[manpage_begin base64 n 2.4.2] [keywords base64] [keywords encoding] [copyright {2000, Eric Melski}] [copyright {2001, Miguel Sofer}] [moddesc {Text encoding & decoding binary data}] [titledesc {base64-encode/decode binary data}] [category {Text processing}] [require Tcl 8] [require base64 [opt 2.4.2]] [description] [para] This package provides procedures to encode binary data into base64 and back. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::base64::encode] [opt "[option -maxlen] [arg maxlen]"] [opt "[option -wrapchar] [arg wrapchar]"] [arg string]] Base64 encodes the given binary [arg string] and returns the encoded result. Inserts the character [arg wrapchar] every [arg maxlen] characters of output. [arg wrapchar] defaults to newline. [arg maxlen] defaults to [const 76]. [para] [emph Note] that if [arg maxlen] is set to [const 0], the output will not be wrapped at all. [para] [emph {Note well}]: If your string is not simple ascii you should fix the string encoding before doing base64 encoding. See the examples. [para] The command will throw an error for negative values of [arg maxlen], or if [arg maxlen] is not an integer number. [call [cmd ::base64::decode] [arg "string"]] Base64 decodes the given [arg "string"] and returns the binary data. The decoder ignores whitespace in the string. [list_end] [section {EXAMPLES}] [example { % base64::encode "Hello, world" SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk }] [example { % base64::encode [string repeat xyz 20] eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6 eHl6eHl6eHl6 % base64::encode -wrapchar "" [string repeat xyz 20] eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6eHl6 }] [example { # NOTE: base64 encodes BINARY strings. % set chemical [encoding convertto utf-8 "C\u2088H\u2081\u2080N\u2084O\u2082"] % set encoded [base64::encode $chemical] Q+KCiEjigoHigoBO4oKET+KCgg== % set caffeine [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [base64::decode $encoded]] }] [vset CATEGORY base64] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]