[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin grammar::me_intro n 0.1] [keywords CFG] [keywords CFL] [keywords {context-free grammar}] [keywords {context-free languages}] [keywords expression] [keywords grammar] [keywords LL(k)] [keywords matching] [keywords parsing] [keywords {parsing expression grammar}] [keywords PEG] [keywords {push down automaton}] [keywords {recursive descent}] [keywords {top-down parsing languages}] [keywords TPDL] [keywords transducer] [keywords {virtual machine}] [copyright {2005 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Grammar operations and usage}] [titledesc {Introduction to virtual machines for parsing token streams}] [category {Grammars and finite automata}] [description] This document is an introduction to and overview of the basic facilities for the parsing and/or matching of [term token] streams. One possibility often used for the token domain are characters. [para] The packages themselves all provide variants of one [term {virtual machine}], called a [term {match engine}] (short [term ME]), which has all the facilities needed for the matching and parsing of a stream, and which are either controlled directly, or are customized with a match program. The virtual machine is basically a pushdown automaton, with additional elements for backtracking and/or handling of semantic data and construction of abstract syntax trees ([term AST]). [para] Because of the high degree of similarity in the actual implementations of the aforementioned virtual machine and the data structures they receive and generate these common parts are specified in a separate document which will be referenced by the documentation for packages actually implementing it. [para] The relevant documents are: [para] [list_begin definitions] [def [package grammar::me_vm]] Virtual machine specification. [def [package grammar::me_ast]] Specification of various representations used for abstract syntax trees. [def [package grammar::me::util]] Utility commands. [def [package grammar::me::tcl]] Singleton ME virtual machine implementation tied to Tcl for control flow and stacks. Hardwired for pull operation. Uninteruptible during processing. [def [package grammar::me::cpu]] Object-based ME virtual machine implementation with explicit control flow, and stacks, using bytecodes. Suspend/Resumable. Push/pull operation. [def [package grammar::me::cpu::core]] Core functionality for state manipulation and stepping used in the bytecode based implementation of ME virtual machines. [list_end] [para] [vset CATEGORY grammar_me] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]