[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin doctools_lang_syntax n 1.0] [see_also doctools_intro] [see_also doctools_lang_cmdref] [see_also doctools_lang_faq] [see_also doctools_lang_intro] [keywords {doctools commands}] [keywords {doctools language}] [keywords {doctools markup}] [keywords {doctools syntax}] [keywords markup] [keywords {semantic markup}] [copyright {2007 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Documentation tools}] [titledesc {doctools language syntax}] [category {Documentation tools}] [description] [para] This document contains the formal specification of the syntax of the doctools markup language, version 1 in Backus-Naur-Form. This document is intended to be a reference, complementing the [term {doctools language command reference}]. A beginner should read the much more informally written [term {doctools language introduction}] first before trying to understand either this document or the command reference. [section Fundamentals] In the broadest terms possible the [term {doctools markup language}] is LaTeX-like, instead of like SGML and similar languages. A document written in this language consists primarily of text, with markup commands embedded into it. [para] Each markup command is a just Tcl command surrounded by a matching pair of [const [lb]] and [const [rb]]. Which commands are available, and their arguments, i.e. syntax is specified in the [term {doctools language command reference}]. [para] In this document we specify first the lexeme, and then the syntax, i.e. how we can mix text and markup commands with each other. [section {Lexical definitions}] In the syntax rules listed in the next section [list_begin enumerated] [enum] stands for all text except markup commands. [enum] Any XXX stands for the markup command [lb]xxx[rb] including its arguments. Each markup command is a Tcl command surrounded by a matching pair of [const [lb]] and [const [rb]]. Inside of these delimiters the usual rules for a Tcl command apply with regard to word quotation, nested commands, continuation lines, etc. [enum] stands for all text consisting only of spaces, newlines, tabulators and the [cmd comment] markup command. [list_end] [section Syntax] The rules listed here specify only the syntax of doctools documents. The lexical level of the language was covered in the previous section. [para] Regarding the syntax of the (E)BNF itself [list_begin enumerated] [enum] The construct { X } stands for zero or more occurrences of X. [enum] The construct [lb] X [rb] stands for zero or one occurrence of X. [enum] The construct LIST_BEGIN stands for the markup command [cmd list_begin] with [const X] as its type argument. [list_end] The syntax: [example { manpage = defs MANPAGE_BEGIN header DESCRIPTION body MANPAGE_END { } defs = { INCLUDE | VSET | } header = { TITLEDESC | MODDESC | COPYRIGHT | REQUIRE | defs | xref } xref = KEYWORDS | SEE_ALSO | CATEGORY body = paras { SECTION sbody } sbody = paras { SUBSECTION ssbody } ssbody = paras paras = tblock { (PARA | NL) tblock } tblock = { | defs | markup | xref | an_example | a_list } markup = ARG | CLASS | CMD | CONST | EMPH | FILE | FUN | LB | METHOD | NAMESPACE | OPT | OPTION | PACKAGE | RB | SECTREF | STRONG | SYSCMD | TERM | TYPE | URI | USAGE | VAR | WIDGET example = EXAMPLE | EXAMPLE_BEGIN extext EXAMPLE_END extext = { | defs | markup } a_list = LIST_BEGIN argd_list LIST_END | LIST_BEGIN cmdd_list LIST_END | LIST_BEGIN def_list LIST_END | LIST_BEGIN enum_list LIST_END | LIST_BEGIN item_list LIST_END | LIST_BEGIN optd_list LIST_END | LIST_BEGIN tkoptd_list LIST_END argd_list = [ ] { ARG_DEF paras } cmdd_list = [ ] { CMD_DEF paras } def_list = [ ] { (DEF|CALL) paras } enum_list = [ ] { ENUM paras } item_list = [ ] { ITEM paras } optd_list = [ ] { OPT_DEF paras } tkoptd_list = [ ] { TKOPTION_DEF paras } }] [vset CATEGORY doctools] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]