# -*- tcl -*- Tests for the html module. # # This file contains a collection of tests for a module in the # Standard Tcl Library. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions. # Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Schlenker # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: html.test,v 1.23 2006/10/09 21:41:40 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.4 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 testing { useLocal html.tcl html } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test html-1.1 {html::init} -body { html::init list \ [array exists html::defaults] \ [array size html::defaults] \ [info exists html::page] } -result {1 0 0} test html-1.2 {html::init} -body { html::init { font.face arial body.bgcolor white body.text black } lsort [array names html::defaults] } -result {body.bgcolor body.text font.face} test html-1.3 {html::init, too many args} -body { html::init wrong num args } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::init ?nvlist?"} test html-1.4 {html::init, bad arg, odd-length list} -body { html::init {wrong num args} } -returnCodes error -result {list must have an even number of elements} test html-2.1 {html::head, not enough args} -body { html::head } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::head title"} test html-2.2 {html::head} -body { html::head "The Title" } -result "\n\tThe Title\n\n" test html-2.3 {html::head} -body { html::description "The Description" html::keywords key word html::author "Cathy Coder" html::meta metakey metavalue html::head "The Title" } -result { The Title } test html-3.1 {html::title, not enough args} -body { html::title } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::title title"} test html-3.2 {html::title} -body { html::title "blah blah" } -result "blah blah\n" test html-4.1 {html::getTitle} -body { html::init html::getTitle } -result "" test html-4.2 {html::getTitle} -body { html::init html::title "blah blah" html::getTitle } -result {blah blah} test html-5.1 {html::meta} { html::init html::meta one two } {} test html-5.2 {html::meta} { html::init html::meta one two lindex $html::page(meta) 0 } {} test html-5.3 {html::meta} { html::init html::meta one {"one val"} lindex $html::page(meta) 0 } {} test html-6.1 {html::keywords} { html::init html::keywords one two } {} test html-6.2 {html::keywords} { html::init html::keywords one two lindex $html::page(meta) 0 } {} test html-6.3 {html::keywords} { html::init html::keywords one {"one val"} & lindex $html::page(meta) 0 } {} test html-7.1 {html::description} { html::init html::description "This is the description." } {} test html-7.2 {html::description} { html::init html::description "This is the description." lindex $html::page(meta) 0 } {} test html-7.3 {html::description} { html::init html::description {one "one val" &} lindex $html::page(meta) 0 } {} test html-8.1 {html::author} { html::init html::author "This is the author." } {} test html-8.2 {html::author} { html::init html::author "This is the author." set html::page(author) } { } test html-8.3 {html::author} { html::init html::author {one "one val" &} set html::page(author) } { } test html-9.0 {html::tagParams} { html::init { body.bgcolor red font.face times } html::tagParam font color="red" } {color="red" face="times"} test html-9.1 {html::default} { html::init { body.bgcolor red font.face times } html::default xyzzy } {} test html-9.2 {html::default} { html::init { body.bgcolor red font.face times } html::default body.bgcolor } { bgcolor="red"} test html-9.3 {html::default} { html::init { body.bgcolor red font.face times } html::default font.face "face=arial" } {} test html-9.4 {html::default} { html::init { body.bgcolor red font.face times } html::default font.face "color=blue size=1" } { face="times"} test html-10.1 {html::bodyTag} { html::init html::bodyTag } { } test html-10.2 {html::bodyTag} { html::init { body.bgcolor white body.text black } html::bodyTag } { } test html-10.3 {html::bodyTag} { html::init { body.bgcolor white body.text black } html::bodyTag "text=red" } { } test html-11.1 {html::formValue} { ncgi::reset name=value ncgi::parse html::formValue name } {name="name" value="value"} test html-11.2 {html::formValue} { ncgi::reset name=value ncgi::parse html::formValue name2 } {name="name2" value=""} test html-11.3 {html::formValue} { ncgi::reset "name=one+value&name2=%7e" ncgi::parse html::formValue name2 } {name="name2" value="~"} test html-12.1 {html::quoteFormValue} { html::quoteFormValue name2 } {name2} test html-12.2 {html::quoteFormValue} { html::quoteFormValue {"name2"} } {"name2"} test html-12.3 {html::quoteFormValue} { html::quoteFormValue {"'><&} ;# need a " for balance } {"'><&} test html-12.4 {html::quoteFormValue} { html::quoteFormValue "This is the value." } {This is the value.} test html-13.1 {html::textInput} { html::init ncgi::reset ncgi::parse html::textInput email } { } test html-13.2 {html::textInput} { html::init ncgi::reset email=welch@scriptics.com ncgi::parse html::textInput email } { } test html-13.3 {html::textInput} { html::init { input.size 30 } ncgi::reset ncgi::parse html::textInput email } { } test html-13.4 {html::textInput} { html::init { input.size 30 } ncgi::reset ncgi::parse html::textInput email default@foo.com } { } test html-13.5 {html::textInput} { html::init ncgi::reset email=welch@scriptics.com ncgi::parse html::textInput email value=default@foo.com } { } test html-13.6 {html::textInput} { html::init ncgi::reset ncgi::parse html::textInput email default@foo.com size="80" } { } test html-13.7 {html::textInput} { html::init { input.size 30 } ncgi::reset ncgi::parse html::textInput email default@foo.com size="80" } { } test html-14.1 {html::textInputRow} { html::init ncgi::reset email=welch@scriptics.com ncgi::parse html::textInputRow Email email } { Email } test html-15.1 {html::passwordInput} { html::passwordInput } { } test html-15.2 {html::passwordInput} { html::passwordInput form_pass } { } test html-16.1 {html::checkbox} { ncgi::reset email=welch@scriptics.com ncgi::parse html::checkbox item value } { } test html-16.2 {html::checkbox} { ncgi::reset email=welch@scriptics.com ncgi::parse html::checkbox email value } { } test html-17.1 {html::checkValue} { ncgi::reset item=xyz ncgi::parse html::checkbox item xyz } { } test html-18.1 {html::radioValue} { ncgi::reset item=xyz ncgi::parse html::radioValue item xyz } {name="item" value="xyz" checked} test html-19.1 {html::radioSet} { ncgi::reset item=2 ncgi::parse html::radioSet item " |\n" { One 1 Two 2 Three 3 } } { One | Two | Three} test html-20.1 {html::checkSet} { ncgi::reset item=2&item=3+4&x=y ncgi::parse html::checkSet item " |\n" { One 1 Two 2 Three {3 4} } } { One | Two | Three} test html-21.1 {html::select} { ncgi::reset item=2&x=y ncgi::parse html::select item "multiple" { One 1 Two 2 Three {3 4} } } { } test html-22.1 {html::selectPlain} { ncgi::reset item=Three ncgi::parse html::selectPlain item "" { One Two Three } } { } test html-22.2 {html::selectPlain} { ncgi::reset item=Three ncgi::parse html::selectPlain another "" { One Two Three } One } { } test html-23.1 {html::textarea} { ncgi::reset item=Three ncgi::parse html::textarea info } { } test html-23.2 {html::textarea} { html::init { textarea.cols 50 textarea.rows 8 } ncgi::reset info=[ncgi::encode "The textarea value."] ncgi::parse html::textarea info } { } test html-23.3 {html::textarea, dangerous input} { html::init { textarea.cols 50 textarea.rows 8 } ncgi::reset info=[ncgi::encode ""] ncgi::parse html::textarea info } { } test html-24.1 {html::submit} { catch {html::submit} } {1} test html-24.2 {html::submit} { catch {html::submit wrong num args} } {1} test html-24.3 {html::submit} { html::submit "Push Me" } { } test html-24.4 {html::submit} { html::submit "Push Me" push } { } test html-25.1 {html::varEmpty} { catch {html::varEmpty} } 1 test html-25.2 {html::varEmpty} { catch {html::varEmpty wrong num args} } 1 test html-25.3 {html::varEmpty} { if {[info exist x]} { unset x } html::varEmpty x } 1 test html-25.4 {html::varEmpty} { if {[info exist x]} { unset x } set x "" html::varEmpty x } 1 test html-25.5 {html::varEmpty} { if {[info exist x]} { unset x } set x "foo" html::varEmpty x } 0 test html-26.1 {html::refresh} { catch {html::refresh} } 1 test html-26.2 {html::refresh} { catch {html::refresh wrong num args} } 1 test html-26.3 {html::refresh} { html::refresh 4 } {} test html-26.4 {html::refresh} { html::init html::refresh 4 html::head title } { title } test html-26.5 {html::refresh} { html::init html::refresh 9 http://www.scriptics.com html::head title } { title } test html-27.1 {html::foreach--1 var, 1 iteration} { html::foreach x {a} {$x} } {a} test html-27.2 {html::foreach--1 var, multiple iterations} { html::foreach x {a b} {$x} } {ab} test html-27.3 {html::foreach--1 var, 0 iterations} { html::foreach x {} {$x} } {} test html-27.4 {html::foreach--multiple vars, 1 iteration} { html::foreach {x y} {a b} {$x$y} } {ab} test html-27.5 {html::foreach--multiple vars, multiple iterations} { html::foreach {x y} {a b c d} {$x$y} } {abcd} test html-27.6 {html::foreach--multiple varlists and vallists} { html::foreach {a b} {1 2 3 4} {c d} {5 6 7 8} {e f} {9 10 11 12} { $a$b$c$d$e$f} } { 1256910 34781112} test html-27.7 {html::foreach--subst body w/ vars and procs} { html::foreach x {2 8} {$x[incr x]} } {2389} test html-27.8 {html::foreach--subst body w/ nested foreach} { html::foreach x {a b} { [html::foreach y {c d} {$x$y}] } } { acad bcbd } test html-27.9 {html::foreach--subst body w/ multiple nested foreach's} { html::foreach x {a b} { [html::foreach y {c d} {$x$y [html::foreach z {e f} {$z}] }]} } { ac ef ad ef bc ef bd ef } test html-28.1 {html::for--1 iteration} { html::for {set i 0} {$i < 1} {incr i} {$i} } {0} test html-28.2 {html::for--multiple iterations} { html::for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {$i} } {012} test html-28.3 {html::for--0 iterations} { html::for {set i 0} {$i < 0} {incr i} {$i} } {} test html-28.4 {html::for--complex start, text, and next} { html::for {set i 0; set j 10} {$i < 1 && $j < 11} {incr i; incr j} {$i $j} } {0 10} test html-28.5 {html::for--subst body w/ vars and procs} { html::for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {$i [expr {$i + 5}] } } {0 5 1 6 2 7 } test html-28.6 {html::for--subst body w/ nested for} { set result [html::for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} { [html::for {set j $i} {$j < 3} {incr j} {${i}__${j} }] }] regsub -all "\n" $result " " result regsub -all " +" $result " " result set result } { 0__0 0__1 0__2 1__1 1__2 2__2 } test html-28.7 {html::for--subst body w/ multiple nested for's} { set result [html::for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} { [html::for {set j $i} {$j < 3} {incr j} { [html::for {set k $j} {$k < 3} {incr k} {${i}__${j}__${k} }] }] }] regsub -all "\n" $result " " result regsub -all " +" $result " " result set result } { 0__0__0 0__0__1 0__0__2 0__1__1 0__1__2 0__2__2 1__1__1 1__1__2 1__2__2 2__2__2 } test html-29.1 {html::while--1 iteration} { set i 0 html::while {$i < 1} {$i, [incr i]} } {0, 1} test html-29.2 {html::while--multiple iterations} { set i 0 html::while {$i < 3} {$i, [incr i]} } {0, 11, 22, 3} test html-29.3 {html::while--0 iterations} { set i 0 html::while {$i < 0} {$i} } {} test html-29.4 {html::while--complex start, text, and next} { set i 0 set j 10 html::while {$i < 1 && $j < 11} {$i $j, [incr i] [incr j]} } {0 10, 1 11} test html-29.5 {html::while--subst body w/ nested while} { set i 0 set result [html::while {$i < 3} { [set j $i] [html::while {$j < 3} { ${i}__${j} [incr j] }] [incr i] }] regsub -all "\n" $result " " result regsub -all " +" $result " " result set result } { 0 0__0 1 0__1 2 0__2 3 1 1 1__1 2 1__2 3 2 2 2__2 3 3 } test html-29.7 {html::while--subst body w/ multiple nested while's} { set i 0 set result [html::while {$i < 3} { [set j $i] [html::while {$j != 3} { [set k $j] [html::while {$k != 3} { ${i}__${j}__${k} [incr k] }] [incr j] }] [incr i] }] regsub -all "\n" $result " " result regsub -all " +" $result " " result set result } { 0 0 0__0__0 1 0__0__1 2 0__0__2 3 1 1 0__1__1 2 0__1__2 3 2 2 0__2__2 3 3 1 1 1 1__1__1 2 1__1__2 3 2 2 1__2__2 3 3 2 2 2 2__2__2 3 3 3 } test html-30.1 {html::if--eval then clause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 1} {$i, [incr i]} } {0, 1} test html-30.2 {html::if--don't eval then clause} { set i 0 html::if {$i == 1} {$i, [incr i]} } {} test html-30.3 {html::if--eval else clause} { set i 0 html::if {$i == 1} {then clause} else {$i, [incr i]} } {0, 1} test html-30.4 {html::if--1 elseif clause, eval else cause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 0} { then clause } elseif {$i == 1} { elseif clause } else {$i, [incr i]} } {0, 1} test html-30.5 {html::if--1 elseif clause, eval elseif cause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 0} { then clause } elseif {$i == 0} {$i, [incr i]} } {0, 1} test html-30.6 {html::if--1 elseif clause, eval elseif cause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 0} { then clause } elseif {$i == 1} { $i, [incr i] } } {} test html-30.7 {html::if--1 elseif clause, eval elseif cause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 0} { then clause } elseif {$i == 0} {$i, [incr i]} else { else clause } } {0, 1} test html-30.8 {html::if--1 elseif clause, eval elseif cause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 0} { then clause } elseif {$i == 1} { elseif1 clause } elseif {$i == 0} {$i, [incr i]} elseif {$i == 2} { elseif3 clause } else { else clause } } {0, 1} test html-30.9 {html::if--1 elseif clause, eval elseif cause} { set i 0 html::if {$i < 0} { then clause } elseif {$i == 1} { elseif3 clause } elseif {$i == 2} { elseif1 clause } elseif {$i == 0} {$i, [incr i]} else { else clause } } {0, 1} test html-30.10 {html::if--multiple nested} { set i 0 set result [html::if {$i < 1} { begin1 [html::if {$i > -1} { begin2 [html::if {$i == 0} { begin3 [html::if {$i} {4}] end3 }] end2 }] end1 }] regsub -all "\n" $result " " result regsub -all " +" $result " " result set result } { begin1 begin2 begin3 end3 end2 end1 } test html-31.1 {html::set--set a new variable} { set result [html::set x 1] list $result $x } {{} 1} test html-31.2 {html::set--set an existing variable} { set x 0 set result [html::set x 1] list $result $x } {{} 1} test html-32.1 {single argument} { set x 0 set result [html::eval {set x [format 22]}] list $result $x } {{} 22} test html-32.2 {multiple arguments} { set a {$b} set b xyzzy set x 0 set result [html::eval {set x [eval format $a]}] list $result $x } {{} xyzzy} test html-32.3 {single argument} { set x [list] set y 1 set result [html::eval lappend x a b c d {$y} e f g] list $result $x } {{} {a b c d 1 e f g}} test html-32.4 {error: not enough arguments} -body { html::eval } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "uplevel ?level? command ?arg ...?"} test html-32.6 {error in eval'ed command} -body { html::eval {error "test error"} } -returnCodes error -result {test error} test html-33.0 {html::font} -body { html::font } -result {} test html-33.1 {html::font} -body { html::font size=18 } -result {} test html-34.0 {html::nl2br} -body { html::nl2br "a\n\rb\nc\rd" } -result {a
d} test html-34.1 {html::nl2br, ticket 1742078} -body { html::nl2br "a\r\nb" } -result {a
b} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test html-tkt3439702-35.0 {html::css, not enough arguments} -body { html::css } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::css href"} test html-tkt3439702-35.1 {html::css, too many arguments} -body { html::css REF X } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::css href"} test html-tkt3439702-35.2 {html::css, single ref} -setup { html::css-clear } -body { html::css "http://test.css" string trim [html::head T] } -cleanup { html::css-clear } -result "\n\tT\n\t\n\t\n" test html-tkt3439702-35.3 {html::css, multiple ref} -setup { html::css-clear } -body { html::css "http://test1.css" html::css "http://test2.css" string trim [html::head T] } -cleanup { html::css-clear } -result { T } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test html-tkt3439702-36.0 {html::js, not enough arguments} -body { html::js } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::js href"} test html-tkt3439702-36.1 {html::js, too many arguments} -body { html::js REF X } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::js href"} test html-tkt3439702-36.2 {html::js, single ref} -setup { html::js-clear } -body { html::js "http://test.js" string trim [html::head T] } -cleanup { html::js-clear } -result { T } test html-tkt3439702-36.3 {html::js, multiple ref} -setup { html::js-clear } -body { html::js "http://test1.js" html::js "http://test2.js" string trim [html::head T] } -cleanup { html::js-clear } -result { T } test html-tkt3439702-37.0 {html::js, html::css, mixed} -setup { html::css-clear html::js-clear } -body { html::css "http://test.css" html::js "http://test.js" string trim [html::head T] } -cleanup { html::js-clear html::css-clear } -result { T } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: html::css-clear, html::js-clear test html-tktafe4366e2e-38.0 {html::doctype, not enough args} -body { html::doctype } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::doctype arg"} test html-tktafe4366e2e-38.1 {html::doctype, too many args} -body { html::doctype HTML401T X } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "html::doctype arg"} test html-tktafe4366e2e-38.2 {html::doctype, unknown type} -body { html::doctype HTML401TXXX } -returnCodes error -result {Unknown doctype "HTML401TXXX"} test html-tktafe4366e2e-38.3 {html::doctype} -body { html::doctype HTML401T } -result {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup