[vset VERSION 0.2.2] [comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin ftp::geturl n [vset VERSION]] [see_also ftpd] [see_also mime] [see_also pop3] [see_also smtp] [keywords ftp] [keywords internet] [keywords net] [keywords {rfc 959}] [moddesc {ftp client}] [titledesc {Uri handler for ftp urls}] [category Networking] [require Tcl 8.2] [require ftp::geturl [opt [vset VERSION]]] [description] This package provides a command which wraps around the client side of the [term ftp] protocol provided by package [package ftp] to allow the retrieval of urls using the [term ftp] schema. [section API] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::ftp::geturl] [arg url]] This command can be used by the generic command [cmd ::uri::geturl] (See package [package uri]) to retrieve the contents of ftp urls. Internally it uses the commands of the package [package ftp] to fulfill the request. [para] The contents of a [term ftp] url are defined as follows: [list_begin definitions] [def [term file]] The contents of the specified file itself. [def [term directory]] A listing of the contents of the directory in key value notation where the file name is the key and its attributes the associated value. [def [term link]] The attributes of the link, including the path it refers to. [list_end] [list_end] [vset CATEGORY ftp] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]