[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin doctools::idx::parse n 1] [keywords docidx] [keywords doctools] [keywords lexer] [keywords parser] [copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Documentation tools}] [titledesc {Parsing text in docidx format}] [category {Documentation tools}] [require doctools::idx::parse [opt 0.1]] [require Tcl 8.4] [require doctools::idx::structure] [require doctools::msgcat] [require doctools::tcl::parse] [require fileutil] [require logger] [require snit] [require struct::list] [require struct::stack] [description] This package provides commands to parse text written in the [term docidx] markup language and convert it into the canonical serialization of the keyword index encoded in the text. See the section [sectref {Keyword index serialization format}] for specification of their format. [para] This is an internal package of doctools, for use by the higher level packages handling [term docidx] documents. [section API] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method text] [arg text]] The command takes the string contained in [arg text] and parses it under the assumption that it contains a document written using the [term docidx] markup language. An error is thrown if this assumption is found to be false. The format of these errors is described in section [sectref {Parse errors}]. [para] When successful the command returns the canonical serialization of the keyword index which was encoded in the text. See the section [sectref {Keyword index serialization format}] for specification of that format. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method file] [arg path]] The same as [method text], except that the text to parse is read from the file specified by [arg path]. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method includes]] This method returns the current list of search paths used when looking for include files. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method {include add}] [arg path]] This method adds the [arg path] to the list of paths searched when looking for an include file. The call is ignored if the path is already in the list of paths. The method returns the empty string as its result. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method {include remove}] [arg path]] This method removes the [arg path] from the list of paths searched when looking for an include file. The call is ignored if the path is not contained in the list of paths. The method returns the empty string as its result. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method {include clear}]] This method clears the list of search paths for include files. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method vars]] This method returns a dictionary containing the current set of predefined variables known to the [cmd vset] markup command during processing. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method {var set}] [arg name] [arg value]] This method adds the variable [arg name] to the set of predefined variables known to the [cmd vset] markup command during processing, and gives it the specified [arg value]. The method returns the empty string as its result. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method {var unset}] [arg name]] This method removes the variable [arg name] from the set of predefined variables known to the [cmd vset] markup command during processing. The method returns the empty string as its result. [call [cmd ::doctools::idx::parse] [method {var clear}] [opt [arg pattern]]] This method removes all variables matching the [arg pattern] from the set of predefined variables known to the [cmd vset] markup command during processing. The method returns the empty string as its result. [para] The pattern matching is done with [cmd {string match}], and the default pattern used when none is specified, is [const *]. [list_end] [section {Parse errors}] The format of the parse error messages thrown when encountering violations of the [term docidx] markup syntax is human readable and not intended for processing by machines. As such it is not documented. [para] [emph However], the errorCode attached to the message is machine-readable and has the following format: [list_begin enumerated] [enum] The error code will be a list, each element describing a single error found in the input. The list has at least one element, possibly more. [enum] Each error element will be a list containing six strings describing an error in detail. The strings will be [list_begin enumerated] [enum] The path of the file the error occured in. This may be empty. [enum] The range of the token the error was found at. This range is a two-element list containing the offset of the first and last character in the range, counted from the beginning of the input (file). Offsets are counted from zero. [enum] The line the first character after the error is on. Lines are counted from one. [enum] The column the first character after the error is at. Columns are counted from zero. [enum] The message code of the error. This value can be used as argument to [cmd msgcat::mc] to obtain a localized error message, assuming that the application had a suitable call of [cmd doctools::msgcat::init] to initialize the necessary message catalogs (See package [package doctools::msgcat]). [enum] A list of details for the error, like the markup command involved. In the case of message code [const docidx/include/syntax] this value is the set of errors found in the included file, using the format described here. [list_end] [list_end] [include include/format/docidx.inc] [include include/serialization.inc] [vset CATEGORY doctools] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]