# -*- tcl -*- # # Copyright (c) 2005 by Andreas Kupries # Grammars / Parsing Expression Grammars / Container # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Package description # A class whose instances hold all the information describing a single # parsing expression grammar (terminal symbols, nonterminal symbols, # nonterminal rules, start expression, hints), and operations to # define, manipulate, and query this information. # # The container has only one functionality beyond the simple storage # of the aforementioned information. It keeps track if the provided # grammar is valid (*). The container provides no higher-level # operations on the grammar, like removal of unreachable nonterminals, # rule rewriting, etc. # # The set of terminal symbols is the set of characters (i.e. # implicitly defined). For Tcl this means that all the unicode # characters are supported. # # (*) A grammar is valid if and only if all its rules are valid. A # rule is valid if and only if all nonterminals referenced by the RHS # of the rule are in the set of nonterminals, and if only the allowed # operators are used in the expression. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require snit ; # Tcllib | OO system used # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Implementation snit::type ::grammar::peg { # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Type API. Helpful methods for PEs. proc ValidateSerial {e prefix} {} proc Validate {e} {} proc References {e} {} proc Rename {e old new} {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Instance API constructor {args} {} method clear {} {} method = {src} {} method --> {dst} {} method serialize {} {} method deserialize {value} {} method {is valid} {} {} method start {args} {} method nonterminals {} {} method {nonterminal add} {nts pae} {} method {nonterminal delete} {nts pae} {} method {nonterminal exists} {nts} {} method {nonterminal rename} {ntsold ntsnew} {} method {nonterminal mode} {nts args} {} method {unknown nonterminals} {} {} method {nonterminal rule} {nts} {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal data structures. ## - Set of nonterminal symbols, and ## - Mapping from nonterminals to their defining parsing ## expressions, and ## - Start parsing expression. ## - And usage of nonterminals by others, required for tracking ## of validity. ## se: expression | Start expression ## nt: nonterm -> expression | Known Nt's, their rules ## re: nonterm -> list(nonterm) | Known Nt's, what others they use. ## ir: nonterm -> list(nonterm) | Nt's, possibly unknown, their users. ## uk: nonterm -> use counter | Nt's which are unknown. ## ## Both 're' and 'ir' can list a nonterminal A multiple times, ## if it uses or is used multiple times. ## ## Grammar is invalid <=> '[array size uk] > 0' variable se epsilon variable nt -array {} variable re -array {} variable ir -array {} variable uk -array {} variable mo -array {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Instance API Implementation. constructor {args} { if { (([llength $args] != 0) && ([llength $args] != 2)) || (([llength $args] == 2) && ([lsearch {= := <-- as deserialize} [lindex $args 0]]) < 0) } { return -code error "wrong#args: $self ?=|:=|<--|as|deserialize a'?" } # Serialization arguments. # [llength args] in {0 2} # # = src-obj # := src-obj # <-- src-obj # as src-obj # deserialize src-value if {[llength $args] == 2} { foreach {op val} $args break switch -exact -- $op { = - := - <-- - as { $self deserialize [$val serialize] } deserialize { $self deserialize $val } } } return } #destructor {} method clear {} { array unset nt * array unset re * array unset ir * array unset uk * array unset mo * set se epsilon return } method = {src} { $self dserialize [$src serialize] } method --> {dst} { $dst deserialize [$self serialize] } method serialize {} { return [::list \ grammar::pegc \ [array get nt] \ [array get mo] \ $se] } method deserialize {value} { # Validate value, then clear and refill. $self CheckSerialization $value ntv mov sev $self clear foreach {s e} $ntv { $self NtAdd $s $e } array set mo $mov $self start $sev return } method {is valid} {} { return [expr {[array size uk] == 0}] } method start {args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $se } if {[llength $args] > 1} { return -code error "wrong#args: $self start ?pe?" } set newse [lindex $args 0] Validate $newse set se $newse return } method nonterminals {} { return [array names nt] } method {nonterminal add} {nts pae} { $self CheckNtKnown $nts Validate $pae $self NtAdd $nts $pae return } method {nonterminal mode} {nts args} { $self CheckNt $nts if {![llength $args]} { return $mo($nts) } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { set mo($nts) [lindex $args 0] return } else { return -code error "wrong#args" } return } method {nonterminal delete} {nts args} { set args [linsert $args 0 $nts] foreach nts $args { $self CheckNt $nts } foreach nts $args { $self NtDelete $nts } return } method {nonterminal exists} {nts} { return [info exists nt($nts)] } method {nonterminal rename} {ntsold ntsnew} { $self CheckNt $ntsold $self CheckNtKnown $ntsnew # Difficult. We have to go through all rules and rewrite their # RHS to use the new name of the nonterminal. We can however # restrict ourselves to the rules which actually use the # changed nonterminal. # We also have to update the used/user information. We know # that the validity of the grammar is unchanged by this # operation. The unknown information is unchanged as well, as # we cannot rename an unknown nonterminal. IOW we know that # 'ntsold' is not in 'uk', and so 'ntsnew' will not be in that # array either after the rename. set myusers $ir($ntsold) set myused $re($ntsold) set nt($ntsnew) $nt($ntsold) unset nt($ntsold) set mo($ntsnew) $mo($ntsold) unset mo($ntsold) foreach x $myusers { set nt($x) [Rename $nt($x) $ntsold $ntsnew] } # It is possible to use myself, and be used by myself. while {[set pos [lsearch -exact $myusers $ntsold]] >= 0} { set myusers [lreplace $myusers $pos $pos $ntsnew] } while {[set pos [lsearch -exact $myused $ntsold]] >= 0} { set myused [lreplace $myused $pos $pos $ntsnew] } set re($ntsnew) $myusers set ir($ntsnew) $myused unset re($ntsold) unset ir($ntsold) return } method {unknown nonterminals} {} { return [array names uk] } method {nonterminal rule} {nts} { $self CheckNt $nts return $nt($nts) } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal helper methods method NtAdd {nts pae} { # None of the symbols is known. We can add them to the # grammar. If however any of their PEs is known to the PE # storage then we had expressions refering to unknown # symbols. The grammar is most certainly invalid and may have # become valid right now. We have to invalidate the validity # cache. set nt($nts) $pae set mo($nts) value # Track users, uses, and unknowns. set references [References $pae] # We use the refered symbols set re($nts) $references # We are a user for the refered symbols # Record unknown symbols immediately. foreach x $references { lappend ir($x) $nts if {[info exists nt($x)]} continue if {[catch {incr uk($x)}]} {set uk($x) 1} } # We are definitely not unknown. unset -nocomplain uk($nts) return } method NtDelete {nts} { set references $re($nts) # We are gone. We are not using anything anymore. unset nt($nts) unset re($nts) unset mo($nts) # Our references loose us as their user. foreach x $references { set pos [lsearch -exact $ir($x) $x] if {$pos < 0} {error PANIC} set ir($x) [lreplace $ir($x) $pos $pos] if {[llength $ir($x)] == 0} { unset ir($x) # x is not referenced anywhere, cannot be unknown. unset -nocomplain uk($x) } if {[info exists uk($x)]} { incr uk($x) -1 } } # We might be used by others still, and therefore become # unknown. if {[info exists ir($nts]} { set uk($nts) [llength $ir($nts)] } return } method CheckNt {nts} { if {![info exists nt($nts)]} { return -code error "Invalid nonterminal \"$nts\"" } return } method CheckNtKnown {nts} { if {[info exists nt($nts)]} { return -code error "Nonterminal \"$nts\" is already known" } return } method CheckSerialization {value ntv mov sev} { # value is list/3 ('grammar::pegc' nonterminals start) # terminals is list of string. # nonterminals is doct (key is string, value is expr) # start is expr # terminals * nonterminals == empty # expr is parsing expression (Validate PE). upvar 1 \ $ntv ntvs \ $mov movs \ $sev sevs set prefix "error in serialization:" if {[llength $value] != 4} { return -code error "$prefix list length not 4" } struct::list assign $value type nonterminals hints start if {$type ne "grammar::pegc"} { return -code error "$prefix unknown type \"$type\"" } ValidateSerial $start "$prefix invalid start expression" if {[llength $nonterminals] % 2 == 1} { return -code error "$prefix nonterminal data is not a dictionary" } array set _nt $nonterminals if {[llength $nonterminals] != (2*[array size _nt])} { return -code error "$prefix nonterminal data contains duplicate names, or misses some" } foreach {s e} $nonterminals { ValidateSerial $start "$prefix nonterminal \"$s\", invalid parsing expression" } if {[llength $hints] % 2 == 1} { return -code error "$prefix nonterminal modes is not a dictionary" } array set _mo $hints if {[llength $hints] != (2*[array size _mo])} { return -code error "$prefix nonterminal modes contains duplicate names, or misses some" } foreach {s _} $hints { if {![info exists _nt($s)]} { return -code error "$prefix nonterminal mode for unknown nonterminal \"$s\"" } } set ntvs $nonterminals set sevs $start set movs $hints return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Type API implementation. proc ValidateSerial {e prefix} { if {![catch {Validate $e} msg]} return return -code error "$prefix, $msg" } proc Validate {e} { if {[llength $e] == 0} { return -code error "invalid empty expression list" } set op [lindex $e 0] set ar [lrange $e 1 end] switch -exact -- $op { epsilon - alpha - alnum - dot { if {[llength $ar] > 0} { return -code error "wrong#args for \"$op\"" } } .. { if {[llength $ar] != 2} { return -code error "wrong#args for \"$op\"" } # Leaf, arguments are not expressions to validate. } n - t { if {[llength $ar] != 1} { return -code error "wrong#args for \"$op\"" } # Leaf, argument is not expression to validate. } & - ! - * - + - ? { if {[llength $ar] != 1} { return -code error "wrong#args for \"$op\"" } Validate [lindex $ar 0] } x - / { if {![llength $ar]} { return -code error "wrong#args for \"$op\"" } foreach e $ar { Validate $e } } default { return -code error "invalid operator \"$op\"" } } } proc References {e} { set references {} set op [lindex $e 0] set ar [lrange $e 1 end] switch -exact -- $op { epsilon - t - alpha - alnum - dot - .. {} n { # Remember referenced nonterminal lappend references [lindex $ar 0] } & - ! - * - + - ? { foreach r [References [lindex $ar 0]] { lappend references $r } } x - / { foreach e $ar { foreach r [References $e] { lappend references $r } } } } return $references } proc Rename {e old new} { set op [lindex $e 0] set ar [lrange $e 1 end] switch -exact -- $op { epsilon - t - alpha - alnum - dot - .. {return $e} n { if {[lindex $ar 0] ne $old} {return $e} return [list n $new] } & - ! - * - + - ? { return [list $op [Rename [lindex $ar 0] $old $new]] } x - / { set res $op foreach e $ar { lappend res [Rename $e $old $new] } return $res } } } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Type Internals. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Package Management package provide grammar::peg 0.2