[manpage_begin uuencode n 1.1.4] [keywords encoding] [keywords uuencode] [copyright {2002, Pat Thoyts}] [moddesc {Text encoding & decoding binary data}] [titledesc {UU-encode/decode binary data}] [category {Text processing}] [require Tcl 8] [require uuencode [opt 1.1.4]] [description] [para] This package provides a Tcl-only implementation of the [syscmd uuencode(1)] and [syscmd uudecode(1)] commands. This encoding packs binary data into printable ASCII characters. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::uuencode::encode] [arg string]] returns the uuencoded data. This will encode all the data passed in even if this is longer than the uuencode maximum line length. If the number of input bytes is not a multiple of 3 then additional 0 bytes are added to pad the string. [call [cmd ::uuencode::decode] [arg string]] Decodes the given encoded data. This will return any padding characters as well and it is the callers responsibility to deal with handling the actual length of the encoded data. (see uuencode). [call [cmd ::uuencode::uuencode] [opt "[option -name] [arg string]"] [opt "[option -mode] [arg octal]"] "([option -file] [arg filename] | [opt [option --]] [arg string])"] [call [cmd ::uuencode::uudecode] "([option -file] [arg filename] | [opt [option --]] [arg string])"] UUDecode a file or block of data. A file may contain more than one embedded file so the result is a list where each element is a three element list of filename, mode value and data. [list_end] [section OPTIONS] [list_begin definitions] [def "-filename name"] Cause the uuencode or uudecode commands to read their data from the named file rather that taking a string parameter. [def "-name string"] The uuencoded data header line contains the suggested file name to be used when unpacking the data. Use this option to change this from the default of "data.dat". [def "-mode octal"] The uuencoded data header line contains a suggested permissions bit pattern expressed as an octal string. To change the default of 0644 you can set this option. For instance, 0755 would be suitable for an executable. See [syscmd chmod(1)]. [list_end] [section EXAMPLES] [para] [example { % set d [uuencode::encode "Hello World!"] 2&5L;&\\@5V]R;&0A }] [para] [example { % uuencode::uudecode $d Hello World! }] [para] [example { % set d [uuencode::uuencode -name hello.txt "Hello World"] begin 644 hello.txt +2&5L;&\@5V]R;&0` ` end }] [para] [example { % uuencode::uudecode $d {hello.txt 644 {Hello World}} }] [vset CATEGORY base64] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]