# changelog.tcl -- # # Handling of ChangeLog's. # # Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: changelog.tcl,v 1.8 2008/07/08 23:03:58 andreas_kupries Exp $ # FUTURE -- Expand pre-parsed log (nested lists) into flat structures # FUTURE -- => date/author/file/cref + cref/text # FUTURE -- I.e. relational/tabular structure, useable in table displays, # FUTURE -- sort by date, author, file to see aggregated changes # FUTURE -- => Connectivity to 'struct::matrix', Reports! package require Tcl 8.2 package require textutil namespace eval ::doctools {} namespace eval ::doctools::changelog { namespace export scan flatten merge toDoctools } proc ::doctools::changelog::flatten {entries} { # Reformat the entries into a simpler structure. set result {} foreach entry $entries { foreach {date user sections} $entry break set f {} set t {} foreach sec $sections { foreach {files text} $sec break foreach file $files { lappend f $file } append t \n $text } set t [textutil::adjust::indent [textutil::adjust $t] " "] lappend result \ "$date $user\n [join $f ", "]:\n$t" } return $result } # ::doctools::changelog::scan -- # # Scan a ChangeLog generated by 'emacs' and extract the relevant information. # # Result # List of entries. Each entry is a list of three elements. These # are date, author, and commentary. The commentary is a list of # sections. Each section is a list of two elements, a list of # files, and the associated text. proc ::doctools::changelog::scan {text} { set text [split $text \n] set n [llength $text] set entries [list] set clist [list] set files [list] set comment "" set first 1 for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set line [lindex $text $i] if {[regexp "^\[^ \t\]" $line]} { # No whitespace at the front, start a new entry closeEntry # For the upcoming entry. Quick extraction first, string # based in case of failure. if {[catch { set date [string trim [lindex $line 0]] set author [string trim [lrange $line 1 end]] }]} { set pos [string first " " $line] set date [string trim [string range $line 0 $pos]] set author [string trim [string range $line $pos end]] } continue } # Inside of an entry. set line [string trim $line] if {[string length $line] == 0} { # Next comment section closeSection continue } # Line is not empty. Split into file and comment parts, # remember the data. if {[string first "* " $line] == 0} { if {[regexp {^\* (.*):[ ]} $line full fname]} { set line [string range $line [string length $full] end] } elseif {[regexp {^\* (.*):$} $line full fname]} { set line "" } else { # There is no filename set fname "" set line [string range $line 2 end] ; # Get rid of "* ". } set detail "" while {[string first "(" $fname] >= 0} { if {[regexp {\([^)]*\)} $fname detailx]} { regsub {\([^)]*\)} $fname {} fnameNew } elseif {[regexp {\([^)]*} $fname detailx]} { regsub {\([^)]*} $fname {} fnameNew } else { break } append detail " " $detailx set fname [string trim $fnameNew] } if {$detail != {}} {set line "$detail $line"} if {$fname != {}} {lappend files $fname} } append comment $line\n } closeEntry return $entries } proc ::doctools::changelog::closeSection {} { upvar 1 clist clist comment comment files files if { ([string length $comment] > 0) || ([llength $files] > 0) } { lappend clist [list $files [string trim $comment]] set files [list] set comment "" } return } proc ::doctools::changelog::closeEntry {} { upvar 1 clist clist comment comment files files first first \ date date author author entries entries if {!$first} { closeSection lappend entries [list $date $author $clist] } set first 0 set clist [list] set files [list] set comment "" return } # ::doctools::changelog::merge -- # # Merge several preprocessed changelogs (see scan) into one structure. proc ::doctools::changelog::merge {args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} {return {}} if {[llength $args] == 1} {return [lindex $args 0]} set res [list] array set tmp {} # Merge up ... foreach entries $args { foreach e $entries { foreach {date author comments} $e break if {![info exists tmp($date,$author)]} { lappend res [list $date $author] set tmp($date,$author) $comments } else { foreach section $comments { lappend tmp($date,$author) $section } } } } # ... And construct the final result set args $res set res [list] foreach key [lsort -decreasing $args] { foreach {date author} $key break lappend res [list $date $author $tmp($date,$author)] } return $res } # ::doctools::changelog::toDoctools -- # # Convert a preprocessed changelog log (see scan) into a doctools page. # # Arguments: # evar, cvar, fvar: Name of the variables containing the preprocessed log. # # Results: # A string containing a properly formatted ChangeLog. # proc ::doctools::changelog::q {text} {return "\[$text\]"} proc ::doctools::changelog::toDoctools {title module version entries} { set linebuffer [list] lappend linebuffer [q "manpage_begin [list ${title}-changelog n $version]"] lappend linebuffer [q "titledesc [list "$title ChangeLog"]"] lappend linebuffer [q "moddesc [list $module]"] lappend linebuffer [q description] lappend linebuffer [q "list_begin definitions compact"] foreach entry $entries { foreach {date author commentary} $entry break lappend linebuffer [q "lst_item \"[q "emph [list $date]"] -- [string map {{"} {\"} {\"} {\\\"}} $author]\""] if {[llength $commentary] > 0} { lappend linebuffer [q nl] } foreach section $commentary { foreach {files text} $section break if {$text != {}} { set text [string map {[ [lb] ] [rb]} [textutil::adjust $text]] } if {[llength $files] > 0} { lappend linebuffer [q "list_begin definitions"] foreach f $files { lappend linebuffer [q "lst_item [q "file [list $f]"]"] } if {$text != {}} { lappend linebuffer "" lappend linebuffer $text lappend linebuffer "" } lappend linebuffer [q list_end] } elseif {$text != {}} { # No files lappend linebuffer [q "list_begin bullet"] lappend linebuffer [q bullet] lappend linebuffer "" lappend linebuffer $text lappend linebuffer "" lappend linebuffer [q list_end] } } lappend linebuffer [q nl] } lappend linebuffer [q list_end] lappend linebuffer [q manpage_end] return [join $linebuffer \n] } #------------------------------------ # Module initialization package provide doctools::changelog 1.1