# S3.tcl
# This presents an interface to Amazon's S3 service.
# The Amazon S3 service allows for reliable storage
# and retrieval of data via HTTP.
# Copyright (c) 2006,2008 Darren New. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under essentially the same
# terms as Tcl. See LICENSE.txt for the terms.
###Revision String
# SCCS: %Z% %M% %I% %E% %U%
###Change history:
# 0.7.2 - added -default-bucket.
# 0.8.0 - fixed bug in getLocal using wrong prefix.
# Upgraded to Tcl 8.5 release version.
# 1.0.0 - added SetAcl, GetAcl, and -acl keep option.
package require Tcl 8.5
# This is by Darren New too.
# It is a SAX package to format XML for easy retrieval.
# It should be in the same distribution as S3.
package require xsxp
# These three are required to do the auth, so always require them.
# Note that package registry and package fileutil are required
# by the individual routines that need them. Grep for "package".
package require sha1
package require md5
package require base64
package provide S3 1.0.3
namespace eval S3 {
variable config ; # A dict holding the current configuration.
variable config_orig ; # Holds configuration to "reset" back to.
variable debug 0 ; # Turns on or off S3::debug
variable debuglog 0 ; # Turns on or off debugging into a file
variable bgvar_counter 0 ; # Makes unique names for bgvars.
set config_orig [dict create \
-reset false \
-retries 3 \
-accesskeyid "" -secretaccesskey "" \
-service-access-point "s3.amazonaws.com" \
-slop-seconds 3 \
-use-tls false \
-bucket-prefix "TclS3" \
-default-compare "always" \
-default-separator "/" \
-default-acl "" \
-default-bucket "" \
set config $config_orig
# Internal, for development. Print a line, and maybe log it.
proc S3::debuglogline {line} {
variable debuglog
puts $line
if {$debuglog} {
set x [open debuglog.txt a]
puts $x $line
close $x
# Internal, for development. Print debug info properly formatted.
proc S3::debug {args} {
variable debug
variable debuglog
if {!$debug} return
set res ""
if {"-hex" == [lindex $args 0]} {
set str [lindex $args 1]
foreach ch [split $str {}] {
scan $ch %c val
append res [format %02x $val]
append res " "
debuglogline $res
if {"-dict" == [lindex $args 0]} {
set dict [lindex $args 1]
debuglogline "DEBUG dict:"
foreach {key val} $dict {
set val [string map [list \
\r \\r \n \\n \0 \\0 ] $val]
debuglogline "$key=$val"
set x [string map [list \
\r \\r \n \\n \0 \\0 ] $args]
debuglogline "DEBUG: $x"
# Internal. Throws an error if keys have not been initialized.
proc S3::checkinit {} {
variable config
set error "S3 must be initialized with -accesskeyid and -secretaccesskey before use"
set e1 {S3 usage -accesskeyid "S3 identification not initialized"}
set e2 {S3 usage -secretaccesskey "S3 identification not initialized"}
if {[dict get $config -accesskeyid] eq ""} {
error $error "" $e1
if {[dict get $config -secretaccesskey] eq ""} {
error $error "" $e2
# Internal. Calculates the Content-Type for a given file name.
# Naturally returns application/octet-stream if anything goes wrong.
proc S3::contenttype {fname} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
set extension [file extension $fname]
uplevel #0 package require registry
set key "\\\\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\"
if {"." != [string index $extension 0]} {append key .}
append key $extension
set ct "application/octet-stream"
if {$extension != ""} {
catch {set ct [registry get $key {Content Type}]} caught
} else {
# Assume something like Unix.
if {[file readable /etc/mime.types]} {
set extension [string trim [file extension $fname] "."]
set f [open /etc/mime.types r]
while {-1 != [gets $f line] && ![info exists c]} {
set line [string trim $line]
if {[string match "#*" $line]} continue
if {0 == [string length $line]} continue
set items [split $line]
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $items]} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $items $i] eq $extension} {
set c [lindex $items 0]
close $f
if {![info exists c]} {
set ct "application/octet-stream"
} else {
set ct [string trim $c]
} else {
# No /etc/mime.types here.
if {[catch {exec file -i $fname} res]} {
set ct "application/octet-stream"
} else {
set ct [string range $res [expr {1+[string first : $res]}] end]
if {-1 != [string first ";" $ct]} {
set ct [string range $ct 0 [string first ";" $ct]]
set ct [string trim $ct "; "]
return $ct
# Change current configuration. Not object-oriented, so only one
# configuration is tracked per interpreter.
proc S3::Configure {args} {
variable config
variable config_orig
if {[llength $args] == 0} {return $config}
if {[llength $args] == 1 && ![dict exists $config [lindex $args 0]]} {
error "Bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\": must be [join [dict keys $config] ,\ ]" "" [list S3 usage [lindex $args 0] "Bad option to config"]
if {[llength $args] == 1} {return [dict get $config [lindex $args 0]]}
if {[llength $args] % 2 != 0} {
error "Config args must be -name val -name val" "" [list S3 usage [lindex $args end] "Odd number of config args"]
set new $config
foreach {tag val} $args {
if {![dict exists $new $tag]} {
error "Bad option \"$tag\": must be [join [dict keys $config] ,\ ]" "" [list S3 usage $tag "Bad option to config"]
dict set new $tag $val
if {$tag eq "-reset" && $val} {
set new $config_orig
if {[dict get $config -use-tls]} {
error "TLS for S3 not yet implemented!" "" \
[list S3 notyet -use-tls $config]
set config $new ; # Only update if all went well
return $config
# Suggest a unique bucket name based on usename and config info.
proc S3::SuggestBucket {{usename ""}} {
if {$usename eq ""} {set usename [::S3::Configure -bucket-prefix]}
if {$usename eq ""} {
error "S3::SuggestBucket requires name or -bucket-prefix set" \
"" [list S3 usage -bucket-prefix]
return $usename\.[::S3::Configure -accesskeyid]
# Calculate authorization token for REST interaction.
# Doesn't work yet for "Expires" type headers. Hence, only for "REST".
# We specifically don't call checkinit because it's called in all
# callers and we don't want to throw an error inside here.
# Caveat Emptor if you expect otherwise.
# This is internal, but useful enough you might want to invoke it.
proc S3::authREST {verb resource content-type headers args} {
if {[llength $args] != 0} {
set body [lindex $args 0] ; # we use [info exists] later
if {${content-type} != "" && [dict exists $headers content-type]} {
set content-type [dict get $headers content-type]
dict unset headers content-type
set verb [string toupper $verb]
if {[info exists body]} {
set content-md5 [::base64::encode [::md5::md5 $body]]
dict set headers content-md5 ${content-md5}
dict set headers content-length [string length $body]
} elseif {[dict exists $headers content-md5]} {
set content-md5 [dict get $headers content-md5]
} else {
set content-md5 ""
if {[dict exists $headers x-amz-date]} {
set date ""
dict unset headers date
} elseif {[dict exists $headers date]} {
set date [dict get $headers date]
} else {
set date [clock format [clock seconds] -gmt true -format \
"%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z"]
dict set headers date $date
if {${content-type} != ""} {
dict set headers content-type ${content-type}
dict set headers host s3.amazonaws.com
set xamz ""
foreach key [lsort [dict keys $headers x-amz-*]] {
# Assume each is seen only once, for now, and is canonical already.
append xamz \n[string trim $key]:[string trim [dict get $headers $key]]
set xamz [string trim $xamz]
# Hmmm... Amazon lies. No \n after xamz if xamz is empty.
if {0 != [string length $xamz]} {append xamz \n}
set signthis \
S3::debug "Sign this:" $signthis ; S3::debug -hex $signthis
set sig [::sha1::hmac [S3::Configure -secretaccesskey] $signthis]
set sig [binary format H* $sig]
set sig [string trim [::base64::encode $sig]]
dict set headers authorization "AWS [S3::Configure -accesskeyid]:$sig"
return $headers
# Internal. Takes resource and parameters, tacks them together.
# Useful enough you might want to invoke it yourself.
proc S3::to_url {resource parameters} {
if {0 == [llength $parameters]} {return $resource}
if {-1 == [string first "?" $resource]} {
set front ?
} else {
set front &
foreach {key value} $parameters {
append resource $front $key "=" $value
set front &
return $resource
# Internal. Encode a URL, including utf-8 versions.
# Useful enough you might want to invoke it yourself.
proc S3::encode_url {orig} {
set res ""
set re {[-a-zA-Z0-9/.,_]}
foreach ch [split $orig ""] {
if {[regexp $re $ch]} {
append res $ch
} else {
foreach uch [split [encoding convertto utf-8 $ch] ""] {
append res "%"
binary scan $uch H2 hex
append res $hex
if {$res ne $orig} {
S3::debug "URL Encoded:" $orig $res
return $res
# This is used internally to either queue an event-driven
# item or to simply call the next routine, depending on
# whether the current transaction is supposed to be running
# in the background or not.
proc S3::nextdo {routine thunk direction args} {
global errorCode
S3::debug "nextdo" $routine $thunk $direction $args
if {[dict get $thunk blocking]} {
return [S3::$routine $thunk]
} else {
if {[llength $args] == 2} {
# fcopy failed!
S3::fail $thunk "S3 fcopy failed: [lindex $args 1]" "" \
[list S3 socket $errorCode]
} else {
fileevent [dict get $thunk S3chan] $direction \
[list S3::$routine $thunk]
if {$direction == "writable"} {
fileevent [dict get $thunk S3chan] readable {}
} else {
fileevent [dict get $thunk S3chan] writable {}
# The proverbial It. Do a REST call to Amazon S3 service.
proc S3::REST {orig} {
variable config
set EndPoint [dict get $config -service-access-point]
# Save the original stuff first.
set thunk [dict create orig $orig]
# Now add to thunk's top-level the important things
if {[dict exists $thunk orig resultvar]} {
dict set thunk blocking 0
} else {
dict set thunk blocking 1
if {[dict exists $thunk orig S3chan]} {
dict set thunk S3chan [dict get $thunk orig S3chan]
} elseif {[dict get $thunk blocking]} {
dict set thunk S3chan [socket $EndPoint 80]
} else {
dict set thunk S3chan [socket -async $EndPoint 80]
fconfigure [dict get $thunk S3chan] -translation binary -encoding binary
dict set thunk verb [dict get $thunk orig verb]
dict set thunk resource [S3::encode_url [dict get $thunk orig resource]]
if {[dict exists $orig rtype]} {
dict set thunk resource \
[dict get $thunk resource]?[dict get $orig rtype]
if {[dict exists $orig headers]} {
dict set thunk headers [dict get $orig headers]
} else {
dict set thunk headers [dict create]
if {[dict exists $orig infile]} {
dict set thunk infile [dict get $orig infile]
if {[dict exists $orig content-type]} {
dict set thunk content-type [dict get $orig content-type]
} else {
if {[dict exists $thunk infile]} {
set zz [dict get $thunk infile]
} else {
set zz [dict get $thunk resource]
if {-1 != [string first "?" $zz]} {
set zz [string range $zz 0 [expr {[string first "?" $zz]-1}]]
set zz [string trim $zz]
if {$zz != ""} {
catch {dict set thunk content-type [S3::contenttype $zz]}
} else {
dict set thunk content-type application/octet-stream
dict set thunk content-type ""
set p {}
if {[dict exist $thunk orig parameters]} {
set p [dict get $thunk orig parameters]
dict set thunk url [S3::to_url [dict get $thunk resource] $p]
if {[dict exists $thunk orig inbody]} {
dict set thunk headers [S3::authREST \
[dict get $thunk verb] [dict get $thunk resource] \
[dict get $thunk content-type] [dict get $thunk headers] \
[dict get $thunk orig inbody] ]
} else {
dict set thunk headers [S3::authREST \
[dict get $thunk verb] [dict get $thunk resource] \
[dict get $thunk content-type] [dict get $thunk headers] ]
# Not the best place to put this code.
if {![info exists body] && [dict exists $thunk infile]} {
set size [file size [dict get $thunk infile]]
set x [dict get $thunk headers]
dict set x content-length $size
dict set thunk headers $x
# Ready to go!
return [S3::nextdo send_headers $thunk writable]
# Internal. Send the headers to Amazon. Might block if you have
# really small socket buffers, but Amazon doesn't want
# data that big anyway.
proc S3::send_headers {thunk} {
S3::debug "Send-headers" $thunk
set s3 [dict get $thunk S3chan]
puts $s3 "[dict get $thunk verb] [dict get $thunk url] HTTP/1.0"
S3::debug ">> [dict get $thunk verb] [dict get $thunk url] HTTP/1.0"
foreach {key val} [dict get $thunk headers] {
puts $s3 "$key: $val"
S3::debug ">> $key: $val"
puts $s3 ""
flush $s3
return [S3::nextdo send_body $thunk writable]
# Internal. Send the body to Amazon.
proc S3::send_body {thunk} {
global errorCode
set s3 [dict get $thunk S3chan]
if {[dict exists $thunk orig inbody]} {
# Send a string. Let's guess that even in non-blocking
# mode, this is small enough or Tcl's smart enough that
# we don't blow up the buffer.
puts -nonewline $s3 [dict get $thunk orig inbody]
flush $s3
return [S3::nextdo read_headers $thunk readable]
} elseif {![dict exists $thunk orig infile]} {
# No body, no file, so nothing more to do.
return [S3::nextdo read_headers $thunk readable]
} elseif {[dict get $thunk blocking]} {
# A blocking file copy. Still not too hard.
if {[catch {set inchan [open [dict get $thunk infile] r]} caught]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 could not open infile - $caught" "" \
[list S3 local [dict get $thunk infile] $errorCode]
fconfigure $inchan -translation binary -encoding binary
fileevent $s3 readable {}
fileevent $s3 writable {}
if {[catch {fcopy $inchan $s3 ; flush $s3 ; close $inchan} caught]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 could not copy infile - $caught" "" \
[list S3 local [dict get $thunk infile] $errorCode]
S3::nextdo read_headers $thunk readable
} else {
# The hard one. Background file copy.
fileevent $s3 readable {}
fileevent $s3 writable {}
if {[catch {set inchan [open [dict get $thunk infile] r]} caught]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 could not open infile - $caught" "" \
[list S3 local [dict get $thunk infile] $errorCode]
fconfigure $inchan -buffering none -translation binary -encoding binary
fconfigure $s3 -buffering none -translation binary \
-encoding binary -blocking 0 ; # Doesn't work without this?
dict set thunk inchan $inchan ; # So we can close it.
fcopy $inchan $s3 -command \
[list S3::nextdo read_headers $thunk readable]
# Internal. The first line has come back. Grab out the
# stuff we care about.
proc S3::parse_status {thunk line} {
# Got the status line
S3::debug "<< $line"
dict set thunk httpstatusline [string trim $line]
dict set thunk outheaders [dict create]
regexp {^HTTP/1.. (...) (.*)$} $line junk code message
dict set thunk httpstatus $code
dict set thunk httpmessage [string trim $message]
return $thunk
# A line of header information has come back. Grab it.
# This probably is unhappy with multiple lines for one
# header.
proc S3::parse_header {thunk line} {
# Got a header line. For now, assume no continuations.
S3::debug "<< $line"
set line [string trim $line]
set left [string range $line 0 [expr {[string first ":" $line]-1}]]
set right [string range $line [expr {[string first ":" $line]+1}] end]
set left [string trim [string tolower $left]]
set right [string trim $right]
dict set thunk outheaders $left $right
return $thunk
# I don't know if HTTP requires a blank line after the headers if
# there's no body.
# Internal. Read all the headers, and throw if we get EOF before
# we get any headers at all.
proc S3::read_headers {thunk} {
set s3 [dict get $thunk S3chan]
flush $s3
fconfigure $s3 -blocking [dict get $thunk blocking]
if {[dict get $thunk blocking]} {
# Blocking. Just read to a blank line. Otherwise,
# if we use nextdo here, we wind up nesting horribly.
# If we're not blocking, of course, we're returning
# to the event loop each time, so that's OK.
set count [gets $s3 line]
if {[eof $s3]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 EOF during status line read" "" "S3 socket EOF"
set thunk [S3::parse_status $thunk $line]
while {[string trim $line] != ""} {
set count [gets $s3 line]
if {$count == -1 && 0 == [dict size [dict get $thunk outheaders]]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 EOF during headers read" "" "S3 socket EOF"
if {[string trim $line] != ""} {
set thunk [S3::parse_header $thunk $line]
return [S3::nextdo read_body $thunk readable]
} else {
# Non-blocking, so we have to reenter for each line.
# First, fix up the file handle, tho.
if {[dict exists $thunk inchan]} {
close [dict get $thunk inchan]
dict unset thunk inchan
# Now get one header.
set count [gets $s3 line]
if {[eof $s3]} {
fileevent $s3 readable {}
fileevent $s3 writable {}
if {![dict exists $thunk httpstatusline]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 EOF during status line read" "" "S3 socket EOF"
} elseif {0 == [dict size [dict get $thunk outheaders]]} {
S3::fail $thunk "S3 EOF during header read" "" "S3 socket EOF"
if {$count < 0} return ; # Wait for a whole line
set line [string trim $line]
if {![dict exists $thunk httpstatus]} {
set thunk [S3::parse_status $thunk $line]
S3::nextdo read_headers $thunk readable ; # New thunk here.
} elseif {$line != ""} {
set thunk [S3::parse_header $thunk $line]
S3::nextdo read_headers $thunk readable ; # New thunk here.
} else {
# Got an empty line. Switch to copying the body.
S3::nextdo read_body $thunk readable
# Internal. Read the body of the response.
proc S3::read_body {thunk} {
set s3 [dict get $thunk S3chan]
if {[dict get $thunk blocking]} {
# Easy. Just read it.
if {[dict exists $thunk orig outchan]} {
fcopy $s3 [dict get $thunk orig outchan]
} else {
set x [read $s3]
dict set thunk outbody $x
#S3::debug "Body: $x" -- Disable unconditional wasteful conversion to string
#Need better debug system which does this only when active.
return [S3::nextdo all_done $thunk readable]
} else {
# Nonblocking mode.
if {[dict exists $thunk orig outchan]} {
fileevent $s3 readable {}
fileevent $s3 writable {}
fcopy $s3 [dict get $thunk orig outchan] -command \
[list S3::nextdo all_done $thunk readable]
} else {
dict append thunk outbody [read $s3]
if {[eof $s3]} {
# We're done.
S3::nextdo all_done $thunk readable
} else {
S3::nextdo read_body $thunk readable
# Internal. Convenience function.
proc S3::fail {thunk error errorInfo errorCode} {
S3::all_done $thunk $error $errorInfo $errorCode
# Internal. We're all done the transaction. Clean up everything,
# potentially record errors, close channels, etc etc etc.
proc S3::all_done {thunk {error ""} {errorInfo ""} {errorCode ""}} {
set s3 [dict get $thunk S3chan]
catch {
fileevent $s3 readable {}
fileevent $s3 writable {}
if {![dict exists $thunk orig S3chan]} {
catch {close $s3}
set res [dict get $thunk orig]
catch {
dict set res httpstatus [dict get $thunk httpstatus]
dict set res httpmessage [dict get $thunk httpmessage]
dict set res outheaders [dict get $thunk outheaders]
if {![dict exists $thunk orig outchan]} {
if {[dict exists $thunk outbody]} {
dict set res outbody [dict get $thunk outbody]
} else {
# Probably HTTP failure
dict set rest outbody {}
if {$error ne ""} {
dict set res error $error
dict set res errorInfo $errorInfo
dict set res errorCode $errorCode
if {![dict get $thunk blocking]} {
after 0 [list uplevel #0 \
[list set [dict get $thunk orig resultvar] $res]]
if {$error eq "" || ![dict get $thunk blocking] || \
([dict exists $thunk orig throwsocket] && \
"return" == [dict get $thunk orig throwsocket])} {
return $res
} else {
error $error $errorInfo $errorCode
# Internal. Parse the lst and make sure it has only keys from the 'valid' list.
# Used to parse arguments going into the higher-level functions.
proc S3::parseargs1 {lst valid} {
if {[llength $lst] % 2 != 0} {
error "Option list must be even -name val pairs" \
"" [list S3 usage [lindex $lst end] $lst]
foreach {key val} $lst {
# Sadly, lsearch applies -glob to the wrong thing for our needs
set found 0
foreach v $valid {
if {[string match $v $key]} {set found 1 ; break}
if {!$found} {
error "Option list has invalid -key" \
"" [list S3 usage $key $lst]
return $lst ; # It seems OK
# Internal. Create a variable for higher-level functions to vwait.
proc S3::bgvar {} {
variable bgvar_counter
incr bgvar_counter
set name ::S3::bgvar$bgvar_counter
return $name
# Internal. Given a request and the arguments, run the S3::REST in
# the foreground or the background as appropriate. Also, do retries
# for internal errors.
proc S3::maybebackground {req myargs} {
variable config
global errorCode errorInfo
set mytries [expr {1+[dict get $config -retries]}]
set delay 2000
dict set req throwsocket return
while {1} {
if {![dict exists $myargs -blocking] || [dict get $myargs -blocking]} {
set dict [S3::REST $req]
} else {
set res [bgvar]
dict set req resultvar $res
S3::REST $req
vwait $res
set dict [set $res]
unset $res ; # clean up temps
if {[dict exists $dict error]} {
set code [dict get $dict errorCode]
if {"S3" != [lindex $code 0] || "socket" != [lindex $code 1]} {
error [dict get $dict error] \
[dict get $dict errorInfo] \
[dict get $dict errorCode]
incr mytries -1
incr delay $delay ; if {20000 < $delay} {set delay 20000}
if {"500" ne [dict get $dict httpstatus] || $mytries <= 0} {
return $dict
if {![dict exists $myargs -blocking] || [dict get $myargs -blocking]} {
after $delay
} else {
set timer [bgvar]
after $delay [list set $timer 1]
vwait $timer
unset $timer
# Internal. Maybe throw an HTTP error if httpstatus not in 200 range.
proc S3::throwhttp {dict} {
set hs [dict get $dict httpstatus]
if {![string match "2??" $hs]} {
error "S3 received non-OK HTTP result of $hs" "" \
[list S3 remote $hs $dict]
# Public. Returns the list of buckets for this user.
proc S3::ListAllMyBuckets {args} {
checkinit ; # I know this gets done later.
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {-blocking -parse-xml -result-type}]
if {![dict exists $myargs -result-type]} {
dict set myargs -result-type names
if {![dict exists $myargs -blocking]} {
dict set myargs -blocking true
set restype [dict get $myargs -result-type]
if {$restype eq "REST" && [dict exists $myargs -parse-xml]} {
error "Do not use REST with -parse-xml" "" \
[list S3 usage -parse-xml $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -parse-xml]} {
# We need to fetch the results.
set req [dict create verb GET resource /]
set dict [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
if {$restype eq "REST"} {
return $dict ; #we're done!
S3::throwhttp $dict ; #make sure it worked.
set xml [dict get $dict outbody]
} else {
set xml [dict get $myargs -parse-xml]
# Here, we either already returned the dict, or the XML is in "xml".
if {$restype eq "xml"} {return $xml}
if {[catch {set pxml [::xsxp::parse $xml]}]} {
error "S3 invalid XML structure" "" [list S3 usage xml $xml]
if {$restype eq "pxml"} {return $pxml}
if {$restype eq "dict" || $restype eq "names"} {
set buckets [::xsxp::fetch $pxml "Buckets" %CHILDREN]
set names {} ; set dates {}
foreach bucket $buckets {
lappend names [::xsxp::fetch $bucket "Name" %PCDATA]
lappend dates [::xsxp::fetch $bucket "CreationDate" %PCDATA]
if {$restype eq "names"} {
return $names
} else {
return [dict create \
Owner/ID [::xsxp::fetch $pxml "Owner/ID" %PCDATA] \
Owner/DisplayName \
[::xsxp::fetch $pxml "Owner/DisplayName" %PCDATA] \
Bucket/Name $names Bucket/Date $dates \
if {$restype eq "owner"} {
return [list [::xsxp::fetch $pxml Owner/ID %PCDATA] \
[::xsxp::fetch $pxml Owner/DisplayName %PCDATA] ]
error "ListAllMyBuckets requires -result-type to be REST, xml, pxml, dict, owner, or names" "" [list S3 usage -result-type $args]
# Public. Create a bucket.
proc S3::PutBucket {args} {
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {-blocking -bucket -acl}]
if {![dict exists $myargs -acl]} {
dict set myargs -acl [S3::Configure -default-acl]
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
error "PutBucket requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
set req [dict create verb PUT resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]]
if {[dict exists $myargs -acl]} {
dict set req headers [list x-amz-acl [dict get $myargs -acl]]
set dict [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
S3::throwhttp $dict
return "" ; # until we decide what to return.
# Public. Delete a bucket.
proc S3::DeleteBucket {args} {
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {-blocking -bucket}]
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
error "DeleteBucket requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $args -bucket] "/ "]
set req [dict create verb DELETE resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]]
set dict [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
S3::throwhttp $dict
return "" ; # until we decide what to return.
# Internal. Suck out the one and only answer from the list, if needed.
proc S3::firstif {list myargs} {
if {[dict exists $myargs -max-keys]} {
return [lindex $list 0]
} else {
return $list
# Public. Get the list of resources within a bucket.
proc S3::GetBucket {args} {
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -parse-xml -max-keys
-result-type -prefix -delimiter
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "GetBucket requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {[dict get $myargs -bucket] eq ""} {
error "GetBucket requires -bucket nonempty" "" \
[list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -result-type]} {
dict set myargs -result-type names
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] eq "REST" && \
[dict exists $myargs "-parse-xml"]} {
error "GetBucket can't have -parse-xml with REST result" "" \
[list S3 usage -parse-xml $args]
set req [dict create verb GET resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]]
set parameters {}
# Now, just to make test cases easier...
if {[dict exists $myargs -TEST]} {
dict set parameters max-keys [dict get $myargs -TEST]
# Back to your regularly scheduled argument parsing
if {[dict exists $myargs -max-keys]} {
dict set parameters max-keys [dict get $myargs -max-keys]
if {[dict exists $myargs -prefix]} {
set p [dict get $myargs -prefix]
if {[string match "/*" $p]} {
set p [string range $p 1 end]
dict set parameters prefix $p
if {[dict exists $myargs -delimiter]} {
dict set parameters delimiter [dict get $myargs -delimiter]
set nextmarker0 {} ; # We use this for -result-type dict.
if {![dict exists $myargs -parse-xml]} {
# Go fetch answers.
# Current xaction in "0" vars, with accumulation in "L" vars.
# Ultimate result of this loop is $RESTL, a list of REST results.
set RESTL [list]
while {1} {
set req0 $req ; dict set req0 parameters $parameters
set REST0 [S3::maybebackground $req0 $myargs]
S3::throwhttp $REST0
lappend RESTL $REST0
if {[dict exists $myargs -max-keys]} {
# We were given a limit, so just return the answer.
set pxml0 [::xsxp::parse [dict get $REST0 outbody]]
set trunc0 [expr "true" eq \
[::xsxp::fetch $pxml0 IsTruncated %PCDATA]]
if {!$trunc0} {
# We've retrieved the final block, so go parse it.
set nextmarker0 "" ; # For later.
# Find the highest contents entry. (Would have been
# easier if Amazon always supplied NextMarker.)
set nextmarker0 {}
foreach {only tag} {Contents Key CommonPrefixes Prefix} {
set only0 [::xsxp::only $pxml0 $only]
if {0 < [llength $only0]} {
set k0 [::xsxp::fetch [lindex $only0 end] $tag %PCDATA]
if {[string compare $nextmarker0 $k0] < 0} {
set nextmarker0 $k0
if {$nextmarker0 eq ""} {error "Internal Error in S3 library"}
# Here we have the next marker, so fetch the next REST
dict set parameters marker $nextmarker0
# Note - $nextmarker0 is used way down below again!
# OK, at this point, the caller did not provide the xml via -parse-xml
# And now we have a list of REST results. So let's process.
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] eq "REST"} {
return [S3::firstif $RESTL $myargs]
set xmlL [list]
foreach entry $RESTL {
lappend xmlL [dict get $entry outbody]
unset RESTL ; # just to save memory
} else {
# Well, we've parsed out the XML from the REST,
# so we're ready for -parse-xml
set xmlL [list [dict get $myargs -parse-xml]]
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] eq "xml"} {
return [S3::firstif $xmlL $myargs]
set pxmlL [list]
foreach xml $xmlL {
lappend pxmlL [::xsxp::parse $xml]
unset xmlL
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] eq "pxml"} {
return [S3::firstif $pxmlL $myargs]
# Here, for result types of "names" and "dict",
# we need to actually parse out all the results.
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] eq "names"} {
# The easy one.
set names [list]
foreach pxml $pxmlL {
set con0 [::xsxp::only $pxml Contents]
set con1 [::xsxp::only $pxml CommonPrefixes]
lappend names {*}[concat [::xsxp::fetchall $con0 Key %PCDATA] \
[::xsxp::fetchall $con1 Prefix %PCDATA]]
return [lsort $names]
} elseif {[dict get $myargs -result-type] eq "dict"} {
# The harder one.
set last0 [lindex $pxmlL end]
set res [dict create]
foreach thing {Name Prefix Marker MaxKeys IsTruncated} {
dict set res $thing [::xsxp::fetch $last0 $thing %PCDATA?]
dict set res NextMarker $nextmarker0 ; # From way up above.
set Prefix [list]
set names {Key LastModified ETag Size Owner/ID Owner/DisplayName StorageClass}
foreach name $names {set $name [list]}
foreach pxml $pxmlL {
foreach tag [::xsxp::only $pxml CommonPrefixes] {
lappend Prefix [::xsxp::fetch $tag Prefix %PCDATA]
foreach tag [::xsxp::only $pxml Contents] {
foreach name $names {
lappend $name [::xsxp::fetch $tag $name %PCDATA]
dict set res CommonPrefixes/Prefix $Prefix
foreach name $names {dict set res $name [set $name]}
return $res
} else {
# The hardest one ;-)
error "GetBucket Invalid result type, must be REST, xml, pxml, names, or dict" "" [list S3 usage -result-type $args]
# Internal. Compare a resource to a file.
# Returns 1 if they're different, 0 if they're the same.
# Note that using If-Modified-Since and/or If-Match,If-None-Match
# might wind up being more efficient than pulling the head
# and checking. However, this allows for slop, checking both
# the etag and the date, only generating local etag if the
# date and length indicate they're the same, and so on.
# Direction is G or P for Get or Put.
# Assumes the source always exists. Obviously, Get and Put will throw if not,
# but not because of this.
proc S3::compare {myargs direction} {
variable config
global errorInfo
set compare [dict get $myargs -compare]
if {$compare ni {always never exists missing newer date checksum different}} {
error "-compare must be always, never, exists, missing, newer, date, checksum, or different" "" \
[list S3 usage -compare $myargs]
if {"never" eq $compare} {return 0}
if {"always" eq $compare} {return 1}
if {[dict exists $myargs -file] && [file exists [dict get $myargs -file]]} {
set local_exists 1
} else {
set local_exists 0
# Avoid hitting S3 if we don't need to.
if {$direction eq "G" && "exists" eq $compare} {return $local_exists}
if {$direction eq "G" && "missing" eq $compare} {
return [expr !$local_exists]
# We need to get the headers from the resource.
set req [dict create \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource] \
verb HEAD ]
set res [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
set httpstatus [dict get $res httpstatus]
if {"404" eq $httpstatus} {
set remote_exists 0
} elseif {[string match "2??" $httpstatus]} {
set remote_exists 1
} else {
error "S3: Neither 404 or 2xx on conditional compare" "" \
[list S3 remote $httpstatus $res]
if {$direction eq "P"} {
if {"exists" eq $compare} {return $remote_exists}
if {"missing" eq $compare} {return [expr {!$remote_exists}]}
if {!$remote_exists} {return 1}
} elseif {$direction eq "G"} {
# Actually already handled above, but it never hurts...
if {"exists" eq $compare} {return $local_exists}
if {"missing" eq $compare} {return [expr {!$local_exists}]}
set outheaders [dict get $res outheaders]
if {[dict exists $outheaders content-length]} {
set remote_length [dict get $outheaders content-length]
} else {
set remote_length -1
if {[dict exists $outheaders etag]} {
set remote_etag [string tolower \
[string trim [dict get $outheaders etag] \"]]
} else {
set remote_etag "YYY"
if {[dict exists $outheaders last-modified]} {
set remote_date [clock scan [dict get $outheaders last-modified]]
} else {
set remote_date -1
if {[dict exists $myargs -content]} {
# Probably should work this out better...
#set local_length [string length [encoding convert-to utf-8 \
#[dict get $myargs -content]]]
set local_length [string length [dict get $myargs -content]]
} elseif {$local_exists} {
if {[catch {file size [dict get $myargs -file]} local_length]} {
error "S3: Couldn't stat [dict get $myargs -file]" "" \
[list S3 local $errorInfo]
} else {
set local_length -2
if {[dict exists $myargs -content]} {
set local_date [clock seconds]
} elseif {$local_exists} {
set local_date [file mtime [dict get $myargs -file]]
# Shouldn't throw, since [file size] worked.
} else {
set local_date -2
if {$direction eq "P"} {
if {"newer" eq $compare} {
if {$remote_date < $local_date - [dict get $config -slop-seconds]} {
return 1 ; # Yes, local is newer
} else {
return 0 ; # Older, or the same
} elseif {$direction eq "G"} {
if {"newer" eq $compare} {
if {$local_date < $remote_date - [dict get $config -slop-seconds]} {
return 1 ; # Yes, remote is later.
} else {
return 0 ; # Local is older or same.
if {[dict get $config -slop-seconds] <= abs($local_date - $remote_date)} {
set date_diff 1 ; # Difference is greater
} else {
set date_diff 0 ; # Difference negligible
if {"date" eq $compare} {return $date_diff}
if {"different" eq $compare && [dict exists $myargs -file] && $date_diff} {
return 1
# Date's the same, but we're also interested in content, so check the rest
# Only others to handle are checksum and different-with-matching-dates
if {$local_length != $remote_length} {return 1} ; #easy quick case
if {[dict exists $myargs -file] && $local_exists} {
if {[catch {
# Maybe deal with making this backgroundable too?
set local_etag [string tolower \
[::md5::md5 -hex -filename [dict get $myargs -file]]]
} caught]} {
# Maybe you can stat but not read it?
error "S3 could not hash file" "" \
[list S3 local [dict get $myargs -file] $errorInfo]
} elseif {[dict exists $myargs -content]} {
set local_etag [string tolower \
[string tolower [::md5::md5 -hex [dict get $myargs -content]]]]
} else {
set local_etag "XXX"
# puts "local: $local_etag\nremote: $remote_etag"
if {$local_etag eq $remote_etag} {return 0} {return 1}
# Internal. Calculates the ACL based on file permissions.
proc S3::calcacl {myargs} {
# How would one work this under Windows, then?
# Silly way: invoke [exec cacls $filename],
# parse the result looking for Everyone:F or Everyone:R
# Messy security if someone replaces the cacls.exe or something.
error "S3 Not Yet Implemented" "" [list S3 notyet calcacl $myargs]
set result [S3::Configure -default-acl]
catch {
set chmod [file attributes [dict get $myargs -file] -permissions]
set chmod [expr {$chmod & 6}]
if {$chmod == 0} {set result private}
if {$chmod == 2} {set result public-write}
if {$chmod == 6} {set result public-read-write}
# Public. Put a resource into a bucket.
proc S3::Put {args} {
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -file -content -resource -acl
-content-type -x-amz-meta-* -compare
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Put requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -blocking]} {
dict set myargs -blocking true
if {![dict exists $myargs -file] && ![dict exists $myargs -content]} {
error "Put requires -file or -content" "" [list S3 usage -file $args]
if {[dict exists $myargs -file] && [dict exists $myargs -content]} {
error "Put says -file, -content mutually exclusive" "" [list S3 usage -file $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -resource]} {
error "Put requires -resource" "" [list S3 usage -resource $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -compare]} {
dict set myargs -compare [S3::Configure -default-compare]
if {![dict exists $myargs -acl] && "" ne [S3::Configure -default-acl]} {
dict set myargs -acl [S3::Configure -default-acl]
if {[dict exists $myargs -file] && \
"never" ne [dict get $myargs -compare] && \
![file exists [dict get $myargs -file]]} {
error "Put -file doesn't exist: [dict get $myargs -file]" \
"" [list S3 usage -file $args]
# Clean up bucket, and take one leading slash (if any) off resource.
if {[string match "/*" [dict get $myargs -resource]]} {
dict set myargs -resource \
[string range [dict get $myargs -resource] 1 end]
# See if we need to copy it.
set comp [S3::compare $myargs P]
if {!$comp} {return 0} ; # skip it, then.
# Oookeydookey. At this point, we're actually going to send
# the file, so all we need to do is build the request array.
set req [dict create verb PUT \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource]]
if {[dict exists $myargs -file]} {
dict set req infile [dict get $myargs -file]
} else {
dict set req inbody [dict get $myargs -content]
if {[dict exists $myargs -content-type]} {
dict set req content-type [dict get $myargs -content-type]
set headers {}
foreach xhead [dict keys $myargs -x-amz-meta-*] {
dict set headers [string range $xhead 1 end] [dict get $myargs $xhead]
set xmlacl "" ; # For calc and keep
if {[dict exists $myargs -acl]} {
if {[dict get $myargs -acl] eq "calc"} {
# We could make this more complicated by
# assigning it to xmlacl after building it.
dict set myargs -acl [S3::calcacl $myargs]
} elseif {[dict get $myargs -acl] eq "keep"} {
dict set myargs -acl [S3::Configure -default-acl]
catch {
set xmlacl [S3::GetAcl \
-bucket [dict get $myargs -bucket] \
-resource [dict get $myargs -resource] \
-blocking [dict get $myargs -blocking] \
-result-type xml]
dict set headers x-amz-acl [dict get $myargs -acl]
dict set req headers $headers
# That should do it.
set res [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
S3::throwhttp $res
if {"<" == [string index $xmlacl 0]} {
# Set the saved ACL back on the new object
S3::PutAcl \
-bucket [dict get $myargs -bucket] \
-resource [dict get $myargs -resource] \
-blocking [dict get $myargs -blocking] \
-acl $xmlacl
return 1 ; # Yep, we copied it!
# Public. Get a resource from a bucket.
proc S3::Get {args} {
global errorCode
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -file -content -resource -timestamp
-headers -compare
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Get requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -file] && ![dict exists $myargs -content]} {
error "Get requires -file or -content" "" [list S3 usage -file $args]
if {[dict exists $myargs -file] && [dict exists $myargs -content]} {
error "Get says -file, -content mutually exclusive" "" [list S3 usage -file $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -resource]} {
error "Get requires -resource" "" [list S3 usage -resource $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -compare]} {
dict set myargs -compare [S3::Configure -default-compare]
# Clean up bucket, and take one leading slash (if any) off resource.
if {[string match "/*" [dict get $myargs -resource]]} {
dict set myargs -resource \
[string range [dict get $myargs -resource] 1 end]
# See if we need to copy it.
if {"never" eq [dict get $myargs -compare]} {return 0}
if {[dict exists $myargs -content]} {
set comp 1
} else {
set comp [S3::compare $myargs G]
if {!$comp} {return 0} ; # skip it, then.
# Oookeydookey. At this point, we're actually going to fetch
# the file, so all we need to do is build the request array.
set req [dict create verb GET \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource]]
if {[dict exists $myargs -file]} {
set pre_exists [file exists [dict get $myargs -file]]
if {[catch {
set x [open [dict get $myargs -file] w]
fconfigure $x -translation binary -encoding binary
} caught]} {
error "Get could not create file [dict get $myargs -file]" "" \
[list S3 local -file $errorCode]
dict set req outchan $x
# That should do it.
set res [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
if {[dict exists $req outchan]} {
catch {close [dict get $req outchan]}
if {![string match "2??" [dict get $res httpstatus]] && !$pre_exists} {
catch {file delete -force -- [dict get $myargs -file]}
S3::throwhttp $res
if {[dict exists $myargs -headers]} {
uplevel 1 \
[list set [dict get $myargs -headers] [dict get $res outheaders]]
if {[dict exists $myargs -content]} {
uplevel 1 \
[list set [dict get $myargs -content] [dict get $res outbody]]
if {[dict exists $myargs -timestamp] && [dict exists $myargs -file]} {
if {"aws" eq [dict get $myargs -timestamp]} {
catch {
set t [dict get $res outheaders last-modified]
set t [clock scan $t -gmt true]
file mtime [dict get $myargs -file] $t
return 1 ; # Yep, we copied it!
# Public. Get information about a resource in a bucket.
proc S3::Head {args} {
global errorCode
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -resource -headers -dict -status
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Head requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -resource]} {
error "Head requires -resource" "" [list S3 usage -resource $args]
# Clean up bucket, and take one leading slash (if any) off resource.
if {[string match "/*" [dict get $myargs -resource]]} {
dict set myargs -resource \
[string range [dict get $myargs -resource] 1 end]
set req [dict create verb HEAD \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource]]
set res [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
if {[dict exists $myargs -dict]} {
uplevel 1 \
[list set [dict get $myargs -dict] $res]
if {[dict exists $myargs -headers]} {
uplevel 1 \
[list set [dict get $myargs -headers] [dict get $res outheaders]]
if {[dict exists $myargs -status]} {
set x [list [dict get $res httpstatus] [dict get $res httpmessage]]
uplevel 1 \
[list set [dict get $myargs -status] $x]
return [string match "2??" [dict get $res httpstatus]]
# Public. Get the full ACL from an object and parse it into something useful.
proc S3::GetAcl {args} {
global errorCode
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -resource -result-type -parse-xml
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {![dict exists $myargs -result-type]} {
dict set myargs -result-type "dict"
set restype [dict get $myargs -result-type]
if {$restype eq "REST" && [dict exists $myargs -parse-xml]} {
error "Do not use REST with -parse-xml" "" \
[list S3 usage -parse-xml $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -parse-xml]} {
# We need to fetch the results.
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "GetAcl requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -resource]} {
error "GetAcl requires -resource" "" [list S3 usage -resource $args]
# Clean up bucket, and take one leading slash (if any) off resource.
if {[string match "/*" [dict get $myargs -resource]]} {
dict set myargs -resource \
[string range [dict get $myargs -resource] 1 end]
set req [dict create verb GET \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource] \
rtype acl]
set dict [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
if {$restype eq "REST"} {
return $dict ; #we're done!
S3::throwhttp $dict ; #make sure it worked.
set xml [dict get $dict outbody]
} else {
set xml [dict get $myargs -parse-xml]
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] == "xml"} {
return $xml
set pxml [xsxp::parse $xml]
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] == "pxml"} {
return $pxml
if {[dict get $myargs -result-type] == "dict"} {
array set resdict {}
set owner [xsxp::fetch $pxml Owner/ID %PCDATA]
set grants [xsxp::fetch $pxml AccessControlList %CHILDREN]
foreach grant $grants {
set perm [xsxp::fetch $grant Permission %PCDATA]
set id ""
catch {set id [xsxp::fetch $grant Grantee/ID %PCDATA]}
if {$id == ""} {
set id [xsxp::fetch $grant Grantee/URI %PCDATA]
lappend resdict($perm) $id
return [dict create owner $owner acl [array get resdict]]
error "GetAcl requires -result-type to be REST, xml, pxml or dict" "" [list S3 usage -result-type $args]
# Make one Grant thingie
proc S3::engrant {who what} {
if {$who == "AuthenticatedUsers" || $who == "AllUsers"} {
set who http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/$who
if {-1 != [string first "//" $who]} {
set type Group ; set tag URI
} elseif {-1 != [string first "@" $who]} {
set type AmazonCustomerByEmail ; set tag EmailAddress
} else {
set type CanonicalUser ; set tag ID
set who [string map {< < > > & &} $who]
set what [string toupper $what]
set xml "<$tag>$who$tag>"
append xml "$what"
return $xml
# Make the owner header
proc S3::enowner {owner} {
return "$owner"
return "\n$owner"
proc S3::endacl {} {
return "\n"
# Public. Set the ACL on an existing object.
proc S3::PutAcl {args} {
global errorCode
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -resource -acl -owner
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "PutAcl requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -resource]} {
error "PutAcl requires -resource" "" [list S3 usage -resource $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -acl]} {
dict set myargs -acl [S3::Configure -default-acl]
dict set myargs -acl [string trim [dict get $myargs -acl]]
if {[dict get $myargs -acl] == ""} {
dict set myargs -acl [S3::Configure -default-acl]
if {[dict get $myargs -acl] == ""} {
error "PutAcl requires -acl" "" [list D3 usage -resource $args]
# Clean up bucket, and take one leading slash (if any) off resource.
if {[string match "/*" [dict get $myargs -resource]]} {
dict set myargs -resource \
[string range [dict get $myargs -resource] 1 end]
# Now, figure out the XML to send.
set acl [dict get $myargs -acl]
set owner ""
if {"<" != [string index $acl 0] && ![dict exists $myargs -owner]} {
# Grab the owner off the resource
set req [dict create verb GET \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource] \
rtype acl]
set dict [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
S3::throwhttp $dict ; #make sure it worked.
set xml [dict get $dict outbody]
set pxml [xsxp::parse $xml]
set owner [xsxp::fetch $pxml Owner/ID %PCDATA]
if {[dict exists $myargs -owner]} {
set owner [dict get $myargs -owner]
set xml [enowner $owner]
if {"" == $acl || "private" == $acl} {
append xml [engrant $owner FULL_CONTROL]
append xml [endacl]
} elseif {"public-read" == $acl} {
append xml [engrant $owner FULL_CONTROL]
append xml [engrant AllUsers READ]
append xml [endacl]
} elseif {"public-read-write" == $acl} {
append xml [engrant $owner FULL_CONTROL]
append xml [engrant AllUsers READ]
append xml [engrant AllUsers WRITE]
append xml [endacl]
} elseif {"authenticated-read" == $acl} {
append xml [engrant $owner FULL_CONTROL]
append xml [engrant AuthenticatedUsers READ]
append xml [endacl]
} elseif {"<" == [string index $acl 0]} {
set xml $acl
} elseif {[llength $acl] % 2 != 0} {
error "S3::PutAcl -acl must be xml, private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, or a dictionary" \
"" [list S3 usage -acl $acl]
} else {
# ACL in permission/ID-list format.
if {[dict exists $acl owner] && [dict exists $acl acl]} {
set xml [S3::enowner [dict get $acl owner]]
set acl [dict get $acl acl]
if {[dict exists $acl $perm]} {
foreach id [dict get $acl $perm] {
append xml [engrant $id $perm]
append xml [endacl]
set req [dict create verb PUT \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource] \
inbody $xml \
rtype acl]
set res [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
S3::throwhttp $res ; #make sure it worked.
return $xml
# Public. Delete a resource from a bucket.
proc S3::Delete {args} {
global errorCode
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -resource -status
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Delete requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -resource]} {
error "Delete requires -resource" "" [list S3 usage -resource $args]
# Clean up bucket, and take one leading slash (if any) off resource.
if {[string match "/*" [dict get $myargs -resource]]} {
dict set myargs -resource \
[string range [dict get $myargs -resource] 1 end]
set req [dict create verb DELETE \
resource /[dict get $myargs -bucket]/[dict get $myargs -resource]]
set res [S3::maybebackground $req $myargs]
if {[dict exists $myargs -status]} {
set x [list [dict get $res httpstatus] [dict get $res httpmessage]]
uplevel 1 \
[list set [dict get $myargs -status] $x]
return [string match "2??" [dict get $res httpstatus]]
# Some helper routines for Push, Pull, and Sync
# Internal. Filter for fileutil::find.
proc S3::findfilter {dirs name} {
# In particular, skip links, devices, etc.
if {$dirs} {
return [expr {[file isdirectory $name] || [file isfile $name]}]
} else {
return [file isfile $name]
# Internal. Get list of local files, appropriately trimmed.
proc S3::getLocal {root dirs} {
# Thanks to Michael Cleverly for this first line...
set base [file normalize [file join [pwd] $root]]
if {![string match "*/" $base]} {
set base $base/
set files {} ; set bl [string length $base]
foreach file [fileutil::find $base [list S3::findfilter $dirs]] {
if {[file isdirectory $file]} {
lappend files [string range $file $bl end]/
} else {
lappend files [string range $file $bl end]
set files [lsort $files]
# At this point, $files is a sorted list of all the local files,
# with a trailing / on any directories included in the list.
return $files
# Internal. Get list of remote resources, appropriately trimmed.
proc S3::getRemote {bucket prefix blocking} {
set prefix [string trim $prefix " /"]
if {0 != [string length $prefix]} {append prefix /}
set res [S3::GetBucket -bucket $bucket -prefix $prefix \
-result-type names -blocking $blocking]
set names {} ; set pl [string length $prefix]
foreach name $res {
lappend names [string range $name $pl end]
return [lsort $names]
# Internal. Create any directories we need to put the file in place.
proc S3::makeDirs {directory suffix} {
set sofar {}
set nodes [split $suffix /]
set nodes [lrange $nodes 0 end-1]
foreach node $nodes {
lappend sofar $node
set tocheck [file join $directory {*}$sofar]
if {![file exists $tocheck]} {
catch {file mkdir $tocheck}
# Internal. Default progress monitor for push, pull, toss.
proc S3::ignore {args} {} ; # default progress monitor
# Internal. For development and testing. Progress monitor.
proc S3::printargs {args} {puts $args} ; # For testing.
# Public. Send a local directory tree to S3.
proc S3::Push {args} {
uplevel #0 package require fileutil
global errorCode errorInfo
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -prefix -directory
-compare -x-amz-meta-* -acl -delete -error -progress
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Push requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -directory]} {
error "Push requires -directory" "" [list S3 usage -directory $args]
# Set default values.
set defaults "
-acl \"[S3::Configure -default-acl]\"
-compare [S3::Configure -default-compare]
-prefix {} -delete 0 -error continue -progress ::S3::ignore -blocking 1"
foreach {key val} $defaults {
if {![dict exists $myargs $key]} {dict set myargs $key $val}
# Pull out arguments for convenience
foreach i {progress prefix directory bucket blocking} {
set $i [dict get $myargs -$i]
set prefix [string trimright $prefix /]
set meta [dict filter $myargs key x-amz-meta-*]
# We're readdy to roll here.
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress args $myargs]
if {[catch {
set local [S3::getLocal $directory 0]
} caught]} {
error "Push could not walk local directory - $caught" \
$errorInfo $errorCode
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress local $local]
if {[catch {
set remote [S3::getRemote $bucket $prefix $blocking]
} caught]} {
error "Push could not walk remote directory - $caught" \
$errorInfo $errorCode
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress remote $remote]
set result [dict create]
set result0 [dict create \
filescopied 0 bytescopied 0 compareskipped 0 \
errorskipped 0 filesdeleted 0 filesnotdeleted 0]
foreach suffix $local {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix start]
set err [catch {
S3::Put -bucket $bucket -blocking $blocking \
-file [file join $directory $suffix] \
-resource $prefix/$suffix \
-acl [dict get $myargs -acl] \
{*}$meta \
-compare [dict get $myargs -compare]} caught]
if {$err} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix $errorCode]
dict incr result0 errorskipped
dict set result $suffix $errorCode
if {[dict get $myargs -error] eq "throw"} {
error "Push failed to Put - $caught" $errorInfo $errorCode
} elseif {[dict get $myargs -error] eq "break"} {
} else {
if {$caught} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix copied]
dict incr result0 filescopied
dict incr result0 bytescopied \
[file size [file join $directory $suffix]]
dict set result $suffix copied
} else {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix skipped]
dict incr result0 compareskipped
dict set result $suffix skipped
# Now do deletes, if so desired
if {[dict get $myargs -delete]} {
foreach suffix $remote {
if {$suffix ni $local} {
set err [catch {
S3::Delete -bucket $bucket -blocking $blocking \
-resource $prefix/$suffix } caught]
if {$err} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix $errorCode]
dict incr result0 filesnotdeleted
dict set result $suffix notdeleted
} else {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix {}]
dict incr result0 filesdeleted
dict set result $suffix deleted
dict set result {} $result0
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress finished $result]
return $result
# Public. Fetch a portion of a remote bucket into a local directory tree.
proc S3::Pull {args} {
# This is waaaay to similar to Push for comfort.
# Fold it up later.
uplevel #0 package require fileutil
global errorCode errorInfo
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -prefix -directory
-compare -timestamp -delete -error -progress
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Pull requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -directory]} {
error "Pull requires -directory" "" [list S3 usage -directory $args]
# Set default values.
set defaults "
-timestamp now
-compare [S3::Configure -default-compare]
-prefix {} -delete 0 -error continue -progress ::S3::ignore -blocking 1"
foreach {key val} $defaults {
if {![dict exists $myargs $key]} {dict set myargs $key $val}
# Pull out arguments for convenience
foreach i {progress prefix directory bucket blocking} {
set $i [dict get $myargs -$i]
set prefix [string trimright $prefix /]
# We're readdy to roll here.
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress args $myargs]
if {[catch {
set local [S3::getLocal $directory 1]
} caught]} {
error "Pull could not walk local directory - $caught" \
$errorInfo $errorCode
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress local $local]
if {[catch {
set remote [S3::getRemote $bucket $prefix $blocking]
} caught]} {
error "Pull could not walk remote directory - $caught" \
$errorInfo $errorCode
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress remote $remote]
set result [dict create]
set result0 [dict create \
filescopied 0 bytescopied 0 compareskipped 0 \
errorskipped 0 filesdeleted 0 filesnotdeleted 0]
foreach suffix $remote {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix start]
set err [catch {
S3::makeDirs $directory $suffix
S3::Get -bucket $bucket -blocking $blocking \
-file [file join $directory $suffix] \
-resource $prefix/$suffix \
-timestamp [dict get $myargs -timestamp] \
-compare [dict get $myargs -compare]} caught]
if {$err} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix $errorCode]
dict incr result0 errorskipped
dict set result $suffix $errorCode
if {[dict get $myargs -error] eq "throw"} {
error "Pull failed to Get - $caught" $errorInfo $errorCode
} elseif {[dict get $myargs -error] eq "break"} {
} else {
if {$caught} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix copied]
dict incr result0 filescopied
dict incr result0 bytescopied \
[file size [file join $directory $suffix]]
dict set result $suffix copied
} else {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress copy $suffix skipped]
dict incr result0 compareskipped
dict set result $suffix skipped
# Now do deletes, if so desired
if {[dict get $myargs -delete]} {
foreach suffix [lsort -decreasing $local] {
# Note, decreasing because we delete empty dirs
if {[string match "*/" $suffix]} {
set f [file join $directory $suffix]
catch {file delete -- $f}
if {![file exists $f]} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix {}]
dict set result $suffix deleted
dict incr result0 filesdeleted
} elseif {$suffix ni $remote} {
set err [catch {
file delete [file join $directory $suffix]
} caught]
if {$err} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix $errorCode]
dict incr result0 filesnotdeleted
dict set result $suffix notdeleted
} else {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix {}]
dict incr result0 filesdeleted
dict set result $suffix deleted
dict set result {} $result0
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress finished $result]
return $result
# Public. Delete a collection of resources with the same prefix.
proc S3::Toss {args} {
# This is waaaay to similar to Push for comfort.
# Fold it up later.
global errorCode errorInfo
set myargs [S3::parseargs1 $args {
-bucket -blocking -prefix
-error -progress
if {![dict exists $myargs -bucket]} {
dict set myargs -bucket [S3::Configure -default-bucket]
dict set myargs -bucket [string trim [dict get $myargs -bucket] "/ "]
if {"" eq [dict get $myargs -bucket]} {
error "Toss requires -bucket" "" [list S3 usage -bucket $args]
if {![dict exists $myargs -prefix]} {
error "Toss requires -prefix" "" [list S3 usage -directory $args]
# Set default values.
set defaults "-error continue -progress ::S3::ignore -blocking 1"
foreach {key val} $defaults {
if {![dict exists $myargs $key]} {dict set myargs $key $val}
# Pull out arguments for convenience
foreach i {progress prefix bucket blocking} {
set $i [dict get $myargs -$i]
set prefix [string trimright $prefix /]
# We're readdy to roll here.
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress args $myargs]
if {[catch {
set remote [S3::getRemote $bucket $prefix $blocking]
} caught]} {
error "Toss could not walk remote bucket - $caught" \
$errorInfo $errorCode
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress remote $remote]
set result [dict create]
set result0 [dict create \
filescopied 0 bytescopied 0 compareskipped 0 \
errorskipped 0 filesdeleted 0 filesnotdeleted 0]
# Now do deletes
foreach suffix $remote {
set err [catch {
S3::Delete -bucket $bucket -blocking $blocking \
-resource $prefix/$suffix } caught]
if {$err} {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix $errorCode]
dict incr result0 filesnotdeleted
dict set result $suffix notdeleted
} else {
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress delete $suffix {}]
dict incr result0 filesdeleted
dict set result $suffix deleted
dict set result {} $result0
uplevel 1 [list {*}$progress finished $result]
return $result