# dns.tcl - Copyright (C) 2002 Pat Thoyts # # Provide a Tcl only Domain Name Service client. See RFC 1034 and RFC 1035 # for information about the DNS protocol. This should insulate Tcl scripts # from problems with using the system library resolver for slow name servers. # # This implementation uses TCP only for DNS queries. The protocol reccommends # that UDP be used in these cases but Tcl does not include UDP sockets by # default. The package should be simple to extend to use a TclUDP extension # in the future. # # Support for SPF (http://spf.pobox.com/rfcs.html) will need updating # if or when the proposed draft becomes accepted. # # Support added for RFC1886 - DNS Extensions to support IP version 6 # Support added for RFC2782 - DNS RR for specifying the location of services # Support added for RFC1995 - Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS # Support added for RFC7858 - DNS over Transport Layer Security # # TODO: # - When using tcp we should make better use of the open connection and # send multiple queries along the same connection. # # - We must switch to using TCP for truncated UDP packets. # # - Read RFC 2136 - dynamic updating of DNS # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version package require logger; # tcllib 1.3 package require uri; # tcllib 1.1 package require uri::urn; # tcllib 1.2 package require ip; # tcllib 1.7 namespace eval ::dns { namespace export configure resolve name address cname \ status reset wait cleanup errorcode variable options if {![info exists options]} { array set options { port 53 timeout 30000 protocol tcp search {} nameserver {localhost} loglevel warn usetls 0 cafile "" cadir "" } if {[file exists /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt]} { set options(cafile) /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt } variable log [logger::init dns] ${log}::setlevel $options(loglevel) } # We can use either ceptcl or tcludp for UDP support. if {![catch {package require udp 1.0.4} msg]} { ;# tcludp 1.0.4+ # If TclUDP 1.0.4 or better is available, use it. set options(protocol) udp } else { if {![catch {package require ceptcl} msg]} { set options(protocol) udp } } variable types array set types { A 1 NS 2 MD 3 MF 4 CNAME 5 SOA 6 MB 7 MG 8 MR 9 NULL 10 WKS 11 PTR 12 HINFO 13 MINFO 14 MX 15 TXT 16 SPF 16 AAAA 28 SRV 33 IXFR 251 AXFR 252 MAILB 253 MAILA 254 ANY 255 * 255 } variable classes array set classes { IN 1 CS 2 CH 3 HS 4 * 255} variable uid if {![info exists uid]} { set uid 0 } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Configure the DNS package. In particular the local nameserver will need # to be set. With no options, returns a list of all current settings. # proc ::dns::configure {args} { variable options variable log if {[llength $args] < 1} { set r {} foreach opt [lsort [array names options]] { lappend r -$opt $options($opt) } return $r } set cget 0 if {[llength $args] == 1} { set cget 1 } while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} { switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] { -n* - -ser* { if {$cget} { return $options(nameserver) } else { set options(nameserver) [Pop args 1] } } -po* { if {$cget} { return $options(port) } else { set options(port) [Pop args 1] } } -ti* { if {$cget} { return $options(timeout) } else { set options(timeout) [Pop args 1] } } -pr* { if {$cget} { return $options(protocol) } else { set proto [string tolower [Pop args 1]] if {[string compare udp $proto] == 0 \ && [string compare tcp $proto] == 0} { return -code error "invalid protocol \"$proto\":\ protocol must be either \"udp\" or \"tcp\"" } set options(protocol) $proto } } -sea* { if {$cget} { return $options(search) } else { set options(search) [Pop args 1] } } -log* { if {$cget} { return $options(loglevel) } else { set options(loglevel) [Pop args 1] ${log}::setlevel $options(loglevel) } } -cafile { if {$cget} { return $options(cafile) } else { set options(cafile) [Pop args 1] } } -cadir { if {$cget} { return $options(cadir) } else { set options(cadir) [Pop args 1] } } -- { Pop args ; break } default { set opts [join [lsort [array names options]] ", -"] return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]:\ must be one of -$opts" } } Pop args } return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Create a DNS query and send to the specified name server. Returns a token # to be used to obtain any further information about this query. # proc ::dns::resolve {query args} { variable uid variable options variable log # get a guaranteed unique and non-present token id. set id [incr uid] while {[info exists [set token [namespace current]::$id]]} { set id [incr uid] } # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state # Setup token/state defaults. set state(id) $id set state(query) $query set state(qdata) "" set state(opcode) 0; # 0 = query, 1 = inverse query. set state(-type) A; # DNS record type (A address) set state(-class) IN; # IN (internet address space) set state(-recurse) 1; # Recursion Desired set state(-command) {}; # asynchronous handler set state(-timeout) $options(timeout); # connection timeout default. set state(-nameserver) $options(nameserver);# default nameserver set state(-port) $options(port); # default namerservers port set state(-search) $options(search); # domain search list set state(-protocol) $options(protocol); # which protocol udp/tcp set state(-usetls) $options(usetls); # use RFC7858 privacy set state(-cafile) $options(cafile); # certificate authority file set state(-cadir) $options(cadir); # certificate authority dir # Handle DNS URL's if {[string match "dns:*" $query]} { array set URI [uri::split $query] foreach {opt value} [uri::split $query] { if {$value != {} && [info exists state(-$opt)]} { set state(-$opt) $value } } set state(query) $URI(query) ${log}::debug "parsed query: $query" } while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} { switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] { -n* - ns - -ser* { set state(-nameserver) [Pop args 1] } -po* { set state(-port) [Pop args 1] } -usetls { set state(-usetls) [Pop args 1] } -cafile { set state(-cafile) [Pop args 1] } -cadir { set state(-cadir) [Pop args 1] } -ti* { set state(-timeout) [Pop args 1] } -co* { set state(-command) [Pop args 1] } -cl* { set state(-class) [Pop args 1] } -ty* { set state(-type) [Pop args 1] } -pr* { set state(-protocol) [Pop args 1] } -sea* { set state(-search) [Pop args 1] } -re* { set state(-recurse) [Pop args 1] } -inv* { set state(opcode) 1 } -status {set state(opcode) 2} -data { set state(qdata) [Pop args 1] } default { set opts [join [lsort [array names state -*]] ", "] return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]: \ must be $opts" } } Pop args } if {$state(-nameserver) == {}} { return -code error "no nameserver specified" } if {$state(-usetls)} { package require tls set state(-protocol) "tcp" if {$state(-port) == $options(port)} { set state(-port) 853 } } if {$state(-protocol) == "udp"} { if {[llength [package provide ceptcl]] == 0 \ && [llength [package provide udp]] == 0} { return -code error "udp support is not available,\ get ceptcl or tcludp" } } # Check for reverse lookups if {[regexp {^(?:\d{0,3}\.){3}\d{0,3}$} $state(query)]} { set addr [lreverse [split $state(query) .]] lappend addr in-addr arpa set state(query) [join $addr .] set state(-type) PTR } BuildMessage $token if {$state(-protocol) == "tcp"} { TcpTransmit $token } else { UdpTransmit $token } if {$state(-command) == {}} { wait $token } return $token } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Return a list of domain names returned as results for the last query. # proc ::dns::name {token} { set r {} Flags $token flags array set reply [Decode $token] switch -exact -- $flags(opcode) { 0 { # QUERY foreach answer $reply(AN) { array set AN $answer if {![info exists AN(type)]} {set AN(type) {}} switch -exact -- $AN(type) { MX - NS - PTR { if {[info exists AN(rdata)]} {lappend r $AN(rdata)} } default { if {[info exists AN(name)]} { lappend r $AN(name) } } } } } 1 { # IQUERY foreach answer $reply(QD) { array set QD $answer lappend r $QD(name) } } default { return -code error "not supported for this query type" } } return $r } # Description: # Return a list of the IP addresses returned for this query. # proc ::dns::address {token} { set r {} array set reply [Decode $token] foreach answer $reply(AN) { array set AN $answer if {[info exists AN(type)]} { switch -exact -- $AN(type) { "A" { lappend r $AN(rdata) } "AAAA" { lappend r $AN(rdata) } } } } return $r } # Description: # Return a list of all CNAME results returned for this query. # proc ::dns::cname {token} { set r {} array set reply [Decode $token] foreach answer $reply(AN) { array set AN $answer if {[info exists AN(type)]} { if {$AN(type) == "CNAME"} { lappend r $AN(rdata) } } } return $r } # Description: # Return the decoded answer records. This can be used for more complex # queries where the answer isn't supported byb cname/address/name. proc ::dns::result {token args} { array set reply [eval [linsert $args 0 Decode $token]] return $reply(AN) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Get the status of the request. # proc ::dns::status {token} { upvar #0 $token state return $state(status) } # Description: # Get the error message. Empty if no error. # proc ::dns::error {token} { upvar #0 $token state if {[info exists state(error)]} { return $state(error) } return "" } # Description # Get the error code. This is 0 for a successful transaction. # proc ::dns::errorcode {token} { upvar #0 $token state set flags [Flags $token] set ndx [lsearch -exact $flags errorcode] incr ndx return [lindex $flags $ndx] } # Description: # Reset a connection with optional reason. # proc ::dns::reset {token {why reset} {errormsg {}}} { upvar #0 $token state set state(status) $why if {[string length $errormsg] > 0 && ![info exists state(error)]} { set state(error) $errormsg } catch {fileevent $state(sock) readable {}} Finish $token } # Description: # Wait for a request to complete and return the status. # proc ::dns::wait {token} { upvar #0 $token state if {$state(status) == "connect"} { vwait [subst $token](status) } return $state(status) } # Description: # Remove any state associated with this token. # proc ::dns::cleanup {token} { upvar #0 $token state if {[info exists state]} { catch {close $state(sock)} catch {after cancel $state(after)} unset state } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Dump the raw data of the request and reply packets. # proc ::dns::dump {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set type -reply set token [lindex $args 0] } elseif { [llength $args] == 2 } { set type [lindex $args 0] set token [lindex $args 1] } else { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"dump ?option? methodName\"" } # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state set result {} switch -glob -- $type { -qu* - -req* { set result [DumpMessage $state(request)] } -rep* { set result [DumpMessage $state(reply)] } default { error "unrecognised option: must be one of \ \"-query\", \"-request\" or \"-reply\"" } } return $result } # Description: # Perform a hex dump of binary data. # proc ::dns::DumpMessage {data} { set result {} binary scan $data c* r foreach c $r { append result [format "%02x " [expr {$c & 0xff}]] } return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Contruct a DNS query packet. # proc ::dns::BuildMessage {token} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state variable types variable classes variable options if {! [info exists types($state(-type))] } { return -code error "invalid DNS query type" } if {! [info exists classes($state(-class))] } { return -code error "invalid DNS query class" } set qdcount 0 set qsection {} set nscount 0 set nsdata {} # In theory we can send multiple queries. In practice, named doesn't # appear to like that much. If it did work we'd do this: # foreach domain [linsert $options(search) 0 {}] ... # Pack the query: QNAME QTYPE QCLASS set qsection [PackName $state(query)] append qsection [binary format SS \ $types($state(-type))\ $classes($state(-class))] incr qdcount if {[string length $state(qdata)] > 0} { set nsdata [eval [linsert $state(qdata) 0 PackRecord]] incr nscount } switch -exact -- $state(opcode) { 0 { # QUERY set state(request) [binary format SSSSSS $state(id) \ [expr {($state(opcode) << 11) | ($state(-recurse) << 8)}] \ $qdcount 0 $nscount 0] append state(request) $qsection $nsdata } 1 { # IQUERY set state(request) [binary format SSSSSS $state(id) \ [expr {($state(opcode) << 11) | ($state(-recurse) << 8)}] \ 0 $qdcount 0 0 0] append state(request) \ [binary format cSSI 0 \ $types($state(-type)) $classes($state(-class)) 0] switch -exact -- $state(-type) { A { append state(request) \ [binary format Sc4 4 [split $state(query) .]] } PTR { append state(request) \ [binary format Sc4 4 [split $state(query) .]] } default { return -code error "inverse query not supported for this type" } } } default { return -code error "operation not supported" } } return } # Pack a human readable dns name into a DNS resource record format. proc ::dns::PackName {name} { set data "" foreach part [split [string trim $name .] .] { set len [string length $part] append data [binary format ca$len $len $part] } append data \x00 return $data } # Pack a character string - byte length prefixed proc ::dns::PackString {text} { set len [string length $text] set data [binary format ca$len $len $text] return $data } # Pack up a single DNS resource record. See RFC1035: 3.2 for the format # of each type. # eg: PackRecord name wiki.tcl.tk type MX class IN rdata {10 mail.example.com} # proc ::dns::PackRecord {args} { variable types variable classes array set rr {name "" type A class IN ttl 0 rdlength 0 rdata ""} array set rr $args set data [PackName $rr(name)] switch -exact -- $rr(type) { CNAME - MB - MD - MF - MG - MR - NS - PTR { set rr(rdata) [PackName $rr(rdata)] } HINFO { array set r {CPU {} OS {}} array set r $rr(rdata) set rr(rdata) [PackString $r(CPU)] append rr(rdata) [PackString $r(OS)] } MINFO { array set r {RMAILBX {} EMAILBX {}} array set r $rr(rdata) set rr(rdata) [PackString $r(RMAILBX)] append rr(rdata) [PackString $r(EMAILBX)] } MX { foreach {pref exch} $rr(rdata) break set rr(rdata) [binary format S $pref] append rr(rdata) [PackName $exch] } TXT { set str $rr(rdata) set len [string length [set str $rr(rdata)]] set rr(rdata) "" for {set n 0} {$n < $len} {incr n} { set s [string range $str $n [incr n 253]] append rr(rdata) [PackString $s] } } NULL {} SOA { array set r {MNAME {} RNAME {} SERIAL 0 REFRESH 0 RETRY 0 EXPIRE 0 MINIMUM 0} array set r $rr(rdata) set rr(rdata) [PackName $r(MNAME)] append rr(rdata) [PackName $r(RNAME)] append rr(rdata) [binary format IIIII $r(SERIAL) \ $r(REFRESH) $r(RETRY) $r(EXPIRE) $r(MINIMUM)] } } # append the root label and the type flag and query class. append data [binary format SSIS $types($rr(type)) \ $classes($rr(class)) $rr(ttl) [string length $rr(rdata)]] append data $rr(rdata) return $data } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Transmit a DNS request over a tcp connection. # proc ::dns::TcpTransmit {token} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state # setup the timeout if {$state(-timeout) > 0} { set state(after) [after $state(-timeout) \ [list [namespace origin reset] \ $token timeout\ "operation timed out"]] } # Sometimes DNS servers drop TCP requests. So it's better to # use asynchronous connect set s [socket -async $state(-nameserver) $state(-port)] fileevent $s writable [list [namespace origin TcpConnected] $token $s] set state(sock) $s set state(status) connect return $token } proc ::dns::TcpConnected {token s} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state fileevent $s writable {} if {[catch {fconfigure $s -peername}]} { # TCP connection failed Finish $token "can't connect to server" return } if {$state(-usetls)} { tls::import $s -server false -request 1 \ -cadir $state(-cadir) \ -cafile $state(-cafile) \ -ssl2 false -ssl3 false -tls1 true \ -command [list ::dns::TlsCallback $token] if {[catch {tls::handshake $s} err]} { Finish $token $err return } } fconfigure $s -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering none # For TCP the message must be prefixed with a 16bit length field. set req [binary format S [string length $state(request)]] append req $state(request) fileevent $s readable [list [namespace current]::TcpEvent $token] puts -nonewline $s $req } proc ::dns::TlsCallback {token cmd channel args} { variable log variable $token upvar 0 $token state switch -exact -- $cmd { info { foreach {major minor message} $args break ${log}::debug "TLS: $major/$minor $message" } verify { foreach {depth cert status error} $args break lappend state(certChain) \ [list depth $depth status $status error $error cert $cert] return $status } error { return -code error "tls error: $args" } default { return -code error "unexpected message type \"$cmd\" in TLS callback" } } return 1 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Transmit a DNS request using UDP datagrams # # Note: # This requires a UDP implementation that can transmit binary data. # As yet I have been unable to test this myself and the tcludp package # cannot do this. # proc ::dns::UdpTransmit {token} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state # setup the timeout if {$state(-timeout) > 0} { set state(after) [after $state(-timeout) \ [list [namespace origin reset] \ $token timeout\ "operation timed out"]] } if {[llength [package provide ceptcl]] > 0} { # using ceptcl set state(sock) [cep -type datagram $state(-nameserver) $state(-port)] fconfigure $state(sock) -blocking 0 } else { # using tcludp set state(sock) [udp_open] udp_conf $state(sock) $state(-nameserver) $state(-port) } fconfigure $state(sock) -translation binary -buffering none set state(status) connect puts -nonewline $state(sock) $state(request) fileevent $state(sock) readable [list [namespace current]::UdpEvent $token] return $token } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Tidy up after a tcp transaction. # proc ::dns::Finish {token {errormsg ""}} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state global errorInfo errorCode if {[string length $errormsg] != 0} { set state(error) $errormsg set state(status) error } catch {close $state(sock)} catch {after cancel $state(after)} if {[info exists state(-command)] && $state(-command) != {}} { if {[catch {eval $state(-command) {$token}} err]} { if {[string length $errormsg] == 0} { set state(error) [list $err $errorInfo $errorCode] set state(status) error } } if {[info exists state(-command)]} { unset state(-command) } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Handle end-of-file on a tcp connection. # proc ::dns::Eof {token} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state set state(status) eof Finish $token } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Process a DNS reply packet (protocol independent) # proc ::dns::Receive {token} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state binary scan $state(reply) SS id flags set status [expr {$flags & 0x000F}] switch -- $status { 0 { set state(status) ok Finish $token } 1 { Finish $token "Format error - unable to interpret the query." } 2 { Finish $token "Server failure - internal server error." } 3 { Finish $token "Name Error - domain does not exist" } 4 { Finish $token "Not implemented - the query type is not available." } 5 { Finish $token "Refused - your request has been refused by the server." } default { Finish $token "unrecognised error code: $err" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # file event handler for tcp socket. Wait for the reply data. # proc ::dns::TcpEvent {token} { variable log # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state set s $state(sock) if {[eof $s]} { Eof $token return } set status [catch {read $state(sock)} result] if {$status != 0} { ${log}::debug "Event error: $result" Finish $token "error reading data: $result" } elseif { [string length $result] >= 0 } { ${log}::debug "read [string length $result] bytes for $token" if {[catch { # Handle incomplete reads - check the size and keep reading. if {![info exists state(size)]} { binary scan $result S state(size) set result [string range $result 2 end] } append state(reply) $result # check the length and flags and chop off the tcp length prefix. if {[string length $state(reply)] >= $state(size)} { binary scan $result S id set id [expr {$id & 0xFFFF}] if {$id != [expr {$state(id) & 0xFFFF}]} { ${log}::error "received packed with incorrect id" } # bug #1158037 - doing this causes problems > 65535 requests! #Receive [namespace current]::$id Receive $token } else { ${log}::debug "Incomplete tcp read:\ [string length $state(reply)] should be $state(size)" } } err]} { Finish $token "Event error: $err" } } elseif { [eof $state(sock)] } { Eof $token } elseif { [fblocked $state(sock)] } { ${log}::debug "Event blocked" } else { ${log}::critical "Event error: this can't happen!" Finish $token "Event error: this can't happen!" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # file event handler for udp sockets. proc ::dns::UdpEvent {token} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state set s $state(sock) set payload [read $state(sock)] append state(reply) $payload binary scan $payload S id set id [expr {$id & 0xFFFF}] if {$id != [expr {$state(id) & 0xFFFF}]} { ${log}::error "received packed with incorrect id" } # bug #1158037 - doing this causes problems > 65535 requests! #Receive [namespace current]::$id Receive $token } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dns::Flags {token {varname {}}} { # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state if {$varname != {}} { upvar $varname flags } array set flags {query 0 opcode 0 authoritative 0 errorcode 0 truncated 0 recursion_desired 0 recursion_allowed 0} binary scan $state(reply) SSSSSS mid hdr nQD nAN nNS nAR set flags(response) [expr {($hdr & 0x8000) >> 15}] set flags(opcode) [expr {($hdr & 0x7800) >> 11}] set flags(authoritative) [expr {($hdr & 0x0400) >> 10}] set flags(truncated) [expr {($hdr & 0x0200) >> 9}] set flags(recursion_desired) [expr {($hdr & 0x0100) >> 8}] set flags(recursion_allowed) [expr {($hdr & 0x0080) >> 7}] set flags(errorcode) [expr {($hdr & 0x000F)}] return [array get flags] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Decode a DNS packet (either query or response). # proc ::dns::Decode {token args} { variable log # FRINK: nocheck variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set opts {-rdata 0 -query 0} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} { switch -exact -- $option { -rdata { set opts(-rdata) 1 } -query { set opts(-query) 1 } default { return -code error "bad option \"$option\":\ must be -rdata" } } Pop args } if {$opts(-query)} { binary scan $state(request) SSSSSSc* mid hdr nQD nAN nNS nAR data } else { binary scan $state(reply) SSSSSSc* mid hdr nQD nAN nNS nAR data } set fResponse [expr {($hdr & 0x8000) >> 15}] set fOpcode [expr {($hdr & 0x7800) >> 11}] set fAuthoritative [expr {($hdr & 0x0400) >> 10}] set fTrunc [expr {($hdr & 0x0200) >> 9}] set fRecurse [expr {($hdr & 0x0100) >> 8}] set fCanRecurse [expr {($hdr & 0x0080) >> 7}] set fRCode [expr {($hdr & 0x000F)}] set flags "" if {$fResponse} {set flags "QR"} else {set flags "Q"} set opcodes [list QUERY IQUERY STATUS] lappend flags [lindex $opcodes $fOpcode] if {$fAuthoritative} {lappend flags "AA"} if {$fTrunc} {lappend flags "TC"} if {$fRecurse} {lappend flags "RD"} if {$fCanRecurse} {lappend flags "RA"} set info "ID: $mid\ Fl: [format 0x%02X [expr {$hdr & 0xFFFF}]] ($flags)\ NQ: $nQD\ NA: $nAN\ NS: $nNS\ AR: $nAR" ${log}::debug $info set ndx 12 set r {} set QD [ReadQuestion $nQD $state(reply) ndx] lappend r QD $QD set AN [ReadAnswer $nAN $state(reply) ndx $opts(-rdata)] lappend r AN $AN set NS [ReadAnswer $nNS $state(reply) ndx $opts(-rdata)] lappend r NS $NS set AR [ReadAnswer $nAR $state(reply) ndx $opts(-rdata)] lappend r AR $AR return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dns::Expand {data} { set r {} binary scan $data c* d foreach c $d { lappend r [expr {$c & 0xFF}] } return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing. # proc ::dns::Pop {varname {nth 0}} { upvar $varname args set r [lindex $args $nth] set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth] return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Reverse a list. Code from http://wiki.tcl.tk/tcl/43 # proc ::dns::lreverse {lst} { set res {} set i [llength $lst] while {$i} {lappend res [lindex $lst [incr i -1]]} return $res } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dns::KeyOf {arrayname value {default {}}} { upvar $arrayname array set lst [array get array] set ndx [lsearch -exact $lst $value] if {$ndx != -1} { incr ndx -1 set r [lindex $lst $ndx] } else { set r $default } return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read the question section from a DNS message. This always starts at index # 12 of a message but may be of variable length. # proc ::dns::ReadQuestion {nitems data indexvar} { variable types variable classes upvar $indexvar index set result {} for {set cn 0} {$cn < $nitems} {incr cn} { set r {} lappend r name [ReadName data $index offset] incr index $offset # Read off QTYPE and QCLASS for this query. set ndx $index incr index 3 binary scan [string range $data $ndx $index] SS qtype qclass set qtype [expr {$qtype & 0xFFFF}] set qclass [expr {$qclass & 0xFFFF}] incr index lappend r type [KeyOf types $qtype $qtype] \ class [KeyOf classes $qclass $qclass] lappend result $r } return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read an answer section from a DNS message. # proc ::dns::ReadAnswer {nitems data indexvar {raw 0}} { variable types variable classes upvar $indexvar index set result {} for {set cn 0} {$cn < $nitems} {incr cn} { set r {} lappend r name [ReadName data $index offset] incr index $offset # Read off TYPE, CLASS, TTL and RDLENGTH binary scan [string range $data $index end] SSIS type class ttl rdlength set type [expr {$type & 0xFFFF}] set type [KeyOf types $type $type] set class [expr {$class & 0xFFFF}] set class [KeyOf classes $class $class] set ttl [expr {$ttl & 0xFFFFFFFF}] set rdlength [expr {$rdlength & 0xFFFF}] incr index 10 set rdata [string range $data $index [expr {$index + $rdlength - 1}]] if {! $raw} { switch -- $type { A { set rdata [join [Expand $rdata] .] } AAAA { set rdata [ip::contract [ip::ToString $rdata]] } NS - CNAME - PTR { set rdata [ReadName data $index off] } MX { binary scan $rdata S preference set exchange [ReadName data [expr {$index + 2}] off] set rdata [list $preference $exchange] } SRV { set x $index set rdata [list priority [ReadUShort data $x off]] incr x $off lappend rdata weight [ReadUShort data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata port [ReadUShort data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata target [ReadName data $x off] incr x $off } TXT { set rdata [ReadString data $index $rdlength] } SOA { set x $index set rdata [list MNAME [ReadName data $x off]] incr x $off lappend rdata RNAME [ReadName data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata SERIAL [ReadULong data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata REFRESH [ReadLong data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata RETRY [ReadLong data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata EXPIRE [ReadLong data $x off] incr x $off lappend rdata MINIMUM [ReadULong data $x off] incr x $off } } } incr index $rdlength lappend r type $type class $class ttl $ttl rdlength $rdlength rdata $rdata lappend result $r } return $result } # Read a 32bit integer from a DNS packet. These are compatible with # the ReadName proc. Additionally - ReadULong takes measures to ensure # the unsignedness of the value obtained. # proc ::dns::ReadLong {datavar index usedvar} { upvar $datavar data upvar $usedvar used set r {} set used 0 if {[binary scan $data @${index}I r]} { set used 4 } return $r } proc ::dns::ReadULong {datavar index usedvar} { upvar $datavar data upvar $usedvar used set r {} set used 0 if {[binary scan $data @${index}cccc b1 b2 b3 b4]} { set used 4 # This gets us an unsigned value. set r [expr {($b4 & 0xFF) + (($b3 & 0xFF) << 8) + (($b2 & 0xFF) << 16) + ($b1 << 24)}] } return $r } proc ::dns::ReadUShort {datavar index usedvar} { upvar $datavar data upvar $usedvar used set r {} set used 0 if {[binary scan [string range $data $index end] cc b1 b2]} { set used 2 # This gets us an unsigned value. set r [expr {(($b2 & 0xff) + (($b1 & 0xff) << 8)) & 0xffff}] } return $r } # Read off the NAME or QNAME element. This reads off each label in turn, # dereferencing pointer labels until we have finished. The length of data # used is passed back using the usedvar variable. # proc ::dns::ReadName {datavar index usedvar} { upvar $datavar data upvar $usedvar used set startindex $index set r {} set len 1 set max [string length $data] while {$len != 0 && $index < $max} { # Read the label length (and preread the pointer offset) binary scan [string range $data $index end] cc len lenb set len [expr {$len & 0xFF}] incr index if {$len != 0} { if {[expr {$len & 0xc0}]} { binary scan [binary format cc [expr {$len & 0x3f}] [expr {$lenb & 0xff}]] S offset incr index lappend r [ReadName data $offset junk] set len 0 } else { lappend r [string range $data $index [expr {$index + $len - 1}]] incr index $len } } } set used [expr {$index - $startindex}] return [join $r .] } proc ::dns::ReadString {datavar index length} { upvar $datavar data set startindex $index set r {} set max [expr {$index + $length}] while {$index < $max} { binary scan [string range $data $index end] c len set len [expr {$len & 0xFF}] incr index if {$len != 0} { append r [string range $data $index [expr {$index + $len - 1}]] incr index $len } } return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Support for finding the local nameservers # # For unix we can just parse the /etc/resolv.conf if it exists. # Of course, some unices use /etc/resolver and other things (NIS for instance) # On Windows, we can examine the Internet Explorer settings from the registry. # switch -exact $::tcl_platform(platform) { windows { proc ::dns::nameservers {} { package require registry set base {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services} set param "$base\\Tcpip\\Parameters" set interfaces "$param\\Interfaces" set nameservers {} if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(os) "Windows NT"]} { AppendRegistryValue $param NameServer nameservers AppendRegistryValue $param DhcpNameServer nameservers foreach i [registry keys $interfaces] { AppendRegistryValue "$interfaces\\$i" NameServer nameservers AppendRegistryValue "$interfaces\\$i" DhcpNameServer nameservers } } else { set param "$base\\VxD\\MSTCP" AppendRegistryValue $param NameServer nameservers } return $nameservers } proc ::dns::AppendRegistryValue {key val listName} { upvar $listName lst if {![catch {registry get $key $val} v]} { foreach ns [split $v ", "] { if {[lsearch -exact $lst $ns] == -1} { lappend lst $ns } } } } } unix { proc ::dns::nameservers {} { set nameservers {} if {[file readable /etc/resolv.conf]} { set f [open /etc/resolv.conf r] while {![eof $f]} { gets $f line if {[regexp {^\s*nameserver\s+(.*)$} $line -> ns]} { lappend nameservers $ns } } close $f } if {[llength $nameservers] < 1} { lappend nameservers } return $nameservers } } default { proc ::dns::nameservers {} { return -code error "command not supported for this platform." } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Possible support for the DNS URL scheme. # Ref: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-josefsson-dns-url-04.txt # eg: dns:target?class=IN;type=A # dns://nameserver/target?type=A # # URI quoting to be accounted for. # catch { uri::register {dns} { variable escape [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::escape] variable host [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::host] variable hostOrPort [set [namespace parent [namespace current]]::basic::hostOrPort] variable class [string map {* \\\\*} \ "class=([join [array names ::dns::classes] {|}])"] variable type [string map {* \\\\*} \ "type=([join [array names ::dns::types] {|}])"] variable classOrType "(?:${class}|${type})" variable classOrTypeSpec "(?:${class}|${type})(?:;(?:${class}|${type}))?" variable query "${host}(${classOrTypeSpec})?" variable schemepart "(//${hostOrPort}/)?(${query})" variable url "dns:$schemepart" } } namespace eval ::uri {} ;# needed for pkg_mkIndex. proc ::uri::SplitDns {uri} { upvar \#0 [namespace current]::dns::schemepart schemepart upvar \#0 [namespace current]::dns::class classOrType upvar \#0 [namespace current]::dns::class classRE upvar \#0 [namespace current]::dns::type typeRE upvar \#0 [namespace current]::dns::classOrTypeSpec classOrTypeSpec array set parts {nameserver {} query {} class {} type {} port {}} # validate the uri if {[regexp -- $dns::schemepart $uri r] == 1} { # deal with the optional class and type specifiers if {[regexp -indices -- "${classOrTypeSpec}$" $uri range]} { set spec [string range $uri [lindex $range 0] [lindex $range 1]] set uri [string range $uri 0 [expr {[lindex $range 0] - 2}]] if {[regexp -- "$classRE" $spec -> class]} { set parts(class) $class } if {[regexp -- "$typeRE" $spec -> type]} { set parts(type) $type } } # Handle the nameserver specification if {[string match "//*" $uri]} { set uri [string range $uri 2 end] array set tmp [GetUPHP uri] set parts(nameserver) $tmp(host) set parts(port) $tmp(port) } # what's left is the query domain name. set parts(query) [string trimleft $uri /] } return [array get parts] } proc ::uri::JoinDns {args} { array set parts {nameserver {} port {} query {} class {} type {}} array set parts $args set query [::uri::urn::quote $parts(query)] if {$parts(type) != {}} { append query "?type=$parts(type)" } if {$parts(class) != {}} { if {$parts(type) == {}} { append query "?class=$parts(class)" } else { append query ";class=$parts(class)" } } if {$parts(nameserver) != {}} { set ns "$parts(nameserver)" if {$parts(port) != {}} { append ns ":$parts(port)" } set query "//${ns}/${query}" } return "dns:$query" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- catch {dns::configure -nameserver [lindex [dns::nameservers] 0]} package provide dns 1.4.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: