# -*- tcl -*- # (C) 2005-2006 Andreas Kupries # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Package description ## Implementation of ME virtual machines based on state values ## manipulated by the commands according to the match ## instructions. Allows for implementation in C. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites namespace eval ::grammar::me::cpu::core {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Implementation, API. Ensemble command. proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core {cmd args} { # Dispatcher for the ensemble command. variable core::cmds return [uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 $cmds($cmd)]] } namespace eval grammar::me::cpu::core { variable cmds # Mapping from cmd names to procedures for quick dispatch. The # objects will shimmer into resolved command references. array set cmds { disasm ::grammar::me::cpu::core::disasm asm ::grammar::me::cpu::core::asm new ::grammar::me::cpu::core::new lc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::lc tok ::grammar::me::cpu::core::tok pc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::pc iseof ::grammar::me::cpu::core::iseof at ::grammar::me::cpu::core::at cc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::cc sv ::grammar::me::cpu::core::sv ok ::grammar::me::cpu::core::ok error ::grammar::me::cpu::core::error lstk ::grammar::me::cpu::core::lstk astk ::grammar::me::cpu::core::astk mstk ::grammar::me::cpu::core::mstk estk ::grammar::me::cpu::core::estk rstk ::grammar::me::cpu::core::rstk nc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::nc ast ::grammar::me::cpu::core::ast halted ::grammar::me::cpu::core::halted code ::grammar::me::cpu::core::code eof ::grammar::me::cpu::core::eof put ::grammar::me::cpu::core::put run ::grammar::me::cpu::core::run } } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ensemble implementation proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::disasm {code} { variable iname variable tclass variable anum Validate $code ord dst jmp set label 0 foreach k [array names jmp] { set jmp($k) bra$label incr label } foreach k [array names dst] { if {![info exists jmp($k)]} { set jmp($k) {} } } set result {} foreach {asm pool tokmap} $code break set pc 0 set pcend [llength $asm] while {$pc < $pcend} { set base $pc set insn [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set an [lindex $anum $insn] if {$an == 1} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc } elseif {$an == 2} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set b [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc } elseif {$an == 3} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set b [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set c [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc } set instruction {} lappend instruction $jmp($base) lappend instruction $iname($insn) switch -exact $insn { 0 - 5 - 20 - 24 - 25 - 26 - a/string { lappend instruction [lindex $pool $a] } 1 { # a/tok b/string if {![llength $tokmap]} { lappend instruction [lindex $pool $a] } else { lappend instruction ${a}:$ord($a) } lappend instruction [lindex $pool $b] } 2 { # a/tokstart b/tokend c/string if {![llength $tokmap]} { lappend instruction [lindex $pool $a] lappend instruction [lindex $pool $b] } else { # tokmap defined: a = b = order rank. lappend instruction ${a}:$ord($a) lappend instruction ${b}:$ord($b) } lappend instruction [lindex $pool $c] } 3 { # a/class(0-5) b/string lappend instruction [lindex $tclass $a] lappend instruction [lindex $pool $b] } 4 { # a/branch b/string lappend instruction $jmp($a) lappend instruction [lindex $pool $b] } 6 - 11 - 12 - 13 - a/branch { lappend instruction $jmp($a) } default {} } lappend result $instruction } return $result } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::asm {code} { variable iname variable anum variable tccode # code = list(insn), insn = list (label insn-name ...) # I. Indices for the labels, based on instruction sizes. array set jmp {} set off 0 foreach insn $code { foreach {label name} $insn break # Ignore embedded comments, except for labels if {$label ne ""} { set jmp($label) $off } if {$name eq ".C"} continue if {![info exists iname($name)]} { return -code error "Bad instruction \"$insn\", unknown command \"$name\"" } set an [lindex $anum $iname($name)] if {[llength $insn] != ($an+2)} { return -code error "Bad instruction \"$insn\", expected $an argument[expr {$an == 1 ? "" : "s"}]" } incr off incr off [lindex $anum $iname($name)] } set asm {} set pool {} array set poolh {} array set tokmap {} array set ord {} set plain 0 foreach insn $code { foreach {label name} $insn break # Ignore embedded comments if {$name eq ".C"} continue set an [lindex $anum $iname($name)] # Instruction code to assembly ... lappend asm $iname($name) # Encode arguments ... switch -exact -- $name { ict_advance - inc_save - ier_nonterminal - isv_nonterminal_leaf - isv_nonterminal_range - isv_nonterminal_reduce { lappend asm [Str [lindex $insn 2]] } ict_match_token { lappend asm [Tok [lindex $insn 2]] lappend asm [Str [lindex $insn 3]] } ict_match_tokrange { lappend asm [Tok [lindex $insn 2]] lappend asm [Tok [lindex $insn 3]] lappend asm [Str [lindex $insn 4]] } ict_match_tokclass { set ccode [lindex $insn 2] if {![info exists tccode($ccode)]} { return -code error "Bad instruction \"$insn\", unknown class code \"$ccode\"" } lappend asm $tccode($ccode) lappend asm [Str [lindex $insn 3]] } inc_restore { set jmpto [lindex $insn 2] if {![info exists jmp($jmpto)]} { return -code error "Bad instruction \"$insn\", unknown branch destination \"$jmpto\"" } lappend asm $jmp($jmpto) lappend asm [Str [lindex $insn 3]] } icf_ntcall - icf_jalways - icf_jok - icf_jfail { set jmpto [lindex $insn 2] if {![info exists jmp($jmpto)]} { return -code error "Bad instruction \"$insn\", unknown branch destination \"$jmpto\"" } lappend asm $jmp($jmpto) } } } return [list $asm $pool [array get tokmap]] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::new {code} { # The code generating the state is drawn out to integrate a # specification of how the machine state is mapped to Tcl as well. Validate $code set state {} ; # The state is representend as a Tcl list. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### lappend state $code ; # [_0] code - list - code to run (-) lappend state 0 ; # [_1] pc - int - Program counter lappend state 0 ; # [_2] halt - bool - Flag, set (internal) when machine was halted (icf_halt). lappend state 0 ; # [_3] eof - bool - Flag, set (external) when where will be no more input. lappend state {} ; # [_4] tc - list - Terminal cache, pending and processed tokens. lappend state -1 ; # [_5] cl - int - Current Location lappend state {} ; # [_6] ct - token - Current Character lappend state 0 ; # [_7] ok - bool - Match Status lappend state {} ; # [_8] sv - any - Semantic Value lappend state {} ; # [_9] er - list - Error status (*) lappend state {} ; # [10] ls - list - Location Stack (x) lappend state {} ; # [11] as - list - Ast Stack lappend state {} ; # [12] ms - list - Ast Marker Stack lappend state {} ; # [13] es - list - Error Stack lappend state {} ; # [14] rs - list - Return Stack lappend state {} ; # [15] nc - dict - Nonterminal Cache (backtracking) # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### # tc = list(token) # token = list(str lexeme line col) # (-) See manpage of this package for the representation. # (*) 2 elements, first is error location, second is list of # ... strings, the error messages. The strings are actually # ... represented by references into the pool element of the code. # (x) Regarding the various stacks maintained in the state, their # top element is always at the right end, i.e. the last # element in the list representing it. return $state } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::ntok {state} { return [llength [lindex $state 4]] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::lc {state loc} { set tc [lindex $state 4] set loc [INDEX $tc $loc "Illegal location"] return [lrange [lindex $tc $loc] 2 3] # result = list(line col) } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::tok {state args} { if {[llength $args] > 2} { return -code error {wrong # args: should be "grammar::me::cpu::core::tok state ?from ?to??"} } set tc [lindex $state 4] if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $tc } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { set at [INDEX $tc [lindex $args 0] "Illegal location"] return [lrange $tc $at $at] } else { set from [INDEX $tc [lindex $args 0] "Illegal start location"] set to [INDEX $tc [lindex $args 1] "Illegal end location"] if {$from > $to} { return -code error "Illegal empty location range $from .. $to" } return [lrange $tc $from $to] } # result = list(token), token = list(str lex line col) } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::pc {state} { return [lindex $state 1] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::iseof {state} { return [lindex $state 3] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::at {state} { return [lindex $state 5] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::cc {state} { return [lindex $state 6] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::sv {state} { return [lindex $state 8] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::ok {state} { return [lindex $state 7] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::error {state} { set er [lindex $state 9] if {[llength $er]} { foreach {l m} $er break set pool [lindex $state 0 1] ; # state ->/0 code ->/1 pool set mx {} foreach id $m { lappend mx [lindex $pool $id] } set er [list $l $mx] } return $er } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::lstk {state} { return [lindex $state 10] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::astk {state} { return [lindex $state 11] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::mstk {state} { return [lindex $state 12] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::estk {state} { return [lindex $state 13] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::rstk {state} { return [lindex $state 14] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::nc {state} { return [lindex $state 15] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::ast {state} { return [lindex $state 11 end] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::halted {state} { return [lindex $state 2] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::code {state} { return [lindex $state 0] } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::eof {statevar} { upvar 1 $statevar state lset state 3 1 return } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::put {statevar tok lex line col} { upvar 1 $statevar state if {[lindex $state 3]} { return -code error "Cannot add input data after eof" } set tc [K [lindex $state 4] [lset state 4 {}]] lappend tc [list $tok $lex $line $col] lset state 4 $tc return } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::run {statevar {steps -1}} { # Execution loop. Should be instrumented for statistics about # dynamic instruction frequency. I.e. which instructions are # executed the most => put them at the front of the if/switch for # quicker selection. I.e. frequency coding of the branches for # speed. # A C implementation can shimmer the state into a directly # accessible data structure. And the asm instructions can shimmer # into an integer index upon which we can switch fast. variable anum variable tclass upvar 1 $statevar state variable iname ; # For debug output # Do nothing for a stopped machine (halt flag set). if {[lindex $state 2]} {return $state} # Fail if there are no instruction to execute if {![llength [lindex $state 0 0]]} { # No instructions to execute return -code error "No instructions to execute" } # Unpack state into locally accessible variables # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 foreach {code pc halt eof tc cl ct ok sv er ls as ms es rs nc} $state break # Unpack match program for easy access as well. # 0 1 2 foreach {asm pool tokmap} $code break if 0 { puts ________________________ puts [join [disasm $code] \n] puts ________________________ } # Ensure that the unpacked information is not shared unset state # Internal flags for optimal handling of the nonterminal # cache. Avoid multiple unpacking of the dictionary, and avoid # repacking if it was not modified. set ncunpacked 0 set ncmodified 0 set tmunpacked 0 while {1} { # Stop execution if the specified number of instructions have # been executed. Ignore if infinity was specified. if {$steps == 0} break if {$steps > 0} {incr steps -1} # Get current instruction ... if 0 {puts .$pc:\t$iname([lindex $asm $pc])} if 0 {puts -nonewline .$pc:\t$iname([lindex $asm $pc])} set insn [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc # And its arguments ... set an [lindex $anum $insn] if {$an == 1} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc if 0 {puts \t<$a>} } elseif {$an == 2} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set b [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc if 0 {puts \t<$a|$b>} } elseif {$an == 3} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set b [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set c [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc if 0 {puts \t<$a|$b|$c>} } ;# else {puts ""} # Dispatch to implementation of the instruction ... # Separate if commands are used for easier ordering of the # dispatch. The order of the branches should be frequency # coded to have the most frequently used instructions first. # ict_advance if {$insn == 0} { if 0 {puts \t\[$cl|[llength $tc]|$eof\]} incr cl if {$cl < [llength $tc]} { if 0 {puts \tConsume} set ct [lindex $tc $cl 0] set ok 1 set er {} } elseif {$eof} { if 0 {puts \tFail} # We have no input, and there won't be more coming in # either. Fail the advance. We do _not_ stop the match # loop, the program has to complete. The failure might # be no such, revealed during backtracking. The current # location is not rewound automatically, this is the # responsibility of any backtracking. set er [list $cl [list $a]] set ok 0 } else { if 0 {puts \tSuspend&Wait} # We have no input, stop matching and wait for # more. We reset the machine into a state # which will restart this instruction when # execution resumes. incr cl -1 incr pc -2 ; # code and message argument break } if 0 {puts .Next} continue } # ict_match_token if {$insn == 1} { if {[llength $tokmap]} { if {!$tmunpacked} { array set tm $tokmap set tmunpacked 1 } set ok [expr {$a == $tm($ct)}] } else { set xch [lindex $pool $a] set ok [expr {$xch eq $ct}] } if {!$ok} { set er [list $cl [list $b]] } else { set er {} } continue } # ict_match_tokrange if {$insn == 2} { if {[llength $tokmap]} { if {!$tmunpacked} { array set tm $tokmap set tmunpacked 1 } set x $tm($ct) set ok [expr {($a <= $x) && ($x <= $b)}] } else { set a [lindex $pool $a] set b [lindex $pool $b] set ok [expr { ([string compare $a $ct] <= 0) && ([string compare $ct $b] <= 0) }] ; # {} } if {!$ok} { set er [list $cl [list $c]] } else { set er {} } continue } # ict_match_tokclass if {$insn == 3} { set strcode [lindex $tclass $a] set ok [string is $strcode -strict $ct] if {!$ok} { set er [list $cl [list $b]] } else { set er {} } continue } # inc_restore if {$insn == 4} { set sym [lindex $pool $b] # Unpack the cache dict, only here. # 8.5 - Use dict operations instead. if {!$ncunpacked} { array set ncc $nc set ncunpacked 1 } if {[info exists ncc($cl,$sym)]} { foreach {go ok error sv} $ncc($cl,$sym) break # Go forward, as the nonterminal matches (or not). set cl $go set pc $a } continue } # inc_save if {$insn == 5} { set sym [lindex $pool $a] set at [lindex $ls end] set ls [lrange $ls 0 end-1] # Unpack, modify, only here. # 8.5 - Use dict operations instead. if {!$ncunpacked} { array set ncc $nc set ncunpacked 1 } set ncc($at,$sym) [list $cl $ok $er $sv] set ncmodified 1 continue } # icf_ntcall if {$insn == 6} { lappend rs $pc set pc $a continue } # icf_ntreturn if {$insn == 7} { set pc [lindex $rs end] set rs [lrange $rs 0 end-1] continue } # iok_ok if {$insn == 8} { set ok 1 continue } # iok_fail if {$insn == 9} { set ok 0 continue } # iok_negate if {$insn == 10} { set ok [expr {!$ok}] continue } # icf_jalways if {$insn == 11} { set pc $a continue } # icf_jok if {$insn == 12} { if {$ok} {set pc $a} # !ok => pc is already on next instruction. continue } # icf_jfail if {$insn == 13} { if {!$ok} {set pc $a} # ok => pc is already on next instruction. continue } # icf_halt if {$insn == 14} { set halt 1 break } # icl_push if {$insn == 15} { lappend ls $cl continue } # icl_rewind if {$insn == 16} { set cl [lindex $ls end] set ls [lrange $ls 0 end-1] continue } # icl_pop if {$insn == 17} { set ls [lrange $ls 0 end-1] continue } # ier_push if {$insn == 18} { lappend es $er continue } # ier_clear if {$insn == 19} { set er {} continue } # ier_nonterminal if {$insn == 20} { if {[llength $er]} { set pos [lindex $ls end] incr pos set eloc [lindex $er 0] if {$eloc == $pos} { set er [list $eloc [list $a]] } } continue } # ier_merge if {$insn == 21} { set old [lindex $es end] set es [lrange $es 0 end-1] # We have either old or current error data, keep it. if {![llength $er]} { # No current data, keep old set er $old } elseif {[llength $old]} { # If one of the errors is further on in the input # choose that as the information to propagate. foreach {loe msgse} $er break foreach {lon msgsn} $old break if {$lon > $loe} { set er $old } elseif {$loe == $lon} { # Equal locations, merge the message lists. foreach m $msgsn {lappend msgse $m} set er [list $loe [lsort -uniq $msgse]] } # else lon < loe - er is better - nothing } # else - !old, but er - nothing continue } # isv_clear if {$insn == 22} { set sv {} continue } # isv_terminal (implied ias_push) if {$insn == 23} { set sv [list {} $cl $cl] lappend as $sv continue } # isv_nonterminal_leaf if {$insn == 24} { set pos [lindex $ls end] set sv [list $a $pos $cl] continue } # isv_nonterminal_range if {$insn == 25} { set pos [lindex $ls end] set sv [list $a $pos $cl [list {} $pos $cl]] continue } # isv_nonterminal_reduce if {$insn == 26} { set pos [lindex $ls end] if {[llength $ms]} { set mrk [lindex $ms end] incr mrk } else { set mrk 0 } set sv [lrange $as $mrk end] set sv [linsert $sv 0 $a $pos $cl] continue } # ias_push if {$insn == 27} { lappend as $sv continue } # ias_mark if {$insn == 28} { set mark [llength $as] incr mark -1 lappend ms $mark continue } # ias_mrewind if {$insn == 29} { set mark [lindex $ms end] set ms [lrange $ms 0 end-1] set as [lrange $as 0 $mark] continue } # ias_mpop if {$insn == 30} { set ms [lrange $ms 0 end-1] continue } return -code error "Illegal instruction $insn" } # Repack a modified cache dictionary, then repack and store the # updated state value. if 0 {puts .Repackage\ state} if {$ncmodified} {set nc [array get ncc]} set state [list $code $pc $halt $eof $tc $cl $ct $ok $sv $er $ls $as $ms $es $rs $nc] return } namespace eval grammar::me::cpu::core { # Map between class codes and names variable tclass {} variable tccode foreach {x code} { 0 alnum 1 alpha 2 digit 3 xdigit 4 punct 5 space } { lappend tclass $code set tccode($code) $x } # Number of arguments per ME instruction. # Indexed by instruction code. variable anum {} # Mapping between instruction codes and names. variable iname foreach {z insn x notes} { 0 ict_advance 1 {-- TESTED} 1 ict_match_token 2 {-- TESTED} 2 ict_match_tokrange 3 {-- TESTED} 3 ict_match_tokclass 2 {-- TESTED} 4 inc_restore 2 {-- TESTED} 5 inc_save 1 {-- TESTED} 6 icf_ntcall 1 {-- TESTED} 7 icf_ntreturn 0 {-- TESTED} 8 iok_ok 0 {-- TESTED} 9 iok_fail 0 {-- TESTED} 10 iok_negate 0 {-- TESTED} 11 icf_jalways 1 {-- TESTED} 12 icf_jok 1 {-- TESTED} 13 icf_jfail 1 {-- TESTED} 14 icf_halt 0 {-- TESTED} 15 icl_push 0 {-- TESTED} 16 icl_rewind 0 {-- TESTED} 17 icl_pop 0 {-- TESTED} 18 ier_push 0 {-- TESTED} 19 ier_clear 0 {-- TESTED} 20 ier_nonterminal 1 {-- TESTED} 21 ier_merge 0 {-- TESTED} 22 isv_clear 0 {-- TESTED} 23 isv_terminal 0 {-- TESTED} 24 isv_nonterminal_leaf 1 {-- TESTED} 25 isv_nonterminal_range 1 {-- TESTED} 26 isv_nonterminal_reduce 1 {-- TESTED} 27 ias_push 0 {-- TESTED} 28 ias_mark 0 {-- TESTED} 29 ias_mrewind 0 {-- TESTED} 30 ias_mpop 0 {-- TESTED} } { lappend anum $x set iname($z) $insn set iname($insn) $z } } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Helper commands ((Dis)Assembler, runtime). proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::INDEX {list i label} { if {$i eq "end"} { set i [expr {[llength $list] - 1}] } elseif {[regexp {^end-([0-9]+)$} $i -> n]} { set i [expr {[llength $list] - $n -1}] } if { ![string is integer -strict $i] || ($i < 0) || ($i >= [llength $list]) } { return -code error "$label $i" } return $i } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::K {x y} {set x} proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::Str {str} { upvar 1 pool pool poolh poolh if {![info exists poolh($str)]} { set poolh($str) [llength $pool] lappend pool $str } return $poolh($str) } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::Tok {str} { upvar 1 tokmap tokmap ord ord plain plain if {[regexp {^([^:]+):(.+)$} $str -> id name]} { if {$plain} { return -code error "Bad assembly, mixing plain and ranked tokens" } if {[info exists ord($id)]} { return -code error "Bad assembly, non-total ordering for $name and $ord($id), at rank $id" } set ord($id) $name set tokmap($name) $id return $id } else { if {[array size ord]} { return -code error "Bad assembly, mixing plain and ranked tokens" } set plain 1 return [uplevel 1 [list Str $str]] } } proc ::grammar::me::cpu::core::Validate {code {ovar {}} {tvar {}} {jvar {}}} { variable anum variable iname # Basic validation of structure ... if {[llength $code] != 3} { return -code error "Bad length" } foreach {asm pool tokmap} $code break if {[llength $tokmap] % 2 == 1} { return -code error "Bad tokmap, expected a dictionary" } array set ord {} if {[llength $tokmap] > 0} { foreach {tok rank} $tokmap { if {[info exists ord($rank)]} { return -code error "Bad tokmap, non-total ordering for $tok and $ord($rank), at rank $rank" } set ord($rank) $tok } } # Basic validation of ME code: Valid instructions, collect valid # branch target indices array set target {} set pc 0 set pcend [llength $asm] set poolend [llength $pool] while {$pc < $pcend} { set target($pc) . set insn [lindex $asm $pc] if {($insn < 0) || ($insn > 30)} { return -code error "Invalid instruction $insn at PC $pc" } incr pc incr pc [lindex $anum $insn] } if {$pc > $pcend} { return -code error "Bad program, last instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) is truncated" } # Validation of ME instruction arguments (pool references, branch # targets, ...) if {$jvar ne ""} { upvar 1 $jvar jmp } array set jmp {} set pc 0 while {$pc < $pcend} { set base $pc set insn [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set an [lindex $anum $insn] if {$an == 1} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc } elseif {$an == 2} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set b [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc } elseif {$an == 3} { set a [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set b [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc set c [lindex $asm $pc] ; incr pc } switch -exact $insn { 0 - 5 - 20 - 24 - 25 - 26 - a/string { if {($a < 0) || ($a >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } 1 { # a/tok b/string if {![llength $tokmap]} { if {($a < 0) || ($a >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } else { if {![info exists ord($a)]} { return -code error "Invalid token rank $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } if {($b < 0) || ($b >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $b for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } 2 { # a/tokstart b/tokend c/string if {![llength $tokmap]} { # a = b = string references. if {($a < 0) || ($a >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {($b < 0) || ($b >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $b for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {$a == $b} { return -code error "Invalid single-token range for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {[string compare [lindex $pool $a] [lindex $pool $b]] > 0} { return -code error "Invalid empty range for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } else { # tokmap defined: a = b = order rank. if {![info exists ord($a)]} { return -code error "Invalid token rank $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {![info exists ord($b)]} { return -code error "Invalid token rank $b for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {$a == $b} { return -code error "Invalid single-token range for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {$a > $b} { return -code error "Invalid empty range for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } if {($c < 0) || ($c >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $c for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } 3 { # a/class(0-5) b/string if {($a < 0) || ($a > 5)} { return -code error "Invalid token-class $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } if {($b < 0) || ($b >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $b for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } 4 { # a/branch b/string if {![info exists target($a)]} { return -code error "Invalid branch target $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } else { set jmp($a) . } if {($b < 0) || ($b >= $poolend)} { return -code error "Invalid string reference $b for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } } 6 - 11 - 12 - 13 - a/branch { if {![info exists target($a)]} { return -code error "Invalid branch target $a for instruction $insn ($iname($insn)) at $base" } else { set jmp($base) $a } } default {} } } # All checks passed, code is deemed good enough. # Caller may have asked for some of the collected # information. if {$ovar ne ""} { upvar 1 $ovar o array set o [array get ord] } if {$tvar ne ""} { upvar 1 $tvar t array set t [array get target] } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide grammar::me::cpu::core 0.2