# -*- tcl -*-# This file contains the tests for the typedCmdline.tcl file. # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2000 by Ross Palmer Mohn. # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: typedCmdline.test,v 1.11 2007/08/03 04:27:38 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.2 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal cmdline.tcl cmdline } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set argv0 "argv0" # --------------------------------------------------- # cmdline::typedGetopt test typed-cmdline-6.1 {cmdline::typedGetopt} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {0 {} {} {}} test typed-cmdline-6.2 {cmdline::typedGetopt, multiple options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a b.arg c} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {0 {} {} {}} test typed-cmdline-6.3 {cmdline::typedGetopt, -- option} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-- -a} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {0 -a {} {}} test typed-cmdline-6.4 {cmdline::typedGetopt, non dash option} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {b -a} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {0 {b -a} {} {}} test typed-cmdline-6.5 {cmdline::typedGetopt, simple option} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-a b} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 b a {}} test typed-cmdline-6.6 {cmdline::typedGetopt, multiple letter option} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo b} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 b foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.7 {cmdline::typedGetopt, multiple letter option, abbreviation} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-f -b} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo b} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 -b foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.8 {cmdline::typedGetopt, option with argument} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo bar baz} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.arg} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 baz foo bar} test typed-cmdline-6.9 {cmdline::typedGetopt, option with argument, missing arg} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.arg} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-2 {} foo {Option requires an argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.10 {cmdline::typedGetopt, multiple options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg b foo c.arg} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.11 {cmdline::typedGetopt, unusual options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-* foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg b *.arg c.arg} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} * foo} test typed-cmdline-6.12 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo -a bar} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.integer b} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-3 {-a bar} foo {Option requires integer argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.13 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 123} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.integer b} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo 123} test typed-cmdline-6.14.0 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} tcl8.6plus { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 123} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.bar b} opt arg} msg] $msg $argList $opt $arg } [list 1 {Illegal option type specification: must be one of alnum|alpha|ascii|control|boolean|digit|double|entier|false|graph|integer|list|lower|print|punct|space|true|upper|wideinteger|wordchar|xdigit} {-foo 123} {} {}] test typed-cmdline-6.14.1 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} {tcl8.5plus tcl8.5minus} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 123} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.bar b} opt arg} msg] $msg $argList $opt $arg } [list 1 {Illegal option type specification: must be one of alnum|alpha|ascii|control|boolean|digit|double|false|graph|integer|list|lower|print|punct|space|true|upper|wideinteger|wordchar|xdigit} {-foo 123} {} {}] test typed-cmdline-6.14.2 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} tcl8.4minus { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 123} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.bar b} opt arg} msg] $msg $argList $opt $arg } [list 1 {Illegal option type specification: must be one of alnum|alpha|ascii|control|boolean|digit|double|false|graph|integer|lower|print|punct|space|true|upper|wordchar|xdigit} {-foo 123} {} {}] test typed-cmdline-6.15 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 123 -a 234} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.integer b} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {-a 234} foo 123} test typed-cmdline-6.16 {cmdline::typedGetopt, unusual integer options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-* 123 -a 234} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg *.integer b} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {-a 234} * 123} test typed-cmdline-6.17 {cmdline::typedGetopt, integer options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {a.arg foo.integer b} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-2 {} foo {Option requires integer argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.18 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 50AC} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo 50AC} test typed-cmdline-6.19 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 50GC} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-3 50GC foo {Option requires xdigit argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.20 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 50gc} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.(50GC|50gc) bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo 50gc} test typed-cmdline-6.21 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 50gC} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.(50GC|50gc) bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-3 50gC foo {Option requires an argument, one of 50GC|50gc -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.22 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo abc*def} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.(abc*def|ghi?jkl) bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo abc*def} test typed-cmdline-6.23 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 50gc} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.(x5MP|1jxR|50gc)? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo 50gc} test typed-cmdline-6.24 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.(x5MP|1jxR|50gc)? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.25 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo -bar} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.(x5MP|1jxR|50gc)? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 -bar foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.26 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 50fc} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo 50fc} test typed-cmdline-6.27 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.28 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo 1jxR -bar} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {1jxR -bar} foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.29 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo -bar} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit? bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 -bar foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.30 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit+ bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-2 {} foo {Option requires at least one xdigit argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.31 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit+ bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo AC} test typed-cmdline-6.32 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC 2F -bar} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit+ bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-3 -bar foo {Option requires xdigit argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.33 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC 2F} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit+ bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {AC 2F}} test typed-cmdline-6.34 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC 2F --} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit+ bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {AC 2F}} test typed-cmdline-6.35 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit* bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {}} test typed-cmdline-6.36 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit* bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo AC} test typed-cmdline-6.37 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC 2F -bar} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit* bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {-3 -bar foo {Option requires xdigit argument -- foo}} test typed-cmdline-6.38 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC 2F} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit* bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {AC 2F}} test typed-cmdline-6.39 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { catch {unset opt} catch {unset arg} set argList {-foo AC 2F --} list [cmdline::typedGetopt argList {foo.xdigit* bar} opt arg] $argList $opt $arg } {1 {} foo {AC 2F}} # cmdline::typedGetoptions test typed-cmdline-7.1 {cmdline::typedGetoptions} { set argList {foo} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {}] $argList } {{} foo} test typed-cmdline-7.2 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, secret integer flag} { set argList {-foo 123} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer.secret}}] $argList } {{foo 123} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.3 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, normal integer flag} { set argList {-foo 123} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer}}] $argList } {{foo 123} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.4 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, missing integer flag, no default value} { set argList {} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer}}] $argList } {{} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.5 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, missing integer flag, no default value} { set argList {} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer {} {option foo with integer argument}}}] $argList } {{} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.6 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, integer flag, missing arg, no default value} { set argList {-foo} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer {} {blah blah}}}} msg] $msg $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo integer blah blah -help Print this message -? Print this message " {}] test typed-cmdline-7.7 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, integer flag, no default value} { set argList {-foo 123} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer {} {option foo with integer argument}}}] $argList } {{foo 123} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.8 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, missing integer flag with arg, default value} { set argList {-* 123} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer 234} {*.double 5.234 {Unusual}}}]] $argList } {{* 123 foo 234} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.9 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, missing integer flag with arg, default value} { set argList {-f} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer 234} {*.double 5.234 {Unusual}}}]] $argList } {{* 5.234 foo 234} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.10 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, missing integer flag with arg, default value} { set argList {-f} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.integer *.double fooey}} msg] $msg $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo integer -* double -fooey -help Print this message -? Print this message " -f] test typed-cmdline-7.11 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, missing integer flag with arg, default value} { set argList {} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer 234}}] $argList } {{foo 234} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.12 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, integer flag with arg, default value} { set argList {-foo 123} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer 234}}] $argList } {{foo 123} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.13 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, multiple flags with arg, default value} { set argList {} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} {a.arg b}}]] $argList } {{a b foo blat} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.14 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, errors} { set argList {-a -foo} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} a}]] $argList } {{a {} foo blat} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.15 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, errors} { set argList {-a -fo} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} a}]] $argList } {{a {} foo blat} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.16 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { set argList {-foo 50gc} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.(50GC|50gc) bar}] $argList } {{foo 50gc} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.17 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { set argList {-foo -bar} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.(50GC|50gc)? bar}] $argList } {{foo {} bar {}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.18 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { set argList {-bar -foo 123 234} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.integer+ bar}] $argList } {{foo {123 234} bar {}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.19 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { set argList {-bar -foo 123 234} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.integer* bar}] $argList } {{foo {123 234} bar {}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.20 {cmdline::typedGetopt, xdigit options} { set argList {-foo 50gC} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.(50GC|50gc) bar}} msg] $msg $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo 50GC|50gc -bar -help Print this message -? Print this message " 50gC] test typed-cmdline-7.21 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, errors} { set argList {-b -foo} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {foo.arg a}} msg] $msg $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo arg -a -help Print this message -? Print this message " {-b -foo}] test typed-cmdline-7.22 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, errors} { set argList {-b -foo} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg {} {blah blah}} a}} msg] $msg $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo arg blah blah -a -help Print this message -? Print this message " {-b -foo}] test typed-cmdline-7.23 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, errors} { set argList {-a -?} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} a}} msg] $msg \ $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo arg -a -help Print this message -? Print this message " {}] test typed-cmdline-7.24 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, errors} { set argList {-help} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} a}} msg] $msg \ $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo arg -a -help Print this message -? Print this message " {}] test typed-cmdline-7.25 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, usage string in errors} { set argList {-help} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} a} {testing:}} msg] $msg \ $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] testing: -foo arg -a -help Print this message -? Print this message " {}] test typed-cmdline-7.26 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, unusual option} { set argList {-x?y -a -foo} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} x?y x*y a}]] $argList } {{a {} foo blat x?y {}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.27 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, unusual option, abbreviation error} { set argList {-x -a -foo} list [catch {cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} x?y x*y a}} msg] $msg $argList } [list 1 "[cmdline::getArgv0] options: -foo arg -x?y -x*y -a -help Print this message -? Print this message " {-x -a -foo}] test typed-cmdline-7.28 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, unusual option, abbreviation} { set argList {-x -a -foo} list [dictsort [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg blat} x?y a}]] $argList } {{a {} foo blat x?y {}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.29 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, multiple integer flag} { set argList {-foo 123 -foo 234} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.integer.multi}}] $argList } {{foo {123 234}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.30 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, multiple quoted arg flag} { set argList {-foo "123 234" -foo "234 345"} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.arg.multi}}] $argList } {{foo {{123 234} {234 345}}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.31 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, multiple boolean flag} { set argList {-foo} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.multi}}] $argList } {{foo {}} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.32 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, multiple boolean flag} { set argList {-foo -foo} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.multi}}] $argList } {{} {}} test typed-cmdline-7.33 {cmdline::typedGetoptions, multiple boolean flag} { set argList {-foo -foo -foo} list [cmdline::typedGetoptions argList {{foo.multi}}] $argList } {{foo {}} {}} testsuiteCleanup return