# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for the find function. # # Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors. # No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2001-2011 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: csv.test,v 1.23 2011/11/23 02:22:10 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.3 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 support { use struct/queue.tcl struct::queue use struct/matrix.tcl struct::matrix } testing { useLocal csv.tcl csv } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set str1 {"123","""a""",,hello} set str2 {1," o, ""a"" ,b ", 3} set str3 {"1"," o, "","" ,b ", 3} set str4 {1," foo,bar,baz", 3} set str5 {1,"""""a""""",b} set str6 {123,"123,521.2","Mary says ""Hello, I am Mary"""} set str1a {123,"""a""",,hello} set str3a {1," o, "","" ,b ", 3} # Custom delimiter, = set str1_ {=123=,===a===,,hello} set str2_ {1,= o, ==a== ,b =, 3} set str3_ {=1=,= o, ==,== ,b =, 3} set str4_ {1,= foo,bar,baz=, 3} set str5_ {1,=====a=====,b} set str6_ {123,=123,521.2=,=Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"=} set str1a_ {123,===a===,,hello} set str3a_ {1,= o, ==,== ,b =, 3} set str7 {=1=,=====a=====,=b=} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test csv-1.1 {split} { csv::split $str1 } {123 {"a"} {} hello} test csv-1.2 {split} { csv::split $str2 } {1 { o, "a" ,b } { 3}} test csv-1.3 {split} { csv::split $str3 } {1 { o, "," ,b } { 3}} test csv-1.4 {split} { csv::split $str4 } {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} test csv-1.5 {split} { csv::split $str5 } {1 {""a""} b} test csv-1.6 {split} { csv::split $str6 } {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}} test csv-1.7 {split on join} { # csv 0.1 was exposed to the RE \A matching problem with regsub -all set x [list "\"hello, you\"" a b c] ::csv::split [::csv::join $x] } [list "\"hello, you\"" a b c] test csv-1.8-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 "" ""} { } } {1 2 {"} {"}} test csv-1.9-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 3 ""} { } } {1 2 3 {"}} test csv-1.10-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"" "" 1 2} { } } {{"} {"} 1 2} test csv-1.11-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"" 0 1 2} { } } {{"} 0 1 2} test csv-1.12-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"" ""} { } } {{"} {"}} test csv-1.13-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"" "" ""} { } } {{"} {"} {"}} test csv-1.14-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"" 0 "" 2} { } } {{"} 0 {"} 2} test csv-1.15-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1 "" 3 ""} { } } {1 {"} 3 {"}} test csv-1.8-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split "1,2,," } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-1.9-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split "1,2,3," } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-1.10-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split ",,1,2" } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-1.11-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split ",0,1,2" } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-1.12-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split "," } {{} {}} test csv-1.13-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split ",," } {{} {} {}} test csv-1.14-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split ",0,,2" } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-1.15-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split "1,,3," } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-1.8-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 } { } } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-1.9-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 3 } { } } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-1.10-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split { 1 2} { } } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-1.11-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split { 0 1 2} { } } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-1.12-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split { } { } } {{} {}} test csv-1.13-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split { } { } } {{} {} {}} test csv-1.14-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split { 0 2} { } } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-1.15-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1 3 } { } } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-1.8-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1,2,"",""} } {1 2 {"} {"}} test csv-1.9-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1,2,3,""} } {1 2 3 {"}} test csv-1.10-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"","",1,2} } {{"} {"} 1 2} test csv-1.11-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"",0,1,2} } {{"} 0 1 2} test csv-1.12-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"",""} } {{"} {"}} test csv-1.13-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"","",""} } {{"} {"} {"}} test csv-1.14-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {"",0,"",2} } {{"} 0 {"} 2} test csv-1.15-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split {1,"",3,""} } {1 {"} 3 {"}} # Try various separator characters foreach {n sep} { 0 | 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 \ 5 [ 6 ] 7 ( 8 ) 9 ? 10 , 11 ; 12 . 13 - 14 = 15 : 16 x 17 9 } { test csv-1.16-$n "split on $sep" { ::csv::split [join [list REC DPI AD1 AD2 AD3] $sep] $sep } {REC DPI AD1 AD2 AD3} } test csv-2.1 {join} { csv::join {123 {"a"} {} hello} } $str1a test csv-2.2 {join} { csv::join {1 { o, "a" ,b } { 3}} } $str2 test csv-2.3 {join} { csv::join {1 { o, "," ,b } { 3}} } $str3a test csv-2.4 {join} { csv::join {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} } $str4 test csv-2.5 {join} { csv::join {1 {""a""} b} } $str5 test csv-2.6 {join} { csv::join {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}} } $str6 test csv-2.7 {join, custom delimiter} { csv::join {123 =a= {} hello} , = } $str1a_ test csv-2.8 {join, custom delimiter} { csv::join {1 { o, =a= ,b } { 3}} , = } $str2_ test csv-2.9 {join, custom delimiter} { csv::join {1 { o, =,= ,b } { 3}} , = } $str3a_ test csv-2.10 {join, custom delimiter} { csv::join {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} , = } $str4_ test csv-2.11 {join, custom delimiter} { csv::join {1 ==a== b} , = } $str5_ test csv-2.12 {join, custom delimiter} { csv::join {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}} , = } $str6_ test csv-2.13-sf-1724818 {join, newlines in string, sf bug 1724818} { csv::join {123 {John Doe} "123 Main St.\nSmalltown, OH 44444"} } "123,John Doe,\"123 Main St.\nSmalltown, OH 44444\"" test csv-2.14 {join, custom delimiter, always} { csv::join {1 ==a== b} , = always } $str7 # Malformed inputs test csv-3.1 {split} { csv::split {abcd,abc",abc} ; # " } {abcd abc abc} test csv-3.2 {split} { csv::split {abcd,abc"",abc} } {abcd abc\" abc} test csv-4.1 {joinlist} { csv::joinlist [list \ {123 {"a"} {} hello} \ {1 { o, "a" ,b } { 3}} \ {1 { o, "," ,b } { 3}} \ {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} \ {1 {""a""} b} \ {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}}] } "$str1a\n$str2\n$str3a\n$str4\n$str5\n$str6\n" test csv-4.2 {joinlist, sepChar} { csv::joinlist [list [list a b c] [list d e f]] @ } "a@b@c\nd@e@f\n" test csv-4.3 {joinlist, custom delimiter} { csv::joinlist [list \ {123 =a= {} hello} \ {1 { o, =a= ,b } { 3}} \ {1 { o, =,= ,b } { 3}} \ {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} \ {1 ==a== b} \ {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}}] , = } "$str1a_\n$str2_\n$str3a_\n$str4_\n$str5_\n$str6_\n" test csv-4.4 {joinlist, sepChar, custom delimiter} { csv::joinlist [list [list a b c] [list d e f]] @ = } "a@b@c\nd@e@f\n" test csv-5.0.0 {reading csv files, bad separator, empty} { ::struct::queue q catch {::csv::read2queue dummy q {}} result q destroy set result } {illegal separator character "", is empty} test csv-5.0.1 {reading csv files, bad separator, string} { ::struct::queue q catch {::csv::read2queue dummy q foo} result q destroy set result } {illegal separator character "foo", is a string} test csv-5.0.2 {reading csv files, bad separator, empty} { ::struct::matrix m catch {::csv::read2matrix dummy m {}} result m destroy set result } {illegal separator character "", is empty} test csv-5.0.3 {reading csv files, bad separator, string} { ::struct::matrix m catch {::csv::read2matrix dummy m foo} result m destroy set result } {illegal separator character "foo", is a string} test csv-5.1 {reading csv files} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench.csv] r] ::struct::queue q ::csv::read2queue $f q close $f set result [list [q size] [q get 2]] q destroy set result } {251 {{000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85}}} test csv-5.2 {reading csv files} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench_a.csv] r] ::struct::queue q ::csv::read2queue $f q close $f set result [list [q size] [q get 2]] q destroy set result } {251 {{000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85}}} test csv-5.3 {reading csv files} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f set result [m get rect 0 227 end 231] m destroy set result } {{227 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 3)} 125505 327765 38.29} {228 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 5)} 158507 855295 18.53} {229 {STR append (1MB + (1b + 1K + 1b) * 100)} 33101 174031 19.02} {230 {STR info locals match} 946 1521 62.20} {231 {TRACE no trace set} 34 121 28.10}} test csv-5.4 {reading csv files} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench_a.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f set result [m get rect 0 227 end 231] m destroy set result } {{227 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 3)} 125505 327765 38.29} {228 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 5)} 158507 855295 18.53} {229 {STR append (1MB + (1b + 1K + 1b) * 100)} 33101 174031 19.02} {230 {STR info locals match} 946 1521 62.20} {231 {TRACE no trace set} 34 121 28.10}} test csv-5.5 {reading csv files} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f set result [list] foreach c {0 1 2 3 4} { lappend result [m columnwidth $c] } m destroy set result } {3 39 7 7 8} test csv-5.6 {reading csv files, linking} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f m link a set result [array size a] m destroy set result } {1255} test csv-5.7 {reading csv files, empty expansion mode} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m ::csv::read2matrix $f m , empty close $f set result [m get rect 0 227 end 231] m destroy set result } {{227 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 3)} 125505 327765 38.29} {228 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 5)} 158507 855295 18.53} {229 {STR append (1MB + (1b + 1K + 1b) * 100)} 33101 174031 19.02} {230 {STR info locals match} 946 1521 62.20} {231 {TRACE no trace set} 34 121 28.10}} test csv-5.8 {reading csv files, auto expansion mode} { set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory mem_debug_bench.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 1 ::csv::read2matrix $f m , auto close $f set result [m get rect 0 227 end 231] m destroy set result } {{227 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 3)} 125505 327765 38.29} {228 {STR append (1MB + 1MB * 5)} 158507 855295 18.53} {229 {STR append (1MB + (1b + 1K + 1b) * 100)} 33101 174031 19.02} {230 {STR info locals match} 946 1521 62.20} {231 {TRACE no trace set} 34 121 28.10}} # ========================================================================= # Bug 2926387 test csv-5.9.0 {reading csv files, inner field newline processing, bug 2926387} { set m [struct::matrix] set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory 2926387.csv] r] csv::read2matrix $f $m , auto close $f set result [$m serialize] $m destroy set result } {2 3 {{a b c} {d {e, e} f}}} test csv-5.9.1 {reading csv files, inner field newline processing, bug 2926387} { set q [struct::queue] set f [open [file join $::tcltest::testsDirectory 2926387.csv] r] csv::read2queue $f $q close $f set result [$q get [$q size]] $q destroy set result } {{a b c} {d {e, e} f}} # ========================================================================= test csv-6.1 {writing csv files} { set f [open [localPath eval.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f set f [open [makeFile {} eval-out1.csv] w] ::csv::writematrix m $f close $f set result [viewFile eval-out1.csv] m destroy removeFile eval-out1.csv set result } {023,EVAL cmd eval in list obj var,26,45,57.78 024,EVAL cmd eval as list,23,42,54.76 025,EVAL cmd eval as string,53,92,57.61 026,EVAL cmd and mixed lists,3805,11276,33.74 027,EVAL list cmd and mixed lists,3812,11325,33.66 028,EVAL list cmd and pure lists,592,1598,37.05} test csv-6.2 {writing csv files} { set f [open [localPath eval.csv] r] ::struct::queue q ::csv::read2queue $f q close $f set f [open [makeFile {} eval-out2.csv] w] ::csv::writequeue q $f close $f set result [viewFile eval-out2.csv] q destroy removeFile eval-out2.csv set result } {023,EVAL cmd eval in list obj var,26,45,57.78 024,EVAL cmd eval as list,23,42,54.76 025,EVAL cmd eval as string,53,92,57.61 026,EVAL cmd and mixed lists,3805,11276,33.74 027,EVAL list cmd and mixed lists,3812,11325,33.66 028,EVAL list cmd and pure lists,592,1598,37.05} test csv-7.1 {reporting} { set f [open [localPath eval.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f set result [m format 2string csv::report] m destroy set result } {023,EVAL cmd eval in list obj var,26,45,57.78 024,EVAL cmd eval as list,23,42,54.76 025,EVAL cmd eval as string,53,92,57.61 026,EVAL cmd and mixed lists,3805,11276,33.74 027,EVAL list cmd and mixed lists,3812,11325,33.66 028,EVAL list cmd and pure lists,592,1598,37.05 } test csv-7.2 {reporting} { set f [open [localPath eval.csv] r] ::struct::matrix m m add columns 5 ::csv::read2matrix $f m close $f set f [open [makeFile {} eval-out3.csv] w] m format 2chan csv::report $f close $f set result [viewFile eval-out3.csv] m destroy removeFile eval-out3.csv set result } {023,EVAL cmd eval in list obj var,26,45,57.78 024,EVAL cmd eval as list,23,42,54.76 025,EVAL cmd eval as string,53,92,57.61 026,EVAL cmd and mixed lists,3805,11276,33.74 027,EVAL list cmd and mixed lists,3812,11325,33.66 028,EVAL list cmd and pure lists,592,1598,37.05} test csv-7.3 {report error} { catch {::csv::report printmatrix foomatrix blarg} msg set msg } {wrong # args: ::csv::report printmatrix matrix} test csv-7.4 {report error} { catch {::csv::report printmatrix2channel foomatrix} msg set msg } {wrong # args: ::csv::report printmatrix2channel matrix chan} test csv-7.5 {report error} { catch {::csv::report printmatrix2channel foomatrix foo bar} msg set msg } {wrong # args: ::csv::report printmatrix2channel matrix chan} test csv-7.6 {report error} { catch {::csv::report foocmd foomatrix} msg set msg } {Unknown method foocmd} ## ============================================================ ## Test new restrictions on argument syntax of split. test csv-8.0 {csv argument error} { catch {::csv::split} msg set msg } {wrong#args: Should be ?-alternate? line ?separator? ?delimiter?} test csv-8.1 {csv argument error} { catch {::csv::split a b c d e} msg set msg } {wrong#args: Should be ?-alternate? line ?separator? ?delimiter?} test csv-8.2 {csv argument error} { catch {::csv::split -alternate b {}} msg set msg } {illegal separator character "", is empty} test csv-8.3 {csv argument error} { catch {::csv::split -alternate b foo} msg set msg } {illegal separator character "foo", is a string} test csv-8.4 {csv argument error} { catch {::csv::split b {}} msg set msg } {illegal separator character "", is empty} test csv-8.5 {csv argument error} { catch {::csv::split b foo} msg set msg } {illegal separator character "foo", is a string} ## ============================================================ ## Tests for alternate syntax. test csv-91.1 {split} { csv::split -alternate $str1 } {123 {"a"} {} hello} test csv-91.2 {split} { csv::split -alternate $str2 } {1 { o, "a" ,b } { 3}} test csv-91.3 {split} { csv::split -alternate $str3 } {1 { o, "," ,b } { 3}} test csv-91.4 {split} { csv::split -alternate $str4 } {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} test csv-91.5 {split} { csv::split -alternate $str5 } {1 {""a""} b} test csv-91.6 {split} { csv::split -alternate $str6 } {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}} test csv-91.7 {split on join} { # csv 0.1 was exposed to the RE \A matching problem with regsub -all set x [list "\"hello, you\"" a b c] ::csv::split -alternate [::csv::join $x] } [list "\"hello, you\"" a b c] test csv-91.8-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1 2 "" ""} { } } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-91.9-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1 2 3 ""} { } } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-91.10-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"" "" 1 2} { } } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-91.11-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"" 0 1 2} { } } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-91.12-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"" ""} { } } {{} {}} test csv-91.13-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"" "" ""} { } } {{} {} {}} test csv-91.14-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"" 0 "" 2} { } } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-91.15-1 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1 "" 3 ""} { } } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-91.8-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate "1,2,," } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-91.9-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate "1,2,3," } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-91.10-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate ",,1,2" } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-91.11-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate ",0,1,2" } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-91.12-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate "," } {{} {}} test csv-91.13-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate ",," } {{} {} {}} test csv-91.14-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate ",0,,2" } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-91.15-2 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate "1,,3," } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-91.8-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1 2 } { } } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-91.9-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1 2 3 } { } } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-91.10-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate { 1 2} { } } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-91.11-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate { 0 1 2} { } } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-91.12-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate { } { } } {{} {}} test csv-91.13-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate { } { } } {{} {} {}} test csv-91.14-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate { 0 2} { } } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-91.15-3 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1 3 } { } } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-91.8-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1,2,"",""} } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-91.9-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1,2,3,""} } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-91.10-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"","",1,2} } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-91.11-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"",0,1,2} } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-91.12-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"",""} } {{} {}} test csv-91.13-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"","",""} } {{} {} {}} test csv-91.14-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {"",0,"",2} } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-91.15-4 {split empty fields} { csv::split -alternate {1,"",3,""} } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-92.0.1 {split} { csv::split {"xxx",yyy} } {xxx yyy} test csv-92.0.2 {split} { csv::split -alternate {"xxx",yyy} } {xxx yyy} test csv-92.1.1 {split} { csv::split {"xx""x",yyy} } {xx\"x yyy} test csv-92.1.2 {split} { csv::split -alternate {"xx""x",yyy} } {xx\"x yyy} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test csv-100.1 {custom delimiter, split} { csv::split $str1_ , = } {123 =a= {} hello} test csv-100.2 {custom delimiter, split} { csv::split $str2_ , = } {1 { o, =a= ,b } { 3}} test csv-100.3 {custom delimiter, split} { csv::split $str3_ , = } {1 { o, =,= ,b } { 3}} test csv-100.4 {custom delimiter, split} { csv::split $str4_ , = } {1 { foo,bar,baz} { 3}} test csv-100.5 {custom delimiter, split} { csv::split $str5_ , = } {1 ==a== b} test csv-100.6 {custom delimiter, split} { csv::split $str6_ , = } {123 123,521.2 {Mary says "Hello, I am Mary"}} test csv-100.7 {custom delimiter, split on join} { # csv 0.1 was exposed to the RE \A matching problem with regsub -all set x [list "\"hello, you\"" a b c] ::csv::split [::csv::join $x , =] , = } [list "\"hello, you\"" a b c] test csv-100.8-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 == ==} { } = } {1 2 = =} test csv-100.9-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 3 ==} { } = } {1 2 3 =} test csv-100.10-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {== == 1 2} { } = } {= = 1 2} test csv-100.11-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {== 0 1 2} { } = } {= 0 1 2} test csv-100.12-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {== ==} { } = } {= =} test csv-100.13-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {== == ==} { } = } {= = =} test csv-100.14-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {== 0 == 2} { } = } {= 0 = 2} test csv-100.15-1 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1 == 3 ==} { } = } {1 = 3 =} test csv-100.8-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split "1,2,," } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-100.9-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split "1,2,3," } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-100.10-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split ",,1,2" } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-100.11-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split ",0,1,2" } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-100.12-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split "," } {{} {}} test csv-100.13-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split ",," } {{} {} {}} test csv-100.14-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split ",0,,2" } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-100.15-2 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split "1,,3," } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-100.8-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 } { } = } {1 2 {} {}} test csv-100.9-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1 2 3 } { } = } {1 2 3 {}} test csv-100.10-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split { 1 2} { } = } {{} {} 1 2} test csv-100.11-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split { 0 1 2} { } = } {{} 0 1 2} test csv-100.12-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split { } { } = } {{} {}} test csv-100.13-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split { } { } = } {{} {} {}} test csv-100.14-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split { 0 2} { } = } {{} 0 {} 2} test csv-100.15-3 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1 3 } { } = } {1 {} 3 {}} test csv-100.8-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1,2,==,==} , = } {1 2 = =} test csv-100.9-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1,2,3,==} , = } {1 2 3 =} test csv-100.10-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {==,==,1,2} , = } {= = 1 2} test csv-100.11-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {==,0,1,2} , = } {= 0 1 2} test csv-100.12-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {==,==} , = } {= =} test csv-100.13-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {==,==,==} , = } {= = =} test csv-100.14-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {==,0,==,2} , = } {= 0 = 2} test csv-100.15-4 {custom delimiter, split empty fields} { csv::split {1,==,3,==} , = } {1 = 3 =} # Try various separator characters foreach {n sep} { 0 | 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 \ 5 [ 6 ] 7 ( 8 ) 9 ? 10 , 11 ; 12 . 13 - 14 @ 15 : } { test csv-100.16-$n "split on $sep" { ::csv::split [join [list REC DPI AD1 AD2 AD3] $sep] $sep = } {REC DPI AD1 AD2 AD3} } test csv-200.0 {splitting to queue, bad separator, empty} { ::struct::queue q catch {::csv::split2queue q dummy-line {}} result q destroy set result } {illegal separator character "", is empty} test csv-200.1 {splitting to queue, bad separator, string} { ::struct::queue q catch {::csv::split2queue q dummy-line foo} result q destroy set result } {illegal separator character "foo", is a string} test csv-200.2 {splitting to matrix, bad separator, empty} { ::struct::matrix m catch {::csv::split2matrix m dummy-line {}} result m destroy set result } {illegal separator character "", is empty} test csv-200.3 {splitting to matrix, bad separator, string} { ::struct::matrix m catch {::csv::split2matrix m dummy-line foo} result m destroy set result } {illegal separator character "foo", is a string} testsuiteCleanup return