list activate $i update idletasks # file or directory? set index [lsearch -exact $ftp(localDirList) $filename] if { $index == "-1" } { set command "ftp::Put" } else { # directory already exists if { [lsearch -exact $ftp(remoteDirList) $filename] != "-1" } { continue } set command "ftp::MkDir" } ProgressBar reset 0 $filename if {[eval $command $ftp(conn) $filename]} { incr ftp(ProgressCount) if {$ftp(escaped)} { ProgressBar escape return 1 } .view.local.list selection clear $i } else { tk_messageBox -parent . -title ERROR -message "Error uploading $filename!" -icon error -type ok ProgressBar error continue } } ProgressBar done # new timestamp Touch $opt(TsFile) set opt(Timestamp) [file mtime $opt(TsFile)] Refresh set status(header) " last update: [clock format $opt(Timestamp) -format %d.%m.%Y\ %H:%M:%S\ Uhr -gmt 0]" return 0 } # Refresh proc Refresh {} { global ftp set ftp(MaxLength) 0 ReadLocalDir ReadRemoteDir ShowStatus update idletasks } if {[package vcompare [info tclversion] 8.4] >= 0} { proc Touch {filename} { file mtime $filename [clock seconds] } } else { # update timestamp proc Touch {filename} { set file [open $filename w] puts -nonewline $file "" close $file } } # quit hpupdate proc Quit {} { global ftp Disconnect destroy . exit 0 } # save current configuration proc SaveConfig {} { global opt set file [open $opt(ConfigFile) w] puts $file [array get opt] close $file } # accept new configuraion proc AcceptConfig {w} { global opt ftp # get ftp server options set opt(Server) [$w.mask.server.entry get] set opt(Username) [$w.mask.user.entry get] set opt(Password) [$w.mask.passwd.entry get] set opt(remoteDir) [$w.mask.remote.entry get] # get local homepage direction set dir [$w.mask.local.entry get] if { ![file isdirectory $dir] } { tk_messageBox -parent . -title ERROR -message "Directory \"$dir\" not found!" -type ok return } set opt(localDir) [$w.mask.local.entry get] cd $opt(localDir) SaveConfig tk_messageBox -parent . -title INFO -message "Configuration applied and saved!" -type ok destroy $w } # ftp configuration proc Config {} { global opt # new window set w .config catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -bd 0 -class Config wm transient $w . wm title $w "options" wm iconname $w "options" wm transient $w . wm minsize $w 10 10 frame $w.mask -bd 1 -relief raised pack $w.mask -in $w -side top -expand 1 -fill both frame $w.control -bd 1 -relief raised pack $w.control -in $w -side bottom -fill x frame $w.mask.server -bd 1 pack $w.mask.server -in $w.mask -side top -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m label $w.mask.server.label -text "ftp server name:" -under 0 -anchor w pack $w.mask.server.label -in $w.mask.server -side top -fill x entry $w.mask.server.entry -width 40 pack $w.mask.server.entry -in $w.mask.server -expand 1 -side left -fill x frame $w.mask.user -bd 1 pack $w.mask.user -in $w.mask -side top -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m label $w.mask.user.label -text "User:" -under 0 -anchor w pack $w.mask.user.label -in $w.mask.user -side top -fill x entry $w.mask.user.entry -width 40 pack $w.mask.user.entry -in $w.mask.user -expand 1 -side left -fill x frame $w.mask.passwd -bd 1 pack $w.mask.passwd -in $w.mask -side top -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m label $w.mask.passwd.label -text "Password:" -under 0 -anchor w pack $w.mask.passwd.label -in $w.mask.passwd -side top -fill x entry $w.mask.passwd.entry -show "*" -width 40 pack $w.mask.passwd.entry -in $w.mask.passwd -expand 1 -side left -fill x frame $w.mask.remote -bd 1 pack $w.mask.remote -in $w.mask -side top -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m label $w.mask.remote.label -text "Remote directory:" -under 0 -anchor w pack $w.mask.remote.label -in $w.mask.remote -side top -fill x entry $w.mask.remote.entry -width 40 pack $w.mask.remote.entry -in $w.mask.remote -expand 1 -side left -fill x frame $w.mask.local -bd 1 pack $w.mask.local -in $w.mask -side top -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m label $w.mask.local.label -text "Local directory:" -under 0 -anchor w pack $w.mask.local.label -in $w.mask.local -side top -fill x entry $w.mask.local.entry -width 40 pack $w.mask.local.entry -in $w.mask.local -expand 1 -side left -fill x button $w.control.accept -width 14 -text "Apply & Save" -under 0 -command "AcceptConfig $w" pack $w.control.accept -in $w.control -side left -expand 1 -padx 3m -pady 2m button $w.control.quit -width 14 -text "Cancel" -under 0 -command "destroy $w" pack $w.control.quit -in $w.control -side left -expand 1 -padx 3m -pady 2m # arrange window wm withdraw $w update idletasks set x [expr {[winfo x .] + ([winfo width .] / 3) - ([winfo reqwidth $w] / 2)}] set y [expr {[winfo y .] + ([winfo height .] / 3) - ([winfo reqheight $w] / 2)}] wm geometry $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w $w.mask.server.entry delete 0 end $w.mask.server.entry insert 0 $opt(Server) $w.mask.user.entry delete 0 end $w.mask.user.entry insert 0 $opt(Username) $w.mask.passwd.entry delete 0 end $w.mask.passwd.entry insert 0 $opt(Password) $w.mask.local.entry delete 0 end $w.mask.local.entry insert 0 $opt(localDir) $w.mask.remote.entry delete 0 end $w.mask.remote.entry insert 0 $opt(remoteDir) bind $w "tkButtonInvoke $w.mask.check.debug" bind $w "tkButtonInvoke $w.mask.check.verbose" bind $w "focus $w.mask.server.entry" bind $w "focus $w.mask.remote.entry" bind $w "focus $w.mask.local.entry" bind $w "tkButtonInvoke $w.control.accept" bind $w "tkButtonInvoke $w.control.cancel" focus -force $w.mask.server.entry update idletasks } proc Usage {} { puts "\nusage hpupdate \[-h\] \[directory\]" puts " -h help" puts " directory local directory" puts " (default: current directory)\n" exit 0 } # Help proc Help {mode} { set help(overview) { OVERVIEW --------- In order to simplify the transfer of the files of my homepage to the FTP server of my Internet Service Provider, I looked at the end of 1996 for an useful tool. Linux offered only the abilities of the ftp command line utility. As fan of Tcl/Tk, my selection immediately fell on "expect", which was very suitable to automate interactive processes like FTP sessions. A little bit more Tcl source code and hpupdate 0.1 was finished, a script for automatic updating of my homepage files. At the beginning of 1997, I was more intensively occupied with the FTP protocol. At the same time I played with Tcl's socket command. Thus the FTP library package for Tcl7.6 was developed. This forms the basis for hpupdate. So far, the program runs under Linux with Tcl/Tk 8.0. I have once tested it on Windows 3.11 (with Win32s) and Windows 95 and it runs perfectly. Today I have no experiences with Windows NT and Macintosh. Perhaps somebody will be found who will test it in these environments. I would like to be informed of your experiences! Thank you! usage: hpupdate example: hpupdate /home/user/hp *** } set help(install) { INSTALLATION ------------ The great advantage of hpupdate is its platform independence because of using Tcl/Tk. If you do not have Tcl/Tk 8.0 installed already, at first you must install it. Get it from the known locations such as http://tcl.sf.net/ and follow the installation instructions. If you have not already installed the ftp library package, you must install it. Get it from my homepage and follow the installation instructions. Start up hpupdate and change the preferred options in option menu. "ftp Server Name" - remote FTP server hostname "User" - valid username "Password" - valid password for user "Remote Directory" - remote root for homepage or empty (destination) "Local Directory" - local homepage directory (source) *** } set help(usage) { USAGE ----- The hpupdate application is divided into 4 areas: 1.) menu 2.) local file list (source) 3.) remote file list (destination) 4.) status line 1.) menu File / Connect Opens a connection with the FTP server. File / Disconnetc Closes an existing connection with the FTP server. File / Exit Quits hpupdate, the connection to the FTP server will be closed automatically. View / Refresh Reads new file data and refreshs it in the list. Options / Preferences Interface to saving your login, password, ftp server, etc. Help / * look there 2.) local file list This list contains the file names and sizes from the local homepage directory. The file name, date and time-of-day of the files are compared with the time stamp of the remote files. When getting the filename for this list, the date/time entry of each file is read and compared with the timestamp of the last update. Files which have a date and/or time newer than the remote file's timestamp are detected as updated and marked for upload. It is also possible to mark/unmark the files manually per mouse click. The capacity of all files in the directory is displayed in blue. Besides this, the capacity of the marked files, as well as the count of files (in parentheses) are shown. By pressing the button "Upload", all selected files in the local homepage directory will be transfered to the remote FTP server. 3.) remote file list The files at the FTP site appear in this list after connection with the FTP server. The remote files will be compared with the local files. Files which are not in the local list are detected as superfluous and marked for deletion. It is also possible to mark/unmark files manually per mouse click. The number of marked files is displayed in an extra frame. Additionally, the summary disk space is shown. The capacity of all files in the directory is displayed in blue. Besides this, the capacity of all marked files as well as the count (in parentheses) is shown. By pressing the button "Delete", all selected files in the remote homepage directory will be deleted. NOTE: Synchronize the scrolling of both lists by pressing the checkbutton "sychronize scrollbars ". 4.) status line The status line shows when the last update of the remote system has taken place. This display is always updated after every file transfer. Internally, the file "hpupdate.ts" is provided with a new timestamp. After this moment, all modified local files are automatically detected with the next refresh and marked for upload. Error and status messages for the FTP connection are also displayed in the status line. EXTENSION: The green LED shows the connection status, a lighter green means an established connection. *** } set help(about) { - hpupdate homepage update program using FTP Required: Tcl/Tk8.0x Created: 12/96 Changed: 04/2002 Version: 2.1 Copyright (C) 1997,1998, Steffen Traeger EMAIL: Steffen.Traeger@t-online.de URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/Steffen.Traeger } set w .help catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -bd 0 -class Help wm transient $w . wm title $w "Help - $mode" wm iconname $w Hilfe wm minsize $w 10 10 frame $w.buttons -bd 1 -relief flat pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m button $w.buttons.close -text "OK" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.buttons.close -side left -expand 1 frame $w.ftp -bd 1 -relief flat pack $w.ftp -side top -expand 1 -fill both scrollbar $w.ftp.yscroll -command "$w.ftp.text yview" pack $w.ftp.yscroll -in $w.ftp -side right -fill y scrollbar $w.ftp.xscroll -relief sunken -orient horizontal -command "$w.ftp.text xview" pack $w.ftp.xscroll -in $w.ftp -side bottom -fill x text $w.ftp.text -relief sunken -setgrid 1 -wrap none -height 15 -width 60 -bg white -fg black\ -state normal -xscrollcommand "$w.ftp.xscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$w.ftp.yscroll set" pack $w.ftp.text -in $w.ftp -side left -expand 1 -fill both wm withdraw $w update idletasks set x [expr {[winfo x .] + ([winfo width .] / 3) - ([winfo reqwidth $w] / 2)}] set y [expr {[winfo y .] + ([winfo height .] / 3) - ([winfo reqheight $w] / 2)}] wm geometry $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w $w.ftp.text insert 0.0 $help($mode) $w.ftp.text configure -state disabled update idletasks } ##################### main ################################################### # determine working directory if { $argv != "" && $argv != "{}" } { if { [lindex $argv 0] == "-h" } {Usage} set dir [lindex $argv 0] if { [file exists $dir] && [file isdirectory $dir] } { set opt(localDir) $dir } else { puts "Directory \"$dir\" not found!" Usage } } else { set opt(localDir) [pwd] } # init defaults set opt(Server) "" set opt(Username) "anonymous" set opt(Password) "" set opt(remoteDir) "." set opt(ConfigFile) $env(HOME)/hpupdate.cnf set opt(TsFile) $env(HOME)/hpupdate.ts # load configuration file if { [file exists $opt(ConfigFile)] } { set file [open $opt(ConfigFile) r] array set opt [read $file] close $file } set ftp::DEBUG 0 set ftp::VERBOSE 0 # to compare older and newer files hpupdate creates # a new timesstamp on file "hpupdate.ts" after every update if { ![file exists $opt(TsFile)] } {Touch $opt(TsFile)} set opt(Timestamp) [file mtime $opt(TsFile)] set status(header) " last update: [clock format $opt(Timestamp) -format %d.%m.%Y\ %H:%M:%S\ Uhr -gmt 0]" BusyCommand Refresh